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QM2 Labor Day Cruise


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Maria, and Kari...

Glad to hear you all had such a wonderful time. I am still 32 days away for embarkation going to New England and Canada (10/12). Wonder if you can help?


Dale is trying to set up a meet for our CCers. Should he try calling ahead or should we just try to do it after we board? Currently we are not as many as your group nor as talkative. After your experiences, we wondered if it would be just as good to go to the Commodore in person and try to set up an 11am meet on the next morning (sea day)? :confused:


Thanks for any info.


Waiting to do the docs dance...

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Hi Kathy,


My suggestion would be to go to the Commodore Club and speak to Tracey yourself. (or Dale can speak to her) Tell her about how many people you expect to attend so she can have the proper amount of staff on hand to serve you.


Also, check on the time. Eleven AM is a bit early, but on sea days, according to the daily program, the Commodore Club opens at 10am, so you may not have a problen. It is a cocktail lounge, but they do serve coffee.


After my experience with Cunard's On Board Services, I would not recommend calling them. They did not help in the least and were a big dissappointment.


Have a wonderful cruise and a great get together.


One last suggestion. If you have gotten friendly with other people going on your cruise and would like to sit with them at dinner, exchange your booking numbers and call Cunard to link your dinner reservations. Karie, Jo and I did that and we had a great time together.


Smiles, :)


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Maria' date=' and Kari...

Glad to hear you all had such a wonderful time. I am still 32 days away for embarkation going to New England and Canada (10/12). Wonder if you can help?


[u']Dale[/u] is trying to set up a meet for our CCers. Should he try calling ahead or should we just try to do it after we board? Currently we are not as many as your group nor as talkative. After your experiences, we wondered if it would be just as good to go to the Commodore in person and try to set up an 11am meet on the next morning (sea day)? :confused:


Thanks for any info.


Waiting to do the docs dance...


I agree with Maria about not even bothering to try to go through Cunard "officially". Set a time amongst yourselves which is mutually agreeable, usually 10 Am or 2 PM is good for most people as it does not interfere with meals or getting ready for them. If alcohol is important, then afternoon is probably better. Traditionally on the boards, it has been the first sea day, since on a port day people are getting to shore excursions or going into port. When they get back, it's time for the early diners to start getting ready for dinner. Usually a number of people might agree to meet informally around 10 the first night, but many are exhausted and want to get to bed, or finish unpacking if they haven't. I have also found it nearly impossible to get out of dinner by 10, as I like to linger over our meal. Many are running late the first night, but even if a few of you can get together, it starts you off with at least someone you know.


As for my suggestions, the only problem with setting it ahead of time is the possibility there might be something going on at that time which will keep the club closed. Our first one we met at the chart room, which being lower and amidships is more stable in case people aren't comfortable in a bit of chop in case of weather or seas. That is more promnounced in the Commodore, but it is such a beatuiful venue to meet in, looking over the bow! The other thing about the ChartRoom, is it is wide open, hence hard for someone to book it to your exclusion. It it happens that you all agree on the Commodore, and a private function is there, usually there will be a corner open for everyone else. Or someone can post a sign saying meet at... Or a different time if necessary.


Have fun! Wish I were joining you!




P.S. NO ONE is as talkative as us! <LOL>!

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Maria, glad to see you "back" on the boards. Have been thinking of you alot and hoping that you're feeling like your old self. Like you, I'm disappointed that Cunard did not cooperate while planning our get together...they missed a really big opportunity here to score points. I know there were other (larger) groups on board but Cruise Critics ain't small potatoes...and we're nice to boot:). We won't be doing the summer QM2 cruise (my half sister is coming over from England with her DH and 2 boys next July so we'll need vacation time - and money). And, we have our October Noordam cruise already booked...are you interested in joining us for this one (10 days Eastern Caribbean out of Manhattan October 31, 2007)? Got a good deal on a balcony cabin on deck 5 (our first balcony I might add). St Thomas, San Juan, Tortola, Barbados, St Maarten are the islands (not in that order).


Karie, why don't you and Marc puts your heads together and discuss joining us next October? I know you love HAL and cruising out of Manhattan is so easy. Lets make it a reunion tour...Queen Maria and her band of reknown or something silly like that. You can even bring the yellow caution tape...cause you never know when you'll need it:p.


Hugs and kisses.

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We won't be doing the summer QM2 cruise (my half sister is coming over from England with her DH and 2 boys next July so we'll need vacation time - and money). And, we have our October Noordam cruise already booked...are you interested in joining us for this one (10 days Eastern Caribbean out of Manhattan October 31, 2007)? Got a good deal on a balcony cabin on deck 5 (our first balcony I might add). St Thomas, San Juan, Tortola, Barbados, St Maarten are the islands (not in that order).


Karie, why don't you and Marc puts your heads together and discuss joining us next October? I know you love HAL and cruising out of Manhattan is so easy. Lets make it a reunion tour...Queen Maria and her band of reknown or something silly like that. You can even bring the yellow caution tape...cause you never know when you'll need it:p.


