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Any Gastric Bypass Cruisers?


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My name is Pammy and I am a cruise-a-holic...oh wait, wrong board! :) I am a FOOD-a-holic that recently underwent gastric bypass surgery. I am 3 weeks post op and have lost 25lbs. Just looking to chat with others who have had the surgery! :D

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Pammy -- wow, gastic bypass. I know we've discussed it before on the board, but I don't recall anyone posting they'd done it, or I've forgotten. We'll find out.


Please share with us, if you don't mind, what brought you to your decision, what you had tried before and what changes you've already made in your life. 25 lbs. in 3 weeks is quite a lot, but wonderful!!!


I do hope you're recovering well and that you'll stay with us and keep us posted on your recovery and success.

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Miram and Sheila, thank you for your praise!


I have been thinking about his surgery for a few years now. I gave it real serious consideration about 4 years ago but decided I would give it one more big attempt and tried the Atkins diet. I stuck to it faithfully about 11 months and lost 90lbs. Then I just fell off and never could get back on it. Several attempt so do it since then have just not produced that great of results.


That diet attempt was just one of about a hundred I have tried over my life. I have been fighting my weight since I can remember, even as a young child. The Atkins diet was the 2nd time I'd lost about 100lbs only to regain it and then some so I feel I've definately shown my willingness to loose weight.


Over the past 5 years or so I have really grown my accepting of my weight and more comfrotable with who I am. But as my weight continued to spiral upwards I realized it was no longer just who I was but was becoming a death trap for me. It was starting to limit my activities and started taking over a lot of the choices I would make.


Last Fall I found out that a coworker in another branch was having the surgery done and it was being paid for by our company insurance. She was also going to be paid under our short term disabilty plan for her time off work. That pretty much sealed the deal for me realizing that I no longer had any excusese for not looking into it. That was the end of November. After a series of appointments and a little battle with the insurance company I got my approval to have the surgery done. It was performed lapriscopically and I left the hospital in only 2 days! Now 3 weeks later I don't even feel like I had surgery! So far I'm very pleased with how things are going but from what I hear, I could be one of the lucky ones with little to no food problems.


Please feel free to ask me any questions, I hope that by sharing this information it may give others the incentive to atleast investigate the surgery option for those like me that have pretty much exhausted all other options!!! Talking about it is like therapy for me!

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Congratulations. I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you. I haven't had the surgery but know a couple of people who have and have done fabulously well. One had the surgery Dec. 29th and has lost about 150. Did you have the regular kind of bypass or the gastric banding?


I'm hoping you do get some other posters who have had it because one of my best friends is considering having it next summer. She wanted to do it this year but changed jobs so she'd have better insurance and benefits. She's trying that one last ditch effort while she's waiting for her year to be over but really she's already made her mind up.


So if you don't mind I'm going to lurk for a while and maybe ask a question or two. The thought of abdominal surgery scares me to death but then I have crohn's and I've had 6 REALLY BIG ones :eek: . I need to get past my squeemishness about it so I can help support her for whatever decision ends up being best for her.





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Hi Pammy, congratulations on your weight loss so far! I'm currently doing the "insurance company waltz" to get the surgery approved, and will hopefully be scheduled for a lap Roux en Y sometime in the next 60-90 days (depends on surgeon's schedule). So by our next cruise in June 2005, there will be less of me to go around. :D


I would love to hear how folks who have had the surgery handle cruising. Do you have to clue in the servers not to push food on you? That only eating half of an entree doesn't mean you don't like it? :) Can you get enough water in (I have trouble with that while travelling now)? Since I'm one of those obsessive people that wants to see into the future, :p I keep coming up with more questions.


Best wishes to you for a fast recovery, and good luck to all the "losers" out there, regardless of the method you choose!


