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Maasdam 35 day


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Haven't read any reviews from anyone just off the 35 day cruise on the Maasdam. We will be sailing on her at the end of the month from Montreal to Boston and I was dying to read a review or comments on her from someone on board recently. And if someone had pictures of the renovations she recently had done that would be a plus.


Anticipation is building as the day gets nearer and I seem to need more and more information each day to help the time pass quicker.


Does anyone have a copy of the daily activities they could share?


18 days and counting.......

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There was an ever-so quick mention on the Roll-Call thread for that cruise. No details. No one from that cruise posted from the ship on this, or the Roll-Call forum.

I, too, am hoping for some sort of report, but I don't expect too many. Most of the posters on that roll-call aren't regulars on this board.


Give them a couple of days, though. After five weeks it's a challenge just to wade through the junk mail! :eek: (voice of experience speaking here.) There's lots to do when you get home and sometimes reports don't get the priority they really should. ;)

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Almost, Grammy. This year was identical to last year; last year was a little different from the year before. Next year there are a couple of new ports. Djupivogur and Seydisfjordur, Iceland are brand new ports on this itinerary.


Just a little something to keep it fresh. I like that.

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I also hope someone will do a report as we are going on that 35 day Cruise next year and the ports are about the same. Penny

Is this the cruise out of Boston that is actually a b2b, but doesn't repeat any ports? Does all kinds of European ports with no necessity of a single international flight? If so, I would absolutely love to do that cruise. In fact, I was talking about it with another CC friend just the other day. I just wish HAL would do this itinerary again in a non-summer month. Sadly, I could never get 35 days off during prime summer vacation season. So, if this cruise is only offered in the summer months, I'd likely have to wait until retirement (quite a ways off) before being able to do it. :(


Blue skies ...



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It can only be done in summer as some of the ports would be iced in. We did 17 days of it last year, the Boston to Rotterdam leg and even so it was still cool in some of those northern ports eg. Greenland and Iceland. It is a great cruise and well worth doing, though I missed the sunshine and the warmth that I appreciate when cruising.


I loved Antarctica and South America in January more so as we got the warmth and the cold all mixed in together.



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Friends of mine were on this cruise, I haven't talked with them as they are in Maine visiting their daughter. When I do talk with them, I'll try to post something here on the boards about their trip.

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I have just returned from the Maasdam and the 35 days. Right up front let me say that this is a GREAT cruise. With so many ports (19) in 35 days you cant get anymore for your money. Yes it is a little tiring when you have ports 5 days in a row and you look forward to a sea day!! Now for some comments about things.


The Ship: The condition of the Maasdam is great after dry docking in April. I know that over the past year or so the Maasdam has taken some hits here on the boards but we did not experience any problems at all. The engines ran great for 35 days and there were no toilet problems other than the occasional sticky valve. As for the changes I did not like the new crowsnest. To me a crowsnest was the lookout!! Now with the changes there are things in the way to block the view, such as plants, couch's along the windows with high backs, and of course the extention of the spa below which now prevents you from seeing the bow of the ship. The new explorers lounge is a nice change to that area of the ship.


The Oasis: It didnt get done in drydock. I asked Captain van der loo why no Oasis and his response was two fold. 1. There have been technical problems with the Oasis on other ships! 2. The Maasdam over the next few years is scheduled to make more of these long cruises and those types of cruise's are not conducive to families. In my mind this still leaves this subject open to some speculation!


The Service: From the Captain on down this was a happy, fun ship. The service was great and lived up to what I have come to expect over the years from the crew.


The Captian: Normally I dont thing to much about the captian. But Captian van der loo is something special. At only 43 years old he carries his responsibility well. He was very informative and perticipated in activities. Such as when we had the swim across the artic circle he was in the pool with us. He even did a cooking demo in the Wa Jang! Also in Cornerbrook when we arrived it was pouring rain and the Canadian authorities would not allow the bus's on the dock which would have meant a long walk thru the rain to the bus's. The Captain would not allow this to happen and made an offer to the authorities they couldnt refuse! The bus's pulled up to the ship and Captain van der loo came onto each bus and thanked us for being patient while he worked things out.


Ports: There are lots of ports of call, 19 to be exact. This is the same number of ports as I had on my Pacific 62 day cruise last year. Based on the number of ports this cruise is a bargin! I enjoyed them all. One thing which was a disappointment was we were not able to sail thru Prins Christian in Greenland due to the ice. On the way over the western entrance was blocked by ice and on the way back the eastern entrance was blocked by ice. But on the flip side we saw so many beautiful icebergs that it partially made up for or dissapointment. A passenger told me he had been on the cruise 2 years ago and they never saw an iceberg. Well we saw mile after mile of iceberg's. One port I want to make special comment on is St. Anthony NF. One thing everybody always get excited about is whale sightings. Well when going into St. Anthony I was up on deck early (5am) to see if I could see any whales. The conditions were ideal as the water was flat. I stopped counting at 50 spouts there were so many. Most of the whales were humpbacks but I did see 2 pods of Orca's also. I took the whale watch tour and it was well worth it.