Hugs and kisses.


Yellow caution tape is sitting next to me as we speak. It will be going in tje scrapbook (Yeah, sure, I'll get around to doing that!) October is iffy. We always do the Parrothead Convention in Key West, which is benerally the end of Oct, beginning of November. Like the 2-7th, or something like that.


But we have been going to Meeting of the Minds or MOTM for eight years now. We used to combine it with a cruise before or after since we were already in the area (Miami or Ft Laud) but now with the New York cruises...Besides, it was too exhausting doing both, and Marc really can't afford to be away from work for two weeks in a row, as a rule. When you're 25 % of the company, it makes it hard!


But we will have to see what we can cobble together for the five of us. Maybe we can get Beth (Imacruiser) and Penny (PAtwell) and their respective spouses to join us. Hmm, table for nine please!


Shoot, then we have to include David and his SO (Bramcruiser) Can't forget them, and Oh darn. We need a table for twenty four!

We just have too many friends! <G>


Are you sure you want to cruise out of Manhattan on Halloween? And leave your car there? Heck, we were going to do the maiden on the Noordam if we hadn't booked the Jan Panama. It would have been a medallion sruise for us (pictures those little old ladies, stooped over, tottering and trying to stay upright, laden down with fifty 3 inch medallions hanging around their necks. Can you read the headlines? "Wealthy Dowager Strangled to Death, Collapses on Ship's Stage Under Weight of Multiple Cruise Medallions!" <LOL>



Who misses you all!

Maybe we'll just have to take the train into Manhattan one night and see a show or something!

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Hey Karie....I'm honored to be considered to join you all at your table....must mean I have proven my wackiness. I really am disappointed that Cunard didn't treat your huge group better...bad PR move on their part as you all were so enthusiastic. We aren't as many in our merry little Dec 2nd band, but we sure are enthusiastic. At this point we can probably meet in a medium size storage closet and not put anyone out, but meet we will, right gang?

Cheers, Penny

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We aren't as many in our merry little Dec 2nd band, but we sure are enthusiastic. At this point we can probably meet in a medium size storage closet and not put anyone out, but meet we will, right gang?

Cheers, Penny


Meet we shall! Besides we still have that BBQ on the balcony complete with deep sea fishing that we have to do.:D


Thanks for thinking of me and the SO, Karie. Oh I'd love to do the longer Canada/New England trip but I just learned something recently. Money doesn't grow on trees.:( And that flood in the condo...........well, we could have easily put it back the way it was but oh no............living with a creative type we have to completely redesign the kitchen as if we're on some HGTV show.:eek: So.........I'll just suffer through all the renos and worry about nothing but how beautiful the world is from a QM2 balcony on Dec 2.


Now how can we convince you and Marc as well as Maria to join us. Sorry....no more money left for a bribe!:)



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Cruise!!! Did someone say cruise???? Where do we sign up??? Karie, you are so sweet to think of us for your table. Bless yore lil' pea pickin' heart!!! I'm sure it would be the best table on the ship - and the most fun. We would never leave the dining room before midnight. We might just stay until breakfast. There we would be in our formal attire at breakfast. No one could accuse us of not following the dress code!! The crew would never recover. Now, I just need to go buy a lottery ticket.



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It was so much fun to take this cruise and meet and mingle as best as I could for just the 4 days we had. Thanks to Maria, Karie and all for making the CC get-together such a fun-filled success, in spite of Cunard's guest services being so non-existant. (Maria, I am curious to know what you plan to state in your letter to Cunard about their total lack of service in accommodating us CCers. Any plans to share that info with us? You go give 'em a piece of your mind.)


It was enjoyable getting the chance to meet and talk with such a friendly group. I had the pleasure (and coicidence out of all those passengers) when one day I was seated with Maria at lunch. I had a thoroughly wonderful time. (Maria, sorry to hear about your recent loss, as I didn't know until I read here. You're a wonderful organizer and would look forward to another cruise if ever possible on the same ship with you and the others.) The "B" destinations are so tempting next year. If only the QM2 would drop by Yokohama and pick me up...


In all, I felt that I had a packed 4-day schedule on this QM2 cruise and got as much out of it as I could. In spite of Ernesto (or the Nor'easter) or whatever storm cheating me out of jumping for the Verazzano Bridge on sail day, I just had a great time because the boat is so fabulous.


I had read before where somebody mentioned about the QM2 being so big that even with the other 2,500+ passengers onboard there are still quiet places and times when you don't run into any body. I thought "Oh, sure. Right!" But it's true. The QM2 is so expansive that I'd have the elevator from Deck 11 to Deck 2 all to myself. I'd walk around places and hardly see people. And even in the main areas and dining spots, it never felt overlly congested, proving that the QM2 is really a great ship designed to handle the passenger number.


