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World Cruise Blog from Therapst and Therapst's Lady


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Hey there Emu


Nice to see your post, I wasn't sure whether or not you had left yet, must be fairly soon!


I sent you the requested mugshots to your email address, hope you got them.


Look forward to seeing you soon, hope the first part of your trip is great.





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Hi there Randy and Mary


I eagerly await each instalment of your blog as each post brings me a step closer to joining you! Thank you both so much for including such a wealth of information about what is "going down" onboard. It really helps me to get a sense of what to expect once we get on. I'm sure these posts take quite some time for you to put together so I just wanted to let you know they are much appreciated


Looking forward to meeting you after we board in Sydney!






Hi Timmi. Thank you for your kind comments. Mary and I are looking forward to meeting you and your family also. We're trying to keep the ship in good shape for you.... ;)


Randy, Mary, Karie:


Can't wait to join you in Dubai. My husband and I can only join the cruise for the last 15 days but I am really enjoying your posts. I check the bridgecam every day and will check it later today for the passage through the Horn!


I am so glad to hear that everything is going well! We will be on Deck 12.

What is the cost for access to the Internet and do you try to access it in your stateroom or in public areas? Don't know whether to bring my laptop or not? This will be our second cruise on this Queen and we thoroughly enjoyed the first in 2004.


It is good that folks are not coming down with the Norwalk Virus and as long as folks remember to wash their hands any outbreaks should be minor. I never knew it was the most common disease after the common cold!


Karen (and Jim) Wilson


Hi Karen and Jim. Internet access, whether via one of the ship's computers located either in Connexions or in the Library, or via your laptop, which can be used wirelessly in any of a number of Wifi spots or via a dial-up connection through the telephone in your cabin, is not inexpensive. The price per minute runs anywhere from $0.50 per minute with no package purchase, down to $0.25 per minute with a 32-hour package. This is the first time that we've brought a laptop computer onboard, and it has proven very handy to have.


Hi again Mary, Hi Randy! I also am enjoying reading your world cruise travel journal and follow your course on the QM2 web-cam almost daily.


May I ask what the outcome of the Brazil visa fiasco was when the ship arrived in Rio?


keep enjoying!




Hi Bob. Here's the information we received from a couple who were part of the affected group. They were not permitted to board the ship until sometime after 1700 hours (the original scheduled sailing time). Cunard was successful in somehow getting the Brazilian authorities to allow them to apply for their visas while they were waiting. The normal visa charge was placed on the passengers' accounts. Cunard even arranged to have the required passport-type photos taken so that they could be included with the applications as required. At least as impressively, Cunard apparently agreed to absorb the additional cost of the rush processing fees or fines imposed by Brazil. There was uncertainty as to whether these passengers would be permitted to disembark for tours in Rio, and the passengers were made aware of this situation. However, by the time the ship docked in Rio, the passengers were able to go on their tours.



We had an absolutely magnificent day for rounding the Horn, and Captain Rynd decided to go the scenic route through the Beagle Passage, where the snow-covered mountains and ice glaciers provided breath-taking viewing!


More to follow with the next posting through Karie.....

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G'day Timmi,

I have sent you a few Emails and I replied to your Email some time ago regarding our departure etc............ sometimes I find the numerals in my Email address triggers a "Junk Mail" response in the recipients program.


So thats probably where they have ended up!


Anyway......... Don't leave here until 1 Feb then fly MKY - BNE O/night then BNE - SYD - SFO Feb 2.


Will post from the ship on this thread.



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Randy and Mary,


Thanks so much for continuing to share your experiences on the World Cruise. I am so pleased that everything is going well for you and to hear that Cunard is doing some special things for those of you on the full World Cruise!! What a memory for both of you that you sailed on this very special voyage.


Just a curiosity question that I'm sure others share. How is your wardrobe working out? I know you have so many formal, informal and casual evenings. I'm sure the self-serve laundry is a real bonus. Any wardrobe suggestions for those thinking of a future World Cruise?



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Hi Randy Hi Mary, Hope you enjoyed your day in and around Valparaiso - seems like you had pretty good weather today.


Just a couple more questions then I'll leave you alone for the rest of the voyage: Did they ever replace the onboard shows 'Apassionata' and 'Rock at the Opera'? QM2 have been performing them for years since the ship went into service just about. Time for a change. I know there must be many repeat sailors aboard who would like to see something different.


Lastly, is the talented bar tender Paul Hamilton still ruling on board in the Commodore Club? - just wondered if he decided to stay on for the world cruise.





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New post from Randy and Mary!


