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It's so hard to see the black dogs.


Wouldn't that be amazing if this woman could actually be Aruba's forever partner!


Brenda worked until she was 10. CCI used to ask us to prepare for our dogs to retire by the time they're between 7 and 10. Then they realized that some dogs are still healthy and doing well enough to continue to work and they left it up to the handler and the trainer to make the decision.


Also, isn't it amazing how the moderators are controlling the thread so well!!!! ;)


Rangeley worked until he passed at 12. John says wexler will tell him when he wants to retire. As they age they get very stubborn.

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Quam, do you do your dog's nails? I can't do it. When I've gone to CCI for Re-Certification the first thing the trainer does is take Horton into the grooming room, she sits on the floor and grabs a grinder. Without hesitation she starts trimming his nails, as he lays on the floor. I know she's had tons of practice but she makes it look so easy!


Also, some of the folks on the board who are calling Horton a pet are so annoying. Thank you for speaking-up for me and Horty.:):)


I have a grinder, but rarely remember to do her nails! :p I bought a new grinder (the quiet one from In the Company of Dogs) for the puppy and I like the different design to the grinding head. Typically, the head is a cylinder of sandpaper-type stuff, but this new one is a round, flat piece of the sandpaper-type stuff. Since my breed has long hair (you can't see their nails through it all), it can be tricky to grind while making sure the hair stays out of the way of the spinning cylinder, to with the flat piece, that won't be as much as an issue. Since the grinder will be going to the trainer with the puppy, I almost want to buy another one for my current girl, but then I remember that I never remember to do it, so am not going to waste the money. When I get my puppy back (she won't be a puppy anymore then, of course), I will have to figure out how to remind myself to do her nails once a week! Probably a phone reminder. Guess I could do that now, too, but.... :p


I do have the groomer grind her nails when she gets groomed.


Oh, and no problem; it is ridiculous that they are calling Horton a pet without even asking you what tasks he does/if he does tasks! If they really were curious, they could read some of this thread.

Edited by Quampapetet
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Quam - I hope "they" do read this thread, maybe we could get another puppy walker recruited!? :D. I couldn't believe some of the fatuous comments either.


The mods do a great job, thanks to all of them. :)


Roz, my DH says we should have all worn white trousers so we could see the black dogs! As if! In this weather! At least you know it's me with my "Dorothy" shoes! ;):p:D. Mind you I won't be able to wear them for much longer either, it will soon be boots and wellies!


My two girls - Poppy's grey chin is the giveaway! Can you believe the size of our Aruba? :eek:


Edited by fairbourne
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Fairbourne, Aruba and Poppy look so sweet in that last photo, with their arms crossed. Are you worrying about Poppy being sad when Aruba goes on to her job?


A question for all: do your Labs like to swim in a pool?


We went to my nephew Mac's house yesterday and it was HOT outside. So we all got in the pool (except Mac, who is a quad in a wheelchair. We could not convince Hearing Dog Raylene to get into the pool. She stood on the top stair and we eased her in to get wet, but she left fast. So surprised.


(Bless her heart, she went over beside Mac instead and sat on his command for some petting.)


Is it the chlorine smell? I thought all Labs loved water.

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Fairbourne, Aruba and Poppy look so sweet in that last photo, with their arms crossed. Are you worrying about Poppy being sad when Aruba goes on to her job?


A question for all: do your Labs like to swim in a pool?


We went to my nephew Mac's house yesterday and it was HOT outside. So we all got in the pool (except Mac, who is a quad in a wheelchair. We could not convince Hearing Dog Raylene to get into the pool. She stood on the top stair and we eased her in to get wet, but she left fast. So surprised.


(Bless her heart, she went over beside Mac instead and sat on his command for some petting.)


Is it the chlorine smell? I thought all Labs loved water.


Chris, Wexler actually hates to swim. He will not go in a pool and until recently he would not even go in the water at all. He has been known to jump over puddles.

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Also, isn't it amazing how the moderators are controlling the thread so well!!!! ;)

A great big YES! Thank you moderators. :):D:p


I tried to do multiple quotes but haven't quite mastered that. Also my computer has gone to "Pop-UP" mode. I just have to get near a pop-up to delete it and it clicks on it instead.


Chris: I know some have heard my story before, so bear with me. My big ole lug "Reno" (110 lb yellow lab) (he is now at the Rainbow Bridge) did not like water or other dogs. We had a pool built and I took him in it daily as they were building it. After it was done and filled with water, he would only get on the first step, lay down and get his belly all wet. That was enough for him. Now the big blue plastic kids pool was a whole different ballgame. He loved those pools. He would play in it for hours with the grandson who was around 3 then.


Fairbourne: I just love the pictures of the pups.


