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Review of Med Cruise-Excursions on our own and 1 private tour-Just got back! RCCL VOS

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Ok - I'm going to put this in point form for some of the review to keep it to the point.

Arrived in Barcelona on Oct 20th - took train to Sants Estacio and then took Metro to Drassanes (near Columbus Monument by the sea) - stayed at Barcelona 4 Fun Hostel - very cheap, very clean, and 5 min walk from metro stop. Perfect.

Saturday Oct 21st - boarded ship at 11:30AM - Barcelona port is extremely well organized - unbelieveable. On our ticket, it said boarding will begin at 2 PM - but when we arrived at 11:30AM, there was no problem boarding, there were no crowds and we headed right for the buffet. We carried our own bags on so that we didn't have to wait until later in the evening to get this delivered. Perfect

The ship was amazing - I enjoyed everything about the ship excep for one thing - the Windjammer Cafe was not a 24 hour buffet like I thought it was going to be. Only the Cafe was open until 3AM and it served pizza, sandwiches, desserts and cookies. (Coffee, tea, water, etc). Oh well, it was still a great ship.


Sunday Oct 22nd - arrived in Marseille. Got off ship about 7:30AM and took a cab to the train station (20 Euro) - hard to get a cab from the ship since everyone wants to take you on a day trip. Anyhow, we walked for a bit until we reached the bridge - we caught a cab there (about 5 min walk from ship). That was the craziest ride of my life - the cab driver was insane! But was were at the station in 7 mins when it usually takes about 15-20 mins. You need to cab it to the train station - there's no way of getting there on your own - it would be over an hour walk for sure.

We were headed to Avignon to see the Palace of Popes and Pont St. Benezet. If you do this tour on your own keep in mind that you should take the TGV train to Avignon - it only takes 1/2 hour instead of 1.5 hours with the regular train. DO NOT BOOK YOUR TICKETS AHEAD OF TIME ON THE INTERNET - THEY ARE DOUBLE THE PRICE. Book your tickets at the train station when you get there - use the internet to figure out timetables only www.eurail.com has schedules. It cost about 25 Euro each way per person (50 E total)

If you use TGV for Avignon, there is a shuttle outside the Avignon train station that will bring you into town - only 1.2 Euros per person - cheap.

I had a map of Avignon from my Frommers Europe Book and it was very easy to follow. Where the bus drops you off, walk directly straight and it brings you right the the Palace of Popes - you can't miss it and then there are signs for the Pont St. Benezet. This was a cool excursion and for 11.50 Euros you can get a combined ticket for both spots and that includes the audioguide. Perfect and a hell of a lot cheaper than the cruise tour. Do the math and you'll see it's a substantial savings.

We were not rushed at all - Avignon is a very pretty and clean little town - it was just so picturesque.


Mon Oct 23 - we slept in this day and got off at Villefranche and took the Bus 100 to Nice. Look in your cruise newsletter the night before for maps and it outlines the bus stops. Also, Villefranche has a good info booth when you debark the tender - they are helpful and will direct you accordingly. It rained that day - we were supposed to do Nice, Eze and Monaco but we decided to pass on Eze since there was a lot of rain.

Took bus 100 to Nice and then took bus 100 to Monaco, then took bus 100 back to Villefranche - by a pass for the day for 4 Euros per person - you could use unlimited bus between all the 3 towns OR pay 1.20 Euro per person on each ride - still cheap no matter what option. Buses run very very frequently.

Nice was kind of a waste for us- we enjoyed the sea walk and that's about it. Big market if you are into antiques.

Monaco was amazing - Prince's Palace, Grace Kelly's tomb, Casino, Oceanographic museum. All great places.

Again - no train used here - very cheap with bus and buses are running very frequently.


