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NCL Photo Gallery Beware!


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Thanks for the heads up on the photographer - are last cruise (15 day panama) it was just 2 of us - and YES we took home every picture that they took - and then I paid someone over $500 to assemble a wonderful "creative memories" book for us - this time - buy the pictures - do my own book! BUT we are traveling with 6, bring the kids, so individual photos will kill us! I'll be aware of whats going on - plus - NO characters, I can't imagine there would be character on the Mexican Riveria....but it would be funny!

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I always hate to think of the waste generated by those printed pictures. I don't have any idea how they could do it practically, but it would sure be nice if one of the concessionaires would come up with a way to display them digitally -- rather than wasting all the paper. Then, if you liked some of you, they could just quickly print them off and you'd be on your way.

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Thanks for the heads up on the photographer - are last cruise (15 day panama) it was just 2 of us - and YES we took home every picture that they took - and then I paid someone over $500 to assemble a wonderful "creative memories" book for us - this time - buy the pictures - do my own book! BUT we are traveling with 6, bring the kids, so individual photos will kill us! I'll be aware of whats going on - plus - NO characters, I can't imagine there would be character on the Mexican Riveria....but it would be funny!



For the MR, it's a Dolphin, a Parrot, a Bandito and a Senorita...

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To those questioning me....Again, let me reiterate what I was trying to get accross in my original post...the photographer was very "forceful" in his halting my husband to not get in the picture. He stuck out his hand and told him to wait. Therefore, when I look at my photo, I am looking off to the side to see why he isnt beside me. On the rest of the islands, the same photographer tried it again, but this time I held out my hand and told him to wait and that we WOULD be taking one together.


I think some people are misunderstanding my original post. I want to buy the photos, I want a decent picture and I want us together. That is not too much to ask when paying $14.99 for a 5x7. This thread was created to share a story of what happened to me in hopes that others would see that it is happening and therefore, kindly insist on being in the photos together if they so choose. This thread is not meant for a debate on weather I am right or wrong on the situation and if others had no problems, then that is fantastic, but I did experience problems and wanted others to be aware, thus the title of the thread.


Stillfloating....so funny you mention the backdrops...a different photographer was snapping a shot of my sister, dh and kids and I snapped a quick shot of them and boy, another guy came over plus that photographer jumped all over me. I mean I totally understand why they dont want me taking one, but I thought it was funny how she acted and she was snobby to me the rest of the week! LOL!

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To those questioning me....Again, let me reiterate what I was trying to get accross in my original post...the photographer was very "forceful" in his halting my husband to not get in the picture. He stuck out his hand and told him to wait. Therefore, when I look at my photo, I am looking off to the side to see why he isnt beside me. On the rest of the islands, the same photographer tried it again, but this time I held out my hand and told him to wait and that we WOULD be taking one together.


Stillfloating....so funny you mention the backdrops...a different photographer was snapping a shot of my sister, dh and kids and I snapped a quick shot of them and boy, another guy came over plus that photographer jumped all over me. I mean I totally understand why they dont want me taking one, but I thought it was funny how she acted and she was snobby to me the rest of the week! LOL!


M&M: Believe me I quite agree with you. The NCL photography people believe that making money is more important than providing the best service to the customer and giving the customer what THEY want. (not what makes the photgrapher the most money.)


The EXACT same thing happened to us on the Dawn last summer. They would not hear of allowing two people in the disembarkment photos. (and they were quite forceful and RUDE about it.) In one port, my wife stuck her head in the shot behind my daughter just as the photographer was snapping it. The loser of a photographer started yelling at my wife about it and it really upset my 8 year old daughter to hear her mother being yelled at like that. She cried for an hour. Btw: it was the only ship picture that we bought the whole week.


For the rest of the week, I simply got off first and walked past the photographers. When my daughter came off and posed with whatever the creature was, I simply used a zoom lens and got my own shot. (I would have loved to have one of the ship photographers tell me off...)


Our family was going to have a group photo taken one night and, although we had made arrangements with a photographer to have it taken early due to dinner reservations, the idiotic photographer in the lobby refused, told my mother off and then chased her across the lobby to show his point. (real impressive for a 20 something unprofessinal to chase a 75 year old woman across a lobby just to attempt to prove his point....it was worth a good laugh though.....) We simply got one of the ships officers who was passing by to stop and take our group shot on the Dawns atrium steps with one of our digital cameras. We then made copies ourselves. So we figure that we saved about $1300 for our large group by not using the ships photographer.


