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Aways Seems Hal Crusiers Against Kids.


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I'm hesitant to contribute at this point, but I have seen very few act badly on HAL - and they're usually the ones who are over-tired or whose parents have done a vanishing act. We might see 1 or 2 of these per cruise and it depends on the locaton and duration where we or not we are aggravated. I think HAL would be suitable for some children based on their temperament, parental involvement and behavior, but I also think that there are many who might not enjoy it as much as they would on a line that has more active and child-friendly activities. What I do not understand is the trend toward making ALL places child-friendly. As a child, I certainly knew there were places I wasn't allowed and that adults sometimes wanted or needed time with only other adults. As an adult, I prefer adult companions. I don't hate children, but I don't want to be around a lot of them when I'm trying to relax either. Even the nicest, most well-have children are still children. They do tend to get over-excited or over-stimulated at times and the loud laughter and talking - or whining or crying or screaming -that results from that is disturbing. At that time, we are supposed to think of it is cute and further expected to be understanding or sympathetic, which can be difficult when we have our peace and quiet interrupted. There were some unsupervised children on O running and crawling up the stairs, which was not only inconsiderate but has the potential for causing a problem or accident with people, especially older cruisers with mobility or balance issues. These things make me hope that the children don't become so numerous that their impact on some guests discourages their continued patronage of HAL. l like a quiet, sedate, and some would say boring experience onboard. Too many children would definitely scare me off cruising.

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Where did that come from?


Most of us here love children...

...what we dislike are adults who have children and then refuse to be parents.


Brian might have the post of the year. Simple and directly to the point.


My only addition is that I dislike adults who do not wish to behave, and I have had many more problems with adults on a cruise than with kids.

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I knew I like you for some reason .....


(From your home-grown Jersey boy)



:cool: :D


Yep, Wildwood. I just loved that boardwalk when I was a kid. I hung around Laura's Fudge waiting for them to came out with the free samples. :D


When I got older, l didn't see much of the boardwalk, I was into the "nightlife" and closed Moore's Inlet many a night.


( I grew up in Philly)

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Although I'm relatively new to CC, I haven't noticed any "anti-children" comments


HAL is unquestionably trying to capture a larger segment of the family cruisers


you only have to look at the improvements to Club HAL


at the same time, IMO the "main" problem" is not "children" or "teenagers" per se .. it's the parents!


what a great way to spend your vacation: bring children: drop children off: let children run wild: go your own way: pick up children at end of day and ask "did you have fun"? :rolleyes:


there's nothing worse IMHO than having teens running through the hallways at midnight yelling and knocking on doors OTHER THAN having drunken adults running through hallways at midnight yelling and knocking on doors:mad:


bottom line: caring parents on shore = caring parents on board


parents who let their children run wild on land = parents who let their children run wild on board:eek:


if you want to "decrease" the "odds" of having lots of teens or children on board your cruise, IMHO the way of trying to "avoid the problem" is to book a cruise of more than 7 days, in a non-holiday/vacation setting on a higher per diem rate itinerary


don't believe you need a PhD to figure out the odds of having "hosts of kids" on the World Cruise, an extended cruise to South America or a cruise out of Australia or New Zealand aren't very high:D


HAL is not "anti children" in any respect


don't believe most on the board are anti-family cruising


however, hopefully everyone on CC is against rude, impolite and quite frankly ignorant fellow pax and their families who really don't give a "hoot" if they bother or annoy others at any time, anywhere

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I pretty much agree with you and still with others: there certainly are enough adults out there that would rather cruise with few or no kids: HAL seems to think this doesn't exist. I realize they know more about marketing than any of us, but I do wish we could keep one line, mass marketed, in a reasonable price list that does appeal to mostly adults. But this, like the dining choice test which will start in January is a direct result of what the public seems to want. Just because there are some on here that don't want the changes doesn't mean HAL will listen. NMnita


I do not believe that HAL will be successful if they try to market themselves as a family cruise line for following reasons:

1. Many loyal HAL customers would prefer not to have many children on board. Some would probably move to Celebrity or one of the luxury cruise lines.

2. HAL could never compete with RCL for families. We sailed on Freedom of the Seas in August. For a family cruise, I would rate Freedom a 10 and Zuiderdam a 2.