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My co-worker that had the surgery eats from the "kiddie" menu sometimes OR he orders a regular meal and brings home the leftovers and eats it for several days. He carries a card from his physician saying that he's had the surgery and has to show it at some restaurants due to him not being under 12. He's probably about 1 1/2 years post-op and is now struggling not to lose any more weight. He drinks tons of protein shakes and takes lots and lots of vitamins. He is now pursuing having his excess skin removed. You can really tell it around his mid-section, but nowhere else. When he gets the excess skin removed around his waist, he'll look even smaller. I'm still amazed at how different he looks.

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Hi everyone,


I had the gastric bypass surgery 3-1/2 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I did lose too much weight but I have put some it back on in the last year. Feeling just great. (but now want to lose 10 lbs so I can fit into my size 4 clothes). I know I'm probably where I should be but I still want to get below again before my Nov cruise.


My son had the lap band surgery about 4 or 5 weeks ago and he's already lost about 30 lbs.


You can see my before and after pictures on:



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Well another week has gone by, I'm 4 weeks post op now. Things are still going amazingly well. I had the Lap Roux-n-y(sp?). Having the procedure done lapriscopically was really the best way to go. I only have 6 small puncture wounds and the recovery period was very painless. I don't even feel like I've had surgery! I think my official weightloss is around 30lbs but I haven't been official weighed since my two week check up when I was down 20.


Alice, congratulations on your incredible loss! You look amazing, thanks for sharing your picture! Did you ever dream you could be so small? Did you have your excess skin removed or did it just tighten up?



Chris, hopefully your "waltz" with the insurance company won't take long. I had a little toe tapping to do for them but they finally approved it and my surgery date came and went very quickly. Can't believe I'm 4 weeks post op already!!! It's been an amazing journey so far.


Things are going very well. I am able to eat real food without any problems. I have to chew and chew and chew some more but so far everything seems pretty agreeable to my stomach. I love the fact that I'm never hungry, in fact, I have to really work at getting enough calories and fluids in each day. My life revolves around protein and water.

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Hi Pammy


Congratulations on your 1st month's weight loss. Have you visited the obesityhelp.com website? It's full of good info and support. http://www.obesityhelp.com/


I had some plastic surgery for my sagging skin (tummy tuck, breast lift, upper arms and very upper thighs). I was lucky, my insurance paid for it all.


If you have any questions you can email me at SUMMERSKY@aol.com


I'll be away next week. Going to San Diego to see my stepkids.


Take care,


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Chris, hopefully your "waltz" with the insurance company won't take long. I had a little toe tapping to do for them but they finally approved it and my surgery date came and went very quickly. Can't believe I'm 4 weeks post op already!!! It's been an amazing journey so far.


Glad you're doing so well. :) Hope I have as uneventful a recovery.


Started the process in April, but I'm impatient! I already feel like it's been going on too long, but truthfully, it's my doctor that's causing the backup, not the insurance company. I'm having a tough time getting the necessary info out of him, but he's been on medical leave, so it's not really his fault either. :rolleyes:


Oh well, everything happens for a reason....



PS Alice, you look great!!!!

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I have two good friends who had this surgery in late fall last year. One had the "traditional" bypass, while the other had the band. The one with the bypass has lost 180 lbs. already, while the one with the band has found every "trick" to get around it and has lost only 45 (she started at over 400). Her doctor wants to tighten the band, but she won't go for it. Sad thing is that her sister just started cutting back at the same time as her sister's surgery and has managed to lose 120 on her own - she just had about 25 lbs of loose skin removed and looks fabulous.


The gal who had the bypass lives with her mom (who could stand to drop a few pounds) - when they eat out, they share an entree.

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Pammy, congratulations on how well you're doing!! And thank you for sharing it with us!! I see you've brought some others out of the woodwork!! I always thought it would be a painful recovery, but you're saying no. I know your experiences will be so helpful to many!


I do have a question, and I'm sorry if it was asked and I missed it. But, do you already have excess skin and if so, do you plan to have it surgically removed?


Chris, good luck with your surgery. When you find out the date, please be sure to let us know, and keep us posted on your recovery, etc.


My dearly departed ex dh considered this surgery, but he decided against it.

