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Parents need to take control of there kids!!


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On the last 2 cruises me and my wife went on we had some really bad kids.

I have been approached at 11:00 at night and a kid maybe the age of 10 asked me to buy them some alcohol. Me and my wife were watching the ice carving one evening and there were about three kids running up and grabbing ice even after the cruise director told them nicely to stop, then the kids dad went up and got some ice to (well we see where they get it from). But I think the worse thing is when parents let there kids run up and down the hallway all day long.


All i can say is I know you cannot control your kids when your not around, but you can make them mind when you are!


Anyone else have comments please post!!

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There was a time when we had to schedule cruises when there were a lot of children on board - due to work schedules.

But now that we are retired, we do our best to pick cruises when there will be fewer children on board.

Unfortunately that doesn't always happen because some parents don't care if their children miss school and some are home-schooling their children.

Do agree that some of the children on board lately lack very little in the way of manners, etc.

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I just posted this on another thread, so I hope no one minds if I post it again here.


One major problem I have with the kids' programs on most lines is that children over a certain age (usually as young as 8 or 9) are able to sign themselves out of the program. While parents can refuse to provide such permission, it seems that most allow this, which results in the youngsters running unsupervised throughout the ship. We stopped using kids' programs for that reason, and our son (now almost 11) stays with us. Fortunately, he doesn't mind, and we like the "family vacation" aspect.


Although the cruise lines permit this practice, I still blame the parents. They ought to know where their kids are and take responsibility, whether they are with them or not. JMHO.

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I am anticipating the day when one of these "adventurous" crumb snatchers decides to show his friends how brave he is by climbing on the outside rail and toppling over. I`d hate to see it happen, but maybe parents then would keep their kids with them at all times......jean :cool:

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There's no getting around the fact that kids on cruises are here to stay because financially it's still one of the best deals going for a vacation.


Fortunately, for those of us who do not enjoy them in huge numbers, we have the option to cruise when they do not. Even though there will always be some, we cruise when it is so few that they do nothing but add a bit of enjoyment to the trip.


Beyond adjusting your own travel schedule, I don't think there are any other answers. HAL and other cruiselines are at the mercy of how the parents bring up their children. They cannot toss them overboard (unfortunately in some cases;) ) and they can't lay a hand on them. So what are they to do?


For us, it's early November, early December, and carefully selected other times.

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I dont think starting a thread on it is going to control the problem. I do think that better security- more visible on the decks, for example may help some.

The best thing to do is to cruise early in the fall once the kids are back at school rather than during the summer months.

This time of year there are always a spate of posts on too many kids on the ships. The other complaint is that it is too hot and humid in the Carribean. Really.

Good planning can put you on a sailing with few kids. Or try some of the adults only Celebrity cruises.

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HAL and other cruiselines are at the mercy of how the parents bring up their children. They cannot toss them overboard (unfortunately in some cases;) ) and they can't lay a hand on them. So what are they to do?

I believe if the kids' behavior is dangerous to other pax (running on deck and in the halls) and/or destructive, and this behavior does not stop after one warning, then the kids and their parents can be put off the ship at the next port.
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I believe if the kids' behavior is dangerous to other pax (running on deck and in the halls) and/or destructive, and this behavior does not stop after one warning, then the kids and their parents can be put off the ship at the next port.




I agree 100% - parents need to be held accountable for their children's actions!

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While we have always (after they turned 4) travelled with our two children (Now 16 and 21), I have to agree with ekerr19 and jhannah. The children are the parents responsibilty, and if after warning the parents in writing that there is an issue(s) that need to be addressed with their children's behavoiur, if they are not dealt with they should be left at the next port. (As should any "problem" passanger that refuses to co-operate). Traveling on a vacation is DIFFERENT than traveling alone with your spouse, and the appropriate changes to your lifestyle have to be made.


It is the parents that are the problem, and being dealt with by the cruise line, hotel or resort may be the only way to get the message accross. In our neck of the woods if junior causes property damage, the parents are legally responsible for restitution.


The problem is anyone can have kids whether they are qualified to or not! So let's not "ban" the kids - let's ban the bad parents!

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I believe if the kids' behavior is dangerous to other pax (running on deck and in the halls) and/or destructive, and this behavior does not stop after one warning, then the kids and their parents can be put off the ship at the next port.

