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Infinity's Sep 13 voyage cancelled and Sept. 23 delayed a day


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I am really sorry that those who had plans for the affected cruises are apparently having them disrupted. Very few plan for a cruise days before their travel, I can only imagine and empathise with those who now have to re-arrange their lives to accomodate Celebrity's miscomings.


I offer no sympathy for Celebrity who once again is going to disrupt lives of thousands and wait until the last minute to let their passengers know.


I too feel sorry for those who are disrupted however they are getting a good package. It is a shame that some are so quick to jump on the cruise line without any prior knowledge. This has nothing to do with the prior pod problem as per the Celebrity press release. I suppose they should let the ship break down in the water with passengers on board instead of scheduling a dry dock to fix a problem they have not had before. There are dry docks to schedule and parts to receive, give them a break and criticize them when they truly screw up.

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Don they have operated three cruises in a row with this "problem". This problem has affected the cruise beginning or ending of 6,000 passengers. Do you think they are going to let the cruisers between now and the 13th of September of the potential of a disruption ahead of time? You are right, I have no sympathy for Celebrity at the moment. Time and time again they have proven they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt.

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Just reading the official press release issued by RCI ( Dan Hanrahan ) and it bears noting that the current failure is '' one of the propulsion pods ' electrical system "". This is different than the previous 6 incidents, caused by the ''premature wearing of one of the radial thrust bearings''....

The repair project is also of a greater scope: while previous malfunctions triggered a 3-4 days emergency drydock to replace the offending thrust bearing, this one calls for a total replacement of the pod itself, thus a longer drydock needed ( in Victoria) until 22nd September.


Happy sailings





Actually 3 of the past Infinity outages to replace pod bearings have been longer than this one including a whopping 31 day interruption in Feb 2003!

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From RCL press release:


Celebrity Cruises Cancels One Alaska Sailing to Replace Propulsion Pod MIAMI, Aug. 10 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Celebrity Cruises is canceling the September 13 sailing on Infinity to replace one of the ship's two propulsion pods. Guests booked on the cruise will receive a full refund and a certificate good toward a future cruise. Travel agents will receive full commissions for the cancelled sailing and a $50 rebooking bonus per stateroom when their clients reschedule their cruise.

The affected pod's electrical system is failing to provide the ship's maximum cruising speed, essentially reducing it from 22 to 19 knots, making it difficult to maintain the ship's future itineraries as scheduled. The repairs will be made at drydock facilities in Victoria, British Columbia. Meanwhile, Infinity continues to sail safely and has received clearance from all appropriate authorities.

"We sincerely regret the disruption and disappointment this will cause our guests scheduled on this cruise," said Celebrity Cruises President Dan Hanrahan. "There is never a good time to cancel a cruise, but we have tried very hard to offer the most advanced notice and affect the least number of guests possible. We will do everything we can to assist the affected guests."

Following drydock, Infinity will return to service on September 24 to sail its scheduled transcanal cruise from San Francisco to Fort Lauderdale. Normally a 15-day transit, this cruise now will be a 14-day trip. The ship will depart San Francisco one day later than scheduled, and will miss Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Guests booked on this cruise will receive a $500-per-stateroom onboard credit and a $200 future cruise certificate. They also will receive overnight accommodations in San Francisco on September 23.

Celebrity has established a special help desk to assist guests and travel agents with bookings on the affected sailings. That toll-free number is 1-800-852-8175.

The cancelled cruise is expected to have a negative impact on the earnings of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. of approximately $0.05 per share.


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This has nothing to do with the prior pod problem as per the Celebrity press release.

Who do you think you are kidding!!!!


I suppose they should let the ship break down in the water with passengers on board instead of scheduling a dry dock to fix a problem they have not had before.

And this didn't happen earlier this year with both Summit and Infinity???


give them a break and criticize them when they truly screw up.

