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Please help me stop!


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This is my first cruise ever, but also my first big vacation pretty much ever. It's all I can think about, but that's not the problem.


I'm almost obsessive (ok I am obsessive), but not in a good way. I am planning ever stupid little detail, calculating every little penny, already starting to test pack my bags (trip isn't till August 20th), driving my family up the wall (they're not even going with me).


I feel at this point, almost 2 months away, that I am going to loose it before I even get to the month of August. I just can't stop! I would have been fine if I would have never found this forum :p Help me ease my mind please??


Things I'm stressing about:

1. Money, everyone stresses about money, but does everyone have sticky notes with every pay day written down with what bills you have to pay, how much you're taking out for the cruise and every other little thing...all the way till next FEBRUARY?!


I am going on a 5 day cruise with my boyfriend on the Fantasy. We are getting to New Orleans a day early, and going to a few places. So really a 6 day vacation. After all excursions, hotels, gas, parking is paid for, and sail and sign money is put down, I will have $800-$1000 to spend on everything else for 2 people. Is this enough? We're not big shoppers really. But I won't be able to spend anymore then that, that is why I am freaking out.


2. I am bad luck. I lived in Florida for a while, we had a hurricane (forget the name), I moved to Texas, went to Pensacola to visit family and while I was there Erin and Opal hit. They didn't have anymore hurricanes till I moved back to Pensacola and we had George (I think??? 1997). I moved away till 2004 and then they got hit by Ivan! So I have this horrible feeling that I'm going to get canceled or caught in a hurricane and I will feel like it's my fault. (yes I have travel insurance!)


3. What if our 7 hour excursion runs late, I don't want to get left behind (even though it is a cruise excursion, and I know they will wait).


There are more, but everything is just so overwhelming! Has anyone else gone through this getting ready for their first cruise or am I just retarded and stress out too easily?


Please help ease my mind, and also share your first cruise anxiety stories if you want to. I would hate to think I'm the only one :(

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Child, just stop it! Everything will be fine, you will have a great time and if you have 1000.00 to spend after everything is paid for, you're golden.


Take down the post-its. Put your bags away until two days before you're ready to leave.


This is a vacation, not the Middle East peace talks. You're supposed to relax and have fun. So do it!!!:)


Have a great cruise!

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I know exactly how you feel. My first post on here was back in November, asking who else was going.....In September!!! So I guess it wasn't too surprising that I was reemed by one person for being so early. hey, what can I say, I am very excited about cruising!!! But others were supportive and totally held my hand. I am still reading daily posts religiously here, and am still stressing about the same things that you are. I want to book my excursions, but am told to wait. (I am about ready to anyway!)


I am going to book our excursions only through Carnival for our first time. That way we don't have to worry about being late back to the boat.

I still haven't saved up our spending money, but will do so soon. We don't plan on doing much shopping in ports and are only doing two excursions (we are going to just relax on one of the ports)

My cruise has been paid for since about March, having only to pay for the hotel before and afterwards, which is expensive and is why I am having a hard time reserving a room!!!



So my advise would be to keep reading these boards. People are so helpful. I even read the negative ones, keeping an open mind and remembering that your cruise is what you make of it. I am going to make the best out of every situation, no matter where I am.


Happy Cruising!!!!

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you are obsessive so just learn to live with it. since planning seems to help you continue to plan. budget your time and money to limit surprises...but factor in free time and discretionary spending. the cruise covers food and transportation. you will have to cover tips (normally $10 a day per person) and booze and/or soft drinks. excursions can cost a lot. we normally try and do things on our own unless there is a good chance of being late getting back. (i.e. the pyramids was 3 hours by bus in and 3 back...we could have done it on our own but then would have worried the whole time about getting back to the ship). so choose a few excursions you really want to do...and relax. you have a 90 percent chance of becoming addicted to cruising and hopefully this will not be your last.


if you read these boards much you will find a group of people who obsess over planning....its actually a large part of the fun of travel....


the folks on these boards are also really helpful...I have a weird sense of humour and only a few people have taken offense..so if you have any questions post them and somebody will have some hints

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Yep you are OCD just like me :rolleyes: Just smile and accept it there is nothing you can do just accept you addiction :eek: I to am going on the Fantasy and this is our first cruise and first REAL vacation as well. But here is the best part you are going way before me!! Check out my ticker, I am not going till April 2008!! This is pure torture, lol... I have go almost 10 mths left of this. Shoot I have got everything planned already, I pretty much have a good idea of my excursions (that may change) and I am working on my packing list (all I have left to do is pack my clothes now, lol) By the time I am ready to go I will have both of these places memorized (coz and costa maya) maps and all, lol... I know you just cant help it so just relax and enjoy all of your research and hey at least you will be prepared unlike alot of people.




