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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Linda, I am sorry to know your brother is so ill. My brother died almost two years ago after struggling with prostate cancer and Parkinson’s for many years, due to Agent Orange exposure when he was a pilot in Vietnam. I’m grateful that he, too, had more years than he might have had, due to proton radiation treatments, and that we had some very good times together.

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Hello All!

I'm hoping someone has some advice for me. We are visiting Antigua during a cruise this December and one of the requirements is that the rabies vaccine must have been administered within 1 year of importation. The issue with this is that Bentley received a 3 year rabies vaccine in February 2019, which obviously puts him over the one year mark. I really don't want to have to get him another rabies and over vaccinate. I tried emailing the Vet Division there, but have yet to get a reply. Has anyone had a similar experience or have advice?



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14 hours ago, rpclmc said:

Gosh, it has been almost a month since I checked out this thread.


Sounds like everyone is doing great.  I have booked two cruises so far for this year.  Carnival Inspiration on May 18 to celebrate my daughter and her boyfriend's 21st birthdays.  And Carnival Conquest B2B in September for the annual girl's cruise.


We went back to where I grew up in Illinois, University of Illinois for Christmas with my parents and 3 brothers.  Sad it will be my last Christmas with one of my brothers (unless there is a miracle).  He has terminal cancer and actually got hospice care Tuesday.  None of this is unexpected, just kind of sad.  We have been lucky to have him this year as we didn't think he would make it through last Christmas.  He had a totally new experimental treatment, that really helped with his pain and extending his time.  But the cancer is growing expentially now and there isn't anything more they can do for him except try to manage his pain.


OK, done sharing the sad.  Halo did great on the trip.  I asked him to show my brother some extra attention.  Halo is amazing.  He is not a very social dog to new people and really doesn't know my family well.  Halo sticks by mine or Rich's sides when we are there.  Every time my sick brother was around he would go to him and kiss his hands and just hang out around him.  That brother just loves dogs, but doesn't have one.


No big plans until we head back to Idaho the end of April.  Jeff Dunham tickets the last Saturday in April in Idaho and my daughter graduates from college on May 9th, then cruise on May 18th.  We might go to St. Augustine, Florida February or March.


I love catching up with everyone.  Sounds like everyone is keeping busy.


Linda and Halo


So sorry to hear about your brother. It's so hard on everyone to have to go through this. I hope things go as well as they can. ❤️

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1 hour ago, mmarq1992 said:

Hello All!

I'm hoping someone has some advice for me. We are visiting Antigua during a cruise this December and one of the requirements is that the rabies vaccine must have been administered within 1 year of importation. The issue with this is that Bentley received a 3 year rabies vaccine in February 2019, which obviously puts him over the one year mark. I really don't want to have to get him another rabies and over vaccinate. I tried emailing the Vet Division there, but have yet to get a reply. Has anyone had a similar experience or have advice?




We had this problem when we went to Mexico one time. I think I did not do the shot and they let us off anyway. One other year I think I did do it. Our vet says it's the same shot and would not to any harm. I wouldn't do it all the time, but I think once is ok. Talk to your vet. 

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We are ready to go and actually have an hour to relax before our ride gets here. 1am last night our buzzer rang. John was sleeping but I was still trying to fall asleep. I put the front door camera on and it was 2 cops. Obviously rang the wrong buzzer 😞  Put the scanner on and it was a medical issue with someone. Not even a person on our floor. Do they just ring random bells at 1am. So now its 230 and I'm still awake. But its ok I'll sleep sometime 😴

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17 hours ago, rpclmc said:

We went back to where I grew up in Illinois, University of Illinois for Christmas with my parents and 3 brothers.  Sad it will be my last Christmas with one of my brothers (unless there is a miracle).  He has terminal cancer and actually got hospice care Tuesday.  None of this is unexpected, just kind of sad.  We have been lucky to have him this year as we didn't think he would make it through last Christmas.  He had a totally new experimental treatment, that really helped with his pain and extending his time.  But the cancer is growing expentially now and there isn't anything more they can do for him except try to manage his pain.

Sorry to hear about your brother, it must be very difficult for your family. I am sure you are grateful for the time you were able to spend with him at Christmas.



