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RIDICULOUS reactions to bad reviews..Stop Cheerleaders


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I think many of us agree that one can see a totally negative review for what it is...the ones that really disturb me are when a person posts a thoughtful good/bad/ok review, and then has people try to 'override" and negate THEIR experience


I actually have had very postive experiences but I can see where one could get a "bad apple" steward who does not leave towels or fix something in the cabin....I can see how other things go wrong....


I really despise the "If I don't have to clean it or cook it, it is fine with me"...."A bad day cruising is better than a good day at work"...."Just get me out of this cold weather and I won't complain">.."you sure are picky, I just go with the flow, I am on vacation"..blah blah


That really adds NOTHING to anything...and I hear ya...some people like their jobs, plus jobs pay us, we pay to cruise...LOL...


I think we all need to look on the positive but those worn out catch phrases really don't apply to specific problems...yes, it is your vacation and it would be nicer if you had clean towels or if a tour did not take you to a nasty "shopping" area with pushy locals for an unadvertised hour as one review complained of...


how people are supposed to "just relax and enjoy" being badgered by locals selling junk at a run down dirty looking "rest stop" I don't know...of course some felt they should.


IMHO it is very passive agressive...the "pollyannas" try to feel superior and "good" about themselves...they try to make a sincere review with good and bad look more negative than it was, they pick one small "complaint" and act as if the reviewer was "wrong" and they are so much superior


The pollyanas also prey upon the conditioned response of US travelers to not be an "Ugly American"....and overlook the fact that some "locals" are "ugly locals" when they are up in your face demanding money, hair braiding, and selling junk from china LOL.


I think their response is often overdone, they try to make the reviewer look foolish or like an "Ugly American" or try to say they are picky, negative...

I really get offended when some posters try to bait others into "experiencing the country" when it might be a pretty dangerous country like Belize or Panama....some places you need a tour/excurison. To say any different is not an "Ugly American", it is smart. Some places where I live I would not venture into for safety's sake.


Not to mention that the simpering "a bad day cruising is better than a good day at work" is really not very clever, funny or original anymore. It adds nothing to a topic and really stops many threads from being informative.

Then again that is what the pollyannas want I think.

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Where are all the cheerleaders ? I have not heard anything from them.

I also as a newbie like both good and bad comments as it helps me plan.

One example is if i should book a excursion with the ship or privite? The responses i got back were what I wanted.eg Ship will wait for you on a ship tour but there is usally is alot more people on a ship tour than a privite tour. Both good and bad report with no mud throwing. Just my 2 cents

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Even the most seasoned cheerleader should know that not every cruise is not going to be perfect. I've never had anything earth-shattering terrible to happen (Thank God!) but I have hade some minor incidents. I could have let those incidents ruin my cruise or even my review but I just let them go. However, I dare not even put some of them in my reviews here for the fear of being bashed.


For example, on my last cruise, it took forever to go through customs because many crewmembers were trying to leave at the same time. I did not get out of the cruise terminal until after 1:00 PM and I was upset because I was still looking at a 7 hour drive ahead of me. If I would have complained here, I probably would have gotten the, "It's not the cruiseline's fault that you had to wait in a custom's line" speech from several cheerleaders. Yes, I DO realize that but it was still a disappointment and frustrating.


Just because the air in my cabin worked on my last cruise does not mean it will work for the next cruiser. Just because my steward was wonderful does not mean it will be for another. And just because I enjoyed my meals in the dining room doesn't mean they would be up to par for another.


It's easy to wade out the reviews where the person complains about trivial things or things they should have researched. But FTLOG, things cannot always go smoothly on a cruise and the cheerleaders need to try to put on the shoes of others every once in awhile.

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Well, I'm not a cheerleader but I happen to like them. Yes some of them go overboard with their answers. But the biggest thing they point out is the bad things are not 'normal'


I have seen where the 'cheerleader' got roasted when all they where doing was asking questions and trying to clarify the problem, (AND BEING NICE ABOUT IT) so that maybe newbies (like me) could learn.


I would think that if a 'cheerleader' consistantly posted just so a thread would be deleted they would be banned from CC, After all some of them have been here a long time.


just my .02

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I just do not have the figure to be a cheerleader and anyway I would probably fall over when I twirled my Pom Poms.


