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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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wow cool poor carol will be getting slammed by us SD cruisers LOL im going to call tomorrow since i didnt get to today . Im going to the guide dog school this weekend and will get a new health cert just in case ,,, i know they r good for 30 days at least .l

As for cat litter it was on my princess cruise ( star ) dont know why i was the unlucky canidate but i was LOL anyways i told ACESS CARE when i got back . hopefully it got straightened out .

Denver was not in ollies class... He is from Guide Dogs Of America. I have never herd of another guide named Denver... really cool to know. Dosent it make you wonder sometimes what your next dogs name will be ? how could it not be an ollie or a denver ? a newname will be hard one for me .

Cari and Denver :cool:

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ok everyone i got the scoop on disney cruise . I called Carol today and she gave me the number for the bahamas. Disney cruise states the dog must be accompanied by a health cert valid 90 days from the date of issue NOT TRUE FOR BAHAMAS CRUISE ! i spoke to the dept of ag in Bahamas and they said it is only good for 1 month from date of issue so for example... if i am crusing oct 29 and will be in bahamas oct 30 i must get a health cert no EARLIER than oct 2nd but the closer to travel the better . Im going on oct and i will get my cert this weekend bec im going to guide dog school and it will be issued free. As far as microchip it is to be stated on your health cert and in 09 it will be on import papers

Also no trip is to be made by you to the bahamas vet if your cruising UNLESS your staying past the 48 hour mark


list :

1 import permit ( they take a while to get so send in right away ) valid 1 year from date of issue for 1 trip into the bahamas per permit


1 health cert vaild only for 30 days from date of issue


proof of vaccines including rabies ( refer to your import permit )


ID for your dog if you have it will make it easier although not required by law, we must remember we dont have laws governing service dogs in Bahamas .


hope this helps

cari and Denver :cool:


p.s i would highly reccomend faxing copys of these docs to carol in special services at disney cruise line that way your assured you have everything

also i would make at least 2 copys of each item and KEEP the orignals with you at ALL times .

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ID for your dog if you have it will make it easier although not required by law, we must remember we dont have laws governing service dogs in Bahamas .




Thanks Cari for the official list. We have stayed in Canadian and U.S. ports because going to other locations seemed so intimidating - but this looks relatively managable.


Your comment above reminded me of this summer in Quebec City and Montreal. Quebec has provincal laws regarding seeing eye dogs, but not "service animals", so everywhere we were told we couldn't go in, but when we pulled out our card it was a "get out of jail free' card, so we just started pulling it out everywhere and didn't really have a problem later. Gotta love the ADA that makes the law so consistent in the U.S. There's no place like home.

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yes there is no place like home . There are so many people abusing the ADA though it is sad.... they did pass the re wording of the law a few days ago and it will go into effect in jan of 09 , i dont know what it is yet but have a friend working on it for me ... will post when i find out .

it really is sad laws dont protect us in Bahamas . The only reason why im going is bec it is disney , otherwise i have no desire to go to Bahamas .... maybe i will change my mind when i get there . Not having laws to protect forces me to leave my guide dog in the cabin which im NOT a fan of ..... it will be like leaving a child home alone for me ... then all the worrys LOL what if the ship catches on fire or sinks , what if i get in an accident LOL things i know wont happen but you cant help but worry .

Cari and Denver :cool:

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That is great news! Now we can all only hope that it is in a convenient place!


Yes, it is part of the new ACAA regulations going into effect in May.


The other part of the potty spot regulation is that if you ask an airline employee to be taken to it, they must take you to it!


If you (everybody here with an SD) haven't read through the new regulations already, you should familiarize yourself with them before May 1st.

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hi all

thanks for all the good info ... i think id better call bahamas direct tomorrow and also carol at disney special services . i know health certs are only ususally good for 30 days and are required 10 days or less from traqvel date.....GRRRRrrrrr just when i thought i had it together LOL ... theres nothing on my import papers reguarding a chip BUT theres a spot for it on the health cert which is filled in .