I couldn't agree more, but you'll never see it happen. I'd bet my first born, but it's way too late for that;)

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I swear, I'm a drill sergeant parent.... and my husband is constantly telling me I can't be responsible for others kids. But, if I see a kid doing something that they shouldn't be, especially if it's dangerous, I'm going to ask them, with respect, to stop, just as I would hope if my son was doing something inappropriate an adult would ask him to stop. I've been known to ask a child to stop the behavior and then ask to speak to their parents. Works ! Although, I guess sometimes it could be viewed as confrontational, but I certainly want to enjoy my vacation, and want others to enjoy there's as well. If my son is doing something wrong to make someone else experience no fun... then my son should be held accountable, as should I as the parent :) It's all about mutual respect !!

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So ... this thread could've had another name "Parents need to take better control of themselves" , right?

You bet!!! Tatka, I would bet my bottom dollar that you would never see my kids or your son pulling such antics, because I sense that you, like I are a strict yet loving parent. After the behavior and attitudes I saw from the children and then their parents reactions ("my child is perfect" and "don't bother me, I am on vacation":eek: ), I realized where kids were getting the bad rap. Even my sons commented on their peers unruly behavior. I was so proud of my youngest who came home from the kids club while we were sailing on the Magic with a special Disney pin. He said he had gotten it, because he was the only child in the bunch who said "thank you" for the pizza they were dishing, and the Counselors were impressed.:cool: It's hard work being a parent, but sometimes it pays off.

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I have to say we traveled in July (our first ever this time of year) on the Zuiderdam. Although we usually try to cruise in the fall/winter months we were married in July and took out honeymoon after our wedding. I can't understand why some of the reasoning here is rather than to take responsibility for their children the answer is to travel when kids are in school. I should not be forced to make my travel plans around some miss behaved children and their irresponsible parents.


For example on the cruise, there was an adult only swim time from 3-5:00 in the aft pool. I looked forward to that quiet time, which never occured. HAL had it posted at the pool and also on the daily log......I assume that the parents can read and just chose to be more important than the other childless adults. Another happening that was very disturbing were the parents having their children in the pool with diapers on......how gross!!! At that point I stopped using the pool and instead used the stand up shower to cool off in. I won't even mention the running, screaming and other things that parents seem to think is acceptable. :(

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You bet!!! Tatka, I would bet my bottom dollar that you would never see my kids or your son pulling such antics, because I sense that you, like I are a strict yet loving parent. After the behavior and attitudes I saw from the children and then their parents reactions ("my child is perfect" and "don't bother me, I am on vacation":eek: ), I realized where kids were getting the bad rap. Even my sons commented on their peers unruly behavior. I was so proud of my youngest who came home from the kids club while we were sailing on the Magic with a special Disney pin. He said he had gotten it, because he was the only child in the bunch who said "thank you" for the pizza they were dishing, and the Counselors were impressed.:cool: It's hard work being a parent, but sometimes it pays off.


I am so glad your little one is such a nice kid. :D


My kid tends to get under influence of other kids sometimes (I was the same way btw)..but in most cases he is well behaved boy.


I am relatively young parent compare to the age of our kid (I am almost 33 Mike is almost 13, my DH just turned 32 ) and of course I am still learning how to handle different situations with him, but I noticed that for us it's much easier to talk before we go on vacation/cruise/museum/bbq/other people birthdays what we expect from him...Although now, that he is 12, for the most part he knows very well about what he can/can't do.


I am very grateful to my DH that he taught Mike how to respect our property and other people's things, (even though sometimes I disagreed with his methods)...so I don't see Mike writing anything on the elevator walls or "grabbing ice" (as OP described).


IMHO part of the problem with some people is that they want to have 2-3-4 kids (we all love babies ) but don't acknowledge the fact that they will be required to have enough time for each of them. :rolleyes:


Kids are not cats...You have to pay attention to their activities, study, behavior. It's not enough to just feed them. This was one of the deciding factors why we have only 1 son.

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I am anticipating the day when one of these "adventurous" crumb snatchers decides to show his friends how brave he is by climbing on the outside rail and toppling over. I`d hate to see it happen, but maybe parents then would keep their kids with them at all times......jean :cool:

If a child acted up on an airplane, especially with the parent sitting idly by doing nothing about it, I would imagine there would be police waiting at the terminal when they landed.


If a child created such a problem onboard an aircraft as to endanger the safety of the flight, I'm sure the parent would have hell to pay.


Same should hold true for cruise ships.


