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Fashion pet peeves

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Just about every womens magazine, every talk show on TV, reality TV shows and many other avenues have makeovers that can show people how to look better. There's one (sorry I haven't seen it) called something like "What not to wear" :confused: , right???


I'm of the opinion that if someone doesn't get promoted and think it's because they are wearing the wrong clothes, something else could be amiss.


I have no point to make that's new. Only that this thread is for pet peeves and not intended as a criticism of anyone in particular. I have days where I'm ready to walk out the door, take a second look at myself and think "how in the world did I imagine those shoes/pants/shirt/jewelry/hair/makeup/dress or whatever looks good on me, are appropriate or still somewhat in style?". That another person may not like the way I look is just fine with me, there's no way to please everyone.


After all, there are a number of people here who love Crocs;) :eek: :confused:

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I don't think anywhere in my post I pointed you out. DO you feel guilty? I have always heard the guilty feels a need to defend. I don't know if that is true or not. I can live by what I said. Did you select yourself to put me in my place. Hahaha. Sorry it didn't happen.You are the one who made this personal. I will not allow myself to be drawn into this any futher. I see you are not one who can agree to disagree. If you felt I made you feel guilty or was even trying to , you were wrong. I don't think I said anything inapproperate. I just put a voice to my "pet peave". I guess you were not willing to allow that. it is evident You have appointed yourself governor over what opinion can be express or not on this board. So I will leave you to your opinion and You leave me with mine.

To say that I indicated that anyone on this board was anything but nice was a misjudgement on your part. But somehow you felt the need to defend them on that. DId you feel I was pointing to you? I not sure why you would think that. I never intended to rain on anyones parade. If this is your parade Then pardon me for not liking the entire float. It is evident that you feel you must defend your opinions and rightly so. You have that right. Don't deny me mine. I will exit as suggested and hopefully when we cross paths again it will be on a better note. People will be people and last time I check I was a "people"


To everyone else. Please pardon my intrusion. Thank you for those who allowed me to share my thoughts. I felt it needed to be said and you graciously allowed that.

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So are all you guys going to watch Project Runway??? Us fashion police love that show! Like us singing police love American Idol...

PS, kneehigh stockings that slip down are called "quitters". I wear those medical hose $49.00 a pair, ouch. year round. when summer comes, I will wear shorts and them in the house. BUT, I remove them to go in the yard to water the plants or get the mail. Too many bad memories of my grandma's friends from 40 years ago! I will not be going quietly into that good night! ;)

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So are all you guys going to watch Project Runway??? Us fashion police love that show! Like us singing police love American Idol...

PS, kneehigh stockings that slip down are called "quitters". I wear those medical hose $49.00 a pair, ouch. year round. when summer comes, I will wear shorts and them in the house. BUT, I remove them to go in the yard to water the plants or get the mail. Too many bad memories of my grandma's friends from 40 years ago! I will not be going quietly into that good night! ;)



OOOOH, We love Project Runway here!


And...I have to admit I watch American Idol as well, it's a little embarrasing for me to write that ;) . So, Who-do-ya think is going to take it this year? I keep thinking Melinda, Lakisha, Melinda, Lakisha, no Melinda. Those boys are gonna go down, one, two, three, four, five, six :D


We do have a lady on our street that comes out after dark in her housedress and knee high compression socks to water her lawn and get her mail. I'll bet she doesn't know I saw her. She lives in the haunted house on the street. I told my kids many years ago that there's always one haunted house in every neighborhood. We hardly ever see her (grown up) son, who lives with her, my son has accused her of killing and eating him :eek: BTW, she has a million cats.

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My wife tells me NOT to wear, shorts, long black socks and Tivas. I thinks it looks fine with my white legs. Does the "Fashion Police" or rather "Fashion Dictators", agree with my wife or with me?


The wife :D (and treasure her, she's being good to you!)

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My wife tells me NOT to wear, shorts, long black socks and Tivas. I thinks it looks fine with my white legs. Does the "Fashion Police" or rather "Fashion Dictators", agree with my wife or with me?





NO black socks with shorts, NO knee high socks with shorts and NO socks with sandals.