It is 10 days or less for entry into the US. It is 48 hours for entry into the Bahamas. The spot on the health certificate for microchip number is also required under the new Bahamas regulation (it says ALL requested paperwork must have the microchip number on it), but there is also a separate paper for the vet to sign and write the microchip number - this is not part of the health certificate, but attached to the import permit.


anyone been to the dolphin encounter program in nassau with their SD ? i think im going to leave denver in the crate in the cabin NOT my fave thing to do , but i dont want acess issue or hassle.


Go to the dolphin place at Atlantis. Atlantis has SD access, including to the dolphin place, and the dolphin place also has a swim program for disabled ppl. I haven't done a dolphin swim (but I did watch their dolphin show [with my SD by my side]), but a dolphin trainer/employee I met at the vet's told me all about it. (You can't take the SD into the water during the swim, of course.)

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yes there is no place like home . There are so many people abusing the ADA though it is sad.... they did pass the re wording of the law a few days ago and it will go into effect in jan of 09 , i dont know what it is yet but have a friend working on it for me ... will post when i find out .


Those laws are not the proposed ones they had commenting about in July/August. What recently passed was an act to undo all the damage that certain lawsuit outcomes have done at chipping away the ADA, such as who is and who isn't disabled (i.e. now a person is still disabled and covered for reasonable accommodations even if they use a medical device or medication to help themselves, which was the original intent but lawsuits killed that). The new definition of SD is not in this. That is still to come and won't be for a while, since the public commenting period only closed in August.


it really is sad laws dont protect us in Bahamas . The only reason why im going is bec it is disney , otherwise i have no desire to go to Bahamas .... maybe i will change my mind when i get there . Not having laws to protect forces me to leave my guide dog in the cabin which im NOT a fan of ..... it will be like leaving a child home alone for me ... then all the worrys LOL what if the ship catches on fire or sinks , what if i get in an accident LOL things i know wont happen but you cant help but worry .

Cari and Denver :cool:


Just because there isn't an access law doesn't mean you don't get access! You're especially good for access since you have a guide dog (the most well-known type of service animal, even in the Bahamas - they watch TV and movies like we do, plus many Bahamians who went to college went in the US). I have a service dog (mobility and other issues) and have never been refused access in the Bahamas (Nassau and Paradise Island), including in restaurants. (And Atlantis has access rules, like I mentioned before, but even in places outside Atlantis you shouldn't have a real problem.)


You have to be ready to educate them about what a guide dog is, tell them how your dog goes everywhere with you in the U.S., tell them how your dog will behave (i.e. sleep under the table at a restaurant and nobody will know he's even there), etc. if they don't know about guide dogs or are unsure if they want your dog there. I do not think you will have a problem with access, so don't leave your guide behind! :)


Oh - and I highly doubt your ship will catch on fire or sink, LOL! ;)

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Yes, it is part of the new ACAA regulations going into effect in May.


The other part of the potty spot regulation is that if you ask an airline employee to be taken to it, they must take you to it!


If you (everybody here with an SD) haven't read through the new regulations already, you should familiarize yourself with them before May 1st.



Do you have a citation for the new regulation? My lawyer husband wants to know.

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When we were in Nassau, we really didn't plan on getting off the ship since there was no "at sea" day with 2 stops at Castaway Cay. We decided to get off and went to some of the stores and had no problem with access. We had questions about the dog in general.