Tues Oct 24th - Livorno

We took a cab to the train station (15 Euro) and service was awesome!! Took the train to Florence and the market there is amazing - DO ALL YOUR SHOPPING HERE - GOOD BARGAINS - I GOT ALL MY SHOPPING DONE HERE. Lots to see, Duomo, Uffizzi, Accedemia - can't do all but maybe Duomo and one of the museums. We visited friends who live in Florence so we just did the market and Duomo and spent the rest of the day with friends. Took train back - train cost was very cheap - I think it was 9 Euro per person/each way.


Wed Oct 25th - Rome wasn't built in a day but we saw it in a day - amazing. We arrived in Rome at 9:00AM. We had a SCAVI tour booked for 1:15 and worked around that. We saw the Pope for a short bit (enough to get some photos and video tape of his audience). We did the Vatican Museums first, then pope, then saw Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, then Scavi tour, then St. Peters Basillica, then Colloseum. Then we left. We bought a BIRG pass - good for the train from Civitavecchia to Rome, all metro and buses and train ride back to ship - 9 Euro per person - CHEAP!!! Vatican Museum was 12 Euro per person (no audio guide and it still took us 2 hours) - and SCAVI tour which I booked 6 months ahead and found out of acceptance 1 week prior was 10 Euro per person and was the highlight of our Rome trip. This was alot to see in one day and it was a whirlwind adventure - we had to run so not to miss the SCAVI tour - thank goodness we made it.


Thurs Oct 26th - Naples - we did the Amalfi tour with a private guide - here are the details:


I've always wanted to see the Amalfi Coast. Maybe it was because of the movies that I became so aware of this beautiful gem. I mean this area of Italy has appeared in so many movied and I believe that is what has made towns like Amalfi and Positano so famous. When I got there, I realized and learned what the true gem really is. It is not Amalfi or Positano, but the areas surrounding them that really gave me a true flavour of what the "Italian Riviera" is really about. My research started about 6 months prior to my cruise departure. I read many reviews as I was trying to decide whether or not to do a cruise tour or hire a private guide. I won't waste anyone's time and I'll get right to the point - hiring a private guide is definately the way to go. But, even more important, hiring the right guide is what will differntiate your experience from everyone else's. If you think about it, anyone can get in a car and drive you around, so you need to think about other aspects or your tour.

#1 - Does your tour guide speak English?

#2 - Will your tour guide stop for photos when you want?

#3 - Does your tour guide have passion for the area you want a tour of?

#4 - Will the guide provide you with historical information and explanations of certain sites, geographical locations, culture and food?

#5 - Is your guide casual ? or do you prefer someone who looks like a chauffeur?

#6 - Does your guide own a comfortable automobile to drive you around in? Vans are best?

#7 - Will your guide get you back to the ship in time?

#8 - Does your guide care about you? Advising your of tourist traps?

#9 - Can you trust your guide?

#10 - Will the experience of your tour take your breath away?

When looking for a guide, I did not want someone to pick me up, drop me off in Amalfi for shopping and then head back to the ship. I planned for shopping ahead of time.

Prior to visiting Naples, our ship stopped in Florence and Rome. I did all my shopping in Florence - the best place if you ask me. The market is incredible. If you want to do any shopping when visiting the Amalfi Drive, then I would suggest picking up some flavours of the area. I'll explain this in more detail later. Don't waste your time shopping - - the road has everything you need to see and it will literally take you away to another place. This is what I'm talking about when I say "experience".

After all my research, I decided to hire a private guide. His name is Marcello Maresca. His website is www.seesorrento.com

Note - I did not have to provide a credit card number to obtain a reservation. I paid at the end of my tour.

Marcello knew when our ship came in because he could see it from his house so he knew when to arrive to pick us up. He arrived on time and we didn't have to wait for him. Plus ++. I hate waiting for people, especially if you are paying - - so right off the bat, I know Marcello was punctual and I was comfortable knowing he would get us back to the ship in plenty of time - and he did.

We visited Sorrento, Amalfi, Positano and drove all the way to Ravello - with stops in between. We stopped many times along the way for photos.

