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***LIVE*** FROM THE GOLDEN PRINCESS with Arlene & Tony


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Is it a Stern Balcony or a Side Balcony?:confused:

Thank you!



Hello Bill,


It's good to see your up, our balcony is a side balcony on the starboard side. Balcony or no balcony, that is the question (play on Shakespere). As the saying goes different strokes for different folks, that's what makes the whole world go around. I think the real question is to cruise or not to cruise, providing one can afford the dinero.


The will say two things about aft cabins. On my first cruise I chose the last balcony cabin, Port side, on the Caribe deck of the Sun Princess. We listened to the engine motors all the time. :eek: It made me deaf when I would wake up in the morning.:eek: Now if one can get by that then I have been told and this is not my opinion, but if you get an aft cabin, it has a fantastic view of where you have been. The only problem is to be cautious of being over the Vista Lounge in the back of the ship.



Bill :)

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Let me say this that the weather except for one day has been cold. We happen to have a balcony. If I had to do it over for this cruise I would probably opt out of the balcony because we have hardly used it (too cold). Hope that helps you in making your decision.





I would imagine it would be too cold and rough to be out on the balcony much - thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

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Hi Everyone!

I can't see the pictures!! :( All I see are white boxes with little red X's in them. Boo Hoo.:mad: Does that mean I won't be able to see all the wonderful sites I am missing? Is there help for me?? I am not a computer whiz, well, sort of challenged in this area.:confused:

Next, speaking of balconies, I will be in B745, any information on this cabin? From the picture in the book it looks like the balcony on the end is a wraparound.

I am hoping the weather from Valparaiso to Alcapulco will be much better (warmer, sunnier) right??

The time is almost here, I am soooo excited. We'll see you all soon and catch up on all the gossip and stories of the ports visited earlier.



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Hello Bill,


It's good to see your up, our balcony is a side balcony on the starboard side. Balcony or no balcony, that is the question (play on Shakespere). As the saying goes different strokes for different folks, that's what makes the whole world go around. I think the real question is to cruise or not to cruise, providing one can afford the dinero.


The will say two things about aft cabins. On my first cruise I chose the last balcony cabin, Port side, on the Caribe deck of the Sun Princess. We listened to the engine motors all the time. It made me deaf when I would wake up in the morning. Now if one can get by that then I have been told and this is not my opinion, but if you get an aft cabin, it has a fantastic view of where you have been. The only problem is to be cautious of being over the Vista Lounge in the back of the ship.



Bill :)


Then why are the 968 sq ft Owner's Suites on the Aft of the Pacific & Tahitian & are the most sought out of Any Suites on the Princess Fleet.

& they go back to the Same suite on every return cruise.:confused: That other info(Noise & Smoke) IMHO is (Old Wife's Tales). I've got a 143 Days coming up in those Owner's Suites on the Pacific & you can be sure I've done my research!

My Best to you Bill, & continue to enjoy your fabulous journey!:)


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Antarctica, Part 2


By the way we saw Cape Horn and Ushuaia from the air, both going and coming home to the ship. Also saw some fabulous glaciers from the air.


We landed on King George Island. Most of the snow melted already on the portion of land we were at. We were at the Chilean Research Station. The Russian Research Station was next door and the Chinese Research Station was over the hill. We all walked down this hill as our guide Betsy explained to us all to stay together and do not walk on any moss because if you do your footprint will be there for the next 100 years and your tour will immediately end. Not to worry because the moss was not in our path. As we continued down hill, Betsy took us into a Gymnassium and told us that it was the only building that was locked at night. In case someone would get lost or stuck outside, like in winter, they could at least enter any building. We took pictures at a sign that said New York x number of miles, etc. Continuing on we went to the water in order to put our life vests on in order to board the Zodiac boats (run by the Chilean Army). From there we crossed the bay taking in a glacier from the Ice Shelf (because it was flat on top). Betsy explained that the older the glacier is the bluer it becomes. When the snow falls, the water molecule is round and as more snow falls on it over the years, the molecule becomes more saucer shaped, which means it refracts the light differently.


The snow off in the distant looked smooth in texture. The weather in Antarctica dry, Betsy said that dry air is colder then humid air and therefore it gets colder in Antarctica than any where else.


Stay tune for Part 3 tommorrow. Same channel, same station.