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9 hours ago, Caribbean Chris said:

They definitely have different inclinations and skills. The former head trainer at Dogs for Better Lives used to say he looked for potential hearing dogs that demonstrated high energy and would jump up in the middle of the night to do a sound alert instead of rolling over and thinking maybe somebody else would get it.  It made me feel better because Raylene was a VERY high-energy girl when she was young. And she woke me up in the dark in our last cruise when my husband locked himself out of our stateroom yet again!

That's definitely Henri - she would be the one to roll over unless she heard the front door (in that case she would think someone is coming to visit her). 

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7 hours ago, rangeley said:

We are ready to go and actually have an hour to relax before our ride gets here. 1am last night our buzzer rang. John was sleeping but I was still trying to fall asleep. I put the front door camera on and it was 2 cops. Obviously rang the wrong buzzer 😞  Put the scanner on and it was a medical issue with someone. Not even a person on our floor. Do they just ring random bells at 1am. So now its 230 and I'm still awake. But its ok I'll sleep sometime 😴

You are going to be so glad to get on that ship......finally relax and get some much needed rest.  Have a wonderful time!

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Thanks everyone about my brother.  It started as prostrate cancer, thought they had it and it just spread like wildfire.  Now in the bones and blood.  It is hard for the family.  I think it is hardest on his wife and him.  I just hope she can find peace and sleep and they can manage his pain in the last few days.  I have great memories of him.  I am so very thankful he was able to have the treatment that not only gave him a couple more years, but good years.  Since in that time his first grandchild was born and is now  1.5 years; so he was able to be a part of her life.  And one of his daughters got married and he was able to walk her down the aisle and celebrate with her.


My Halo would make a terrible hearing dog.  When there is a noise, IF he wakes up, he just rolls over.  I am even talking gun fire and fireworks right outside on our street - he didn't even respond.  We even had a cat fall off our roof and scratch and yell all the way down our wall.  The bedroom wall at 2 am, he lifted his head and went back to sleep.  


Linda and Halo


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13 minutes ago, rpclmc said:

Thanks everyone about my brother.  It started as prostrate cancer, thought they had it and it just spread like wildfire.  Now in the bones and blood.  It is hard for the family.  I think it is hardest on his wife and him.  I just hope she can find peace and sleep and they can manage his pain in the last few days.  I have great memories of him.  I am so very thankful he was able to have the treatment that not only gave him a couple more years, but good years.  Since in that time his first grandchild was born and is now  1.5 years; so he was able to be a part of her life.  And one of his daughters got married and he was able to walk her down the aisle and celebrate with her.


My Halo would make a terrible hearing dog.  When there is a noise, IF he wakes up, he just rolls over.  I am even talking gun fire and fireworks right outside on our street - he didn't even respond.  We even had a cat fall off our roof and scratch and yell all the way down our wall.  The bedroom wall at 2 am, he lifted his head and went back to sleep.  


Linda and Halo


Linda your memories and stories of your brother and how he is living his life brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you for sharing them with us.  When that most difficult day comes please don't hesitate to come to us, we'll ALL be here for you. 🌺


Horton definitely has many facets to his personality.   He's a BIG boy and would have made a great wheel chair puller but doesn't much like heavy duty work.  He's a bit of a "diva" and, although he's a genius at the work he graduated to do, he will stubbornly hold his ground when he's "done" and will let everyone know that he wants to take his nap! 


I, personally, am his one-woman cheer leading squad.  I adore this dog to the moon and back!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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1 hour ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Happy first weekend of 2020.  It's going to be a very interesting year.  Gotta hang in there just to see it all play out!


For everyone who's cruising soon BON~VOYAGE!



I'm not sure we need an "interesting" year :classic_biggrin:

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We're here!! Flight was great, Oakland was not. He was fine until we got on the plane. Then he was wierd for the entire flight. Either layed down with his head up or sat. It was really strange. He peed and pooped before we left and peed again at the airport. We fed him before we got on. I'm not sure if that screwed him up. He barely ate cookies and refused an ice cube. When we landed he was fine ☹️. They finally put a potty area inside security!!! And it wasn't a shower stall like in LA. He went in and peed. We was so happy. 


Forgot an important part. At the airport and at the hotel, they asked to see an Id for the dog. Jetblue said it was a new thing and said although the Id was good she said a letter from the organization would be better. 