I know people criticize the Kings Court buffet area as being confusing. It was the first time but after just one walk around you'll realize there are 4 areas each serving something different. Once you know the layout, you can navigate and get what you want with no problem after that. In fact, I appreciate the idea of 4 different dining options at a buffet. I've heard that most cruise buffets offer the same stuff no matter which buffet line you get in.


Except for the weather, the only real negative activity on the QM2 was tea time, which was totally disorganized and poorly served. I went, and after finally getting (grabbing) a seat since everyone else was just helping themselves regardless of the line, was served only sandwiches and tea during the 40 minutes I was there. When I finally asked for scones, they said it was past "last-call" so no can do. (Not that I needed a scone because I was starving or skin and bones [if you know what I mean] but) ..... well the idea of tea time, if they do it at all, should be to do it properly and serve the guests. Most likely, though, others here didn't have the same disappointing experience.


The wait staff in the other dining venues were extremely friendly, helpful and accommodating, making the mealtimes even more pleasant. They do such a good job in recognizing you like you're "old pals". That's really a nice touch.


Other than that, I can't fault a thing. I thought the food overall was quite good. (Think what it would be like serving 2,500 guests and keeping them all happy.) Cunard did a fine job under the circumstances and the massive Britannia when packed at dinner actually is in its finest, most impressive state with all the activity of the table staff, head waiters, sommeliers, etc. buzzing around. The stateroom was cozy and kept clean (except for me messing it). The common areas were also very clean too, making for a very pleasant experience. I'd like to try again--but only a longer and warmer cruise when I can appreciate even more the 11Deck balcony. (And no, I didn't feel it rock and roll way up there that much more compared to the lower decks on storm-day Saturday.)


So, after spending a few days in NYC, I'm back in Japan and faced a major real-world hurdle--first day back at the office. I am glad to see I'm not the only CCer with post-debarcation blues, thinking that "at this time last week I was .......ing on the QM2". I'm jealous that many of you live so close to Red Hook that you can pick your next QM2 fantasy that fits your schedules--and drive there!!. I probably won't be back for a while but am now hooked and am booked for a Tahiti cruise in FEB. This next cruise will be a whole new experience since the ship only holds about 1/10th the number of passengers as the QM2. I'll be able to compare, but nothing can really compare to the QM2, right?;)

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Glad everyone made it back home safely--I posted on our other thread but seems the action moved here again! We enjoyed the cruise--Maria did a great job with the cc get together helped of course by Karie's surprises. It was nice meeting everyone. Weather was disappointing but QM2 was very good in rough waters. We spent alot of time at the Museum in Halifax & then at a little pub nearby. Province House was closed due to it being labor day so we'll save that for another time.

As first time QM cruisers we were VERY disappointed at the check in time of over an hour (worst we have ever had) --but were told it was due to a broken computer cable. getting off was a breeze--went quickly & well organized. We enjoyed shows, planetarium, & spending lots of time at canyon Ranch spa. Even had a nice sunny sea day back to NY. The ship was very beautiful but we will be glad to get back to the smaller Royal carib & Celeb ships..If anyone is looking for a good "bargain" cabin, try to Atrium view...it is an inside but very open feeling compared to the other insides (has less storage but a nice window to nowhere!) . We enjoyed ours & it was midships so everything was an easy walk away! happy cruising to all in the future.

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Ron and Dai- I didn't realize y'all's rcabin was so close to ours! We were upgraded to 11035. (Hmm, what would Y'all be in Southern Japanese<LOL>?)


Well, you consider us lucky to be able to drive to New York. (I agree) but I consider you lucky to be living in Japan! I have tried six ways from Sunday to figure out how to afford a cruise that would include Japan. I have also tried to figure out how to do Tahiti. I almost had Marc convinced (Actually, I was a long way from convincing him) when I got a can't be beat offer from the old Renaissance Cruises (Is that the right name?) before they went bankrupt and cancelled all remaining cruises. So I guess I lucked out. Marc just can't imagine the idea of flying for that long! Did you fly back from New york? How long did that take?

Well, I undestand that despite what one might think, you can't get cheap sushi there. Oh well. I'd still love to see the land of the Cherry Blossoms. And try out the five words of Japanese I know! (I am just itching to get the chance to say, "The Book is Red, The red book is on the chair" And of course, if I ever make it to Paris, I can say with all ernestness, "Where is my ruler?" They teach you such useful stuff in foreign language classes. (I know all I need to- the names of all the good sushis, and Ichiban Kudasai! And Su mi masen, Do! Itashe ma****e!

I speak fluent menu in many languages!


Anway, Nice to have met y'all. Sorry we didn't get more chance to chat in all that mass confusion of partying fun in the Commodore.


