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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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So much easier on the wardrobe!


No kidding!!!! Anyone who works with or has a Yellow Lab or light colored dog who sheds will know exactly what I'm talking about.


You could tell exactly who was working with a Yellow Lab and who was not. The folks wearing dark colored clothing, the bed spreads and dust balls in the corners in my dorm room, the mat laying in front of the door entering Gittinger Hall had this insidius yellow straw-looking hair everywhere. My girlfriend, at work, has two fawn colored Pugs and everyday she has hair all over her clothing.......I'm sure I do too, but you don't see it as easily!!!!!!!


My carpeting throughout my home has dark patterns and my bedspread [where Horton and Brenda are laying, as I write this] is dark.....I'm always wearing black slacks.......Yikes, how lucky did I get to receive another Black Lab.....

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I have all his paperwork in the car. I left it there so I wouldn't forget to call the Vet, make a grooming appointment for Brenda, a nail clipping appointment for Horton, call the city for his dog license, email the trainer as to how her homecoming went, etc., etc., etc.


I was hoping to not look at or get into my car again until I go to work on Wednesday.......My car was starting to resemble an 18 wheeler. I was feeling like a truck driver after my trip to Oregon and then to Santa Rosa.......I don't know how the truckers do it?


I think Horton looks a lot like Wexy, I just wish we lived closer so they could interact with each other.


I've been doing this alot, I hope Horton doesn't take it seriously. I consistently call him, her or I call him Brenny.


I can't wait to get back into the Mall and go shopping again [without worrying about my dog getting tired!]


"Look out life, here comes Roz and Horty!!!!!!"

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz, I'm so glad things are going well. I'm just thrilled for you. Brenny will probably take a week or two to finally warm up to Horty. Hopefully they will be like Wex and Bailee and be best buds before you know it.


He is perfect........exactly what I wished for. I thought I wanted a Yellow Lab, I'm so glad he's Black!


John felt the same way, now he loves his black beauty!!



Our dogsitting went well. Ponty is a very good boy and he really warmed up to me after the first day. He did have some potty problems, but we figured it was just nerves or a new food he was on. He fell right into the routine and learned very quickly where the cookie jar was.

Edited by rangeley
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I am so happy for you Roz, what a fantastic story. See you was all worried and look at what you have now. A wonder addition to your family. How is Brenda taking sleeping on the couch vs the bed? Any issues with that? Could be a possible problem if she used to sleep there and now the new pup on the block is there. Its also a blessing they are different sex's this will cut down on any same sex alpha crap.


I actually got a little teary eyed as I read your update, I am so happy for you. In fact so happy I said it twice.... lol What about pictures? If you have any issues posting pictures just email them to me and I will throw them on my server like last time so others can see them.


Pictures, pictures, pictures.....

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No kidding!!!! Anyone who works with or has a Yellow Lab or light colored dog who sheds will know exactly what I'm talking about.


Light colored dog, what you talking about no problems at all..... lol All that white hair is his reminder of how much he luvs Daddy.....



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I am so happy for you Roz, what a fantastic story. See you was all worried and look at what you have now. A wonder addition to your family. How is Brenda taking sleeping on the couch vs the bed? Any issues with that? Could be a possible problem if she used to sleep there and now the new pup on the block is there. Its also a blessing they are different sex's this will cut down on any same sex alpha crap.


I actually got a little teary eyed as I read your update, I am so happy for you. In fact so happy I said it twice.... lol What about pictures? If you have any issues posting pictures just email them to me and I will throw them on my server like last time so others can see them.


Pictures, pictures, pictures.....


Thank you. I may wind-up sending the pictures to you. When I get to work on Wednesday there will some serious catching-up to do. So, I'll be very busy with work for the better part of the day and then I'll start playing "pictures!" I took some really great shots of Horton at the hotel on the way home and, of course, I've been clicking away ever since.


Horton and Brenda were sleeping on our bed together last night then Brenda went out to her couch and Horton just stayed in bed. He has not gone up on the couch yet! I think he's keeping his distance, recognizing that it belongs to her.


They're going to have to share the back seat of the car tomorrow as I've got banking and shopping to do. It's a big Expedition, I'm hoping they respect each other's space.


They both have an appointment on Thursday to visit the groomer. Horton needs to get his nails done [CCI wants his nails trimmed once a week] and Brenda needs some beauty treatment. CCI wants me to email them about how her work is going and how he's settling in. They also want me to make an appointment with my Vet ASAP. CCI has amazing follow-up with their dogs.