I have said it before and I will continue to say it, we had great photography people on the Pride of Aloha but the photography group on the Dawn last June was the MOST unprofessional, greedy, rudest people I have ever met in my life. They are poor representatives of NCL.


Sounds to me as if they have been transfered to the Pearl....I will warn my mother since she will be on the ship in July.......


(Btw: watch for some corporate yahoo from the photography people to be on here bashing us for our opinions very shortly.)

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There's really no need to be rude.
No, there isn't.


But I'm glad that you're here and reading some of these comments, because they do reflect some genuine widespread frustration at the poor quality of some of the photography staff on board, the poor value for money which many of the photographs represent, and the rather transparent means that are sometimes adopted to screw more money out of the captive market.


Saying that we always have the choice whether or not to buy the photos isn't an answer to the problem. Passengers do want to buy good photos as keepsakes and souvenirs, and they are prepared to pay a significant price for good ones. But passengers equally resent the feeling of being ripped off. So it would be good if photography contractors like yourself could work on that side of things.

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The loser of a photographer started yelling at my wife about it and it really upset my 8 year old daughter to hear her mother being yelled at like that. She cried for an hour. Btw: it was the only ship picture that we bought the whole week.


Our family was going to have a group photo taken one night and, although we had made arrangements with a photographer to have it taken early due to dinner reservations, the idiotic photographer in the lobby refused, told my mother off and then chased her across the lobby to show his point. (real impressive for a 20 something unprofessinal to chase a 75 year old woman across a lobby just to attempt to prove his point....it was worth a good laugh though.....)


There's really no need to be rude.


No need to be rude? Are you kidding me? The rudeness exhibited by the incidents that happened to KeystoneCruiser and others and all you’re going to say is… THERE’S REALLY NO NEED TO BE RUDE?

Instead of extending some sort of apology, explanation, or even a ‘disguised’ attempt at cover up and call it isolated incidents, you’re going to post there is no need to be rude when a passenger is treated this way? In my opinion it shows just how ‘concerned’ you are with customer service and proof you look at nothing but the bottom line. I occasionally buy photo’s but I can guarantee I will be taking plenty more of my own rather than support a company with this kind of attitude.

You’ve done yourself no favors on this thread by posting in the manner you did. It verifies your stance of wanting nothing more than passenger’s money. Your $25.00 picture is no better than mine that would cost me less than $3.00 to get an 8x10 of with a backdrop of a Caribbean blue sea and not some corny fake balcony, staircase, or cheesy character with horns coming out of his head.

You would have done much better for yourself had you read these posts and thought of ways to improve not only your customer service, but various ways to improve your financial bottom line. Listening (or reading in this case) customer dissatisfaction is an opportunity to improve on all levels. Instead, you chose to be defensive. Defensive of such practices? One line in my signature… you are not anonymous, your words reveal exactly who you are… fits so well. And your words reveal you are not a company I would ever do business with again. And you’re naïve to think you offer a product I and many others can’t live without.

In reading your past posts, an older one indicated Oceana no longer offers your service? A joint decision? In my opinion I highly doubt that. The attitude of your company as posted here and the attitude of yourself makes me think otherwise. And you’re also highly naïve to think you offer some sort of service a hundred other companies couldn’t offer and do better.

I can guarantee you one thing, had I been hollered at by some photographer so much that it made my daughter cry, or chased across a lobby in the manner as indicated above, that photographer would have been wearing the horns off the cheesy characters head in a painful place.

I have to thank you though, you’ve certainly made it easy for me to smile, get as many pictures taken as I possibly can, and of course everyone in my group individually taken. At least I’ll have a little satisfaction to know in the end it cuts into your profit when they’re all wasted. Because I’ll never again buy a single one.

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That sucks! $32 is insane. The thing is, I would buy it anyway. Thats why they can charge so high, because stupid people like me buy it at almost any cost!:mad:


I still think Disney has the best solution with the swiping of the card and the kiosk. We were even able to purchase and review photos for 1 month after the date they are taken and you email the link to your friends and family to look at. After the 30 days, you either had to buy it or they dissappear. I only think this is good for occassions where there is alot of picture taking such as a cruise or resort, etc.



