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I Got BANNED from RCCL!!!!!!

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Here is my e-mail to Mr Goldstein from earlier this eve for those who don't want to review prev postings to find:


From reading Cruise Critic at 5pm today there were 51,000 views and over 600 posts regarding the firefighter Scott's thread regarding his ban from RCCl cruises.

I don't in any way expect you to give out any info to any CC posters regarding his ban, but please correspond with him regarding this matter so he has some sense of what this is about.

I am not taking sides because I don't know the firefighter and I do not know where RCCl is coming from, however if he is banned as he says I feel he should have the right to know why.

There are alot of RCCL cruisers that post on this site and I think it would be in everyone's interest to address this as soon as possible. Obviously it is generating alot of interest.

Thanks for your time in reading this e-mail.

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Hi Scott,

I'm another Princess cruiser who heard about you over on the Princess boards (though I loved my Mariner of the Seas cruise, too). I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I'm refraining from making a judgment about RCCL until I hear more, but I sure hope they tell you something. In the meantime, have a great time on your Carnival cruise. This must be frustrating for you. Hang in there!

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I'm impressed you got a response from your email. I hope everything works out for you Scott. Will keep tuning in here at CC in hopes you will soon have an update to share. Hope you have a good vacation without too many thoughts of the woes from RCCL!

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Since the OP wants the thread locked down, I guess I shouldn't call RC and tell them that I am canceling my cruise over this situation. Technically I am going to cancel it anyway since I found one that I like better with another line. Might as well try to make RC people a little paranoid.;)


This whole situation seems unusual. However, having been a victim of identity theft, I have learned that no one will tell you anything without a lawyer. It sounds like identity theft is a possibility although I can't figure out how RC would get wind of it unless someone was booking multiple cruises in Scott's name. I hate to say it, but if it is an identity theft case, it will not be resolved overnight. I would still get occasional phone calls from collection agencies 9 months after my problem. If you really want to follow this through, you will need a lawyer, lots of patience, and the ability to record everything - names, dates, and times.


If Scott wants to continue to try sailings with RC, then good luck to him. If not, who can really blame him. He's taking it much better than I would. If I had my cruise canceled with no explanation, I'm afraid I would make a few phone calls and give them a reason to ban me.

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The above link is RCCL's right to refuse anyone to cruise with them. As the OP and the purser had an issue, maybe this would be covered under G #2?

Also it does outline a passengers recourse if refused cruising with RCCL and the OP did receive his money back. I had posted the link early on asking the OP to check it just to see if maybe he thought there was something on here that may be the reason but there were so many posts coming so fast he may not have noticed it. As this is RCCL's policy on why they can refuse transport, it's something his lawyer would probably want to review because he did say he called his lawyer to look into it. The whole story is just really strange, there's just seems to be more to this and I would withold judgement also until we all know more. :o Good luck to the OP, I hope he gets some more info.

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The above link is RCCL's right to refuse anyone to cruise with them. As the OP and the purser had an issue, maybe this would be covered under G #2?

Also it does outline a passengers recourse if refused cruising with RCCL and the OP did receive his money back. I had posted the link early on asking the OP to check it just to see if maybe he thought there was something on here that may be the reason but there were so many posts coming so fast he may not have noticed it. As this is RCCL's policy on why they can refuse transport, it's something his lawyer would probably want to review because he did say he called his lawyer to look into it. The whole story is just really strange, there's just seems to be more to this and I would withold judgement also until we all know more. :o Good luck to the OP, I hope he gets some more info.


At first it sounded like it could have been something along these lines, but now RCCL is telling the OP that this issue is not related to his previous cruise. I would be so incredibly frustrated at having no idea of what I was being accused. I feel awful for the OP, having to go through this at what was supposed to be a fun and exciting time. This thread has generated SO much interest (well over 71,000 views at this point)...I hope that RCCL does get the opportunity to discover this, and take it into consideration when dealing with future passengers. Consumers do NOT like to hear that service reps. for ANY company are rude, incapable, or uncaring.

