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Istanbuhl Tours`


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The Acropolis is "accessible"...BUT only for those IN wheelchairs... those of us with canes had to do the climb...some 1000+ steps...was worth it but took a long time' date=' nobody was at the lift, which is on the opposite side of than everyone climbs up...and ends by the museum.[/quote']


When we returned to the "lift" a guide asked if we minded squeezing in a bit as an elderly gentleman felt he was unable to walk back down. He did not use a cane but was about 75-80 and rather thin. We had no problems with his joining us for the trip down and I suggested he hold onto my husband's arm as he pushed me back to the black topped area. The guides knew who went up and had a worker up top to buzz for the lift to return.


The Paralympic codes, I believe, only required the Greeks to leave the access items in place until 2007. I wrote the Secretary General of Tourism to thank him and the people of Greece for the wonderful memories I have of their country from that trip. I also informed him of the transportation, lunches and jewelry we bought and what disabled tourists like me contibute when a site is accessible.


Might I suggest a letter to the top next time, in advance, for clarification of the regulations on such sites. Like you can handle getting into most UNESCO sites while I cannot. My loss but the World benefits. The Acropolis is not a UNESCO site so I benefit. I am sorry another cheeseheader had to do that slippery trek using crutches or canes. If this were to happen to another who climbed up but felt they really needed help (not the people allergic to all stairs) getting down I would ask someone while still in the museum area.

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To Northern Lite

Guess I felt after that climb I'd paid my dues to appreciate the view. The trip was also in the rain...so it really was slippery on all that marble! I admit I was glad the rain had stopped and it was fairly dry on the way down as that was actually much harder. (Plus I got the most fabulous photos of the Parthenon with VERY blue skies behind just before we left the hill...was the ONLY rainy day of 12 in Nov. Med.)


As to Istanbul tours, or ANY private VRS ships tour, usually they are cheaper believe it or not, it's better to tour thru where-ever with 4-6-even 10or so people than 50 on the bus...and they (Private tours) travel at YOUR speed...see what you want, and skip those carpet shops or cameo factories. We selected what we wanted to see near Ephesus, and had a meal also at the guides expense.

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What was wrong with ships tour in Epheseus? If it does not mention shopping, how did they work that in--not interested in buying a carpet or going to a bazaar--just to see the ancient sites...



Nothing really wrong with the ship's tours. Best I recall, they were 1/2 day tours. We (8 of us) went with Kagan Kosagan for a full day. When we arrived in Ephesus, he took us to the museum--before the tour buses.

Then we went to the city itself, but he decided it was too crowded, so off we went to May Magdelene's place. Very few there at the time. When we got back to Ephesus, the morning buses were gone, the afternoon ones hadn't arrived, and the group of us had the city to ourselves. Oh well, one busload of Japanese tourists did catch up and whiz by us. Afterwards, we went for lunch in a Turkish restaurant, then back to Kusadasi where we could shop or poke around at leisure. Really an enjoyable day.


Oh yes, in Istanbul the day before, Teri was our guide. Excellent.

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Whether it's a private tour or we do it ourselves we tend to skip the carpet sellers, cameo makers, pineapple plantations, etc. We had rain in Istanbul, both ends in Rome, a bit in Athens but the rest was sunny and warm. My DH had worked in the Greek/Turkey/Italian areas, mainly smaller outlying places, for years an eon ago. So between my research and his memory we get around pretty well in Europe. I do surprise him at times by knowing things like the Acropolis access and that lunch was available in that caravansari. Poor ships tour folks were getting the hard sell while we ate lunch in the sun and drank some great white wine.


I do admit though there are places I would prefer a ships tour just to save all the pre-cruise work. And the occasional nasty glances when I decide to go in to a tender port. I mean I never go in bad weather or in less than smooth seas so why the faces on the Celebrity crew at Santorini? I weigh less than the average American woman my age BTW.


Anyway, glad the climb was worth it and you made it through safely.