I must go to bed, too tired. :( The Samba class was excellent and the interview with Maurizio was interesting, Maurizio is from Italy and his wife is from Oregon. And of course they met on the love boat. She travels with him on every cruise. Maurizio is a talent that you can't miss, excellent singer and entertainer. So, all the single ladies out there, there is love on the love boat.




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We are in an aft suite on D or 9 deck. We love it! My daughter spent one day at sea on the veranda with her alptop doing work (she's working on her PhD). There is never a lot of breeze and the view is to die for.


I've been on 25 + or - cruises, never on one of this size. Previously my biggest was the Coral and Island I think. I thought we rode the seas quite well this morning, especially since at one point they were hitting us on the beam. Frankly I have been on other cruises where they but out the "barf bags" along the rails and I didn't see any today. And when I went to the dining venues there were lots of people.


Bill was right. Betsy was an absolutely fantastic guide. I learned so much from here. This was my second time on the Antarctica landing and I felt like I got a lot more.


This afternoon in the fjords was lovely. We spent a long time alongside a magnificent glacier. The sun broke out intermitantly (sp?) and the colors were spectacular. The glacier calfed at one point which is always awesome to see. Having sailed on the Royal and now the Golden on the same itinerary I don't really see any difference in the way the ship rides the seas. The biggest difference to my mind is the number of passengers going ashore in some of these small ports.


That reminds me, this afternoon I went out on deck before the mist and rain stopped and in the distance was the Rotterdam ahead of us in the fjords. It was surrounded by mist and looked like a ghost ship ahead. I took some pictures but I don't know how they turned out. I haven't downloaded them yet.


Anyway, I think it's a great cruise. Anyone thinking of taking it should go to Antarctica. It's fabulous.



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Then why are the 968 sq ft Owner's Suites on the Aft of the Pacific & Tahitian & are the most sought out of Any Suites on the Princess Fleet.

& they go back to the Same suite on every return cruise. That other info(Noise & Smoke) IMHO is (Old Wife's Tales). I've got a 143 Days coming up in those Owner's Suites on the Pacific & you can be sure I've done my research!

My Best to you Bill, & continue to enjoy your fabulous journey!



Easy Bill,


I agree with you, the aft balconies have great views. I personally never had any problem with smoke, only noise of the propellers, on the Sun Princess. If might be different on other classes of ships. Again, different strokes is what makes one person desire an inside cabin and another a suite (disregarding costs).



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Hi Everyone!

I can't see the pictures!! :( All I see are white boxes with little red X's in them. Boo Hoo.:mad: Does that mean I won't be able to see all the wonderful sites I am missing? Is there help for me?? I am not a computer whiz, well, sort of challenged in this area.:confused:

Next, speaking of balconies, I will be in B745, any information on this cabin? From the picture in the book it looks like the balcony on the end is a wraparound.

I am hoping the weather from Valparaiso to Alcapulco will be much better (warmer, sunnier) right??

The time is almost here, I am soooo excited. We'll see you all soon and catch up on all the gossip and stories of the ports visited earlier.



Marianne - double check your user CP edit settings. Make sure all the boxes are checked.

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Hope this works for you. Enjoy all the wonderful photos everyone is posting. Take care, Lorraine:)

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I must say that after reading Tony's, Arlene's, Bill's, Anne's and all the other cruising contributors 'Live from'...it sure sounds alot more interesting than I would have imagined. It is so nice to see the pictures too!

It's not a part of the world that gets alot of notice, in my reading anyway.

Everyone's cruise experience is so different...it's nice to hear about all aspects of the cruising life..from the interesting food menus..custom or standard...to the type of clothing to wear on tours. To hear 'snow pants' as being part of cruise wear kind of makes the eyes take a second look...LOL

So, don't stop now.....keep the information flowing...I'm loving it :D

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

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Sorry this is so late to chime in also about the aft cabins on the ships. We were in the Grand Suite on the Star Princess 3 months ago and it was wonderful. Any balcony or suite cabin at the aft of the ship will be wonderful. Our very first balcony cabin was on the Grand Princess. It was one of the aft cabins and we loved the wake, especially at night. You feel like you are basically there by yourself and the sea. No matter what cabin you have picked, I know you will enjoy it. The Grand Suite was to die for though and I can't wait to be on it in a year on the Golden. But I will say, a balcony on either side of these ships is wonderful also. Just being able to step outside your cabin and be in fresh air is heavenly to me. That is just something I do love.


