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HAL's Tipping Policy


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Well that was a delightful read!:(


If anyone finds the policies of a country so distasteful, better not to go there. It may well be that there is no tipping in Australia (I have no idea but I wish Aussiegal would give us her thoughts), but from what I've seen there's not a country in the world where it goes unappreciated.


Tipping, by definition, rewards excellent service.


Besides, there's absolutely nothing to go off about here. Tipping is a highly personal choice and everyone should tip as they wish, when they wish, wherever they wish.


If anyone is offended by a gracious offer of a gratuity, they will return it.

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I've seen many a thread resurrected many a time. No one gets to say when a horse is dead and buried except our Hosts.

How prophetic that this was the last post before it was resurrected! :D

This thread was on p.11 when it was bumped; I had last read it when I left for vacation 10/5---and it was on p. 5. Whew. Whole lotta reading goin' on.

(And yes, Heather, I did read every post before I replied.) ;)

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How prophetic that this was the last post before it was resurrected! :D


This thread was on p.11 when it was bumped; I had last read it when I left for vacation 10/5---and it was on p. 5. Whew. Whole lotta reading goin' on.

(And yes, Heather, I did read every post before I replied.) ;)


I know, Ruth .... my bad!!!:(

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I'm telling you, reading your posts is not just a job, it's an adventure! One has no idea where one (or more) is/are going to wind up:rolleyes:


My point was that your point was that you made a statement that "HAL implemented the Tipping Policy currently in effect, once they were purchased by CCL" Thusly, that would be 1989. As Kryos so eloquently pointed out, the tipping policy currently in effect was implemented in 2004! That's a difference of fifteen anos my friend!


BTW, are you with me on this one? The more you think about things, the weirder they seem. Take milk for instance. Why do we drink cow milk? Who was the guy who first looked at a cow and said, "I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!"? Also, I'm desperately trying to figure out why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets



Oh John,


I love you. I am wading through this mess and have been at it for at least an hour, reaching the crossed eyes stage. I came to post #138 and just burst out laughing. Don't get me wrong, I love AAAA also but as you said reading his posts is not just a job but an adventure.


Okay, back to the message board so I can find out just how cheap and nasty I am since I always cruise in steerage. As an aside, I always give my cabin and dining room stewards a 9 on the comment card (and an extra tip) because I appreciate the fact that they are doing all the hard work I normally have to do when at home.



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I had to go organise breakfast for my DH, but while I was doing that I was thinking about leaving the ship in Auckland. There were no porters so to speak pierside, there were security guys (who I suspect were being paid by HAL), the were taking over luggage and wheeling it off to taxis etc. they were most certainly not looking for tips, the idea I believe was to clear the ppl from the ship just as quickly as was humanly possible and I assume that was what HAL had arranged.

One differece between Auckland and Sydney airports, we don't charge for wheelie trolleys, Sydney does, I can't remember but I think it was $3 into the machine to unlock it. So maybe you might pay more over there than here..................



Wow Chivalrygirl,


Why are you so angry? By the way, they do charge for wheelie trolleys here at the airport but in San Diego, at least, we pay only $1.25 so it looks as though the Aussies are the ones that are getting ripped off.



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The 2 Irish men have divided the Island into North and South and set up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture, because it gets sort of foggy after the first few liters of coconut whiskey. But they are satisfied because at least the English aren't having any fun.



AHHHH HAHAHAHAH ROTFLMAO!! This reminds me completely of EVERY male in my family!! Thanks for the awesome laugh. :D

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Oh John,


I love you. I am wading through this mess and have been at it for at least an hour, reaching the crossed eyes stage. I came to post #138 and just burst out laughing. Don't get me wrong, I love AAAA also but as you said reading his posts is not just a job but an adventure.


Well thanks Val and mahalo, Aloha , but I didn't say I loved him:rolleyes::eek:

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Wow Chivalrygirl,


Why are you so angry? By the way, they do charge for wheelie trolleys here at the airport but in San Diego, at least, we pay only $1.25 so it looks as though the Aussies are the ones that are getting ripped off.




