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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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3 hours ago, rpclmc said:

I did a thing.  I booked the Paradise for my daughter and I for February 29th.  Yes, 3 weeks from now.  I just felt like I needed a cruise and it is her birthday while on the cruise.  Yes, she is spoiled.  But, she certainly takes good care of me.


I was looking at the 24th.  I met a couple at a super bowl party and they were going to the 29th.  So I decided why not?  Plus, the flights for Riki were about 1/2 a few days later.


Linda and Halo

Congratulations!  I love spending time with loved one's onboard a cruise ship!

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On 2/3/2020 at 5:29 PM, rangeley said:

Anyone been to the ABC islands with their dogs? 

Sorry to be slow in answering - we’ve had nonstop house guests for past couple of weeks.

Yes, our November cruise on Celebrity Silhouette from Ft. Lauderdale was four sea days (two in each direction) plus the ABCs. 
My vet filled out the 7001 plus special forms for Aruba & Curacao which I sent to our regional APHIS service center in Gainesville, FL for endorsement. Didn’t do any thing for Bonaire, no problem. After they came back countersigned, I scanned the Aruba form and emailed to the Aruba Veterinary Office for their approval. They returned it with their signature & stamp very quickly.

We were with friends and did a little walking around Aruba with them to a waterfront bar, which was very dog friendly. They gave us a table in a more private area right on the water, and brought a bowl of water for her. Same scenario in Curacao. In Bonaire, Bob didn’t feel like going ashore so I went walking alone, curious to see how the island had changed since I spent a couple of weeks there on business 14 years ago (a LOT with the new, big cruise port area developed south of the old downtown where ships used to dock).

I like the Dutch islands even though I didn’t do much while we were in port this time.

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Ok, on my phone going to attempt to post a picture of my baby boy! These are the eyes I get to stare into.  Love my boy!  The second picture is the finished front yard.  Baby boy had to go to the kennel while the yard was being worked on.  He is coming home today.  Can’t wait. 



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11 hours ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Ok, on my phone going to attempt to post a picture of my baby boy! These are the eyes I get to stare into.  Love my boy!  The second picture is the finished front yard.  Baby boy had to go to the kennel while the yard was being worked on.  He is coming home today.  Can’t wait. 



He is such a handsome dog.  You must have so much fun with him.


I love your front yard.  It's so perfect and looks like it's going to be so easy to maintain.  Have fun!

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On 2/7/2020 at 10:30 PM, Caribbean Chris said:

Sorry to be slow in answering - we’ve had nonstop house guests for past couple of weeks.

Yes, our November cruise on Celebrity Silhouette from Ft. Lauderdale was four sea days (two in each direction) plus the ABCs. 
My vet filled out the 7001 plus special forms for Aruba & Curacao which I sent to our regional APHIS service center in Gainesville, FL for endorsement. Didn’t do any thing for Bonaire, no problem. After they came back countersigned, I scanned the Aruba form and emailed to the Aruba Veterinary Office for their approval. They returned it with their signature & stamp very quickly.

We were with friends and did a little walking around Aruba with them to a waterfront bar, which was very dog friendly. They gave us a table in a more private area right on the water, and brought a bowl of water for her. Same scenario in Curacao. In Bonaire, Bob didn’t feel like going ashore so I went walking alone, curious to see how the island had changed since I spent a couple of weeks there on business 14 years ago (a LOT with the new, big cruise port area developed south of the old downtown where ships used to dock).

I like the Dutch islands even though I didn’t do much while we were in port this time.


Thanks so much for all the info!! This is really helpful. 

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On 2/8/2020 at 3:20 PM, S.S. Cruisers said:

Ok, on my phone going to attempt to post a picture of my baby boy! These are the eyes I get to stare into.  Love my boy!  The second picture is the finished front yard.  Baby boy had to go to the kennel while the yard was being worked on.  He is coming home today.  Can’t wait. 



Omg those eyes!! Love that face. And the yard looks great. 

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1 hour ago, rangeley said:

Its official, we are going to be grandparents!!! 




Congratulations to all of you  ❤️ Life is going to be richer, fuller and filled with so much joy.  Please give your children my very best wishes for a healthy, happy precious gift.  

