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Glory Western, 2/10/07 - The Good, the Bad and the HOLY CR@P!


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SmooCruise...I'm going on the Pride in July. This will be our first balcony cabin on a Carnival ship (usually sail RCCL and their balcony doors are sliders). Will we need the infamous bungie cord to hold the door open?


bcs819...loving your review and looking forward to the rest of it.



On our Glory cruise I propped the door open with a rolled up bath towel. Worked great, I could hear the ocean and hubby could still feel the a/c. We were both happy!

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This is great reading! We're not even booked on the Glory but I just had to say this is great fun! I love the PSA's too. From one rule follower to another...:)


Same here - we're going on the Valor. Keep it coming! Love your sense of humor!!!!

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A bungee cord sure helps or you can use a chair but sometimes the wind blows it and the door shuts.



Vermonter16: I know this is completely off topic and I apologize to the other readers but I spotted your name and if memory serves me you also just got back from a cruise and on another thread we had been discussing snorkeling plans in Cozumel and was wondering if you ever went snorkeling and if you went to Playa Palancar??


Rather then high jack this amazing thread and review with my own off topic question, if I have the right person I'll keep an eye on the Cozumel boards and/or the original thread. Thanks and again, sorry for the off-topic question!!

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Between the two of us, I'm sure we can get this young lady an extended Doc's excuse from work to finish this review! I say we do this. :D


I have to agree with you Paul. Let's do it. 'Course she might need more time off to recover from the carpul tunnel after typing so much. :D

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ok, ok, sorry. Had to stay and extra 3 hours late at work today :(


February 12 - Cozumel


Woke the same as yesterday, except no sun. At all. We pulled in next to another ship and the rain was coming down :( Since we had booked the Fiesta Party Boat in Cozumel we were a little cranky.


Went to the buffet and did the buffet thing again. We booked our excursion thru the ship and had to meet the boat at the end of the pier at 10 am. I am amazed at how a man who decorates our cabin and has roses waiting for me asks me where I packed the umbrellas with such hostility. Ummm - seriously. Please tell me I am not the only one who doesn't have umbrellas on my CRUISE PACKING list. Our morning is NOT off to a good start here :(


PSA - a real one:



This info is posted in the Capers, but along with the dress code, and the chair saving policy, no one reads it. Cell phones are now so technologically advanced they will automatically update to the correct time zone and you will get screwed up. I promise. No matter how smart you are, or how you swear you'll remember, a yard-long Banana Daiquiri at Carlos and Charlies will make you forget.




We both crankily head off the ship. Luckily, we were both able to be slightly nasty to the Photo Hawks. "NO" and we just kept on walking. Nothing like paying $19.99 for a reminder that you looked like a drowned rat on your tropical island get-away. The rain did slow down to a drizzle, but it was dreary.


The party boat is right at the end of the pier and you just walk right on with your tix. There were serving rum punch and margaritas and beer as soon as you got on the boat. There were several bathrooms on board and they were by far not the worst I had ever seen, decent given the location. We don't do the party boats for the forced "party" but more to get to the beach and drink. The boat wasn't as full as other party boats we've been on, but I'm sure other folks who had booked decided not to go because of the weather. Big mistake. As we sailed away, we left the rain behind and the sun came out.


As the required Macarena started, we dashed up to the top of the boat to enjoy our ride and see the sights. A few other couples came up, only about 10 of us were ever up there so there was plenty of space. One of the Fiesta Police came and told us we had to come down for the muster drill. Oy. We paid dutiful attention, and headed for the hills when the Cha-cha slide started. The original top deck group all had the same idea and we were fighting for the stairs before we were dragged back in with a giant sombrero. It turned out to be a decent day and the trip to the beach was nice. Not sure the real name of the beach, but we had come here before and I think the excursion was La Playa Beach break or something similar. There were plenty of chairs available on the beach, spotless bathrooms, a bar on the beach and a food area that was large and clean.


