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Cruising nightmares (dreams)

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I am sailing on the EOS in 8 days! Instead of having pleasant dreams of beautiful beaches and foo foo drinks in coconuts....I am having NIGHTMARES!


This is all from last night!


First dream:

There was all this hoopla just for the ship to dock in the port of Miami so we could get on it. They finally had to dock it somewhere way way far out in the port which was nearly impossible to get to. And...the EOS looked different. It was a dinky little boat with a rock climbing wall.


Woke up...


Second dream: We are leaving the ship on the last day. I get all bummed out because I realize that we completely forgot to reserve a night at Portofino for dinner. Then I realize, "hey, we never even walked around the Promenade area!" THEN... I realize... "I don't even remember ANY part of the cruise..." ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


woke up....


Third dream (all in the same night!)


We go to the first dinner. We aren't in the main dining room at all. In fact, we are in some small room and they have stuck us at a table (#254.. I remember!) for 6 with all 3 and 4 year olds. We were indeed at the "kid's table." No other adults around! And then we also noted that they changed my muster station. My sea pass card had it written on there and it said "oops sorry" on it. So I was bummed knowing that if the ship went down, I wouldn't be with my DH, and I would have to be on a separate life boat.



I am crazy!!!! So anyone else have nightmares before cruising? Any funny stories?



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Night before we left on the Brilliance a couple of weeks ago, I was having "forgetting documents" dreams. I got up 4 times, to make sure the passports, then the tickets, then all my other paperwork and lastly that I had packed all the meds in my carry on. I don't think I slept 1 hour straight and we had to leave for the airport at 4:45am. Next time I think I won't bother even trying to sleep.


I did sleep great on the plane on the way down!

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I am constantly dreaming about "cruising"..Its almost always something like,I am on the ship..But its really not time for me to be on the ship,but there I am,no seapass card no idea where anything is,cant find my room.

Being on the wrong ship..The ship going really fast through very straight canal like waterways,leaning back and forth as we make the turn.There is always land that is visible from the ship,and people waving..

Then suddenly its like the last day of the cruise,and I am unbelievably sad,both in the dream and a little in a semiconscious state...And then I am awake and realize I am still months away from my next actually sailing :confused: :D

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I've had some hysterical dreams prior to cruising. Without going into too much detail, I once dreamed our airport shuttle was actually a wagon being pulled down the freeway by a hippo.


Another time, we ended up on a pirate ship, in the hold with hundreds of other cruisers, I was most upset by no private bathrooms, just stalls with curtains. C. Everett Koop was the captain and kept shouting down to us.


Another time, my husband and a few other men had to row beside the ship. Except it wasn't really a cruise ship, more like an old fishing boat.


I've done the document panic, the pack till midnight and then get no sleep, or wake up 10 times during the night "did I forget .....?"


I still enjoy the fun dreams (not the panic ones) and have learned to:


1. never wait until the night before leaving to pack, you will inevitably forget to pack something crucial or pack too much.


2. Make a list of everything you need to take and stick to it.


3. Categorize your packing, pack your carry on or toiletries before you pack your clothes, don't do both at the same time.


4. Make a list of what is missing that you need to pick up and then pick it up days before the cruise, don't rush around the last day.


5. (learned the very hard way) Don't ever try to select what you need to pack while your husband is trying to figure out what he needs to take. Mine is clueless as to what to pack and he confuses me with all his questions, I lose track of what I'm doing.


6. All documents that are needed should be ready and in one place at least a couple of weeks before stepping out the door. You can get up and check that they are still in your bag several times during the night if you wish, most importantly, check one more time before the shuttle pulls away from your house at 4 am.


7. Tape a list to the front door of anything that needs to be taken care of before leaving.


8. Make sure your husband doesn't take the garage door opener with him on vacation, the neighbors need to get the garbage cans out on Monday.


9. Take your favorite sandals instead of the cute ones.


10. Don't stress out so much, it will all play out! Don't plan every detail or you'll set yourself up for disappointment. Don't worry about your clothes so much (this coming from a clothes-horse) it's not a fashion show, it's a vacation!


Relax and enjoy your dreams for what they are :)

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After my little novella there I forgot the most important thing we've learned to do the night before.


The last evening before a cruise or any vacation, we order food to go, or go out to eat, having a glass of wine to just relax. Just one glass, more than that will wake me up after a couple of hours. One glass and I'm delish and fall asleep like a baby.