The food: This is one subject I hesitate to comment on. Everybody's taste is different. In my opinon the food was very good. It was varied, tasty, and plentiful. We had our share of lobster, shrimp, beef, and so forth. In fact on the final formal night there were twin lobster tails on the menu. I declined for the first time in my life because we had, had lobster the previous 2 days! Many people skipped the dinning room and went to the lido for dinner. This was especially the case on formal nights.


Overall: Again this was a great cruise. One thing I forgot to comment on was the condition of the seas. We were very fortunate, with the exception of 2 days we sailed on glass for the other 33 days! Everybody was commenting on how smooth the seas were. The other 2 days we had moderate seas with some rocking and rolling. But not enough to bring out the bags on the railing's!!!!


I would highly recommend this cruise for the number of ports and the scenery. This cruise will give you the most bang for your bucks!:)

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Thanks so much for the great write-up. I can't wait.... I want the next year to pass quickly so I can go on that cruise!!!!


When you say the Maasdam is going to be doing longer and similar cruises, can you give any examples? We love the no flying part and that's one of the exciting features we can't wait for!!!!


Thanks again


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Is this the cruise out of Boston that is actually a b2b, but doesn't repeat any ports?

No, it's one long cruise. It is broken up into two segments, but is not considered a back to back.

Bruce, it's great to read your report; there weren't too many from this forum on that cruise, so informmation has been scarce.

Would you talk about the entertainment on board, please? Who---and how were---those playing in the lounges? What about the individual evening entertainers---who came on board this year? What did you think?

(Can you tell I missed my "regular run"?)

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No, it's one long cruise. It is broken up into two segments, but is not considered a back to back.

Oh, okay. Thanks for clarifying that for me. I guess I just got "mixed up." Either way, I know that the thing that stuck out in my mind was that you could visit so many wonderful, far-off places, and not have one single "extended" airplane flight. In fact, in my case, it would probably just be a longish (about five hours or so) train ride ... something I don't mind at all.


God, I wish there were some way I could do this cruise at some point in the reasonably near future. But I just can't see how with my present job. July is just a really bad month. :(


Blue skies ...



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No, it's one long cruise. It is broken up into two segments, but is not considered a back to back.


Bruce, it's great to read your report; there weren't too many from this forum on that cruise, so informmation has been scarce.

Would you talk about the entertainment on board, please? Who---and how were---those playing in the lounges? What about the individual evening entertainers---who came on board this year? What did you think?

(Can you tell I missed my "regular run"?)

I am the wrong one to ask about the entertainment. I only went to the show twice!! Part of the reason is when you have the likes of Marty Brill who should have retired along time ago!, and the other part is I spend to much time in the casino!!! The one show that I went to see was the group "Black Tie". These folks are the best I have ever seen on a cruise. They were also on my 62 day cruise last year. I saw both of their shows this year. Yes Ruth I know you miss your regular run in fact in Norway people were holding up signs at the pier saying "Where is Ruth"!!! I guess you really impressed them with your viking helmet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
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in Norway people were holding up signs at the pier saying "Where is Ruth"!!! I guess you really impressed them with your viking helmet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


Thanks for answering what you could about the entertainment, Bruce.

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I was on the "beautiful and elegant" Maasdam for the Voyage of the Vikings, too! I agree totally with all that Bruce mentioned....I can add a little more, because I didn't frequent the casio as much!

Ruth...the entertainment was outstanding....for the most part. The Black Tie group was terrific. Other entertainers brought on in various ports were also good....I particularly enjoyed Jane Webster, an opera/caberet singer. Very talented musicians, too...from violin, piano, trumpet, etc etc

The Maasdam orchestra was the best...they played with each of these groups, night after night, with very little rehearsal time, and they were fabulous. All the live bands were great. The cast singers/dancers were fabulous...put on 3 great shows...they even did a meet and greet, and took us back stage to see what goes on.

Someone mentioned the Culinary Arts Center....it was the best! Cooking classes with guest chefs...just like on the Food Network. It was wonderful. Great cooking and lots of laughs....and they gave samples and recipes. Even the Captain cooked one day. I think this is the best new feature of the recent refurbishing.

I never understood how people on CC would mention certain captains, and would only want to sail with them.....now I understand! Captain Van der loo was outstanding....his warmth and sense of humor, his daily updates--with explanations, his participation in lots of activities including 2 Q&As about himself, and the ship....all this really made him stand out as a captain that I would wish to sail with again.

The ports and excursions were awesome. We met some really nice people. All in all....it was the very best trip I've ever done....and I didn't want to get off the ship!!!

I'll try to write again....but I gotta go now....(still unpacking!!!)



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Yes, they're from Australia....2 brothers (singers) and their wives (accompianist ?SP on piano and cello. They each took turns playing instrumentals while the brothers changed their costumes. I thought the entire shows they did were great....especially the pianist!

They were very personable and friendly off stage, as well. When they were out and around the ship they always had a friendly smile or chat.