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I did read the entire thread. You don't have to answer any questions at all, you choose to! When someone wrote a letter to RCL you thanked them but when someone doesn't see your point of view (TUFF2) you want the thread pulled? That struck me as one sided. I am as curious as everyone else as to what got you banned from RCL and fear it could happen to any one of us for an inconsequential reason but YOU started the thread and surely knew it would stir things up. It would seem more appropriate to me if you merely stated you would post again when you had more information but to ask to have the post removed damages your credibilty IMHO. I do you hope this gets resolved to your satisfaction.


I'm not sure thats entirely fair. I don't think anyone could have anticipated this much response (almost 800 posts). But I agree they should maybe just lock this thread and he can start a new one when something else happens. I also think that Tuff2 is an RCI employee and has blurted out something but is afraid to say anymore.

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God i can't believe some of the comments by some so-called members - you need to have a good look at yourselves in the mirror !!



Scott don't let them get to you - i think you've explained yourself very well ( not that you needed too )



Please keep us posted Scott !!!!!



To everyone else just take one second to think about it - you get a phone call saying your banned !! no explanation






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I really do hope that it is all a big mistake. They do happen I just don't understand why you haven't even called your local news stations.


If I was Scott, I wouldn't be in a hurry to go to the press. I would be concerned that they may have something on me that could severely damage my reputation (true or not) if made public. Once that genie is out of the bottle.....


Good luck, Scott. Tread carefully.;)

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At first it sounded like it could have been something along these lines, but now RCCL is telling the OP that this issue is not related to his previous cruise. I would be so incredibly frustrated at having no idea of what I was being accused. I feel awful for the OP, having to go through this at what was supposed to be a fun and exciting time. This thread has generated SO much interest (well over 71,000 views at this point)...I hope that RCCL does get the opportunity to discover this, and take it into consideration when dealing with future passengers. Consumers do NOT like to hear that service reps. for ANY company are rude, incapable, or uncaring.


Well it almost had to have happened on his Brilliance cruise as according to the OP it was only a few months ago and he hasn't cruised since with RCCL so it's kind of the only thing that makes sense. If it was something that happened on another cruise or there was some other issue, they never would have let him cruise on the Brilliance a few months ago. One rep did tell him was because of something that happened on Brilliance, 2 others did not. It's just strange. The part I'm having a problem with is that he says he booked this Liberty cruise and 10 days out he gets a phone call telling him he is basically no longer welcome on RCCL. If he did do something wrong I can see that RCCL has the right to refuse transport but why wait this long? According to the OP, he had made final pmt. on this Liberty cruise, he had his docs, he's ready to go, but suddenly RCCL says no? I mean they had 3 months to tell him that, why wait till to tell him that almost at the last minute if this is really the truth? That doesn't make sense to me. According to what the OP has said, the Brilliance cruise would have to be involved in some way or it really doesn't make sense unless he has some kind of identity theft thing going on and RCCL just found out themselves when they did the background for the manifest. I agree that a company should not be rude or otherwise to a customer but we do not know the entire story here yet so I would like to hear more from the OP as to what really happens with RCCL. Yes, there is a lot of interest in this thread and it's a catchy title so it grabs people's attention and everytime someone checks the thread to read more it counts as a view. I've checked it probably 20 times myself today to read more of what is posted to the story so there's 20 views just for me. :o I hope we do learn more about the end result:o

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I would send them a nice letter...


"Dear Sirs,


There has been some sort of misunderstanding.


I am a loyal RCCL customer with over 14 cruises under my belt. Yet somehow, something has transpired to flag me as a 'risk'. This is absurd.


I will make it simple for you: you've lost my business. You're losing tons of goodwill from the cruising community as they follow my story. You've caused me irreperable mental anguish due to the cancellation of my vacation at the last minute, not to mention the damage to my reputation.


You have one chance to make amends. I would like a formal apology, and a free cruise. Otherwise, be prepared to rename one of your ships the "Firefighter Of The Seas", because I'm going to OWN IT AFTER I SUE YOUR $&@*(#@* BUTTS OFF!!


Thank you for your attention to this matter."




Wonderful and I am guessing 'Scott' cld use a good laugh right about now too.


Many thanks for caring & sharing..

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My best wishes to you for a quick resolution to your problem.


If it happened to me I would be seriously fired up about it and I would not rest until I had an answer to your question "Why!"


