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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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Trying to loose those last 5 pounds to reach my cruise goal.. but ashamed to admit that I've been REALLY REALLY bad.. ((now firmly placing paper bag over my head))


I've taken Alli sporadically at best and eaten whatever I wanted in between. My worst treatment effect has me feeling gassy and now an unexpected result... constipation!


Help, I need a boost. I really only have 3 weeks left until my cruise and I want to make the most out of it.. :(

You can do it..you can do it..just think how terrific your going to look in that bathing suit!!!!!

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Hi Libra! I didn't gain all 20 lbs back on the 10 day cruise! lol But, between the cruise and the 5 months after, I slowly did. So depressing. I wanted to start the alli again but, could never get a good few days of low fat eating in. I would do good for a day or two and then blow it so, I wouldn't take the pills. FINALLY 'behaved' for a few days and started the alli. I've been on it since March and I'm down about 27.5. :) I'd love to lose another 25 before my 'girls' trip to Aruba in October!!


Yes, my sister and I had good intentions to get up early every morning and do a brisk walk and watch the sunrise..blah blah blah.... We did it ONCE! lol

Libra..I did the same EXACT thing as Pam..I lost 32 pounds on Alli for my cruise in Sept. and I gained 15 pounds back (in 6 months) going back to the same routine of eating what I wanted. I am now back to where I was last Sept. and am hoping to lose 20 pounds before my cruise in Aug.

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sorry to just pop in here unannounced but I couldn't resist saying,"I feel the same way about my arms!" I love some of the sleeveless fashions but refuse to wear them. It seems like all the pretty dresses and formal gowns are sleeveless and it leaves me with few options. I started Alli 2 months ago and have lost 10lbs. Then I hurt my back and couldn't excersise. I'm on the mend and ready to get movin though. Then maybe by our cruise in October I might be brave enough to go sleeveless.

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Raystoy, good luck with your weight loss goals. I also hurt my back last winter and gained a quick 15 pounds from laying on the couch for a few months. I found that my back actually felt better once I started exercising(the dr. told me that would happen but I couldn't even picture it).


One of my biggest fears is gaining the weight back after I quit taking Alli. I have gained and lost the same 50 lbs. too many times to count! I was really hoping this program would be the last time.



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Libra, you don't HAVE to go off the alli. As long as you stick with just fruits, veggies, and VERY lean meats or chicken and fish you can try to stick with it??? But, I know it's almost impossible on a cruise to do that for me. I know how you feel about going off of it. This stuff really keeps me on track. I have a vacation coming up in July with family and I REFUSE to go off it cuz I have an Aruba trip coming up in October that I want to be thin for. Luckily I can cook my own food on vaca in July. I will go off it in October and I'm already worried about gaining weight while I'm gone. I would love to be thin for the holidays afterwards after. I have lost 50 lbs many times also. I just do not want to start over. I wonder if I'll have to be on this stuff forever!!!!! :(

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Pamywyner,sounds like you have a good plan of action. Thats great! I'm gonna stick with it until we set sail. But I think even then I will be cautious. As long as I keep moving I should be ok. Now if I can get my husband to learn some salsa dancing on board I won't have to worry about any weight gain.

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Good morning! Thanks Raystoy! The salsa dancing sounds like fun and a great way to burn off the extra desserts that are soooo hard to resist on a cruise!! ;) I don't think I could get my husband to learn to salsa. lol


Have a great day everyone! The heat wave has finally broken here in the Northeast! Time to get out and walk again!

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Hey Needalatte74, Try an OTC gas relief med. Gas can mess with your mind and make you think your fat and not losing. But it sounds like your not getting enough fiber. Try increasing fiber and decreasing bad carbs(sugar,white flour,white rice, potatoes etc)You'll feel better after a couple days. That and make sure half your plate is veggies, and always start by eating those first. Hope this helps, Tracy

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sorry to just pop in here unannounced but I couldn't resist saying,"I feel the same way about my arms!" I love some of the sleeveless fashions but refuse to wear them. It seems like all the pretty dresses and formal gowns are sleeveless and it leaves me with few options. I started Alli 2 months ago and have lost 10lbs. Then I hurt my back and couldn't excersise. I'm on the mend and ready to get movin though. Then maybe by our cruise in October I might be brave enough to go sleeveless.


