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Chair hogs on Valor, Thanksgiving week


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Are you saying people using the pool and jacuzzi shouldn't leave their personal belongings on a chair and they are considered chair hoggers? If I want to go in the pool, I have to pick up my towels, books, sunglasses and, suntan lotion and pay someone $5 to watch it? That's ridiculous. Maybe if you just want to lounge, and not use the pool, you should find a different location.


My response to you......do you go and endulge the pool and spa and drinks by the bar for 3 HOURS??????......so its ok for you to set your stuff on a lounge chair (or in your case 3 or 4)....and then disapear for 3 hours in the pool or hot tubb? I dont care where you are or what you are doing but lounge chairs in primo spots are not designated as a hold it tank for your crap (books mags lotion water and all the other common riff raff).....Im thinking "lockers" at this time....should all the ships have a locker room where we all can "store" all are sh!t while we are having fun rather then take preemo spots from someone who is actually going to enjoy the facilities that are provided, and actually want to lounge and get a tan and read the mag and get a tan....sure go enjoy....but if you are not planning on lounging and enjoying the chairs for 3 FREAKING HOURS....DONT PUT YOUR CRAP ON A LOUNGE CHAIR...is that not common sense? or am I just too considerate of others?


Bottom line lounge chairs anywhere...are for people to lounge....its not a freaking claim point for the day...that is so obsurd....."oh we got 10 loungers by the pool on the Lido front see you at the show at 3:00 pm"....mind you this conversation is held at 6:00 AM.....Ya I put some "personal property" on everyone of the lounge chairs were good to go....announcer then grabs some grub and goes back to room to finish sleeping off the night before......then promply shows up at 3:00pm to enjoy the show......


Im entitled to a lounger while Im lounging.....Im considerate....if Im gonna be longer than a pee pee break or a little snack or a little dip in the pool....Ill take my stuff....and go......GEE SHOULD I GO TO MY ROOM AND TAKE A FREAKIN NAP FOR 3 HOURS AND COME BACK AND EXPECT MY PRIME SEATING TO BE THERE BECAUSE I LEFT A FREAKIN SHOE AND TOWEL THERE......I would NEVER do that....nor would I think what I paid for my cruise to make me think I have that entitlement.......PEOPLE ARE SO SELFISH AND INCONSIDERATE....these days....blows me away....only in the US....isnt it all common sense? Why do some get it and some just dont? If you dont intend on "lounging" dont plant your crap on loungers....leave it in your room....or place your bag by the pool with all your water shoes and other riff raff...dont put it on a lounger that your not going to use...enjoy....go to your room and get what you need accordingly...but dont take up a lounger for 2-8 hours and feel you "paid for it".....


Im done......this is so stupid.....most just dont get it...and will never get it....its a loose loose thread......Im vindicated in my thoughts....Its called courtesy to other passengers.....Its not "all about me"......oyyyyyy!

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The only thing that is certain is death, taxes, and chair saving. It happens. You may live in a perfect world where the cruise line has a security guard watching over each and every chair making sure it is occupied at all times. But that is not the real world. If you want to lay out and get skin cancer like I do, get up early and get a chair. If you want to get skin cancer by the pool, get up really early. Is it easier to stroll onto deck at 9:30 or 10:00 and wander around, then stare at at a chair with a towel on it for 30 minutes to make sure the "owner" didn't just run to take a leak, then complain about it, then get in a fist fight over it, or is it easier to get out there at 6:00 or 7:00 and get a chair where you want? You can complain to the purser, or write to "Uncle Bob", or write an essay on CruiseCritic, or jump up and down and scream obscenities. But the bottom line is, you can't legislate morality. Jerks exist. It's a fact of life. I encounter many of them driving on my morning commute. I could write letters about them to my local government, but it would make no difference. So, do what you gotta do. Get up early and get a chair. It has worked for us on all of our five cruises. At one point in the morning, all of those saved chairs were available. You have to decide if it's worth it to you to get up early enough to get one. If it's not, please don't complain about it. It's getting tiring.

