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Passports - who know when I will see it now!


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we applied on jan. 28th. DH got his back yesterday. i will let you know when i get mine back, my grandson applied a week after us, i will let you know when he gets his back,on the site it said that DH and mine would come on april 10,and grandson will get here on4-15. well, at least one came earlier,

just for the ones still waiting,

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Vijoge: You keep inferring that this problem is all of our own doing. That it is solely our fault because we did not apply for a passport last year. Telling someone that a problem caused by the government is their own problem is akin to attacking them.


You said “it was common knowledge that they were going to be especially busy.” If it was such common knowledge why didn’t the Passport agency do something? Why did they keep advertising on their website 6 weeks? (this information was in my original post) Do you feel that the Passport Agency if free of blame?


I did not wait until the last minute to apply as you insinuate. No, I did not rush right out the day I booked a cruise. One reason is that DH cannot take time off during December. His company prohibits its employees from taking time from Mid November to end of December. We only needed a passport just in case we had to fly home before the end of the cruise. We debated whether or not it was worth the expense and hassle. We could put the $300 to good use. Then my MIL was diagnosed with cancer and that made our decision. I had been keeping an eye on the Passport Agency’s website to see if the time frame increased. It hadn’t. So when I applied I was suppose to get it back in 6 weeks, but I also left myself a 4 week cushion in case there was a delay. I figured if they were busy but still saying 6 weeks, that I would expect a possible delay and an 8 week timeframe. So I did not apply at the last minute and I did add in extra time for a slight delay. 4+ weeks is not a slight delay, it is an absurd delay. And now we are also left up in the air as to when we can expect them since they don't put that on their website anymore. It would be nice to know if we will get them on time or if we need to run around and get new birth certificates.



So what time frames were other people here told by the government? Anyone here apply with less time before your trip than you were told by the government (example: govt says 6 weeks, you apply with your trip 5 weeks away.)?

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Just an update for anyone that applied around 2/2 for your Passport. I recieved mine today, exactly 8 weeks to the day.


That is great! So glad for you, yet also Jealous :)

I applied 2/1 so now there is hope....

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Why did so many people wait so long to apply? I remember seeing warnings last fall telling people to apply then because after Jan 1 the passport office was going to be mobbed with applications.


:confused:whoa .... I don't understand why people are taking this simple statment so personally and think this person is attacking them. I don't read that at all...I have wondered this same thing as well. People just give their opinions on this board and I think we should all agree sometimes to disagree, without having to worry about being attached. sheesh...


I gave my nieces mother the money to get her passport last October...she decided to wait until January to apply...big mistake. My nieces passport application was put in on January 12th, and we still don't have it...I think we are at the 11 week mark now. Maybe the differences have to do with the passport agencies and individually how busy each one is. Our's is the Miami agency.


Hope to get ours soon, but we dont' sail until June so we should be okay.



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However, I won't believe it until I have it in my grubby little hands! Perhaps contacting the congressman's office last week helped? I checked the passport website today, and it said "your passport has been processed and is being shipped via overnight mail". WOO HOO!




I already called RCI and was told I'd get up to 75% cruise credits if I had to cancel, due to no passport. So I already got on their website to try and find an alternative cruise. None were as good a deal as the one I'm going on. So, needless to say, I'm VERY happy!


And there was nothing wrong with my planning; I just happened to trust the government/post office worker when I was told on 1/30/07 there was no need to expedite, the passport would arrive in "plenty of time" for your trip!!! So, MY only problem was maybe...being naive? Having faith in my government?

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It was almost two years ago when the government posted its tentative schedule for the new passport rules, then last year the schedule was pushed back because people didn't take the information seriously..so most have already recieved a years amnesty already.


Now everyone's angry at the passport agency because of the delays caused by procrastinators which they themselves are.