Are you saying that there is SOMETHING that Disne charges for that is less expensive than others??? I think I am feeling faint. Personally I can't stand Disney (used to live near Disneyland) but to hear they charge less for something than anyone is a real shocker. What do they charge for an 8x10? If they charge less then there is definitely something to be said for saving on waste and cost.


Thanks for the heads up. I hate waste as well and hate it even more when it is so obviously being made up by consumers in the end price of the product they are selling.




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Are you saying that there is SOMETHING that Disne charges for that is less expensive than others??? I think I am feeling faint. Personally I can't stand Disney (used to live near Disneyland) but to hear they charge less for something than anyone is a real shocker. What do they charge for an 8x10? If they charge less then there is definitely something to be said for saving on waste and cost.


Thanks for the heads up. I hate waste as well and hate it even more when it is so obviously being made up by consumers in the end price of the product they are selling.





Yes, Disney is cheaper. They would do package deals as well, the more you bought the cheaper each piece. I paid $19.99 for an 8x10 when buying one and that was the most I paid. Plus they let you buy a 5x7 for $9.99. The difference is, I got both of us in the photo, they encouraged it AND they actually told you they were going to snap the picture. I think its funny that NCL looks at their camera screen to view the picture and then says...ok...like its a good picture, but if you had seen the picture my family tried to do as a group...it was ridiculous, in fact I think my mom was turned around backwards trying to find a spot between the 2 big characters. Its a shame.


With that being said, I can completely understand they dont have alot of time and people want to get off. My next suggestion is to have a small area off to the side for those who actually want to take photos. (They did this in Antigua on the cruise...much better! Great photo, that I bought!) This way we dont hold up those who dont want them. Most people just stop for the entertainment of it and never buy them, as proof shows with all those left on the wall at the end of the cruise.


I actually bought the bad photo of us split up too so I can put it in my scrapbook as what NOT to do on a cruise! LOL!


And for those who are interested...I did do a full member review on this cruise. It was a fantastic cruise, setting aside the photo and coke card situations.

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The photo operations are pure profit, but look at how many of those photos go unpurchased. Your 14.99 is paying not just for your 5 x 7, but for the 25 others that they didn't sell.


We take two cameras along. One for under water, and one for above the water. We take a very good digital, and all of us in the group have lots of experience taking good photos. We take our own photos, and we buy maybe 5 or 6 of the photos they offer, if we think they're terrific, and my wife's a real stickler.


But the best photos we ever get are ones where we ask a fellow cruiser to shoot us, or get a member of our group to snap. When we get home, we share all our photos electronically.


We might do 1 meal at the costly restaurants, but no more than that. Similarly, we don't contribute to the NCL bottom line by buying all the photos they take.


I agree that they are overpriced, but you're paying for the stuff no one else buys.

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No need to be rude? Are you kidding me? The rudeness exhibited by the incidents that happened to KeystoneCruiser and others and all you’re going to say is… THERE’S REALLY NO NEED TO BE RUDE?

Instead of extending some sort of apology, explanation, or even a ‘disguised’ attempt at cover up and call it isolated incidents, you’re going to post there is no need to be rude when a passenger is treated this way? In my opinion it shows just how ‘concerned’ you are with customer service and proof you look at nothing but the bottom line.



If you check back on the original post regarding KeyStone's experiences, in July of '06, you will see I did give a detailed response - Including stating there was no place for rudeness in our photo staff and that the comments would be looked into in great depth.

Regarding prices - These prices are standard among cruise and land based ventures - Yes they are more expensive than 5 years ago - Along with everything else in the world.

Regarding Oceania not being a 'joint venture' Oceania no longer has any kind of photographers onboard.

Contrary to your believe - These boards are used to improve our product - Changes have been made to our operations due to comments on these threads.

Thank you for your time.

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With the exception of waiting in line for pictures, I generally don't have a problem with the photo thing.


I did attempt to joke with a photographer at a table seating once, here's the quick story...Just prior to the photographer coming to the table our table had the waiter take our picture. It was digital and it came out perfect. When the photographer came to the table I politely asked him to look at our picture we had taken. He did so and then I asked him if he were me would he spend 25 bucks on the NCL photo. He glared at me and just walked away. Needless to say...he never bothered me again. This was actually too bad because I was kidding around with the photographer as I do with all the staff. We usually have a great time.