With one outfit you're committing 3 Fashion Faux Pas! :eek:


Listen to her, she's smart! ;)

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For the longest time I hated the color combination for my cousin's wedding in 1973 (?). I was the flower girl at age 5 and my brother was ring bearer, age 6.


So my dress (and the maids) were a medium blue. No problem there. However, the guys wore dark brown tuxes with blue shirts! The ones with ruffles and the darker blue satin stitched edges!


I grew up looking at the photos (Mom had a cute one of the two of us framed in the living room) and wondering ....WHAT WAS she thinking???? :confused: (Mom of course was saying...but that was the fashion then!:cool: ).


So about two years ago, I'm looking at wedding stuff...and the "in" thing is brown gowns with blue accents. And then the color combination is all over the place!


And now I own a plaid jacket with dark brown, turquiose, white, black and tan in it and a pair of striped pants that are brown with blue and white pinstripes! What are people going to think of me in another 10 years!:eek: (I promise I won't be wearing them - but I did have my work ID photo taken in the plaid jacket!!!)

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I do a lot of work with young children as patients, (old veterans on some days as well) so I wear cute socks (i.e, with pigs, cats, etc.) when I wear my pantsuits to work...a real "warm up" when meeting new patients and they see these socks sticking out from a feminine pant suit!


I confessed that I wore these socks when I volunteered with children. If I worked with kids I 'd wear them as part of my "work uniform" if it worked for me. (Kids loved them, and it helped if it was in keeping with a theme.) I thought that this "fun" thread was talking about fashions that might be out of place on a cruise ship, if someone wants to wear them on formal night.....what the heck do I care.....it just might raise eyebrows.

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NO black socks with shorts, NO knee high socks with shorts and NO socks with sandals.


With one outfit you're committing 3 Fashion Faux Pas! :eek:


Listen to her, she's smart! ;)


Is it just me....or do socks seem to strike some kind of fashion nerve?:confused: :confused: :eek:

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Okay, I know it's not a fashion faux pas, but it is a "don't" for sure.


My sister in-law was married in 1983 and was waiting on pins and needles to view her professional wedding proofs. When she finally got them, she was mortified to see that her grandma had a toothpick in her mouth in nearly every shot.


How did the photographer miss that, repeatedly? It wasn’t funny to her then, but now we can laugh about it.:)

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Okay, I know it's not a fashion faux pas, but it is a "don't" for sure.


My sister in-law was married in 1983 and was waiting on pins and needles to view her professional wedding proofs. When she finally got them, she was mortified to see that her grandma had a toothpick in her mouth in nearly every shot.


How did the photographer miss that, repeatedly? It wasn’t funny to her then, but now we can laugh about it.:)

LOL!!! I wonder if it's a fashion faux pas to pick your teeth at the table in a resturaunt. I have a friend who appears very sophisticated, but she pulled out a package of toothpicks after dinner in a resturaunt and started picking her teeth at the table. EEW:eek: (Maybe that's a questions for a Miss Manners kind of thread.):confused:

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People wearing totally outdated clothing.....not talking about something from a couple years ago. I'm talking something from like 40 years ago where the clothing is totally out of style and has been for decades and yes I know someone who dresses like that. :(


Yes but now they can say they like to wear "vintage". LOL!!!



Anyway, to answer your question about if someone I know get's passed over for a promotion because they didn't dress properly. Yes I would tell them in a very nice sort of way without hurting their feelings. You have to dress for success. Especially on interviews because since the person doesn't know you the only thing that they can see are first impressions and you really have to make it a good one. :)


I'm still curious to know how jiminw handled that situation but she hasn't answered yet.


But yes, you're right, it certainly should be told to them in as gentle a way as possible. If they've just been passed over for a promotion I'm sure they are feeling bad enough. "Honey, you can't be the Vice President if you dress like the receptionist!" might be little harsh......or maybe it's not, depends on the fragility of the person.

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Dh has an old work buddy who drives a red firebird, sports a blonde streaked mullet, wears jeans belted with t shirt tucked in below the large belly and listens to Poison, Quiot Riot and Whitesnake on his cassette deck!! He is so totally 80's I think he's back in style!!

Gotta love the 80's girls.

Also, Love Project Runway and What Not to Wear! Fun TV.


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BIG Pet Peeve....


Comb overs!!!


