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What I find interesting is that of all the posters who object to HAL's (and by extension, other lines') policy on this, the OP isn't one of them. If she didn't like the policy she simply didn't have to book under it.

Her only problem with the policy came when she learned it actually applied to her. :rolleyes:

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Bottom line, she made it, but called her husband and made him buy her a full revenue reserved ticket on Delta for the teturn home. And she got more than peanuts to eat on board. (This was easily 15 years ago) No refund on the unused 80% off ticket either.


The point is that SW wanted the benefit of a supportive Travel Agent and was willing to offer a big discount to fill an empty seat as compensation. The TA, in accepting the offer, had to agree to the contingencies that were attached to the offer. Otherwise plan B, to fly both ways on Delta as a full revenue pax would be the only option.


I understand why these companies offer these things...and flying would be a different option for me than cruising...like I said, the ship leaves, and that's that...at least there would be another plane in the near future.


Personally, no matter how good the deal is for a cruise, I wouldn't take it if I was a TA...because I wouldn't want the hassle if I was bumped. I suppose if I lived in a port area, and it wouldn't matter if I was bumped, I might think about it...but I personally wouldn't do this. :)


I have lots of friends who have family in the airline industry...and I remember their tales of flying...and how they may or may not have gotten to where they are going in a timely fashion. But then again, they were flying for peanuts...and it worked for them.


I don't mean to upset anyone...I don't. The OP did not include all the info when originally posted. I just don't happen to like the policy that HAL (and I would imagine others do the same) has for this. HAL is the one who will benefit either way. I suppose it's a gamble for the TA...a good deal, but you run the risk of being booted. :)

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What I find interesting is that of all the posters who object to HAL's (and by extension, other lines') policy on this, the OP isn't one of them. If she didn't like the policy she simply didn't have to book under it.

Her only problem with the policy came when she learned it actually applied to her. :rolleyes:


LOL...And as a TA, she should have known this, which is her fault.

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Right......and there have been almost 60 posts since we last heard from her.....LOL


Right, Sean:) ... which just reminds us how often this happens. People don't want to let it go. And someone always ends up taking the OP's side and is left twisting in the wind without the person they're defending. If I had $1 for all the times an OP cuts and runs when the response isn't what they hoped or expected, I'd probably have the deposit for our next cruise!!!:D


Back on topic, it's really amazing how many people are willing to take a risk until they're on the losing side of it.

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Since the OP is now in Europe, family in tow, "cut and run" is unnecessarily prejorative - as is "twisting in the wind", etc. It is not required that an OP stick around, especially when they've had to hastily rearrange an overseas trip. And, why would anyone want to stick around only to be subjected to some of the remarks that have been made? It's pointless trying to defend herself now; folks have had all weekend to sharpen their spears.


I'd pretty much bid adieu to this topic last night, but it's raging again today and folks can't resist making unkind comments. Do we have to finish with negative posts and characterizations of the OP that are speculation based on alleged purposeful deception? Can't we agree to disagree pleasantly? Does there have to be one last jab? Let's be nice and end on a positive note forgoing ifs, ands, or buts.


I hope the OP is having a wonderful time. The trip of a lifetime. I hope she is relaxed and happy. I hope her child has nothing but pleasant memories of this vacation. There's a youngster involved here and I hope this replacement holiday is so wonderful that all complications that took place before they left are quickly forgotten, replaced with the unabashed childhood joy that warms all our hearts.

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I hope the OP is having a wonderful time. The trip of a lifetime. I hope she is relaxed and happy. I hope her child has nothing but pleasant memories of this vacation. There's a youngster involved here and I hope this replacement holiday is so wonderful that all complications that took place before they left are quickly forgotten, replaced with the unabashed childhood joy that warms all our hearts.




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Scrumpy, I already said that this particular OP left Monday for Europe. It's right in my post above. So of course she's not here.


But in my more recent post I'm not talking about this OP at all. I'm talking about the fact that this happens here on CC all the time.


Here's my post: "Right, Sean:) ... which just reminds us how often this happens. People don't want to let it go. And someone always ends up taking the OP's side and is left twisting in the wind without the person they're defending. If I had $1 for all the times an OP cuts and runs when the response isn't what they hoped or expected, I'd probably have the deposit for our next cruise!!!:D "

I was not talking about the OP because she obviously left for a very good reason ... she's on vacation!!! If there's any rage on this thread, most of it has come from you. I've been in your position myself on this board many times and I've learned that there's always another side to every story.