Sue, a displaced Cheesehead

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To Northernlights: You can take the cheesehead out of Wisconsin, but never the Cheese out of the Cheesehead!! Since My DH used to be a cheesemaker we are rather fond of cheese. MANY moons (eons) ago he fled the almost 24/7 world of cheesemaking and went to Kohler of Kohler. Except for 9 mo in So Cal I've been here in Cheeseland. It is a totally different world than the coasts I realize...just wish folks would get rid of the antiquated idea that that makes us dumb rubes (Check out the UW grads...more top 500 CEO's than any other university...AND more Nobel prize winners almost :D )


Our tourguide in Ephesus took us into modern Ephesus (not sure it hasn't another name now) and to a great little cafe...served a wonderful Mezes dinner...all you could eat...we 12 were the only non Turks in there. AND he paid as part of our tour! Did have a little cold in Istanbul....but it WAS Nov. 28th...sure were less people in all the venues...almost no tourists

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When we cruised and visited Turkey several summers ago, we used a private guide that toured with us in both Ephesus and Istanbul. They were beyond wonderful and did many small things to make our three days with them memorable. We loved Turkey and the people we got to meet.


I hate when someone says they "hate" some place because of a poor tour. There is plenty of wonderful information on our Ports of Call boards that should help you have a great time in each port.


Who wasc your guide and how can we contact him.



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  • 8 months later...

Hi, we are going July 13th, 09 to Ephesus.

Can you please share your guide with us.My emails is darienzoatvideotrondotca.


We had a fantastic tour guide last year and we're looking forward to going back. On our first trip to Ephesus (1997) we used a ship's tour (NCL) and had the same complaint as amandajess.


If you want the name of our tour guide let me know when you're travelling. You can't have him when we're there.;)

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When we cruised and visited Turkey several summers ago, we used a private guide that toured with us in both Ephesus and Istanbul. They were beyond wonderful and did many small things to make our three days with them memorable. We loved Turkey and the people we got to meet.


I hate when someone says they "hate" some place because of a poor tour. There is plenty of wonderful information on our Ports of Call boards that should help you have a great time in each port.


We have been to Turkey 5 times. Once on a cruise, twice on a tour and twice on our own. It is our favourite destination. The sights are astonishing. The food is fantastic. Shopping is excellent. The people and the warmest most welcoming anywhere.

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This is taken from my review:


Wednesday: Istanbul – the sail in at 11 was fantastic, shame the weather did not cooperate – it was a steady drizzle all day. There were 5 ships in port so depending on where you were you just walked out in either direction. The main road with the tram line is very close. There are several banks with ATMs down here. If you were the 5th ship exit the port and turn right to find the Findikli stop, if you were in the middle aim for the big mosque and the Tophane stop is right there, and if you were closest to town then the Karakoy stop was just before the bridge.

At each station there is a booth marked ‘Jeton’ which is where you get your token. Current cost is TRY1.40pp ($1). Compare this to the $20pp that RCI were charging for their transfers! Trams are quick, efficient, and air conditioned and seemed to run every 2 minutes. Check your change as we were short changed by TRY5 at the first stop we used.

Heading to town you take the tram marked Zeytinburnu and trams back to the port are marked Kabatas. For the Topkapi Palace get off at Gulhane (despite the tram signage saying that you use Sultanahmet) and just walk up the hill a short distance. It really is much closer. For Aya Sofya and the Blue Mosque use Sultanahmet. Turkey is another country that has put up its prices since we last visited! Entry to Topkapi is TRY20pp and to the Harem is another TRY15pp. Entry to Aya Sofya is also TRY20pp. The Blue Mosque is free (still!)

After sightseeing we walked up the main road with the tram line in the middle, to the traffic lights and then turned right, down the hill a bit and then took the first road on the left Nurosmaniye Caddesi - which took us straight to the Grand Bazaar. Nuromaniye is where the RCI busses were dropping off – close to the shops (of course!) After this we walked back down to almost back at the bridge, where we got Turkish Delight at the Hafiz Mustafa shop, then we caught the tram back up the hill to Sultanahmet and we had dinner at a great place called Pasha (almost opposite MacDonalds). Dinner for 2 came to TRY152. We took a few pictures of the mosques by night and then hopped on a Kabatas tram back to the ship.

The next day it was much better weather, so after breakfast we went back into town. The grounds of the mosques seem to be home to dozens of stray cats – many of which enjoyed a breakfast of RCI-donated sausages that day...! Everyone back on board for our sailaway at 1.30.