You did a better job of getting acclimated to the king's Court's sections than I did, and I was on for 12 days in a cabin directly above it but quiet) in January. Quick trip down the stairs, and there we were... somewhere. <G> Never did quite get the layout of the King's Court down, though I pretty much figured out the rest of the ship. Now here is something funny. I finally ran up to the scenic elevators as we were preparing for disembarkation. Little did I realize they, and the observation deck, were just forward of my amidships 11 deck cabin! Still didn't get back to 12 deck aft, to see the Pavillion bar and Boardwalk cafe. Haven't been to Canyon Ranch and didn't do tea, though I meant to. Oh well. Just a reason to go back again!

BTW, I am no longer certain we didn't catch the tail end of Ernesto. It may have changed course and went East again. Since our Governor is asking for disaster money (It rained, it was windy, get over it- We are not indemnified against life!) due to the "tropical Storm" I can't seem to find a final path on the NOAA/NHC web site. I guess I'll have to wait til the year end review comes out! <G?

Well, whatever it was, we rode it well. I was almost disappointed in how well she rode the waves. I was looking for some YAHOO COWBOY! stuff. Insted, I think a New York Diamond cutter wouldn't have flinched. <yawn>


Glad you had a good time. Maybe we can cruise together again! Sneak me on the Feb Tahiti thing, okay? <G>



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I agree that the buffet area was a maze--it did not appeal to us so we did not patronize it. We had two very nice lunches in the Pub--limited menu but a good range of choices (very British)--works well to arrive a bit early & place your order...Dining room food was very good & we had a great window view table. Other great spaces on board have been mentioned--the library & bookstore, the quiet area within Canyon Ranch. For the cost of less than 1 treatment we both took the fulll pass & enjoyed the spa area each day--very relaxing. The T pool water temp was not set correctly so it was more like a private pool for us ... Only place on the list we were given by our wonderful Maria that we did not get to was the Obs Deck beyond the Atlantic Room--always closed due to high winds! We saw a very good show--great dancing, voices of singers not the best but it was very lively featuring internatonal dance--some great surprises in that show! The planetaruium show was Ok-

( only saw the first one) Living near the Hayden Planetarium & a great local one in centerport LI, we are spoiled & expected more--but for being on a ship it was a great offering & the venue serves for other events as well.. We had a very nice weekend.

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Hi All,


Sorry to take so long to post but I have had more Doctors appointments than a porcupine has quills. (my chest now looks like a Salvador Dali painting.)


Daily Diary - Day 2


Breakfast in my cabin bright and early and promptly at 7am. Ate and had my coffee and got ready for the day while listening to Ray the cruise director. Was hoping for a mention of the cc Meet and Greet, but alas, no mention was made.


Went to the Purser's office to speak to Inka about 9am. Inka appeared and asked me again what we were requesting for our meeting. My frustration was growing by the minute, but kept my temper in check. When Inka brought out the price list for the canapes and told me I would have to pay more than $6.00 per person, I told her to forget the canapes and that I was very disappointed in her and Cunards lack of cooperation. As far as the rest of my list of requests, they were totally ignored. The photographer would be checked into and Inka would call me to let me know if that could be arranged. Since that night was to be the formal night, she did not know if a photographer would be available.


Went back to the cabin and called Karie to vent. Karie is even better than I am at venting and I felt much better. We decided to meet at the Commodore Club early, in case some people did not get the message that our meeting time was changed from 2pm to 4pm.


Called Debbie (Finch) to confirm our lunch arrangements and then went exploring the ship. Had a lovely time just walking around liesurly and visiting my old haunts from the January cruise. IMHO the ship is beautiful and as Funtabi mentioned, there are many quiet places to just sit and watch the water.


Met Debbie for lunch at Britania and had a great time getting to know this lovely lady. We would see each other again at the M&G at 4pm.


When I left Debbie, I went to deck 3 to see what they were selling on the corridor tables. As I was walking, I saw a man from the back that looked familiar. Not wanting to embarass myself, I approached him from the side. Low and behold it was my friend Walter from Cherry Grove on Fire Island. He was as surprised to see me as I was to see him. He asked what had happened to me. (He was referring to my nearly bald head). We caught up on all the latest news and then his partner Norman joined us. These two gentlemen are a class act. They are professional ballroom dancers and have appeared in some of the shows our Cherry Grove community theater produces every summer.


Back to my cabin to get all my "stuff" for the Meet and Greet (had to use my Large tote bag), put on my tiara and away I went to the Commodore Club.


Karie and Marc were already there, so we sat and coordinated everything, took some pictures and put up our signs.


Some people did show up early, so we moved from the table we were using to the bar, ordered our drinks (my very dry vodka martini with olives, Karie's cocktail of the day, and Marc's Bass ale), and the fun began. And it was great fun. Hcat and Jo and Pam helped with punching holes in the name tags and cutting ribbon, so everyone would be able to wear their tags. I must mention Btnldebs' group of eight. Sy (who walks with a walker) is one flirty gentleman and great fun, as were the rest of that group.


