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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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2 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Please don't make fun of me but when I went shopping last week and there was no toilet paper anywhere......I knew I had 6 rolls at home but that wouldn't last forever, I went online and into Amazon Prime and bought toilet paper........35 rolls [the only choice I had], I just got the email confirming that the package will arrive on Wednesday.  My daughter said I'd better be careful that the box doesn't get hijacked [if someone finds out what's inside!]


Who would have thought what a highly prized commodity toilet paper would become!!!!  

You can auction off individual rolls on eBay, Roz,  and cover the cost of your next cruise!

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10 hours ago, springredheadsdd said:

Thanks for the advice. I have not taken her on public transportation since I never use it myself (I have a car and drive). I built a potty box on the covered portion of my back deck. It is bigger than 4'x4' but have not measured it (used scrap wood from the yard). In it I have a layer of pine pellets for absorbency and have filled it the rest of the way with nice horse stall pine shavings. Bella will not use the bathroom in it, but does go in it. I have tried to teach her to go to the restroom on command but no luck. (I have had her since she was 8 weeks). She also generally will not go to the bathroom on leash except when she REALLY has to go and we are on a walk. My plan for training is to put her on a leash when I take her out in the morning. If she goes big praise. If she has not gone within 10-15 minutes take her inside and put her in her crate for a little while and then try again. I am starting off on a 26' flexi leash and will be gradually shortening the leash as she progresses. After she is used to going to the bathroom on a short leash then we will move to the potty box. I think this will take a couple of months to accomplish. Bella is very smart but can be very stubborn. She is a show breed English Labrador Retriever and yellow in color. 

In my experience training adult dogs that are new to my home, it's probably just best to jump in and start potty training on a 6' leash in an area that your dog likes to go.  Take her out there, tell her "Potty" in a happy voice, and wait.  Don't let her move you around; stand in one spot and let her circle around you if she wants.  If she goes, give her a wonderful treat (chunk of meat or something she LOVES!) and make a big deal about how she 'went potty'.  Encourage her to drink lots of water, and repeat this every 4 - 6 hours.  If she DOESN'T go potty after a few minutes, tell her "Oops" and crisply take her in the house and put her in a crate.  Don't make a big deal out of it, but she'll sense that something went wrong.  2 hours later, walk up to her crate, ask her if she needs to go outside, put on her leash and walk her back to the same spot telling her to "Potty".  Often times dogs that don't go when we ask simply don't fully understand what we want from them.  If you are consistent with this schedule, by the end of the week, she'll totally get what the word "Potty" means.  Now, you have to generalize the command so she understands that "Potty" means the same thing in a new spot.  (Seems silly, but generalizing is a big part in training a dog.)  Once she gets the idea of the new spot, move to a different new spot, etc. Plenty of dogs potty just fine at home, but can't seem to get in synch with their owners on a vacation, which can cause problems (unnecessary messes, constipation, or UTIs).  Once your dog gets the "potty" command everywhere and anywhere, asking her to potty in a box won't even slow her down.  Mavis had never seen a potty box before our cruise and she didn't hesitate to use it.  I can ask her to jump onto a hedge and potty, and she will do it without any issues!!  ;)  Good luck!!

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4 hours ago, Caribbean Chris said:

We ordered a big dog food bag, too, recently so we’d have plenty on hand after the now-cancelled cruise, and I’m so glad. 


It’s strange that Florida in general hasn’t acted as decisively and quickly as other states and municipalities, given that so many of us here are in the high risk group by age. Our bars and restaurants are still open. But I sent out a cancellation notice yesterday for all our Hearing Loss Assiciation of America’s chapter events for the next month.

And things have changed dramatically since the weekend. I went out last night about 7 to pick up an online order from Kohl’s in my neighborhood, and the store and parking lot were almost empty. I stopped into my Publix grocery store across the road, and it was spooky to see so many empty shelves. There was very light traffic on Tamiami Trail, which is a major artery usually jammed by snowbird traffic and endless construction. So it’s looking like a disaster movie when you do go out.