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On 2/8/2020 at 3:20 PM, S.S. Cruisers said:

Ok, on my phone going to attempt to post a picture of my baby boy! These are the eyes I get to stare into.  Love my boy!  The second picture is the finished front yard.  Baby boy had to go to the kennel while the yard was being worked on.  He is coming home today.  Can’t wait. 



Nancy, Rocky is such a handsome little guy! The new yard looks terrific. I love those pavers. Enjoy!

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I have run into a big snag in my preparations to leave for the Panama Canal on Princess Island at the end of March. Actually, two snags.

The first is teaching Jazz to use the box on board ship. I got a square child's wading pool 4x4 and filled it with cedar mulch (that's what Princess said theirs would have). Jazz had to be commanded to get in it, but would not relieve himself in it. I added some plants to make it seem more like the rest of the yard, but no luck. He refused to use the pool for a full 24 hours before I relented and allowed him to relieve himself outside of the pool. We then went on vacation and are back now and he is still refusing to use the pool.  Due to my frustration, I think he thinks I do not want him to relieve himself there and am actually teaching him not to go there. I have no idea what to do at this point. Any suggestions?


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My second snag is that the vet, who told me they could handle my international travel, now says they can't. I am in Southern CA and wondering if anyone can remind me which agency I need to contact to find a qualified vet. Thanks so much.

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I had the same issue with Miss Tish.  When I brought her to the box on the ship, she would just walk around and walk out of it.  It took a couple of tries and she finally peed in the box.  Unfortunately she wouldn't poop.  It is the first thing she did when she got off the ship in St. Martin.  After that she was fine and used the box.


I tried to train her at home, but she wouldn't use what I got for her.  I tried what the vet said which was to rub some of her poop in the box and some of her pee.  Just didn't work with her.  But again, she was fine once she got on the ship.

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1 hour ago, Wendsong said:

I have run into a big snag in my preparations to leave for the Panama Canal on Princess Island at the end of March. Actually, two snags.

The first is teaching Jazz to use the box on board ship. I got a square child's wading pool 4x4 and filled it with cedar mulch (that's what Princess said theirs would have). Jazz had to be commanded to get in it, but would not relieve himself in it. I added some plants to make it seem more like the rest of the yard, but no luck. He refused to use the pool for a full 24 hours before I relented and allowed him to relieve himself outside of the pool. We then went on vacation and are back now and he is still refusing to use the pool.  Due to my frustration, I think he thinks I do not want him to relieve himself there and am actually teaching him not to go there. I have no idea what to do at this point. Any suggestions?

Can you move it to a whole new spot?  Maybe somewhere that is surrounded by concrete.  Try putting an exercise pen around it so that you 'kennel' him in there for a while.  Like going to a dog park or something akin to that.  Does he prefer any other substance?  Like grass?  If so, pick up a flat of sod and lay it in there; that might help him to understand.  You have time to get this worked out, so try not to get uptight or anxious about him going potty.  It will only result in him thinking there is something WRONG with pottying, which is definitely not what you want him to think.  When you walk him, do you stop before going into stores/etc., and tell him to potty?  Will he (urinate ... poop's a whole other topic!) 90% of the time ?  Or is it a hit and miss sort of thing.  People who have dogs that get mature bladders early on who can go for hours between 'breaks' have a more difficult time of teaching the potty command because the dog knows it can hold it for a long time so it won't go.  My puppies are on leash during potty opportunities for the first year of their lives, so they definitely KNOW what I mean and they'll do it anywhere/anytime.  The older dogs that I've gotten have been much more difficult in this regard because they are already housebroke, but they are often used to going potty loose in a backyard or a kennel, and they prefer not to do it connected to ME!!  :)  When I tell Mavis to potty, she will always squat and try; it doesn't always result in urine, but at least I know she understood what I wanted from her.  You might just start by reinforcing the command 'potty' (or whatever you use) on your general outings.  Carry HIGH value treats and lavish them on him when he goes.  Make a big deal about what a good boy he is.  Encourage him to drink lots of water so you have more opportunities to take him out to pee.  Use the wait command to build release, so that he's looking forward to peeing.  Walk him up to an area that he likes to pee, ask him if he needs to go, then tell him to wait.  (Be excited and happy, you're trying to build drive.  Think of it almost as if he saw something that he wanted to chase.  You'd say, "Do you see that [bunny]? Wait ... ...  OK!!! Get it!!"  You want him excited about the opportunity to pee.)  Then tell him, "OK!!!  Potty!" and just wait.  If he doesn't go, ignore it and lead him away.  If he starts to go, calmly say, "Gooood potty, gooood boy" so he gets that it's the act of peeing that makes you happy.  Then when he's done, jump and clap your hands with an excited "YES!!!" and shovel out those treats.  Once 'potty' is a reflexive action and not just a word, you can work on changing up the substance he'll do it on.  Mavis's most impressive places that she's gone are on TOP of a dense 2 foot tall shrub (that's all that was in the parking lot!), on a steel grate, and in the gutter in a busy city (we live on a farm).  He'll get it - he's a poodle - they are super intelligent!

