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Ok, like I said before.........

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Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one. That clogs the system for those who are actually traveling this year and MUST have it to travel.

If you are cruising and leaving from a US port, you don't need one until 2008...


If I am not mistaken, you need a passport to fly back into the US from Mexico and Canada now (not sure about the land crossings). And I would be willing to bet that not all people applying for a passport are going on a cruise. I would even be willing to bet that a lot of people on the backlog are flying to places outside the U.S. where they need a passport. Maybe they are idiots if they waited until the last minute, but then the Government kept changing the rules too. Fortunately, my passport doesn't expire until 2009. Funny thing is I've used it more for ID here in the U.S. (job applications, etc.) than I have used it for foreign travel.

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You know, there are people on these boards who actually use their passports a lot, and for things other than leisure travel. And renewals are facing the same "lost in space" crunch. Since o/s carriers won't accept a passport with less than six months remaining, DH had to send his in for renewal recently, even though it's more than a year before it expires, because it's the only time he has four months between travels (at least he hopes he won't need it). I'll pay the extra fee, but I'm steamed about this extortion fee for "expedited" service. Hah! Why don't they just say " if you ever want to see your passport again, send us lots of money!" The minute we get back from South America on December 24th, I'll need to send in mine and hope it makes it back in time for our April TA.


OP, call your congressman and senator tomorrow! Email them tonight! They can help, but you need to do it yesterday!!

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I have called RCCI regarding not having a passport. They will NOT let you on the ship if you do not have a passport or a certified birth certificate.!!!!! If you are going to Canada, or Mexico or whatever that is out of the states you have to have one. That is what they tell me anyways. You call them and see what kind of answer you get and let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just pray is bc gets here in time. :rolleyes:

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Domestic Travel

con_bulletgray_ico.gifFor domestic travel which includes: the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, the Caribbean and Mexico, a passport (valid or expired) is highly recommended.con_bulletgray_ico.gifIn the absence of a passport, a birth certificate (original or certified copy), plus a laminated picture ID card issued by a federal, state, or local government agency is required. Note: Baptismal papers and hospital certificates of birth (except for new borns) are not acceptable.con_bulletgray_ico.gifFor U.S. Naturalized citizens, in the absence of a passport, Naturalization papers (either original or notarized copy) plus a picture ID card issued by a federal, state, or local government agency is required.con_bulletgray_ico.gifA voter registration card or Social Security Card are not considered to be proof of citizenship.con_bulletgray_ico.gifChildren under 16 years of age do not require a picture ID.




Royal Caribbean International strongly recommends that all guests travel with a valid passport during their cruise. This greatly assists guests who may need to fly out of the United States to meet their ship at the next available port should they miss their scheduled embarkation in a U.S. port; guests entering the U.S. at the end of their cruise; and guests needing to fly to the U.S. before their cruise ends, because of medical, family, personal or business emergencies, missing a ship's departure from a port of call, involuntary disembarkation from a ship due to misconduct , or other reasons.


Guests who need to fly to the United States before their cruise ends will likely experience significant delays and complications related to booking airline tickets and entering the United States if they do not have a valid U.S. passport with them.


For additional passport information visit U.S. Department of State. Or if you prefer, contact Passport Express for applications and assistance.


Well I guess someone would call me one of those idiots too because I did get our passports last July based on the belief we would need passports for cruising in Jan. 07 at the time. This is what's stated on the RCCL website right now and I believe it's in the brochures too and it's good advice so I do not think people are idiots for following the advice of the cruiseline they will be sailing with and I know NCL says it in their brochures also. Yes, it is very common now to be asked for a passport as a form of an ID on land in the U.S.

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Having done a whole lot of cruises in and around the Carib the last 6-7 years I have seen just how many poeple in front and behind me were travelling on BC I cannot for the life of me see the Department geting Passports to every citizen by Jan 2008 (I believe that this is the date by which EVERYONE will require a passport to leave the US by ANY means right?


I would truely say it is a right royal mess these monkeys have created by chaning their minds so often.

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Even if you MUST fly home for some reason or other, they have procedures in place for those without passports (who left the country by ship). It's not a big deal---yet!

So, get the birth certificate, and take your vacation--and stop stressing! It's fine! You'll have a wonderful time!

You will get home, but there will be delays and extra expenses. I guarantee plenty of phone calls, unpleasant foreign and US officials, and very expensive flight tickets.

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Having done a whole lot of cruises in and around the Carib the last 6-7 years I have seen just how many poeple in front and behind me were travelling on BC I cannot for the life of me see the Department geting Passports to every citizen by Jan 2008 (I believe that this is the date by which EVERYONE will require a passport to leave the US by ANY means right?


I would truely say it is a right royal mess these monkeys have created by chaning their minds so often.



Don't forget the pressure put on by cruise lines, Caribbean Islands and others.


I agree with you, the timeline changes have been ridiculous, it all started because of September 11. The requirement should have been mandatory within a couple years of that incident. There is no reason the goverment has to cave in to the wishes of special interest groups when it comes to the security of our nation.