Even at a time frame of 10 - 12 weeks, most have planned their vacations long in advance. So there is NO excuse for not being prepared regardless of the time frames posted on the internet site. I plan my trips up to and sometimes more than a year in advance. The only time I might have come close to a problem was when my passport would have expired within 6 months of two planned cruises. So I had all of the forms filled out and ready to go when I disembarked one cruise and mailed everything right off....This was last year and I recieved my new passport in a little over 2 weeks.


Sorry people, but every other country in the world has been used to issuing passports to EVERY citizen at about birth for identification. The US has lagged behind the world for years. Now that it's catching up, people are playing the ignorance card which I feel is not the smartest thing to do.


If you have a trip planned or not, we will need passports for regular air travel in a couple of years. We have been warned for a while now, but I somehow predit that there will be many who have had their heads in the sand and will be ultamently stuck. I predict they will blame the passport agency , or the media for lack of information. Oh well.....



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It was almost two years ago when the government posted its tentative schedule for the new passport rules, then last year the schedule was pushed back because people didn't take the information seriously..so most have already recieved a years amnesty already.

Most People do not apply just because someday they may need one, people apply when they have a trip abroad. Maybe you have the spare time and money to get a passport just for fun, not everyone does. I have better uses for $300 than buying passports I don’t need.


Now everyone's angry at the passport agency because of the delays caused by procrastinators which they themselves are.

I am completely biting my tongue because I know I would get in trouble for what I would love to say. People here are not procrastinators. As far as we knew we were applying with plenty of time. Maybe we are not a touch OCD about this and bring applications on vacations with us because heaven forbid you wait a day before mailing….but that does not equal procrastination. I applied the first available day that DH and I could have off at the same time and we could get an 8am appointment so DD would not have to miss school. And I procrastinated how?


Even at a time frame of 10 - 12 weeks, most have planned their vacations long in advance. So there is NO excuse for not being prepared regardless of the time frames posted on the internet site. I plan my trips up to and sometimes more than a year in advance. Whoopie doo for you. Quite a few people don’t make their plans that far in advance. In fact a number of people purposely don’t because they are hoping for last minute sales so that they can afford to go. In fact I will NEVER be able to plan a vacation more than a year in advance because my DH is not the one who chooses vacation for the year first. If I made anything over a year in advance then I run the risk of DH not being able to go.


Sorry people, but every other country in the world has been used to issuing passports to EVERY citizen at about birth for identification.

Yippie for them

The US has lagged behind the world for years.

And that is my fault how?

Now that it's catching up, people are playing the ignorance card which I feel is not the smartest thing to do.

Name one person here who is using the ignorance card! We knew the laws were changing, but at that time I had no need for a passport and no plans to need one in the next several years. Did I know it might take a little longer because of the new laws? Yes. Did I apply only 6 weeks before my vacation – NO, even thought the Passport Agency was saying they only needed 6 weeks to get you your passport. You know what, maybe we were ignorant – ignorant to the fact that what they were tell us was not true. If we had been told up front that it might take up to 3 months you wouldn’t see the upset people quite so much. We would know in the beginning that we would need to expedite or change our plans. The problem is that we were not told until a month after most of us had applied that it was going to take 10+ weeks. Of course there is not way to get our money back now.


If you have a trip planned or not, we will need passports for regular air travel in a couple of years. We have been warned for a while now, but I somehow predit that there will be many who have had their heads in the sand and will be ultamently stuck. I predict they will blame the passport agency, or the media for lack of information. Oh well.....

Sorry, but I have not heard that we will need a passport for regular air travel, so I don’t know if this is true.

Even if this is true most people will probably not rush right out to get a passport just for the sake of having one. They will apply for one when they have travel plans. And that is not procrastination.