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I'm not sure if my other reply was posted...so I'll answer again. (Sorry if this is a repeat!)\

The Black Tie group is from Austrailia....2 brothers (singers) and their wives...accompanying them on piano and cello. The pianist was very talented...she could've had a show of her own!

The group was very friendly off the stage as well. When they (especially Yuri) were out and about on the ship, they always had a smile, hello, and a chat. Very nice people.

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We were on the first half of the 35 day Voyage of Vikings.


First, the cabins. We always sail in a standard outside cabin. The new TV is nice, but we would have gladly traded it for toilets that flushed. This apparently has been an ongoing problem on the ship which was not repaired in drydock. Also, cabin temperture was uneven, in fact in seemed to me to have a mind of its own so in the evening/night we found it too hot or too cold. This was a problem in the main dining room too! You could actually see duck tape over the vents to prevent the dining room, apparently, from becoming too cold! Maybe its a HAL thing, but duck tape is really is no substitute for a thermostat and climate control system that works.


As to the remodelling, well it seems almost unanimous that the new Crows Nest has lost its appeal. The redesign missed the point of it and now it is almost like every other bar in the ship. The new Library is nice enough, but they don't want you to sit down and write anymore...no, that is old fashioned. Now you log on to the internet with some pretty stiff fees. If you want to write postcards or whatever, the Lido is your best bet. Also, the gambling casino with all the racket that that entails (and boy thats a lot of racket) is right next to the library. This makes the facility much less attractive than it might have been. There is no attempt at sound insulation. In fact, there are automatic noise making contraptions in there that constantly advertised how you would could win big, assuming of course you came to your senses and got off your library chair to do the right thing and start gambling. Really, its marketing gone mad!


Speaking of racket, it was sometimes said by the Captain that the cruise director organized more activities than anyone else in the fleet. We believe it. It was often, too often, impossible to find a quiet spot to just read or close your eyes in peace. Every kind of activity intruded on every lounge. Clearly no thought was given to providing even just one venue for peace and quiet, more important now with the library redesign.


I have always defended HAL food, and the Lido is still okay, but there were dinners served on that ship that you would expect from appretice short order cooks, but not colleages of the esteemed Chaine de Rotessiers. Its not the the dinners were all bad, but definately hit and miss. When it hit it hit, but boy when it missed. This is the first time on HAL I can say I was unhappy with the food overall. This is our 6th cruise on HAL.


In my very humble opinion, HAL is working to formulas that are established in Seattle headquarters and the personal touch, with all that that means is sufffering. With cruisers as loyal as HALs (something like 85% were Mariners), I just can't imagine what HAL would have to do to lose them. The standards are not high enough to get new cruisers though, as was evident on this cruise. HAL Mariners will not brook criticism of their chosen line though, and until they do, HAL will continue to deteriorate.


We will probably sail HAL again, but only because it has better developed destinations that other cruise lines. Certainly not on the Maasdam though.

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My mom spoke with our friends who just got off this 35 days cruise. Quickly, she told them they had an absolutely wonderful cruise. She was worried being so long on the ship, but she said they met some wonderful guests onboard and had an absolutely wonderful time. I will see them at my mom's house Thursday night, I'll get some information from them at that time. But all in all, they had a wonderful time.

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My in-laws were on the full trip and they had a great time. They are already talking about taking the same trip next year! This was their first time on HAL and I think they enjoyed it. They did have a bad experience in the Pinnacle and their bathtub was a bit dirty, but the bathtub was taken care of eventually. Their only real complaint was about the port call at St. Pierre & Miquelon. They felt it was a waste of time and did not enjoy the island at all. They said some other cruisers mentioned the same thing - they didn't understand why they spent such a long time there. We suspected it might have been for a refueling or cleaning or something like that.


We were supposed to do half the trip with them - most likely Rotterdam to Boston - and I am so sorry we weren't able to go! Maybe next year.


I will see what further information I can get from my in-laws about the trip, and report back here if they have anything additional to tell.

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We posted photos on the net at: homepage.mac.com/williamolesky


There is a mistake on it on the St. Pierre page, but you will get the idea.

I even have a section on the Beautiful and Elegant Maasdam. I think HAL is fumbling with the Maasdam, but she is still elegant.

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the Beautiful and Elegant Maasdam.

My father-in-law made a joke about that! They were invited to the captain's table, and when he introduce my mother-in-law he said "and this is my beautiful and elegant wife" - apparently the captain found it quite amusing. :)


And your pictures are just lovely! Don't tell my in-laws, but your pictures are better than theirs. ;)


Oh, and that ice field you went through - what an adventure that sounds like! You got some good pictures of it!

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We posted photos on the net at: homepage.mac.com/williamolesky


There is a mistake on it on the St. Pierre page, but you will get the idea.

I even have a section on the Beautiful and Elegant Maasdam. I think HAL is fumbling with the Maasdam, but she is still elegant.


My gosh, what beautiful, beautiful photos!!!! Thanks so much for sharing them. May I ask if you are a professional photographer? If not, you certainly didn't use a digital, did you? Very impressive. I can't wait for the months to pass till we're on this voyage!!!!!



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