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Quam - I hope "they" do read this thread, maybe we could get another puppy walker recruited!? I couldn't believe some of the fatuous comments either.


The mods do a great job, thanks to all of them. :)


Roz, my DH says we should have all worn white trousers so we could see the black dogs! As if! In this weather! At least you know it's me with my "Dorothy" shoes! ;):p:D. Mind you I won't be able to wear them for much longer either, it will soon be boots and wellies!


My two girls - Poppy's grey chin is the giveaway! Can you believe the size of our Aruba?


Okay! I give! What's a "wellie?" They are so darn cute with their crossed legs.


I hate how fast they get the gray hair, especially the black dogs. When I got Brenda the trainer told me that I would be wearing black pants more and more once I saw how much fur these Labs left behind them!! ;)

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Fairbourne, Aruba and Poppy look so sweet in that last photo, with their arms crossed. Are you worrying about Poppy being sad when Aruba goes on to her job?


A question for all: do your Labs like to swim in a pool?


We went to my nephew Mac's house yesterday and it was HOT outside. So we all got in the pool (except Mac, who is a quad in a wheelchair. We could not convince Hearing Dog Raylene to get into the pool. She stood on the top stair and we eased her in to get wet, but she left fast. So surprised.


(Bless her heart, she went over beside Mac instead and sat on his command for some petting.)


Is it the chlorine smell? I thought all Labs loved water.


Chris, Brenda loved all water; the beach, the river, the lake, the pool, ALL of it she loved, loved, loved swimming and playing in the water. When I would go on a cruise it was so hard to keep her away from the ship pools. Horton, not so much. He's not even curious and excited when he sees the ocean or the pool.


I don't think it has anything to do with chlorine at all. Either they love it or they don't. I also think it has a lot to do with exposure to it. Brenda was raised around the Sacramento River, Horton had no water around or near him as a pup.

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A great big YES! Thank you moderators. :):D:p


I tried to do multiple quotes but haven't quite mastered that. Also my computer has gone to "Pop-UP" mode. I just have to get near a pop-up to delete it and it clicks on it instead.


Chris: I know some have heard my story before, so bear with me. My big ole lug "Reno" (110 lb yellow lab) (he is now at the Rainbow Bridge) did not like water or other dogs. We had a pool built and I took him in it daily as they were building it. After it was done and filled with water, he would only get on the first step, lay down and get his belly all wet. That was enough for him. Now the big blue plastic kids pool was a whole different ballgame. He loved those pools. He would play in it for hours with the grandson who was around 3 then.


Fairbourne: I just love the pictures of the pups.



So cute!

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some of those people on the celebrity board are both mean and ignorant...a bad combination.


I can't believe how they respond to each other and to anyone who comes on......they don't even want to learn or listen. They have their opinions and if you don't agree, you'd better watch out, they'll attack and punish you, all at the same time!!!! :eek:


I wanted to suggest that they come over to our happy thread here but then I thought about it again and decided against it!!!!! :o

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CarribeanChris - yes I am a bit worried about when Aruba goes and how our two will be .... I'm sure they will miss her, I know we humans will miss her terribly! But I think I am more worried about how she will be, as when she leaves us she goes into kennels at the training centre, and that will be a first for her. I know she will be busy doing her training and it will all be exciting and new, but who is going to give her a "goodnight cuddle" and that last little titbit before bed? It won't be for too long and I'm sure when she's paired up with her guide dog owner, lots of cuddles and love will be hers again. The trainers will be great with them but with the best will in the world, they can't possibly give them the same one to one attention they get from us. I do know that if the dogs don't settle into kennel life, they have people who live locally who will board them at their homes, and the dogs then go for the day to the training centre. Oh I wish we lived a bit closer to the training centre - I would happily take Aruba in every day!


We are planning in taking Aruba to the beach next week - she's never been before, so that should be fun! M and P aren't too keen on actually getting into the water, but enjoy running along the beach. We took them on a beach on the west cost of Scotland a few years back when they were still quite young, and they had a great time running around the dunes but what we didn't realise was that the sheep had been roaming leaving lots of sheep doo dah behind and these two idiots were eating it! We certainly knew about it when they got us up all night to poop the blooming stuff out! Honestly, they are kept well away from sheep doo dah now!


I don't know about swimming pools, we don't have many around here - too blooming cold! Poppy doesn't like the hose when the courtyard gets hosed down.


Roz, you don't know what Wellies are? Wellington boots - every country girl has a pair! :p:D. Not much call in LA I imagine! LOL!!!