However there are sometimes when you see a review and you know it is from the professional dirt digger. They slag off a cruise ship or indeed a whole cruise line, but give little detail and appear to have little substance for there complaint. Or they have three or four complaints of which all but one have nothing to do with the cruise line.


Genuine reviews on the other hand should be treated as such and bad experiences should be commiserated with and the person reassured that what happened to them was not normal.


On the other hand when something is wrong and lots of people complane then that can be used to get things changed as I am sure that sensible cruise lines would listen to there customers.


This has happened with P&O here in the UK The imposition of set gratuities based on the number of days cruised was introduced on one of the fleet. This did not go down well After much bad press in a number of sites, P&O changed there policy.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)

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.... The funny thing is I am not all the picky. I mean really, my wife and I think a night out at RedRobin or Applebees is fun, so as long as the food is equal to that we are happy. yes I know all you food critiques just swore to yourselves that you would never sit with me, and that is OK with me.





LOL John! I feel the same way, and we would definitely sit with you! I remember when I was reading reviews before my first Alaskan cruise on NCL, someone said of the food in the dining room that it was "on a par with Outback, at best". That was supposed to be a criticism. But we were thrilled because to us Outback is a nice evening out, and I was pretty sure if the food was to the same standards as Outback, we'd be happy. And we were.



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...someone said of the food in the dining room that it was "on a par with Outback, at best". That was supposed to be a criticism. But we were thrilled because to us Outback is a nice evening out, and I was pretty sure if the food was to the same standards as Outback, we'd be happy. Linda


I'm with you on that one. :p

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Mary Jo- have fun on the Spirit! Ask me any tipping questions and I'll be glad to answer. I don't need to ask who went mental on that topic- I can guess.


Thanks Carla! I am really looking forward to this trip - I finally talked DH into going on a vacation without the kiddies (I am a sahm).

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It's not just reviews, I just "saw" someone get roasted for asking a question about tips. I could not believe it. It really discourages open communication which is what I thought CC was all about. I know I think twice before posting.



I have no qualms about reporting really rude people to the moderators. That is what that little warning triangle attached to each post is for and I use. If you want to encourage open communication then report those who are making it difficult to the people who can do something about it.


Also, if someone is rude to you, speak up. Don't let them get away with it; it just encourages them to keep doing it.

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I completely agree with the OP. My dh and I have used these boards since we booked our first cruise and have gone back to them for our upcoming cruise. They are helpful and you can find really great information, we have and we have used all of it and the advice we get.

HOWEVER; we get discouraged and just click off of CC because of all of the negativity and snide, rude comments people make to each other. There are a certain few on the Carnival board that think they know everything and throw their opinions or snide remarks in on every post, whether it be helpful or not. If someone asks a question about something they need to know for their upcoming cruise, if you don't know the answer, why comment? Do these people have lives or is this CC board what they live for? Or I just love their comments about the "newbies." Like, all of us ol' CC veterans that post, post, post, no matter how unhelpful some of the post are, they are after all- helping the "newbies." What is up with that??? :rolleyes: I have even seen one guy who continuously likes to post nasty comments about he and his wife's personal business. If someone posts a ? about a balcony's size, he will post something about he and his wife on their balcony.... I think his exact phrase was "boinking"

I don't care about that, nor do I want to read about it on Cruise Critic.

It seems lately, every topic, no matter how stupid the post is (and IMHO there are some really stupid topics) they turn into arguments between posters and they go on and on and on. So if you are interested in a topic, you click on it and start reading and you have to get through all of the arguing to get to the next posters comments, which might be something of interest to you but you get so sick of the rude people you just get off of the topic alltogether. My dh and I cannot believe some of the crap people post on here and the fact that so many people actually respond to them and not the important post where people may want to actually get help with their question! Posts and topics that have absolutely NOTHING to do with anyone's cruises.

I have to say, I am very dissapointed in this website. It seems to be worse than when we first started visiting this site for our first cruise. I don't seem to remember there being as much arguing and hatefulness.