January 27—Enroute to Acapulco


Replies and Comments –


Imacruizer – Beth, unfortunately the upgrade fairy didn’t visit us, but the good news is that our cabin is fine in terms of size. The wardrobe space isn’t large, but with the use of multiple pants hangers and some creative use of this space, things have been working out fine so far. The bathroom is, of course, “compact,” but certainly sufficient. That’s not to say that one of those Jacuzzi baths in the Queens Grill suites wouldn’t be appreciated from time to time….. ; )


Highcbob – There are three production shows currently onboard, and they are Appasionata, Rock@The Opera, and Zing Went the Strings. However, our understanding from Ray Rouse is that a new production company with all new shows will be joining the ship in Sydney. Also, of course, there are various variety and cabaret acts each evening, so there is plenty of high-quality entertainment aside from the production shows. We don’t have the answer for you about Paul Hamilton in the Commodore Club yet, but we’ll do some checking.


Ports – QM2 has now completed its third port visit on the first segment of the World Cruise: Valparaiso, the port city for Santiago, Chile. About 100 passengers on a “mini-segment” disembarked the ship, and another 90 passengers joined us. While docked at Valparaiso, we had the pleasure of meeting the U.S. Ambassador to Chile, Craig Kelly, and some of his embassy staff, who were touring the ship and meeting with the Captain and senior officers.


Another interesting thing about the ship being docked in Valparaiso was the large number of sightseeing boats making the trip from shore to a specified distance alongside the ship for their passengers to see the QM2 and take photographs. This parade of boats and orange life-jacketed passengers continued throughout the day, and we can’t imagine how many hundreds of persons availed themselves of this opportunity to see the Royal Lady.


Cape Horn – This truly was a highlight of the first leg of the voyage, due in large part to the decision of Captain Rynd to take the ship through the Beagle Channel and then enter the spectacular Chilean Fjords after rounding the horn. Further, the weather couldn’t have been better, so being able to view and take video and photographs of the magnificent snow-capped mountains and ice glaciers while the sun was shining brightly was nearly a day-long pleasure.


Info on San Francisco Arrival – We understand that QM2 is expected to be sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge at about 1600 hours on February 4, with the official docking time scheduled for 2000 hours. The interim time may be dedicated to arrival ceremonies, cruising the bay, etc. It has also been reported that U.S. Immigration clearance will take place onboard the ship, which would certainly be more convenient that having everyone disembark for the process. We expect that about 1900 passengers will be leaving the ship in San Francisco, and that another 1800 or so will be joining.


Friendly Faces – In this section, we just want to mention a few more of the very special people who have been treating us like friends and family during our time onboard the ship. Jason, a bar steward in the Golden Lion Pub, is a very special person and knows our cabin number by heart now. Assistant Maitre’d Sai in the Britannia Dining Room is a delight, as are our headwaiter Erdal, waiter Raul, and Assistant Waiter Paul. Our thanks also to Raul, the Maitre’d in the Britannia, who is always willing to chat and help out with special requests. There are several others whom we will mention in future installments.



(More to follow)





For Randy and Mary, Live from the QM2 World Cruise

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Lastly, is the talented bar tender Paul Hamilton still ruling on board in the Commodore Club? - just wondered if he decided to stay on for the world cruise.






Bob, we checked this morning and Paul Hamilton is currently onboard, but he will be departing the ship in San Francisco for vacation.

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Once again Mary and Randy your posts are so informative and helpful!

I've been wondering about how many people would be embarking/disembarking in Sydney. By the looks of what you are saying about San Francisco it could be quite a few! I had thought could be up to 1000 or so, if you happen to hear to what the number is going to be I would be very interested to hear it.


Emu, I'm so sorry I think you are right, I have not got any of your recent emails! Our systems admin guy has had to up the level of filtering due to the amount of spam we were receiving but I have now added you to my safe senders list so I should receive future emails. Have a great trip, I look forward to seeing your posts on here and even more to joining you in Sydney!





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Mary and Randy...


I am so enjoying your trip and thrilled you are too. If Paul is the Norwegian bartender in the CC, say hello to him from the lady who spoke Norwegian with him in Dec....like he's likely to remember. He was a delightful person. Just say "god (pronounced good) dag" to him from me.


And when you see Anja tell her the 4 of us are booked for Nov 10th!! had to get my QM2 fix!!!


Keep enjoying and we'll all "sail" with you in spririt.:D


Cheers, Penny

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Thank you again Randy and Mary for taking time from your voyage to send these reports. I'm glad you were able to find my very special friend Jason. I've known him for about 3 1/2 years now, and he recently signed up for another 3 years on the QM2. He's a really dedicated person to Cunard and I hope they will recognize that and eventually give him a promotion.

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Randy and Mary,


Thanks so much for your updates from the World Cruise. I realize that the word "wardrobe" made you think I was referring to the storage space on the ship. However, like all ladies I am really curious about how much clothing one needs for a World Cruise. Did you take enough, too much????



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Thanks Mary and Randy for your posts about the QM2s Maiden World Cruise. Our party of four will be joining the ship in San Francisco. Following the ship vicariously through you has been a treat and has added to the excitement and anticipation of beginning our portion of the World Cruise.