3. Assume that HAL and RCL were both family-oriented with lots of kids on board. I am planning a cruise. I would prefer a line with less children but they are all the same. Given a choice between HAL Vista class and RCL Voyager / Freedom, I would pick RCL in a heartbeat. (Actually, I would probably pick Celebrity since they appear to be marketing mainly to an older clientele).


No one here is saying they do not like children. However, adults should have a choice of choosing an adults only vacation. I believe what some people here are saying is the HAL SHOULD NOT be one of those choices.

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Yep, Wildwood. I just loved that boardwalk when I was a kid. I hung around Laura's Fudge waiting for them to came out with the free samples. :D


When I got older, l didn't see much of the boardwalk, I was into the "nightlife" and closed Moore's Inlet many a night.


( I grew up in Philly)


You probably remember that Wildwood beach was always wide. This is due to sand from the northern beaches (like Ocean City) being deposited in Wildwood. The beach has gotten so wide now that they have a tram which runs from the boardwalk down to the water.

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If a child is whining crying or screaming, that's not a well behaved child!!


A child between the ages of 0 to 3 might whine or cry, however they could/should be promptly removed, easy fix. I do not think that most of the posters are saying that they themselves want to be around this kind of atmosphere..


I will say however that a raised voice (sometimes) is kinda hard to control, people play with them, and they are kids, and will tend to raise their voice when excited, you can't hold that against them, and as some others have pointed out, adults too will raise their voices and be loud, yet it does not seem to disturb others when it is an adult!!:eek:


Hopefully those with Children that cruise HAL will be sensitive to others. I am surprised to read that others have witnessed children behaving badly and yet have said nothing:eek: . What ever happened to the good ole days when ALL adults would correct children??


I think about the kids playing with the ice cream!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!! I am glad that at least something was said to somebody... It is my belief however that we are all so worried about being politically correct that we have allowed kids to rule parents!!


I understand why Dan was upset and I am glad that he wrote what he did because all he has written is what I have witnessed.. For example, now (to avoid any issues) If I go through a buffet I have learned to have my child walk behind me, if I don't people will do exactly what Dan said and literally cut in front of him. My child has actually been knocked down and not apologized to. However I must be luckier than Dan because I've actually had people (that I did not even know) say things on my behalf before I myself could get them out. I'll admit, even though he is 9 I have never had him go alone to replenish his food...I being his mother will go up and get what he needs...No he's not spoiled:)


To me here there are two issues.. The first (as other's have quoted) is Brian's brillant straight to the point issue and 2nd one must know their child. Some children like to relax themselves... My son is popular, we have 3 calls a day from others inviting him over to play...He might want to go over somebody's home once every two weeks.. I have mother's calling me pencilling me in for "playdates"... It just depends on the child personality. A parent should, for the sake of others understand thier childs personality and choose a cruiseline/vacation that would match it..


I remember a Disney vacation... Stayed Concierge Level Grand Floridian... We ALL HAD A TERRIBLE TIME!! To wild, not our cup of tea... Then we went to the Portifino Hotel...(located on the Universal Studio's area) Nice suite, low key!! We all had an excellent time... Different Atmospheres...


HAL will adapt to the market, people will need to see that.. Maybe there is a market out there for adults only.. there are hotels that offer this and they seem to be doing great...

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I will say however that a raised voice (sometimes) is kinda hard to control, people play with them, and they are kids, and will tend to raise their voice when excited, you can't hold that against them, and as some others have pointed out, adults too will raise their voices and be loud, yet it does not seem to disturb others when it is an adult!!:eek:


Hopefully those with Children that cruise HAL will be sensitive to others. I am surprised to read that others have witnessed children behaving badly and yet have said nothing:eek: . What ever happened to the good ole days when ALL adults would correct children??


HAL will adapt to the market, people will need to see that.. Maybe there is a market out there for adults only.. there are hotels that offer this and they seem to be doing great...


Adult raised voices disturb me, too. It is rarely considered appropriate for someone to chastise an adult, though. When an adult is inconsiderate, sometimes we're stuck with it - maybe they had lazy parents, too - or don't realize. (I have an occasional 'volume control' issue myself, but DH lets me know). The reason I don't correct other people's children is that so many parents "shoot the messenger". I don't like to get into confrontations with defensive parents. I can count on one hand the number of times I've corrected a child who was not a friend's or relative's - and I'm 41, so I've been around a fair number of children, even volunteered with them. Guess I'm a chicken, but I've gotten the impression some of these parents would probably take a swing at me, LOL.