Horton drinks so much water, I'm going to have to remove it at a certain time because he has to potty like a race horse or more frequently. He had one accident [so did Brenda when she first came home], I hope it's his last. I totally understand and will give him some slack for the "comfort zone" thing.


He's very "grabby" and wants to take things out of Brenny's mouth.......she starts to growel [i'm nipping it as soon as it happens] but I can see he's going to test her. Hopefully, it will pass as soon as we get on a good schedule where he's going to work and she's got Morey and the house all to herself. I think they'll work it out.

This is so tiring......but, soon will be so worth it! :)

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I think it's great that Horton is "respecting" Brenda's space and things. So sweet. Can't wait to see the pictures!


Thank you. He knows the right thing to do but doesn't always do it.

This is very new and I know it must be very scary for him.......until he's really comfortable, I'll allow mistakes. He's such a lovely boy, I can see he's trying to do the right thing. He's so sweet!

Sometimes Brenda gives me a look, like, "how much longer is he going to be here?" I'm loving her a little more than usual these days!

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Congrats Roz!!

Sounds like the perfect match. I love the name.


Thank you. He's such a goof-ball......so lanky and big. He cocks his head and looks at me with the most confused look.....I feel sorry for all the new things and habits that he has to learn. He's doing good for all he's been through.


Brenda does not "cock" her head at all. It's fun to have a dog that does that. He's got these long, long legs and does the "play-bow" all the time......it's so cute!!!!!

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Roz, I'm so glad things are going well. I'm just thrilled for you. Brenny will probably take a week or two to finally warm up to Horty. Hopefully they will be like Wex and Bailee and be best buds before you know it.


He is perfect........exactly what I wished for. I thought I wanted a Yellow Lab, I'm so glad he's Black!


John felt the same way, now he loves his black beauty!!



Our dogsitting went well. Ponty is a very good boy and he really warmed up to me after the first day. He did have some potty problems, but we figured it was just nerves or a new food he was on. He fell right into the routine and learned very quickly where the cookie jar was.


It looks like I copied your "ticker"......I just noticed that. Great minds think alike.


Cindy, he's such a character [all legs!] He bows all the time......it's so cute. He waits until he sees Brenny and then bows for her.


I can't imagine what goes through the minds of these dogs who are shifted around from place to place and are expected to get comfortable and act appropriately all the time.


He had his first accident and peed on the carpet tonight. I caught him and said "uh oh", he knew exactly what I meant and went to the door. I took him out he peed like he hadn't gon all day [he had just peed 2 hours before], he drinks like a cow and goes potty like a "race horse." I really have to take away the water after a certain hour or we'll be doing the potty dance all night. Oh! Lord! This is very challenging....but, I'm up for it! I wanted it and here it is...


I'm so glad Ponty worked-out well. Wexy seems to take to the doggie visitors really well! What a good boy!


Horton's going to wear his Tuxedo this Sunday, we have a cocktail party this Sunday and then a wedding the following week. Brenda and Horty will look so cute. I can't wait until everyone sees him in his Tux.

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They also want me to make an appointment with my Vet ASAP. CCI has amazing follow-up with their dogs.


Horton drinks so much water, I'm going to have to remove it at a certain time because he has to potty like a race horse or more frequently. He had one accident [so did Brenda when she first came home], I hope it's his last. I totally understand and will give him some slack for the "comfort zone" thing.


I took him out he peed like he hadn't gon all day [he had just peed 2 hours before], he drinks like a cow and goes potty like a "race horse." I really have to take away the water after a certain hour or we'll be doing the potty dance all night. Oh! Lord! This is very challenging....but, I'm up for it! I wanted it and here it is...


I'm sure you will Roz, but if the drinking/pottying thing continues please mention it to the vet. It's probably just the excitement of a new home but excessive drinking and peeing can be a sign of diabetes.

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It looks like I copied your "ticker"......I just noticed that. Great minds think alike.


Cindy, he's such a character [all legs!] He bows all the time......it's so cute. He waits until he sees Brenny and then bows for her.


I can't imagine what goes through the minds of these dogs who are shifted around from place to place and are expected to get comfortable and act appropriately all the time.


