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Ok, I am confused here. Which part is "according to the FBI"? The part about the accidental death, or the part about you getting to know her?
LOL . . .tef & INCHARGE


I thought the phrasing looked a little misleading too. :D


The "incident" happened off the coast of Mexico on the 1st year anniversary of 9/11, while the ELATION was on its Mexican Riviera itinerary. (not terror related)


The FBI came aboard in Puerto Vallarta and after investigating for several days determined that the young ladies death was accidental.


I knew her because she had "purchased" the #5 horse and was going around the ship trying to talk people into betting on her horse on Saturday. I talked with her numerous times (she was gorgeous) later on the ship that fateful evening.


I made a big mistake when I reported this on another site (Cruisemates) the Monday following the cruise. I entitled the thread, Murder on the Elation. You can still do a search and find that thread, although, out of the 146 posts, I think its been cut back to 100 or so(Jim Bragg, the website head moderator, cut out some of the most vicious posts when he got back from a cruise). Some posters nearly threatened my life they were so convinced I was making the whole thing up. Convinced I was intent on damaging Carnival's reputation, etc., etc. Later (thank God) friends and co-workers of the young lady (a single Mother of 2 sons) came onto the site and backed up my story. But for several days I was being flamed beyond recognition, but refusing to "shoot" back, Anne Campbell constantly e-mailed me thanking me for my restraint. Pretty interesting thread. BAD CHOICE OF TOPIC TITLE ! ! :o

The story is a long one and I doubt if anyone here wants to hear it so I'll refer you to that thread. Interesting at least in how vicious some people can really get and, most importantly, how some posters just don't read the entire thread, but insist they know everything about what is said.


To this day, I'm convinced she was murdered, but I yield to the FBI, which made the determination. Very suspicious circumstances. :rolleyes:


I hesitate now as I prepare to hit the POST button because I'm not prepared to "suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". :D


Oh well ! !

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Do you think any of those ships that people have passed on are actually haunted in some way? Have you ever had any unexplainable things happen to you while in your cabin or while out & about on the ship? :eek: DO TELL!!! :D

Happy sailing,


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Interesting topic. Things like this, though maybe not as serious ,happen on probably more cruises than we realize.I have a few heart "issues" and, if need be, my wife has instructions to stick me in the cooler and party on! If I am on a cruise I am with friends and family doing what makes me happy . I can't think of a better way to go.

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I've searched and searched for the old thread with no luck. :( If anyone finds it, please let me know.


Go to the website, go to Carnival's message boards.


Above the thick blue line that says TOPICS in white letters.


you'll find "search"


click on search


enter Murder on the Elation


starts about 3 posts down. Click on it. (many of the vicious posts have been removed, but an intersting study in how defensive everyone gets about "their" cruiseline. :D

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I've searched and searched for the old thread with no luck. :( If anyone finds it, please let me know.
I found the original thread on Cruisemates w/out a problem. Can't post the link because of the way the site's set up. (URL doesn't point to a specific message.) Here's how I found it:



Select -- message boards/cruise lines

Select -- carnival

Select -- search

In the search bar type -- murder on the elation

Select -- any message with the subject line (was 3'rd one down)

Select -- go to topic

Select -- Murder on the Elation

scroll down & read

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DOB's as they are called are not uncommon. I believe a rather interesting common way for this to happen is exsanguination. The ships did not carry blood and when people would begin vomiting blood they often would wait too long and they would pass on before a transfusion could save them. This happened on the 6/1/03 curise on Paradise, and I found out and discussed it with Dr. Mahomedy.

I think on CCL you could expect one every few weeks on average. Paradise probably has a few less due to the nonsmokers aboard :) The doctor aboard on the 12/7/03 cruise was on for a month and had not had a DOB yet.

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Thanks for the info Gary. Interesting reading. I hadn't found the link on my own because I was searching the cruisecritic site. duh! ;) It is sad how people attacked you when you were clearly just trying to find out more info about the unfortunate event.

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Do they call a Code Blue a Code Red on a cruise ship? If that is the case, I would automatically go around shutting doors and looking for a fire extinguisher when in actuality, I should be running and looking for a defibrillator.


