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P&O vs Celebrity


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I have just noticed that P&O has some great Itinearys and leaving from the UK. As living in the states these days with airfare so high leaving from the UK might be of interest.


How is the service compared to Celebrity? Are there formal night? Is there white glove service in the dining room? Is it standard seating for dinner or open seating?


Any information will be appreciated

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Hello again tcocktail!


We shall be cruising on Ventura in September 2008 - after our two cruises on Galaxy (about which you probably know almost as much as I do....) we wanted to try cruising ex-UK rather than go through the 'flight to the port' hassle. That reason wouldn't apply in your case, of course.


There's lots of info around about P&O, especially their website which I think is excellent - better than Celebrity's. Basically, I understand that there are formal nights, and on most of the ships you can choose (once only, when you book) between traditional sittings for dinner (similar to Celebrity) or what P&O call 'Freedom Dining' - similar to NCL's Freestyle. More sea days, of course (apart from the 7-day 'short break cruises) - if you're going to the Med & starting from Southampton, there's an unavoidable amount of transit time. This is the thing that has put me off ex-UK cruising up until now, but we felt that it's time to give it a try.


However, I think the big difference, as I understand it, is that P&O offer a very British experience. Most passengers will be Brits, the menus will be british rather than american, entertainment will major on british concepts, etc.


Finally, don't forget that there are other lines doing ex-UK cruising - Fred.Olsen offer a similar British experience but in smaller, older ships, and RCI (among others) offer a US experience. Princess also have a ship operating out of Southampton (Sea Princess) in the summers, and this is almost a hybrid: it's a Princess ship but most of the passengers are Brits. Indeed, Sea Princess sailed as a P&O ship (Adonia) for several years.

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Hello again tcocktail!

There's lots of info around about P&O, especially their website which I think is excellent - better than Celebrity's. Basically, I understand that there are formal nights, and on most of the ships you can choose (once only, when you book) between traditional sittings for dinner (similar to Celebrity) or what P&O call 'Freedom Dining' - similar to NCL's Freestyle. More sea days, of course (apart from the 7-day 'short break cruises) - if you're going to the Med & starting from Southampton, there's an unavoidable amount of transit time. This is the thing that has put me off ex-UK cruising up until now, but we felt that it's time to give it a try.=quote]





Hi Tom,


Your correct about freedom dining but it is only found on Ventura and Oceana. The other 4 ships have traditional 2 sittings for dinner.


One difference is that P&O have all adult ships in Artemis and Arcadia. I do not think this is found in any other major cruise line.


Scottie99 is also correct in regard to formal nights with over 90% in DJ's and the rest in lounge suits.


An interesting thing about Adonia oops Sea Princess is that she is doing virtually the same cruises as she did with P&O and with the same 80%+ British passengers. I understand that the food has had to be changed from the normal US fayre to cope with British tastes on cruises ex Southampton.


The other difference is that P&O do not market their cruises in the US at all and do not, as far as I know offer fares ex.US.




:):)Happy Cruising:):)






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Hi. I thought I would try to help, not in all areas but in a few. I am 38 years old, married with two boys aged 9 and 12, and am a self-confessed cruise addict!:D I am English and have travelled on P & O three times, on Oriana and Oceana. I have never travelled with Celebrity but understand it to be more lixke P & O than Royal Caribbean to which it is a sister company.


Oceana is one of P & O's and is sister ship to Sea Princess and Dawn Princess (having been formerly known as Ocean Princess until being sent to the UK). If you are familiar with Princess, you would know what decor etc to expect and bars quite slitzy and gold but I liked it. Oceana also has freedom dining or set dining sittings, but all plated service to the table which some do not care for, that is fine by me as after 4 or 5 courses I am stuffed!. Oriana, however, is very traditional with cigar club type feel to its bars and public areas (without the cigar smoke may I add!).... the dining is silver service here so you get your main course on the plate but the vegetables and potatoes are served by the waiter, so you can never say you are hungry after eating on the Oriana!:eek: . I loved both ships but I have booked Oriana for October this year and August next year, it just has that extra something.Aurora is supposed to be beautiful also and traditional, many pefer Aurora. All the staff are from India, this is going back to the 1800s when India was part of the British Empire and to work for P & O on the cruise liners was a great honour, and children followed their fathers and grandfathers. Some of the housekeeping staff are from the Philipines. They are all extremely well trained and very polite and give wonderful service.