Imagine this scenario. You buy a really popular item (something like a Nintendo wii) on October 16. This is to be a very important Christmas present for someone you met the end of summer. They tell you that it will be delivered to your house within 6 weeks (by November 27th). So you order it and pay for it. Then in the middle of November they tell you that it really won’t be in until sometime in January. In this scenario did you procrastinate in buying this Christmas present? Is it your fault they won’t be delivering on time like promised? You knew that the Wii was going to be a hot Christmas item, you should have ordered it earlier even though you hadn’t met the person yet. Even better you tell them that since it won’t be here for Christmas you want to cancel your order. They tell you that it is no problem to cancel your order but they will not be refunding you any of the money you paid. But, if you pay them $300 more then they might be able to get it to you by Christmas Eve. Does this sound right to you?

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We are similiar to the above statement. I had to wait to get an appointment so my daughter didn't have to take off school for it (also her part-time job). Also, we weren't sure she was going until we made the final payment on the cruise.

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I found this quote in Sunday’s Philadelphia Inquirer by Orlando Rivera, Regional Director of the Philadelphia Passport Agency quite interesting:

“The backlog has been worsened by large numbers of people applying for passports as soon as they learned about the new requirements, even though they do not plan to travel any time soon”, Rivera says.


So maybe applying just because you may travel sometime in the distant future isn't really a good idea....

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Even at a time frame of 10 - 12 weeks, most have planned their vacations long in advance. So there is NO excuse for not being prepared regardless of the time frames posted on the internet site. I plan my trips up to and sometimes more than a year in advance. The only time I might have come close to a problem was when my passport would have expired within 6 months of two planned cruises. So I had all of the forms filled out and ready to go when I disembarked one cruise and mailed everything right off....This was last year and I recieved my new passport in a little over 2 weeks.



The problem is you can only renew 6 months before your passport expires. We have had passports for years. The earliest we could renew my husband's passport was the first of February. We sent it in right away and according to the agency the timeframe to get it back was 6 weeks. No problem we still have time with no need to expedite. Well as the weeks have gone by the timeframe to get it back has increased to 10 weeks. This will leave us with time to spare IF they are correct. However, it does make me wish I had gone ahead and expedited it. I wish we could have renewed it last year, but we couldn't.


The main gripe I have is if they posted the timeframe to get it back as 6 weeks that is what it should be not 10 or anyone's guess and anticipating the surge in applications they should allow renewals up to a year before it expires especially since you can't travel 6 months before it expires.

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It was almost two years ago when the government posted its tentative schedule for the new passport rules, then last year the schedule was pushed back because people didn't take the information seriously..so most have already recieved a years amnesty already.

Most People do not apply just because someday they may need one, people apply when they have a trip abroad. Maybe you have the spare time and money to get a passport just for fun, not everyone does. I have better uses for $300 than buying passports I don’t need.


Now everyone's angry at the passport agency because of the delays caused by procrastinators which they themselves are.

I am completely biting my tongue because I know I would get in trouble for what I would love to say. People here are not procrastinators. As far as we knew we were applying with plenty of time. Maybe we are not a touch OCD about this and bring applications on vacations with us because heaven forbid you wait a day before mailing….but that does not equal procrastination. I applied the first available day that DH and I could have off at the same time and we could get an 8am appointment so DD would not have to miss school. And I procrastinated how?


Even at a time frame of 10 - 12 weeks, most have planned their vacations long in advance. So there is NO excuse for not being prepared regardless of the time frames posted on the internet site. I plan my trips up to and sometimes more than a year in advance. Whoopie doo for you. Quite a few people don’t make their plans that far in advance. In fact a number of people purposely don’t because they are hoping for last minute sales so that they can afford to go. In fact I will NEVER be able to plan a vacation more than a year in advance because my DH is not the one who chooses vacation for the year first. If I made anything over a year in advance then I run the risk of DH not being able to go.


Sorry people, but every other country in the world has been used to issuing passports to EVERY citizen at about birth for identification.

Yippie for them

The US has lagged behind the world for years.

And that is my fault how?

Now that it's catching up, people are playing the ignorance card which I feel is not the smartest thing to do.