I have reported 2 really ugly post since being on here again.


I thought this was supposed to be a helpful website.:confused:

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IMHO some of these people simply want to "divert" topics..that is another tactic of theirs.


plus there is a difference between people "asking" for opinions or advice and people who go behind someone's review and try to batter it down...or "divert" it with innane repetition of "a bad day cruising is better than a good day at work"


Not to mention there are CERTAIN people on the Ports boards who are "locals" who seem to work for or advertise for certain places. For instance a new "local" on the Costa Maya board has been posting his info on every thread and that goes on from time to time on other boards.

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I really find the BEST info on here is by reading the actual reviews for the particular ship and route that I am booked to sail...that is the best. I like the reviews in the review section, without all the excess OPINIONS. LOL. I also do like to read current reviews of "my" ship in the Carnival section and ask questions.


The rest of the stuff gets very bogged down. People who were on a particular ship/route a year ago or even 6 months ago may have very out of date info, stuff changes, staff and management changes, chefs change, etc.

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I completely agree with the OP. My dh and I have used these boards since we booked our first cruise and have gone back to them for our upcoming cruise. They are helpful and you can find really great information, we have and we have used all of it and the advice we get.

HOWEVER; we get discouraged and just click off of CC because of all of the negativity and snide, rude comments people make to each other. There are a certain few on the Carnival board that think they know everything and throw their opinions or snide remarks in on every post, whether it be helpful or not. If someone asks a question about something they need to know for their upcoming cruise, if you don't know the answer, why comment? Do these people have lives or is this CC board what they live for? Or I just love their comments about the "newbies." Like, all of us ol' CC veterans that post, post, post, no matter how unhelpful some of the post are, they are after all- helping the "newbies." What is up with that??? :rolleyes: I have even seen one guy who continuously likes to post nasty comments about he and his wife's personal business. If someone posts a ? about a balcony's size, he will post something about he and his wife on their balcony.... I think his exact phrase was "boinking"

I don't care about that, nor do I want to read about it on Cruise Critic.

It seems lately, every topic, no matter how stupid the post is (and IMHO there are some really stupid topics) they turn into arguments between posters and they go on and on and on. So if you are interested in a topic, you click on it and start reading and you have to get through all of the arguing to get to the next posters comments, which might be something of interest to you but you get so sick of the rude people you just get off of the topic alltogether. My dh and I cannot believe some of the crap people post on here and the fact that so many people actually respond to them and not the important post where people may want to actually get help with their question! Posts and topics that have absolutely NOTHING to do with anyone's cruises.

I have to say, I am very dissapointed in this website. It seems to be worse than when we first started visiting this site for our first cruise. I don't seem to remember there being as much arguing and hatefulness.

I have reported 2 really ugly post since being on here again.


I thought this was supposed to be a helpful website.:confused:


My advice to you: find another vacation. JUST KIDDING! :) Carnival is a shark pool, a hornet's nest, a... well, too early to think of anything else. You can get black and blue over there- for no reason. The use of smileys is :eek: , and all of the ~~~ , well, I wish I could get into it but this would get pulled.


I hear ya.

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Thanks Carla! I am really looking forward to this trip - I finally talked DH into going on a vacation without the kiddies (I am a sahm).


You will have a lot of fun. The Spirit is a very peaceful ship and you can always find a place to be alone (especially at night) She is just the right size. The night life is also great if you like that. The sailaway parties are great- I found more to do on Spirit than I did on Carnival. I don't know what your itinerary is- mine has an overnight at GSC. I am really looking forward to that- GSC is a blast.


If you are going to GSC, go RIGHT after you tender in. Keep walking around the island, on the rocks, etc., for about 20 minutes and you will find a beautiful private beach. There may be a chair or two that someone left behind. You will be totally alone, except for a person or two taking a walk.

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This is an interesting thread. I agree with some of what has been said, but not all.


I'm not really sure what a Cheerleader is, or who they are. The term seems to get thrown out mostly as an ad-hominem attack by those who can't argue substantially with what someone else has posted, but want to disagree. In other words, it's commonly used as a cheap shot.