There were many opportunities and I never felt rushed. There was time to take photos but also time to take in all of the beautiful scenery. It was amazing. Then we stopped at a little place by the side of the road to purchase some olive oil. I told Marcello that I'd like to purchase something truly from the region and I thought olivie oil would be a good choice since was passed hundreds of olive trees on our journey. I also picked up some other "foods" of the area, that came packaged so it would be no problem to bring back to the ship. This is the type of shopping this is worth doing in this area. People who purchase things such as purses, belts, and other souvenirs are, in my opinion, just wasting money on objects that most likely don't even come from that region, are probably made in another country and at the end of the day, they missed out on the best part of the drive. Marcello planned the day perfectly. It was an experience I will never forget and I did not do any souvenir shopping at all. The best part of the trip consists of things that cannot be purchased, but rather just taken in and enjoyed. Images that I will never forget for as long as I live. Plus ++++

Marcello, showed us his Italy. Areas not made popular by the movies, but real life people doing real like things in the most beautiful part of the world. The best part about this tour was that it felt like we were the only ones around exploring these areas. Marcello took us along the Amalfi Coast Drive but also into areas that buses cannot enter because the streets are so narrow. Another Plus ++. I'm the type of person that doesn't like alot of crowds, chaos and congestion - I'm on vacation - that's why I chose this tour - to get away from all of that chaos. Marcello avoided all of the congestion by planning a good route and timeline for us. I can't say enough how wonderful it was. It was so great that I didn't want to get back on the ship - I wanted to stay.

Marcello arranged for us to have lunch at a little town high up in the mountains overlooking the Med. Sea. and the lemon farms. A view that was so breathtaking I just cannot describe it in words. The restaurant was very cute and served true local fare. Local food was another part of what Marcello wanted us to experience. Towns like Amalfi and Positano are so focussed on making money on tourists that all the true tastes of the region have disappeared. If you want British food, you'll have not trouble finding it.

We were so fortunate to have Marcello with us so that he could show us how the people of the region lived and how they continue to use the same customs today - from everyday living to food preparation. The experience we had at our lunch would not have been the same if Marcello was not there. I am Italian, and it is understood, even among Italians that you don't go to Naples unless you are with someone from Naples. This will ensure that you are not taken advantage of - - Marcello made this experience one we'll never forget. The people were so nice to us and welcomed us to learn and enjoy how they live. It was evident that Marcello is very well respected in his community. Everyone we came across just lit up when they saw Marcello.

This made it very easy to trust him - Plus +++

After the Amalfi Drive, we discussed heading the Pompeii since we were interested in seeing it. Unfortunately, my feet we covered in blisters from all the walking I did in Florence and Rome that I didn't think I'd be able to handle 2 hours of walking around Pompeii. Marcello, suggested we go and take a look at a recently excavated Villa of an Emperor or Senator that also got buried by 20 feet of ash when Mt. Vesuvius errupted. Hats off to Marcello again, it was amazing. Frescos still in tact, baths, kitchen, pool, rooms, mosaics - everything you'd see at Pompeii but instead of a city, it's just one villa. It was perfect for us - and the best part - no entrance fee. What was even better, was that while there were hundreds upon hundreds of people visiting Pompeii, we were the ONLY ones at the villa looking around - talk about AMAZING. Again, thanks Marcello for having a Plan B for us without any notice whatsoever. Plus +++

Overall, our experience with Marcello was amazing. I would tour with him again - no doubt in my mind. He has a wonderful sense of humour, enjoyed communicating with us and kept us informed of all that stories that go along with the sites. It's important to understand "why" things are the way they are and Marcello was able to fill in the blanks for us. He was a great driver - I always felt safe and like I mentioned above, there never seemed to be any traffic around - no congestion at all. What I learned on this trip is that if you want to see the Amalfi Drive, you need to look for "the experience" factor. Not the shopping, not the restaurant we visited, but the experience - and Marcello exceeded our expectations.