Edited by rangeley
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2 hours ago, Plant said:

I'm not sure we need an "interesting" year :classic_biggrin:

Oh! Yah!  I forgot, it's already

57 minutes ago, rangeley said:

We're here!! Flight was great, Oakland was not. He was fine until we got on the plane. Then he was wierd for the entire flight. Either layed down with his head up or sat. It was really strange. He peed and pooped before we left and peed again at the airport. We fed him before we got on. I'm not sure if that screwed him up. He barely ate cookies and refused an ice cube. When we landed he was fine ☹️. They finally put a potty area inside security!!! And it wasn't a shower stall like in LA. He went in and peed. We was so happy. 


Forgot an important part. At the airport and at the hotel, they asked to see an Id for the dog. Jetblue said it was a new thing and said although the Id was good she said a letter from the organization would be better. 


What?  Now we need a letter from CCI.    Are you in trouble?  Do I need to come and bail you out? 


The dog's potty area looks really good! 


I'm so sorry Oleander had such a tough time on the plane.......we never know when they'll break into a "mood".  Hopefully, the rest of your trip will be filled with fun, relaxation and good food!

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2 minutes ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Oh! Yah!  I forgot, it's already

What?  Now we need a letter from CCI.    Are you in trouble?  Do I need to come and bail you out? 


The dog's potty area looks really good! 


I'm so sorry Oleander had such a tough time on the plane.......we never know when they'll break into a "mood".  Hopefully, the rest of your trip will be filled with fun, relaxation and good food!


I was thinking a letter really isn't fair to ask people for. Some have personal trainers or self train. Some don't even have an ID. We are lucky. 

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1 minute ago, rangeley said:


I was thinking a letter really isn't fair to ask people for. Some have personal trainers or self train. Some don't even have an ID. We are lucky. 

Oakland's behavior will be all they need to see.   I'm glad they're expecting to see something to prove he is a Service Dog.  Although, I don't like to see unwarranted pressure on Service Dog Handlers, I do like to see some sort of decorum expected.

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1 hour ago, rangeley said:

We're here!! Flight was great, Oakland was not. He was fine until we got on the plane. Then he was wierd for the entire flight. Either layed down with his head up or sat. It was really strange. He peed and pooped before we left and peed again at the airport. We fed him before we got on. I'm not sure if that screwed him up. He barely ate cookies and refused an ice cube. When we landed he was fine ☹️. They finally put a potty area inside security!!! And it wasn't a shower stall like in LA. He went in and peed. We was so happy. 


Forgot an important part. At the airport and at the hotel, they asked to see an Id for the dog. Jetblue said it was a new thing and said although the Id was good she said a letter from the organization would be better. 


Our SD Mickey was also weird on our last flight. He normally will lay at my daughters feet, and just re-situate now and then.  We had a rough landing on our outbound flight, and the gravity pulling him against the wall was a little unsettling.  On our return flight, he was fine when we boarded, but before we even took off, he was acting out of sorts, laying down, but staring at the wall and not easily distracted from that.  I thought maybe he was going to get sick. He never did, but he also never relaxed or settled in.  As soon as we got off the plane he was fine.  So, not sure if there was just something about the last fight, or if he know is a little leery because of that rough landing on the first flight. We shall see the next time we fly.....

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34 minutes ago, rangeley said:


I was thinking a letter really isn't fair to ask people for. Some have personal trainers or self train. Some don't even have an ID. We are lucky. 

I do have a letter from CCI that outlines the training Henri and I have had, but I only use it for international travel where they require dogs to be professionally trained (for example, Eurostar requires that your dog be trained by a member organization of Assistance Dogs International). I have not been asked to show any documentation traveling on domestic airlines. I was asked to sign a “pet release” last month at Harrah’s in Tahoe and I asked to speak with a supervisor. They did end up apologizing to me and agreed I was not required to sign the papers. 

When questioned, I always politely state that they are in violation (of whatever the applicable law is) and that I am only complying because they are insisting (for example, showing an ID) and that I will be following up with their corporate office when I return home. I have decided that I am no longer going to let things go because that just makes it harder for the next service dog team. 

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3 hours ago, DUTRAVEL said:

When questioned, I always politely state that they are in violation (of whatever the applicable law is) and that I am only complying because they are insisting (for example, showing an ID) and that I will be following up with their corporate office when I return home. I have decided that I am no longer going to let things go because that just makes it harder for the next service dog team. 