With all that said, out of all our cruises we did manage to find about half a dozen photos that were good enough to warrant paying the higher prices. So...if you have a moment give it a shot. You are already there and dressed nice in a nice setting. Great time for a chance at a great photo. The time consuming part is finding the photo, and waiting to pay for it. IMHO.

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If you check back on the original post regarding KeyStone's experiences, in July of '06, you will see I did give a detailed response - Including stating there was no place for rudeness in our photo staff and that the comments would be looked into in great depth.

Regarding prices - These prices are standard among cruise and land based ventures - Yes they are more expensive than 5 years ago - Along with everything else in the world.

Regarding Oceania not being a 'joint venture' Oceania no longer has any kind of photographers onboard.

Contrary to your believe - These boards are used to improve our product - Changes have been made to our operations due to comments on these threads.

Thank you for your time.

I didn't look back to any posts you made regarding this matter in 06'. My comments were directed to this post and this thread, where you didn't post any concern for KeyStone's experiences, which in my opinion, were you all that concerened, you whould have taken another opportunity to do so.

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I didn't look back to any posts you made regarding this matter in 06'. My comments were directed to this post and this thread, where you didn't post any concern for KeyStone's experiences, which in my opinion, were you all that concerened, you whould have taken another opportunity to do so.
KeystoneCruiser's entitled to post about his experiences, but he's not entitled to be gratuitously rude to TransOcean in advance, when TransOcean has already specifically responded to KeystoneCruiser elsewhere.
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I think Keystonecruiser was just trying to relate to my story and needed to vent it out again. I took the statement about the corporate yahoos to mean the NCL photography staff coming on the thread to comment on our experiences, but I am guessing its outsourced? I dont think it was a slap at all photography companies world wide.


Additionally, I understand Beachbumama's reaction to TransOcean not giving any more than no need to be rude. Most people reading wouldnt have know that Keystonecruiser had a previous thread that TransOceans group handled so being the mediator here...I see how this conversation got to where it is, but I think all is good now.


TransOcean...Im confused as to your roll here. Am I reading into it by thinking that your group handled the photos on Keystone's trip, but your company no longer works on NCL ships? I guess I am trying to figure out if you are sort of representing all photographers by joining the conversation or just that particular situation. And, anything your group can do to control some of the issues, is always appreciated from me as I love photos, I buy just about all of them. I just want a fair deal and a decent picture. And I certainly dont want a rude photographer. :eek:

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TransOcean...Im confused as to your roll here. Am I reading into it by thinking that your group handled the photos on Keystone's trip, but your company no longer works on NCL ships? I guess I am trying to figure out if you are sort of representing all photographers by joining the conversation or just that particular situation.


Trans-Ocean Photos is the photo concession onboard all of NCL vessels. I am the "Corporate Yahoo" who visits this site looking for comments that might, if feasable, make the photography department better for all concerned.

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KeystoneCruiser's entitled to post about his experiences, but he's not entitled to be gratuitously rude to TransOcean in advance, when TransOcean has already specifically responded to KeystoneCruiser elsewhere.

I merely looked back in his posts to see if he was for real, as I originally thought it was just someone joking. Regardless a previous 'responding' to their original complaint, which no one on this particular thread would know of, TransOcean didn't bother to explain, defend, apologize again, etc. leaving a 'not so good' impression that they were truly concerned. And as for KeystoneCruiser not entitled to be gatuitously rude to TransOcean in advance, I beg to differ. The treatment they received entitles them to be as gratuitously rude as they like.

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Trans-Ocean Photos is the photo concession onboard all of NCL vessels. I am the "Corporate Yahoo" who visits this site looking for comments that might, if feasable, make the photography department better for all concerned.


OK....glad to have you on the thread. As a consumer, who loves to buy photos, I wanted a fair deal. I dont know if you caught the part in my original statement, but after a deep complaining to the manager of the photo shop on the pearl (he claimed to be the manager anyway), he did try to give me the photos for free. I did not take him up on the offer. I did pay for my photos, but one of each of us for the $14.99 and I left the 2 extras behind as we should have been allowed to photograph together. The rest of the week, I made the photographer stop and wait for both of us in the photo and yes, I bought them all, even though some were not that good, its a memory for me. I also bought several 8x10's. I dont mind paying, I just want a fair deal and a decent photo. Im not even asking for excellent photo, just decent.