At about 4:30, I went to the microphone that Tracey (the Commodore Club manager) provided and offered a toast to the group and all our personal celebrations. Then Karie took over and presented me with two more tiaras (one pink with marabu feathers and the other lavender with a puple heart in the front), I was also given a miniture Lava Lamp, which definitly looked a little, shall we say suggestive, and finally a great t shirt with the saying, "well la de friggin da" emblazoned across the front.


We took a lot of pictures, some of which have already been posted. Thank you for that Sid. And a good time was had by all!


No ships' photograher showed up.


The people with early seating dinner had to leave to get ready and many of us stayed to enjoy the rest of our drinks and socialize. One man truly stands out in my mind. Blair (seacruise53), if you are reading these threads, please get in touch with Karie or me, we enjoyed getting to know you and Mary, and would love to know how you are doing.


Another memorable meeting for me was the cruisers from Montreal, Daniel and Marie-Jose. Daniel surprised Marie-Jose with this cruise and they were so very sweet.


At about 6pm, Karie, Marc and I finally headed back to our cabins to rest a little and get ready for the Black and White formal night.


I changed three times before I was ready! Finally decided on a white knit pants suit with metalic thread running through it and a black beaded all around bib the fits over the head. Put on my evening tiara and off I went.


Dinner was superb and we lingered over our coffee and dessert and then back to the Commodore Club for a nightcap.


More Later.


Smiles, :)


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Hey Maria...glad to see you back and functioning. So, the Drs had to paint you up??They couldn't just work off that neat "la di frikkin da" tee shirt? :D


I have to tell you, I'd have paid good money to see you sashaying down the corridors of the mighty Queen with your evening tiara firmly in place!! You, my dear, had to be an amazing vision!! How could anyone have missed the courage and strength you no doubt projected!! Yup, I'd have gladly parted with good money indeed to see that. ;)


Still can't get over Cunard's lack of acknowledgement to your group. And I don't see the big deal with the photographer...he'd have made money when you all bought photos, so why not show up!! He was that busy? Well obviously it didn't dampen your spirits or the good time you all had.


Hope all is improving for your Dad. Keep your chin up....thanks for the review...keep it coming as you can. Cheers, Penny

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Hi All,

, Karie's cocktail of the day,


One man truly stands out in my mind. Blair (seacruise53), if you are reading these threads, please get in touch with Karie or me, we enjoyed getting to know you and Mary, and would love to know how you are doing.


Smiles, :)



Said cocktail which became one of those fancy layered drinks, red on one layer and a translucent pink on the other layer- that would be where the ice melted in my strawberry daiquiri because I was having too much fun meeting all the grreat people to pay attention to my drink <LOL>

In fact, I did not get near enough alcohol on this cruise. I may just have to take another to make up for it!


Oh, Maria, Blair may not be able to post. remember, every time we ran into him he said Mary was at the casino, spending all of his money! He may have had to hock his computer to get her off the ship! truly, I was starting to think he made up this wife of his! She never appeared with him! Then the LAST DAY OF TRIVIA she shows up and joins us! So why didn't we know earlier that both of them were brilliant at Trivia. Who knew the dog's name was TinTin? Or was the comic TinTin? Whatever! Why weren't they there earlier so we could have won? Oh well, I guess we'll just have to book another one together, so they can make it up to us!


Ever notice how many reasons I could come up with for booking another cruise? now if I could just come up with a commensurate amount of money!



P.S. Penny- I found out last night, Marc and Maria have been having a hot b/c friendship, emailing each other daily! What should I do? I can't compete with the likes of her royal highness! <G>

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Quote Karie "P.S. Penny- I found out last night, Marc and Maria have been having a hot b/c friendship, emailing each other daily! What should I do? I can't compete with the likes of her royal highness! <G>


Hmmmm....my initial reaction is to continue to be your usual endearing self...how can Marc resist??;) My second reaction is that knowing her royal highness I'd have to assume she is only being her diplomatic self and letting us little people know that she considers us worthy of her august attention no matter what. Failing all that I'd just slap Marc upside the head and bring him back to his senses!!!:eek:


Cheers, Penny...who's not usually a violent sort, altho I have been known to make an exception or two when necessary;)

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Quote Karie "P.S. Penny- I found out last night, Marc and Maria have been having a hot b/c friendship, emailing each other daily! What should I do? I can't compete with the likes of her royal highness! <G>


Hmmmm....my initial reaction is to continue to be your usual endearing self...how can Marc resist??;) My second reaction is that knowing her royal highness I'd have to assume she is only being her diplomatic self and letting us little people know that she considers us worthy of her august attention no matter what. Failing all that I'd just slap Marc upside the head and bring him back to his senses!!!:eek:


Cheers, Penny...who's not usually a violent sort, altho I have been known to make an exception or two when necessary;)


Penny, I understand she is deeming us worthy of her August attention, but it's already September! What should I do! I hear they've been exchanging PICTURES! <gasp>! Something about some alleged "meeting" in the Commodore Club! I understand there were other people there. Lot's of them! Ohhh, How could I not know!



Who is being silly!