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  1. Money - You have already put money on your S&S card, right? With your other savings you have $150-$200 per day to spend. At least one of those will be a sea day so no ports/shopping (except onboard)/excursions. It really sounds like you have more than enough.
  2. Good Luck/Bad Luck - OK I have to say it. Stuff happens.:D It would certainly suck to have the trip cancelled. Chances of it happening though are minimal. Spend some free time working on the back up plan;)
  3. The cruise lines are very good about getting their passengers back on board so that you can buy more drinks, gamble, shop on board, etc.:)

No matter what any of us tell you, you sound like you are going to obsess. Hey, it's you:)


As the perpetual optimist I predict:

  1. You will get to take the cruise.
  2. You will have a fantastic time.
  3. Upon return you will begin the process all over. Planning, saving and, yes, obsessing over the next cruise.;)



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Well I haven't put the money on my Sail and Sign yet, but I have set that money aside, and it will not be spent for anything else.


Thank you all for listening to me pretty much just vent. I really am working on not being so stressed and obsessive, and hearing that other people go through the same thing does make me feel a bit better about it.


My plan is that from the moment I get in the car to drive to New Orleans to try to leave everything behind and not worry. I'm leaving a day early so I don't have to worry about running late for the cruise (oh lord that helps so much). Plus my boyfriend will help me calm down. He is not a planner at all, and just told me to put him on the cruise and he doesn't care what we do. Thats another reason I feel so stressed. Just feel like I'm doing it by myself. (He is a really good boyfriend, just alot more relaxed and takes it one day at a time :rolleyes:)


These boards are awesome, and right now I don't know what I would do without them! You all seem like great people so far, and help so much. THANK YOU!!!

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You need to chill. I'm with imnance. You need to put everything away and read these boards. Maybe google your stops. Listen to your levelheaded boyfriend. Now, take a deep breath and repeat after me:

"I promise to chill out and slow my thoughts to a crawl. Life is too short to run through it and from now on I am going to enjoy every second of this trip."


Now, don't you feel better?


You should have plenty of money unless you drink like a fish. There is no reason to start packing now because if you are like me you will outgrow everything before your trip.:o Out of 6 cruises I have never had a bad one. We didn't get to stop in a couple of the ports because of weather or mechanical problems, but we still had a good time.


Take it one day at a time and savor it.

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I was obsessing similarly over our anniversary cruise in November! It is our 2nd cruise but the wait was driving me insane. As a result, I was driving my Handsome Husband insane:eek: . I shared with him that I was losing it and I needed a pre-cruise to get to our November cruise. Long story short I booked a cruise out of Los Angeles for July:D .

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I was obsessing similarly over our anniversary cruise in November! It is our 2nd cruise but the wait was driving me insane. As a result, I was driving my Handsome Husband insane:eek: . I shared with him that I was losing it and I needed a pre-cruise to get to our November cruise. Long story short I booked a cruise out of Los Angeles for July:D .



I so wish I could do that, but mine is only 56 days away (and counting)!


I know everything is going to turn out for the best, and once I'm on the cruise I'm pretty sure I will calm down. After all the research I've done, and all the threads here that really do help ease my mind in some ways. But then you have the threads that say take how much money you think you'll need then double it. I don't think its possible for me to spend $2000 on a cruise haha (ok its possible, but I'm too frugal with money).


I'm probably going to end up being addicted to cruising after this, and I don't think I'll have this much anxiety for the next one. I guess with it all being so new. I will start breathing and just thinking all those good thoughts.


Thank you once again to everyone who has posted and not made me feel so stupid. Ya'll really do help ease my mind!

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Yikes! You are not alone! You sound like me! And my FIRST cruise is almost here (July 7th 2007). I am stressed about tipping, about the total bill due after our cruise:eek: . I became obsessed with reading and posting my "stupid" questions on here! I have buyers remorse because this to is like the biggest vacation I have had. I'm worried about what to wear. I am worried about the plane ride getting us there in time even tho we are leaving a day early! I am worried for every possible thing. I hate it. It is a vacation and we both should just RELAX. But easier said then done.