I guess my issue is that there are a lot more children in places where I would never have been allowed to go because it was not acceptable for them to be every where adults went - and they are often there in the late evening, well past my childhood bedtimes, hence the tired, cranky child the next day. The world really isn't, nor should it be, entirely child-appropriate. I would like an adult-only alternative, but HAL has been fine so far. When parents don't recognize that their children's behavior is disruptive, then we adults do suffer - and in formerly all-adult settings, I know it doesn't have to be that way. One of the (many) things I like about HAL is that there are not that many children and the majority of them are very well-behaved, in our experience. Had a few on the stairs and in the elevator, a few in the corridors, but nothing worth getting too worked up over. Might get a dirty look out of me, though, LOL! Then again, I don't go to Lido because of the noise levels - and crowds, etc... The pool area can also get loud, so I avoid it. And, it's no loss to me because I'm not a pool person. Very easy things for me to "give up" ;) As long as I have decent alternatives, I just don't go where I might be uncomfortable. If that continues to be the case and the norm for children is still to be quiet and well-behaved, then I guess there is no limit to the numbers who can be there. I think a lot of normally physically active children will be bored, though, especially on sea days. I'd have loved it as a kid myself. For a bookworm, it's perfect.:)

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I See Their Are People That Will Admit The Truth About Not Wanting Kids Very Many Kids Around. Which Is What I Had Percived From Commits Before. Some Just Cant See Their True Feelings . I Have No Problem With Either Side Just Wanted Some Open Dialog On The Issue. Hows Come Some Of You Cant See How You Make Some Of Us Feel.

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I do my research and choose vacations where there will typically be few children. My HAL cruise next month will be the first time I've cruised since I was a teenager, in part for this reason. Typically, I go to Vegas or an adults-only beach resort. It would be foolish of me to whine & b*tch about kids and then book a vacation to Disneyworld, yes? I don't have kids, I don't want kids, I don't want to vacation with a lot of kids unless I'm related to them [well, even then it's questionable :p ]. I'm being honest. But I would never bedgrudge anyone from taking kids on a vacation--that's mean. I typically keep my opinions to myself since this is one of the hottest buttons to be found.

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I See Their Are People That Will Admit The Truth About Not Wanting Kids Very Many Kids Around. Which Is What I Had Percived From Commits Before. Some Just Cant See Their True Feelings . I Have No Problem With Either Side Just Wanted Some Open Dialog On The Issue. Hows Come Some Of You Cant See How You Make Some Of Us Feel.


From the posts I have seen here, no one has stated that they dislike children in general. Rowdy, loud, dissruptive children with no parental supervision YES. But everyone dislikes them no matter where they are , not just on a HAL ship.


Many posters also said they don't blame the child as much as they do the parents, who either let them run wild unattended, or else just sit there and let them carry on to the disruption of other people.


As long as your children are well behaved and you act accordingly should they not, no one is going to have a problem with your children.


I don't mind kids , teens , adults or whoever of any type. As long as they aren't doing something to directly annoy, disrupt or endanger me. Whether I am on a ship, in a restaurant/store/movie theater/ wherever.


Of course you will find the occasional "stinker' who just hates kids bevcause they are kids. You will find them everywhere too.


As long as your children are behaving themselves, then that is just their problem and nothing you can do about it.

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I See Their Are People That Will Admit The Truth About Not Wanting Kids Very Many Kids Around. Which Is What I Had Percived From Commits Before. Some Just Cant See Their True Feelings . I Have No Problem With Either Side Just Wanted Some Open Dialog On The Issue. Hows Come Some Of You Cant See How You Make Some Of Us Feel.


I don't think anyone is trying to make you or anyone else feel bad. Lots of people just don't want to vacation with a large number of children around.


Perhaps when you get older you might see things differently.

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I don't recall ever reading here that anyone dislikes children. We chose HAL because we didn't want to be on a ship that targets families. Yes, I know that HAL is trying to get more families to cruise with them, but from reading the boards, we felt HAL would be a good match for us this time (since we aren't cruising with our kids).