And who thinks Maria had better come up with a way to share the pictures other folks have sent her, not just the ones Marc is sending her! I've already SEEN those!


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Ah, Karie...that's 'august' with a small 'a'...not the one with the capital "A"??:p So the fact it's September has nothing to do with it....I think...then again, all those pictures? Hmm, you may be on to something in which case I'd definitely move to my last suggestion post haste!!! And in defense of her royalness, who is conspiculously noticible by her absense, perhaps she is one of us 'photo posting challenged" types...we get 'em and haven't a clue what to do to share them with others. Nothing devious here, just plain old stupidity. I can say that being one of those challenged types myself.


And I have it on good authority that the Commodore Club assignation...such a sneaky sounding word...was conducted in full view of an assortment of CC people who certainly would have noticed anything untoward. Then again...maybe they all were indulging in martinis of the day and missed it all. ;)


Whatever...proceed to suggestion # 3...certainly he's guilty of something in life, even if it's not this. Common folk and royalty...doomed from the start...:rolleyes:

Cheers, Penny...once again led astray in silliness by a certain someone who shall remain nameless...for now:D

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Thanks oh so much for the postcard! Yes, it arrived today and it was handed to me as soon as I walked through the door tonight after a long day at work. The card was a nice gift from your Labour Day cruise to Halifax. The thought was appreciated.


Enjoying your play-by-play account of the cruise so far. Looking forward to days 3 and 4. We have a lot to live up to on the Dec 2 trip. You spoiled the ship for all others.



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So Karie found us out.:eek:


Such is life. :p


You two have been together for 17 years, don't be so selfish!


Actually, it is all very innocent. Marc lost an email address and asked me if I had it. He did not want Karie to know he lost it. So I provided him with the information. That is it. Oh, and he sent me some photos from the cruise. ;)


It is all very innocent and we Royals do not steal from our best friends. (Borrow maybe, but never steal.)


I know this is all very silly to those looking for information regarding cruises, but I think Karie and I are suffering from cruise withdrawal. And she is hallucinating. :rolleyes:


As for Ms. Penny, I believe she is having cruise anticipation anxiety. Start packing and reread your things to do on the QM2 book. You will feel better in the morning.


David, You are welcome. As I told you all on the Dec. 2nd Roll Call, I even mailed a postcard to myself and received it this past tuesday.


Oh yes, I must admit I am challenged when it comes to trying to post photos on these threads. But most royals have someone to do it for them.


Grins, :D


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Sorry for the delay in reviewing my trip. This was my 6th cruise, my 3rd on Cunard. Although a short trip, every minute of every day was thoroughly enjoyed. I would certainly travel again with Cunard.


Embarkation/Disembarkation: I came in a van from Philadelphia. We got to the pier at 11 a.m., and I was on by 11:45. Not much of a line. I am not Grill Class, and was technically supposed to board at 3 p.m. If you're early, it doesn't matter.When disembarking, I took my suitcase with me, so that I could leave as early as I wanted. They will say that you are to leave (or could leave) at 7:30 a.m. if you carry your own suitcase, but that is kind of early for me. I had breakfast in the Britannia dining room, and waited a bit in the Queen's room. Someone came by to tell me that I could leave, which I did at 8:30. When I got to the vestibule of the pier building, I went to phone for my van. There are NO PAY PHONES there, only phones for local (non 800) calls. I had to borrow a kind stranger's cell phone.


Decor: This is a lovely ship, for the most part. Lots of Art Deco touches, browns, blues and wood-type finishes that are mostly formica becuase of SOLAS rules. The library, Britannia dining room, planetarium, theater and Queen's room were all beautiful; I especially liked the library which had glass doored bookcases, which are open during official hours. The Queen's Room was neoclassical and dignified, with actual autographed letters from Queen Mary on the wall, in frames (the folks from Cunard seem to be rather trusting). There are statues of two classical gods next to round objects outside of the planetarium. I thought to myself "Hmm, Mercury and Zeus". When I got home I realized that they represented the planets Mercury and Jupiter! There are lots and lots of ship paintings by Stephen Card, same as on the QE2. He must really crank them out. I wish that there were some by Ken Marschall. There is on Two Deck a group of six (four in bronze bas relief, two in painted glass) panels representing the continents. The North American and European ones are really tacky. I don't know why Asia and Australia are in painted glass, but I bet they (Cunard) ran out of money. There are aluminum bas reliefs on the four seasons on Deck Three, done very nicely in a Deco Style. On the wall of the Italian section of Kings Court cafeteria there are some really nice mosaics.


Food/Service: The food was very good. I ate mostly in the Britannia dining room, but are two breakfasts and two lunches in Kings Court. In Brittania, the fish was excellent, and I especially enjoyed ravioli in a lemon alfredo sauce. The desserts were great, but watch out for the champaign cassis- a kind of ice cream with a layer of cake underneath. It tasted like bue cheese ice cream :P . Service was very good (cheers for Mariano) and in my room. Note: the "maple syrup" was not real (at least in Britannia). I am sorry, but I missed having "Tea" this time around, so I can't comment on it. And please, Cunard, NO FOIE GRAS!!


