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Sharing a soda card

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There are no rules about how LONG you get refills for.







ACTUALLY... there are rules... most establishments will allow you to refill during your visit... coming back later to refill after you left is a big no-no... It's a Board of Health issue sir... once you have left the establishment, there is no telling where that cup goes... I for one, would scream bloody murder if I saw someone leave an establishment and come back later to refill... That is a gross violation of health code...


It's also tacky and low-class but that is stating the obvious...

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The "soda card" is a sticker put on your SeaPass card. It has your ship, travel dates and year on it, so using it the following year would be easily detected by the person looking at your card, which they do. Peeling off the sticker and putting it on your current one doesn't work either, as they don't come off easily.


If you don't want to spend the money on the sticker, just bring a twelve pack of your favorite soda on board.

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We (along with MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of other guests across the planet Earth), bring those same cups back with us, if we're staying at the same hotel again. We actually have quite a collection of outdated cups from four different themed resorts from Disney World that are just sitting in boxes in our basement, unused.


I "think" we got our money's worth out of them, having used each of them at least twice, over the years. I think it's time to buy new ones for the next trip. :p


The Disney resorts know this takes place and they have no reason to stop you from doing so. They know it happens and they could care LESS. Though they DO change the looks and design of the cups, every five years or so, but it apparently has no bearing on their trying to get people to buy another cup, from what we've been told.


Because they know how freakin' CHEAP the soda is.



For those of you who wondered why Disney ticket prices went up again this year, this guy and his "millions and millions" of friends is the answer! Soda is cheap, huh? Have you heard of profit? Have you heard of product mix? Maybe soda is a higher profit margin item than ice cream but they SELL both and it is not right to STEAL either!


"They know it happens and they could care LESS. " You must work for the government? Right? I know from this statement that you have never had your own business or been concerned about making a profit to be able to pay the employees!


You got your money's worth on your first trip. After that you are just a thief!

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You got your money's worth on your first trip. After that you are just a thief!



Yes dear(s). :rolleyes:



I disagree.



And fuel prices drove up the cost of tickets. Do you ACTUALLY think the cost of soda, drove up the cost of tickets?!?!?!? HAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAA:D :D :D :D :D

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I've been reading this thread and have to wonder are we serious? Do we really care that much if someone buys a coke on their spouse's soda card that we would get this inflamed about it? To the degree that we are arguing about whether or not it is permissable to give your spouse a sip of a soda bought on your soda card? And questioning what Jesus would do? ( Personally, since he knows the details of all of our lives, I think he might ask why we are worried about the splinter in someone else's eye, when their is a log in our own, but that's just my opinion).


Royal Caribbean knows enough about their profit margin to know what makes a difference and what doesn't. Why do you think they enforce the alcohol policy so dilligently?


People are people and they do what they feel they can get away with. Most people would not intentionally hurt anyone, but most do feel that "harmless" dishonesty is OK. I leave that kind of thing to each person's own conscience. I only have two children that I need to teach right from wrong.


I tell you one thing, I wish I lived in a world with people as perfect and moral as some of my fellow CC community members. It would be really nice to live in a world where people always did the right thing. But I do wonder how people manage to enjoy their vacations when so much focus is put on what other people do.


For the record, I don't drink carbonated beverages. But my boyfriend will be bringing a six pack of coke aboard since he ocassionally does drink cokes.


So far, I haven't heard that that is not OK.

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"They know it happens and they could care LESS. " !


Okay I just can't bite my tongue any longer - this phrase is so overly misused.


If they could care less, it means they care....


SO, it should be they "couldn't care less" thus implying they already care as little as possible and don't have any more care to care :)


Not singling anyone out - I see it everywhere! But if used to bolster an argument it should at least be used correctly. :D


Now back to keeping this thread going.... :)

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I'm sort of on the fence about this. There are so many opportunities in today's world to abuse merchants, etc. I think they are well aware of this abuse, and adjust their prices accordingly.


Yes, the price of a glass of soda is a few pennies. That's why they charge so much for them everywhere, and give free refills in most restaurants: it's a HUMONGUOUS profit margin. So, cheating isn't really hurting the vendor financially if a certain percentage of the customers get sneaky or cheat.


Now, on to the other side of this debate: the tackiness of doing so. To me, when a person nibbles away at the edges of their value system with these types of acts, it just helps them rationalize their less-than-honest behavior. It's a self-centered attitude. It doesn't necessarily mean the person is evil or bad: this might be the same person that will rescue your kitty or dog and return it to you.


We all have to draw the line on our own standards, and some of us draw that line sooner that others. I would probably not share a soda card with DH, but mostly because it goes against my standard of good behavior, not because it's seriously immoral. It's kind of a "no harm" type of cheating, but yes, it's still cheating. That's why they charge so much for stuff: we're subsidizing the cheaters everywhere.