I am in the Tampa area facing the same things - our restaurants are not closed, but cannot be more than 50% capacity and must close at 10 PM.  Delivery and take out Is being encouraged.  I realize that they are trying to keep businesses going, but the recommendation for social distancing doesn’t really allow for the rules to be bent.  This is being asked of all of us, so that much like the TP shortage from everyone getting supplies at once, our healthcare system will face the same: not enough supplies, not enough ventilators, not enough hospital beds and not enough healthcare workers, because even though we will likely recover, if we test positive, or have a known COVID contact, we must self quarantine until we have 2 consecutive negative swabs at least 24 hours apart.  We are about 14 days behind Italy when it comes to COVID, and physicians there are having ethical meetings every day to decide who gets the limited resources (ie: critical care services).  The elderly are being left to die in most cases, because they are the least strong and least likely to be able to recover.  China and Italy gave us a glimpse of what can happen, and it’s up to us to try to flatten the curve here In The US.  

I hope you all remain safe and well, and that your pups have everything they need.  

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9 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

That would be up to Prime Minister Trudeau and if he opens the border by then.  I hope you're cruise is a go for you too!

It’s not looking good.  At this point I’ll be happy if our Panama Canal cruise (January 10, 2021) goes!

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Good idea Roz getting tp from Amazon! Our stores are all out. Went to stop and shop last night an hour before it closed. Shelves were pretty empty. Got the last bag of frozen corn. No frozen or canned goods at all, but found enough stuff to pack the freezer and fridge. Kept my coat zipped up over my face and had a bunch of wipes in my hand. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking if John or I get this its not going to be good. Staying in as much as we can. Only going out to take the dog out at this point. Most restaurants are closed but some are offering delivery or curbside service. Our building management has abandoned us and said if there's cleaning supplies available someone might come in to wipe everything down. Geesh we live in elderly and handicapped, you better get someone in here! We have automatic doors with card key activation so we can go out and really not touch anything. As of a few days ago, we decided no petting the dog allowed by anyone. I feel in our situation we can't be to careful. 

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Morning everyone.  

Cindy:  Poor Oakie.  Hope he is feeling better.  That is cute picture of him.  Remember to look at it when he is being silly. I have to give Benedryl to Jezzy for Fireworks and Thunder. The problem is getting in to her BEFORE either happens. Its a should I/shouldn't I give it to her.  Of course holidays are a no brainer.  Its the fireworks from idiots any time they think they need to shoot them off.  We had lots of rain last week, but not a lot of thunder so she didn't need it. 


Hope everyone is doing ok with the crazyness of our world.  Hubby has lung issues so we are hunkering down. He has a doctors appointment today, just for blood test results.  He isn't going, I am going to see if the doctor will tell me. I am sure it isn't anything out of the norm or they would have called sooner.  I also have to go to Petsmart to get dog food.  We are ok right now, but it won't last forever.  Want to get some before it is all gone.  May have to use Amazon or Chewy.  Will check it out first.  Ahhhh.



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11 hours ago, wizard-of-roz said:

Please don't make fun of me but when I went shopping last week and there was no toilet paper anywhere......I knew I had 6 rolls at home but that wouldn't last forever, I went online and into Amazon Prime and bought toilet paper........35 rolls [the only choice I had], I just got the email confirming that the package will arrive on Wednesday.  My daughter said I'd better be careful that the box doesn't get hijacked [if someone finds out what's inside!]


Who would have thought what a highly prized commodity toilet paper would become!!!!  

We have our priorities straight - we can't get any chicken or toilet paper, but we do have plenty of dog food!

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Greetings all - We are well in mid-Missouri.  

We got home from our Caribbean cruise on Feb 21 and everything seemed normal. 

Now?  Wow.  The university is closed, classes have gone online, employees who can are working from home.

The funny part is that we got home, looked at our TP in the closet, and decided to order a drop shipment from Sam's Club.  So we beat the curve!  
I caught a bug, probably on the plane or the airport, but seem to have mostly recovered.  It showed up about 10 days after flying.  Tested negative for Influenza, but no one thought to test me for Covid-19.  No telling.  

Hope you all are well!

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12 hours ago, Wendsong said:

I heard the TP comes from China, and everyone worries there won't be any more for awhile. I didn't check the wrapper, so can't verify if that's true. 