Now I want to know what the big deal is about regarding English food and American food? Like I said, I love to cruise and have been to Florida on land vacations 15 times and cruises out of Tampa with Royal Caribbean so I know what Americans like. I have to be honest, of all the cruises I have been on (p & O and Royal Caribbean (Legend of the Seas x2, once within the UK and once from Tampa)... the food was identical! The only difference is they provided Heinz ketchup and HP sauce for Brits. The food we had last year on Oriana from UK was comparable choice wise, though a tad better quality than RCI.....I am confused about the food thing,, this could really put Americans off trying a Brit cruise experience if food it the big issue each time! In US, you have bacon, sausage, hash browns, pancakes with syrup, fruit, etc etc. for breakfast... Oriana and Oceana had it all on a UK cruise, they also have pizza and burgers.For dinner both cruise lines offered meat and fish dishes in sauces with mashed potaoes, sautees, veggies etc.


Sorry to ramble on but I have to clarify this majorly discussed topic. I am a BIG foody, love my food. I have always found lots to satisfy me on each cruise line.


Anyway, to finish off, Oriana has just had a multimillion pound refurb and is supposed to be wonderful. It has also now got the Gary Rhodes specialty restaurant which will be a lovely addition. Cannot wait for my next trip.


Give it a go! Hollyanna:)

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was on oriana in may my first ever cruise the food was brill,the breakfast have the oriana beakfast ohhhh:D ,the afternoon tea's:D aahhhh, the evening meal uhhh,:D thewaistline yuk:( no jokingwas the best holiday we've ever had booked arcadia next year

rock on tommy:cool:

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I knew you would pop up again. I will be looking forward to your review after this fall sailing. We decided to sail the Galaxy on June 20, 2008. I am really looking forward to it. I hope that the airfare doesn't get too crazy here from the states.


Thank you everyone for your responses, I am seriously going to try P&O on the next cruise. We love to experience different customs and cultures so food is not an issue so long that it is served elegantly and the serve is good. I was Royal in May and it's not for me. I cook better at home.


Have a great trip on your P&O cruises.

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Tcocktail, one word "DONT!"

P and O dont remotely come close to Celebrity as far as food and service is concerned.

I have done P and O four times, and Celebrity twice, would NEVER return to P and O having sailed with X.

If you didnt like RCI, then believe me, you will not be happy with PandO.

Check out Berlitz cruise guide for full ratings of all P and O ships to have an honest comparism to Celebrity.

Dont forget P and O now comes under the Carnival umbrella ..need I say more?

Will get slated here...dont care, P and O not a patch on X!:D

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Blondie I think thats highly unfair, I have been lucky enough to sail both P&O and Celebrity and would actualy say P&O was my Favourite cruice followed by a close second with Celebrity.


I cruised on the Arcadia in July 2006 and soon after the Millennium in Feb 2007, they were indeed different cruises as one featured the Baltics and the other Carribean the Millennium being the Carribean out of Fort Luaderdale.


I would say the food was good on both but slightly better on the Arcadia the quality and decor of the ships was on par the staff equally as good on both ships if anything the Entertainment on Celebrity in general through out the ship was better but I don't cruise for the entertainment so I may not be the best judge


I have never wanted to try RCI becuase the idea of the all out American RARARA would drive me made, so I was very pleasantly surprised with the refined and subdued quality of service on board Millennium.


I would say if a person likes P&O if choicing an American cruice experience then they would like celebrity and vise versa.


I sometimes thing P&O gets a bad review becuase of some the old die hard musties that go back to P&O again and again making it sometimes feel a little stuffy, P&O are trying to change this the Arcadia is fantastic contempory chic and very modern with the best Spa I have ever visited.


And as 38 y/o married childless guy it hits the nail right on the head for me.