He had his first accident and peed on the carpet tonight. I caught him and said "uh oh", he knew exactly what I meant and went to the door. I took him out he peed like he hadn't gon all day [he had just peed 2 hours before], he drinks like a cow and goes potty like a "race horse." I really have to take away the water after a certain hour or we'll be doing the potty dance all night. Oh! Lord! This is very challenging....but, I'm up for it! I wanted it and here it is...


I'm so glad Ponty worked-out well. Wexy seems to take to the doggie visitors really well! What a good boy!


Horton's going to wear his Tuxedo this Sunday, we have a cocktail party this Sunday and then a wedding the following week. Brenda and Horty will look so cute. I can't wait until everyone sees him in his Tux.



Roz, I did notice you had the same ticker, I thought that it was cute. Everything you describe is just like Wex. Of course the tall and leggy part. But the potty part too. When we got home, Wex would be on his bed and we would notice a wet spot. He was actually dribbling pee. John had to take him out every 2 hours to pee. He also was a water freak and what we called a "speed drinker". I never saw a dog drink so fast. We also had to pick up his water bowl. We told the vet all about it and she said it was just nerves and it would stop after a week or two, and it did. John actually taught Wex to bow, and now you just have to ask him and he does it. I can't wait to see Horton with his tux on!!!! Please take lots of pics. We are all anxiously waiting some pics!!!!!!! Let me know if you find out who his parents are. Wouldn't that be a hoot if they too were related.


On another note, our cruise is coming fast and it seems I haven't done anything but make alot of lists! :eek: The Solstice has been in Europe with alot of norovirus problems. When it got back to Florida this weekend, they delayed boarding so they could do a thorough sanitizing. I will wait to hear how it is going. Hopefully it will be taken care of. We are all very excited to be going on a new ship for a new adventure. I am going home to CT today and will be back tomorrow.



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Horton does sound like a Hoot..... lol Yeah that uncomfortable time when you invite a new canine into the house when there is a canine already there can be a stressful time for sure. It appears your putting the brakes on it as soon as it raises its ugly head, Good for you Roz. Blitz had it tough here even with my training skills because part of his training had to come from the other pups. There is a pecking order and no matter how much we love our lil helpers under all that hair is still a dog and they still have estabished rules. You might be the alpha yet there is still a pecking order between themselves.


The water bowl thing will soon stop its a I'm going to drink it all so you cant have any water situation. Blitz used to do it also, every 5 minutes and lasted a few months its now loads better, The only problem I still have with Blitz is the hole he has in his mouth that lets half of the water he is trying to rink end up on the floor. It drives me crazy...... especially when he walks up after a drink and his bottom jaw still has water dripping. But looking at the big picture of the so many things that could be going wrong; I think its a great trade off...... Yeah a little water is OK for me.


I cant wait to see the pictures Roz...

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They also want me to make an appointment with my Vet ASAP. CCI has amazing follow-up with their dogs.


Horton drinks so much water, I'm going to have to remove it at a certain time because he has to potty like a race horse or more frequently. He had one accident [so did Brenda when she first came home], I hope it's his last. I totally understand and will give him some slack for the "comfort zone" thing.


I took him out he peed like he hadn't gon all day [he had just peed 2 hours before], he drinks like a cow and goes potty like a "race horse." I really have to take away the water after a certain hour or we'll be doing the potty dance all night. Oh! Lord! This is very challenging....but, I'm up for it! I wanted it and here it is...


I'm sure you will Roz, but if the drinking/pottying thing continues please mention it to the vet. It's probably just the excitement of a new home but excessive drinking and peeing can be a sign of diabetes.


I thought the same thing and it did worry me.....so, I called my Vet's office.


Since Horton had had blood testing prior to leaving CCI, my Vet was going to call them and get all the results and called me later today to let me know his opinion. He said that heavy drinking and uriniating in a strange environment, especially one with another dog in it, is very common. After checking with CCI and speaking with their Vet he reassured me that Horton is clear of diabetes and is in good health, he wants to see him next week for a thorough check.


Thank you for your concern. I'm very relieved and as of this evening he's much more relaxed and has already cut way back on his drinking & peeing. I can see that he's much more relaxed and is becoming more comfortable.


Brenda and he went on a car ride together today and are accepting each other really well.