I get so weary of wishy washy government decisions. Make a rule or law and stick to it.

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What a silly comment. I guess we're a family of idiots. We applied for our passports in January of 2006, even though we technically didn't need them. It still made traveling much easier last year, and now we're set.

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Don't have them just yet, but my Congressman's office called to let me know my son's passport was overnighted yesterday, and mine is coming by FedEx. I called his office Friday because it had been more than the 10 weeks that I had been told it would take. I stressed that the cruise line needed the info at least 2 weeks before we sailed, info I had been given some time ago. Should be getting his today and mine tomorrow. Congressman Moore's staff has been quite helpful.


Here's hoping that everyone's passport arrives in time for planned trips.

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Actually in my mind it makes more sense to get the passport when you don't need it. If more people just went to get their passports last year when the announcements were first made maybe not as many people would be having the problems they are.


I remember plenty of threads last year with people debating about whether or not to get a passport. And I remember lots of people saying that they were going to wait until the last minute so that they would be valid for longer and they would get their money's worth. Those people I have no sympathy for. But other people that didn't know they would be traveling or were told wrong information certainly are not idiots.

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Again... our passports expired this year..... we are just trying to get new ones..


My Congressman's office called me this am... still trying to get it finished and overnighted to us...she has been very helpful and is trying.... we are now at the 36 hour mark....

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Again... our passports expired this year..... we are just trying to get new ones..


My Congressman's office called me this am... still trying to get it finished and overnighted to us...she has been very helpful and is trying.... we are now at the 36 hour mark....



My fingers are crossed for you! I hope it comes in time!

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Part of the problem here is all the idiots who are applying for passports to cruise this year who really don't need one.

I'm sorry it offends you but even though my children do not need a passport to cruise, I want and have the right to get one for them. If I have an emergency I want to be able to fly home the quickest way possible. Not head over the nearest embassy and see what they can do for me.


I happen to feel I'm pretty smart for applying well before the time I plan to travel. Because I don't want to be the "idiot" calling the passport office a week before my trip wondering where it is. OP, I AM NOT CALLING YOU AN IDIOT. You should have had plenty of time, I'm sorry it's taking so long. I hope you get some answers today.

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I'm sorry it offends you but even though my children do not need a passport to cruise, I want and have the right to get one for them. If I have an emergency I want to be able to fly home the quickest way possible. Not head over the nearest embassy and see what they can do for me.


I happen to feel I'm pretty smart for applying well before the time I plan to travel. Because I don't want to be the "idiot" calling the passport office a week before my trip wondering where it is. OP, I AM NOT CALLING YOU AN IDIOT. You should have had plenty of time, I'm sorry it's taking so long. I hope you get some answers today.


I'm one of the "idiots" trying to get my passports with 2 weeks left:) , but I don't understand the poster who called people who planned early "idiots"! We only planned our trip to Paris in late November, so i should have applied then but I didn't, BUT i thought i had plenty of time when i applied in late feb. Even the lady at the post office told me it would take about 6 weeks. I do NOT think people who planned early are idiots!!:) I wish I were one of those "idiots"!;) :D

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I'm one of the "idiots" trying to get my passports with 2 weeks left:)

Sorry, I used quotes because I don't think those people are idiots. But I know some think so. If anything, the people waiting are better described as "idiots" as opposed to those who planned ahead. This whole passport thing came up suddenly and I feel bad for people who are in a time crunch or who have to pay extra for expiditing.


And I'm sorry if my two passports are causing a backlog. When is ok for me to get my passports? Fourteen weeks before cruising? Even that isn't early enough for some people. I didn't want to worry about it at all so I went early. Thank goodness for these boards. Without them many of us wouldn't know this info. And without them many of us wouldn't know what to do, who to call.

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I'm also one of those idiots. The passport requirements and dates have changed so many times in the last couple of years.

We requested ours in Sept. Ordered another copy of my BC just incase for our Nov. cruise. At the time we applied (Labor Day weekend) cruises were going to require them 1-1-07. Knowing we were going on a cruise in June I wanted to make sure I had it. FF to a few weeks later, they change the date for cruises to June 07, then to 1-08 now isn't it 6-08 for cruises?


The way the government has been about the passport requirements, I'd rather be an idiot than not be able to vacation due to not having one.


Each of you that haven't gotten yours yet, I'm sending lots of vibes that they show up in time. I also read a post that the cruise requires you to have the info 2 weeks ahead, I don't think that is really true because you can fill out the documents yourself to turn in when you get there. Not everyone has the internet. (Maybe you just said that to help speed up getting it though)

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Sorry, I used quotes because I don't think those people are idiots. But I know some think so. If anything, the people waiting are better described as "idiots" as opposed to those who planned ahead. This whole passport thing came up suddenly and I feel bad for people who are in a time crunch or who have to pay extra for expiditing.