Name one person here who is using the ignorance card! We knew the laws were changing, but at that time I had no need for a passport and no plans to need one in the next several years. Did I know it might take a little longer because of the new laws? Yes. Did I apply only 6 weeks before my vacation – NO, even thought the Passport Agency was saying they only needed 6 weeks to get you your passport. You know what, maybe we were ignorant – ignorant to the fact that what they were tell us was not true. If we had been told up front that it might take up to 3 months you wouldn’t see the upset people quite so much. We would know in the beginning that we would need to expedite or change our plans. The problem is that we were not told until a month after most of us had applied that it was going to take 10+ weeks. Of course there is not way to get our money back now.


If you have a trip planned or not, we will need passports for regular air travel in a couple of years. We have been warned for a while now, but I somehow predit that there will be many who have had their heads in the sand and will be ultamently stuck. I predict they will blame the passport agency, or the media for lack of information. Oh well.....

Sorry, but I have not heard that we will need a passport for regular air travel, so I don’t know if this is true.

Even if this is true most people will probably not rush right out to get a passport just for the sake of having one. They will apply for one when they have travel plans. And that is not procrastination.


Imagine this scenario. You buy a really popular item (something like a Nintendo wii) on October 16. This is to be a very important Christmas present for someone you met the end of summer. They tell you that it will be delivered to your house within 6 weeks (by November 27th). So you order it and pay for it. Then in the middle of November they tell you that it really won’t be in until sometime in January. In this scenario did you procrastinate in buying this Christmas present? Is it your fault they won’t be delivering on time like promised? You knew that the Wii was going to be a hot Christmas item, you should have ordered it earlier even though you hadn’t met the person yet. Even better you tell them that since it won’t be here for Christmas you want to cancel your order. They tell you that it is no problem to cancel your order but they will not be refunding you any of the money you paid. But, if you pay them $300 more then they might be able to get it to you by Christmas Eve. Does this sound right to you?


:eek: yikes!

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First, I do apologize. The passport to fly within the states requirement WAS dropped last year, but is still on the back burner. However it was one of the original proposals by the dept. of state.


Secondly comparing a Wii which is a toy to a passport which is an official govenment issued identification is like comparing apples and oranges.


Now I may be assuming but it sounds like you do travel and you like it. being said, when the passport requirements did come out it may have been in your favor to go ahead and get them, regardless of the cost.


Now I will make a comparison. Insurance and passports.


You pay for both whether you use them or not, and you have them when you do need them.


I'm sure you don't wait to buy insurance til right before you have an accident? So I would expect from someone that travels even once every year or two that they would be prepared. And once you have your documentaion renewing is simple and can be done by mail instead of in person.



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Accidents happen unexpectedly but trips are planned.


Comparing a passport to a toy is not really apples and oranges. Both are product that you purchase. I purchased a product (the passport) and was told it would be delivered to me within 6 weeks. Now it is 10-12 weeks or more. I can’t cancel and get my money back.


I don’t travel that often and very rarely out of the country. Next years big trip is going to be to Michigan for a wedding. By then we will need new cars so there will be no vacations for a couple of years. Our next real big vacation is going to be Disney World probably in 2010. By the time we need a passport DD’s will expire (only good for 5 years). So if we had been told that they wouldn’t be in on time unless we expedited for an additional $60, then we may have just paid the extra $60, or we may have just decided to forgo them this time. I really can’t say for sure what I would have done. It was a big decision to apply and spend $300. Would I have been willing to pay an additional $180? Honestly can’t say.


It isn’t so much the fact that it takes 3 months to get a passport now, it is that I was told 6 weeks. If they advertised 6 weeks, it should be here in 6 weeks.

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And once you have your documentaion renewing is simple and can be done by mail instead of in person.



The problem being right now that most airlines won't let you travel if your passport expires within 6 months. You can't renew until your passport is within 6 months of expiring. So if you want to travel during the first 10 weeks (I would give it 12 or more to be safe) you need to expedite. Which is fine if you know that going in but if they don't tell you it would take that long when you mail in your paperwork you get a little worried. It isn't poor planning, it isn't procrastination it is just bad luck needing it renewed at this time and poor communication on the agency's part not giving the correct turn around time.