Please let us all know what happens.


Good Luck!



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My response from Mr Goldstein to my e-mail from earlier..23:09pm.


Thank you Laura.

Best regards,




Adam M. Goldstein


Royal Caribbean International

(305) 539 6082





Thank You for helping to expidite some answers and a resolution for Scott.

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Scott, my heart breaks for you. I have been reading this thread from the beginning (my blood pressure has jumped several times reading posts from people that have no clue) but you continued taking the high road. I fully understand why you'd want to close it down as who would want to be victimized all over again. However, that being said, you deserve closure to this awful situation. What bothers me greatly is the manner in which this has been handled by RCI. What is most disturbing to me is how you were informed. Speculation is that something happened on BOS, why then wasn't there a formal letter? A phone call a few days before departure on another cruise is just not adequate. It really seams like there was a disgruntled employee - again speculation on my part. I'd really like to know how this plays out, if you so choose to inform. Enjoy your cruise!

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Scott, I sincerely hope that you have some resolution to this situation soon. The fact that you were given no explanation for the ban is extremely bothersome, and I understand your desire to defend your reputation, especially when you've not been given the details of the circumstances that supposedly caused your current predicament. Please continue to keep us posted.

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My response from Mr Goldstein to my e-mail from earlier..23:09pm.


Thank you Laura.


Best regards,




Adam M. Goldstein


Royal Caribbean International

(305) 539 6082





Thank You for helping to expidite some answers and a resolution for Scott.




I second that Thank You - let's see what happens now.

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Why do some want the thread closed or have it removed.

We all cruise some more than others and this is a concern to everyone here. What happen to Scott can happen to anyone on this board.

We are a community here, virtual but a community and RCCL must understand that. The good, the bad and the ugly are all shared. This group is RCCLs target market and most loyal fans.

I hope RCCL does what is right. If there really is a risk at least notify Scott as to what the concern is.


Scott I support you. No matter what RCCL's concern you should be informed as to the concern and certainly notified weeks ago not as you are packing to leave.


Enjoy Carnival and keep us informed. You have to wonder did RCCL over book? Needed to boot someone off the ship? Hmmm I wonder.

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A business has a right to deny service to anyone for almost any reason (except those mentioned previously). I wonder if it is more than probable the reason for Scott's being banned would make RCI look bad for them in the court of public opinion and possibly hurt their current or future bookings because of it.

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sorry they have to be on Carnival.





Because you have so much experience with Carnival:rolleyes:


FFH, this situation stinks, and I would be devastated! I think you're handling it very well, and I'm sure RCCL has their reasons - it's just not fair they aren't telling you. I hope this gets worked out, and I hope your Carnival cruises aren't marred too much by this experience. You'll have a blast - they just won't be on brand new ships. Good luck, and keep us posted!

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UGH. This is awful...it also makes me pause before considering a cruise on RCI again--if only for the way they have treated you.


My only thought would be if they have a question about your ability to cruise so frequently (I read your explanation of the frequency--and good for you!!! You deserve any vacation you can get. One of my best friends, a firefighter, lost his life 3 years ago. He and his wife took a cruise to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary just 4 months before his death. I was so encouraged that they got that time to relax and enjoy their time together).


I wonder if RCI thinks perhaps you're "scoping" their ships with a sinister plan...of course that sounds ridiculous. Whatever it is, they should have approached you as a loyal customer, not someone suspicious...even if you were guilty of something.


I've only cruised on RCI so far (not necessarily because I prefer them over other lines, it's just the way it's turned out), but I'm trying Carnival in Sept. & I will use your situation as an excuse to simply try all the other cruise lines before going back to RCI.


My very best wishes to you for a successful resolution. I'm sorry you have to miss the inaugural (?) sailing.




I f frequency of travel were the problem people who get their cruises off season and cheap would also be targetted

I do not believe this was the problem

i think you should write to the top man in the company and insist for an explanation- have you tried calling to speak to a higher executive

if it is any consolation to you I was surprised to read that my TA a huge one on the west coast refuses to sell Rccl or Celebrity cruises any more

Some kind of disagreement between them

Strange no???

They use to be a HUGE customer ....

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