I was not angry, well a bit with the auto tipping on HAL, coming from a non tipping country, being told who I had to tip really got to me and quite a few others I gather. But then Dakrewser got smart with me and I guess I just reacted. $US20 a day is a lot of money when one converts on the exchange rate and as one Aussie said to us that was over $AUD1000 a mighty lot of money when someone is deciding who you will tip. But thanks for the smiley face Valerie



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I was not angry, well a bit with the auto tipping on HAL, coming from a non tipping country, being told who I had to tip really got to me and quite a few others I gather. But then Dakrewser got smart with me and I guess I just reacted. $US20 a day is a lot of money when one converts on the exchange rate and as one Aussie said to us that was over $AUD1000 a mighty lot of money when someone is deciding who you will tip. But thanks for the smiley face Valerie




Hey Valerie II (Valerie San Diego is I;)), did anyone ever tell you that you can go to the Front Office on any HAL ship and request that the auto-tipping be removed from your account? Doing that might have saved you some heartache(s) and afterwards you could have tipped the onboard staff whatever you felt was reasonable!


BTW, how did your shopping go the day that Statendam docked in the L.A. area? I was working that particular day

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Hey Valerie II (Valerie San Diego is I;)), did anyone ever tell you that you can go to the Front Office on any HAL ship and request that the auto-tipping be removed from your account? Doing that might have saved you some heartache(s) and afterwards you could have tipped the onboard staff whatever you felt was reasonable!


BTW, how did your shopping go the day that Statendam docked in the L.A. area? I was working that particular day


John I just love your sense of humour, it just cracks me up! I have been meaning to send you an email, but I have been flat stick since I got home, my client could not survive without me, 10 years, I go away for the first time ever for more than 12 days, MEN EH! Getting on top of things now so will write to you, out of the public arena.


Val the First. lol

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Perhaps you misunderstood. As has been explained many, many times, 3.50 of your $10 per day goes to them The REST is divided among a group of others.


No I did not misunderstand.......the clerk spoke very good english...she confirmed what the room stewart said..repeated it a couple of times...my daughter also heard the same thing I did. The next time your on HAL why don't you ask the desk clerk the same question I did, and the room stewart or waiter.....is "perhaps you misunderstood" your way of saying "your wrong"?


You can't be right all of the time!!!!!

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No I did not misunderstand.......the clerk spoke very good english...she confirmed what the room stewart said..repeated it a couple of times...my daughter also heard the same thing I did. The next time your on HAL why don't you ask the desk clerk the same question I did, and the room stewart or waiter.....is "perhaps you misunderstood" your way of saying "your wrong"?


You can't be right all of the time!!!!!


Then dozens and dozens of others here "misunderstood" in exactly the same way I did, while (as far as I can tell) no one else has ever heard what you reported...


And, actually, there's no reason in the world why someone couldn't be right all of the time. Not that I'm claiming that statistic for myself, mind you, but it's certainly very possible...

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OMG how we hate you Americans with your tipping policies. Its a total load of Cr......p. On a 28 day trip from Vancover, most Aussies, Kiwis and some Canadians got together and said to hell with this, this is their way, certainly not our way, and then someone worked out on the exchange rate exactly what it would cost us all... MOst people then went to the Front Office (enuf said about that sham also), and cancelled. We did not tip in US dollars we tipped in something more compatible to where the ship is currently cruising. I instructed my cabin boy to hide what we gave him, he had not seen it. I wonder if they just tell you guys that in order to extract more money from you. Our cabin boy came back gave me a big kiss and asked for my address and phone number so he can contact us when back in our city. So what do you think America. and I know damn well that what we gave our two waiters they had NO intention of sharing that with anybody else.


Down-under we do NOT TIP, maybe rarely after one "dam" good dinner, but it has to be exceptional service.


We do not believe in paying for what the employer should be doing themselves. Paying an appropriate salary, for sure as god made little apples they sure as hell work the butts off their employees. Beside that we believe we all paid "TOP DOLLARS" there was no short cuts for any of us, no discountingl, NOTHING, so in effect we were also subsidising a heap of you all. Believe me that is the last cruise for us from North America, its just too cruel, because once on board we got absolutely fleeced to the point where we all became tee-total! By the time we allowed for the exchange rate it became totally prohibitive, quite frankly I will not allow any bugger to ROB or rip me off. I don't mind spending money but when it comes down to $NZD10 for one glass of house wine, FORGET IT MATE.


So now you know how we feel about the American policy of TIPPING.