It's all about personal choice. We have kids...and we've taken our kids on many vacations...and most of them were geared toward kids.


If you want to cruise HAL with your children, go for it. Your children may have wished you picked Disney, but that's your choice. You should ask your kids which they would prefer...I know what mine would have answered. :)

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I don't recall ever reading here that anyone dislikes children. We chose HAL because we didn't want to be on a ship that targets families. Yes, I know that HAL is trying to get more families to cruise with them, but from reading the boards, we felt HAL would be a good match for us this time (since we aren't cruising with our kids).


It's all about personal choice. We have kids...and we've taken our kids on many vacations...and most of them were geared toward kids.


If you want to cruise HAL with your children, go for it. Your children may have wished you picked Disney, but that's your choice. You should ask your kids which they would prefer...I know what mine would have answered. :)



Couldn't agree with you more :)


Normally we cruise without the kids (17,14,13). Next year we have been entertaining the idea of taking them with us.


My wife and I are of course planning to have fun too, but this time we will have to consider the kids good time also.


Everything my wife and I have ever done or experienced on our cruises (as much as we have loved every minute of it) would either bore the hell out of, or just plain be age inappropriate to our teens.


So of course we will be keeping them in mind for this cruise.


I have no delusions about these kids. I know they could care less for tours through 15th century shrines and ruins. They could care less about "fine dining" in (the boys cases anyway) formal attire GOD FORBID *LOL*


The 17 yr old (18 by the time we would go, would love nothing more than 24 hour hot dogs, fries and pizza, a pool or a beach to lay around, and a bunch of guys (and most definately girls!!!:))his own age to hang with.


The 14 yr old (a girl) would enjoy dressing up for at least one night, but basically the same as her brother. As long as there are some girls her age to hang around with and some cute boys to flirt with *LOL* and the food as listed above. Her vacation is made.


The 13 yr old boy is probably the one who would enjoy the rock climbing and the slide in the pools, and surfing simulator thing and what not.


However I know all of them will love the experience of going on a ship and being at sea . So that much of a cruise I know they will enjoy. None of them have ever been , but they are all very excited about the idea. Any shore excursions they would probably like to do will be "fun" ones. swimming with stingrays or snorkleing, or jet skis. Like i said no getting on and off a bus to look at ruins of churches and museums.


A hard earned , well deserved vacation is the last place to start a battle of wills about wearing a tie to dinner, and eat your escargot is good. *LOL* withy 3 teens. So of course I will look for a place where they can enjoy what they like.


In the end they are 3 really good kids. Can they be a pain in the neck? OF COURSE, just like every kid can be at some point. But they are overall well behaved. I wish they behavd as well at home as they do at school and other peoples houses. I swear I think these parents are talking about some other kids sometimes *LOL* But it still makes me very proud.


My point:


Knowing all this about these kids, why would I book a cruise that couldn't offer this. or offer it as well as another line.


Believe me, teens don't want to sit around a pool all day hearing about peoples arthritis and how big their prostate is any more than you want to hear them making noise or listen to their music :)


There is a choice for everyone out there





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Are you my husband?? lol It's funny how closely your family and your ideas resemble ours. :)


You are so right...it is all about choices, and there are sure a lot of different ones out there...and one that should fit the needs of just about anyone.


Our kids are BORED to death with the things we do...but they are getting older, and I do see them slowing down...lol


We love nothing more than to lounge on our balcony with a good book and nice glass of wine. The wine part might interest our kids, but forget the quiet afternoon spent reading. :)

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Are you my husband?? lol It's funny how closely your family and your ideas resemble ours. :)


You are so right...it is all about choices, and there are sure a lot of different ones out there...and one that should fit the needs of just about anyone.


Our kids are BORED to death with the things we do...but they are getting older, and I do see them slowing down...lol


We love nothing more than to lounge on our balcony with a good book and nice glass of wine. The wine part might interest our kids, but forget the quiet afternoon spent reading. :)



Your husband sounds like a great guy You and my wife are lucky women *LOL* :)


But its true whats good for one is not for another, and with all the choices available, why suffer?



HMmmmmmmmmmm maybe if you give the kids enough wine, they would pass out and you and DH can have some peace and quiet .