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Night before we left on the Brilliance a couple of weeks ago, I was having "forgetting documents" dreams. I got up 4 times, to make sure the passports, then the tickets, then all my other paperwork and lastly that I had packed all the meds in my carry on. I don't think I slept 1 hour straight and we had to leave for the airport at 4:45am. Next time I think I won't bother even trying to sleep.


I did sleep great on the plane on the way down!


I had a dream the other night that when we got on the airplane at Chicago, I realized I had left our passports in the safety deposit box, and the bank was closed, so I couldn't even have them expressed to us. Woke up in a panic!


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hahaha! We should start a club. Mine are also nightmares. My sister, who I'm cruising with in just over a week has just joined our "club" for the first time although it's going to be her 3rd cruise. In her dream, she was driving her 4 wheeler up and down the halls. Her dreams are apparently a little more fun than most of ours. :D

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I've had some hysterical dreams prior to cruising. Without going into too much detail, I once dreamed our airport shuttle was actually a wagon being pulled down the freeway by a hippo.


Another time, we ended up on a pirate ship, in the hold with hundreds of other cruisers, I was most upset by no private bathrooms, just stalls with curtains. C. Everett Koop was the captain and kept shouting down to us.


Another time, my husband and a few other men had to row beside the ship. Except it wasn't really a cruise ship, more like an old fishing boat.


I've done the document panic, the pack till midnight and then get no sleep, or wake up 10 times during the night "did I forget .....?"


I still enjoy the fun dreams (not the panic ones) and have learned to:


1. never wait until the night before leaving to pack, you will inevitably forget to pack something crucial or pack too much.


2. Make a list of everything you need to take and stick to it.


3. Categorize your packing, pack your carry on or toiletries before you pack your clothes, don't do both at the same time.


4. Make a list of what is missing that you need to pick up and then pick it up days before the cruise, don't rush around the last day.


5. (learned the very hard way) Don't ever try to select what you need to pack while your husband is trying to figure out what he needs to take. Mine is clueless as to what to pack and he confuses me with all his questions, I lose track of what I'm doing.


6. All documents that are needed should be ready and in one place at least a couple of weeks before stepping out the door. You can get up and check that they are still in your bag several times during the night if you wish, most importantly, check one more time before the shuttle pulls away from your house at 4 am.


7. Tape a list to the front door of anything that needs to be taken care of before leaving.


8. Make sure your husband doesn't take the garage door opener with him on vacation, the neighbors need to get the garbage cans out on Monday.


9. Take your favorite sandals instead of the cute ones.


10. Don't stress out so much, it will all play out! Don't plan every detail or you'll set yourself up for disappointment. Don't worry about your clothes so much (this coming from a clothes-horse) it's not a fashion show, it's a vacation!


Relax and enjoy your dreams for what they are :)


I really like your list. I try to be very organized too. Something I did last year that really worked out well, is I bought myself a back pack (like what my kids use for school - that size) and used that on the days we traveled thru the airport instead of a purse. It's a black Jans Sport, and I got it on sale at Kohl's. It holds so much more, and is more comfortable to carry, leaving both hands free for dealing with luggage. In that I carry a ziplocks with passports, prescription meds, cruise documents. I also do a pocket folder with printed confirmations for hotels, rental cars, etc.


The best feeling for me is when we're pulling out of the driveway in the limo. That's when I take a deep breath and start to relax.

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OMG, I have these "dreams" too! They usually are about the ship not being what I expected or trying to get to an activity on the ship and being thwarted by the layout of the ship (stairways or elevators that go nowhere). Before my first cruise I dreamt that we went to the dining room and it was just this big square room with low ceilings and the tables were set end to end in long rows, high school cafeteria style, and you had to just sit down and shut up and eat. Boy, was I relieved to see the dining room on the Radiance!!! Other dreams have been about the cabins....WAY too small and claustrophobic.....and we always book balcony cabins! So none of my dreams are based in reality, thank goodness! This only happens before cruise vacations, not land trips.

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I read somewhere that to interpret your dream, try to remember how you felt after the dream. Dreams are more about working out our emotions than anything else. A bit of anxiety before a cruise is normal and sounds like what most are dreaming about. :)

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I really like your list. I try to be very organized too. Something I did last year that really worked out well, is I bought myself a back pack (like what my kids use for school - that size) and used that on the days we traveled thru the airport instead of a purse. It's a black Jans Sport, and I got it on sale at Kohl's. It holds so much more, and is more comfortable to carry, leaving both hands free for dealing with luggage. In that I carry a ziplocks with passports, prescription meds, cruise documents.

jules, I don't want to make you paranoid, but I do want to share some friendly advice.