My wife and I are trying the Aurora in September to give other P&O ships a go but have rebooked the Arcadia for July 2008 and carn't wait to be back on board

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Last year we sailed Oceana and Arcadia and we will never sail P&O again. In our opinion it no way compares to Celebrity, in food, service and style. We took my parents who had previously sailed on Oriana some years ago and they too were disappointed with how the standards had dropped. And the Brits, who like to sail on British ships pay dearly for the priviledge too.

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Tcocktail, one word "DONT!"

P and O dont remotely come close to Celebrity as far as food and service is concerned.

I have done P and O four times, and Celebrity twice, would NEVER return to P and O having sailed with X.

If you didnt like RCI, then believe me, you will not be happy with PandO.

Check out Berlitz cruise guide for full ratings of all P and O ships to have an honest comparism to Celebrity.

Dont forget P and O now comes under the Carnival umbrella ..need I say more?

Will get slated here...dont care, P and O not a patch on X!:D




Slate Slate Slate.......:mad:


Naughty girl:mad: Now do not do it again or you will go to bed with no supper:mad:






Well you wanted to be slated:D




Happy Cruising




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Now thats not fair, how come you didnt slate sanne too? He/she agrees with me:D

Thank you, I consider myself "slated"!:D


I do think British people are put off cruising with lines such as Celebrity as they think "american" rararara "as someone else put it!... It is far from the case, in fact, I think P and O are much more for this kind of cruise than X. X doesnt have silly pool games,(instead expect delivery of beautiful frozen sorbets and chilled towels, maybe a spritz of evian water to cool you by the pool!) no english pubs etc... it is a very tasteful classy line and the little things like embarkation when a white gloved steward shows you to your cabin and a FREE glass of champagne welcome you... 24 hour room service for all cabins with items such as HAND MADE pizzas delivered in a box to the cabin. Celebrity is the only line of the big 7 who hand bake all pastries and pizzas on board, all other lines have them ready prepared. Lunch on pool deck, on P and O you stand in line like school kids, get PAPER nakpins, plastic cutlery and not even a teaspoon, on Celebritys pool deck lunch, a waiter will carry your tray to the table, with LINEN napkins and real crockery and cutlery. These are just small factors which define the difference and I guess is why Celebrity have 7 out of the top 12 cruise ships (large category) in the world including the top five (Conde nast Traveller)

Then theres the staff to passenger ratio and the space to passenger ratio. Celebrity M class ships are huge but have fewer passengers so they never seem busy or congested. The restaurants are huge tiered decks, with classical music being played whilst you dine..oh the list is endless...

Tables for two are more easily had, and the speciality dining rooms are incredible.

The last P and O cruise I actually enjoyed was the old Arcadias farewell voyage, (even then though there were still the dodgy curries at lunchtime and the good old sheperds pie at night), but the cruise and the people and staff were brilliant. Our last P and O cruise was on Oceana and that was just a shambolic nightmare which made us vow never ever to return to P and O again. (As did fellow passengers!). I dont know about the new arcadia, perhaps as its adults only it probably attracts a more traditional crowd than Oceana...

Our family are still die hard P and O fans, although we did take MIL on a celebrity cruise and she agreed that Celebrity did have the edge. I am sure it works for millions of British People, I just wouldnt suggest to an American (as in the OP's question) who was used to the standards of Celebrity to spend their dollars on a P and O cruise. With the exchange rate the way it is right now, for them, it would be a very costly experience and one I would not recommend as someone who has experienced both lines. He will get much more for his dollar by sticking with Celebrity. JMHO:D

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Just a final note to sum up how I feel about P&O and X. After 14 days on the Arcadia, going to the same station to get my oatmeal and soy milk each morning for breakfast and seeing the same assistant, he didn't know me and still had to go and find the soy milk. On X it was there almost waiting for me after 2 days, with a welcome smile and greeting.

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Having cruised several times on Celebrity I have to agree with Blondies comments. We did enjoy our cruise on Arcadia at Xmas and we are planning to cruise on the Ventura,however I still think Celebrity are a cut above in terms of service and choice of dining, love the spa cafe, sushi bar, free room service none of which were on P&O although the entertainment on P&O was better than Celebrity but then it is geared for British tastes. I do agree that an American passenger used to the high standards of Celebrity may be a little disappointed on a P&O cruise unless of course they want to experience a predominantly British cruise.