Aruba and I met the puppy walking supervisor today and we did some free running in the local park. Aruba did very well and came back to the whistle. Phew! I told him I had been worried to do it since Tess went missing doing exactly this. He reassured me and told me that they are convinced someone took her as she had her collar, ID tags and a bell on her collar for her owner to hear her. Nothing was heard, no sightings for over 3 weeks, and then there were several in the same area over a short period of time recently. So he thinks she was held somewhere and then let go. I just can't get my head around why someone would do this. They now have a specialist dog tracking team in the area looking for her and he is hopeful. He told me that dogs in this situation go into survival mode and tend to hide and keep away from humans. This makes the search more difficult and is also why they have drafted in specialists as they don't want the dog to be scared even more.

Edited by fairbourne
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CarribeanChris - yes I am a bit worried about when Aruba goes and how our two will be .... I'm sure they will miss her, I know we humans will miss her terribly! But I think I am more worried about how she will be, as when she leaves us she goes into kennels at the training centre, and that will be a first for her. I know she will be busy doing her training and it will all be exciting and new, but who is going to give her a "goodnight cuddle" and that last little titbit before bed? It won't be for too long and I'm sure when she's paired up with her guide dog owner, lots of cuddles and love will be hers again. The trainers will be great with them but with the best will in the world, they can't possibly give them the same one to one attention they get from us. I do know that if the dogs don't settle into kennel life, they have people who live locally who will board them at their homes, and the dogs then go for the day to the training centre. Oh I wish we lived a bit closer to the training centre - I would happily take Aruba in every day!


We are planning in taking Aruba to the beach next week - she's never been before, so that should be fun! M and P aren't too keen on actually getting into the water, but enjoy running along the beach. We took them on a beach on the west cost of Scotland a few years back when they were still quite young, and they had a great time running around the dunes but what we didn't realise was that the sheep had been roaming leaving lots of sheep doo dah behind and these two idiots were eating it! We certainly knew about it when they got us up all night to poop the blooming stuff out! Honestly, they are kept well away from sheep doo dah now!


I don't know about swimming pools, we don't have many around here - too blooming cold! Poppy doesn't like the hose when the courtyard gets hosed down.


Roz, you don't know what Wellies are? Wellington boots - every country girl has a pair! :p:D. Not much call in LA I imagine! LOL!!!


Aruba and I met the puppy walking supervisor today and we did some free running in the local park. Aruba did very well and came back to the whistle. Phew! I told him I had been worried to do it since Tess went missing doing exactly this. He reassured me and told me that they are convinced someone took her as she had her collar, ID tags and a bell on her collar for her owner to hear her. Nothing was heard, no sightings for over 3 weeks, and then there were several in the same area over a short period of time recently. So he thinks she was held somewhere and then let go. I just can't get my head around why someone would do this. They now have a specialist dog tracking team in the area looking for her and he is hopeful. He told me that dogs in this situation go into survival mode and tend to hide and keep away from humans. This makes the search more difficult and is also why they have drafted in specialists as they don't want the dog to be scared even more.


Fairbourne, "kennel life" certainly isn't the same as living in a cozy, loving home such as yours. That said; the dogs are put in the kennels with other dogs, they're not alone. They're fed in the kennel and get to rest in the kennel so it really becomes a great respite for them. A chance to eat and have down time. Also a chance to play with their kennel mate.


After a very long day of training and exercising they're ready to eat and rest. I promise you that if the trainers see that a dog is acting depressed they take the dog out and allow it to play or challenge him with an obstacle course or take the dog to the office and let him/her lay at someone's desk or go home with someone. They don't want the dogs to be sad and withdrawn. They allow them to go out and play with each other and interact with people. They're very careful about making sure each dog is having a good kennel experience.


That's why I love ♥ organizations like CCI and Seeing Eye and of course others because of their care and desire to meet the needs not only of the human but of the dog as well!


I feel badly for YOU......How will you do? I get teary just thinking of your household without her in it! And, I don't even live there!


Now I know what "wellies" are!


Remember what happened to me in Oregon? How someone tried to steal Horton.......there are very weird people in this world. I'm still suffering with the strained thigh muscles from the push. They have no heart and only think of their own wants and needs. I pray that Tess has fallen into the hands of someone who just couldn't resist letting her go and wanted her for their own. [selfish blimies!] Is that okay to say?

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They're really cute. But, if I wore those in So. Calif., with our 80 degree days, almost everyday and no rain.......I'd get such looks!!!!


Although, they do say that they're shipping across the Pond now!!!! :p


One day Horton and I will show up at your back door......and, I'll have a pair of these on!!!! That's how you'll know me!!!!

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Roz, thanks for that information about the kennels, I'm sure she will be very well looked after, and the lovely people there will do all the things you've mentioned - and she will be so busy! I hope she goes off with the same head high and proud as DKD's Ocho did, ready for her new challenge - it's just me being a silly old sausage! :rolleyes:


I'm tying not to think about how I will feel when "the time" comes, I just want to enjoy her while we have her. And you never know she may come back to us when she retires! :).


