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Diamond access to concierge lounge


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I think that in the whole scheme of things, CC, is but a small part of the lives of most cruisers and RCCL management. Most passengers have no idea what CC is, inspite of us all thinking that CC is so very important.


If I were a passenger that booked a JS through a travel agent after reading the brochure, there is no way that I would even think of calling RCCL to determine if their brochure was correct. I think most TAs would not know that JS does not have access to the Concierge Lounge....there are others that would be happy to let a custoimer believe that they had access. So....if I were one of those non- CC passengers, you can bet that I would kick up a scene if I were to board only to find out that I didn't have access to the lounge...I would demand access. And.....I wouldn't even dream of having to take the brochure with me as proof.


As much as I have a problem with over crowding in the CLs, I think RCCL needs to step up and do the right thing for those JS passengers. And, they need to fix the overcrowding in the lounges by either restricting C&A access or invest in either enlarged lounges or additional legitimate lounges, not regular bars.



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For the record, I will state that I have met some real Riff Raff in the CL.


OK. I'll take the bait. How did you know they were riff raff? What was their behavior like? And in what category were they booked? Was it based on C&A level or price paid?:D


And for the record, I paid $20 less for my JS 2 months ago for my upcoming Majesty of the Seas cruise than the D1s were paying 3 weeks ago. Once the cabins started selling out for President's Day weekend, the prices sure shot upwards? But there is no CL on this ship anyway. My point is that many times a JS is not paying much of a premium to the regular cabins and sometimes less depending on time of purchase. It's the GS and higher when the price seems to be marked up to the point I'd consider it a real premium.

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Good point. And the answer is, if I had the same circumstances that I described earlier, yes, I would have paid the money. If I booked a JS and saw in the brochure that I was to pay 10% I would decide if a JS was for me, and if it was, I'd expect to pay. No brainer.


Then when I came to CC and learned that it was possibly a mistake, I'd be **ssed! But I wouldn't be **ssed at the folks who "knew better", I'd be **ssed at RCCL.



But if the web site makes it very clear that the JS DOESN'T have to pay that 10% premium...or doesn't get CL access and the website has been more recently updated, which one will you go along with?


I think most people will go along with the one that gives them the clear advantage no matter what the intentions of RCI are or which is the most recent information.

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Thinking more about this - I wonder how many people have ever seen one of these brochures. I've never seen an RCI brochure in my life. And out of those who've seen one of had one in their possession, I wonder how many of them have really read the entire thing...just as I wonder how many people have really read their entire cruise contract.


I think (don't know for sure) that more people get their info from the web site.


And doesn't everyone have their own standards for riff raff? ;) Some who are thought of as riff raff by one person might be considered to be fun and highly entertaining to others.


I find all of you to be rather entertaining? :D Are any of you really riff raff? :confused:

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They just need to do what they did before..........allow JS into the CL until a certain date...........say May 1st...........by then have new brochures reprinted and if someone has a cruise after that date,it is not too late to cancel if they are pi$$ed they are not getting CL access with their JS.............They can all be notified of the error in plenty of time.

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Thinking more about this - I wonder how many people have ever seen one of these brochures. I've never seen an RCI brochure in my life. And out of those who've seen one of had one in their possession, I wonder how many of them have really read the entire thing...just as I wonder how many people have really read their entire cruise contract.


I think (don't know for sure) that more people get their info from the web site.



I never use a brochure either...................I am sure some of these JS pax are getting their info right here on the boards whereas they would have never known otherwise.......

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Thinking more about this - I wonder how many people have ever seen one of these brochures. I've never seen an RCI brochure in my life. And out of those who've seen one of had one in their possession, I wonder how many of them have really read the entire thing...just as I wonder how many people have really read their entire cruise contract.


I think (don't know for sure) that more people get their info from the web site.


And doesn't everyone have their own standards for riff raff? ;) Some who are thought of as riff raff by one person might be considered to be fun and highly entertaining to others.


I find all of you to be rather entertaining? :D Are any of you really riff raff? :confused:


All I can say is, I'm more of a traditionalist in many ways. I love research, and being new to the internet, (great tool) I've always gone the paper route. I will bank online but still require paper statements. So I do always get brochures, and read them cover to cover. I do read my cruise contract from cover to cover. I would question why the discrepency with the 10%, and yes I would like not to have to pay it, but I would pay it if need be. I'd be miffed over the confusion and would hope to see it corrected. I'm amazed at the people who defend this misprint to death! Why isn't RCCL held accountable, instead of the folks who's only crime is to ask for what's promised.