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First, I do apologize. The passport to fly within the states requirement WAS dropped last year, but is still on the back burner. However it was one of the original proposals by the dept. of state.


Now I will make a comparison. Insurance and passports.


You pay for both whether you use them or not, and you have them when you do need them.


I'm sure you don't wait to buy insurance til right before you have an accident? So I would expect from someone that travels even once every year or two that they would be prepared.


If the government ever tries to require passports for travel WITHIN the United States, there will be open rebellion. That would be the same as requiring a national identification card which is just a very un-American concept. States are perfectly capable of issuing photo identification that can be used to board an airplane for a domestic flight.


As for the insurance and passport issue, I don't think that is a valid comparison either. You buy insurance to protect you against a loss that could prove to be financially devastating. You cannot predict when you may get sick or when your home may catch fire or whether you will be in a car accident. And anyone who drives or owns a home is required to carry coverage so you don't really have a choice anyway.


You can decide whether or not you want to travel outside of the US, so there is really no reason to get a passport "just in case". They are not valid forever, and they are very expensive. It is a waste to buy a passport if you have no plans to travel outside of the US. And as someone else already pointed out, it is the people who rushed out and applied for a passport "just in case" that are clogging up the system and causing people who really NEED a passport to have delays in getting one.


And ,yes, I do have a passport. We went to London 2 years ago (in April) and applied in January. We got ours in 10 days, but that was before the rush. I did not have one prior to that time because I had never needed one.

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Two sisters that are going on our cruise in 2 weeks sent their passports off at the very end of January. One got theirs back last week and the other one got there's today.


I do think the government is trying (for once) because one of the passports came in an envelope post marked somewhere in New Hampshire (Fort Smith?) and the other one came from a place in North Dakota. And they both live in the Memphis area. It looks like they are sending them off to smaller passport offices to help with the backlog. This my be one reason that the expected dates have disappeared and reappear once they get to the smaller office.


I know when I got my passport 7 years ago we sent it off to Miami. We were going on a cruise to Hawaii and found out a 2 months before we needed passports because the ship was going to Fanning Island. Even then I decided to have them expidited. You haven't seen slow moving government offices until you have lived in Memphis. Back then I paid for 2 expedited passports for just about what it now cost for 1 regular passport.

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Just wondering.....are US passport "produced" regionally??? Every State make their own?


Ours are all printed by the Ferderal Printer in Berlin only! But then since we are used to having gov IDs it is never such a big deal. Our manditory ID cards are almost a duplicate of the machinereable part of our passports.

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I just checked the passport website and it said this:


“We have finished processing your passport, and it has been mailed to you.

You requested delivery by regular mail. Passport Agencies use Priority Mail. This means you should receive your passport on or about 04/08/2007.”


It is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. I think I might cry. I printed the page. I think I might hang it on my wall.


(BTW - I applied 2/1. Got thru on 4/2 to check status and they expidited it.)

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I just checked the passport website and it said this:


“We have finished processing your passport, and it has been mailed to you.

You requested delivery by regular mail. Passport Agencies use Priority Mail. This means you should receive your passport on or about 04/08/2007.”


It is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. I think I might cry. I printed the page. I think I might hang it on my wall.


(BTW - I applied 2/1. Got thru on 4/2 to check status and they expidited it.)



Checked mine this morning, says the exact same thing! I'm sooo happy!!! I applied on Feb 5th.

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Gotta tell you all how much I enjoy reading that others are in the same black hole as me. It doesn't make me feel lonely, picked on, and ignored knowing that others are with me. And then I read clm101798 has received notice their passports are in the mail. And they applied only a week before me and I still can't find any reference that the government has received my application. Being the little worrier that I am, I called the number again. New recording though this time, they are now saying they only want to hear from people traveling within 14 days. Even after you're on hold, that message is repeated. They really don't want to talk you otherwise.