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When we cruised and visited Turkey several summers ago, we used a private guide that toured with us in both Ephesus and Istanbul. They were beyond wonderful and did many small things to make our three days with them memorable. We loved Turkey and the people we got to meet.


I hate when someone says they "hate" some place because of a poor tour. There is plenty of wonderful information on our Ports of Call boards that should help you have a great time in each port.


Agreed. We had a wonderful private driver in Kusadasi who took us to Ephesus. Going there and not touring the Ephesus would be a shame for anyone taking this cruise. While one of the stops was a rug company, we had a wonderful lunch there and saw lovely rugs (which we ended up buying a small one that adorns our hallway entrance). Our tour guide asked if we wanted to go or stay and we chose to look around a bit no pressure.

The market/bazaar however, scares some people because culturally, their wares are sold with a lot more passion than we are used to. Its not bad just different. We personally wandered a bit and left. The people we met were all lovely.


Montrealmaria - go on the Ports of Call forum and you will find many highly recommended private tour guides.

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We are looking at EKOL tours. Would you mind telling me who your guide was? Were you happy with tem.....

Any advise or suggestion would be appreciated,


email: darienzoatvideotrondotca

at = @

dot = .


Agreed. We had a wonderful private driver in Kusadasi who took us to Ephesus. Going there and not touring the Ephesus would be a shame for anyone taking this cruise. While one of the stops was a rug company, we had a wonderful lunch there and saw lovely rugs (which we ended up buying a small one that adorns our hallway entrance). Our tour guide asked if we wanted to go or stay and we chose to look around a bit no pressure.

The market/bazaar however, scares some people because culturally, their wares are sold with a lot more passion than we are used to. Its not bad just different. We personally wandered a bit and left. The people we met were all lovely.


Montrealmaria - go on the Ports of Call forum and you will find many highly recommended private tour guides.

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Montrealmaria - am so sorry but looked up my travel diary and cannot believe we didnt write down the name of our tour guide. HIs name was Hassan but dont recall the name of the company. Sorry, it was in 2005 and dont even have any of my old emails to check. The boards were a wonderful source of information so would suggest posting a thread with the name of your tour guide to ask.


What I would suggest is that if you have no interest whatsoever in looking at any rugs, talk to the tour guide in advance and let him know that. If you do look at rugs and anything in the market areas and see something you like, negotiate as much as you can because they will inflate the price as they expect you to negotiate.


I recall when we went to Ephesus in September it was incredibly hot, take hats, water, even a spritzer bottle of water.


Enjoy. Sorry I couldnt be any more help.

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Wow, people actually stay on the cruise ship when in Turkey?! Turkey is fantastic, so much so we would like to go back for 10-14 days on a land tour. No way we would stay on the ship although staying on the ship at night in Istanbul is an experience in itself. We walked the deck and gazed at the lovely sight of the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sofia, and Topkapi Palace perched on the bank across from the Galaxy with the overwhelming sounds of a call to prayer. That was one of those very special cruise moments that captivated us and the memories of which will stay with us always.


We were prepared to be enthralled with Ephesus as we are huge into ancient civilizations and archaeology. Istanbul was a very pleasant surprise. We even managed an hour in one of the three archaeology museums near Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, both of which we also visited along with the Roman Cistern, hippodrome, and the longer Topkapi Palace tour.


I've read and heard excellent reports on Nejat and EKOL. We used Meander Tours for three days (2 days Istanbul, 1 day Kusadasi) and were very pleased, especially the day in Ephesus when we had an archaeologist tour guide for a 9-hours for just the two of us. The Ports of Call board has loads of information on tour guides. Be sure to tell the guide(s) no rug shops if you don't want that to be part of the itinerary.