Good luck to you!


OH yea I am also worried about my dress flying up on the ship from the wind and everyone laughing at me. I even started a new thread about it.:o

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Yikes! You are not alone! You sound like me! And my FIRST cruise is almost here (July 7th 2007). I am stressed about tipping, about the total bill due after our cruise:eek: . I became obsessed with reading and posting my "stupid" questions on here! I have buyers remorse because this to is like the biggest vacation I have had. I'm worried about what to wear. I am worried about the plane ride getting us there in time even tho we are leaving a day early! I am worried for every possible thing. I hate it. It is a vacation and we both should just RELAX. But easier said then done.


Good luck to you!


OH yea I am also worried about my dress flying up on the ship from the wind and everyone laughing at me. I even started a new thread about it.:o


I also had worries on my first cruise. What would it cost? I became depressed when I saw the prices of the ship tours, and then a revalation came upon me. PLASTIC!!! I had the cruise paid for and enough cash to cover tips and extra goodies. We don't drink. Well, I might have a $1 corona when we hit the beach, but I have too much Indian blood to drink much. (One beer and I go on the warpath and after two I do a fertility dance. Gin said that it is not a pretty site, but I don't remember.:o ) So that left me with excursions to finance. I booked through independant companies (saving at least 30%) and put it on my Visa. I don't run a balance so everything turned out fine. Now when we want to cruise, I book it and start researching the tours. No worries, no hassel.


Thanks CapitalOne!!!


P.S. I had a dream about my dress flying up over my head and I'm a GUY!!

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You need to do some very serious calming down. A cruise is a vacation, not something out of the Inquisition. If you have $1000.00 extra for a 5 day cruise you have lots of money and frankly cruisng is not about spending money. To give you some idea how much money you are taking. let's compare my most recent cruise to Mexico with your upcoming cruise.


My DW and I went on a 10 day cruise to Mexico in March of 2007, on HAL's Rhyndam. We spent approximately $650.00 which included gratuties (and some significant extra for the cabin steward, and waiters). We went on at least one ship's tour, went to the alternative dining room where there was an extra charge, and had some drinks on board. We also bought some clothes such as t-shirts but my wife bough a very nice though relatively inexpensive necklace for her friend. We live about 3 hours from Las Vegas so going to the casino is not a major cruise activity for us.


So, friend, please exhale deeply and think about what a cruise really is all about...travel by sea and all the wonderful aestheitics that you will enjoy and romance. Our 18th cruise is in about 3 weeks and of course the excitement is starting to build but not negatively.


Hope that this helps.



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I was lucky we booked out cruise just under 5 weeks before sailing, (we are self employed and can't plan too far ahead), and we didn't even have valid passports....(we were travelling from Aus to USA). The way I was going I don't think I could have lasted much more. I got addicited to planing the holiday, it really becomes part of the fun, if you don't get too serious or worried about it. My husband also let it up to me to plan 'what to do'. But with all the time I spent he ended up calling it his tooth ach LOL:p But the planing was worth it. When we got to each port we knew what we were doing, where we were going and how. Once we got to each port we were also able to add extra's after gathering some more information, so although it is great to plan exactly what you are going to do, remember there may be a change or two. It was our first cruise (and first major holiday for many years), and we had a fantastic time. Unfortunatly after reading a lot of the negetive reviews about our cruise I was sooooo worried, but it was so much better than I could have imagined, and hubby had a great time too!!!!!!:)


So the moral of this story is to plan away, but try not to take it too seriously and maybe relax!!!!:cool:


PS We had to work 2 x 12 hour days just before we left Aus, so I decided I should get all our stuff out ready (4 days before the cruise).....then got carried away. Hubby said 'what are you doing' I said 'packing' and sure enough I had packed both suitcases. Hubby did explaine that we would have plenty of time before our flight to pack and that everything would get crushed, so I unpacked everything. I explained that it was a 'practice run'.....;)


PPS Everything is packed, loaded into the car and we are ready to go. Just waiting for our friends to pick us up for the airport. Hubby had decided to wear jeans on the plane. No problem.....except that I had taken them up for him to wear with boots and he was wearing joggers (he kept walking on them). So we sat in the lounge room, (DH in his undies) taking up his jeans just as we are about to walk out the door.:eek:

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I'm so happy to read this thread and see other people who are as spastic as me. We are going on our first cruise which is a trip to Hawaii. This is a trip of a lifetime for us and I'm obsessing about everything. Even trying to plan out what nights I'll wash my hair. It's long and thick and takes a long time to dry so I feel like I have to plan that out. My poor husand!:)

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The OP sounds like about 90% of everyone who is planning their first cruise :)


To tell you how to feel (don't worry, don't obsess) I find is futile advice because you're going to feel how you're going to feel. Why not give yourself a "time to worry or think about it" plan, say between 6-8pm every night and try not to allow those thoughts to enter your head any other time.


Make lists of everything you can imagine to plan, prepare, pack, etc...


Study some relaxation methods, like yoga or meditation.


All I can guarantee you is that if you overplan every detail, you will set yourself up for disappointment. You will not wear all those clothes you are taking, you will not be able to do every event you read about, don't run yourself ragged trying to see every show or game. There can be rude people along the way (ignore them), there will be lines to wait in. There are many times travel glitches you cannot anticipate or control, sometimes there is confusion on your part and you may make some mistakes (those you learn by). Not everything can be perfect, but you can make the best out of every situation and have a lovely and fun time if you are more spontaneous.


I remember our first cruise, the first night, when we walked out on deck after dinner. The day had its ups and downs, I looked out at sea and just let it all go...the rest of the cruise was lovely.


BTW, I think your budget is very generous ;)

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Happy, thanks! I have been doing alot better lately. I have been trying to relax, doing other things that take up more time. I just booked my excursion and our hotel for New Orleans, and that took a huge weight off my shoulders!


Thank you everyone for your kind words, and experiences. They mean alot to me!

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Things I'm stressing about:

1. Money, everyone stresses about money, but does everyone have sticky notes with every pay day written down with what bills you have to pay, how much you're taking out for the cruise and every other little thing...all the way till next FEBRUARY?!


Yep, I do that. I call it a "budget", and it's a very good thing. (Only I use an Excel spreadsheet instead of post-its). You are very smart to be setting aside money now, instead of racking up a nightmare credit card bill on the cruise.

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I guess I am obsessing also, I'm just calling it planning !!! I am going on my first cruise June 6, 2008 on Radiance to Alaska. I am so excited and reading the boards makes it so much fun. Thank you to everyone that posts and shares so much nformation.

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but am doing the same as the OP....my second cruise is in October and I have already packed (actually was packed back in May ~ hee hee). From now to then I will probably rearrange my packing just because I have done it so soon and am thinking I am forgetting something. (Do I sound excited or what!)


I have my envelopes of spending money, tip money, soda money, spa money, food on excursions money, excursion tip money....you get the idea.


And then there is the addictive reading of these boards - I just have to do it every day - they are so much fun and information but most of all the people who reply here are very very positive.


Yup, I am weird but this just makes the anticipation of my trip that much more because I can be involved in dreaming, researching, and planning all before I have even left (kinda gets the stress out of the way) and then this way, once I am on the trip, I just relax, relax, relax and have fun, fun, fun.....


You gotta do what you gotta do, but whatever you do, know that you will have lots of fun and great memories on your cruise.

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we are planning our land trip to Niagra Falls. I am going through the same thing. I am driving my husband crazy because of checking out all the things different in Canada: the price of gas is by the liter, the temperatures are listed in Celsius, etc. I have overplanned this trip. I can't stop either. So don't feel alone.

--from another Jo.

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I don't think you're alone, there lots of people that get as big a kick out of planning the vacation as going on it. One thing to remember..... You can plan the event, you can't plan the outcome.

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we are planning our land trip to Niagra Falls. I am going through the same thing. I am driving my husband crazy because of checking out all the things different in Canada: the price of gas is by the liter, the temperatures are listed in Celsius, etc. I have overplanned this trip. I can't stop either. So don't feel alone.

--from another Jo.

Here is something else to plan. When you are in Niagara, take hwy. 18 north out of town to Fort Niagara State Park on Lake Ontario. Fort Niagara dates back to the 1600's and is a must-see for any history buff. Take a good camera. There are really neat things here at the mouth of the Niagara River.

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