Try telling that to the people who were on the phone with them today (earlier this thread) only to get complete denial of anything amiss. Some other poster chalked that up the left hand not talking to the right hand. Thats a crock!! You have to know that a memo was sent out much earlier listing exactly what they would be able to say on the phone - i.e. lie. Celebrity has known for over a month now that they were going to have to utilize a dry dock to fix a problem - and they did not have the decency to inform anybody until now (officially they really haven't said anything - check their web site). They screwed up in March with the handling of three Mercury cruises, they screwed up in a major way in May with Summit, and now they have screwed up in July, August and September with Infinity. Great some of the passengers get their entire money back and a free cruise, many others had partial cruises and very little compensation. Some of the passengers from the canceled cruise will be forced to take their vacation during this week anyways with nowhere to go and is a free cruise really a free cruise? Absolutely not - there is airfare involved and many other expenses that alot of people are not able to afford twice prior to the cut-off point for the free cruise.


Why do so many people in this forum continuously try and rally the troops for support when you are faced with a sinking ship. Its time to admit that Celebrity has been less than forthcoming with its customers in a very self serving manner on an ongoing basis. Everywhere you read in Celebrities threads customers are jumping ship to find a more honest supplier. Thats what happens when the people you buy from are found to be deceitful!!

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I am very sorry for the passengers who have been affected by another of Celebrity's mistakes.I also have no sympathy for Celebrity. Knowing what I know now, I would have been thrilled if Celebrity cancelled our cruise on July 16, 2006, in order to fix the pod problem. It would have inconvenienced us, but we would have rescheduled our cruise. The cancellation would have given us an opportunity to take a 7 day cruise to Alaska, on a highly rated ship, operating the way it should have been operating. The passengers on the cancelled cruise, should thank all the passengers on the 3 previous cruises who wrote letters indicating major problems & dissatisfaction with the Infinity. It appears that Celebrity is reading customers' letters and they are now pulling a ship out of the water that needs much work in many areas, in addition to the pod problems.

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Who do you think you are kidding!!!!



And this didn't happen earlier this year with both Summit and Infinity???



Try telling that to the people who were on the phone with them today (earlier this thread) only to get complete denial of anything amiss. Some other poster chalked that up the left hand not talking to the right hand. Thats a crock!! You have to know that a memo was sent out much earlier listing exactly what they would be able to say on the phone - i.e. lie. Celebrity has known for over a month now that they were going to have to utilize a dry dock to fix a problem - and they did not have the decency to inform anybody until now (officially they really haven't said anything - check their web site). They screwed up in March with the handling of three Mercury cruises, they screwed up in a major way in May with Summit, and now they have screwed up in July, August and September with Infinity. Great some of the passengers get their entire money back and a free cruise, many others had partial cruises and very little compensation. Some of the passengers from the canceled cruise will be forced to take their vacation during this week anyways with nowhere to go and is a free cruise really a free cruise? Absolutely not - there is airfare involved and many other expenses that alot of people are not able to afford twice prior to the cut-off point for the free cruise.


Why do so many people in this forum continuously try and rally the troops for support when you are faced with a sinking ship. Its time to admit that Celebrity has been less than forthcoming with its customers in a very self serving manner on an ongoing basis. Everywhere you read in Celebrities threads customers are jumping ship to find a more honest supplier. Thats what happens when the people you buy from are found to be deceitful!!


I think you misunderstood what I was referring to when I said it had nothing to do with the prior pod problem. I was not referring to the one from the past three weeks on Inifinity which has been an electrical problem. . If you would have read my post you would have realized that. It had nothing to do with the prior problems that they have had with all the M class ships. That is a fact which you may or may not choose to believe. I am sympathetic to those who had to deal with this and said so. I prefer to look at both sides of a story and have criticized them on many occasions especially in customer service. At least I am being fair and giving both sides, you are not.

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Don, I have to agree with you. This thread has brought out the usual characters who enjoy ripping Celebrity and do so on multiple threads. They know who they are.


Now, on other threads pax have written some really positive reviews of their experiences in the last three cruises on Infinity.


We are on Infinity on 9-3-2006, and from the press releases, we will probably only cruise at 19 knots rather than 22 knots - big deal. We still get to go to all of the ports [even though several stops are somewhat shorter] and we get to enjoy all that Celebrity has to provide for its pax from the lowest level cabins to our RS. Is that reduced speed going to spoil our cruise, absolutely not!!!!