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I'm sort of on the fence about this. There are so many opportunities in today's world to abuse merchants, etc. I think they are well aware of this abuse, and adjust their prices accordingly.


Yes, the price of a glass of soda is a few pennies. That's why they charge so much for them everywhere, and give free refills in most restaurants: it's a HUMONGUOUS profit margin. So, cheating isn't really hurting the vendor financially if a certain percentage of the customers get sneaky or cheat.


Now, on to the other side of this debate: the tackiness of doing so. To me, when a person nibbles away at the edges of their value system with these types of acts, it just helps them rationalize their less-than-honest behavior. It's a self-centered attitude. It doesn't necessarily mean the person is evil or bad: this might be the same person that will rescue your kitty or dog and return it to you.


We all have to draw the line on our own standards, and some of us draw that line sooner that others. I would probably not share a soda card with DH, but mostly because it goes against my standard of good behavior, not because it's seriously immoral. It's kind of a "no harm" type of cheating, but yes, it's still cheating. That's why they charge so much for stuff: we're subsidizing the cheaters everywhere.


Very well said. I agree with you 100%.

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I'm sort of on the fence about this. There are so many opportunities in today's world to abuse merchants, etc. I think they are well aware of this abuse, and adjust their prices accordingly.


Yes, the price of a glass of soda is a few pennies. That's why they charge so much for them everywhere, and give free refills in most restaurants: it's a HUMONGUOUS profit margin. So, cheating isn't really hurting the vendor financially if a certain percentage of the customers get sneaky or cheat.


Now, on to the other side of this debate: the tackiness of doing so. To me, when a person nibbles away at the edges of their value system with these types of acts, it just helps them rationalize their less-than-honest behavior. It's a self-centered attitude. It doesn't necessarily mean the person is evil or bad: this might be the same person that will rescue your kitty or dog and return it to you.


We all have to draw the line on our own standards, and some of us draw that line sooner that others. I would probably not share a soda card with DH, but mostly because it goes against my standard of good behavior, not because it's seriously immoral. It's kind of a "no harm" type of cheating, but yes, it's still cheating. That's why they charge so much for stuff: we're subsidizing the cheaters everywhere.


I know what you mean.


I draw the line at minding my own business.


Don't much care what others do with their soda card.


I guess I have not cruised enough to start judging everyone else yet.


How may cruises do I need?:)

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SO, it should be they "couldn't care less" thus implying they already care as little as possible and don't have any more care to care :)


You're absolutley right. I saw that the moment I hit "Reply" and thought that exact same thing. You're right. I just didn't go back to edit it. Grammatically... You're right. Thanks. :p



Now, on to the other side of this debate: the tackiness of doing so. To me, when a person nibbles away at the edges of their value system with these types of acts, it just helps them rationalize their less-than-honest behavior. It's a self-centered attitude.





Like I said before... I'm not condoning this behavior (the re-using of the soda pass for the next cruise). I wouldn't do it, simply because, well... It's cheap and tacky, for the lack of a more descriptive term.


But to share a soda card... Who gives a sh*t?


I earn the money in our house. The same soda that my wife drinks, is the same soda I'm paying for. I'm not the soda drinker... She is. And that's not very frequent either. If I'm gonna' take a sip of her soda... A SIP MIND YOU... Are you holier than thou people gonna' be looming over everyone's shoulder (including mine) to stop them (me) from doing so?


And if you ARE concerned about things in life like this...




Don't be the little old lady librarian, who pops a vein in her forehead, when you owe a nickle for a library book that's two weeks passed due. :rolleyes:

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I know what you mean.


I draw the line at minding my own business.


Don't much care what others do with their soda card.


I guess I have not cruised enough to start judging everyone else yet.


How may cruises do I need?:)



What's wrong Bart? Santa forgot to stop at your house? It is a New Year, and there is time for you to turn over a new leaf.


Your pal



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OK - just for fun, try this one on. Yesterday at the theater, I paid for my ticket, my popcorn, and popped open my smuggled Diet Dr. Pepper can and enjoyed it. You know what crossed my mind? Not fearing being caught by the theater police, but thinking," Oh my goodness, I hope there are no cruise critic people in here!" :eek:

(Please note sarcasm intended)


And for the record, we did purchase 1 adult and 2 kid's soda cards on the Mariner last week. ($112 total) I enjoyed the Diet Pepsi cans the porters delievered to my room with my luggage, and an occasional sip from my hubby's glass on the Promenade.