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I have just noticed that P&O has some great Itineraries and leaving from the UK. As living in the states these days with airfare so high leaving from the UK might be of interest.


How is the service compared to Celebrity? Are there formal night? Is there white glove service in the dining room? Is it standard seating for dinner or open seating?


Any information will be appreciated



Possibly the answer to this query lies in the first sentence of the OP's post. Only P&O has a range of cruises from Southampton covering a large number itineraries north, south, east and west from the UK.


If that is what attracts then P&O is the right cruise line to use.


That Celebrity is slightly better than P&O is not in dispute. That P&O is a good cruise line is not in dispute. But P&0 have about 110 cruises in 2008 Southampton to Southampton in 6 cruise ships, all different, with very few of those 110 itineraries are duplicated.


Celebrity does not offer this.




:):)Happy Cruising:):)









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I shall look forward to being able to make my own comparisions soon as I sail on the Century in 6 weeks time.:)


Having done many P&O cruises (and Fred Olsen, Princess, Cunard, Page & Moy) I do feel that P&O's standards are slipping. With the cruise prices as they are they have to make cuts somewhere, but I just feel they are losing their polish a bit, thats just my opinion.


Looking forward to trying Celebrity, always good to try something new!;)


Country Lass

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I knew you would pop up again. I will be looking forward to your review after this fall sailing. We decided to sail the Galaxy on June 20, 2008. I am really looking forward to it. I hope that the airfare doesn't get too crazy here from the states.


Thank you everyone for your responses, I am seriously going to try P&O on the next cruise. We love to experience different customs and cultures so food is not an issue so long that it is served elegantly and the serve is good. I was Royal in May and it's not for me. I cook better at home.


Have a great trip on your P&O cruises.


You made the right choice; I would not rate Celebrity as my favourite line by any means, I found the food lacking in diversity apart from the speciality restaurants and indeed most aspects of the food and decor were definitely on the "safe" side (tending towards bland) and most of all I hate the external appearance of most of their fleet. however the crew were incredibly friendly and intuative and there was a dignified relaxed ambience throughout the ship (Millenium).

Onboard the Arcadia recently I experienced something I didn't think I would ever find onboard a cruise ship - miserable crew - I was very aware that I had chosen a short itinerary and could have forgiven a lot, however the veil of gloom was shocking, the staff lacked any willingness to "walk the extra mile" were inflexible and very badly trained.


I find it impossible to imagine that this attitude could change on a longer cruise, unfortunately we are used to bad and impersonal service in the UK and I can only imagine that many of us become oblivious to it.


I honestly believe that it would come as a huge shock for any American to experience what we did on Arcadia in terms of service, however I did find the food choices more inspiring than Celebrity, I am not particularly bothered about silver service as invariably your food is going cold while waiting for all the bits to be put on everyones plates, personally I think it is an outmoded tradition that is quite unecessary, but it is one thing which continues on P&O and I know that many people like it.


I would have suggested that Cunard would be a better compromise in terms of service, and above all in the current climate you would find the fact that everything is billed in GBP on P&O a very expensive experience especially as so many things which are normally free on most cruise lines carry small charges which would really add up over a couple of weeks.


More and more cruise lines are sailing out of the UK now that you should be able to cruise wherever you like in Europe in the future without risking P&O.

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Sorry I cannot let this go SSNorway was on a 2 night binge cruise when the staff would have been confronted with a cruise ship full of people out to party and I do not mean get drunk and go over the top.


On a long cruise there are a large number of passengers who do not spend much time in bars etc. Whereas on a short cruise there are very few people who are going to go off to bed for an early night.


As a result the staff get overworked unless you employ more of them. This is where P&O get it wrong. They should recognise the different staffing levels required.


I do not think that you can compare Arcadia on a 2 night cruise with any of the other ships in SSNorways list. It is a very unfair comparison.


My experience of Arcadia is completely different, but then I was on a 2 week crossing of the Atlantic and found the staff to be delightful.