I remember well what happened to you, it was truly awful. In fact I've already told other puppy walkers about it and they couldn't believe it - they were quite shocked. It's so sad isn't it, that there are people out there doing bad stuff like this.

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They're really cute. But, if I wore those in So. Calif., with our 80 degree days, almost everyday and no rain.......I'd get such looks!!!!


Although, they do say that they're shipping across the Pond now!!!! :p


One day Horton and I will show up at your back door......and, I'll have a pair of these on!!!! That's how you'll know me!!!!



Roz, I would love nothing more than for you and MR BigBoy H to turn up at my door - you would be so so welcome! :D


I will tell you something, you do need to wear thick socks with wellies as although they keep your feet dry, they are not very warm! See what sexy stuff I have to wear in these cold damp Scottish winters! LOL! And that's before I start on the thermal underwear! ha ah ha!!! I think they would make your feet all horribly sticky and sweaty in your heat! Yuk!

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Fairbourne, I don't think you are a silly old sausage at all! I used to have a pang about the doggies in their kennels overnight, but recently saw a photo on Dogs for the Deaf's Facebook page that had all the "End of Day Enrichment" toys and treats lined up in bowls that they each get to entertain themselves after the trainers head home.


My friend with a yellow lab Hearing Dog and I thought it was funny, wondering if our girls miss the "good old days" in Oregon since they only get one toy at bedtime.


DFD also has training apartments to simulate a home environment where the dogs train on sounds so they can alert in their new homes for smoke alarm, microwave, doorbell etc. Sometimes the trainers even sleep there with a dog in training, and of course they take them places during the day. So the dogs are tired at day's end.


Roz is so right (as always) about the careful observation given by the assistance dog trainers for the well-being of their furry charges. They are such amazing experts at how dogs tick.

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Fairbourne, I don't think you are a silly old sausage at all! I used to have a pang about the doggies in their kennels overnight, but recently saw a photo on Dogs for the Deaf's Facebook page that had all the "End of Day Enrichment" toys and treats lined up in bowls that they each get to entertain themselves after the trainers head home.


My friend with a yellow lab Hearing Dog and I thought it was funny, wondering if our girls miss the "good old days" in Oregon since they only get one toy at bedtime.


DFD also has training apartments to simulate a home environment where the dogs train on sounds so they can alert in their new homes for smoke alarm, microwave, doorbell etc. Sometimes the trainers even sleep there with a dog in training, and of course they take them places during the day. So the dogs are tired at day's end.


Roz is so right (as always) about the careful observation given by the assistance dog trainers for the well-being of their furry charges. They are such amazing experts at how dogs tick.


Love to hear this!!!! Great organization!!! ♥

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Fairbourne, I don't think you are a silly old sausage at all! I used to have a pang about the doggies in their kennels overnight, but recently saw a photo on Dogs for the Deaf's Facebook page that had all the "End of Day Enrichment" toys and treats lined up in bowls that they each get to entertain themselves after the trainers head home.


My friend with a yellow lab Hearing Dog and I thought it was funny, wondering if our girls miss the "good old days" in Oregon since they only get one toy at bedtime.


DFD also has training apartments to simulate a home environment where the dogs train on sounds so they can alert in their new homes for smoke alarm, microwave, doorbell etc. Sometimes the trainers even sleep there with a dog in training, and of course they take them places during the day. So the dogs are tired at day's end.


Roz is so right (as always) about the careful observation given by the assistance dog trainers for the well-being of their furry charges. They are such amazing experts at how dogs tick.


That's funny Chris, I can just see all the toys lined up at bedtime! Thanks to you all for your reassurance - this first time puppy walking is all learning for us. Thinking about it with my sensible head on, these wonderful dogs would not go on to be such great "life changers", helpers and amazing companions as you say, if they weren't treated well at the training kennels. With my "mummy head" on I wish I could tuck Aruba in every night! :rolleyes: my DH keeps telling me I will surely have another pup to tuck in every night! So I guess he's made his mind up about doing this all over again! :D.

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Roz, thanks for that information about the kennels, I'm sure she will be very well looked after, and the lovely people there will do all the things you've mentioned - and she will be so busy! I hope she goes off with the same head high and proud as DKD's Ocho did, ready for her new challenge - it's just me being a silly old sausage! :rolleyes:


I'm tying not to think about how I will feel when "the time" comes, I just want to enjoy her while we have her. And you never know she may come back to us when she retires! :).


I remember well what happened to you, it was truly awful. In fact I've already told other puppy walkers about it and they couldn't believe it - they were quite shocked. It's so sad isn't it, that there are people out there doing bad stuff like this.


fairbourne, what happens to the pups that go into advanced training and decide college is not for them? Do you get the chance to take them home as a pet? That's what happens with us and CCI.

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