By using the word "smuggled" you have fully admitted that you did something you should not have done. (Parent admonishment mode indended)

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Alright, I have one question about the sharing of the soda card? "Who cares?" If my wife has only a soda or two the whole trip and I have the stamp on my card? So what? Its not a big deal in my eyes. To anyone else, thats your opinion and I respect it. But its not going to hurt anyone and once cruiselines start enforcing the soda card "IE: watching the person who got the drink actually drink it" I will start caring, until then its just a loophole and everyone does it. Would you tell your loved one that you they had to put the soda on their pass and you still end up paying for it after? I dont think so. Thanks for your time in reading this.



I'm part of the "everyone" you speak of and I would NEVER do it!


So now you can not say "everyone"

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You're absolutley right. I saw that the moment I hit "Reply" and thought that exact same thing. You're right. I just didn't go back to edit it. Grammatically... You're right. Thanks. :p








Like I said before... I'm not condoning this behavior (the re-using of the soda pass for the next cruise). I wouldn't do it, simply because, well... It's cheap and tacky, for the lack of a more descriptive term.


But to share a soda card... Who gives a sh*t?


I earn the money in our house. The same soda that my wife drinks, is the same soda I'm paying for. I'm not the soda drinker... She is. And that's not very frequent either. If I'm gonna' take a sip of her soda... A SIP MIND YOU... Are you holier than thou people gonna' be looming over everyone's shoulder (including mine) to stop them (me) from doing so?


And if you ARE concerned about things in life like this...




Don't be the little old lady librarian, who pops a vein in her forehead, when you owe a nickle for a library book that's two weeks passed due. :rolleyes:



Agreed - on all fronts :)

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It seems everybody!!! LOL

We have now included god, Jesus probably Moses, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, The Pope himself and whoever else will damn your soul to hell if you share. :rolleyes:



And WHAT is wrong with that?


Oh and for the record you need to substitute the word,


steal for share!

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I've been reading this thread and have to wonder are we serious? Do we really care that much if someone buys a coke on their spouse's soda card that we would get this inflamed about it? To the degree that we are arguing about whether or not it is permissable to give your spouse a sip of a soda bought on your soda card? And questioning what Jesus would do? ( Personally, since he knows the details of all of our lives, I think he might ask why we are worried about the splinter in someone else's eye, when their is a log in our own, but that's just my opinion).


Royal Caribbean knows enough about their profit margin to know what makes a difference and what doesn't. Why do you think they enforce the alcohol policy so dilligently?


People are people and they do what they feel they can get away with. Most people would not intentionally hurt anyone, but most do feel that "harmless" dishonesty is OK. I leave that kind of thing to each person's own conscience. I only have two children that I need to teach right from wrong.


I tell you one thing, I wish I lived in a world with people as perfect and moral as some of my fellow CC community members. It would be really nice to live in a world where people always did the right thing. But I do wonder how people manage to enjoy their vacations when so much focus is put on what other people do.


For the record, I don't drink carbonated beverages. But my boyfriend will be bringing a six pack of coke aboard since he ocassionally does drink cokes.


So far, I haven't heard that that is not OK.


1st highlight - And so that makes it ok in your eyes? What if it was your Burger King restaurant (for example) that was being ripped off? Would you be singing a different tune.


2d highlight - No here is perfect. Some of the thieves here think, however, that thier petty crime against a billion dollar corporation should be ignored cause of the fact that it is against a billion dollar corporation.


Jesus - You should check your eyes for logs as well, cause we all have them! The logs in our eyes do not negate the fact that those persons that use soda cards in a manner other than they were intended for are still thieves.

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The fact that the cruise line requires you to pay for soda is ridiculous. They can afford to have people order 3 appetizers, 2 entrees, and 2 desserts at dinner and load multiple plates for breakfast and lunch buffet, and that's all included in the cruise price, but they can't afford to give you a soda? I can understand charging for alcoholic beverages - but not soda. Or, it should at least be a more reasonable price, both the individual drinks and the soda cards.


Think about it - $40 or $50 per week for soda? per person? If you have 2 or 3 kids, that's $100 or more (you could pay for an excursion with that money). At those rates, they're just begging people to cheat with them.

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The fact that the cruise line requires you to pay for soda is ridiculous. They can afford to have people order 3 appetizers, 2 entrees, and 2 desserts at dinner and load multiple plates for breakfast and lunch buffet, and that's all included in the cruise price, but they can't afford to give you a soda? I can understand charging for alcoholic beverages - but not soda. Or, it should at least be a more reasonable price, both the individual drinks and the soda cards.


Think about it - $40 or $50 per week for soda? per person? If you have 2 or 3 kids, that's $100 or more (you could pay for an excursion with that money). At those rates, they're just begging people to cheat with them.



Soda could be 50 cents a can and people would still steal and cheat.:rolleyes:


Doesn't matter what they charge. If you use one card for your entire family you are stealing. Period. Those that don't steal are paying for those that do. Very simple.


I love how people don't care about stealing soda but get their panties in a wad over chair hogs.:D

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