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It is 10 days or less for entry into the US. It is 48 hours for entry into the Bahamas. The spot on the health certificate for microchip number is also required under the new Bahamas regulation (it says ALL requested paperwork must have the microchip number on it), but there is also a separate paper for the vet to sign and write the microchip number - this is not part of the health certificate, but attached to the import permit.

ok so im really confused ... i was told by the bahamas i didnt need to get one 10 days prior only 1 month and DISNEY told me it was good for 90 days from date of issue .... when did you send in for your import permit? mine is 2 pages and has NOWHERE for microchip info or a doc to sign ... they just tole me carry the import permit and a health cert from my vet thats good for 30 days and as long as that 30 day mark is within my travel im good ....HELP !


p.s thanks for the vote of confidence that the boat wont sink or catch fire LOL


also i did call Dolphin encounter ( i booked independently for sea lion since disney dosent offer it ) they said no and i told them i was blind la la la still no ... now at home im the first to fight but what will i do when i bring him anyways and theres no place to tie him ? grrrr i guess it is just easier to leave him on ship when i do that then go back and get him for the rest.

cari and Denver :cool:

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August 9th our service dog passed away(the yellow one in my avatar). It has been devastating!! My fiance went this week for an interview for a new dog, and figured we would wait til the spring to get a new one. Well they already have a new one for him. The problem is we booked this cruise in January thinking we wouldn't have a dog to worry about (my black lab can stay with my son). The new dog will be ready before Thanksgiving. We never took the other dog on a cruise before, and we don't know what to do!!! We would hate to leave him with someone so soon after getting him, and its a 10 day cruise so it would be even longer to leave him. We would love some opinions on this, please help!! I will try to figure out how to post pic of him for all you dog lovers! Thanks

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I am so sorry for you and your fiance's loss. :(My boy in my avatar is not a service dog. He will be 13 in December and we are holding our breath. We love our furbabies like family. These guys on here can help you feel comfortable in whatever you decide about the new dog. I saw, "Jump in with all four paws" and take them. It doesn't seem like a hassle at all, after the paperwork is in order.


Good luck and keep us posted with updates and PHOTOS, we love photos.



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Joe is really handsome and I hear him saying, take me, take me I'll be good!!!! Ha! I was just watching TV and our Austin Travis County Jail inmates are training guide dogs AND they say the inmates who work with the dogs don't do crimes when they get out! Hurray! Nancie:cool:

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I am so sorry for you and your fiance's loss. :(My boy in my avatar is not a service dog. He will be 13 in December and we are holding our breath. We love our furbabies like family. These guys on here can help you feel comfortable in whatever you decide about the new dog. I saw, "Jump in with all four paws" and take them. It doesn't seem like a hassle at all, after the paperwork is in order.


Good luck and keep us posted with updates and PHOTOS, we love photos.



Thanks Nancy, It's been hard. I hate it when they get old!! My black in my avatar is 11yrs so shes up there in age too. Good luck with yours, he is beautiful!




Nancie, Joe was actually raised in a prison in Rhode Island. We cruise once a year so we are thinking maybe it would be a good time to break him in. I just wish we had taken our last one on a cruise so we would know alittle more about it. I'm just not sure how going to the ports will be. But we love all the advice, Thanks

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rangeley: I am so sorry about the loss of your beloved service dog. He/she was very handsome! How old was he/she?

Congratulations on getting your new SD.....There is no time like the present to introduce your dogs to cruising. It's wonderful! Unless you're a parasailer, horseback rider, underwater diver or you do the "zip lines", there's no reason your dog can not enjoy your adventures on land.

If you've read these boards you know that our dogs are included in most that we do onboard a cruise and when we're on land.

You could leave him in your cabin (Service Dogs) are used to being left alone. (Although, we've NEVER left Brenda). If she can't do what we're doing, we don't do it!!!! She's truly part of my life....I can't imagine doing anything without her, now!!!!

You are truly lucky to not have to wait too long to get a "successor dog", some people have to wait a long time!

Contact Guest Services of the cruise that you're taking or ask your TA and you will be given all the necessary paperwork to fax back to them. It's simple; what is required by you is all layed out....once you've completed the forms; the Vet visit, etc., etc. You will enjoy everyday, just like you're at home with your trusted companion by your side!!!

Take the dogs (are they both SD's?)......they'll love it....you'll love it! And, they'll have each other in the cabin, if you choose a land excursion that is not so "dog friendly!"