Activities/Entertainment: A fair amount of time was spent trooping around the ship inspecting things. I saw most of the history of Cunard/ life on liners displays located in various parts of the ship. I missed the history of Cunard tour given by a live person, such as they have on the QE2. I saw a planetarium show (they book fast, so get your free tickets early), attended a non-denominal church service given by the Captain on Sunday, listened to two classical music concerts (excellent), went on the Cunard- White Star connection tour in Halifax (i.e. Titanic) to the Maritime Museum and Fairview cemetery where victims of the Titanic are buried, and attended a show every night. The dancers were great, the singers were o.k. Many of the dancers were from Russia and Rumania (and did a Russian folk dance) or from South America (one male dancer did a great Gaucho dance, twirling silver bolos). On the first night, the singers and dancers did a sample presentation. There was an odd combination of singers doing a Broadway type song with dancers in South American Indian costumes. Someone from my dinner table said that Cunard had to use the costumes somehow- they got them on sale!.. One night there was a comedian ("Hello, this is the Captain. I've been left behind in Halifax"), and one night there was a juggler. I also used the Canyon Ranch Spa, and had a wonderful Swedish massage. In the Commedore Club on Tuesday night, a pianist played Porter, Gershwin, Joplin and other composers. Great vibes.


Social: I was travelling alone, and seated at a dinner table for six. Everyone chatted amiably. I especially appreciate the Cruise Critic get together arranged by Maria on Sunday afternoon in the Commodore Club. She wore a tiara for fun, and gave out name tags (so we could put faces on the mystery posters on this Board), and luggage tags with "Cruise Critic" on them. There were close to 50 people there. Several group pictures were taken (thank you for the picture, Marc!) and I got to meet, besides Maria, Karie and Marc, John and Joanne, Sid, David, Barry, and many others. We also met on Saturday night as well. Loved it! Thank you again, Maria, for helping us have a great time!


Weather: On Saturday night, it was rainy with a high wind, so the water was a bit choppy. There was some movement, but not so much as compared to other ships. It was rainy for the next two days, so that you couldn't sit outside. It was nice, though, on Tuesday, so I enjoyed lying on a deck chair, watching the water go by.


Conclusion: Great trip. I can't wait to go on the QM2 again. The ship is too big to fully appreciate on a four day trip... And thanks, again, Maria!


Debbie a.k.a Finch

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Sorry for the delay in reviewing my trip. This was my 6th cruise, my 3rd on Cunard. Although a short trip, every minute of every day was thoroughly enjoyed. I would certainly travel again with Cunard.


Embarkation/Disembarkation: I came in a van from Philadelphia. We got to the pier at 11 a.m., and I was on by 11:45. Not much of a line. I am not Grill Class, and was technically supposed to board at 3 p.m. If you're early, it doesn't matter.When disembarking, I took my suitcase with me, so that I could leave as early as I wanted. They will say that you are to leave (or could leave) at 7:30 a.m. if you carry your own suitcase, but that is kind of early for me. I had breakfast in the Britannia dining room, and waited a bit in the Queen's room. Someone came by to tell me that I could leave, which I did at 8:30. When I got to the vestibule of the pier building, I went to phone for my van. There are NO PAY PHONES there, only phones for local (non 800) calls. I had to borrow a kind stranger's cell phone.


Decor: This is a lovely ship, for the most part. Lots of Art Deco touches, browns, blues and wood-type finishes that are mostly formica becuase of SOLAS rules. The library, Britannia dining room, planetarium, theater and Queen's room were all beautiful; I especially liked the library which had glass doored bookcases, which are open during official hours. The Queen's Room was neoclassical and dignified, with actual autographed letters from Queen Mary on the wall, in frames (the folks from Cunard seem to be rather trusting). There are statues of two classical gods next to round objects outside of the planetarium. I thought to myself "Hmm, Mercury and Zeus". When I got home I realized that they represented the planets Mercury and Jupiter! There are lots and lots of ship paintings by Stephen Card, same as on the QE2. He must really crank them out. I wish that there were some by Ken Marschall. There is on Two Deck a group of six (four in bronze bas relief, two in painted glass) panels representing the continents. The North American and European ones are really tacky. I don't know why Asia and Australia are in painted glass, but I bet they (Cunard) ran out of money. There are aluminum bas reliefs on the four seasons on Deck Three, done very nicely in a Deco Style. On the wall of the Italian section of Kings Court cafeteria there are some really nice mosaics.


Food/Service: The food was very good. I ate mostly in the Britannia dining room, but are two breakfasts and two lunches in Kings Court. In Brittania, the fish was excellent, and I especially enjoyed ravioli in a lemon alfredo sauce. The desserts were great, but watch out for the champaign cassis- a kind of ice cream with a layer of cake underneath. It tasted like bue cheese ice cream :P . Service was very good (cheers for Mariano) and in my room. Note: the "maple syrup" was not real (at least in Britannia). I am sorry, but I missed having "Tea" this time around, so I can't comment on it. And please, Cunard, NO FOIE GRAS!!


