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My In-Laws Are Cruise Outlaws!


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I have no problem believeing that the OP is telling the truth. Sadly there are more people out there like his in-laws than we'd like to think.


I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher , and you would shudder to think how many calls we get about small children left alone in an apartment while the parents are out doing God knows what.


See I know I am a different case because I have never been one to suffer fools gladly. I open my mouth when someone or something bothers me and if that causes friction ......too Bad.


During my first marriage , I had to set a few of my wife's family straight on a few things. especially when they occured in "OUR" home. NOT theirs, but MY WIFE'S and MY home.


Did it make me the unpopular guy.....hell yea :)


Did it cause a few arguements between me and my wife? Yes (but amazingly after I put an end to the offending behavior she was quite happy and wondered why she didn't stop it long before.)


But I will be damned if I will eat a buffet of BS and just smile and ask for seconds.

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What really amazes me beyond my other posts about how horrible her actions were is that she had to be told it was wrong. I know there are plenty of children in foster care all over the world due to parents like that, but it's still amazing. You also can't compare the city neighborhoods of 50 years ago to today's. Everyone knew everyone in those neighborhoods and they tended to be ethnically and racially segregated and a lot of the neighbors were related to each other. And as for kids hanging out outside alone, it's not the same as a totally helpeless baby shut in a room. My guess is she leaves the baby at home just to run a few errands or whatever on a regular basis. This is not the behavior of someone who made a one time lapse in judgment. This is probably someone who needs to be investigated by child protective services at her home. Anyway, regardless, it made most of us forget the other selfish actions by the op's in laws didn't it?

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I keep reading the replys on this thread and i can't help but remember what it was like when i was growing up. We played outside. We could walk a couple miles from home to a friends house with out our parent worrying.

I also remember hearing my parents and others always saying how bad things were then ( in the 70's and 80's) And how they miss the good ole days. I never imagined i would one day say those same things.

I don't have children. I am almost 34 years old and i doubt very seriously my DH and I will have any. This world IS just too had now. You can not even let your children go to school with out the fear of some brat who has felt bullied or treated bad for whatever reason, will bring a gun to school and open fire.

No i dont think it is fair to have a child. This is only my opinion. Now dont get me wrong I LOVE childrena dn i work with them. Besides there are plenty of adoption options out there.

But God please bless the children.:(

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I keep reading the replys on this thread and i can't help but remember what it was like when i was growing up. We played outside. We could walk a couple miles from home to a friends house with out our parent worrying.

I also remember hearing my parents and others always saying how bad things were then ( in the 70's and 80's) And how they miss the good ole days. I never imagined i would one day say those same things.

I don't have children. I am almost 34 years old and i doubt very seriously my DH and I will have any. This world IS just too had now. You can not even let your children go to school with out the fear of some brat who has felt bullied or treated bad for whatever reason, will bring a gun to school and open fire.

No i dont think it is fair to have a child. This is only my opinion. Now dont get me wrong I LOVE childrena dn i work with them. Besides there are plenty of adoption options out there.

But God please bless the children.:(


None of those apply to someone leaving their child alone in a cabin which is totally in your control as a parent. Too bad you'll miss out on the greatest joy in the world. Also, don't believe the media hype about how horrible the world is for kids. They actually have it pretty good. My kids and my nieces and nephews and most kids I know grow up fine, play/played outside, and had no real problems. By the way, we had bullies too when we were growing up. The difference then was you could settle it on the playground or whatever without someone suing over it or getting anyone else involved. I think the kids that do some of these things have pent up issues from not being allowed to settle it themselves. And there aren't plenty of adoption options out there. I just had this conversation today with a friend at work who has been trying to adopt and know a few families who have after years and years. Most people aren't Sheryl Crow who can basically buy a baby. Most kids in foster care aren't available for adoption. It usually takes years to end parental rights to free up a child. The baby left alone would only be taken temporarily if at all and it would take multiple problems before a judge would even consider breaking the parental ties. So, also dont' buy the "lots of kids available for adoption". It's just not true. And most that are have major problems from the abuse/neglect they endured while in their parents care.