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The only thing that is certain is death, taxes, and chair saving. It happens. You may live in a perfect world where the cruise line has a security guard watching over each and every chair making sure it is occupied at all times. But that is not the real world. If you want to lay out and get skin cancer like I do, get up early and get a chair. If you want to get skin cancer by the pool, get up really early. Is it easier to stroll onto deck at 9:30 or 10:00 and wander around, then stare at at a chair with a towel on it for 30 minutes to make sure the "owner" didn't just run to take a leak, then complain about it, then get in a fist fight over it, or is it easier to get out there at 6:00 or 7:00 and get a chair where you want? You can complain to the purser, or write to "Uncle Bob", or write an essay on CruiseCritic, or jump up and down and scream obscenities. But the bottom line is, you can't legislate morality. Jerks exist. It's a fact of life. I encounter many of them driving on my morning commute. I could write letters about them to my local government, but it would make no difference. So, do what you gotta do. Get up early and get a chair. It has worked for us on all of our five cruises. At one point in the morning, all of those saved chairs were available. You have to decide if it's worth it to you to get up early enough to get one. If it's not, please don't complain about it. It's getting tiring.


ok so your a reserver (for now)....do you physically enjoy your prized chairs...or is it a "crap" holder for 3 - 8 hours in prime weather because you got the claim....I know this subject is getting old....can we agree to agree or agree to disagree....do you think that its first come first serve for the WHOLE DAY...whether or not your using it...for say 2 - 3 hours at a time.....but you got there first therefore its yours for the day....irregardless if your even going to SIT it in for more than 10 minutes of the 2 or 3 - 8 hours?




bash away......


its not about chair hogs its about common decency for christs sake!

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I'm one of the early ones who actually uses my chair, I'm sure my dermatologist doesn't like it but I bring plenty of SPF30 and use it.


However, what ticks me off is when I'm surrounded by empty chairs. Well, not empty, but reserved with towels and flip flops. It's ridiculous.


If the jerks would just stop being jerks, everyone could enjoy their cruise.


If anyone's a snow skier, they know how crowded some of the mountaintop cafeterias are at lunch time, or the bars at the base of the hill mid-afternoon. Having someone hovering over you as you finish your lunch is pretty common. There's no option to leave a glove on the chair and come back after a few runs, someone needs that chair! And unless folks like eating standing up, they acknowledge that, and act courteously, and give up the chair when they are done, so they will have one when they need one tomorrow.


Now, I'm not suggesting a 15 or even 30 minute dip in the hot tub means you lose your chair. But the scenarios described above, reserving chairs all day, just don't make sense and regardless of when I get up and go on deck, the cruise lines should do something more to reduce this inconsiderate behavior.

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When you see a chair that is obviously not being used for extended period of time or has never been used all morning, simply pick up the towel and turn it back into the towel counter on the lido deck (or you can take it home as a souvenir). Once the chair hog comes back to the chair 6 hours after putting a towel on it and realizes (1) the towel is gone and (2) Carnival is going to charge them $22 for the missing towel,:eek: that will be one less chair hog on any cruise again.


How many towels do you think the chair hogs are going to want to pay for before they get it? One, two?? I am sure they won't go to three lost towels.


The towels getting suntans should all be turned into the towel counter as soon as it is apparent that the towel has been left unsupervised by the pool by an irresponsible towel parent.:p

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This question is to all the people who have so-called good chair etiquette.


What do I do when I have been out by the pool and decide it is time for lunch in the dining room. I plan on being gone for over an hour. Do I pack up all my stuff and lose my chair for the remainder of the day - or do I leave my towel and book and sun lotion?


In the past - I have always left my stuff - and now I'm reading this thread and everyone seems holier than thou. I know if I left my stuff on a chair and someone moved my stuff to sit down, they would hear from me - an unhappy cruiser.


I understand the chair hogging argument to a degree - but what about someone like me. I grab my chair early in the morning - sit for a while. Go to breakfast. Maybe sit a while and then go for a swim. Come back to my chair and hang for a bit and then I'm off and play a game of basketball for an hour.


Should I really be expected to be picking up my stuff and taking it with me everytime I get out of my deck chair for an hour - I sure hope not. This is another reason I much prefer a land based resort over a cruise. In my years at a similar board for land based vacations I don't think I ever heard a chair hogger discussion.


Would love to hear your thoughts.