I don't care where the stuff comes from.....I'm addicted to it.  I was always the kid that stuffed up the toilets in our house!  😛

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44 minutes ago, Algebralovr said:

Greetings all - We are well in mid-Missouri.  

We got home from our Caribbean cruise on Feb 21 and everything seemed normal. 

Now?  Wow.  The university is closed, classes have gone online, employees who can are working from home.

The funny part is that we got home, looked at our TP in the closet, and decided to order a drop shipment from Sam's Club.  So we beat the curve!  
I caught a bug, probably on the plane or the airport, but seem to have mostly recovered.  It showed up about 10 days after flying.  Tested negative for Influenza, but no one thought to test me for Covid-19.  No telling.  

Hope you all are well!

You take care and make sure that you're not infected.


In a matter of weeks our world has drastically changed hasn't it!

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1 hour ago, DUTRAVEL said:

We have our priorities straight - we can't get any chicken or toilet paper, but we do have plenty of dog food!

Before this all started I had an order from Chewy delivered.....the timing was perfect.  Horton's good for at least a few weeks.


There are lots of delivery options for our dog's food.  Chewy is excellent and Entirely Pets.com is another good source.  



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2 hours ago, S.S. Cruisers said:

Morning everyone.  

Cindy:  Poor Oakie.  Hope he is feeling better.  That is cute picture of him.  Remember to look at it when he is being silly. I have to give Benedryl to Jezzy for Fireworks and Thunder. The problem is getting in to her BEFORE either happens. Its a should I/shouldn't I give it to her.  Of course holidays are a no brainer.  Its the fireworks from idiots any time they think they need to shoot them off.  We had lots of rain last week, but not a lot of thunder so she didn't need it. 


Hope everyone is doing ok with the crazyness of our world.  Hubby has lung issues so we are hunkering down. He has a doctors appointment today, just for blood test results.  He isn't going, I am going to see if the doctor will tell me. I am sure it isn't anything out of the norm or they would have called sooner.  I also have to go to Petsmart to get dog food.  We are ok right now, but it won't last forever.  Want to get some before it is all gone.  May have to use Amazon or Chewy.  Will check it out first.  Ahhhh.



Take good care of all your beings and you.  Hopefully, we'll ALL get through this and life will be more positive and good for everyone.

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2 minutes ago, wizard-of-roz said:

You take care and make sure that you're not infected.


In a matter of weeks our world has drastically changed hasn't it!

Process in my area is really just to stay home unless breathing becomes labored.  Since I have asthma, mine is regularly so.  
So, my physician says to treat symptoms, and contact if change.  Which is really the norm for this.  

We really don't need to know how many people have it, there is no real need to test unless a real cause to do so.  It is a virus.  I get that the secondary infection can become a serious issue, and so the goal is not to let a secondary infection set in.


Anyway, hope all are well!  

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4 hours ago, rangeley said:

Good idea Roz getting tp from Amazon! Our stores are all out. Went to stop and shop last night an hour before it closed. Shelves were pretty empty. Got the last bag of frozen corn. No frozen or canned goods at all, but found enough stuff to pack the freezer and fridge. Kept my coat zipped up over my face and had a bunch of wipes in my hand. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking if John or I get this its not going to be good. Staying in as much as we can. Only going out to take the dog out at this point. Most restaurants are closed but some are offering delivery or curbside service. Our building management has abandoned us and said if there's cleaning supplies available someone might come in to wipe everything down. Geesh we live in elderly and handicapped, you better get someone in here! We have automatic doors with card key activation so we can go out and really not touch anything. As of a few days ago, we decided no petting the dog allowed by anyone. I feel in our situation we can't be to careful. 

I sure hope that the maintenance departments of the kinds of buildings like yours are stepping up their cleaning procedures.


I really never thought about people touching Horton but now I realize that if they're sick and touch him, they could actually leave germs on him and his gear........No more petting or touching by the public......for now! 