What ever you choose to do....have a wonderful time and remember that you have a new Angel looking down on you! ;)

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rangeley: you can e mail me direct and i can call you and tell you all about cruising with a service dog if youd like.... i have a few helpful tips including some sort of sign for people not to pet your new dog. it is hard for some people to use these signs and i have always been against them i think they are kinda rude ,,,, but after my first cruise i will never be without one again ,. what winds up happening if you tell people youtr dogs name or you let them pet him is that they start calling him when your trying to get from A to B and when you get a new dog you know how important the bond is and if you let people pet then it can hinder this process.... i train and place service dogs for mobility imparements as well as have my own guide dog . I am suprised at how fast you got your sucessor and i say GO FOR IT !!!! and as far as the cruise go for that too !!! it is easy and youll love having your dog with you .One thing beware of LOL is pictures they took SOOOOoooo many good pics of my dog and I that i went home with 300 dollars in pics LOL LOL LOL youll love it ... e mail me soon we will chat ok ?


Cari and Guide Dog Denver


p.s. is the new dog a guide dog ? or other service?

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Thanks all for your kind words. We decided yesterday to take Joe. We were undecided if we wanted a dog so soon, since we are still not over our beloved Rangeley. I'm having a hard time at the thought of replacing him, he was my baby. I know that I will love Joe just as much and know that John needs a dog for help and companionship. He's a sped teacher and the kids at the school were heartbroken. They will be thrilled with Joe. We never left Rangeley alone so I don't think Joe will be left alone either. I really need to know how to do all this prep for Joe to go with us. We are going to St Thomas, Dominica, St Maarten, Grenada, Martinique and Half Moon Cay (HALS private island). I know St Thomas will be no problem, but I'm not sure about the others. Now I heard the Bahamas wants microchips but I'm not sure if that includes their private island. And I don't know if Joe has a chip or not. I have read the list that Roz posted for things we need. But thats not for each island. Do we call or write to these places? How far in advance do we have to do these things? I read some things are to be done at a certain time period before the trip (exam, rabies). Any help will be appreciated.


Roz: I had read where you said the box on HAL was 4x3, of course they have told us it's 4x6 with whatever material we would like in it. Joe is not going to be ready for us til Nov 10th or so when John has to go train with him. We were hoping that we can make part of his training to go in the box. Because John already had a dog, they put him at the top of the line for a new one. We certainly weren't planning on getting one this soon. We figured maybe the spring. But the way they are talking about Joe, we couldn't pass him up. He sounds very special. We have already sent our medical form back and did not state that we were taking a dog. I guess I can call them and tell them. My black, Bailee is not a service dog. But she learned so many things from Rangeley. When we would tell him to fetch, she would jump up and run around the room. She would go over to him as if to say, "comeon fetch, we will get a cookie". She also responds to alot of his commands too. Those labs are sooooo smart. In his later years we would be in the kitchen doing dishes and he would fetch anything around the house without being told , even jump on the couch to get the remote or my socks and shoes, just so he could get that cookie!! What would they do without those cookies?


Denversees: Thanks for offering your help, I really appreciate it. Your dog is beautiful. We are used to people coming up to us all the time. John has always let people pat the dog. I just HATE those rude people who don't ask!!! Or they let their kid run up to the dog. How ignorant. Answer to your question, he's a service dog, John is a quadrapelgic. I assume that you are blind, but I am amazed that you train service dogs. I will email you and you can tell me all about it.


Omg I see I have babbled on here , so I will not bore anyone annymore.


Thanks, Cindy

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Cindy: You could never bore us.....we love stories of Service Dogs and the furbabies who keep them company, at home! :)

If you booked through a Travel Agent, they will assess you of all that is needed for Joe to go with you; they will contact the cruiseline and get the douments and the timing for you for debarkation and for entering the various Ports. If you booked on your own....You may call: HAL's Access & Compliance line at 1-800-577-1731.