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I never use a brochure either...................I am sure some of these JS pax are getting their info right here on the boards whereas they would have never known otherwise.......


That could be true but it does not describe my situation.


I first found an email from my travel agent about some sales going on. After clicking around the website I saw that the Explorer went out of of Bayonne. My husband was happy about getting a ship so close. So we went to AAA and got several brochures. After pouring through them I looked for a message board to learn more. It was here on CC that I heard so many talk about the website. It did not occur to me to cross reference, check, or even question that the webiste would be different from the brochure.


I will from now on question these things more often since companies can be so blatenly misleading.

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as I have seen on hot deals when JS is cheaper than a D1 on the smaller ships, but I am told they are not that much bigger & no walk in closet. And the small ships do not have a CL, yet my TA was told by 2008 all ships will.


I don't book smaller than Radiance Class.



OK. I'll take the bait. How did you know they were riff raff? What was their behavior like? And in what category were they booked? Was it based on C&A level or price paid?:D


And for the record, I paid $20 less for my JS 2 months ago for my upcoming Majesty of the Seas cruise than the D1s were paying 3 weeks ago. Once the cabins started selling out for President's Day weekend, the prices sure shot upwards? But there is no CL on this ship anyway. My point is that many times a JS is not paying much of a premium to the regular cabins and sometimes less depending on time of purchase. It's the GS and higher when the price seems to be marked up to the point I'd consider it a real premium.

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My post did not talk about the cruiser who had no clue when they walked on board that they weren't entitled to something they may have read. My post was specific to someone who found out well before their cruise that there is a potential for a problem when they get on board.


I'm sorry, but I can't find sympathy for the argument that it's in the brochure so I'm going to demand it. Again, I'm not arguing with that position but I have no sympathy if when you get on board you have a problem getting in. My point is, a brochure says JS was allowed, the web site says GS and above. To not find out from the horses mouth is a deliberate decision to skirt the issue until one is on board.

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My post did not talk about the cruiser who had no clue when they walked on board that they weren't entitled to something they may have read. My post was specific to someone who found out well before their cruise that there is a potential for a problem when they get on board.


I'm sorry, but I can't find sympathy for the argument that it's in the brochure so I'm going to demand it. Again, I'm not arguing with that position but I have no sympathy if when you get on board you have a problem getting in. My point is, a brochure says JS was allowed, the web site says GS and above. To not find out from the horses mouth is a deliberate decision to skirt the issue until one is on board.


I understood you correctly, as you made yourself more than clear. I don't agree with your position on the matter, but I for one understand what you were saying. I take issue to your skirting the issue comment, as once I learned that this CL debate was in place, I did call my agent, and not she, but the manager of this national agency, did what travel agents do and went to the horses mouth on my behalf. That's why I use an agent!


I have the invitation in writing to the cl lounge! I'm sorry you don't like the answer I got, but I'm quite pleased with it.

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hey rsscaptain, there are only a handful of people in the world that begrudge you your CL access and they're all on this message board...I wouldn't let it bother me ;) have a great cruise :)


LOL Thanks but I'm not bothered, I'm bored! Home sick with a laptop on my lap catching up on tivo. :p

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I have been a member of the road/travel club you cited for over 35 years and I have found on several occassions where the information presented was different then what I actually received (and we're talking hotels, meals, transfers, etc.). I'm quite familiar with them and that is why I suggest to go directly to the horses mouth.


I'm sorry that this is such a personal item for you. Trust me, it's not for me. I don't think I directed my initial post to you but commented on my opinion on the brochure.


I then followed up with, "Now I have read folks that say they know up front it is an error but they are using the brochure as an excuse to get into the CL. My point is, would they be using the brochure also for a known mistake in an upcharge for the JS. Of course the question is rhetorical.

Your point about not knowing up front, IMO, is probably a low percentage of what I have read on these boards. How that is handled I'll leave to RCI......"


If you feel a personal challenge/attack in there, I can't help it. It was not directed at any individual. I think you are trying to lead the "cause" on the brochure issue and that is why you feel it personal....but then again you have already disagree with my opinion.