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9 hours ago, Mavis and Me said:

In my experience training adult dogs that are new to my home, it's probably just best to jump in and start potty training on a 6' leash in an area that your dog likes to go.  Take her out there, tell her "Potty" in a happy voice, and wait.  Don't let her move you around; stand in one spot and let her circle around you if she wants.  If she goes, give her a wonderful treat (chunk of meat or something she LOVES!) and make a big deal about how she 'went potty'.  Encourage her to drink lots of water, and repeat this every 4 - 6 hours.  If she DOESN'T go potty after a few minutes, tell her "Oops" and crisply take her in the house and put her in a crate.  Don't make a big deal out of it, but she'll sense that something went wrong.  2 hours later, walk up to her crate, ask her if she needs to go outside, put on her leash and walk her back to the same spot telling her to "Potty".  Often times dogs that don't go when we ask simply don't fully understand what we want from them.  If you are consistent with this schedule, by the end of the week, she'll totally get what the word "Potty" means.  Now, you have to generalize the command so she understands that "Potty" means the same thing in a new spot.  (Seems silly, but generalizing is a big part in training a dog.)  Once she gets the idea of the new spot, move to a different new spot, etc. Plenty of dogs potty just fine at home, but can't seem to get in synch with their owners on a vacation, which can cause problems (unnecessary messes, constipation, or UTIs).  Once your dog gets the "potty" command everywhere and anywhere, asking her to potty in a box won't even slow her down.  Mavis had never seen a potty box before our cruise and she didn't hesitate to use it.  I can ask her to jump onto a hedge and potty, and she will do it without any issues!! 😉  Good luck!!

Thank you for sharing your methods.


My first dog Brenda took lots of patience and repetitive "asks" to go potty in our first potty box, which was made of a truck drip pan and filled with kitty litter.....[what a mess that was].  I soon graduated to a real grass sod piece [purchased at a local nursery] and worked really well. 


The sod changes were not always easy for me to do. And, we moved to using wood shavings [purchased at Lowe's] and covered with artificial turf.  This is my best and long lasting products used for our potty box on my patio.


Horton uses a potty box like a genius.  He watched Brenda use it and it took him all of 20 minutes to get the idea of what to do and goes in a box everyday and uses the potty box provided on cruises with no problems. 


I bring a piece of artificial grass [purchased at Lowe's] with me on every cruise, to cover whatever the ship may use.  It folds up into my suitcase easily, and I leave it behind when the cruise is done.

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6 hours ago, allies_daphne said:

I am in the Tampa area facing the same things - our restaurants are not closed, but cannot be more than 50% capacity and must close at 10 PM.  Delivery and take out Is being encouraged.  I realize that they are trying to keep businesses going, but the recommendation for social distancing doesn’t really allow for the rules to be bent.  This is being asked of all of us, so that much like the TP shortage from everyone getting supplies at once, our healthcare system will face the same: not enough supplies, not enough ventilators, not enough hospital beds and not enough healthcare workers, because even though we will likely recover, if we test positive, or have a known COVID contact, we must self quarantine until we have 2 consecutive negative swabs at least 24 hours apart.  We are about 14 days behind Italy when it comes to COVID, and physicians there are having ethical meetings every day to decide who gets the limited resources (ie: critical care services).  The elderly are being left to die in most cases, because they are the least strong and least likely to be able to recover.  China and Italy gave us a glimpse of what can happen, and it’s up to us to try to flatten the curve here In The US.  

I hope you all remain safe and well, and that your pups have everything they need.  

You stay well too!

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11 hours ago, Caribbean Chris said:

You can auction off individual rolls on eBay, Roz,  and cover the cost of your next cruise!

OMG!  Brilliant!  I'll be the big blonde on the news who was arrested for selling rolls of toilet paper on Rodeo Drive......Gucci's may be closed but "Roz" is available for all your Covid needs!!!!!

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3 hours ago, Algebralovr said:

Process in my area is really just to stay home unless breathing becomes labored.  Since I have asthma, mine is regularly so.  
So, my physician says to treat symptoms, and contact if change.  Which is really the norm for this.  

We really don't need to know how many people have it, there is no real need to test unless a real cause to do so.  It is a virus.  I get that the secondary infection can become a serious issue, and so the goal is not to let a secondary infection set in.


Anyway, hope all are well!  

Actually there IS reason to test, because people could be asymptomatic carriers.  Someone who has a COVID exposure and doesn’t self isolate and get tested could pass it on to many others.  I promise you the numbers we have in the US right now are drastically low compared to how many really have it.  As testing availability ramps up in the next 7 days, you will see many more cases.  By the end of this week Quest and LabCorp expect to be running 20K and 50K tests per day Respectively, with less than 24 hour turnaround time for the result.  Many labs in local hospitals are also getting FDA approval to run the tests so cases can be identified earlier.