Each cruiseline does it a bit different. Each one has their own special form to fill out; sign and fax or mail back.

Your visit to your Vet, for the Agricultural Inspection Form and for updates on all vaccinations should be within 30 days of your cruising.

Brenda does NOT have a Chip but does have a Tattoo, in one ear [from CCI], I don't know if that's why we've always been able to enter the Ports and foreign countries ,without any further requests or not but we have! I think the Chips are a great idea and will probably do it on our next Vet visit. :rolleyes:

I carry the Certification Card that CCI gives us upon graduation [at all times], I show it; her Vet record; city License, ect., all to the Immigration authorities upon re-entrance to the ship and upon disembarkation and we're done!

If we don't plan on leaving the ship at the Ports, all the ship will need is your documentation (make them a complete set of what you have, you can give it to them to keep or you may pick it up at the end of your cruise).....they need all the paperwork for the Immigration Officers. The ship will not get "clearance" for the other guests to enter their country, until your dog has been cleared! The same goes for re-entering the USA.

ALWAYS have Joe's papers ready to show while on land or when re-entering the USA.....it makes life so much simpler! I have a special zippered pouch that I carry in my purse, just for Brenda. I keep copies of everything in a suitcase; at the Purser's Desk; and, in the zippered pouch.

HAL's Potty Box is smaller than the other cruiselines. They ALWAYS provided "turf" [a strip of real grass]...they placed it on our veranda. If you have an "inside" cabin, they will place it on a deck [usually, in the forward part of the ship, outside their Theatre.] It makes for a bit more planning when going potty but was never too difficult to work around! ;)

You know your dogs routine......it's really very simple to keep your schedule while crusing, as well!

It was so easy to teach Brenda to use a 4x4 box. I put her leash on...I knew it was time for her to go potty.....I used her "command', while I circled her over and over again until she relieved herself. I gave her a "treat." I repeated it [at her next potty time], again and again until I could remove her leash and on command she did it.

Brenda likes to "bury" her droppings by "back kicking"...it took some time for her to realize that she couldn't do it in the box. It was funny to watch but I NEVER let her see me laugh!!!! :o


Also, if you and Cari would share your wonderful suggestions and information with ALL of us, that would be great! We can NEVER know too much, when it comes to traveling with a Service Dog!


Bailee sounds like a wonderful girl and I'm sure that she misses Rangeley as much as you do. Dogs just know how to "move-on" so much better than we do! I know that Joe will bring you much joy and comfort as you remember your lives with Rangeley and what he gave you both! He can NEVER replace him!!!! He'll be very special in his own way!!!!

Please let us know how all your plans are going and if there's something new we should all know about.

Brenda always gets a lot of attention and I've had people call her and try to divert her away from her work....[some people can be so ignorant to the focus that these dogs must keep]..but, the vast majority just want to touch and love our dogs because they're missing their own babies! And, quite frankly, the "working dog" is an enigma that the "public" still is in the dark about and they're so, so curious!!!!!!

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Please speak with your Travel Agent [he/she will contact your cruiseline and get the exact information you will need.]

What we have needed for most of our journeys (Caribbean, Mexico, Hawaii, South America and Europe (Europe=Tick & Tapeworm treatment done 48 hours before travel, blood draw for rabies serology, they asked that she be chipped but accepted her Tattoo as I.D.) and for other countries:

1. Immunization Record (this will have all current vaccinations i.e. Rabies (Rabies Titer, this is required for Europe and Hawaii) and all others.

2. Some Countries/Islands require that testing is done 10 days prior, some 30 days and some 48 hours. Your TA will find this out for you. Or, your Vet will know.

3. The Vet will stipulate on the form that Heartquard and Advantix (or similar tick/flea deterrent were given or are used regularly).