When I think of the Amalfi drive and my experience with Marcello, I'll always remember these visions:

the sun sparkling on the water, the emerald water at the bottom of the cliff, the Madonna and flowers, the nativity scenes, the smoke stacks high in the mountains, the small towns built into the steep cliffs, how inhabitants would have to climb thousands of stairs to get to their village, the lemon farms, the juicy figs Marcello made me taste along the side of the road, the juicy grapes, the best lemons I've ever had, the smell of chestnuts, the tomatos hanging, the mules that are used to carry goods to the mountain top villages, the clanging of wine glasses as we shared wine together at lunch and the frescos on the walls of the villa. Anyone can drive you along the Amalfi Coast, but it was Marcello who shared his passion with us and made us experience it beyond our wildest dreams.

Friday Oct 27 - at sea - amazing weather - didn't have to fight for a chair and it was a really restful day - slept in until 10AM - I haven't done that in 2 years!!! It felt amazing.

Saturday Oct 28th - disembarked in Barcelona and carried out my own bags - no problem after I had breakfast of course.

Stayed at Hotel Ciutat del Prat - - we had to be at the airport early and this hotel offered a free shuttle to and from the airport - it's very very close to the airport and also close to the train station that brings you the the main metro station in Barcelona (Sants Estacio) - again - perfect location!!! and very quiet. Nice hotel. The train station that is literally a 1 minute walk from the hotel - stop is called El Prat de Llobregat.

Sunday Oct 29th - flew back to Canada

Best part of trip - Amalfi tour with Marcello

Worst part of trip - Windjammer not being open 24 hours.

Ship - clean, comfy beds, good food in dining rooms and buffet.

I've only been on one other cruise before on Grand Princess (Western Carribean in 2004) and the food was a bit better, but overall I really liked both just the same. Different but similar.

I love Europe and would move in an instant. I loved our time on RCCL.

If anyone has any questions, just let me know.

: )

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I am so glad you enjoyed your day with Marcello. He is very special and provides a wonderful experience. We met him 3 years ago on our first Med cruise and could not have been happier. We will be spending the day with him again on our second Med cruise in May. Everyone that I have referred to Marcello seems to have a wonderful time and considers their time with him to be the best day of their cruise.

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Mike was nice enough to recommend Marcello to us, and we had a great day with him two years ago. So much so, that we did a two week land vacation in Italy last year. We met him in Pontone for lunch again, and he was gracious enough to have it all prearranged, even though we were not with him. We email each other a couple of times a year. We stayed in Praiano for a week, between Positano and Amalfi. Mike, I emailed you a couple of weeks ago to plagiarize your research on the Greek Isles.

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Thanks for the great review. We'll be on the Voyager Nov 14 embarking in Barcelona. Wondering if you saw anyone bringing on any wine during embarkation. I know RCI has changed their policy and this is no longer allowed, but had also heard that in Barcelona cruisers were able to purchse at the duty free store and bring it on the ship. We'd love to buy a couple of bottles of Spanish wine to try.

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Thanks for the great review. I've also been doing research on

Amalfi and I was considering Marcello. Glad to hear he got such a

glowing review. How many people were in your group and how much

did he charge you?

Thanks in advance.

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Thank you for your review. Your descriptions brought back very fond menories of our last Med cruise. We had a group of 12 and hired Marcello and his colleague Marco for the day we toured the Amalfi coast.

Our lunch on the terrace with the amazing view, gracious people and excellent food and wine is still a highlight of our travels.

Marcello is indeed an ambassador for his country, although one must like to listen to an almost constant commentary!

I was so in awe of the beautiful surroundings and was enjoying our experience so much that I did not pay as much attention to details for labeling my pictures. Can you tell me if the name of the restaurant was Giovannis? We were celebrating our anniversary and I would like to remember where!

I'm glad you had such a memorable trip, too.

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I can't seem to get to the site seesorrento.com. Any suggestions?


I'm researching cruises to Europe and your review looks great.