We met some people, Lori and Brett from Seattle, and hung out with them off and on all week. They were fun and we really all clicked. Sadly, we never exchanged email addresses or anything so we didn't get to say goodbye or anything :(


After school special moment -

You never know when you will see someone for the last time - make every moment count.

ok, that's being a little too after school special, but we would have liked to have kept in contact with them and can't. Lesson Learned.


Our only complaint about this excursion was that we had open bar on the ship for the going and coming, but not while on the beach. We probably would not have booked it if we had known that ahead of time, as the beach itself is open bar and we would have just done that again. I did read the description over again when we got back and found it to be a little deliberately misleading. A few others we met thought we had open bar the whole trip as well. We did buy 2 frozen drinks on the beach that were good - Mamacitas. We got back to the pier around 3:30ish I think (hiccup!) - there was a giant cooler or rum punch on the top deck and we wanted to make sure it was empty when we got back. Those guys work hard enough (hiccup) without having to lug that heavy cooler (hiccup) off...


Our new friends beat us to the pizza on the Lido deck, and there was a long line forming. Why was there never pizza ready? I complained about this on our comment card at the end of the cruise. I went to the Grille and asked for a minute steak and was told the wait would be 10 minutes. Grrrr. Am I on Candid Camera? Back to the pizza counter where I told him I didn't care what it was, I would take whatever he had ready. The rum punch was sloshing around in our bellies and I need bread - fast. Of course the regular buffet closed at 3:30 and I didn't think the soft serve would soak up any of that booze. All of us sucked down some pizza (everyone loved it but me - way too much cornmeal. I want to hold and eat my pizza, not have it roll out of my hands on a mini-conveyor belt of cornmeal).


In a moment of weakness, I caved and agreed to head back off the ship to Senor Frogs. We realized we would have to climb stairs for that so went in to Carlos and Charlies. The place was hopping and those yard-long drinks look like fun. As the designated walker, I sobered up while everyone else imbibed. I watched the clock as everyone else topped off. I did not want to be one of those losers everyone is staring at as the ship is getting ready to leave. We were back on board exactly when requested, and hustled up to our cabin to watch the show below. Ordered our afternoon special from room service and waited for the clock to tick down. They don't call out names anymore. This saddened us. We like having names to go with the running heads. Apparently our neighbors did not heed the above PSA. The women were out on the balcony freaking out. "WHere are they?" "are they answering their cells?" "Oh my god, will the ship really leave without them?" and my favorite - "I'm sure those folks at the bar will them when it's time to come back".


Beavis and Butthead came running up to the ship about 2 minutes after we should have sailed. Damn. 6 cruises and they always make it.


Room service came and I have never seen anyone scarf down BLTs and everything but the napkins that fast. There was no way he was making it to dinner, and though I threatened to go alone, I didn't. Sigh. It was actually pretty entertaining sitting on the balcony listening to the fight next door. If Mrs Beavis stuck to her threats, Beavis didn't get any boat rocking for the rest of the ship, if you know what I mean...


39 drink coupons still left - ugh!

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I'll be one of the "Me Too!" people and tell you what a great thread this is, but this you are really on a roll here. I'm just sad that I won't be able to read the whole adventure until I return. We'll be leaving on this same cruise on Saturday. Catagory 11 here as well. Looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing!

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I'll be one of the "Me Too!" people and tell you what a great thread this is, but this you are really on a roll here. I'm just sad that I won't be able to read the whole adventure until I return. We'll be leaving on this same cruise on Saturday. Catagory 11 here as well. Looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing!

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We were on the Glory at the same time as you. I remember seeing Beavis & Butthead too. I was sitting on our aft balcony watching all the wabblers try and get to the ship. I with my bucket of beers. I took some great pics of the rush to retun. I was going to write a review, but no way I can top this . Keep it coming. DW and I had a great time too.


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February 13 - Belize


Woke up same way, but it was still dark out. We booked Altun Ha and River Wallace thru Carnival, and we were told to meet in the Amber Palace at 8 am. As sun rose, we were still pretty far away from land. But it didn't feel like we were still moving. We though maybe we were in a cove of some type and land was closer on the other side of the ship.