If you are going to use a backpack (and actually carry it on your back, not wheel it), PLEASE get a small lock for the zippers. It's an old and nasty trick, but someone with evil intentions can get stuff out of your backpack without your realizing it. I ALWAYS use a backpack lock on my backpack, even when I *am* wheeling one!

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I read somewhere that to interpret your dream, try to remember how you felt after the dream. Dreams are more about working out our emotions than anything else. A bit of anxiety before a cruise is normal and sounds like what most are dreaming about. :)


So, waking up laughing is a good thing I hope!

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About a month before we left for the Serenade I had a really long, vivid dream that we didn't do anything that we planned on doing while on the cruise and we didn't enjoy it like we wanted. I remember waking up and thinking "why didn't we go snorkeling or get off at any of the islands? We forgot to do everything." It was really weird and detailed. I was so psyched when I woke up and realized that it was only a dream and we hadn't in fact wasted our cruise. :D

I also had a really crazy dream about our aft balcony because it was our first one and I was thinking about it alot.....it involved a huge bar for all the aft balcony people to enjoy and you had to climb over all of the balconies to get to it. :confused:

I think the nightmares are natural....I mean you're probably thinking about the cruise ALOT if you're anything like the rest of us crazies on this board, so it makes sense that little quirky worries come up in your subconscious. You'll have such a good time!


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My most recent cruise dream was last week......


My dream starts...I am under the water and all I can see is the ship's propellor coming towards me. I am actually under the ship at this time.

The ship is going down and I can feel the pull on my legs. I start to panic and then somehow I say out loud (under water this is:rolleyes: ) "I refuse to go down with this ship" and I start kicking my legs for all its worth to beat the force of the ships pull. I kick and kick and slowly the pull of the ship lessens as the prop passes me on its diagonal journey to the bottom of the ocean, and I start to rise to the surface.


Next I am in the corridor of the same ship with my mum. We're standing by the elevators and everyone is soaking wet. Then I see my husband striding towards me dripping wet from head to toe. I run up and throw my arms round him and burst into tears with relief that he's alive.


Do you know what he said in my dream..."I'm not happy about that. I'm gonna make a complaint"........



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It is comforting to know I am not alone in my bizarre dreams pre cruise!! I think the thing I am most "Stressed" about post-dream is "how could we forget to make a reservation at Portofino?"


So yeah, that is the first thing we'll do when we board next Sunday!!


Keep sharing you dreams...these are great.


I especially like the one where the husband wants to file a complaint!

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Of course my all time favourite dream so far (and its still makes me ROFL when I think of it)...is this one....


We have just got onboard the Navigator. Mum, Dad, DH and I are in the WJ sitting at a table. Dad is sat down still wearing his coat. People are milling about, getting food and coffee etc and an officer approaches us and asks my day if he can take his coat.


"Not yet" replies Dad "I haven't decided whether I like it here yet!!!"


Oh dear it makes me howl because that is just him all over....love 'im!:D

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I am sailing on the EOS in 8 days! Instead of having pleasant dreams of beautiful beaches and foo foo drinks in coconuts....I am having NIGHTMARES!


I am crazy!!!! So anyone else have nightmares before cruising? Any funny stories?




You really need therapy. These are dangerous symptoms.

I am providing a link below and I suggest you check this webiste immediately.







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Yeah, I have had those dreams where I fear not having my suitcase....wait that was reality..our honeymoon cruise! But Celebrity got Delta to send it to us in Greece. I was thinking I would have to do some clothes shopping in Mykanos. No Macy's in Mykanos! hehe

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I have a recurring dream that I wake up late, nothing is packed and I'm running around like a nut. Now in real life that would never happen. I could leave tomorrow and be ready in 15 minutes because most of my cruise things are together in a "cruise" closet. I also just had a dream that we got to our room and there were actually 3 rooms together with a common living room area, and in the one room was my sis and her hubby, in the middle room was some strange man, and my hubby and I were in the other room. We didn't want this man in the middle room!!! It was weird.

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Good stuff. I too have the "at the end of the trip realizing I missed everything I wanted to do" type dreams. Other times I have dreams of heading to the docks with people. I'm usually the organizer for the folks I go with so in the dreams I'm often sorting things out for them and worried that because THEY forgot whatever they won't have fun and it's all my fault. Needless to say, none of those dreams have come to fruition - RC has made it easy for everyone I drag along to have a blast. :)



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