Call me a Celebrity cheerleader, yes that is an apt description because all of our cruises on Celebrity have been marvelous experiences. I revel in people calling me that - because we avoid the complainers, the pinched up faces, and the whiners who just go on and on. My advice, although they will not take it is to just move on to some other cruise line, let it go, you got some compensation for your complaints, and see just how bad you are served on your next cruise line.


End of rant - flame me - but in your heart you know that I have struck the truth.

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Even with the compensation I feel bad for all those affected. Vacations are few and far between for most of us so having your plans cancelled must be difficult.


That said if a ship is broken, it has to be fixed and some group is going to be affected. The best that Celebrity can do is try to make it up to those folks and in this case is seems they have been fair to the affected passengers.


Believe me I understand it is frustrating to know that your cruise was indeed cancelled when the customer service rep is saying it's not. However it could be that the CS was not allowed to say anything not because Celebrity wanted their reps to lie but because Celebrity was still finalizing the details and preparing the generous compensation offer. According to the date of the thread, this all seems to have happened pretty fast. If the CS rep had said that yes it was cancelled but could not tell the caller what the compensation would be I think the caller might be even more upset. I think the compensation offer is evidence that Celebrity is trying to do right by their customers.


Just my opinion. J

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Here are the changes to the itinerary as copied from My Celebrity.



Port/City: Activity:

Tue, Sep 05, 2006

Sitka, Alaska


Arrive: 09:30 AM

Depart: 05:00 PM


Sun, Sep 10, 2006

Ketchikan, Alaska


Arrive: 09:00 AM

Depart: 04:00 PM


Wed, Sep 13, 2006

San Francisco, California


Arrive: 07:00 AM

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To recap:


Infinity will go into drydock in San Francisco from September 13 through September 24 to fix the pods. Celebrity wants to ensure a problem free South America season.


The September 13 Alaska sailing is cancelled. Guests should call the Re-Accomodation Desk at 800-8528175.


Compensation is a full refund, a free future cruise certificate (which excludes XPeditions and Holiday sailings) and reimbursement of airline change fees up to $100 per person.


For those that are booked on the September 23 15-night Panama Canal sailing:



This cruise now departs one day late, on September 24, and will skip Cabo San Lucas. Arrival into Acapulco is delayed by 2 hours. Compensation is $500/$600/$700 stateroom credit (depending on cabin type) + $200 off a future cruise.


I was on the September 13 sailing. As much as I regret not going to Alaska, I have to admit that a full refund plus a free future cruise is a generous offer.


Best Regards,



Floris ~


guess i'm dry docked as well.....i agree with you. it's complete crap to have planned ages for a holiday that never will come....but Celebrity has been accomodating. It could be worse. We could be working the Re-accommodation desk at Celebrity for the next few days! may i ask what you're doing instead? just curious and a wee bit overwhelmed.... cindy

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You know that this could be a lot worse. We are getting a nice compensation package. We have already rebooked for next year.


This was to be a celebratory cruise for us and our daugher and her husband as we all observed milestone wedding anniversaries.


So we are just going to have to change our plans. It's a glitch. These things happen.


We received a free cruise.

We will get our money back.

We are intelligent enough to figure out something else to do that is special and fun to celebrate our occasions.


I am sure that Celebrity's management and employees didn't get up one morning and say, "Let's see how much we can inflame, upset, injure, and generally disrupt the lives of our new cruise passengers and loyal clients."


If this is the most terrible things that will happen in our lifetime, we should get down on our knees and thank Almighty God that it is. My husband died and was recussitated three years ago, leaving him with brain damage, mobility problems, kidney failure, COPD, and diabetes. We overcame this as best we can. Overcoming a canceled cruise is a piece of cake.


I get up each morning and check him and my mother-in-law to see if they are both alive. If they are, I get on with my daily routine. This could depress a person, I suppose, but I prefer to look at each day of life as a gift and have a happy life.


I certainly have great pity who waste time being bitter and angry. It doesn't do any good anyway.


Don't think I am a Pollyanna. I am just realistic and sick of whiners.

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You know that this could be a lot worse. We are getting a nice compensation package. We have already rebooked for next year.


This was to be a celebratory cruise for us and our daugher and her husband as we all observed milestone wedding anniversaries.