Quick hit on the breakfast buffet and then down to Amber Palace. WHo has the tickets? Phooey - tix are my job. Scoot and skedaddle back to Chateau 7248. Amber Palace is divided up with heavy duty masking tape and when you get to the front the dancers/guides will direct you where to sit to meet your tour.



Your tour ticket says departure is at 8:15. When you read all the info provided, you will see that it says you are to be in the Amber Palace 15 minutes prior to departure time. They mean it. On every excursion on this cruise, they left on time! YAY! Our friends Lori and Brett were 5 minutes late for their excursion and it was gone-gone-gone. They had to get their money back and ended up with nothing to do.


There was no line at 8 am when we went down but by 8:10 the line was LONG to get into the Amber Palace and at 8:15 they started loading tenders. The whole process moved very fast and the tenders were LARGE and fast. This is good because as we boarded the tenders we saw that we were not closer to land on the other side of the ship. We were docked pretty far out, dude!


As we finally approached land, Belize looked like a quaint little village, kind of like the one in Jaws. It was still new and clean, and not too touristed up yet. Coming off the tenders there were people waiting for us and escorted us to our bus to go to Altun Ha ("Tour may operate in reverse"). The group was so large that they had two groups going from the ship. If you have small children (you really shouldn't - this is NOT a tour for them) or more mature folks traveling with you, I would ask immediately to be put in the boat portion first. We were in the open air boat coming back right at the heat of the day - an hour and a half on the water near the equator. Hat or no hat - it was uncomfortable.


The ride to Altun Ha was typical Caribbean bouncy jouncy on unpaved roads. Melanie was our guide and she pointed out different points of interest along the way.


Altun Ha was just beautiful. So peaceful and serene. As you come around the corner, it's like a curtain is drawn back in to the past before Photo Hawks and hairbraiding, drink specials and bingo announcements. You are allowed to climb one of the larger formations, and we're in pretty good shape but it was strenuous climbing. Their stairs were not the same height or depth of modern day. Melanie says they were designed this way because they climbed on their hands and knees - I envisioned the previews for Apocolypto when she explained it this way.

Altun Ha did have a small hut selling soda and snacks and some other trinkets. Only annoyance here were some locals that came out of nowhere waiting at the bottom of the stairs with turtles and baby alligators for you to pet and take pics with. Remember, their hospital is smaller than a mini-Walmart. Do you really want to spend the day there because you got bitten by a baby alligator while trying to take a picture?

From Altun Ha we got back on the bus for the ride to the boat ( the other group was arriving at Altun Ha from the bus from the boats as we left). There was little info on this part of the ride so we napped on the bus. Sadly, this is where we should have stopped our excursion. The boats were docked at this quaint little Belize resort. Where we were obligate to spend 45 minutes doing, um, nothing. There was a little homey restaurant where we paid $6 USD for an icecream sandwich. And the place reeked. It smelled like a chicken coop gone wrong and was nauseating. There were some outdoor chairs around a teeny pool, which was green. There were some vendors selling (and sampling) local wines, more trinkets and hot sauces. The hot sauces were the exact same ones we found later at the pier and much cheaper at the pier.

Finally Melanie rounded us up to load the boats. The boat was a speed boat with no seat cushions (the other boat did have cushions). We were packed in like sardines and Melanie ( a fluffy person) had to stand. Every time she moved, the boat shifted... a lot! We were missing one person, whose wife was kind enough to share LOUDLY with everyone that he was in the bathroom. Not sure how much he ate, but we waited for him for quite a while. His wife went back and forth twice to tell him to hurry up, and when he finally arrived at the boat Melanie tried to make him feel guilty. Why bother - if he had cared about making us wait he would have come out the first time the wife went to get him.

The boat ride is torturous. Painful. Uncomfortable. Melanie was pointing out some howler monkeys in the trees with a mirror, and then finally we picked up speed. Thank god. All of a sudden we come to a screeching halt, spinning the boat around. Mirror lady is shining in the trees, directing the driver closer and closer to land - "there, there - do you see?" Cameras were out, poised - "what, what?". Umm. It was a dead tree. Covered in sleeping bats. Alrighty then.