That reminds me...why do they want to know if you are a doctor or a nurse when you fill out your boarding stuff???

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Wow!!!! Those people attacking you, Gary, were unbelievable! Hope "twinkle" & "JIOL" don't exist over here on this friendly board :p And we didn't even see the worst postings~~~I can only imagine. :rolleyes: Thanks for the info.

And to the OP and his/her posting---very sad news for all involved. Although deaths do happen every day, the frequency of this should not diminish the sadness.

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Wow!!!! Those people attacking you, Gary, were unbelievable! Hope "twinkle" & "JIOL" don't exist over here on this friendly board And we didn't even see the worst postings~~~I can only imagine. Thanks for the info.
One of those two, twinkle or JIOL hadn't even been on a cruise yet ! !


I think they Jim Bragg dumped one of the funniest ones, who obviously didn't have a clue either. It had to do with the #5 horse I keep mentioning that Michelle "bought" from Carnival (for the week). It went something like this:


"Gary, I think you're lying. Carnival doesn't own any horses, and if they did I'm sure they wouldn't sell them to their passengers". :D


I thought I was going to die ! ! I laughed until I cried. :D


Check the dates on these posts. I was in "limbo" for about 4 days. No one that was on that site was on that cruise. Thankfully, friends of Michelle's posted (and those 2 idiots tried to flame them too). ARRGGHHH ! ! :eek:


The first poster to verify my story was "anonymous" and she didn't really post anything that I hadn't already said, so I was suspicious that maybe she was just feeling sorry for me and trying to "ease the pain". :D However, she posted an almost identical post shortly thereafter and added something that I hadn't mentioned, (the black bow tie on the horse) and I think this was to tell me that her post was legitimate, because she certainly must have known that I would remember that. And I hadn't mentioned the black bow tie on the horse. :D


Incidentally, I don't think twinkle or JIOL posted on that site ever again.

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Gary, you write: Incidentally, I don't think twinkle or JIOL posted on that site ever again.


If I were them (of course I'd NEVER have written the junk they did in the 1st place) I'd wouldn't have the nerve to "show my face" on the board again. Chances are they felt compelled to change their names! :D


And yes, I couldn't believe the replies they gave to the friends of Michelle that posted there! Really pathetic-acting people. And did they think you meant a real, living and breathing horse? What a laugh.

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What is *more* disturbing is reading the account of the passenger on the Conquest over a year ago who, while on his honeymoon, got into a drunken argument with his new bride and jumped overboard from his balcony

Better than the guy who did his act inside the ship, plunging down the atrium. Now, that's selfish! I forget if that was the Fantasy or the Ecstasy.

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[quote name='SxyEbnyFem'][b][font=Arial][color=darkorchid]Do you think any of those ships that people have passed on are actually haunted in some way? Have you ever had any unexplainable things happen to you while in your cabin or while out & about on the ship? :eek: DO TELL!!! :D [/color][/font][/b]
[b][font=Arial][color=#9932cc]Happy sailing,[/color][/font][/b]

[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=3]Ebony...put it this way...if I died on a cruise ship, I would make SURE I stayed 'earthbound'....why would I want to leave??? So, if I pass over on one of the ships one day, you can bet your foo-foo that I will be hangin' around. I promise to be a good poltergiest!! :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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My parents just got back from a 16 day cruise on the Holland America Rotterdam, and they saw someone die in the lounge while waiting to be called for a tour. When they told their table mates at dinner that night, they said "well, that's the third this cruise"!
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WOW! Now this is an interesting thread! You have to think that with the amount of pax on cruise ships, the whole range of possible situations must occur....deaths, sickness, miscarriages, injuries, marriage proposals, affairs, divorce decisions, crimes (including murder), etc. It happens on land, why not on water??
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OK, here is the best yet in my opinion. About 5 years ago we were on a cruise that departed Los Angeles going to Mexico. After a number of hours out of port, I remember it was dark already, we could tell the ship had slowed and actually turned around. Curiosity was about the only feeling at the time and everyone continued doing whatever. In time we could hear a helicopter approaching the ship and it landed on the emergency pad. Apparently the ship turned around to speed the time necessary for the helicopter to catch us. Watching from a higher deck we could see a stretcher of sorts loaded on the helicopter. Off it went and the ship turned back South and our cruise continued uneventful. On this particular ship, as on many, a video crew records things thourghout the week and shows it on the cabin TVs. You can also purchase the video at the end. Near the last day of the cruise I was watching the video on the cabin TV and they were showing the filming crew interviewing ship passengers. They were asking questions like "What has been your favorite part of the cruise?" Surly enough they asked this one woman that question, and her response was "My favorite part was the way the ship crew took care of my husband the first night of the cruise when he had a heart attack. They took him back to LA by helicopter....." Maybe it is just me, but I would hope if I ever have a life threatening heart attack or other ailment on a cruise ship my wife would go back with me, instead of continuing the cruise without me. :-)
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On an Alaska cruise some [many] years ago. [When passengers were much older than today] At EVERY port, there was at least 1 body taken off the ship. I observed a man keel over at the evening show. The crew had him out of there in 3 minutes tops. Talking to the crew later, they said it happens all the time.