When I first tried to access the site, the link wouldn't work, so I just typed the adress manually and it worked first time. I'm so glad I did and I have booked Marcello for a tour on 26 August 2007.


Thank you so much to the original poster for pointing me in the right direction.:)

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We did the vatican museum at about 9:30AM or 10AM - but keep in mind that it was a Wed. and the pope was having an audience so most of the crowds were in the square. The mass started at 10:30AM. We waited in line for about 10 mins. The line looked long but moved very quickly. When we got out at 11:30AM, the line was super long, and not moving quickly. Also, we didn't do the audio guide thing and it took us almost 2 hours to go thru the museum. It was a whirlwind day in Rome. After that we raced to the metro, got off at Barberini and saw the Trevi Fountain and Pantheon. We went back to Ottaviano station (close to St. Peters) and had to run to make the Scavi Tour at 1:15. Then that was over at about 3PM. Then we saw the Basilica and then we got on the metro again to go and take a few pics of the Colloseum and the Arc of Constantine. We were very tight for time. We ended up taking the Eurostar back to Civitavecchia at 5PM. It got us back at 5:45 PM. The Eurostar was 18Euro total for the two of us - since it wasn't included as part of the BIRG ticket we purchased in Civitavecchia for the train to and from Rome, metro and buses since it was a highspeed train. But worth it for us so we could spend another hour and a half in Rome. Well worth it.

: )

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We did the vatican museum at about 9:30AM or 10AM - but keep in mind that it was a Wed. and the pope was having an audience so most of the crowds were in the square. The mass started at 10:30AM. We waited in line for about 10 mins. The line looked long but moved very quickly. When we got out at 11:30AM, the line was super long, and not moving quickly. Also, we didn't do the audio guide thing and it took us almost 2 hours to go thru the museum. It was a whirlwind day in Rome. After that we raced to the metro, got off at Barberini and saw the Trevi Fountain and Pantheon. We went back to Ottaviano station (close to St. Peters) and had to run to make the Scavi Tour at 1:15. Then that was over at about 3PM. Then we saw the Basilica and then we got on the metro again to go and take a few pics of the Colloseum and the Arc of Constantine. We were very tight for time. We ended up taking the Eurostar back to Civitavecchia at 5PM. It got us back at 5:45 PM. The Eurostar was 18Euro total for the two of us - since it wasn't included as part of the BIRG ticket we purchased in Civitavecchia for the train to and from Rome, metro and buses since it was a highspeed train. But worth it for us so we could spend another hour and a half in Rome. Well worth it.

: )

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Were you the only ones with Marcello on the Amalfi drive or were you with a group?


We will be on the Millenium transatlantic leaving 11/24 and would like to do this tour?




Yes, we were the only ones, but he can do a group if you like. Here's the website: www.seesorrento.com

He's very prompt on replying to emails if you have any questions on customizing a tour. You will NOT be disappointed - trust me.

: )

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Marcello sounds fabulous. Could you give me an idea of the cost for a day's tour? Thanks!


For the tour that we took - there were 3 people and it cost 350 Euro. You could expand your group but I think it costs a bit more but when you divide the costs I think it ends up being cheaper. Worth it - trust me. It may seem like a lot at first, but when you are there, it's worth every penny. I would do it again and again.

: )

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Thank you for your review. Your descriptions brought back very fond menories of our last Med cruise. We had a group of 12 and hired Marcello and his colleague Marco for the day we toured the Amalfi coast.

Our lunch on the terrace with the amazing view, gracious people and excellent food and wine is still a highlight of our travels.

Marcello is indeed an ambassador for his country, although one must like to listen to an almost constant commentary!

I was so in awe of the beautiful surroundings and was enjoying our experience so much that I did not pay as much attention to details for labeling my pictures. Can you tell me if the name of the restaurant was Giovannis? We were celebrating our anniversary and I would like to remember where!

I'm glad you had such a memorable trip, too.