When I finally reached a live person, I was whining that it's been 8 weeks, not showing up on line, wondering if maybe there's a problem with the photos as the people at the clerk of courts indicated there might be and will I have to start the process all over again if there is a problem. Whining big time, let me tell ya. Then Doug told that he really didn't understand what was going on w/my passport cuz it shows it's been in transit to the Seattle processing center for 3 weeks and he's not real sure why it's taking so long (thought I would cry at this point). Doug also pointed out that there's a note in the electronic file that Leonard requested someone look for this application (3/30) and overnight it to me as it's been so long. Apparently that hasn't been done either. Doug suggested 2 options for me, option 1 was just to keep checking as it does appear in the system, just that no knows what they're doing with it. Option 2 he pointed out I really couldn't do unless I was traveling within the next 14 days is make an appointment with one of the "official offices". He also pointed this might be hard on me as I reside in Wyoming and the nearest official office for me would be Seattle. Doug was very nice and supportive. In his professional opinion (which maybe he was one of those recently hired) he didn't believe there was a problem with my photos as they did cash the check (2/15) or maybe that is the reason I can't track it on line.

I did ask what happens with my application once, if ever it arrives in Seattle. At that time, the background check is done, microchip is installed, book is created and it's returned w/all the documents. So they could still reject it if they don't like the pictures. Doug wasn't real sure if I would have to start the process over again or if I would receive a request to submit a new set of pictures.

After lunch just out of habit, I checked on line and YAHOO my passport is being processed. But does this mean I should start counting down 10 weeks from today or should receive it within the next 2 weeks (which will then be 10 weeks from date of applying)?

For anyone thinking it's only happing to you, it's not! Bask in the rest of our misery, you are not alone.

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Just wondering.....are US passport "produced" regionally??? Every State make their own?


Ours are all printed by the Ferderal Printer in Berlin only! But then since we are used to having gov IDs it is never such a big deal. Our manditory ID cards are almost a duplicate of the machinereable part of our passports.


I talked to someone at the passport office and they said they have a bank of passport applications and they get sent out the the branch that can get the passport out the quickest. I live in TX and we have a passport office in Houston, but my application was sent to South Carolina :confused:

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My husband had let his old passport expire about 5 years ago, so he had to go to the post office and do a new application. He went on 2/1. He received his passport yesterday, 4/4. That's 1 day shy of 9 weeks.


I had a passport valid until August '07, but thought I would renew it now so I wouldn't have a long wait. Ha Ha Ha. I sent mine to the Passport Center in Philadelphia (I think) the address on the renewal form, on 2/3. The website says it has been received and is being processed. I thought I would get mine before my husband, as mine was just a renewal whereas his was processed as a new passport application.


Of course I don't know where the post office sent his application. It may make a difference which location you mail it to.


I'm still waiting, I'm wondering if something is wrong, do they notify you? Or just let you sit and wonder?

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We applied on 3/2, when I check the website, it says passport not found.

I have emailed them twice,the first email said, passport application NOT FOUND, second email now says, they are processing, but doesn't give dates. I'm going on a cruise April 29, my only concern was st. maarten.

But to be on the safe side, I ordered my kids BC's, which I received last week and DH is stll waiting for his.


Just to verify, we don't need a passport to enter St. Maarten ?

I read on their website that you do need one, that's why I applied for passports to begin with.


Good luck to everyone, I hope everyone gets their's before your vacations.


btw, my cousin applied last November because we were going to Paris, France and her's was denied last minute! she had to get together a bunch of documents like high school photos, transripts, old id's, they wanted her to establish a timeline! crazy!she was born ad raised in NY.

Anyway, she found this lovely lady in the South Crolina office, who rushed everything for her, went as far as giving her direct ext and she made it possible for my cousin to get her pasport(no extra charge), literally 3 days before our trip in JAN:eek: . PARIS was AWESOME! ppl not all so nice

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