I feel the same way!!! I have always felt my arms were too big and would love to wear short sleeve shirts. I've been trying to work out on our bo-flex machine at work (3) times a week just on my upper body.

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Im 6'0 & got too heavy in the thighs & belly--cant tell I really could stand to lose any weight,but I carry my weight well cuz Im tall.(Goal is 43 lbs to lose).

The 1st wk I lost 17 lbs & felt the weight sheding off.***(Treatment effects)***DO NOT try & pass gas enless you are on a toilet.You will have to wear dark colored bottoms cuz it WILL stain your britches--but in the end when the weight falls off & you learn to eat better,it will be so--worth it in the long run.

With only 20 lbs left to go & 171 days before my cruise--Alli being the 1st FDA regulated weightloss pill--Im LOVING it!!!

What really helped me was on their website theres an area where you sign-up (its free) & you interact weekly to monitor your progress(YOU NEED THIS SUPPORT TO SUCCEED), you can print out a daily calorie intake menu to eat from depending on your daily activity level;like Im on an 1800 calorie intake per day-the food is really good & its just reading labels(takes a lil longer at the grocery store-but again well worth it).It even gives you a grocery store list which helps speed things up for you too. Take a good multi vitamin at nite b4 bed & drink LOTS of water.

You WILL lose the weight-just be patient with it-(Ive been successful in using Alli & already lost 1/2 my weight-goal is to be back down to 155 lbs by cruise ). No more soft drinks for me!! The treatment effects are very oily & orange & that just lets you know you ate toooo much fat w/ your meal(s) & it makes you more conscience & aware.It takes time to reorganize to a healthier way of eating Lisa to_msbhaven@yahoo.com

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Im 6'0 & got too heavy in the thighs & belly--cant tell I really could stand to lose any weight,but I carry my weight well cuz Im tall.(Goal is 43 lbs to lose).

The 1st wk I lost 17 lbs & felt the weight sheding off.***(Treatment effects)***DO NOT try & pass gas enless you are on a toilet.You will have to wear dark colored bottoms cuz it WILL stain your britches--but in the end when the weight falls off & you learn to eat better,it will be so--worth it in the long run.

With only 20 lbs left to go & 171 days before my cruise--Alli being the 1st FDA regulated weightloss pill--Im LOVING it!!!

What really helped me was on their website theres an area where you sign-up (its free) & you interact weekly to monitor your progress(YOU NEED THIS SUPPORT TO SUCCEED), you can print out a daily calorie intake menu to eat from depending on your daily activity level;like Im on an 1800 calorie intake per day-the food is really good & its just reading labels(takes a lil longer at the grocery store-but again well worth it).It even gives you a grocery store list which helps speed things up for you too. Take a good multi vitamin at nite b4 bed & drink LOTS of water.

You WILL lose the weight-just be patient with it-(Ive been successful in using Alli & already lost 1/2 my weight-goal is to be back down to 155 lbs by cruise ). No more soft drinks for me!! The treatment effects are very oily & orange & that just lets you know you ate toooo much fat w/ your meal(s) & it makes you more conscience & aware.It takes time to reorganize to a healthier way of eating Lisa to_msbhaven@yahoo.com


Lisa..you are so right! We have to get back in the habit of eating healthier and not state we are "on a diet". I agree with the support..thats why we have this forum too. I also go to sparkspeople dot com and find it has a wealth of information (all free)..check that out too!


Congrats on the weight loss..that is fantastic!!!