So we are just going to have to change our plans. It's a glitch. These things happen.


We received a free cruise.

We will get our money back.

We are intelligent enough to figure out something else to do that is special and fun to celebrate our occasions.


I am sure that Celebrity's management and employees didn't get up one morning and say, "Let's see how much we can inflame, upset, injure, and generally disrupt the lives of our new cruise passengers and loyal clients."


If this is the most terrible things that will happen in our lifetime, we should get down on our knees and thank Almighty God that it is. My husband died and was recussitated three years ago, leaving him with brain damage, mobility problems, kidney failure, COPD, and diabetes. We overcame this as best we can. Overcoming a canceled cruise is a piece of cake.


I get up each morning and check him and my mother-in-law to see if they are both alive. If they are, I get on with my daily routine. This could depress a person, I suppose, but I prefer to look at each day of life as a gift and have a happy life.


I certainly have great pity who waste time being bitter and angry. It doesn't do any good anyway.


Don't think I am a Pollyanna. I am just realistic and sick of whiners.


Wow, what an impressive post. I think you put things in perspective.

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I am sorry for those of you missing a much anticipated cruise at the last minute. :(

But it does sound as if X has come back with a good customer serivice package to ease the pain.:)


Not that I ever would want to be in this situation, but if given the choice--and of course, those things don't happen but in dreams--I would much rather have my cruise cancelled and receive this package, than have the cruise I was on have a mechanical problem with missed or delayed ports, etc. As I said, I know life doesn't give us the choice of lemonade vs. crystal light. :o

I hope X can do some real problem solving and soon come up with a solution to keep these beautful M class ships more healthy.

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You know that this could be a lot worse. We are getting a nice compensation package. We have already rebooked for next year.


This was to be a celebratory cruise for us and our daugher and her husband as we all observed milestone wedding anniversaries.


So we are just going to have to change our plans. It's a glitch. These things happen.


We received a free cruise.

We will get our money back.

We are intelligent enough to figure out something else to do that is special and fun to celebrate our occasions.


I am sure that Celebrity's management and employees didn't get up one morning and say, "Let's see how much we can inflame, upset, injure, and generally disrupt the lives of our new cruise passengers and loyal clients."


If this is the most terrible things that will happen in our lifetime, we should get down on our knees and thank Almighty God that it is. My husband died and was recussitated three years ago, leaving him with brain damage, mobility problems, kidney failure, COPD, and diabetes. We overcame this as best we can. Overcoming a canceled cruise is a piece of cake.


I get up each morning and check him and my mother-in-law to see if they are both alive. If they are, I get on with my daily routine. This could depress a person, I suppose, but I prefer to look at each day of life as a gift and have a happy life.


I certainly have great pity who waste time being bitter and angry. It doesn't do any good anyway.


Don't think I am a Pollyanna. I am just realistic and sick of whiners.


Bravo to you!! What a fantastic outlook on life! All best wishes that it continues!!

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I'm sorry for all who were booked on this particular week as well.

I do have to say that although I understand the disappointment and the inconvenience, I personally would be VERY happy with the compensation.

If it were me, I'd be looking (and hoping) to find a last minute cruise for around the same time frame, (which shouldn't be too diffiuclt to find) and also booking my free X cruise immediately. Then I'd have TWO cruises to look forward to.

I have to say that I am curious though, as to HOW after all this time of limping around, they finally found something that is going to fix the issue??

Is it a real fix this time, or just a bigger bandaid???

Just curious.

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Charlie, the options were already announced yesterday...


To recap:


Infinity will go into drydock in San Francisco from September 13 through September 24 to fix the pods. Celebrity wants to ensure a problem free South America season.


The September 13 Alaska sailing is cancelled. Guests should call the Re-Accomodation Desk at 800-8528175.


Compensation is a full refund, a free future cruise certificate (which excludes XPeditions and Holiday sailings) and reimbursement of airline change fees up to $100 per person.


For those that are booked on the September 23 15-night Panama Canal sailing:


This cruise now departs one day late, on September 24, and will skip Cabo San Lucas. Arrival into Acapulco is delayed by 2 hours. Compensation is $500/$600/$700 stateroom credit (depending on cabin type) + $200 off a future cruise.