To the begrudge issue, hey have at it, once you're there and can't find a chair to balance your drink with one hand and a small plate of munchies in another, you'll know why many of us don't make it every night.

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I have been a member of the road/travel club you cited for over 35 years and I have found on several occassions where the information presented was different then what I actually received (and we're talking hotels, meals, transfers, etc.). I'm quite familiar with them and that is why I suggest to go directly to the horses mouth.


I'm sorry that this is such a personal item for you. Trust me, it's not for me. I don't think I directed my initial post to you but commented on my opinion on the brochure.


I then followed up with, "Now I have read folks that say they know up front it is an error but they are using the brochure as an excuse to get into the CL. My point is, would they be using the brochure also for a known mistake in an upcharge for the JS. Of course the question is rhetorical.

Your point about not knowing up front, IMO, is probably a low percentage of what I have read on these boards. How that is handled I'll leave to RCI......"


If you feel a personal challenge/attack in there, I can't help it. It was not directed at any individual. I think you are trying to lead the "cause" on the brochure issue and that is why you feel it personal....but then again you have already disagree with my opinion.


To the begrudge issue, hey have at it, once you're there and can't find a chair to balance your drink with one hand and a small plate of munchies in another, you'll know why many of us don't make it every night.


It's all good Mike! I thought we were debating a subject, I don't feel you have attacked me whatsoever.:)

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Thinking more about this - I wonder how many people have ever seen one of these brochures. I've never seen an RCI brochure in my life. And out of those who've seen one of had one in their possession, I wonder how many of them have really read the entire thing...just as I wonder how many people have really read their entire cruise contract.


Just to add to this, the first time I booked a JS on a Voyager Class, I didn't even know what the heck a concierge lounge was. In fact, when I saw it on the ship with no windows like it was some kind of "Skull and Bones" secret society, I thought for one second "What the heck is in there?" Then, I never thought about it again. Now that I'm much more cruise savvy and have access due to my C&A status, I know what I've been missing. Folks, it really isn't that great. Besides, the po folk in the deck 2 insides should be the ones getting free drinks, not the suite people. JMO! ;)


Hey RSS, JS don't get CL! :D :D :D

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RSS--------that letter you got allowing your group into the CL is for the cruise in Dec 07?????? Seems well before then, they will correct that typo...............


I should think they should! I won't bank on it though. So I'm glad I have the letter. :)

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For Gods Sake people it is not a typo!! I am looking at the brand new 2007-2008 caribbean book !! Why they keep doing it is just a mystery:cool::confused: A small asterick next to the Junior suite stating that cl is not included would work??

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My post did not talk about the cruiser who had no clue when they walked on board that they weren't entitled to something they may have read. My post was specific to someone who found out well before their cruise that there is a potential for a problem when they get on board.


I'm sorry, but I can't find sympathy for the argument that it's in the brochure so I'm going to demand it. Again, I'm not arguing with that position but I have no sympathy if when you get on board you have a problem getting in. My point is, a brochure says JS was allowed, the web site says GS and above. To not find out from the horses mouth is a deliberate decision to skirt the issue until one is on board.


I'm in no way asking you to find sympathy regarding the brochure wording. I'm simply saying that RCCL should treat everyone fairly regardless if they are learning things from CC or detailing the brochure as I used to do before using the internet. RCCL has made a mistake, they need to do the right thing. If they choose to stand by the decision to exclude JS from the lounge, they need to notify the customer that they will not have access at time of booking. It doesn't matter to me personally, because I have access regardless of the stateroom I book.



Hey Bean, I recognize Riff Raff when I see it......it's usually people from Florida, but every once in a while, some come from elsewhere.....I recognize them, because being one myself, I see my reflection in the mirror each morning.


Hey, by the time Dec rolls around, maybe C&A will be changed to reduce those eligible and give the privilege to JS customers. I think this is where this is going.

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I am a diamond member traveling on the Enchantment with my parents who are not diamond members. Does anyone know if they will be allowed to accompany me to the concierge lounge? We are not in the same cabins, but next door to each other.




My information is that they will not be allowed. While some people may argue this dicission by RCL I think it's for the better of everyone. Imagine if everyone in a suite or every diamond member asked for a friend or family member to have CL access what it will be like. Wont be fair to the folks who paid the premium price for the perks.

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