Activities/Entertainment: A fair amount of time was spent trooping around the ship inspecting things. I saw most of the history of Cunard/ life on liners displays located in various parts of the ship. I missed the history of Cunard tour given by a live person, such as they have on the QE2. I saw a planetarium show (they book fast, so get your free tickets early), attended a non-denominal church service given by the Captain on Sunday, listened to two classical music concerts (excellent), went on the Cunard- White Star connection tour in Halifax (i.e. Titanic) to the Maritime Museum and Fairview cemetery where victims of the Titanic are buried, and attended a show every night. The dancers were great, the singers were o.k. Many of the dancers were from Russia and Rumania (and did a Russian folk dance) or from South America (one male dancer did a great Gaucho dance, twirling silver bolos). On the first night, the singers and dancers did a sample presentation. There was an odd combination of singers doing a Broadway type song with dancers in South American Indian costumes. Someone from my dinner table said that Cunard had to use the costumes somehow- they got them on sale!.. One night there was a comedian ("Hello, this is the Captain. I've been left behind in Halifax"), and one night there was a juggler. I also used the Canyon Ranch Spa, and had a wonderful Swedish massage. In the Commedore Club on Tuesday night, a pianist played Porter, Gershwin, Joplin and other composers. Great vibes.


Social: I was travelling alone, and seated at a dinner table for six. Everyone chatted amiably. I especially appreciate the Cruise Critic get together arranged by Maria on Sunday afternoon in the Commodore Club. She wore a tiara for fun, and gave out name tags (so we could put faces on the mystery posters on this Board), and luggage tags with "Cruise Critic" on them. There were close to 50 people there. Several group pictures were taken (thank you for the picture, Marc!) and I got to meet, besides Maria, Karie and Marc, John and Joanne, Sid, David, Barry, and many others. We also met on Saturday night as well. Loved it! Thank you again, Maria, for helping us have a great time!


Weather: On Saturday night, it was rainy with a high wind, so the water was a bit choppy. There was some movement, but not so much as compared to other ships. It was rainy for the next two days, so that you couldn't sit outside. It was nice, though, on Tuesday, so I enjoyed lying on a deck chair, watching the water go by.


Conclusion: Great trip. I can't wait to go on the QM2 again. The ship is too big to fully appreciate on a four day trip... And thanks, again, Maria!


Debbie a.k.a Finch

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Great review, Debbie! Succinct and to the point, yet filled with explanatory detail.

I expecially liked the two guys with the orbs outside Illusions (Heck, I probably would have guessed Hermes or Winged Victory of Samothrace <sp?> But I truly don't remember if that was what was there! <LOL>


I am guessing you are at least schooled in the arts, if not employed in the arts in some capacity. You seem to know your styles, and even the types of dances quite well. For the life of me I can't tell a Samba from a Mambo from a Rhumba, and yet they have distinct rhythms and moves. (and meanings!)


Thanks again, and it was fun meeting you, too!



Who has forgiven Marc and Maria- She's right. I have to learn to share my toys <LOL>!

Penny, don't you go getting any ideas, now! I may be willing to share Maria with Marc, but there is only so much of her to go around. And I understand, after the exquisite fitness program on board (Raise arm to summon bartender, bend elbow and lift heavy glass object, hold for a count of two long satisfying sips, return to neutral; walk to opposite end of ship, sit at special "Weight lifting seats", pick up metal object laden with extra "resistance materials" to mouth, remove "resistance material" using mouth only, chew, return arm with metal object to neutral. When done use both hand to push body away from table) there is even less of her to go around! Truly, she was wasting away while I was "wasting away in Margaritaville!"


Speaking of which, where is Pam's review?

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Hi Everybody:


Sorry for taking so long to post but I've been very busy after returning from NYC (we stayed for a few days after the cruise) and am only now getting back up to normal life.


As someone stated above, the service at the afternoon tea in the Queen's Room on Sunday afternoon was very, very slow. We were not served anything until 15-20 minutes after we had sat down. To me (and all the others in my group), the cruise was perfect but this tea service definitely requires major improvement.


I was able to meet Maria, Karie, Marc, and johnsy81 (sp?) on the very last night as we were departing the dining room. I had intended to go to the Meet and Mingle but our service for tea was so slow that we did not get to leave until 4:40 PM. If it hadn't been for this slow service, we would have made it to the M&M. So sorry that I missed all of you as it would have been great to meet those of you whom we have been talking to for some time.


I have attached a picture taken on formal night so that you guys can see who I am. I am sure that at one time or another during our short cruise, you may have spotted me somewhere on the ship. I am the one on the left side of the picture with the tux.


Regards, Juan

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