We picked up speed and then all of a sudden, someone points and we come to a halt. Was it an alligator? WHo knows? WHo cares? Our a$$es hurt and people are starting to ask how much longer we have.

After what seems like hell, literally, we arrive back at the pier. FOr the first time ever, we did not tip a tour guide. We were really pi$$ed off about the little kickback break at the boat area and I think she would have gotten thrown overboard if she had stopped to point out one more thing. It's a shame because the Altun Ha part was great. If we had known how painful the boat would be, we would have done the Altun Ha and city tour instead.

We wandered around the pier for a bit looking in the shops before heading to the tender area.

Back to the ship, and then up to the Chateau to watch the show below. Ordered our reguar from room service and watched the last tenders come in. Didn't think there would be too much last minute excitement. Boy, were we wrong! Some excursion - looked like a snuba and party boat got back a little late. The boat came right to the ship to unload the passengers! They still had the party music blaring and it looks like the rum punch was flowing. One woman didn't want to get off the boat and 4 men had to physically transfer her from the boat to the ship. Fun times, fun times.

Relaxed before dinner. Can't remember what was for dinner this night, sorry. Did remember that waiter told us menu was still up in the air for the next day since it was Valentine's Day and they might be changing the order around.

Wandered the ship until 11 for our second adult comedy show. "Happy" Cole was freaking AWESOME! Show started at 11 and the laughing commenced immediately. When my face started to hurt, I looked at my watch - 11:45. Wow - long show. At 11:55, Happy looked at his watch. "Holy *****- I'm only supposed to be on for 35 minutes!" he tells us. "Oh, well, F\/ck it! Let's keep going!" At this point assistant cruise director dude when up and sat in the front row glaring at him (we could see him from where we were seated upstairs) but Happy kept us going till 12:30. To the CD's point, it was the only time on any cruise the masses came out of the theater and headed up the stairs in unison. No one headed across toward the casino or disco.

29 drink coupons to go.

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February 14 - Costa Maya


Finally, back to waking up to the sound of the ocean and SUN. Today's Valentine's Day!


red sunglasses $10

red tankini $30

heart-covered t-shirt $12

getting to act like a fashion diva teenager on vacation: priceless


Quick run to the internet to wish my brother, Don, a happy birthday today, and then to the breakfast buffet. Loaded up on bread-y items. Open bar today at the Jungle Beach Break.


Booked thru the ship, met at end of pier at 10 am. Bus ride, not too bad, maybe 25 minutes. This was a very well organized excursion. There were 2 other ships in port, and they had busses running hourly (many of them) to ring you back to the ship whenever you wanted. Bathrooms are clean, drinks were decent. When you get there, head to the LEFT. The right area looks prettier but the water is shallow and this is where the bring a lot of the water activities in so you really can't spend much time in the water. There was a pier here and a dolphin thing at the end of the pier.


We saw our friends Brett and Lori and they had booked the Dolphin thing (not swimming but more like playing and petting) adn then they got to stay with the open bar on the beach for the rest of the day.


Water was nice, shallow, you had to go REALLY far out to be waist deep in most places. Fishies swimming around your ankles. The bottom was not even so water shoes would have been nice. Some people had snorkels and seemed ectsatic there was so much to see in the water here.


Hung out in the water laughing and drinking and decided to take the 2 pm bus back - I was determined to make it to the lunch buffet. Apparently everyone else had the same idea because at 1:55 there was a mass exodus to the loading area. They had busses lined up one right after another, so it wasn't a problem.


Back to the ship for the lunch buffet. Ehh. It was ok. Got a salad and a burger and then headed back to the Chateau for room service and the show below. A few stragglers but nothing too exciting.


Relaxed in our room until dinner.


red dress $40

red shoes $8 (gotta love Payless)

red panties $8 (hey- it's Valentine's Day!)

feeling loved: priceless


They had the regular wednesday menu - but now I can't remember. I think Filet Mignon? Officers came thru the dining room handing all the ladies a long stemmed red carnation. A very nice touch. There were also people walking thru the dining room guilting men into buying roses for their ladies. Put us all in a romantic mood.