If you read other reports of Arcadia then you get the same impression as I have.


Clearly someone has another agenda.




:):)Happy Cruising:):)









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Just thought I'd add my opinion too.


I have sailed on Celebrity, P&O and RCI. Our favourite cruiseline is Celebrity. We sailed on Infinity and for us it had the edge over P&O. I would say however, that Celebrity is more on par with P&O than RCI. Our Celebrity preference is subjective of course and just our opinion. P&O do offer a huge range of cruises from Southampton, whereas Celebrity sailings in Europe are limited.



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Hi Dai


I thought this board was for people to view their opinions, I was just expressing mine.


As you say there is a wealth of opposing opinions on here, I'm sure people are able to read the many positive and negative threads and build their own balanced overall view.


As far as agenda is concerned - as intreaging as that might seem - I can't imagine what I would have to gain from it, I would still very much like to sail on Oreana and hopefully will do in time so i'm not out to single handedly destroy everything P&O has worked to establish since 1843!


When I do have positive things to say, I will be on here straight away to tell everyone all about it;)



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I have just noticed that P&O has some great Itinearys and leaving from the UK. As living in the states these days with airfare so high leaving from the UK might be of interest.


How is the service compared to Celebrity? Are there formal night? Is there white glove service in the dining room? Is it standard seating for dinner or open seating?


Any information will be appreciated


P&O formal nights are very well observed more so i believe than RCI when some Americans change straight after dinner back into casuals. On pando the pax wear their formals all night - most men in tux, women in long dresses/cocktail dresses. Ofcourse Celebrity is slightly higer rated than p&o , everyone knows this, but she ain't bad atall. Silver service on all ships except Oceana which is now plated. The seating is fixed you will be told your seating -1st or 2nd and table size on embarkation day. You can book tables for the alternative restaurants on embarkation day too. We chose a table for 2 and a table by the window in these restaurants for a treat. On Arcadia we had a thai restaurant -The orchid, and a Gary rhodes restaurant Arcadian Rhodes both were great. I would try celebrity if I could cruise from Southampton, and will one day if a cruise sails from there.


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On balance we would agree with most of the comments pro and con but overall prefer P&O. The underlying feeling on Connie was being ripped off.



I think your comments on X were very fair:

I do think British people are put off cruising with lines such as Celebrity as they think "american" rararara "as someone else put it!... It is far from the case, in fact, I think P and O are much more for this kind of cruise than X. X doesnt have silly pool games,(instead expect delivery of beautiful frozen sorbets and chilled towels, maybe a spritz of evian water to cool you by the pool!) no english pubs etc... it is a very tasteful classy line and the little things like embarkation when a white gloved steward shows you to your cabin and a FREE glass of champagne welcome you... 24 hour room service for all cabins with items such as HAND MADE pizzas delivered in a box to the cabin. Celebrity is the only line of the big 7 who hand bake all pastries and pizzas on board, all other lines have them ready prepared. Lunch on pool deck, on P and O you stand in line like school kids, get PAPER nakpins, plastic cutlery and not even a teaspoon, on Celebritys pool deck lunch, a waiter will carry your tray to the table, with LINEN napkins and real crockery and cutlery.


Getting our tray carried was a bit like a snowflake on a Florida beach.

Oddly, on Oceana we were told that all the plastic stuff was because she had been an American ship and US regulations!

The restaurants are huge tiered decks, with classical music being played whilst you dine..oh the list is endless...

But we got stuffed in the bottom corner of Connie's dining room, band out of site, but the sommelier's station behind me, the kitchen doors in front of me with the maitre d' desk in front of that and the servery to one side. The pits but someone has to sit there!

the speciality dining rooms are incredible.
True, absolitely brilliant.


I dont know about the new arcadia, perhaps as its adults only it probably attracts a more traditional crowd than Oceana...
we thought her very bland.


We would cruise Constellation again if they gave us a VERY good offer. The biggest difference was P&O had British officers whereas the majority of the Connie's officers were Greek and the deck area needed a b****y good Master at Arms to ensure the decks were cleaned - ashtrays left unemptied for 4 days at least and litter not cleaned until after four complaints.