*LOL* Kidding .....just kidding :) *LOL*

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I See Their Are People That Will Admit The Truth About Not Wanting Kids Very Many Kids Around. Which Is What I Had Percived From Commits Before. Some Just Cant See Their True Feelings . I Have No Problem With Either Side Just Wanted Some Open Dialog On The Issue. Hows Come Some Of You Cant See How You Make Some Of Us Feel.

Your posts make it sound as if you think there's something wrong with not wanting to be around children. There isn't.

Some of us don't want to be around children on our cruises. That's our right. We book longer cruises when there are likely to be few---if any---children. By doing so we've taken responsibility to get the kind of cruise we prefer.

I don't see how anyone could have a problem with that. :confused:

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Adult raised voices disturb me, too. It is rarely considered appropriate for someone to chastise an adult, though. When an adult is inconsiderate, sometimes we're stuck with it - maybe they had lazy parents, too - or don't realize. (I have an occasional 'volume control' issue myself, but DH lets me know). The reason I don't correct other people's children is that so many parents "shoot the messenger". I don't like to get into confrontations with defensive parents. I can count on one hand the number of times I've corrected a child who was not a friend's or relative's - and I'm 41, so I've been around a fair number of children, even volunteered with them. Guess I'm a chicken, but I've gotten the impression some of these parents would probably take a swing at me, LOL.


I guess my issue is that there are a lot more children in places where I would never have been allowed to go because it was not acceptable for them to be every where adults went - and they are often there in the late evening, well past my childhood bedtimes, hence the tired, cranky child the next day. The world really isn't, nor should it be, entirely child-appropriate. I would like an adult-only alternative, but HAL has been fine so far. When parents don't recognize that their children's behavior is disruptive, then we adults do suffer - and in formerly all-adult settings, I know it doesn't have to be that way. One of the (many) things I like about HAL is that there are not that many children and the majority of them are very well-behaved, in our experience. Had a few on the stairs and in the elevator, a few in the corridors, but nothing worth getting too worked up over. Might get a dirty look out of me, though, LOL! Then again, I don't go to Lido because of the noise levels - and crowds, etc... The pool area can also get loud, so I avoid it. And, it's no loss to me because I'm not a pool person. Very easy things for me to "give up" ;) As long as I have decent alternatives, I just don't go where I might be uncomfortable. If that continues to be the case and the norm for children is still to be quiet and well-behaved, then I guess there is no limit to the numbers who can be there. I think a lot of normally physically active children will be bored, though, especially on sea days. I'd have loved it as a kid myself. For a bookworm, it's perfect.:)


I like a lot of what you've had to say... How sad is it that we do have to worry about parents being so out of control that they might take a swing at you.. I honestly wish I could say this would not happen..:( You are right I do not think HAL is a fit for a lot of people with kids!!! You talking about certain places on the ship make me think of cruisin itself.. ... We leave in less than two weeks!!!

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I have no problem cruising with children I find it fun to watch them as they stare in awe at everything around them. The thing that does bother me is when parents don't control them in the room. We were on Carnival in August (DH and I go to bed at around 2 or 3 in the morning) at 6am all we heard were children laughing and playing which normally would be fine but not at that time in the morning. I think the parents should have a little respect for their neighbors in the other cabins and quite down their little ones.

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I See Their Are People That Will Admit The Truth About Not Wanting Kids Very Many Kids Around. Which Is What I Had Percived From Commits Before. Some Just Cant See Their True Feelings . I Have No Problem With Either Side Just Wanted Some Open Dialog On The Issue. Hows Come Some Of You Cant See How You Make Some Of Us Feel.


I've been thinking this for 2 days and am going to say it. By capitalizing each word you write, I feel as if you are yelling. English may not be your first language, and, if not, perhaps you do not know that we only capitalize at the beginning of a sentence and proper nouns. OK, there are a few exceptions, but, in internet "conversation", caps indicate yelling.


That being said, I am a Disney Vacation Club member with no children. I love a well behaved, intellegent, well spoken child (or adult, for that matter :D ). I do not enjoy children who cannot "wait their turn" and must be the center of attention. Sometimes they achieve this by YELLING. It is irritating, and tends to obscure the message.


This, of course, my humble opinion.

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