Speaking for myself I have not said one unkind thing about this poster. I have not jabbed (as you say) her even once. What I did do is try so hard to explain what is going on here. It's not about her problem, it's about the way she presented it. I know you think she bears no responsibility for that, but most of us disagree.


Just so you know I believe it was really nice of you to take up for her. And you should always defend your opinions and stand up for what you believe in. But much as we'd like to, we can't always have the last word. People will just keep on posting until they get bored.


And then it will go to the thread burial ground in the sky.:)

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Thanks Heather,

I appreciate your compliment. I disagree with some of your terminology and characterization, but understand what you mean and why you feel that way. It would be nicer if things were written in a straightforward manner detailling all the facts from the beginning; I agree. I think it'd be easy for someone else to apply your generalizations to the OP and that's why I objected. Having read the entire thread more than once, I know what's going on, but we all know how often people jump on the last few posts and make assumptions.


There's no rage here at all; that's a very strong emotion and I can't think of anything related to CC or cruising in general that would provoke that kind of reaction in me. Been some disappointment, frustration, and sadness - maybe a touch of disgust at the way some things were said by some people, but rage is pretty rare for me :) (May have used some hyperbole I don't specifically recall that gave that impression; I'm prone to that, especially when writing. Mea culpa). Statements on here are also sometimes subtly or ambiguously worded, so I think it's best we don't explore this too deeply and simply concentrate on moving forward. Language, and especially internet communication, is so often misunderstood. I'm thrilled (okay, "quite pleased") to leave someone else to have the last word. Would love ("like", "enjoy", LOL!) it if the eventual last word came from the OP in the form of photos from that river cruise. I think I might like to try one of those someday myself!


Happy Trails!

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Scrumpy, I only used the word "rage" because you said the thread "raged on". So I picked up on that.


You're right. Someone could misconstrue my point. I really do try not to come down on anyone in particular. That's always my goal here; sometimes I fail. But I honestly thought by saying only a couple of posts back why the OP was gone that people would know that I was generalizing about what happens on the board so often.


On a message board, we converse much like we would if we were talking. Unfortunately it ends up in print. So what might be just a quick conversation in "real life" is here in print to haunt us at some point.


Anyway, I firmly believe everything happens for a reason and the OP will probably end up having a more amazing time than she ever could have dreamed on an ordinary cruise. So as I said before, all's well that ends well and hopefully it will.:)

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Scrumpy, I only used the word "rage" because you said the thread "raged on". So I picked up on that.


You're right. Someone could misconstrue my point. I really do try not to come down on anyone in particular. That's always my goal here; sometimes I fail. But I honestly thought by saying only a couple of posts back why the OP was gone that people would know that I was generalizing about what happens on the board so often.


On a message board, we converse much like we would if we were talking. Unfortunately it ends up in print. So what might be just a quick conversation in "real life" is here in print to haunt us at some point.


Anyway, I firmly believe everything happens for a reason and the OP will probably end up having a more amazing time than she ever could have dreamed on an ordinary cruise. So as I said before, all's well that ends well and hopefully it will.:)

Heather, I too have always beleived everything happens for a reason; this is not saying everything works out for the best, but for a reason. You could be right, she and the family may have a wonderful and memorable vacation, much different than the everyday cruise we all take on a regular basis. NMnita
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Beth - The phrase is "I agree to disagree". It's misguided to characterize me as misinformed; this has been explained several times, I'm not an idiot and I still haven't bought into the concept. I can't see how anyone would find the late cancellations tolerable, acceptable or in any way a good thing for anyone other than shareholders of the cruise line. (Note to self: buy stock). If some are willing to put up with the risks, I kinda pity them because it smacks of desperation. Quote


Why would you Pity me? :confused: I was never desperate! And I've had a wonderful & exciting life!


I'm retired from the Airline business after 32 years and have been fortunate enough to travel all over the world..I've had some very exciting times, met & kept some wonderful friends while accepting these same "Rules of Interline Travel" for more than 32 years!...As a young single woman I slept in Copenhagen Airport with 10 other Airline Employees for 5 days...But I knew the rules & my salary was docked for those 5 days..


My company sent me "space available" to Brussels for a training class with three other employees in the Middle of Dec...There was fog in Belgium for three days & in order for us to get back for Christmas we took a train to the coast, a ferry to Folkstone & another train to London to STAND-BY for a TWA flight..We knew the rules & we accepted them without question..