Stopped by the casino after dinner for a little video poker action - and then turned in early (hey- it's Valentine's Day! you guys don't want all THOSE details...)


25 drink coupons...

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oops, I lied.


V-day was also the deck party. Headed back up around 11 to see what was what. 4 more drink coupons down.


25 coupons to go.


February 15 - At Sea


MMMMMMM. Born in August, I'm a Leo, and as any cat person will tell you - we love sleeping in sunny windows and doorways.


This was the first cruise where I didn't run up and snag chairs. Before the podium gets trampled, I would always STAY with the chairs until Prince Charming came up an hour or two later. I just didn't have it in me today. Too many port days in a row, I think, had a hard time getting moving this morning.


Tried to relax in bed but Beavis and Butthead were out on the balcony loudly complaining about the lack of V-day lovin' from the women-folk. What-ev-uh.


Finally dragged myself out of bed. Quick trip to the internet to wish my sister, Jen, and brother, Dave, a happy birthday today. No, they're not twins. Yes, my other brother was yesterday.


Headed to the buffet, back to the room to drop off his breakfast. Glumly accepted my role as chair saver and headed up around 10 am. He promised to get ready and join me quickly and came up around 11 (that is quick for him ;)). We were up on deck 10 on the port side of the pool area near the wind breakers. It was very windy and the sun was hot, my friends. We were on a mission and we had a lot of drink coupons left. Too much going on tonight. Was a little irritated at the planning.

Tonight: 2 showings of regular show

adult show at 11

midnight Grand Gala buffet

2nd formal night

Laid around until about 3. Then headed back to the room for room service and formal night prep. Announcement came on around 4 that technical difficulties were delaying the main show. Announcement came on again that the delay of the main show would delay the adult comedy until midnight. This left a big gap for us between dinner and midnight, but life is all about sacrifices...


2nd formal night was more casual. For some folks, it was jeans all week, but it wasn't like the first night. Wandered around after dinner, hit the casino for some video poker action. (head down, eyes lowered) Had some pictures taken. Ship had that frenzied "this is our last night to party" kind of feel to it and we all lost our groove because of the showtime changes.


Adult comedian was good, didn't end show on the big laugh which I thought was weird.


Headed up to bed - Nassau tomorrow.


16 drink coupons to go.

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February 16 - Nassau


Woke up, um, where is the sun?


We hadn't planned to do anything in Nassau except see Atlantis. We had stayed in Paradise Island years ago and Atlantis was just being built then.


Breakfast thing, headed off ship around 11. There were FIVE other ships in port. Oy.


Kind of winged it here. Knew we could get a cab to Atlantis for a decent price. Just had no idea where to find one. Wandered slowly towared the end of the pier and waited for someone to yell "ANyone for Atlantis?" $4 per person so we said ok. He waited for a few more minutes to fill the cab and we were off.


Wandered around till we found the aquarium and then went outside. Didn't expect to get far since we weren't staying there, but no one was manning the checkpoint, so we walked right int o the beach and resort-y area. Walked all around and sat at a bar for a drink. Weather was nippy and drizzly. Didn't want to head back to the ship too late as with all those ships in port we expected chaos at the terminal. Unfortunately, traffic was a nightmare getting back. We got stuck behind some college Mardi Gras parade and it took us almost an hour to get back. Was getting ready to get out and walk when we finally got moving. Wanted to go to Hard Rock but decided we had enough t-shirts, and today was the chocolate buffet on the ship.


Stopped at the buffet - there was a lot more than chocolate. Cheesecake with strawberry sauce for me and the banana fritters with vanilla cream were amazing. Wandered the top decks looking down onto the other ships in port and back to the Chateau for the show below.


Lots of stragglers today. I guess if they miss the ship their vacation wouldn't be almost over, but alas, with sadness we backed our big a$$ out of Nassau and headed home.


Relaxed in our cabin and filled out our comment cards. Ran down to the Purser's Desk for envelopes. Wrote out personal thank yous to our dining team and cabin steward, enclosing extra tips for them. Wrote out thank you note asking why I should tip someone who never visited my table for the Maitre D' envelope. (On one cruise the Maitre D stood with his hand out on tip night and I was guilted in to giving a tip, this way I could hand the envelope if necessary without selling myself out). As usual, the Maitre D never approached us so the envelope is still in my bag.