My views were echoed by many others including Americans who often sought our views.


I would not rate Celebrity as my favourite line by any means, I found the food lacking in diversity apart from the speciality restaurants and indeed most aspects of the food and decor were definitely on the "safe" side (tending towards bland) and most of all I hate the external appearance of most of their fleet. however the crew were incredibly friendly and intuative and there was a dignified relaxed ambience throughout the ship (Millenium).

Onboard the Arcadia recently I experienced something I didn't think I would ever find onboard a cruise ship - miserable crew - I was very aware that I had chosen a short itinerary and could have forgiven a lot, however the veil of gloom was shocking, the staff lacked any willingness to "walk the extra mile" were inflexible and very badly trained.

Very perceptive. We met the commissioning purser for Arcadia, after she moved to Oceana, and she said we would love or hate it. We're with you. As for a 'miserable crew', we would have said that our room steward was petrified. That was in Dec 05. It just was not a happy ship. Oceana OTOH :) and we hear good news of Aurora too.

Libralass said that silver service, except on Oceana, was plated. It was plated on Constellation even in their top class restaurant. Food was good in the main restaurant although on my last meal there (6 out of a possible 14) I really didn't like any choice.

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Very perceptive. We met the commissioning purser for Arcadia, after she moved to Oceana, and she said we would love or hate it. We're with you. As for a 'miserable crew', we would have said that our room steward was petrified. That was in Dec 05. It just was not a happy ship. Oceana OTOH :) and we hear good news of Aurora too.

Libralass said that silver service, except on Oceana, was plated. It was plated on Constellation even in their top class restaurant. Food was good in the main restaurant although on my last meal there (6 out of a possible 14) I really didn't like any choice.



Well I think the crew must have changed, because in October of 07, the staff we came across were friendly and happy. As we have found in all the other ships we have been on.


The comment about miserable crew was made about a 2 night cruise and these are different to longer cruises. All the people who are on the cruise will be out and about all of the time in the evenings because they only have 2 nights. On a long cruise there are nights when the bars are quiet and by 11.30 most people are in bed. On short cruises the service is not as slick people get annoyed and staff find it difficult to stay jolly and so appear miserable to some people, especially those looking for faults.


I think P&O should realise the difference and get more staff for these short cruises.





:):)Happy Cruising:):)







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Dai, my Oceana cruise was a 3-day taster and superb. The miserable crew was on Arcadia on a 14-day Carribean.


The misery was not uniform throughout the ship but clearly in some departments. We noticed this in our accommodation area and to a lesser extent on the deck waiters.


One thing which I thought was plain stupid, and I wrote to P&O about, was dressing gowns. Dressing gowns were not provided but on about day 11 two sealed pack P&O gowns were put in every stateroom. If you opened the pack then you had to buy the dressing gown. It was one size fits all, a hard sell, to too late for use on the cruise.


Our steward 'lost' two gowns. He was petrified as he would have to pay for them. A passenger had just stowed them somewhere.

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Dai, my Oceana cruise was a 3-day taster and superb. The miserable crew was on Arcadia on a 14-day Carribean.


The misery was not uniform throughout the ship but clearly in some departments. We noticed this in our accommodation area and to a lesser extent on the deck waiters.


One thing which I thought was plain stupid, and I wrote to P&O about, was dressing gowns. Dressing gowns were not provided but on about day 11 two sealed pack P&O gowns were put in every stateroom. If you opened the pack then you had to buy the dressing gown. It was one size fits all, a hard sell, to too late for use on the cruise.


Our steward 'lost' two gowns. He was petrified as he would have to pay for them. A passenger had just stowed them somewhere.




Hi Pontius Navigator,


It was not your 'miserable crew' I was referring to. It was referring to a previous post.


Could your experience be a new crew bedding in?


As I say the crew we had in Oct were excellent, as was the cruise.


BTW we are off to try Oceana on Saturday. We loved Adonia so we have few worries about Oceana, and we can put up with children.


But I always say "The best cruise ship in the world is the one you are on."






:):)Happy Cruising:):)









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