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Thanks, I forwarded that to my friend. She's got a year to do research because she just changed jobs to get better insurance. I think she'd be better off with the band because she is still young and might want to get pregnant again but she isn't thinking about what will happen after the weight comes off yet. I don't think she can wrap her mind around it yet because the weight is such a mental barrier for her. Her family is completely unsupportive of her in any way, not just the surgery, and she is single so I've been trying to educate myself enough to ask the right questions at the right time.


Before this I'd never really thought about the surgery all that much because it's never been an option for me. I have crohn's so I don't want to mess with my intestinal tract too much. Right now I'm good and I don't have to take meds or anything. (Knock on wood! :rolleyes: ) I try not to do any shuffling around of the innards if I don't have to. :D Dont' want to stir up trouble. I need to lose a few more pounds for sure but not that many (I was down to 86 pounds for a while and I'm 5'6") and not that way.



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Miriam, I fully expect to have some loose skin and do hope to have it surgically removed down the road. I want to wait about a year or so after I feel I have lost all the weight and have settled into my new body shape and size. I definately want to work out along the way to try and tone up as much of it as I can but then I would like to complete my transformation by having the skin removed. If I can work it out, I'd also like to have a "boob job" and have them put back where they started so many years ago! LOL


As far as the recovery goes, with my surgery been performed lapriscopically, there really wasn't much pain at all after the first few days. Maybe it's just me and I got lucky but honestly, it just felt a like I'd done a few too many sit-ups for a few days and then I felt normal. I don't even feel like I had surgery now. People ask me if I feel differently and honestly I don't. I get full really fast but never feel hungry. It's almost a struggle at times to eat and drink enough in one day! I have to try and eat 60 grams of protein in a day and when you start breaking that down, it's a lot! I'm constantly eating or drinking, it's exhausting at times!


Also, I just wanted to add that my doctor said in his informational meeting that GB patients can still have children, he just prefers they wait a year after the surgery to get pregnant.

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Hi Pammy! I had Gastric Bypass just over 2 years ago and I'm very happy with the results. I've lost 175 pounds and gone from a size 22/24 to a 0 or 2 on the bottom and a 2 or 4 dress or top. I have cruised many times since the RNY and had a blast each time. I didn't see when and what ship you are going on, but my first cruise after surgery was at 6 months, down 115 pounds. I went on a 10 night cruise, Celebrity's Galaxy, and LOST 3 pounds! Bet I was the only one on that ship to lose weight LOL! I had been worried that I wouldn't enjoy cruising as much, but found out that I actually enjoy it more! The temptation to try everything is gone, along with the guilt. The slow pace of dinner allows me to eat a bit more than I normally do at home but I still watch what I eat very carefully. Every cruise I have been on has had sugar-free desserts, some better than others of course, but its something anyway. Congrats on your surgery and weight loss, and best of luck in the future. Its all good from here! If I can ever help anyone else, or answer any questions it is my pleasure, you can email me at slsbaggypants@aol.com. Love and Hugs, Sheryl

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Sherry, what awesome results you have had!! Never in my live have I dreamed of being a size 2!!!!!! I have been overweight my entire life and the smallest I ever saw was a size 9 and that was only for a few months until I started to slowly creep back up the scales again. I am hoping to just get down to be around a size 12, that would be so heavenly!! Anything after that would just be a bonus!!


I seem to be one of the very lucky ones that can handle solid foods without any problems, earlier than I probably should be able to eat them. So far I haven't found much that I don't tolerate. The only thing that doesn't seem to agree with me is chicken. I can eat small amounts of it in something but if I eat it alone it just doesn't seem to want to leave the pouch. I stay full for hours and even sipping water makes me feel overly full. Have you experienced that? Not even hamburger leaves me feeling that way and that's suppose to be even harder to digest.