Enjoyed our final dinner and then wandered around a bit before heading back up for the gruesome task of packing.


Ran into our friends Brett and Lori and gave them 4 drink tickets as they were heading to the disco and we hadn't drunk them all.


Got everything out at 12 on the nose and they were already collecting bags from the hallway.


Feel asleep for the last time to the sound of the ocean...


6 drink tickets remaining. Tucked into our Passport case for the next cruise.

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February 17 - Debarkation


We couldn't wake up nicely just one more time :( No sun. Cold. Dreary.


Headed up to the buffet to bring back breakfast while he shaved. Watched CNN for a while in the cabin and caught up on the Many Fathers of DannieLynn. Finally decided it was time to leave the cabin. Hung out in the photo area for a while and then sat in the casino til our color was called (about 9:45).

Had a little panic attack as only 2 luggage came out but 3 had gone outside our door. Finally went to the luggage without tag area, and couldn't find it. Headed back over and it finally came out (that d@mn belt had gone around about 10 times with nothing new on it).


Rolled our luggage staright out the door to the back of the parking lot where the car rental shuttles load up. Waited a few minutes for the Budget Shuttle and waved good-bye to the ship. Quick ride to Budget. It was a little scary as it was only about 10:15 and there were only a few cars left in the lot, but I guess people were still driving in. Handed over my printed confirmation and had the keys to our Buick Lucerne within minutes. Pulled out of the lot, drove by the Glory on last time, and headed for Disney.

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Wow. Now I'm looking forward to your next cruise almost as much as mine; so when is it? I can't wait to read about it! :D


Thanks for the review. You definately raised the bar quite high with your witticism. <<is that a word? :confused:

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I just finished printing out this review to mail to my sister (who lives in Pennsville, Exit 1 NJ). We are going on the Eastern Glory next year, but I wanted her to read this anyway. You have raised the bar on writing reviews! Since I am a Disney passholder freak, I wouldn't be unhappy to read that experience either. Thanks for the amazing effort.

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Overall observations in no particular order:

-Great trip.

-Nice ship.

-Food was ok, was actually disappointed in the lunch buffets, but we only made it once or twice. Maybe it was better on other days.

-Always a line for Deli, but menu looked like what was on room service menu.

-No bar service in upper levels of Amber Palace. Plenty of servers in main floor.

-Tried disco many times. Never seemed hopping. Kept waiting for 80s night but it was finally on the night with too many other things to do.

-disappointed in Cinn-a-bar. Also, very small and very SMOKY

-overall age range on this cruise seemed older than we are used to. guess it was the time of year, but we make our own fun. Just an observation.

-except for Beavis and Butthead's kid Mikayla, no misbehaved kids that we saw or heard. Mikayla however was about to get a spanking from me...

-all adult shows were good to GREAT. Don't miss them.

-Sad that they don't do Newlywed game at night anymore. Who wants to leave the pool all hot, sticky and oily to sit in a theater? Wanted to go, but didn't.

-Pic prices seem to have gone up. Glad we didn't take more as one 8x10 was $20.

-did try to complain about River Wallace boat ride but excursion desk was never open when I went. Writing letter today after I finish review.


Any other quesions or points I missed, please ask. I have gained an untold wealth of knowledge from those before me who have been generous enough to share and I would be more than happy to give back.


My 10 year old pimped out Mac G3 is on life support and I couldn't order my new Mac Mini until we returned. As soon as it arrives, I will scan and post the Capers for the whole week as I have fresh copies of all of them. If there's something you need ASAP, let me know and I will look it up for you.


Thanks so much for reading and posting all the nice comments. I do actually have carpal tunnel so it takes me longer to type than it should, but I appreciate all the return posters encouraging me to continue.


I haven't written a full review in a while, and it seems like it's no longer here. If you like my review, and want to read something else I wrote, here's a link to my 2002 Pride review when she was in the Caribbean:



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