My opinion is that the most trouble on contentious threads is caused by people who self-appoint themselves as moderators. Their zeal to find and discredit cheerleaders only manages to stir the pot. Instead of staying on topic, these people take threads off course by questioning motives, accusing people of being cruise line employees, and generally violating the rules of this board. Of course, by keeping the comments general, I.E. "Don't listen to the cheerleaders!" they manage to stay just within the guidelines, but of course the damage is done. In one extreme example, someone who could have been a great resource to these boards was run off because he dared provide an explanation to some recurring complaints. It was a shameful episode.


If one accepts the premise that cheerleaders exist, one also has to admit that there are others on this site who take great pleasure in seeing hot topics continue as long as possible. Just as an argument dies down, they'll show up and post something inflammatory, just to get the pot bubbling again. A few even create links to such threads from other web sites, and encourage others to join in. They do it just for entertainment, and it causes more threads to disappear than any other reason. Sometimes I think it's a form of reverse-cheerleading, and it's a bit obvious when such people whose preference for one cruise line is obvious show up just to stir the pot on another's page.


I know there are many who don't like to see negative comments about a cruise line be questioned or critiqued. I think it's a bad thing to let comments that are clearly misdirected go. When people with little or no cruising experience read such comments, they should also have contrary points of view to consider. Personally, I don't care what people decide about any issue at the end of the day, so long as they are permitted to view all sides of the discussion, not just the harshly negative or overtly positive.

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This is an interesting thread. I agree with some of what has been said, but not all.


I'm not really sure what a Cheerleader is, or who they are. The term seems to get thrown out mostly as an ad-hominem attack by those who can't argue substantially with what someone else has posted, but want to disagree. In other words, it's commonly used as a cheap shot.


My opinion is that the most trouble on contentious threads is caused by people who self-appoint themselves as moderators. Their zeal to find and discredit cheerleaders only manages to stir the pot. Instead of staying on topic, these people take threads off course by questioning motives, accusing people of being cruise line employees, and generally violating the rules of this board.


True! True. There are a few absolutely harsh people who accuse others of working for the cruise line, etc. I find that much more on another site- there is one guy that just won't let it go!

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Every cruise line has its "cheerleaders" = trust me.. I have had to read a zillion on of the posts in the last 10 years BUT that's fine... if they only like one cruise line, that's their prerogative but I think you miss out on a lot by not trying diff. cruise lines.. And yes, a totally negative or totally positive cruise review is huge red flag:eek: .. or jumping all over someone bec. you don't "happen" to agree with them!

I'm glad not everyone likes my favorite restaurant... we'd never get a seat:D

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For instance:

There is a guy on the Carnival board that it seems like he always has to post something rude, not helpful in any way, just rude. There was a thread about "Balcony Snobs," which went on and on and on.. and several snide comments were made back and forth about people who book inside cabins opposed to people who won't book anything less than a balcony. This guy posted "You can always tell the people who book inside cabins, they are the ones in line at the Purser's desk having their tips removed." I thought that was really uncalled for and rude. How would he know what people in line at the Purser's desk are doing and why would you post something like that? Wonder if he's in line doing the same thing:confused:

Then a member posted a thread about taking her kids out of school for a cruise and someone replied, this same guy totally thrashed the member, with his opinions on taking kids out of school for vacation..... ok.... again- is this any of his business?

Same guy, again, different thread- Someone posted a thread regarding Funship Dollars, wanted advice and how to do it, if anybody had done it, you know the drill. Same guy posted this " have to ask... why waste your time with funship dollars...

Now I get a good feeling why folks are so screwed up with their credit..."

I could not believe it! Where the he#@ does he get off with stupid, rude comments like that?

He also posts incorrect information- such as a thread about upgrades, his reply was " You only get upgraded in like categories. Inside to inside, view to view, balcony to balcony." NOT TRUE, we booked an inside guarantee on our 1st cruise and were upgraded to an oceanview, same thing happened to our friends a few weeks ago.


This is what I am talking about- sorry to use this one member as an example so many times, but I could actually quote many more of his rude, helpless comments. All I can say is I hope I am NEVER on a cruise with him or some of the peolple on these boards and if he ever replies rudely to one of my threads, I will report it.

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