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Good morning! Thanks Raystoy! The salsa dancing sounds like fun and a great way to burn off the extra desserts that are soooo hard to resist on a cruise!! ;) I don't think I could get my husband to learn to salsa. lol


Have a great day everyone! The heat wave has finally broken here in the Northeast! Time to get out and walk again!

Hi Pam,

I am also in the NE. On top of the heat wave we have also had bad storms that knocked out power for two days...including Curves. I had to really get creative to get some exercise in during those two days.

My husband and I are signing up for the 5k walk on the ship during one of the sea days. I'm going to try and exercise as much as possible on the ship and not worry as much about the food...maybe eat what I want but smaller portions??



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That's what I am trying to learn to do.... eat what I want but in smaller portions. I just have NO self control. lol But, I'm trying!


That's great that you want to do the 5k with your man!! You'll feel great about yourself when you accomplish it! (and not so quilty if you indulge in a yummy dessert or two!) ;)

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Hi Pam,

I am also in the NE. On top of the heat wave we have also had bad storms that knocked out power for two days...including Curves. I had to really get creative to get some exercise in during those two days.

My husband and I are signing up for the 5k walk on the ship during one of the sea days. I'm going to try and exercise as much as possible on the ship and not worry as much about the food...maybe eat what I want but smaller portions??



Shari..we did a 1K last year on the Legend for Breast Cancer and had a blast! Good luck and have fun on the 5k..is it also for Breast Cancer?


On the Legend last year (after losing 32 pounds on Alli)..at dinner, I tried to stay away from the breads, made sure I always got a salad (to fill up) and ALWAYS ordered dessert. However, all I allowed myself was a couple of bites (I could eat Chocolate Melting Cakes until they come out of my ears..lol). After dieting for so long and trying to stay away from sweets, its was nice to have each night and I didn't feel guilty because I didn't eat it all.


Off the subject a little: Not sure if you guys have this problem, but I just realized when I cut out the carbs, bread, etc., I no longer wake up with acid reflex each night!! Its so nice NOT to eat a bottle of tums every few nights!!! Dieting alone is worth just that itself!!!


My SIL goes in for her stomach surgery tomorrow. They are sure its cancer, but not sure if they are going to take the whole stomach or a portion of it..your thoughts and prayers are appreciated as every little bit helps :-). I will be back on Monday to let you know how it went.


Thanks for all your support!!!!

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I am 53 yr old woman and a size 18/20 but would love to be a size 14. My Dr has me taking high dose fish oil 2X per day. I was wondering if anyone that uses Alli also takes fish oil?? I would love to try Alli but an afraid it might not be a good "mix."

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Shari..we did a 1K last year on the Legend for Breast Cancer and had a blast! Good luck and have fun on the 5k..is it also for Breast Cancer?


On the Legend last year (after losing 32 pounds on Alli)..at dinner, I tried to stay away from the breads, made sure I always got a salad (to fill up) and ALWAYS ordered dessert. However, all I allowed myself was a couple of bites (I could eat Chocolate Melting Cakes until they come out of my ears..lol). After dieting for so long and trying to stay away from sweets, its was nice to have each night and I didn't feel guilty because I didn't eat it all.


Off the subject a little: Not sure if you guys have this problem, but I just realized when I cut out the carbs, bread, etc., I no longer wake up with acid reflex each night!! Its so nice NOT to eat a bottle of tums every few nights!!! Dieting alone is worth just that itself!!!


My SIL goes in for her stomach surgery tomorrow. They are sure its cancer, but not sure if they are going to take the whole stomach or a portion of it..your thoughts and prayers are appreciated as every little bit helps :-). I will be back on Monday to let you know how it went.


Thanks for all your support!!!!

Hi Dolphin Fan,m

Good luck and prayers to you SIL...please let us know how she is doing.