Guys, if you're bald, you're bald. Those long strands of hair aren't hiding anything. They make you look ridiculous! :eek: :eek: :eek:



As a former mens hairstylist, I dealt with this problem for years, believe me, these men do not want to let these go :rolleyes: I'd take them away slowly, a thin line at a time, when and if I could talk the men out of them. When I'd finally get them to a more aesthetically pleasing style, they would tell me they couldn't tell the difference and what was the big deal? A lot of men truly don't know how very bad it looks.


I absolutely love that men of today are far more realistic of hair loss. There are products that can stall it, a bit, but nothing short of hairpieces or surgery to correct it (if you can call it a correction). I think it's great that bald heads are in style.

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Yes but now they can say they like to wear "vintage". LOL!!!





I'm still curious to know how jiminw handled that situation but she hasn't answered yet.


But yes, you're right, it certainly should be told to them in as gentle a way as possible. If they've just been passed over for a promotion I'm sure they are feeling bad enough. "Honey, you can't be the Vice President if you dress like the receptionist!" might be little harsh......or maybe it's not, depends on the fragility of the person.


These particular things that this woman wears are absolutely horrible. :eek:

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Okay, I know it's not a fashion faux pas, but it is a "don't" for sure.


My sister in-law was married in 1983 and was waiting on pins and needles to view her professional wedding proofs. When she finally got them, she was mortified to see that her grandma had a toothpick in her mouth in nearly every shot.


How did the photographer miss that, repeatedly? It wasn’t funny to her then, but now we can laugh about it.:)



With all of the technology they have to day, she should be able to get that toothpick taken out of her wedding pictures. Even after all of this time, I'd have it done.

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This has turned into the funniest thread here! Someone start an Idols thread and tell me where it will be! Lakisha will, cause Melinda always looks too surprised, it almost appears fake.


I was on a cruise at the first dinner and the guy across the table from me said he was wearing his shirt, jeans and suspenders with no jacket on formal night and just let anyone try and stop him from dressing like he wanted, etc. ranted and raved....his wife was quiet as a mouse. The other couple, the woman was also very quiet and her husband in one quick conversation, critized my parenting and my children (who were not on the cruise), oh---and treated the waiters like dirt, kept calling them "boy". so insulting.......We didn't go back to that table after that night, opted for 'dining companion roulette' instead.


Why is it that my husband looks in the mirror and smiles and sees a sexy god, when I look in the same mirror and I see my mother.?

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Is it just me....or do socks seem to strike some kind of fashion nerve?:confused: :confused: :eek:

I've been reading this thread during the week and at times laughing out loud right here in the office! :D I do have something to say for socks - I love them! No, not the knee socks or with sandals - but the booties. I wear them all the time, but I'm in tennis shoes most of the week due to work. Lots of colors, accents and softness.

When my niece went off to college and had to start doing her own laundry she hated having to match all of her crew socks - so even to this day - all socks are tossed into one drawer and she just reaches in and grabs 2 ! Of course they are worn with pants, but when the shoes come off we never know just what colors are on her feet! We love her! :D

Peeve: Young women wearing shoes with heels that they have not conquered a good balance in. Some gals can wear high heels and they are graceful! Others looking like they are going to fall and hurt someone!

Have a fashion filled fun day!

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I just read this entire thread and have been giggling through almost the whole thing. It's amazing that so many people have the same pet peeves, every single one of mine has been covered already. (I also used to wear socks with my berkis when it was cold out, so I'm guilty of a MAJOR pet peeve :eek: .)


Thanks for the laughs and the insight! Also, thanks to my mom for being a really good fashion influence. :)



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I've been reading this thread during the week and at times laughing out loud right here in the office! :D I do have something to say for socks - I love them! No, not the knee socks or with sandals - but the booties. I wear them all the time, but I'm in tennis shoes most of the week due to work.



Just curious.....are you a man or a woman?


I like socks too but only wear them with pants and loafers. Too cold in the winter to go barefoot!

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Here is mine, which has been covered in this thread already...


Slovenly. Dirty hair, smelly, pajama pants as daywear. I am not talking about poor people who maybe don't have a choice but middle class, educated people who don't have enough respect for other people to dress with ANY concern for how they impact the people around them. Also, white non-Rastafarians with dreadlocks. Come on. And fanny packs.



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