If you leave your chair unoccupied for more than 30 minutes, it's fair game. Trying to hold it with your things for an hour or more is hogging.

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ok so your a reserver (for now)....do you physically enjoy your prized chairs...or is it a "crap" holder for 3 - 8 hours in prime weather because you got the claim....I know this subject is getting old....can we agree to agree or agree to disagree....do you think that its first come first serve for the WHOLE DAY...whether or not your using it...for say 2 - 3 hours at a time.....but you got there first therefore its yours for the day....irregardless if your even going to SIT it in for more than 10 minutes of the 2 or 3 - 8 hours?




bash away......


its not about chair hogs its about common decency for christs sake!


No, I do not save chairs, nor do I condone it. On the contrary, I beat the chair savers at their own game. I get up very early, grab a bite to eat, then I get a chair, and sit in it. If everyone who complained about this problem did the same thing, we wouldn't be having this discussion because there would be no chairs for the chair savers to save. (Say that 10 times fast) It's called adapting to your environment. You know chair saving an issue. You know there is no simple solution. So you adapt. Problem solved. If you want to party at the disco 'til 3 a.m. and sleep 'til 10, then your proiority is disco dancing. You just gotta ask yourself, how bad do you want a chair in a good spot? It's important to me, so I get up early. So there's my solution. What is yours? Well, you could complain here and/or write a letter to Bob. Maybe they'll feel sorry for you, as I do, and give you a discount on a future cruise. (I wouldn't hold your breath on the free cruise) In this case, everone else's cruise fare goes up a little to compensate for the lost revenue in your discounted fare. The only other solution, the one you and many others seem to want, is for Carnival to hire about 100 additional employees per ship to police the decks to prevent chair saving in which case everyone's fare goes up dramatically. I'm estimating on the 100 employees by figuring there are @ 1000 chairs on a ship and each employee would be responsible for monitoring 10 chairs, noting the length of time each chair is occupied. Simple, right? NOT. My solution costs nothing to anyone, and I get a chair, every time. I will go further and say that I have never, on any cruise, at any time, not been able to find at least 2 vacant chairs somewhere on the ship. It may be on deck 11, behind the smokestack, but they are there. I find it laughable that in the same post, you complain about other's sense of entitlement while you expect Carnival to compensate you for something that they have absolutely no control of and you do.. You are right, we will have to agree to disagree.

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I look around and find just the "perfect" chair. If it is one without a towel' date=' good. If there is an unused towel on the chair, I either lay on top of the towel or return it to the towel counter. A used towel goes on the floor.:eek: I consider that "squatters' rights".


On occasion I have had people nearby tell me "that chair is reserved." My short answer is, "o.k. when the person comes back, I will move." I proceed to sit down, get comfy and either read my book or close my eyes. There is no such thing as a "reserved" pool chair on any cruise I have ever enjoyed.



I usually avoid this ongoing debate...but I'm with SUZIN.

I do the same. IF the rules are no saving chairs...that's the rule. If I'm sitting in your chair when you get back...that's your tough luck. I'm probably wiping my sweat on your towel too. :)

I've been sneared at before for doing this. Go ahead...unless you have the strength and guts to drag this 6'1" firefighter off the chair...try not to break the rules. "Homey don't play that."


PS...I paid to rent those chairs too! Sit in your RESERVED chair at dinner. I promise I won't take it when you go to the bathroom.


Rules are rules.


PS...IF that's YOUR 8 year old playing in the ADULT ONLY hot tub...I'm the one telling 'em to SCRAM! You brought 'em...YOU ENTERTAIN THEM!


(deep breath, sigh) :cool:

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Im thinking 1 hour here....then it becomes a HOG issue.....if you are THAT into the pool or hot tubb.. or BBall ....or Bingo..so be it....your chair then becomes a crap holder....a locker....(i.e. chair hog)....oh lets go play bingo and then have lunch and then we can relax and watch the hairy chest contest front row...wooo wooooo.....high five.....I donno...Ive never left my seat for more than 1/2 an hour....and usually enjoy it for 3 hours then go for a nap or pictures or a dosy do in the promendade......yes I do take my belongings with me in that case....if I come back Ill go up or back in the shade if need be....its all good...change of scenery is good for ones soul.....gatta mix it up a bit......