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One other thought whether we want to admit it or not all of us have family or extended family that needs alittle help. Not all of us are able to admit it however so with that in mind we thank you for sharing & making us realize that we're not alone in this world when each of us says: "You won't believe what my crazy relative did!"

Not me -- I freely admit there are some of those in our family tree! :p
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None of those apply to someone leaving their child alone in a cabin which is totally in your control as a parent. Too bad you'll miss out on the greatest joy in the world. Also, don't believe the media hype about how horrible the world is for kids. They actually have it pretty good. My kids and my nieces and nephews and most kids I know grow up fine, play/played outside, and had no real problems. By the way, we had bullies too when we were growing up. The difference then was you could settle it on the playground or whatever without someone suing over it or getting anyone else involved. I think the kids that do some of these things have pent up issues from not being allowed to settle it themselves. And there aren't plenty of adoption options out there. I just had this conversation today with a friend at work who has been trying to adopt and know a few families who have after years and years. Most people aren't Sheryl Crow who can basically buy a baby. Most kids in foster care aren't available for adoption. It usually takes years to end parental rights to free up a child. The baby left alone would only be taken temporarily if at all and it would take multiple problems before a judge would even consider breaking the parental ties. So, also dont' buy the "lots of kids available for adoption". It's just not true. And most that are have major problems from the abuse/neglect they endured while in their parents care.

Maybe u misunderstood the point i was trying to make. Or maybe i misunderstood what you were trying to say. I only meant that i was remanising about what it was like when i was growing up and how very different it is today. My brother in law was adopted when he was 12 hours old. No my in laws were not rich. Very poor in fact. But, in adopting, if that is something we would like to do then there is that option. I know that none of what i said compares to leaving a child alone at ANY age. I agree it is wrong and never should have been done. Children may have a lot more things and priviledges than we did growing up but look at what we have lost in the process. Though i have been told being a parent is wonderful and nothing can compare to it. I still feel that for me and my DH we are making the right decision for now. You never know the Lord may trick us both and show us who is really in charge of our lives!!!

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Infants / young children should Never be left alone for any reason.

How many times do we hear after a tragedy someone say " I was only gone for a second to________"

An infant in a playpen could rollover and get entangled with the receiving blanket or whatever is in the play pen.

A baby only have one way to let us know that something is not right. Their only mean to let us know is by crying It is their way of communication. All crying babies /young children should be check immediately when they are crying to find out that they are OK.

Sometimes crying is OK for what is going on, No one should ever assume without checking that a crying child is safe.

Yes at times it really inconvenient to be stuck babysitting a child just because the parent wants to do whatever, The child will be safe. Through time an amazing relationship will develop.

It is our responsibility to keep the children as safe as possible.

I am not a professional on infants or children behavior. Just a mother and Grandmother. This are just my viewpoint


You may not be a professional but as a Childcare Provider for over 18 years I consider myself one, and I think what you said is so very true. We all need to take such a stand on protecting the little ones around us. It sounds to me as though the Mom needs some parenting lessons. She may just not know any better. It takes a village as they say.

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Whahooooooo! My kind of man!!!!!!:p






Roz I am the easiest guy in the world to get along with .....honestly.


I usually let things just roll off my back and go with the flow. I also have a really long fuse , but when I am pushed and pushed and pushed to a limit, then I blow and it just all comes out.


I don't have a lot of buttons people can push, but the ones I do have , have a hair trigger *LOL*

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Don't know if it has already been posted, but speaking of leaving kids in the cabin........did you hear about the 3 kids who were left in a resort room while Mom & Dad went to dinner?

Twin boys 2 and a 4 year old girl, someone broke the window and took the little girl. The parents had been doing this same routine every evening, i guess someone has been watching them leave the kids.

The resort also had hourly baby sitters available that they could have used but chose not to.

The parents said, from the restuarant table they could see the door to the room and thought the kids would be safe.

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Yes - this happened when a family from Great Britain was vacationing in Portugal. From what I heard on the news, this is very common in Europe:eek: They must have a higher standard of trust:confused: I guess they are starting to learn the hard way. Very sad! She's a beautiful little girl, and I hope they get her back safe and sound.

