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Live from the Legend!


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Hello from the Seabourn Legend:


We’ve been onboard for 24 hours now and we’ve already lapsed in to a perfect lazy mode! It takes no effort at all to be spoiled on this ship. Be let me start at our arrival at Port Everglades yesterday.


As we pulled up to pier 26 we could see the Legend moored alongside. There was only one other car curbside. It was 2:30 PM. Were we late, or too early? The porters quickly removed our four bags from the trunk as we were greeting by name, they were obviously reading the luggage tags, but it’s nice way to start the welcoming process. I parked the car in the garage and returned to find Tom waiting for me. We entered the terminal and were asked to be seated for a few moments. They had a very subtle way of processing guests as we arrived. After about 10 minutes a member of the crew approached us and took our hand luggage and escorted us to the King Olav Lounge. We were offered champagne while we waited for our photo ID’s to be produced. Again the wait was perhaps 10 to 15 minutes, we handed over our documents and passports and received those awful ID photos. I’ve seen mug shots that look better, but we were done with the formalities. Again in a few more minutes another crew member arrived to escort us to our suite.


We quickly settled in. Our stewardess Theresa came by to say hello and to be sure that we had the in-suite beverages we ordered. She took away most of the hangers from our closet because I like to bring everything from home hanging – makes unpacking a breeze – out of the case and onto the rod!


The suite layout is very similar to that of the standard Regent suite, with the obvious absence of the wonderful balcony. The bathroom and closet are a bit smaller but certainly functional. We requested a handicap accessible bathroom because Tom hates to step into a tub when the ship is rolling through high seas.


After the unpacking I did a bit of holiday decorating. We brought along several strings of colored lights, some garland and other ornaments to celebrate the season.


Soon enough it was time to prepare for the evening festivities. We received an invitation from the Cruise Director Michele McErlean to join her table for dinner. Thankfully the appointed time of arrival was 7:45 so we had time to visit the Club for a drink and a chance to see some of our traveling companions.


Unlike many of the ships with “cash” bars, all drinks are included. Most passengers stop for cocktails on their way to dinner. It’s very lively in the Club and a convenient place to make new friends and meet dinner companions. The duo “Rebound” (Steve Gibbons and James Ainsworth) provided pre-dinner music.


Then we were off to meet Michele. She was a charming hostess and while Tom had some trepidation about being seated at the opposite end of the table, we both were delighted to find interesting conversation with our dinner companions. It was a lively group and Michele had to excuse herself just before 10 PM to present the “Welcome Aboard Show” The rest of us continued on for a while to enjoy dessert and after dinner drinks.


We eventually moved back to The Club to catch the end of the show. Again, Steve and Jim provided music for dancing. There was a fairly good sized crowd for the first night onboard. No one turned into pumpkins at midnight but we didn’t stay up much later because we needed to push our clocks forward one hour during the night.


The morning arrived too early…and we failed to pre-order breakfast so a call to room service for continental breakfast didn’t happen until almost 10:30. Within minutes the waiter arrived and transformed our cocktail table with a flick of a lever to normal table height. White tablecloth and china appeared in a flash and we were enjoying a light breakfast.


We ventured up to the Sky Bar at 11:30 to find a light shower chasing everyone from the open decks. Undaunted, we found the Midnight Sun Lounge a nice haven and we were drinking “Virgin Mary’s” before noon. Tom and I agreed that free flowing liquor needs to be imbibed a bit more deliberately than you might think. That bottomless wine glass at dinner gave us better judgment in the morning! LOL!


Seabourn has a long tradition of lunch time Trivia on sea days. Several teams arrived ready to do battle. We joined a group that traveled together on this itinerary last year. Many Brits and a few Yanks. There was lively competition – we led after round one but missed some critical questions in rounds two and three, so finished in 4th place after day one. The competition continues throughout the voyage and a winning team will be crowned on New Year’s Day.


Lunch in the dining room and an afternoon showing of “The Devil Wore Prada” rounded out our afternoon. Tom is catching a nap while I write this journal entry. We have wifi in our suite...not as fast as home, but it beats having to go down to the Computer Center!


Tonight is our first formal evening (there will be four during our 14 day cruise). Captain Karlo Buer will host a cocktail party before dinner! Tonight’s menu offers the usual yummy formal fare, Caviar, Fois Gras, Lobster, Lamb etc. The Lobster entrée is listed:



Lobster tail, lobster spring roll, lobster salad in lobster sauce


Sounds like something I might like!


Well....time to go. More later!

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Margo, so delighted to read your post, and I'll be following your adventures aboard the beautiful Legend. I was on the Legend for my first cruise April of this year in the eastern Caribbean. I know you will enjoy every single minute and everything that Seabourn offers. Thank you for posting and please keep us informed!