Im done, this one turned out to be pretty harmless....its all about the time and the length of time your actually gonna utilize the chair or loungers.....something to think about on your next one.......;)

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I usually avoid this ongoing debate...but I'm with SUZIN.

I do the same. IF the rules are no saving chairs...that's the rule. If I'm sitting in your chair when you get back...that's your tough luck. I'm probably wiping my sweat on your towel too. :)

I've been sneared at before for doing this. Go ahead...unless you have the strength and guts to drag this 6'1" firefighter off the chair...try not to break the rules. "Homey don't play that."


PS...I paid to rent those chairs too! Sit in your RESERVED chair at dinner. I promise I won't take it when you go to the bathroom.


Rules are rules.


PS...IF that's YOUR 8 year old playing in the ADULT ONLY hot tub...I'm the one telling 'em to SCRAM! You brought 'em...YOU ENTERTAIN THEM!


(deep breath, sigh) :cool:


I SOOooo agree with you-I would never take someones chair if it was obvious that it was being used-but that is usually not the case. I can't understand where people get the nerve to think because they threw a shoe on a chair and then went back to bed, that it should be there when they get back! :mad: That is total crap! And for those saving a block of chairs for others-if your friends want to sit with you, then they should get out there at the same time as you-same goes for the shows! If they're too lazy to get up early or leave the casino, that's their problem. And don't even start in about "how do you know it's not a handicapped person . . .blah, blah, blah." My parents are both handicapped, I know all about that. If I saw someone coming that needed a chair I was in, I would promptly offer it up, especially if it gave them easier access to things. But for someone to reserve a whole block of chairs just in case a few might show up, for hours at a time, is totally ridiculous, and completely unfair to your fellow passengers. I would NEVER do that. Watching a chair for a little while because someone went to the bathroom or to grab a hamburger is different, and apparent in most cases.


I don't care for confrontation myself, but I won't put up with that kind of bull. I DO choose to look for a chair in more out of the way places-it's more relaxing. My friends and I get out there TOGETHER, and select chairs when we get there, not at 5 am and go back to bed. I DO blame Carnival for allowing this to go on. They have workers out there at that hour-they should promptly remove those items, and enforce the rules. Basically, if you want the chair, get out there and SIT IN IT!


And don't even get me started in the kids in the adult areas. Some adults go to those areas to get away from kids. Not that I don't like them, but I would like to sit in the hot tub without getting a faceful of water when some kid cannonballs in there! That's what the main pool is for, and the waterslide. . .


As VIP would say-ok I'm done. . .:p

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I beat the chair savers at their own game. I get up very early, grab a bite to eat, then I get a chair, and sit in it. If everyone who complained about this problem did the same thing, we wouldn't be having this discussion because there would be no chairs for the chair savers to save. (Say that 10 times fast) It's called adapting to your environment.


So the solution is to get up before the chair savers and stake your claim before the sun comes up? On our last cruise I was out on the Lido deck 20 minutes before sunrise so I could take some sunrise pictures, there were already deck chairs with things on them, and there were only 3 people besides myself on the deck.


PS...IF that's YOUR 8 year old playing in the ADULT ONLY hot tub...I'm the one telling 'em to SCRAM! You brought 'em...YOU ENTERTAIN THEM!


That's not very nice of you. They just want to be treated like adults, they may even just look younger than they really are. Try having an adult conversation with them. Talk about sports, recreational drugs, sex, and drinking :eek: If/when the parents complain tell them it's the adult pool and it's an adult conversation :D


Im thinking 1 hour here....then it becomes a HOG issue.....if you are THAT into the pool or hot tubb.. or BBall ....or Bingo..so be it....your chair then becomes a crap holder....a locker....(i.e. chair hog)


OK, going to have to disagree with this. If the person is THERE, regardless of how long they are not IN there chair it doesn't make them a hog. Now if they have a poolside chair and they are on the other end of the ship playing BBall that's not "there", but if they have a chair near the hot tub and they are in the hot tub why should they have to give up the chair?

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So the solution is to get up before the chair savers and stake your claim before the sun comes up? On our last cruise I was out on the Lido deck 20 minutes before sunrise so I could take some sunrise pictures, there were already deck chairs with things on them, and there were only 3 people besides myself on the deck.