In the early 80's My DH & I flew to Mexico with our teenage son in the Middle of Feb.(High season)..Our son was still in school that was the only time we could travel.. We had pre-paid an interline rate for the week at & I knew the risks.. On arrival the Hotel did not have a room for us even though it was pre-paid..After many hours of looking for a Hotel we were fortunate enough to find one for only one night..It looked like we would have to return home..Fortunately we were able to find alternate space for the rest of the week...


I've also booked cruises at an Interline Rate & have sweated it out until the ship actually sailed..Now it's wonderful to be able to pay full fare for our vacations, but I don't regret having the past travel experiences & I'm not to be pitied!


Never in my entire life as an Interline Traveler would I publicly condemn a Hotel, Cruise Line, Airline, etc or anyone who granted me a discount even if they could not accommodate me! That was an irresponsible thing for the OP to do in her original post! I would have been fired by my company if I ever went public with something such as this! Yes she was disappointed, but that was the risk she took when booking at a reduced rate..


All Travel Agents & Interline Employees should know the rules... These are necessary rules if a Cruise Line, Airline or Hotel is going to stay in Business..As Host Doug pointed out all companies over-book & they sometimes have to bump at the last minute..


You may not agree, but most of us who have had these privileges accept them & are thankful that we can get these wonderful trips..So please don't pity us!



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Just out of idle curiosity, would all of you still have the same opinion if you had been bumped five days out? My reading of the INFAMOUS "Cruise Contract" is that it can happen to anyone, not just TAs or discounted rates. I would love to see this thread when it starts happening to ordinary cruisers! And it will, because the almighty dollar is involved.


Scrumpy is right in saying this tactic is not right. Cancellations or bumping should not happen within the last week before sailing. If the cruiseline can't determine they are overbooked by then, they aren't running their business correctly in the first place. But as long as millions of people still fork over their money to cruise, nothing will change. If people are willing to put up with late cancellations or bumping, which seems to be the case on this board, the cruiselines do not have to worry about changing a thing. :eek:

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Just out of idle curiosity, would all of you still have the same opinion if you had been bumped five days out? unquote


I answered this question in my previous post..I was bumped out of a Pre-paid Hotel in Mexico for ONE SOLID WEEK on arrival... Our family had flown all day from New York via Dallas & then on to Mexico..


These rules are not new! And I still feel the same way..I knew the rules & accepted them 30 years ago...Had many vacations disrupted but that's the price I paid for reduced fares..The OP is a Travel Agent & knows the rules & if she does not accept them she should not book at a reduced rate...


If cruise lines, hotels & airlines did not overbook they would not go out full..




PS. Apology to Host Walt-It was you who pointed out all companies over-book & they sometimes have to bump at the last minute (not Doug as I previously stated)..Sorry

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Further to your question about being notified at the last minute, I've also been seated on flights & paged to go to the front of the aircraft..I was quietly told by a gate agent that I would have to disembark..They had a last minute full paying passenger who needed a seat.. One time it happened in Fiji on my way to Sidney..My luggage arrived in Sidney without me! I stood by for three days, but finally made it..


Was I happy, of course not,:( but I knew the rules & accepted them..

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Beth - The phrase is "I agree to disagree". It's misguided to characterize me as misinformed; this has been explained several times, I'm not an idiot and I still haven't bought into the concept. I can't see how anyone would find the late cancellations tolerable, acceptable or in any way a good thing for anyone other than shareholders of the cruise line. (Note to self: buy stock). If some are willing to put up with the risks, I kinda pity them because it smacks of desperation. Quote


Why would you Pity me? :confused: I was never desperate! And I've had a wonderful & exciting life!


I'm retired from the Airline business after 32 years and have been fortunate enough to travel all over the world..I've had some very exciting times, met & kept some wonderful friends while accepting these same "Rules of Interline Travel" for more than 32 years!...As a young single woman I slept in Copenhagen Airport with 10 other Airline Employees for 5 days...But I knew the rules & my salary was docked for those 5 days..


My company sent me "space available" to Brussels for a training class with three other employees in the Middle of Dec...There was fog in Belgium for three days & in order for us to get back for Christmas we took a train to the coast, a ferry to Folkstone & another train to London to STAND-BY for a TWA flight..We knew the rules & we accepted them without question..