We are leaving the ship in Sydney. Although we will have mixed feelings about leaving the ship, it will be a real treat to see the fireworks display on the 20th from the steps of the Opera House. (Have tickets for La Traviata that night). Friends who are members of the Sydney Royal Yacht Squadron have informed us that it is going to be a BIG DEAL to have both Queens in the Harbour. The Squadron I understand will have a large contingent of craft on hand, as the ship enters the harbour.

I will be on the lookout for any CC get togethers while on board. Hope to meet you in person.


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February 3—Enroute to San Francisco


Replies and Comments –


We have been without internet coverage for nearly three days, and since we have time-sensitive information on QM2’s expected arrival in San Francisco, we are going to attempt to post this blog entry directly rather than email it as we normally do to Karie (Travel-to-go). So Karie, please understand and know that we will, with your kind permission, email future entries to you just as we have in the past.


Imacruizer – Beth, so far we are feeling that we actually brought about the right amount of clothes for the voyage. Mary packed about 12 casual tops, 4 pairs of jeans :eek: , 6 pairs of dress slacks, both navy and black, 4 pairs of shorts, 8 formal tops and 6 bottoms, both pants and skirts, and various accessories which allows for mixing and matching with different color accents. She also brought several dresses suitable for the informal evenings. Public rooms tend to be chilly, and sweaters or sweat shirts are helpful. We’re assuming that you’re more interested in ladies’ wear as opposed to men’s. However, it is of interest to note that the dress code is being enforced as to men’s wear of jackets in the dining rooms during Elegant Casual evenings. (This does not, however, include the Kings Court buffet area.)


Songanddance – We can’t answer your question with a degree of certainty since we were not on one of the organized tours in Brazil. However, we didn’t hear anyone make mention of a military escort during casual conversation.


2crzlvers: Jerry, thank you for your comments and the additional information on QM2’s arrival in Sydney. From everything we’ve heard thus far, it should definitely be a memorable occasion.


LBL – Carole, please see the item below on arrival info for San Francisco.


Progress – QM2 has now completed its final port visit (Acapulco) on the first segment of the World Cruise prior to arrival in San Francisco. Here are a few statistics from the voyage so far:


Since departing Fort Lauderdale, the ship has traveled a distance of 13,880 nautical miles with an average overall speed of 26 knots. The highest average speed between any two ports occurred between Rio De Janeiro and Montevideo at 28.5 knots. The ship made its South bound crossing of the equator at 0915 on January 15, and its North bound crossing at 0730 on January 30. The extreme latitudes were 56 degrees, 00 minutes South at Cape Horn, and 37 degrees, 50 minutes North at San Francisco.


Whales and Dolphins – Shortly after departing Acapulco, QM2 encountered a pod of three humpback whales (according to the bridge, two males courting a female) and actually had to slow down and take evasive action to avoid colliding with them. Apparently, they were far more interested in their own activities that they were in the giant vessel close behind them. They finally cut across the bow to starboard and slowly headed toward more shallow water, and they provided a spectacular whale-watching moment for passengers as they spouted water and breached the surface. There have also been several sightings of dolphins cavorting in close proximity to the ship.


Info on San Francisco Arrival – Here is the latest information we have been given on our arrival time in San Francisco on February 4 (taken directly from the Daily Programme): “We expect to pass underneath the Golden Gate Bridge at 4.00pm with a clearance of approximately 3.5 metres. Once clear we set an easterly heading passing slowly down the eastbound San Francisco traffic lane, passing between the downtown San Francisco city skyline to starboard and Alcatraz Island to port. We follow the San Francisco docklands towards the Oakland Bay Bridge where we complete a full 180 degree swing giving us the full view of the city, before heading north to a temporary anchorage just off Treasure Island, the U.S. Naval station where we will hold our position and await immigration and customs clearance. With a favourable tide and current we leave the anchorage and expect to be making our approach to the berth at 8.00pm where we will remain alongside for the remainder of the night.” We expect to dock at Pier 27.


Friendly Faces – In this section, we just want to mention one more of the very special people who have been treating us like friends and family during our time onboard the ship. A special “hats off” to cruise staff member Ed Moffat from the U.K. Always friendly and having a joke at the ready, Ed is the creator of the Lucky 7 game played some evenings in the Golden Lion Pub. Randy refers to him as King Edward, and Ed in turn refers to Randy as Lord Randy of Askerby and Upper Grumpton!


There are others whom we will mention in future installments.


(More to follow)

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Glad you clarified about posting yourselves. I thought something was wrong with my email, as I didn't see an email from you.

Sorry about not having a hook-up. Something wrong with the satellite antenna?