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Margo and Tom, ALLRIGHT, you both are off on a GREAT start! The Lobster, Lobster, Lobster and Creme Brule en Parade is one of my favorite Seabourn dinners. CD Michelle is tops and please tell her that "Tall Paul From last year's crossing with all the Trivia supplies says Hello and best holiday wishes!" Are Jamilia and Preston the ACDs?


Enjoy your cruise and all the pampering! Although I am biased, the Panama Canal is very interesting especially if you listen to the historical commentary provided by the official Panama Canal guide.

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So glad to hear you've gotten so comfy so quickly aboard the lovely Legend! What a wonderful way to spend a holiday!


Should you run across Maciek, who is, I believe, Sommelier now (and filling in as bartender), please tell him Mr. Watson is looking forward to seeing him in March!


Have a wonderful time, and please keep us posted as you can...


Paul (the other one)

who, apparently, didn't rate a Reserved sign at the Pride SkyBar! :eek: ;)

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Having just disembarked our lovely lady Legend yesterday, I am jealous beyond compare. Great idea about the hangers, I never thought of that. Have a lovely time on your way to Barbados.

I think your ACD's are still the redhead Bonnie Kilgore and short Eric Hadley, their Broadway Show is wonderful, don't miss it. Have a Pina Colada in the jacuzzi at sunset for me. Robbie & Jim Rice

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Hello Sailors!


We just finished dinner and decided to make it an early evening. I know we're missing some terrific entertainment but tonight our dinner service was unusually slow. Several times someone came by to apologize.


I'm not sure what the problem was but our table for 7 finished at the same time as all of the large hosted tables. There were no special orders and in fact two of our diners only ordered the soup and a main course.


Of course on evenings after an event like the Captain's Welcome Party everyone arrives for dinner at the same time and that creates a problem.


We had delightful conversation at dinner with newly found friends but none the less it was a very long meal.


Tomorrow we have another sea day. The winds have been strong and we feel some movement of the ship but no one seems to be bothered. We love it when we can feel seas beneath our feet...and rocking us to sleep, so much the better! They predict more of the same for the next two days.


I will try to search out the crew members you've mentioned. The ACD's are infact Bonni and Eric. Tonight we met the Officers - Captain Buer seems delightful. We love Michele - she is so charming, makes everyone feel like a special guest! Of course all 194 of us are! The captain did a little speech telling us how many guest where from each country. 16 nations were represented....many with only 1 guest, but over 50 from Great Britian, 80 from the US AND 22 from California! That drew quite a laugh from the crowd.


Well, it's time to enjoy some shuteye. Thank you for your notes - it's nice have fellow sailors - especially the "virtual" kind!


PS: Wifi seems to be working well now - I think I've figured out how to use it efficiently - sometimes it's easier to write while on line...thus the shortness of this note.

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Thank you so much for the Legend report! I have such great memories of my 3 weeks on her this past summer. Please give Michelle, Eric, and (OK) Bonnie my best regards. Keep the posts coming! :)


Host Dan

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I love reading other peoples travel reports, so hope you can find time to keep making us all green with jealousy for the next two weeks! I am especially looking forward to hearing about Christmas and New Year on Seabourn. That is something I would love to do one day.

Have a fantastic cruise.

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December 22, 2006


Found the gym yesterday…not a moment too soon. The wonderful food makes this discovery very important! I tried walking on deck but the winds made it very slow going and uncomfortable.


There were abundant diehard sun lovers attempting to get a tan, my guess, a windburn is more likely! We enjoyed another very lazy day at sea. We met friends at the Sky Bar for a lunchtime margarita but decided to eat in the Dining Room. There were perhaps two dozen diners, very quiet and relaxing.


One of the dining room favorites are the breadsticks. The waiters bring a glass filled with 8-10 wonderful salty sticks (thin, crisp, about 10 inches long) and voila, they disappear before you know it, but never fear, more appear in an instant. Another dinner menu dessert favorite of mine, each day they have a cheese sampler – 4 small slices of difference cheeses with a tiny complementary sauce and some nuts – hard to describe but I love it – I’ve forsaken chocolate for cheese – actually that’s not true, but I try not to eat BOTH!


Anyway, we’ve found plenty of choices for our dining pleasure. After lunch I attended a presentation by Dr. Simon Spooner, Maritime Archeologist, detailing the exploration and recovery of shipwrecks. Maybe it was the wine from lunch, but I had some trouble concentrating on that topic. Later there was a special movie showing in the lounge – but I passed in favor of a nap. The weather was not improving and rather than bouncing around the deck, a cozy bed seemed the wiser choice.