I was on the September 13 sailing. As much as I regret not going to Alaska, I have to admit that a full refund plus a free future cruise is a generous offer.

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John and Charlie

So sorry to hear what has happened to you on the equivalent of the trip we took last year. Please be very proactive with X UK and make sure that they look after you. As ever the UK passengers will be left chasing after the few trips now left as others ahve had a good 48 hours headstart.

When oh when will X realise they have now got a significant number of cruisers in the Uk and yet the service out of Weybridge makes the US operation look like best practice :)

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Compensation is $500/$600/$700 stateroom credit (depending on cabin type)


Not according to my TA. It is a flat $500. Do you have a written source?


$200 off a future cruise.


Again, according to my TA, that is PER STATEROOM, not PER GUEST. Do you have a written source for that as well?

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I'm sorry for all who were booked on this particular week as well.



I have to say that I am curious though, as to HOW after all this time of limping around, they finally found something that is going to fix the issue??

Is it a real fix this time, or just a bigger bandaid???

Just curious.

:) Good morning,

There is a significant difference between the current scenario and the previous 5 repetitive sagas involving '' THE PODS "" ( those infamous things now enjoying a life of their own....!!!).

The previous events all triggered emergency drydock for 3-4 days to replace a '' radial thrust bearing in the pod propulsion system,which is wearing out prematurely'' (port or starboard...happened to both)...This is a systematic problem still plaguing X on all its ''M'' class vessels..

The current malfunction is causing X to down Infinity for over 9 days, on a better planned basis, '' to REPLACE one of the ship's two propulsion pods" due to ''the affected pod's electrical system [ .] failing to provide the ship's maximum cruising speed '' ( Quotes from the RCI press release, 1802edt 10thAug).. While a whole lot of folks had a sense '' the fix was up'' over the past 3 sailings, X had to coordinate availability of 1/ the necessary parts & 2/ a shipyard on the WestCoast with open drydock time;;;all the while ensuring the day to day operation of GTS Infinity until the drydock was not going to cause further damage, other than cruise at approx 19 knots instead of 22 1/2 . Judging by how well she's keeping her ports schedule this week, all is OK until she docks in SanFransisco on 13th Sept and heads right back up to Victoria early that afternoon for drydock thru 22nd.


Sooo....not just a bigger band...it's just a different injury.


Happy sailings




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Sorry for all UK passengers, they heard even later than I did. plus they have an even bigger airline problem as well,


As far as I can judge Celebrity will still do part of my B2B cruise the 14 day Canal trip, they have cancelled my Sept 12 flight and hotel, trying to get me on a flight on Sept 23 Fl to CA, (so far only space is on 6.45 a.m flight have to leave for airport at 2a.m) They still have to find me a hotel for the pre cruise.

Giving me back the costs I have paid them for Sept 12-23. I will have to pay for my new flight - which they say will most likely be more expensive than the one arranged a year ago. Hotel still up in the air, I was booked into the Argonaut.


Re the "free" cruise, I looked over the list, mostly Mexico or Caribbean, both of which I have done many times. There was one on Summit to Hawaii Dec 9 (returns Dec 23), this had many sea days which I like, so chose that, it was 14 days not 10, and no inside cabins left so I will have to pay for the extra days and the higher grade cabin (Cat 6 not 10). Have Air fare and Hotel costs still to come. It is I suppose a good deal -the cost to me about $1200 in addition to the "free " part of the cruise. I am fortunate I am "retired" so can take the cruise dates offerred, I know many of those who are still working will have problems - as will those from Europe. It is sso very near Christmas, air travel will be horrendous.


The on board credit for me is $500 and I will get it on Sept 24th cruise. A few Cocktails will go down easily I am sure.


Once my TA was informed (rather late by X) she has done whatever it takes to get things sorted out - poor soul she also had clients stranded in UK with the air line problem, so her day yesterday was H****


Well our get togther on board with be started by a big sigh of relief I think


Let us hope all goes well from now on.


Oh my what am I going to do without my antiwrinkle cream and face packs in my carryons!!!!!!! LOL


See you all on board.

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