That's not very nice of you. They just want to be treated like adults, they may even just look younger than they really are. Try having an adult conversation with them. Talk about sports, recreational drugs, sex, and drinking :eek: If/when the parents complain tell them it's the adult pool and it's an adult conversation :D


ROFLMAO! Mr. Dark J, you almost had me on that one! That's an excellent solution! (Problem is, kids these days would SO love that. . .)



OK, going to have to disagree with this. If the person is THERE, regardless of how long they are not IN there chair it doesn't make them a hog. Now if they have a poolside chair and they are on the other end of the ship playing BBall that's not "there", but if they have a chair near the hot tub and they are in the hot tub why should they have to give up the chair?


Like I said, it's usually pretty obvious when someone's using it. . .:rolleyes:

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So the solution is to get up before the chair savers and stake your claim before the sun comes up? On our last cruise I was out on the Lido deck 20 minutes before sunrise so I could take some sunrise pictures, there were already deck chairs with things on them, and there were only 3 people besides myself on the deck.QUOTE]


Yes. Everyone should re-read the above paragraph. Twenty minutes before sunrise, there were four people on deck. Certainly there would be some chairs being saved already, but most of them would be empty. Now would be the time to stake your claim. If you're still tired, bring a pillow with you and go back to sleep in your chair. I have done that. Or bring a book to read or music to listen to. If you value getting a chair in a good spot, this is what you have to do. It is far more effective than complaining here about the lack of etiquette of the general public or complaining to the two security guards on deck who don't speak english and couldn't do anything about it anyways. I realize that people just want to vent about this sometimes, but it annoys me when they blame the cruise line for this. They have tried to get a handle on this, but fixing the problem is much easier said than done. LIke I said, you can't legislate morality.

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That's not very nice of you. They just want to be treated like adults, they may even just look younger than they really are. Try having an adult conversation with them. Talk about sports, recreational drugs, sex, and drinking :eek: If/when the parents complain tell them it's the adult pool and it's an adult conversation :D


ROFLMAO! Mr. Dark J, you almost had me on that one! That's an excellent solution! (Problem is, kids these days would SO love that. . .)


The kids might, but how about the parents who think it's great for their little darling to be in the adult pool?


We occassionally have problems with stray dogs. I don't blame the dogs, I blame the owners. My solution? Get a good foaming mace for animals and spray the dogs with as much as I can get onto their backs and sides, avoiding their face as much as possible. The dog learns not to come around our place, and the owners gets to pet and play with, and hopefully let inside, their very thoroughly maced pet.


They won't let me do the same thing with stray kids so I have had to come up with alternate methods of making parents learn.


And having little darling Suzy come asking about what some of those things the people in the pool were talking about MIGHT just make them pay more attention.

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Yes. Everyone should re-read the above paragraph. Twenty minutes before sunrise, there were four people on deck. Certainly there would be some chairs being saved already, but most of them would be empty. Now would be the time to stake your claim. If you're still tired, bring a pillow with you and go back to sleep in your chair. I have done that. Or bring a book to read or music to listen to. If you value getting a chair in a good spot, this is what you have to do. It is far more effective than complaining here about the lack of etiquette of the general public or complaining to the two security guards on deck who don't speak english and couldn't do anything about it anyways. I realize that people just want to vent about this sometimes, but it annoys me when they blame the cruise line for this.


Seems like you just play into their game and create more difficulties for yourself. Although I do agree your method works, and it avoids confrontation. But I didn't want a deck chair at that point, DW was not up there with me, and I wasn't planning to actually sit in the sun until much later. So getting two chairs to nap in at that point would have taken them from someone that maybe only wanted them for the early morning hours. And I don't blame the cruiseline, I blame the inconsiderate people. Which is also why if I wanted a chair I would just ask if a towel belonged to someone that was there, if noone claimed it then it must have been left behind and should be turned in to lost and found.


They have tried to get a handle on this, but fixing the problem is much easier said than done. LIke I said, you can't legislate morality.


Tell that to all the people trying to pass laws about strip clubs, nude beaches, and anything else the moral minority feels they don't like. But I agree that they SHOULDN'T legislate morality.