The 5K we will be doing on the ship is Race for the Cure..I think that's for Breast Cancer?? Unfortunately most of the excursions we signed up for are very little walking or effort. 8 more days..I can't wait!


p.s are you a Miami dolphins fan? I'm a big Jets fan

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I am 53 yr old woman and a size 18/20 but would love to be a size 14. My Dr has me taking high dose fish oil 2X per day. I was wondering if anyone that uses Alli also takes fish oil?? I would love to try Alli but an afraid it might not be a good "mix."

Hi Mildred,

I take one fish oil capsule a day plus the Alli pills and I haven't had any problems. As of yesterday I have lost a total of 24 pounds since 4/1 and gone from a size 16 to a 10/12.



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Hi Cheryl! Sorry to hear about your SIL. My thoughts are prayers are with you and your family at this time!!


Keep us posted.



Well..the good news is..they didn't have to remove her whole stomach..the bad news is..she will still have to go through Chemo. She's still got the feeding tube in, but is on good spirits (she has the pump for the good drugs..lol).


We are still waiting for the date for my dad's surgery..hopefully, they won't have to take his Kidney or have to go through Chemo.


My son moved out this weekend with his family into their own place. My place now echo's! I'm going to miss seeing my grandson every day, but their only 1.2 miles from my house. Gives me a good excuse to ride my bike over there every night!!!


I've hit a platau, but sticking to it..just trying to up my exercise..that should help kick things in.

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Hi Dolphin Fan,m

Good luck and prayers to you SIL...please let us know how she is doing.


The 5K we will be doing on the ship is Race for the Cure..I think that's for Breast Cancer?? Unfortunately most of the excursions we signed up for are very little walking or effort. 8 more days..I can't wait!


p.s are you a Miami dolphins fan? I'm a big Jets fan

Yes..I've been a fan since the 70's..I won't hold being a Jets Fan against you :-)..of course, I've had no reason to celebrate for years. I've put my shirt in storage until I can wear it in public again..lol


I sure wish my cruise was only 8 days away..you lucky girl!!!

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Hi Mildred,

I take one fish oil capsule a day plus the Alli pills and I haven't had any problems. As of yesterday I have lost a total of 24 pounds since 4/1 and gone from a size 16 to a 10/12.



I am supposed to take Fish Oil (is everyone taking it for colesterol reasons)? I just can't get passed the aftertaste.


Congrats on the weight loss..that is fantastic!!!

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Cheryl, I've kinda hit a plateau too. Bouncing around a certain weight for a couple of weeks now. Didn't help to have 'that time of the month' in 3 weeks! UGH.... debating about going back on the BC Pill again. Hate to gain weight on it tho.... My appetite was TOTALLY out of control last fall when I went on it and my leg cramps were terrible! I like the regularity it gives me tho.


Glad to hear your SIL is doing ok. It's a shame that she has to do chemo. But, whatever will get her better!


Good luck to your dad too.


Have a great day!

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Cheryl, I've kinda hit a plateau too. Bouncing around a certain weight for a couple of weeks now. Didn't help to have 'that time of the month' in 3 weeks! UGH.... debating about going back on the BC Pill again. Hate to gain weight on it tho.... My appetite was TOTALLY out of control last fall when I went on it and my leg cramps were terrible! I like the regularity it gives me tho.


Glad to hear your SIL is doing ok. It's a shame that she has to do chemo. But, whatever will get her better!


Good luck to your dad too.


Have a great day!

I don't have "all my parts" anymore so I know that is not my problem. I seem to lose it all during the week and gain it back over the weekend. My only thought is I usually don't exercise or drink as much water of the weekend like I should. I do average about 5 miles a day walking the airport on Saturdays..but that doesn't count..lol

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Hi All,

Had my 30 day check up yesterday at Curves and I've lost 10 pounds and 8 inches! They wanted me to sign up for the year but I want to wait until we get back from the cruise instead of spending the $ now. Unfortunately that means I don't get to go there for the rest of the week and I also stopped taking the alli capsules today to get ready. One of the trainers told me she gained 12 lbs in a week when she went on a cruise! I thought about bringing my scales with me but hubby put his foot down :)



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