By dinner time most of us were having difficulty walking in a straight line and that was BEFORE cocktail hour! The staff is wonderful about grabbing an elbow and steering us into the nearest chair. They’re very sweet about it – making sure no one takes a pratfall.


During cocktails we once again observed a Seabourn phenomena…two couples we’d met during the last two days joined us for drinks. Within minutes they discovered that they had several friends in common and connections in New York. It never ceases to amaze me, that 6 degrees of separation.


Later in the evening we enjoy Michele McErlean’s show. Despite the rough seas she performed a wonderful musical presentation, sometimes clutching a stool or the piano to stay upright! The show must go on!!


Today we arrive in San Juan at 1 PM. There is a special Seabourn Experience tour planned for all passengers. We will be visiting El Cuartel de Ballaja, once a military barracks, now the Museum of the Americas. There will be local musicians performing while we enjoy canapés and cocktail as we view the exhibits.


Everyone but Tom is ready for some terra firma. It’s been a rocky ride from Fort Lauderdale. Fortunately most passengers seemed to feel alright but walking around has been difficult. We’re all hoping to find smoother seas beyond Puerto Rico.


Well, it’s time for another visit to the gym. I’ll write again tomorrow. I can imagine what it’s like at home…only 3 shopping day left! Hope you’re all having fun preparing for the holidays.


Best wishes, Margo

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Thank you so much for your wonderful posts. Your descriptions provide us with a good visualization of your SB experience! As I am a newbie (first cruise with SB in Dec 07), I look forward to CCers posts with much enthusiasm.


I am drawn to a SB cruise because of the small size and opportunity to meet fellow pax with similar interests...hearing about the great service and attention to every detail doesn't hurt either :).

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Thanks for the update, Margo!


And, in case you didn't know, the recipe for the breadsticks should be in your "Bon Voyage" pack from SB when you disembark....


Certainly not something to "look forward to" right now(!), but it's a nice touch by SB!!!


Continued happy sailing!



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May I say that I agree with the assessment of having to spend time in the gym, if one also spends time at a Seabourn dining table. My first voyage with Seabourn, I actually tried jogging on a treadmill in rough seas. Not a good idea. Walking works just as well. Interesting you've encounted so much motion on your trip so far! I hope things do "smooth out" for you.


May I add a special Christmas blessing to you, and everyone connected with Seabourn, crew and CCers alike. I'm thinking of all of you fondly...thank you for the fun times. Have a beautiful Christmas, whether on land or sea!


Jane :)

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First of all, may I extend my very best wishes to everyone reading these posts for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Does the Pride have elliptical machines in their gym fitness center? I'm with you, Jane, gotta keep up the physical activity so I won't feel so guilty eating the wonderful food.

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Bon Jour from Gustavia!


Here's my report for Day 3 and 4...


Yesterday at 1 PM we arrived in Puerto Rico. The original plan was a special tour of The Museum of the Americas. Unfortunately, just a few hours before our arrival, the tour department was informed the museum was closed because of flooding caused by heavy rains the previous day. I’m sure there was a bit of scrambling but a backup plan was made. Passengers were offered a tour of the Bacardi Rum factory. I elected to stay with the plan and so off we went to the factory.


We’ve visited San Juan before and I love to wander through Old San Juan, this was the first time I saw other parts of the city. It was a busy day, traffic was heavy and I returned to the reality of urban living. But just as quickly we were in Barcardi Park, the lovely gardens that surround the distillery.


We were given our tour tickets and two chits for drinks. While we waited to start the tour everyone had a mojito or daiquiri. A mellow mood seemed the order of the day.


We rode a tram to the museum where there is a very professional exhibit of the Bacardi family history as well as their influence in the production of rum. Interesting, but not terribly compelling. We then returned to our bus and made a short scenic tour on our return to the ship. In hindsight I wish I just wander around Old San Juan for the afternoon, but it’s now a case of” been there, done that.”


As we returned to the terminal we could hear an quartet playing When we rounded the corner we found one of the staff members offering icy cold towels, another held a tray of punch drinks and on either side of the gangway a line of stewardesses and waiters stood to welcome us “home”. It was a nice touch and within minutes we were back in their complete care!


Our sail away was delayed for a few minutes as we waited for the delivery of lost luggage. Several individuals from London arrive in Fort Lauderdale without their luggage. Even though they were in the US 2 day prior to the cruise, it took 5 days for the husband’s cases to arrive. The wife’s luggage is still missing. They purchased some clothing in Fort Lauderdale. She may be acquiring a new wardrobe as we visit each port. Now that would be making lemonade wouldn’t it?