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I would even if I didn't care about being around the pool.. remove those towels or whatever... If I am sitting around watching and nobody touched them for 1 hr.. you are chit outta luck.. this mine.. return the items to lost and found.. Enjoy your stay:)

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I also call it entertaining.


I was on the Valor in early November. First day I learned my lesson as I couldn't get a chair as I arrived to late.


Well, I came out for breakfast to Rosie's brought my bag, ipod, deck shoes and lotion and just left it on the chair for the rest of the day. I ate my breakfast and then I spent the day on the deck courtesy of my chair being hogged by myself..I was in the sun for over 5 hours each day...


Just get up at about 7:30 or 8am if you want to be on the deck during the day, save a friggen chair or two and join in....afterall we are all on holidays, want to hang out together.....enjoy, quit fritting over it...relax geesh!!!.


Also if you go to the upper decks - the deck with waterslide enter there was lots of deck chairs up there waiting for people to sit on.


Personally I hated the area around the pool as it was too busy and I was always a deck higher as it was quieter........


PS wishing I was on a deck about now instead of my deck here at home with 6 cms. of snow out there.....ugh

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ok so your a reserver (for now)....do you physically enjoy your prized chairs...or is it a "crap" holder for 3 - 8 hours in prime weather because you got the claim....I know this subject is getting old....can we agree to agree or agree to disagree....do you think that its first come first serve for the WHOLE DAY...whether or not your using it...for say 2 - 3 hours at a time.....but you got there first therefore its yours for the day....irregardless if your even going to SIT it in for more than 10 minutes of the 2 or 3 - 8 hours?




bash away......


its not about chair hogs its about common decency for christs sake!


Did you really need to take the Lord's name in vain there???

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The kids might, but how about the parents who think it's great for their little darling to be in the adult pool?


We occassionally have problems with stray dogs. I don't blame the dogs, I blame the owners. My solution? Get a good foaming mace for animals and spray the dogs with as much as I can get onto their backs and sides, avoiding their face as much as possible. The dog learns not to come around our place, and the owners gets to pet and play with, and hopefully let inside, their very thoroughly maced pet.


They won't let me do the same thing with stray kids so I have had to come up with alternate methods of making parents learn.


And having little darling Suzy come asking about what some of those things the people in the pool were talking about MIGHT just make them pay more attention.


You are an inhuman person spraying a dog with mace, you do realize that?


And if I ever saw you talking to a child in the way that it seems you are implying I would call a cop or ships security and get you arrested for sure.

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You are an inhuman person spraying a dog with mace, you do realize that?


Well, I do consider it nicer then shooting them. That's only mean to the dog and really doesn't teach the owner that they should keep their animals on their own property, out of the roads, and out of other people's pastures. It's loose animals that spread many of the most common deadly diseases, especially rabies in our area, and uncontrolled animals that kill both cattle and small children. But I suppose you prefer letting the children get mauled. On a side note, bulls with brands I don't know are killed on sight, feral bulls are too much of a danger to even consider allowing to remain loose.


And if I ever saw you talking to a child in the way that it seems you are implying I would call a cop or ships security and get you arrested for sure.


For discussing adult topics in an area children aren't allowed? If children aren't allowed there then either they are not be children or they have parents that should be charged with abandonment, or neglect. Oh, and there aren't any laws about discussing things with children, this would be called proper parenting if the parents were proper.


When in doubt ask yourself, "what would Jesus do?"


Jesus would remember that there are many books in the Bible and keep faith with each and every one of them. Not pick and choose which ones He feels are important and completely ignore the rest of them. So please don't preach your hypocrisy to me.

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It's so stupid, why would anyone think they can "reserve" a chair when they leave for lunch? Move your feet, lose your seat. Move your tw*t, lose your spot. :p We are a family of 5 and never had more than 2 chairs- why? Because what normal kid wants to lay on a chair at the pool???!!! We never stayed more than an hour or 2 either because why would we want to spend our whole cruise doing what we can do at home- lounging in a chair??!!


We had a few chair hogs, but we didn't ever have a problem finding 2 chairs next to eachother, usually in the first row on the smoking side next to the pool. The elation isn't one of the bigger ships either- I can't imagine why it's much worse on other ships?

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