So sorry, I forget the name right now - I did take some photos so I'll see if I could get it for you. I don't think it's Giovanni's that I went to, but maybe that's the one you went to. He doesn't always take people to the same place so I don't want to give you the wrong info. I'll see what I can find from our day there.

: )

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For the tour that we took - there were 3 people and it cost 350 Euro. You could expand your group but I think it costs a bit more but when you divide the costs I think it ends up being cheaper. Worth it - trust me. It may seem like a lot at first, but when you are there, it's worth every penny. I would do it again and again.

: )

How long was your tour? I have been in contact with Marcello and he is quoting me 550 Euros for the day. WE are a party of 4. We could accomodate 2 more people, but I would prefer to keep it small. Is this amount reasonable, or should I be looking for another guide for less?

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How long was your tour? I have been in contact with Marcello and he is quoting me 550 Euros for the day. WE are a party of 4. We could accomodate 2 more people, but I would prefer to keep it small. Is this amount reasonable, or should I be looking for another guide for less?


I was quoted 400 euros for up to 4 people, or 550 for up to seven people. I can never understand why there's a difference as you would think the costs are the same for 1 or 7 persons. Maybe a little extra fuel for the added weight, but.....


Based on other posters recommendations, I have booked a tour for next summer.:)

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I seem to recall that Sylvie rents the vehicles she uses based on the group's size. this way she always has a nice new clean vehicle and it fits the group. There is a big price difference between renting a sedan and a large van. I assume that is why it jumps when the group gets over 4 people.

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How long was your tour? I have been in contact with Marcello and he is quoting me 550 Euros for the day. WE are a party of 4. We could accomodate 2 more people, but I would prefer to keep it small. Is this amount reasonable, or should I be looking for another guide for less?


Hi Dr. Pam,


I just called up the original email quote from Marcello and you are correct

1-3 people is 350 Euro and 4-6 people is 550 Euro.

We got off the ship about 7:15AM and we returned to the ship at 5:30PM or so. It was a very full day with a stop for lunch which was amazing. I never felt rushed at all. In my opinion 550 Euro is worth it. You could try shopping around but the prices are either the same or more so it's up to you on how much you would like to spend. In addition, you could always book for 4 people in your party and then when you get on the ship you could always try to find 2 more people to invite with you. Maybe your table mates that you meet at dinner might be interested. His van would be able to fit up to 6 and you can increase the # in your party up to the very last minute without letting him know ahead of time. The max is 6 people though and then just bring the additional people with you when you meet him in the morning. He's cool with that.

So, if you like, shop around but you'll see the prices don't vary much - you may even find it's more pricey. It's nice with a small group - I understand where you are coming from. We had a party of 3 and we could have invited others but we didn't want to - - we wanted to spoil ourselves and we loved it.

Here's the math - 350 Euro divided by 3 = 116 Euro per person (which is what we paid)

Your quote 550 Euro divided by 4 = 137 Euro per person

It's only a difference of 21 Euro per person with your quote.

In my opinion - I'd just book it since it's not that material.

Then you have 3/4 of the cruise to decide if you would like to invite someone along with you - - if you befriend people on the cruise and feel you want to invite them - bonus and it's 550 / 6 = 91 Euro - if not, no big one - you really wouldn't be saving that much. Trust me - you'll love it!

What time of the year do you plan on going?

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Thanks for the reply. We are going on the Brilliance next summer 07. We are actually travelling with 2 other families. This is their first Med cruise, thanks to my ravings from our last Med cruise(summer 05). They both want to do Pompeii and we have already seen that(Not that we covered it all in one visit)! However, I would really like to see the coast this time and get off the beaten path and experience a bit more authentic Italy with my husband and children.

Your review was the clincher. We are now confirmed with Marcello even if the price is a little steep for our family of four (children are ages 12 and 9 years). I am not into shopping when there is so much to see and do. Marcello sounds like the guide for us! Thank you so much for your info.

Any other recommendations are welcomed.



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