Our evening was much the same as the past three, cocktails in the club, a lovely dinner and then off to the show and casino. Tom played blackjack for a short time, leaving the table with his original investment. He calls that winning! Eric James Hadley performed a lively variety of musical number. Again, the ship was bouncing along and everyone seemed glad to retire to the rocking of a comfy bed.


Sometime during the night the winds shifted a bit and our ship stopped tossing about. We both woke to wonder what happened. We have become accustomed to the bouncy ride!


As I write this we are preparing to anchor of Gustavia, St. Barths. It is a clear, sunny day but there is still a strong breeze. Many beach and snorkeling tours are offered, but I plan to just go into town and poke around. Perhaps I’ll find a unique gift for Tom for Christmas.


Tom is going to stay onboard the Legend. I think he plans to catch a “Massage Moment” on deck.


Tonight an “Evening Under the Starts-Deck BBQ” is scheduled along with the “Rock the Boat” show featuring dance music of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and beyond. If that’s not enough dancing there will be Disco Night in the club afterwards. I think we’ll have fun just watching!


Well, the engines have stopped so I think we must be at anchor. I’ll let you know how our day is paradise turns out.


Au Revoir,



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Thanks for the wonderful posts - it makes us all homesick and wishing we were there. I am eagerly waiting to hear what special things they have lined up for you at Christmas. On Christmas Day have as drink for all us poor people stuck here on land. If you should see Eric, Luca or Adrian (drummer in the band) tell them Lesley sends her love and wishes them a very Merry Christmas. Have a wonderful time and keep posting.;)

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Merry Christmas from the Caribbean Sea!


We’ve been having too much fun and not enough time to write about it. Since my last entry we’ve visited Gustavia St. Barts, and Deshaires, Guadeloupe. In both locations the ship anchored and passengers traveled ashore via tenders.


Tour selection for these port was fairly limited, mostly snorkeling or beach activities. We decided to relax onboard but I ventured into St. Barts in the afternoon to check out the local scene.


The harbor was filled with luxury yachts! It was clear that the holiday spirit arrived with them and all of the sidewalk cafes were filled with celebrants. I walked along the main shopping area passing Dior, Hermes and Bulgari shops alongside tiny botiques selling bikinis and t-shirts! The local currency is Euros, so as you might guess, not too many bargains to be had. A friend spotted a gorgeous yellow diamond necklace at Bulgari for a bit over 1 million Euros, but as she said, “where would you wear it?”


It was fun to poke around. I even took a detour through a local “supermarket”. It’s always interesting to see what the “natives” are buying. I felt like I was in France, lots of cheeses and pates along with wine and other staples. I think a vacation in St. Barts must be fun!


Deshaires on the other hand was very quiet and less prosperous. Arriving on Christmas Eve Sunday made taxis a rare commodity. Most passengers elected to remain on the ship, or made a short tender ride in, only to return a bit disappointed.


We passed the day reading and relaxing on the pool deck. The skies are blue, but it is still very windy, so finding a sheltered spot in the shade was our main goal. Meals are of course always part of the program and we enjoyed breakfast and lunch in the Verandah Café.


It’s easy to disconnect with the real “world” but it was Christmas Eve…we needed to get into the spirit. The ship is beautifully decorated with trees and ornaments everywhere you look.


Last night at 6:30 Christmas Mass was celebrated by Father Bill and then we migrated to The Club for carols and cocktails. I think everyone was there, I’ve never seen the place more crowded! We enjoyed sharing laughter and song with our fellow passengers. Our suite neighbors introduced us to traveling companions and before you could say St. Nick we were at a table for 8 puzzling over another mouthwatering menu. The conversations were lively and the evening passed in a flash. We actually lost track of time and missed the show! But when you’re having fun, who wants to stop?


Many of the other’s wandered off to The Club for a nightcap but we decided to turn it. It was a beautiful Christmas Eve. We missed our family and friends at home but felt enveloped in good fellowship and celebration here.


I hope you’re Christmas is as bright and merry. We wish you all that and more.


Merry Christmas, Margo

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Margo, thank you for posting. I also want to add my wishes for a blessed Christmas. Are you taking any pictures of the ship? I'd love to see how Seabourn decorates. Are you also on for the next week and New Year's? I hear they have a wonderful New Year's Eve party!


That's great that you had such fun at dinner with your new acquaintances. One of the things I love most about Seabourn is meeting the other passengers, they are interesting and friendly.


Best wishes for "smooth sailing" the rest of your cruise.


Jane :)

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Margo, thank you for being a faithful poster about your trip. We are living vicariously through your reports and lookforward to them daily. We don't board a Seabourn ship until August........way toooo long. Have you tried "tastings" (the alternate restaurant)? We really enjoyed that along with all of the other venues. Do enjoy and thank you again for keeping us up to date on your journey.

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