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[quote name='glrounds'][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080] (many of the vicious posts have been removed, but an intersting study in how defensive everyone gets about "their" cruiseline. :D [/color][/size][/font][/i][/QUOTE]

Reading your thread reminded me of a couple of weeks ago when that poster reported the "ABANDON SHIP" announcement on the Miracle.

And then looking back, I see you were one of the first ones that expressed your skepticm to the OP, and then tried to reprieve yourself.


[quote name='glrounds']
([size=2]Apparently my skepticism wasn't excused ! !

How do you know how much I spent on cruises in the last 5 years? :D

Now I need to go buy a Barcalounger. :D[/QUOTE][/size]
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Tis the way to go--but let me stay the whole week. I dont wanna cruise on Saturday to find me gone on Monday- give me a few days at sea at least.

Some old people cant deal with the change of life a cruise brings--it is a different way of living and for some its hard to change that daily routine.
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Yes, a disturbing thread indeed.
I wonder why one of the newsmagazines hasn't run with stories such as possible murders, ghosts etc.
Of course the Cruise lines want no part of this type of kind of negative publicity and most likely would not cooperate with reporters and you can't blame them. The newsmagazine did do that rape by crewmembers expose a whle back
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[quote name='MrPeteLI']Gary,

Reading your thread reminded me of a couple of weeks ago when that poster reported the "ABANDON SHIP" announcement on the Miracle.

And then looking back, I see you were one of the first ones that expressed your skepticm to the OP, and then tried to reprieve yourself.[/QUOTE][i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=navy]LOL, Pete . . . . I was wondering if anyone would notice that. :D I almost included a comment about that in my last post, if for no other reason, than to show how easy it is to be skeptical of someone's post (the reference to over 30 cruises with a post count of 2 really threw me). [b]But, I was WRONG.[/b][/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]When I was asking for more information from [b]Cruiserjess[/b], upon further reflection, I realized I was, in effect, doing the same thing, however, I don't remember ever calling her a liar, a troll, or whatever. I merely asked for more posters to lend [b]veracity[/b] to her posts. They soon came forward ! :o I was more concerned about the assumptions her husband made about those of us who (while still asking to be [u]excused[/u] for our skepticism) asked her to include more information. Thus the barcalounger(I don't own one) comment and wondering what kind of an [u]assumption[/u] he would have to make to know he spent more on cruises in one year then I did in 5 years.[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]I've sinced apologized to [b]Jess [/b][u]publicly[/u] on a similar thread on"[u]that other site[/u]" for any stress my posts may have caused her(she doesn't come to this site anymore). She has since sent me a very nice e-mail about the entire incident and accepted my apology.[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]Incidentally, Pete, didn't you either start a thread or participate in a thread on "that other site" in which [u]most[/u] of the respondents were [u]bad-mouthing the hell out of CruiseCritic and its administrators[/u] for their deletion of certain posts relating to this incident ? ? Hmmmmmmmm ? ?[/color][/size][/font][/i]

[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#000080]I was surprised to see you back at CruiseCritic posting again. :D [/color][/size][/font][/i]
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