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1 hour ago, kmg365suzyq said:

"rub some of her poop in the box and some of her pee.  Just didn't work with her.  But again, she was fine once she got on the ship."

I have tried the poo and pee suggestion, but he wasn't impressed. I hope he will be better on the ship, but I am worried because he can be so stubborn. I am worried because I think I am teaching him that if he doesn't go in the box, I'll give in and let him go outside the box. Would not be pretty on the ship...

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51 minutes ago, Mavis and Me said:

Can you move it to a whole new spot?  Maybe somewhere that is surrounded by concrete.  Try putting an exercise pen around it so that you 'kennel' him in there for a while.  Like going to a dog park or something akin to that.  Does he prefer any other substance?  Like grass?  If so, pick up a flat of sod and lay it in there; that might help him to understand.  You have time to get this worked out, so try not to get uptight or anxious about him going potty.  It will only result in him thinking there is something WRONG with pottying, which is definitely not what you want him to think.  When you walk him, do you stop before going into stores/etc., and tell him to potty?  Will he (urinate ... poop's a whole other topic!) 90% of the time ?  Or is it a hit and miss sort of thing.  People who have dogs that get mature bladders early on who can go for hours between 'breaks' have a more difficult time of teaching the potty command because the dog knows it can hold it for a long time so it won't go.  My puppies are on leash during potty opportunities for the first year of their lives, so they definitely KNOW what I mean and they'll do it anywhere/anytime.  The older dogs that I've gotten have been much more difficult in this regard because they are already housebroke, but they are often used to going potty loose in a backyard or a kennel, and they prefer not to do it connected to ME!! 🙂  When I tell Mavis to potty, she will always squat and try; it doesn't always result in urine, but at least I know she understood what I wanted from her.  You might just start by reinforcing the command 'potty' (or whatever you use) on your general outings.  Carry HIGH value treats and lavish them on him when he goes.  Make a big deal about what a good boy he is.  Encourage him to drink lots of water so you have more opportunities to take him out to pee.  Use the wait command to build release, so that he's looking forward to peeing.  Walk him up to an area that he likes to pee, ask him if he needs to go, then tell him to wait.  (Be excited and happy, you're trying to build drive.  Think of it almost as if he saw something that he wanted to chase.  You'd say, "Do you see that [bunny]? Wait ... ...  OK!!! Get it!!"  You want him excited about the opportunity to pee.)  Then tell him, "OK!!!  Potty!" and just wait.  If he doesn't go, ignore it and lead him away.  If he starts to go, calmly say, "Gooood potty, gooood boy" so he gets that it's the act of peeing that makes you happy.  Then when he's done, jump and clap your hands with an excited "YES!!!" and shovel out those treats.  Once 'potty' is a reflexive action and not just a word, you can work on changing up the substance he'll do it on.  Mavis's most impressive places that she's gone are on TOP of a dense 2 foot tall shrub (that's all that was in the parking lot!), on a steel grate, and in the gutter in a busy city (we live on a farm).  He'll get it - he's a poodle - they are super intelligent!

Some really good suggestions that I will be trying out this coming week, especially getting him some grass. I have a fence that I got for him as a puppy, but it won't surround the box,  but that's a good suggestion, as well. Unless I empty the pool (and what a mess that would be), I can't move it. It's on a concrete patio now over a drain in case of rain. I tried giving him treats afterwards one time in the park, but he looked at me like I was crazy and refused to take it!! It's true, he is a Poodle, but he marches to his own drummer! 

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