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Hi Pammy. Congrats on your weight loss. I had Gastric Bypass Surgery on December 12, 2003. I had it done laproscopically. I must say it is the best decision I ever made in my life. So far I have lost 115 pounds. I am a little behind where the doctor thinks I should be at this point but I eat what I feel like eating and do not deprive myself of anything I want to eat. I figure I can just eat small bites so what I eat is okay. I can virtually eat anything with the exception of pasta and rice. I have a hard time with regular bread but was given a tip by someone in my water aerobics class to toast the bread and it sure works. I am one of the lucky ones (or should I say unlucky ones) that do not have any problems with sugar. I sometimes still feel really full when I drink alot of water but it goes away after a little while. Just make sure you don't drink too soon after eating or that could be why you feel so stuffed. I still have times when I feel gaggy while eating certain things (chicken being one of them). I am starting to have the sagging skin, especially in my arms which really bugs me but I just stop to think how far I have come so far. The obesity.com website is a wonderful site and I encourage anyone thinking about surgery to go to that website. There are alot of wonderful success stories. Someday if I get the nerve I will post mine. So far I haven't had a chance to cruise yet after surgery. I am a little nervous as to the waiters pushing the food. I have trouble with that in restaurants. If anyone wants to write me my e-mail address is Stooner1977@aol.com. It would be nice to talk to anyone that has gone thru the surgery also.



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Hi Ladies! Yes, Pammy, I have been somewhat of a "success story" as far as my results from the surgery. But let me tell you it has not been easy, nor has it been an accident. Like you, the smallest I had ever been was a size 11/12, and that was only for about a month one time! I thought if I got down to a 12 or even a 14 it would be wonderful. I am not one to give unasked for advice, but let me tell you how I eat. High protein, low carb - NO refined carbs. Any carbs I eat are vegetables, a little fruit and occasionally whole grains. I USED the the honeymoon time to CHANGE my eating habits. I have seen people who did NOT change their eating habits, who have failed to lose enough weight and/or gained weight back. I made up my mind this would not be the case for me! I stay away from sugar so that I will not develop a tolerance for it. I weigh every morning and if I go up a little bit I deal with it immediately. I know exactly what will happen to me if I let the first 5 pounds back on....... My motto is "just because you CAN eat something, is no sign you SHOULD eat it". I just had a tummy tuck a month ago. It is the first of my plastics. Dr. said it was the hardest one, so the rest will be easier. Next, I'm getting new boobs! I am so excited, I haven't had nice boobs since my first child was born, and he is 33! Good luck ladies and congrats on your successes so far! Love and Hugs, Sheryl

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Sheryl, thanks for the tips! I did Atkins once for 11 months and lost 90lbs so I know all the benefits for eating low carb, I really enjoyed eating that way. Right now I"m focusing on protein, no sugars but not completely low carb as I do drink 1% milk as a way of keeping up my fluids and proteins. I eat only the low carb breads (toasted! :)) too because it is higher in protein. It's so exciting to think of where I'll be at weight wise next month, 6 months from now and a year from now! Today I'm 5 weeks out and down about 32lbs and loving every day I get on the scale!


Sue, that's so great! Keep up the good work! I emailed you!

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I had VBG (vertical banded gasteoplasty) in April. I have lost a little over 60 lbs and can almost wear all my clothes again! If I drop all the doc wants then nothing I own will fit so that will mean a new wardrobe.


I find when options are limited I usually go with soup to be safe. I am cruising at the end of October and am not really worried about the food. I was never a big eater on cruise ships anyway. I wanted to enjoy myself without gaining the dreaded 10 lbs so would eat light during the day and only a few bites of dish at dinner. I never felt deprived and have even come back from a cruise 4 lbs lighter. Taking the stairs and dancing all night help a lot.


I also belong to obesityhelp but have not posted any photos. I want to wait a bit longer. I can tell the difference but cant see it in my photos much.

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Nitra, congratulations on your success! A friend of mine is having the VBG this Fall so I will let her know of your results.


I am hoping to be able to buy several new wardrobes along the way! That's going to be my reward to myself. A new top or new outfit from time to time. I can't wait!

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