And I'm sorry if my two passports are causing a backlog. When is ok for me to get my passports? Fourteen weeks before cruising? Even that isn't early enough for some people. I didn't want to worry about it at all so I went early. Thank goodness for these boards. Without them many of us wouldn't know this info. And without them many of us wouldn't know what to do, who to call.


I don't think I am personally an idiot, but i think planning ahead is always better than waiting until the last minute! You did it the right way, IMO!! I usually am the one who tries to plan ahead, just didn't do it soon enough where the passports are concerned!:) Oh, and I don't personally think that your 2 passports are causing a backlog, and I hope you didn't take my post the wrong way, that is why i put the smilies in!! I agree, thank GOD for these boards, because i wouldn't know anything about any of this passport stuff!! I am sympathetic to everyone who is waiting for passports, whether they need them this year or NOT!!:)

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I am politely :) going to disagree with the terminology highlighted above. Every citizen in this country has a right to apply for a passport whenever they please whether they need it or not and regardless of whether or not it backs up the system. (I'd be far more concerned with all the frivolous lawsuits and how backed up the court system is:eek: )


Maybe some people just "feel more comfortable" having a passport even if the do not technically "need" one. That is their right. Who are we to judge them or call them "idiots"? I thank God that I live in the United States and can travel so easily.


I think there may even be an argument that it makes more sense to apply for a passport when you do not (yet) need it, instead of waiting until you do--and then suffering through the worries of receiving it in time, for example.:D

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My daughter and I got ours in 2006 and I wish I had nagged DH to get one then--but I really didn't think he would ever want to take a cruise. We are still waiting on his 2 certified BCs so he can apply for a passport. Even though we don't leave until October I won't relax until he has it.

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I don't think I am personally an idiot, but i think planning ahead is always better than waiting until the last minute! You did it the right way, IMO!! I usually am the one who tries to plan ahead, just didn't do it soon enough where the passports are concerned!:) Oh, and I don't personally think that your 2 passports are causing a backlog, and I hope you didn't take my post the wrong way, that is why i put the smilies in!! I agree, thank GOD for these boards, because i wouldn't know anything about any of this passport stuff!! I am sympathetic to everyone who is waiting for passports, whether they need them this year or NOT!!:)



I'm sorry again. The second part of my post was not directed towards you but to the person who said "idiots" first. Because in no way will I accept being put-down for thinking ahead. That post really rubbed me the wrong way (along with several other people) and I was just adding something to my reply to that poster. No hard feelings towards you at all!!! I really hope that other poster sees that because I would love to know when she feels that it's ok for someone to get a passport. Methinks, she has no answer for that and she hasn't been back to this thread.

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I don't think that the people who applied this year when they don't need the passport until next year are clogging the system - unless they lied on the form about their departure date. From what I've read, the passport office is prioritizing the applications by the date of travel. If anyone is clogging the system, I suspect it is the very late applicants who are paying expediters to get their documents through the system a week or two out from their trips. I'd guess that those are the ones throwing a monkey-wrench into the scheduling. But it's just a guess!


In any event, I think it's just smart to apply as soon as you think you might need the passport. Why set yourself up for a nervous breakdown?


Happy cruising,


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Just called my Senator's office back and was told they did get through to the passport office but they haven't called them back yet!! He also told me if i dont' have passports by June 1st to call him back! June 1st is 7 days before we leave! Ugggghhhh! MORE waiting!! I know they must be swamped by requests, but i thought something would have been done by now! Should i go ahead and call the passport office myself tomorrow?? I'm not sitting around waiting until the 1st to SEE if the passports come in! How is it that some people get through to their senators or reps and the get an almost instant tracking #? Please people, DO NOT WAIT to apply for your passports!! This waiting and worrying instead of looking forward to a trip to Paris is NOT FUN!!:mad:

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Yeah, the Passport situation is pretty bad right now. Luckily I've had mine since 2000, but my dad's having a heck of a time getting his. The first time he sent it in (early Feb. for our early Aug. cruise), they rejected it because his photo had a tiny scratch in the corner. The scratch wasn't even on his face! So he had to re-send everything, and now he's been waiting a really long time, and he just found out that they can't find anything that he sent in the second time!


It's really frustrating, but luckily it's not absolutely necesary to have the passport yet, and he'll be able to use his birth certificate instead. I really feel for the people doing European trips who absolutely need the passport to fly!

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Oh I feel your pain. That darn office recording hung up on me MANY times. I started getting smart and used a tip I read here...something about pushing 1 (for English) then 3 (for leaving in 3 weeks) then push ZERO before you are prompted. I think that's how it goes...don't kill me if it doesn't work...lol. :o


I applied the SAME exact time as you. We had to leave on April 28th. BUT after I did get ahold of them I did receive the passport (expedited for free) within 4 days.


You know you can email them when you are within 14 days too right? I would try both avenues.


Just followed your advice and was on hold for 15 - 20 minutes before someone picked up. My daughter's passport app. has now been flagged as "expedite". Will follow up in a few days.


Thanks, cruisinmama!

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