In the early 80's My DH & I flew to Mexico with our teenage son in the Middle of Feb.(High season)..Our son was still in school that was the only time we could travel.. We had pre-paid an interline rate for the week at & I knew the risks.. On arrival the Hotel did not have a room for us even though it was pre-paid..After many hours of looking for a Hotel we were fortunate enough to find one for only one night..It looked like we would have to return home..Fortunately we were able to find alternate space for the rest of the week...


I've also booked cruises at an Interline Rate & have sweated it out until the ship actually sailed..Now it's wonderful to be able to pay full fare for our vacations, but I don't regret having the past travel experiences & I'm not to be pitied!


Never in my entire life as an Interline Traveler would I publicly condemn a Hotel, Cruise Line, Airline, etc or anyone who granted me a discount even if they could not accommodate me! That was an irresponsible thing for the OP to do in her original post! I would have been fired by my company if I ever went public with something such as this! Yes she was disappointed, but that was the risk she took when booking at a reduced rate..


All Travel Agents & Interline Employees should know the rules... These are necessary rules if a Cruise Line, Airline or Hotel is going to stay in Business..As Host Doug pointed out all companies over-book & they sometimes have to bump at the last minute..


You may not agree, but most of us who have had these privileges accept them & are thankful that we can get these wonderful trips..So please don't pity us!



Betty, actually I find myself smiling when reading some of your stories: we are parents of airline employees, I am retired from a major hotel chair reservations cener and now a part time TA and have had all this happen: 25th wedding anniversary; Majorca Spain, pre-paid reservation: same as you, got to the hotel and was told they had sent us a letter letting us know they could not accomodate us afterall. The manager was very nice, but that didn't help. We found a hotel that offered an interline rate and could take us for one night. Eventually found a place the rest of the time: got to Nashville one night, same story, reservation in hand; the hotel chain I worked for: sorry, sold out and nothing in a reasonable price range was available. Been bumped off the planes more times than I could count although, at least now, with the new security rules, anyone who in traveling has to be checked in far enough in advance that if you make it on the plane, you probably won't be pulled. Yes, those of us in the business do understand. My standard statement "the price is right" if I know being bumped is out of the question for our situation we pay full fare. Actually flying, we are doing this more all the time. LOL
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Just out of idle curiosity, would all of you still have the same opinion if you had been bumped five days out? My reading of the INFAMOUS "Cruise Contract" is that it can happen to anyone, not just TAs or discounted rates. I would love to see this thread when it starts happening to ordinary cruisers! And it will, because the almighty dollar is involved.


Scrumpy is right in saying this tactic is not right. Cancellations or bumping should not happen within the last week before sailing. If the cruiseline can't determine they are overbooked by then, they aren't running their business correctly in the first place. But as long as millions of people still fork over their money to cruise, nothing will change. If people are willing to put up with late cancellations or bumping, which seems to be the case on this board, the cruiselines do not have to worry about changing a thing. :eek:

I think our host explained the reasoning behind this: hotels, airlines and cruise ships will always overbook due to cancellations: Would I feel the same if it happened to me, it hasn't yet on a cruise, thank goodness, but has on both hotels and flights: do I like it, of course not, but I do understand. As for full paying passengers, sure it can happen, but it is very unlikely. Like airplanes, the incentives to change plans are so attractive there are usually enough volunteers, if not, that's when they start bumping; the better industry rate you are on, the quicker you are bumped; again full paying passengers usually don't have to even think about anything like this. NMNita
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I disagree with the majority of you on this post. I have taken a lot of land vacations and out of about 24 flights, I've only had one cancelled, and they put us on other flights and carriers as soon as possible. I had a Hawaiian Airlines flight home but ended up flying Delta about two hours later. As a full paying passenger (not a TA/standby or free flight) I have never been bumped or forced to step down, even though they say airlines overbook. I think the cruiselines are way out of line. They use their "cruise contract" which virtually says they can do what they want when they want with any passenger, not just TAs or special fares. And if they overbook intentionally, the day will come that full-paying passengers will also be affected. The same as they can and do change itineraries at their will. As for hotels, again, I've never been bumped from a room that I have paid for. I have cruised just a few times, because of this, and have no loyalty to any cruiseline. I know all the cruiselines have this "cruise contract", and I'm not willing to give them this power over my vacation. When I purchase something, I expect what I purchased to be provided. I wouldn't be real happy if I paid for a Rolls Royce and a Volkswagon was delivered to me. Yet by booking a cruise with any cruiseline, as far as I can tell, that is what you are doing. You are paying the cruiseline for maybe a cabin on a ship, no guarantee that you will go where you are supposed to, or have the cabin that you paid for. And it's totally up to the cruiseline. I do have a cruise coming up in Sept/Oct on Celebrity and I pray the Constellation doesn't have "pod" problems. I also have a cruisetour planned next year on HAL. I booked both of these before I found this website and started reading all the catastrophes that can and do happen on cruises. To me a cruise is just a means of transportation to get somewhere that wouldn't be easily gotten to any other way. New England/Canada to Boston, Portland, Bar Harbor, Halifax, Quebec, Saint John and back to NY couldn't be done in a car in 11 days. You could fly, but that would be cost prohibitive, thus a cruise made sense. Alaska is another destination that a cruise works for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Sitka. It would be extremely expensive to try and fly to all of these ports, and you couldn't drive. However, with the infamous "Cruise Contract", even though you book for these cruises, it may not be where you go. Look at the Celebrity Summit fiasco, and RCI lawsuit for a Bermuda cruise that went to New England/Canada.