Anything you can do about the characters? :eek:


so are you, yourself on any of the ships?

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OK....glad to have you on the thread. As a consumer, who loves to buy photos, I wanted a fair deal. I dont know if you caught the part in my original statement, but after a deep complaining to the manager of the photo shop on the pearl (he claimed to be the manager anyway), he did try to give me the photos for free. I did not take him up on the offer. I did pay for my photos, but one of each of us for the $14.99 and I left the 2 extras behind as we should have been allowed to photograph together. The rest of the week, I made the photographer stop and wait for both of us in the photo and yes, I bought them all, even though some were not that good, its a memory for me. I also bought several 8x10's. I dont mind paying, I just want a fair deal and a decent photo. Im not even asking for excellent photo, just decent.


Anything you can do about the characters? :eek:


so are you, yourself on any of the ships?


You are right, the shooting of single people is often not the fairest option. On certain gangways this is for the simple reason is that it speeds up the process. We (the photographers) are under great pressure to not hold up the lines. This method speeds up the procedure greatly. I would recommend being ready, as a couple on the gangway, as yes, we snap you fast.


Regarding the characters, these are actually quite popular in the industry - Stand on the pier in Juneau and you will see every cruise line with a character. These have been going on for years - We are always looking into alternatives from the life preserver which has been used for the last 50 years. Many of our gangways we shoot in two locations, one with a character, and one will be more of a scenic background.


Regarding different poses onboard, recently we have been shooting some excellent casual portraits, that are getting away from the "Prom" style poses, which are receiving very positive feedback from the guests.


I have been on all the NCL ships, and was a ships photographer for 10 years on many cruise lines before heading to this position.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will put this thread to a close from my end now.



Rob Hambly

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Wait, don't go away yet. I wanted to make a request. :)


Can you please do something about the pirates? I like having pictures taken in the dining room but I really hate being attacked by pirates at dinner. There I am, all dressed up and having one of the nicest dinners I get to have all year and all of a sudden there's a pirate with a sword at my throat. It's so corny and kind of ruins the moment. I don't mind spending $20-$25 for a nice photo of my husband and myself, but I've never once bought a pirate photo. Send the pirates to a deck party or something but please keep them out of the dining room. :eek:

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Being an avid cruise critic reader of the boards - I have to say I was somewhat shocked at the tone of this thread. When my family and I cruise - we don't sweat the small stuff, but rather enjoy being together and the wonderful experiences and memories that all us "cruise critics" have on a sailing. To get as upset as some of you did at the photography staff - I honestly cannot imagine letting myself or any of my family members get that worked up - over a photograph ? If you want your spouse or significant other in a photo with you....just ask.....if you want to take a picture with a character on the gangway - take it, if not just so no thank you. If you really love the photograph that was taken of you and your family - are you really going to nickel and dime YOURSELF for something that holds such wonderful memories for you? I give the TransOcean gentleman credit for first of all reading the boards which to me shows a genuine interest in their customer base and their interests and secondly for responding to the posts in a professional manner. So many posts I have read on the various lines represented on this site always ask "if anyone is listening out there"? Obviously TransOcean is. I don't know which cruiselines they work with - but I for one have always been completely satisfied with the photographs I have purchased on the several lines we have sailed on. Are all the pictures that are taken great? No - but does every photo you take look like it should be on the cover of National Geographic or a fashion magazine? If I am not satisified with a photo - I simply did not buy it. I am always surprised to read reviews and comments made by my fellow posters - two people can be on the same sailing but if they both wrote a review they could so different that you'd think they were on different sailings. Just my opinion and to quote other posters - don't flame me for my comments.

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I have just two comments to make concerning the photo taking situation.


During one of my stops last year in Nassau on the Spirit, there was some guy dressed in some kind of animal outfit. I have no idea what kind of animal he was suppose to be. He must have been dying under the outfit from the heat because he kept lifting the head off of him and trying to catch a breath. The picture taken had his hand lifting up to head to reveal some of his face. Talk about snapping pictures very fast....


My second comment is...since NCL likes to be different than the other cruiselines, why do they have to do the same things that other cruiselines do when it comes to photography and that is to take pictures with characters. Why can't they have one of those phony backdrops with the name of the city or country in the background, possibly with today's date; much like the photo we take when we first get on the ship. I always buy that one. NCL might have more pictures bought. I know that I would buy them for every port that we visited.

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