Marvelous about the whales and dolphins. good thing the whales were seen, as there have been several news items about whales being caught and killed on the bulbous bow, including, IRRC, the QE2 herself some years back. I can't wait til y'all get back with some pictures! What an incredible opportunity! Maybe someday....(Let's see, if I quit my job, I'll have the time, but then I won't have the money... not that I have the money now, <sigh>)


BTW, In case you hadn't heard, there were devastating tornadoes in Central Florida yesterday. Along a similar path to the Christmas Day one which hit Deland and Daytona Beach, including the airport. It hit Deland again, and Lady Lake- 11 dead so far in Lady Lake, with some still missing. 19 dead total so far. It also destroyed many homes in New Smyrna- These are all my old stomping grounds. So far I have caught up with most of my family, and they are okay. My little sister is living in a temporary place in Altamonte Springs after being forced out by a fire which gutted the apartment below hers on Dec 27th. My family has just not been having it too good lately! I haven't spoken to her yet, but I did call my step mother. So I guess she is okay. BTW, it also seems that the CAP squadron hangar did not get damaged in the Christmas Day tornado, though Embry Riddle lost 50 of 65 planes. My squadron helped in the grand opening ceremonies of ERAU (then ERAI)

We're trying to keep the state safe while you're gone!


HEY, NSB (ooh, I forget your whole screen name) I hope you're okay. I think it was kind of the north and western part of NSB?



Glad to hear Randy and Mary are still doing fine!

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Randy and Mary,


Thanks so much for continuing your delightful posts from the World Cruise in spite of Internet difficulties. Thanks also for answering my question about the clothing that you took. It seems you planned your clothing quite well and made the perfect choices. Thanks for including the information about dress code for the men, also.


We will all be glued to the QM2 webcam today as you approach San Francisco. Did someone say there was a little football game today??? Personally, I'll be more interested in the webcam!!


Continue to enjoy every minute of your voyage and thanks again for the posts.



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Just a quick update on QM2's arrival in San Francisco: it has been announced on Ray Rouse's morning show that QM2 will be met by the Liberty Ship Jeremiah O'Brien, one of the few remaining 1,700 troop ships made during World War II. It will be manned by war veterans who are members of the Liberty Ship Society.


Safety Officer Ben Lyons also confirmed the plans for the foghorns on the Golden Gate Bridge and the QM2 to exchange salutes.


There is a RUMOR, and we repeat RUMOR, among passengers, that California's Governor may be visiting the ship while she is docked in the City by the Bay.




(Karie, thank you for understanding about our last post. And yes, we did learn of the terrible devastation caused by the tornado in central Florida, and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected.)

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Just a quick update on QM2's arrival in San Francisco: it has been announced on Ray Rouse's morning show that QM2 will be met by the Liberty Ship Jeremiah O'Brien, one of the few remaining 1,700 troop ships made during World War II. It will be manned by war veterans who are members of the Liberty Ship Society.


Safety Officer Ben Lyons also confirmed the plans for the foghorns on the Golden Gate Bridge and the QM2 to exchange salutes.


There is a RUMOR, and we repeat RUMOR, among passengers, that California's Governor may be visiting the ship while she is docked in the City by the Bay.




(Karie, thank you for understanding about our last post. And yes, we did learn of the terrible devastation caused by the tornado in central Florida, and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected.)



Any updates as to your arrival time at the Golden Gate bridge?

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Aloha Mary and Randy,


We have been eagerly reading all of your wonderful tales of your journey and eagerly await her arrival in Honolulu this Friday. Having sailed on her 4 times and loving every minute, we will be down at the harbor when you arrive.


Have they been leaving "pillow gifts" occasionally on your bed? Usually they give world cruisers special little commemorative presents from time to time. I ask because we will take the world cruise next year, a combination of the QE2 and the QV, and wonder how much space they will take up in our luggage when we return home. One year there was a lovely wood box with the Cunard logo on it and no one had space to pack it.


Thanks, Patti

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Well, the wife and I witnessed one the grandest welcomes in San Fran for the QM2. It was just amazing. The people were wonderful.


We are now at sea and have brought the Black and White Ball to its end tonight. We had a martini lunch at the Commodore Club today, and it is the nicest place on the ship to do just that.


Afterward, we ate at the Golden Lion Pub. Steak and Mushroom pie for me, and the de rigeur fish and chips for the boss.


This is the first World Cruise segment for us since 1988 on QE2. These are our favorite, besides a good old crossing.:cool:


We had a Cruise Critic Meeting Tuesday in the Commodore Club. Met a few of you folks that are only names on the message boards.


Having a great time,




Mary and Randy...


I am so enjoying your trip and thrilled you are too. If Paul is the Norwegian bartender in the CC, say hello to him from the lady who spoke Norwegian with him in Dec....like he's likely to remember. He was a delightful person. Just say "god (pronounced good) dag" to him from me.


Cheers, Penny

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