The stories about being on Antartica are fascinating. Thanks to all who have posted about what you did and saw. I'm really looking forward to seeing your pictures. This is really a cruise I hadn't given much thought to. I'm really wanting to see the Galapagos Islands one day also, so it will be hard to decide which one to do first.


Thanks again for taking the time to post your stories.



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I wanted to be the first this morning to wish everyone out there from the Golden Princess Internet Cafe a very Happy St. Patricks Day. Don't forget to wear your green today. Also last night we came out of the Fjords because it is rocking a little bit, not as bad as yesterday.:eek: :cool:



Mr. Bill:)

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Since I went to bed at midnight last night and woke up at 4 am,:eek: you know my agenda, eat, nap, post and attend the White Elephant Auction today with Host Frankie which I can't miss at 1:15 pm after lunch.:eek: :D




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I must say that after reading Tony's, Arlene's, Bill's, Anne's and all the other cruising contributors 'Live from'...it sure sounds alot more interesting than I would have imagined. It is so nice to see the pictures too!


It's not a part of the world that gets alot of notice, in my reading anyway.


Everyone's cruise experience is so different...it's nice to hear about all aspects of the cruising life..from the interesting food menus..custom or standard...to the type of clothing to wear on tours. To hear 'snow pants' as being part of cruise wear kind of makes the eyes take a second look...LOL


So, don't stop now.....keep the information flowing...I'm loving it :D


Happy St. Patrick's Day!!


Good Morning,


The only reason we took the snow pants was the Antarctica tour information suggested what clothes you need to bring. I have to say I over dressed whereas Vicky was ok. The only thing that was recommended that we didn't bring were ski googles. Anyone who didn't bring boots on the tour, were provided with a pair of rubber boots, which were used to walk into shallow water in order to get in and out of the Zodiac boats without getting our feet wet. As far as the other clothes the best way is to layer, unfortunately I had no place to store my excess clothing I was wearing because my backpack was full.:eek: What I ended up doing near the end of the tour was to open my jackets and remove my gloves and that worked out perfect.




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Marianne - double check your user CP edit settings. Make sure all the boxes are checked.Hope this works for you. Enjoy all the wonderful photos everyone is posting. Take care, Lorraine




Thanks for the info, apparently I did not have all the boxes checked. Also thanks for the design on the cafe press t-shirts.




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Antarctica, Part 3,


After the fun zodiac boat ride we finally arrive at the island where the pengiuns are. As we get off the boat and look, we see pengiuns everywhere. Our guide Betsy, tells us to keep together as a group so as not to scare the pengiuns ( and if we do just take one or two steps backwards). Anyone who saw Planet of the Apes can relate to this. There were thousands of pengiuns everywhere, all over the shore, on top of rocks, even on top of every cliff. It was as if we were on stage for the pengiuns. Unbelievable!:eek: Betsy explained that there were two types of Pengiuns, of which I forgot their names, but if anyone is interested I will check my video tapes to see if I captured her discussion on the species of pengiuns. After showing us a deserted Pengiun nest, she told us that they primarily eat squid, crill (not sure how to spell it), and one other animal which I cannot remember. One of the worst enemies was the Scu Bird, because it would eat the Pengiun Eggs and Chicks if given the chance. Afterwards she gave us about 15 minutes to sit or lay near the water so we could have a Pengiun experience. Some of the Pengiuns came right next to some of our tour group. Unfortunately for me, everytime the Pengiuns came towards me, I would turn my camera on and they would walk away. I guess they were camera shy.:D After our experience we loaded back into the Zodiac Boats to return to the research station. More to follow later.




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Good morning! Thanks to all who have shared their experiences on this thread. The only problem is I now can not wait to be on a ship again. I have to wait until Oct. for my upcoming Asia trip.:( Anyways, all of you have a great day aboard the Golden.:)



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Thanks for the info, apparently I did not have all the boxes checked. Also thanks for the design on the cafe press t-shirts.





Please excuse my !?@:o Where do I find this place?:( Is it on my tool bar? Or in some other hidden place like the control panel:confused: I can do email, as long as pictures are not involved.

Thanks again for any info and all you patience. If all else fails, maybe on the ship we can meet in the cafe and I can visually see what you mean.

See you soon.


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:o :confused: I found it. All the areas have checks, so maybe its somthing with my doorstop computer. still have windows 98. I can see the picutures posted from the live cam stuff. Just not the ones that must be from cameras. Maybe there is another solution. Thanks.



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