You might be interested to know, that on cruises out of Australasian ports the most we have ever paid is $AUD6.50, and then the most prominant members of the crew that had served us well were still hanging out for more tips, having shared the other with the laundry boy............................ So how come they ask for so much more from Americans?????????????????????????? and still expect a tip on top of this. Are you all so very rich?


There you go, I now feel so much better for having my VENT. Just like a Rotorua geyser :-)




Trust an "Aussie" to be up front and honest.





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And, actually, there's no reason in the world why someone couldn't be right all of the time. Not that I'm claiming that statistic for myself, mind you, but it's certainly very possible...


I was wrong just one time. It was when I thought I was wrong about something, but found out I was right;) ;) ;) !


Seriously, I agree it's perfectly possible to be right all the time. The best way is to only state as fact that which you can readily access factual proof. Other times, simply state our feelings as "opinion" and we're done!:D

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Well, now ... THIS was a fascinating read! Aside from a priceless illustration of AAAA's scrambled discombobulations of non-sequitur ramblings, I can't say I learned a blessed thing. :D Still, it made for enjoyable lunchtime reading.


I wonder if those passengers (and particularly those solo passengers) who book inside cabins on 15+ day cruises are considered as much punishment for the errant staff as those who book inside cabins on the 7-day "bread-and-butter" mass-market runs? ;)

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Trust an "Aussie" to be up front and honest.






Hey Ponte,


Stand by for a little flaming to come your way. Chivalrygirl is a Kiwi, not an Aussie, but I am sure that she will appreciate your sentiments.


Kiwis and Aussies are not exactly the best of friends, although it is somewhat of a friendly rivalry. I have been fortunate enough to spend quite a bit of time in both countries and have to admit that the Kiwis are closest to my heart despite the fact that my brother and sister-in-law are both Aussies. You could not find nicer, kinder and more welcoming people anywhere in the world than the Kiwis and Aussies, but then our neighbors to the north, the Canucks, are also way up there in the way of being kind, friendly and welcoming. It is always a joy to visit any of their countries, and I can't wait for my next visit to any of them.



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I was going to let that go, I did appreciate his sentiments but I could be called many, many worse things than an Aussie. When overseas and away from home if ya can't find a Kiwi an Aussie will sure as hec do. In fact there were plenty on the Statendam and you know what, we all seem to gravitate. We basically all have the same mind set and we understand each other very well. Probably cause a lot of us all came from the same stock in yesteryear.

But you are most welcome anytime in my country and I will hopefully visit yours next year, as we have lost our son to the USA for the immediate future.


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Hey Ponte,


Stand by for a little flaming to come your way. Chivalrygirl is a Kiwi, not an Aussie, but I am sure that she will appreciate your sentiments.


Kiwis and Aussies are not exactly the best of friends, although it is somewhat of a friendly rivalry. I have been fortunate enough to spend quite a bit of time in both countries and have to admit that the Kiwis are closest to my heart despite the fact that my brother and sister-in-law are both Aussies. You could not find nicer, kinder and more welcoming people anywhere in the world than the Kiwis and Aussies, but then our neighbors to the north, the Canucks, are also way up there in the way of being kind, friendly and welcoming. It is always a joy to visit any of their countries, and I can't wait for my next visit to any of them.




Hello Valerie, very nice to meet you.


I am contrite, I am abject. I deeply apologise for my blunder. "LOL"


I really do know the difference - in my amusement I thought that the poster was Australian, not that Kiwi's are any less amusing, if you get my drift.


Bring on the flames, I am a Brit/Canuk we have pretty thick skins and a little heat never seems to bother us. :)





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Hello Valerie, very nice to meet you.


I am contrite, I am abject. I deeply apologise for my blunder. "LOL"


I really do know the difference - in my amusement I thought that the poster was Australian, not that Kiwi's are any less amusing, if you get my drift.


Bring on the flames, I am a Brit/Canuk we have pretty thick skins and a little heat never seems to bother us. :)






Well Sheila we must have heaps in common, I married a Brit/Kiwi (now), I guess I have become well equiped over a lot of years (its the sense of humour thats warped!).........Where abouts in Canuk country are you. Actually feeling rather sad the Canuk friends I made on the Statendam left NZ today on their way back to Toronto, but with luck we might get to visit them next year,

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