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We had Nejat Incedogan...and Levent Solmez I believe his last name was. I adored Nejat, he's like a family friend , actually sends us e cards for Xmas, Easter & Thanksgiving (since 06)This last one had mention of the fact he was named the BEST GUIDE in Turkey this year, a well deserved award. He has a disability, but still gets around very well, made it easier for me with my cane to keep up, as few guides on ships tours made any concession to folks who were'nt too speedy. (After all you have to get to that cameo~rug~ perfume whatever shop) Levent did 2 tours around Istabul for us, and Nejat did Ephesus, his specialty, were supposed to have Nejat for both but he had booking problems and asked his friend to take us.:)

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Kudos on Nejat! We had him for both days in Istanbul and the day in Ephesus and all I can say is WOW! He was most gracious and took my family and a few others that joined us to all of the best places and also places we wanted to try. At each of our stops there were very few lines and usually as we pulled in or pulled away several buses would depart or arrive. Great guide and someone I consider a new friend. We also get holiday cards each year from him.


As for costs, I believe we actually spent less on his private tour vs the ship tours since we booked 3 different tours.


Check him out.

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Hi Napi's mom and Chef,

Do either of you have Najat e-mail adress. If possible can you please send it to me,

Thanks Maria

We had Nejat Incedogan...and Levent Solmez I believe his last name was. I adored Nejat' date=' he's like a family friend , actually sends us e cards for Xmas, Easter & Thanksgiving (since 06)This last one had mention of the fact he was named the BEST GUIDE in Turkey this year, a well deserved award. He has a disability, but still gets around very well, made it easier for me with my cane to keep up, as few guides on ships tours made any concession to folks who were'nt too speedy. (After all you have to get to that cameo~rug~ perfume whatever shop) Levent did 2 tours around Istabul for us, and Nejat did Ephesus, his specialty, were supposed to have Nejat for both but he had booking problems and asked his friend to take us.:)[/quote']
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Hi Napi's mom and Chef,

Do either of you have Najat e-mail adress. If possible can you please send it to me,

Thanks Maria

We can't give that out on this forum, and I have no address for you either. My suggestion is to Google his name...as I gave you his whole name. Believe his website is named "Guide in Turkey"or something like that but you should be able to find it with a search.

Nejat is very reasonable in his rates, was way less than ships tours, and usually includes lunch at Ephesus, and gives you a full day. Only problem is there is only 1 of him, and unless you get to him early, he's not avalible. Though he is great in that he'll suggest other guides.

When we were with him in Ephesus other guides came up and deferred to him...was obvious he was the "DEAN" of the guides, yet he is so down to Earth. One other guide said "you've got the best you know" to us.:D

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Napi's Mom--I think you CAN give his email if someone requests it. You just can't offer it up unbidden. For that matter, I'd like to have it too as we are hitting Ephesus on Solstice this fall. I was there years ago but don't remember much about it other than it was magnificent!



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I found his email address, contactedhim and booked him!!!

So thank you for your feedback, suggestions and recomendations!

It is greatly appreciated,




Napi's Mom--I think you CAN give his email if someone requests it. You just can't offer it up unbidden. For that matter, I'd like to have it too as we are hitting Ephesus on Solstice this fall. I was there years ago but don't remember much about it other than it was magnificent!



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Agreed. We had a wonderful private driver in Kusadasi who took us to Ephesus. Going there and not touring the Ephesus would be a shame for anyone taking this cruise. While one of the stops was a rug company, we had a wonderful lunch there and saw lovely rugs (which we ended up buying a small one that adorns our hallway entrance). Our tour guide asked if we wanted to go or stay and we chose to look around a bit no pressure.

The market/bazaar however, scares some people because culturally, their wares are sold with a lot more passion than we are used to. Its not bad just different. We personally wandered a bit and left. The people we met were all lovely.


Montrealmaria - go on the Ports of Call forum and you will find many highly recommended private tour guides.


I loved that underground market. hey, my wife bought a $2000;) Fendi purse for $40. I gave the salesman a $100 bill. He had to send someone for change which took about 15 minutes. so we talked global politics. Interesting! When the guy returned with my change I got peachbacks instead of greenbacks. The bills were legitimate.

Imry (Ekol)was our guide. he was fantastic, and we had a wonderful exhausting two days.

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Napi's Mom--I think you CAN give his email if someone requests it. You just can't offer it up unbidden. For that matter, I'd like to have it too as we are hitting Ephesus on Solstice this fall. I was there years ago but don't remember much about it other than it was magnificent!



Only on Roll Call ~~look above in past posts on here and you'll see that his email address had been wiped out, when posted on another post!:rolleyes: You might find it on Ports

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