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Roz, I did notice you had the same ticker, I thought that it was cute. Everything you describe is just like Wex. Of course the tall and leggy part. But the potty part too. When we got home, Wex would be on his bed and we would notice a wet spot. He was actually dribbling pee. John had to take him out every 2 hours to pee. He also was a water freak and what we called a "speed drinker". I never saw a dog drink so fast. We also had to pick up his water bowl. We told the vet all about it and she said it was just nerves and it would stop after a week or two, and it did. John actually taught Wex to bow, and now you just have to ask him and he does it. I can't wait to see Horton with his tux on!!!! Please take lots of pics. We are all anxiously waiting some pics!!!!!!! Let me know if you find out who his parents are. Wouldn't that be a hoot if they too were related.


On another note, our cruise is coming fast and it seems I haven't done anything but make alot of lists! :eek: The Solstice has been in Europe with alot of norovirus problems. When it got back to Florida this weekend, they delayed boarding so they could do a thorough sanitizing. I will wait to hear how it is going. Hopefully it will be taken care of. We are all very excited to be going on a new ship for a new adventure. I am going home to CT today and will be back tomorrow.




I can always count on you to be the calming force and help me to feel better....my Vet also said that he felt it was just "nerves!" He spoke with the Vet at CCI and was told that Horton is in good health and had no displays of any of the symptoms he displayed his first few days in our home and in a brand new environment......I'm so glad to hear that Wexy did the same. He's already more calm today, drinking less and not acting so silly and high strung!


Before we went to Brazil the ship we were boarding also had a Noro outbreak.......our cruise was totally uneventful and super clean. I wish we could board it with you!

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Horton does sound like a Hoot..... lol Yeah that uncomfortable time when you invite a new canine into the house when there is a canine already there can be a stressful time for sure. It appears your putting the brakes on it as soon as it raises its ugly head, Good for you Roz. Blitz had it tough here even with my training skills because part of his training had to come from the other pups. There is a pecking order and no matter how much we love our lil helpers under all that hair is still a dog and they still have estabished rules. You might be the alpha yet there is still a pecking order between themselves.


The water bowl thing will soon stop its a I'm going to drink it all so you cant have any water situation. Blitz used to do it also, every 5 minutes and lasted a few months its now loads better, The only problem I still have with Blitz is the hole he has in his mouth that lets half of the water he is trying to rink end up on the floor. It drives me crazy...... especially when he walks up after a drink and his bottom jaw still has water dripping. But looking at the big picture of the so many things that could be going wrong; I think its a great trade off...... Yeah a little water is OK for me.


I cant wait to see the pictures Roz...


OMG! He's such a slobbering, watery mess and then he has to come over and lay his head on my lap.....what's up with that? I really don't care and get such a kick out of that hole in his jaw, where all the water makes it onto everything in his path! :p

I return to work tomorrow and after I clear my desk and make all my deposits I will definitely work on the picture thing.....I've taken so many and they're so cute. I promise to share them and get them on this thread.

The pressure, the pressure!!!! :(

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Hi Roz and Sunshine....just popping in to say hello

Roz....Horton sounds so wonderful! I am so happy for you...how is Brenda doing staying at home?


Hi Lois, how nice to hear from you.


Horton is exactly what I had asked for.


Brenda has aged so much in these past few months. It's so amazing how quickly they change. She's so much slower and sleeps a lot. She's just as dear and wonderful as she always was and even shows a puppy side when Horton bows at her. She'll get excited and do a cute dance and hop around him, push him with her nose and then lay down!!!!! He seems to understand that she's more fragile than him [he's way taller than her] and although he "swats" at her, he also backs-off quickly, recognizing she's had enough and I love that about him!

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Hey Roz I understand Horton is new and all but Blitz is the only Official head tilting pup authorized here..... :D


Blitz looks so cute when he does this. I love it on all dogs. Now I have one that also does it. Brenda never did it. She can wiggle her butt like no dog I've ever known! :D

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CCI calls the excessive water drinking "tanking". They say it happens when a dog doesn't know whether there will be more water around. As soon as Horton realizes that there will always be enough water, it should stop. And yes...Orson has the same hole in his lower jaw. It's so nice that after he has a drink he likes to share the excess.

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Roz, It's amazing how these dogs sense things. When Wex and Bailee used to run around, Wex would have the toy and she would chase him. He would actually stop and wait for her to catch up. He knew she was old and couldn't run that good so he would wait. It was the sweetest thing. He also knew when to back off. I don't know how anyone can think animals are dumb. Wex plays us everyday, and when we finally realize what he's doing, we wonder who is the smarter one. :confused:


Bailee was a head cocker but not Wex. But when he gets excited, his backend goes like crazy. John calls him "Mr. Wigglesworth".

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