Thank you!!!!  Having an owner-trained service dog can be very challenging because there is no documentation to 'prove' the dog has been properly trained.  When program-graduated teams flash IDs and certificates it makes it nearly impossible for folks like me to access those places.  They INSIST that YES there are papers that I must show in order to prove my dog is legit because they 'see them all the time'.  It's incredibly frustrating, because all I want to do is get my day done just like everyone else.  I don't want the drama, and I don't want to spend 30 minutes every time I go out trying to re-educate businesses. So, those of you who DO have IDs from programs, please help us educate people that the IDs aren't 'all-access passes', rather they are identifications given to you from your program stating that your dog was trained there.  We all need to stick together and support each other like DUTRAVEL is doing!  :)

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24 minutes ago, Mavis and Me said:

Thank you!!!!  Having an owner-trained service dog can be very challenging because there is no documentation to 'prove' the dog has been properly trained.  When program-graduated teams flash IDs and certificates it makes it nearly impossible for folks like me to access those places.  They INSIST that YES there are papers that I must show in order to prove my dog is legit because they 'see them all the time'.  It's incredibly frustrating, because all I want to do is get my day done just like everyone else.  I don't want the drama, and I don't want to spend 30 minutes every time I go out trying to re-educate businesses. So, those of you who DO have IDs from programs, please help us educate people that the IDs aren't 'all-access passes', rather they are identifications given to you from your program stating that your dog was trained there.  We all need to stick together and support each other like DUTRAVEL is doing! 🙂

You are so right, we do need to be a strong voice for one another.  The only time that this becomes an issue is when I'm in a room being examined by an Immigration official and the other dogs in the room are growling, barking and acting badly.


They make it very difficult for those of us who have trained Service Dogs and in frustration I bring out my ID card from CCI, I ask Horton to sit/stay and I take a seat, tuck his leash under my leg and watch the "pet dog show!"


I'm not going to allow these folks to get away with this behavior anymore.  When I see a "fake" SD on board a cruise or in the market or hotel, I'm going to call them "OUT!"  Hopefully, this will STOP people from dragging their untrained, poorly behaving pets into the public forum.


What bothers me  more than folks who present paperwork or certifications from training org's are the people who make it difficult for me by bringing poorly behaving pets wherever they go.  And, unfortunately, it happens more than I care to mention.

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Very interesting about JetBlue. I just read their website, which says “Jet Blue May request documentation of your animal’s status.”


They have a lot of documentation required in advance for emotional support and psychiatric support animals. It’s no wonder their employees are going to expect everyone to have papers of some sort, and fear they aren’t doing their jobs if they don’t “request documentation” for everything with four feet.

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10 hours ago, allies_daphne said:

Our SD Mickey was also weird on our last flight. He normally will lay at my daughters feet, and just re-situate now and then.  We had a rough landing on our outbound flight, and the gravity pulling him against the wall was a little unsettling.  On our return flight, he was fine when we boarded, but before we even took off, he was acting out of sorts, laying down, but staring at the wall and not easily distracted from that.  I thought maybe he was going to get sick. He never did, but he also never relaxed or settled in.  As soon as we got off the plane he was fine.  So, not sure if there was just something about the last fight, or if he know is a little leery because of that rough landing on the first flight. We shall see the next time we fly.....


Wow Oakland was acting the same way!! Our last and his first flight was out to LA. Over 6 hours and he was great. We did not understand this behavior at all. We were also wondering if it had something to do with being in the bulkhead seats. Last time we were way back in the extra leg room seats. 

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9 hours ago, DUTRAVEL said:

I do have a letter from CCI that outlines the training Henri and I have had, but I only use it for international travel where they require dogs to be professionally trained (for example, Eurostar requires that your dog be trained by a member organization of Assistance Dogs International). I have not been asked to show any documentation traveling on domestic airlines. I was asked to sign a “pet release” last month at Harrah’s in Tahoe and I asked to speak with a supervisor. They did end up apologizing to me and agreed I was not required to sign the papers. 

When questioned, I always politely state that they are in violation (of whatever the applicable law is) and that I am only complying because they are insisting (for example, showing an ID) and that I will be following up with their corporate office when I return home. I have decided that I am no longer going to let things go because that just makes it harder for the next service dog team. 


Jetblue had a supervisor come out and talk to us. She asked John for some identification for the dog and asked what the dog did for him. I told her we were not asked in November and she said this just started and they went to training about a month ago. We saw at least 4 other non service dogs around the airport yesterday. Alot of people are flying with their pets. 

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