For high risk people (elderly, asthma, autoimmune, COPD, oncology and immunocompromised patients) the risk of this virus turning into an interstitial pneumonia is tenfold.  People can be fine one day and intubated the next.  

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13 hours ago, Mavis and Me said:

In my experience training adult dogs that are new to my home, it's probably just best to jump in and start potty training on a 6' leash in an area that your dog likes to go.  Take her out there, tell her "Potty" in a happy voice, and wait.  Don't let her move you around; stand in one spot and let her circle around you if she wants.  If she goes, give her a wonderful treat (chunk of meat or something she LOVES!) and make a big deal about how she 'went potty'.  Encourage her to drink lots of water, and repeat this every 4 - 6 hours.  If she DOESN'T go potty after a few minutes, tell her "Oops" and crisply take her in the house and put her in a crate.  Don't make a big deal out of it, but she'll sense that something went wrong.  2 hours later, walk up to her crate, ask her if she needs to go outside, put on her leash and walk her back to the same spot telling her to "Potty".  Often times dogs that don't go when we ask simply don't fully understand what we want from them.  If you are consistent with this schedule, by the end of the week, she'll totally get what the word "Potty" means.  Now, you have to generalize the command so she understands that "Potty" means the same thing in a new spot.  (Seems silly, but generalizing is a big part in training a dog.)  Once she gets the idea of the new spot, move to a different new spot, etc. Plenty of dogs potty just fine at home, but can't seem to get in synch with their owners on a vacation, which can cause problems (unnecessary messes, constipation, or UTIs).  Once your dog gets the "potty" command everywhere and anywhere, asking her to potty in a box won't even slow her down.  Mavis had never seen a potty box before our cruise and she didn't hesitate to use it.  I can ask her to jump onto a hedge and potty, and she will do it without any issues!! 😉  Good luck!!

Thanks for the help. Bella was born in July of 2019 and I got her in September 2019. She is very much a puppy still even at close to 80lbs. One issue I have is that I have 2 other dogs and live with my parents and brother still. The dogs all get to go in and out all day every day whenever they want. 


On another note here in Houston TX they have closed all bars and clubs. Restaurants are limited to take out and delivery. No one gets to eat in restaurants for the forseeable future. I was going to take Bella to the zoo last weekend but it is closed now as well. The stores have bare shelves and big lines. The pet stores are out of cleaning products as well since people learned that that stuff works just as well as the stuff for humans. I am not worried about food for my animals (3 dogs and 3 cats). The dog food is on auto ship with chewy and I recently got cat food so am good for a while on that. 

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Just was looking at my phones app store. There is now an app for cruise critic. Only about 50 downloads so far and no reviews. It was released earlier this month. I am going to give it a shot. 


Hoping they do no close the national parks. My parents and brother are going to Vegas, the Grand Canyon and a few other national parks in the area in May. I will not be going on that trip but it might be a glimpse into out trip to Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks in September. 


I am hoping my parents will decide for sure if we are going on a cruise next year by May or June. We will not be booking until August (my mom will not know when she can take off until then). We are hoping to be able to cruise with some friends of mine and I do not want them waiting to book until August if we are not going to actually go. I am an over worrier and over planner. I also stress about things way to much. 

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4 hours ago, allies_daphne said:

Actually there IS reason to test, because people could be asymptomatic carriers.  Someone who has a COVID exposure and doesn’t self isolate and get tested could pass it on to many others.  I promise you the numbers we have in the US right now are drastically low compared to how many really have it.  As testing availability ramps up in the next 7 days, you will see many more cases.  By the end of this week Quest and LabCorp expect to be running 20K and 50K tests per day Respectively, with less than 24 hour turnaround time for the result.  Many labs in local hospitals are also getting FDA approval to run the tests so cases can be identified earlier.


For high risk people (elderly, asthma, autoimmune, COPD, oncology and immunocompromised patients) the risk of this virus turning into an interstitial pneumonia is tenfold.  People can be fine one day and intubated the next.  

Good information, thank you.

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