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As I have said it just amazes me what some parents do with their kids. As scary as some of the scenarios have been on this thread , they just don't surprise, knowing what kids of lunk heads are out there with children.

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Try Copenhagen, Summer, 2006. :)



Speaking of that ,


There was a story a few years ago in NYC . A woman went into a coffee shop and left her baby in the carriage on the side walk right outside the window of the shop so she could watch him while she had her coffee.


A passerby witnessed this and called a cop who arrested the mother. She in fact was from Denmark, where this is done all the time.


That may very well be the case , but the Judge didn't buy it and she was found guilty. I forget what her sentenceing was.

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That whole story doesn't sound right to me. Sounds like someone just wanted to start a heated thread. Wouldn't you be too ashamed to even write this on a board?? Hmmm...


Trolls usually post and then go away. I didn't go away. And I didn't lie. I don't agree with any of the behaviour that I outlined in my post and I would never do any of those things myself, so why should I be ashamed? I'm proud of the fact that I'm not like them and that I have the capacity to see what they were doing is wrong.

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Trolls usually post and then go away. I didn't go away. And I didn't lie. I don't agree with any of the behaviour that I outlined in my post and I would never do any of those things myself, so why should I be ashamed? I'm proud of the fact that I'm not like them and that I have the capacity to see what they were doing is wrong.


agreed, and of course. dawn -- if he wanted a troll post,it wld have been he who: put the baby in the pool w/ no diaper, fed the baby while in the pool (spilling food into it), left the baby in the cabin (okay, not funny), clocked/plowed into the first guy on line to steal his taxi, and sprawled out on the benches for the show. baby alone aside, ya gotta laugh at how unreal (yet real) this is:D

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Speaking of that ,


There was a story a few years ago in NYC . A woman went into a coffee shop and left her baby in the carriage on the side walk right outside the window of the shop so she could watch him while she had her coffee.


A passerby witnessed this and called a cop who arrested the mother. She in fact was from Denmark, where this is done all the time.


That may very well be the case , but the Judge didn't buy it and she was found guilty. I forget what her sentenceing was.


I've heard that story and don't know if it's an "urban legend", but it's believable enough.

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I don't usually jump in on things like this....but hasn't everyone heard about that poor little girl in Italy, Maddie? Her parents left her and her two sibling sleeping in their room while they went to a restaurant across the road!:) Anything can happen anywhere! We are responsible for the lives we bring into this world, they are our inheritance:) This mother should be reported to child welfare, if she did it here, I'm sure she's done it elsewhere:mad:


I believe it was Portugal.

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Trolls usually post and then go away. I didn't go away.

Thats right..I see him everytime I cross the bridge:)



And I didn't lie.

Trolls are known for their honesty:)


I don't agree with any of the behaviour that I outlined in my post and I would never do any of those things myself, so why should I be ashamed?

You shouldn't:)



I'm proud of the fact that I'm not like them and that I have the capacity to see what they were doing is wrong.


hughhhh capacity.. I mean really.. have you seen how big a Trolls head is:D :D

Disclaimer: for those not in the Loop... this is a joke, I repeat this is a joke had this been an actual comment it would have been followed by instructions of where you could flame.



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I believe it was Portugal.


Yes it was Portugal, it is common to leave younger children alone, especially in some Countries.


The way i see it, the parents just left the room and were in view of the door from where they were seated.

This could happen to any one of us, our children are asleep in their beds and we step out into the front yard to talk to a neighbor, anyone could come in the back door and take a child, it's very tragic, i pray from the family.

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What surprises me about the OP and made me think it was a jest, the posting, is the assertion that he's not like his in-laws. But to have sat in the dining area for five minutes, must less 15 when one knows a young child is left alone with no supervision is simply unreasonable and puts you somewhat in the same league. Granted it wasn't a diaper in the pool, but leaving the child alone in my view is more egregious than anything else you cited. The other stories are humorous, but the child endangerment is outright dangerous and possibly deadly. JMO

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