4. Most recent Vet check and dogs condition. Date and Signature (with address/phone/license number of Vet.)

5. Vets statement that this, in fact, is a Service Dog. He doesn't have to distinquish what the dog does. [i like my Vet to make this statement on the Vet Check form....It certainly has helped me in a few instances.]

It seems like a lot but it's stuff that we normally do for our SD's anyway. The foreign countries, as well as our own, just want to make sure that your dog is in prime health and is well cared for! As well they should. Afterall, you are bringing it onboard a floating hotel and entering another country with an animal. Most foreign countries do not acknowledge the ADA....so be on your best behavior, make sure your dog stay calm and use your good sense.

Hawaii has NEVER had a case of Rabies documentented....and, they don't want anyone bringing it onto their Islands. I don't blame them!

Everyone should take such good care of their animals as we do our Service Dogs! :)

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Do you have a citation for the new regulation? My lawyer husband wants to know.


Here is the document: http://airconsumer.ost.dot.gov/rules/ACAA%20Final%20Rule%20-%20Fed%20Register.pdf The rules go into effect May 13, 2009.


(Hint: for rules regarding SDs, search for the term "service animal", since the document is so big! For any other needs you have, search for those using an appropriate term, as well.)

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ok so im really confused ... i was told by the bahamas i didnt need to get one 10 days prior only 1 month and DISNEY told me it was good for 90 days from date of issue


Check your import permit - it will say 48 hours (and has said that for at least a couple of years). Maybe cruises have different rules, I don't know. You should call the Bahamas and clarify this.


Disney has rules for their ships; those rules are not the same as countries' import laws. So, if you wanted to stay on the ship and never take your dog off, Disney would accept a 90-day-old health certificate. But, if you wish to take your dog off, you'll need a more recent one in order to conform to the countries' laws.


.... when did you send in for your import permit? mine is 2 pages and has NOWHERE for microchip info or a doc to sign ... they just tole me carry the import permit and a health cert from my vet thats good for 30 days and as long as that 30 day mark is within my travel im good ....HELP !


You are travelling in 2008, correct? So you won't need the microchip paper - somebody said that is only going into effect starting Jan. 1, 2009. I got my current import permit in September for travel in early 2009. (BTW, I recommend you also take a copy of your SD's rabies certificate if the rabies vaccine is a three-year - sometimes the vet forgets to write down or it isn't clear that the rabies vaccine is a three-year, so if it has been over a year since the vaccine, they'll need to confirm it is a three-year vaccine. That happened to me a couple years ago, which is why I mention it. :) Thankfully, I did happen to have the certificate with me, so I didn't have to call anybody to get a copy faxed over.)


p.s thanks for the vote of confidence that the boat wont sink or catch fire LOL


Any time! :D


also i did call Dolphin encounter ( i booked independently for sea lion since disney dosent offer it ) they said no and i told them i was blind la la la still no ... now at home im the first to fight but what will i do when i bring him anyways and theres no place to tie him ? grrrr i guess it is just easier to leave him on ship when i do that then go back and get him for the rest.

cari and Denver :cool:


Check out Atlantis' Dolphin Cay. http://www.dolphincayatlantis.com/ Atlantis follows the ADA as far as SDs are concerned and I have sat on the beach at Dolphin Cay with my SD to watch the dolphin show (the beach leads into the water the dolphins are in - it is a natural-type setting, not a free-standing tank pool like a SeaWorld). They also have an accessible swim program.


If you are travelling alone so have nobody to watch him when you do the dolphin swim, that might be a little more difficult. Do you have a pop-up crate or dog tent you could put him in on the beach (right in front of where you will be swimming with the dolphins)? You could tie him to a lounge chair they have there, I guess, but I'd be worried about ppl bothering him. I guess you could ask them when you call/write.


These dolphins are the ones rescued from Hurricane Katrina, by the way. And they had some baby dolphins earlier this year (perhaps more since then, I don't know). :) Oh - and there is something on their site about "Sea Lions Behind-the-Scenes", too.

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