The cruiselines think thay can do what they want when they want, with no regard to the passengers. And as long as people continue to fork over the money to cruise thinking it won't happen to them, there won't be any changes made. If my two upcoming cruises happen without incident, I don't plan any further cruises in the future. I will stick to land based vacations to where I want to go. While I can't control the weather, I can control my destination.


As I stated in my previous post, the cruiseline should know well before 5 days out that they are overbooked. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be bumped at 5 days notice. And if it can happen to a TA/special fare passenger, it can and will happen to full paying passengers as well.


I believe your loyalty to cruise lines is misplaced. You should start thinking of yourselves and (if you're TAs) your clients as well. Yet like sheep, people continue to cruise by the thousands.:D

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I disagree with the majority of you on this post. I have taken a lot of land vacations and out of about 24 flights, I've only had one cancelled, and they put us on other flights and carriers as soon as possible. I had a Hawaiian Airlines flight home but ended up flying Delta about two hours later. As a full paying passenger (not a TA/standby or free flight) I have never been bumped or forced to step down, even though they say airlines overbook.



Airlines do overbook. I do more than 24 flights a year and see it all the time. Full paying custmers do get bumped when they can't get volunteers.


Hotels also overbook. They will send you to another hotel.


Cruise lines do the same thing. They usually find pax who will give up their cabin and get compensated.


The OP's case is slightly different since she was on a special fare and knew she could get bumped.

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Have you had a chance to read this entire thread?


There are two different kinds of travelers here, and they do NOT overlap.


The cruise contract you are talking about is for paying passengers, not industry (also known as interline) passengers. The discounts and freebies available to interline passengers can be substantial; much better sometimes that even the most discounted regular fare. The gamble: you may not go anywhere. This situation is not new, it will not spill over onto paying passengers, and is not a result of any Big Brother cruiseline conspiracy. As far as I know, all travel businesses like airlines, hotels and cruiseships have some form of this travel plan for employees and TAs. Each business makes some general rules for these travelers and then may have side agreements with specific companies. The interline arrangements are not available at any time to regular customers, mostly because of the downside.


It is what it is: A POTENTIALLY great deal. What it is not: A guarantee of travel or lodging.


Many regular customers are totally unaware of this type of travel, and when they first hear of it, are as shocked as you are. Believe me, its not for the faint of heart or for travel to your own wedding. In those cases, we BUY a ticket and expect the same benefits as the general traveling public.


The OP's gamble failed. Just because she attempted this in another continent doesn't make the conditions any different. I'm sure the cruise line gets a few last minute cancellations, and this is what they count on for the interline travelers. It didn't happen this time. So the OP came on here and cried foul without initially explaining what type of traveler she was.


That's why she did not receive sympathy from those of us familiar with what she was trying to do.



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Yet like sheep, people continue to cruise by the thousands.


"Yet like sheep" ???