Sure children have the right to have a great time ... just as much right as their adult counterparts have. But, by the same token, there are rules to abide by ... rules put into place to ensure their safety and the safety and wellbeing of everyone else aboard the ship.


I say that when children are behaving in an unruly manner as to present a risk to themselves or other passengers ... the parents should get a couple of warnings ... no more. If they refuse to take control of their kids, then the entire family should be put off at the next port. No refunds. No exceptions.


Same goes for any adult passenger that can't follow the few common sense rules of travel safety aboard a cruise ship.


Blue skies ...



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I have to tell you about an instance that occurred on the Carnival Glory last summer. I have talked about this cruise before because there were over 900 kids on board and it totally ruined our vacation. This will point out how kids sometimes rule their parents. My wife and I were online for dinner and we were behind a young couple and two young kids. I saw the little boy pull the little girls hair at which time she responded by slapping him. The father leaned down and said something to the girl. She then slapped him in the face and began shouting at him in Italian. The father and the mother just stood there like that was normal behavior. Several folks who saw this couldn't believe it. If I had struck my father at that age, or any age, for that matter I would have been removed from the ship immediately by my father. I would have learned to swim at a very early age...all the way back to Cozumel. I know this isn't a popular slogan anymore but here goes..."spare the rod spoil the child". I certainly never struck my child with a "rod", but the punishment suited the "crime".

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The father leaned down and said something to the girl. She then slapped him in the face and began shouting at him in Italian. The father and the mother just stood there like that was normal behavior. Several folks who saw this couldn't believe it. If I had struck my father at that age, or any age, for that matter I would have been removed from the ship immediately by my father. I would have learned to swim at a very early age...all the way back to Cozumel. I know this isn't a popular slogan anymore but here goes..."spare the rod spoil the child". I certainly never struck my child with a "rod", but the punishment suited the "crime".

This was probably the family that practices alot of spanking...which they thought was not approptiate to do infront of other people. (Unfortunately girl knew that too ;) )

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This was probably the family that practices alot of spanking...which they thought was not approptiate to do infront of other people. (Unfortunately girl knew that too ;) )
I disagree. This is simply a sign of no discipline whatsoever!
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But, if I see a kid doing something that they shouldn't be, especially if it's dangerous, I'm going to ask them, with respect, to stop, just as I would hope if my son was doing something inappropriate an adult would ask him to stop


Well see the problem with that is that the parents see that as a threat to there kid and they sometimes have problems with it.

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Funny, it seems that the parents of brats must be illiterate- I have never seen a post from anyone saying, "I let my kid do whatever he wants because I feel like it". In short, everyone thinks their kid is perfect, it's everyone else who is the problem.

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Let me tell you


My Parents were Joan Crawford and Bing Crosby *LOL* They loved us and both worked to give my sisters and me a very advantaged life.


HOWEVER ..they did not take SH** from any of us. Okay we didn't get the wire hangers and electrical cords, but we were taught to tow the line or we would get a swat on the fanny. My parents told us ONCE and we had better listen.


TATKA , just like you I am a rather young parent (37) of a 17 year old daughter . I brought my daughter up the same way. Thank God she was a better child than I ever was *LOL* but she still had her moments.


mind you my ex and I were both 20 when we had her and we were divorced when she was 4. No matter what the status of her mothers and my relationship was throughout the years (it has ranged from wanting to re unite, to hating eachother, to putting up with eachother, to the current state of good friends) we were always united in raiseing our daughter.


Today she is a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart and soul. An honor student and one of the popular crowd in school. TOO DAMN POPULAR *LOL*


My greatest pleasure in life is when a teacher, other parent, or her employer compliments her to me.


What my ex and I did to make my daughter the person she is today was hard work, but not impossible.


Having a baby is not a cute thing to do, or the current fad , or what you do after you get married so your family stops asking "When are ya gonna have kids ?" its bringing a person into the world and shaping them into becoming someone special.


Trust me I was only 20 when my daughter was born, I was hardly Father Knows Best right off the bat. But over time and after finally getting my priorities straight I learned that raiseing a child into a good and decent person is the most important job in the world.

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Funny, it seems that the parents of brats must be illiterate- I have never seen a post from anyone saying, "I let my kid do whatever he wants because I feel like it". In short, everyone thinks their kid is perfect, it's everyone else who is the problem.

You obviously do not know me or my children!:eek: I know my children are not by a long shot perfect, but I have worked hard to teach my children manners and I am told by others that it shows.:cool:

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