I've never seen any sheep on a cruise ... unless they were served on my plate as a leg-of-lamb! :D


Methinks thy metaphors are befuddled. ;)

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I disagree with the majority of you on this post. I have taken a lot of land vacations and out of about 24 flights, I've only had one cancelled, and they put us on other flights and carriers as soon as possible. I had a Hawaiian Airlines flight home but ended up flying Delta about two hours later. As a full paying passenger (not a TA/standby or free flight) I have never been bumped or forced to step down, even though they say airlines overbook. I think the cruiselines are way out of line. They use their "cruise contract" which virtually says they can do what they want when they want with any passenger, not just TAs or special fares. And if they overbook intentionally, the day will come that full-paying passengers will also be affected. The same as they can and do change itineraries at their will. As for hotels, again, I've never been bumped from a room that I have paid for. I have cruised just a few times, because of this, and have no loyalty to any cruiseline. I know all the cruiselines have this "cruise contract", and I'm not willing to give them this power over my vacation. When I purchase something, I expect what I purchased to be provided. I wouldn't be real happy if I paid for a Rolls Royce and a Volkswagon was delivered to me. Yet by booking a cruise with any cruiseline, as far as I can tell, that is what you are doing. You are paying the cruiseline for maybe a cabin on a ship, no guarantee that you will go where you are supposed to, or have the cabin that you paid for. And it's totally up to the cruiseline. I do have a cruise coming up in Sept/Oct on Celebrity and I pray the Constellation doesn't have "pod" problems. I also have a cruisetour planned next year on HAL. I booked both of these before I found this website and started reading all the catastrophes that can and do happen on cruises. To me a cruise is just a means of transportation to get somewhere that wouldn't be easily gotten to any other way. New England/Canada to Boston, Portland, Bar Harbor, Halifax, Quebec, Saint John and back to NY couldn't be done in a car in 11 days. You could fly, but that would be cost prohibitive, thus a cruise made sense. Alaska is another destination that a cruise works for Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Sitka. It would be extremely expensive to try and fly to all of these ports, and you couldn't drive. However, with the infamous "Cruise Contract", even though you book for these cruises, it may not be where you go. Look at the Celebrity Summit fiasco, and RCI lawsuit for a Bermuda cruise that went to New England/Canada.


The cruiselines think thay can do what they want when they want, with no regard to the passengers. And as long as people continue to fork over the money to cruise thinking it won't happen to them, there won't be any changes made. If my two upcoming cruises happen without incident, I don't plan any further cruises in the future. I will stick to land based vacations to where I want to go. While I can't control the weather, I can control my destination.


As I stated in my previous post, the cruiseline should know well before 5 days out that they are overbooked. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be bumped at 5 days notice. And if it can happen to a TA/special fare passenger, it can and will happen to full paying passengers as well.


I believe your loyalty to cruise lines is misplaced. You should start thinking of yourselves and (if you're TAs) your clients as well. Yet like sheep, people continue to cruise by the thousands.:D

You are totaling missing what we are saying: yes, the airlines overbook more than anyone else, you have been lucky: do passengers normally get bumped? no because there are enough passengers that will gladly take the vouchers, but it happens on a daily basis. Ask my daughter who is a ticket and gate agent in Orlando. The hotels do also and will walk guests to another hotel if this happens, but again it happens daily. that is why giving a CCard for guarantee is so important. If you just hold a room and the hotel sells out they are under no obligation to find you something else. If you have reserved with a CC they are. As for the cruise ships, they are least likely to do this as the situation comes up rarely but it does happen. I personally do not know of one full paying cruiser that has ever been bumped. We are referring mostly to industry travelers. I have had clients offered a sweet deal to change their sailing dates, but never have I had one bumped. We do not have loyalty to cruise lines, we just know the way the game is played. What would you suggest we do; all of us picket the cruise lines? NMNita
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newmexicoNita, You are in the business, you would better know who to contact about changes than I. The current lawsuits might have some success at getting things changed. Pickets or lack of ticket sales, might also make the cruiselines take note and make some changes. They won't until their profits drop or some legal entity makes them change. And I don't know who or where you make your reservations, but any I've made in the last 5 years have had to be paid for totally at the time of booking, and have never been cancelled or bumped yet. As you say, I may just have been lucky.


Revneal, I don't think my metaphor is befuddled. Thousands of people are still cruising, accepting all these things that are happening. Following like "a bunch of sheep", saying, "oh well, as long as I can continue to cruise on a beautiful ship, so what if I may have an extra day or two at sea instead of going where I wanted to go", not worrying about making the cruiselines perform and provide what was purchased. If you have ever been around a flock of sheep, where one goes, the others follow. I think my metaphor is totally apropo.:p

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