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Bermuda/Crown Trip Report - My first!!!


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Up next – Day Four – Hamilton here we come!!!


We woke up this morning and we were already docked in Hamilton! After getting off the ship, we both looked around to see what we recognized. (In the next few days I would gawk each time I saw the empty space that was once Trimingham’s.) We then did the typical tourist thing: Pulled out our Bermuda book and set out to do the Hamilton walking tour. Book in our face, we started out by the ferry terminal (to the left when you get off the ship) and then to Albouy’s Point, where we would leave for our catamaran snorkel later in the day. We walked back towards the famous Birdcage. (No police officer in there now, but we would see one later in the day.) From there we walked up Queen Street, past the Par-la-Ville Park, the Historical Society Museum and the Perot Post Office. We then walked on Church Street and saw the City Hall, the beautiful Bermuda Cathedral and then we walked past the Parliament Building and the Cabinet Building, back down to Front Street for a little more shopping to add to our collection of things we had picked up along the way. It was back onto the ship for a quick lunch and then it was time for our Fantasea snorkel cruise.


Up next – Day Four continued – I just swam through some jellyfish!!!!!!!!:eek:

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Day Four, Part Two:


We met down on Front Street for our Fantasea Catamaran Fun Cruise. Here is the description from the NCL web page:


"Sail away to your own personal paradise aboard a beautiful luxury catamaran for a half day of sailing and fun in the sun. You will find an enchanting calm water spot to set anchor where you may swim, snorkel, explore the small beach or simply relax on board and soak up the sun."


We walked a few minutes to just behind the ferry terminal to Albouy’s Point, where we had been earlier in the day, to find our catamaran waiting. (Sidenote: It was a lot bigger than I expected! We had been on a catamaran in Hawaii about three years ago that pulled right up onto the beach and only 6 of us were on it, including Captain Mundo!) We took off, passing the houses on “Millionaire’s Row” (as opposed to Billionaire’s Row, which we would soon learn from our tour guide, Jackie.) Jackie gave a lot of interesting information about the island, the history of Bermuda, its people and some of the houses we were passing. I thought to myself that she would be a good teacher. My first impression was correct! She is studying education at Boston College. We soon found out another interesting thing about her. Remember the Town Crier in St. George’s who welcomed us? That’s her dad. My husband asked her if he talks in that same bellowing voice at home. She laughed and without any hesitation said, “Yes!!! All the time.”


Once we got out far enough, we went into a cove area and the catamaran docked. It was beautiful!!!! There was a little sandy beach. The water was nice and calm, shallow and clear, for all to enjoy. Some people stayed onboard. Some people found a spot on the beach. My husband and I set off with a bunch of others to go snorkeling out farther near the reefs.


If you are wondering if you should bring your own snorkeling things with you, the answer is a definite yes. We weren’t going to, so as not to have to worry about keeping track of it. We left it on the ship. But then, when we found out that we would be waiting for some missing people from our group, who, by the way, never showed up, my husband ran back to get our things. I’m glad he did! I would have heard about it for the next four days if he didn’t!! LOL….


We immediately saw some fish and some interesting red sea “life.” I’m not sure what exactly I was looking at but it was amazing!! We heard people saying that there were so many fish out a little farther, so we kept going. It was unbelievable. I was having the time of my life until I felt a constant little tapping all over me and saw what looked like little bubbles coming towards me. I came up, asked if they were jellyfish, and was immediately told they were.


I could not swim away fast enough!! The “time of my life” had just ended for me, as I left the husband, who was having the time of his life, and headed back towards the catamaran where Rum Swizzles were now flowing!!! I immediately took two to start off with!!!


I know some of you are wondering about the jellyfish. They were…..drumroll, please……moon jellies. They DO NOT sting. (Or at least that is what I was told!! LOL…) Seriously, I just did a little google of them. They do not sting. In any event, I’m glad I got the chance to snorkel. And I was even happier about it while I was sitting on the boat with my drink in hand, talking to a few new friends I had made.


People continued to snorkel for a little while, and once everyone was back on board, we headed back to our other boat. This tour was a really good one and I would definitely recommend it to others.


Harbour Nights was going on this night, so we went back down to Front Street to see the sights. There was food, music, activities for kids, Goombay dancers, and lots of street vendors, selling a variety of things. We headed back to the ship for our late dinner reservation at the Pasta Café.


We were seated right by the window facing Front Street, so we could still see the activity from Harbour Nights below us. It was really a postcard view and a nice meal. Let’s see, for you foodies out there (I’m one, too!) this is what I had: One cosmopolitan, antipasto served table side, some seafood soup, Caesar salad, lasagna, and of course, dessert. Wow! Needless to say, we were there for quite some time. The dessert were delicious! The choices were: tiramisu, cheesecake or a chocolate something or other. The husband and I were shown the three choices and, you guessed it, simply said “yes” and our server, Rocky, brought out all three for us to sample. These were the best desserts I had the whole cruise, along with the CremeBrulee from LeBistro.


With our bellies full and about to explode, we went across to the Top of the Crown. I think it was 50s and 60s night, but I’m not sure. (And I’m too lazy right now to dig out the Freestyle Dailies to see.) There were things like a country night one night, Motown, 70s party, and a beach party by the pool on other nights. You get the idea. We were definitely somewhere after diner!


Up Next – Will we ever get to Horseshoe Bay Beach?

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That's one of the excursions we're thinking about...and as I have said in previous posts...anything with rum swizzle in the descrip, is for me.;) So you think it is well worth the $$? Did you do the sunset catamaran by any chance too?...that also has rum swizzle in it's descrip....lol

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That's one of the excursions we're thinking about...and as I have said in previous posts...anything with rum swizzle in the descrip, is for me.;) So you think it is well worth the $$? Did you do the sunset catamaran by any chance too?...that also has rum swizzle in it's descrip....lol


I think it was well worth it because not only was it the snorkelling/beach part, but you got a little tour in as well. We didn't do the sunset catamaran because we were really looking to go snorkelling, but it sounded really nice too. I also heard good things about the Restless Native snorkel tour. I don't remember seeing it on NCL's tour info. but it was listed in some tour papers we got on the ship.


Rum swizzles were definitely a bonus!! As many as you want.....of course, they got weaker as we drank more and more of them!

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I think it was well worth it because not only was it the snorkelling/beach part, but you got a little tour in as well. We didn't do the sunset catamaran because we were really looking to go snorkelling, but it sounded really nice too. I also heard good things about the Restless Native snorkel tour. I don't remember seeing it on NCL's tour info. but it was listed in some tour papers we got on the ship.


Rum swizzles were definitely a bonus!! As many as you want.....of course, they got weaker as we drank more and more of them!

Oh my goodness, jellyfish. What a good cliffhanger. I would be going 100 miles an hour in the other direction as well. I have also heard a lot of good things about the Restless Native and the Rising Sun Catamarans. Both have had excellent reviews. Did you ever get to try the rum swizzles at the Swizzle Inn or am I getting ahead of myself? LOL:)

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I think it was well worth it because not only was it the snorkelling/beach part, but you got a little tour in as well. We didn't do the sunset catamaran because we were really looking to go snorkelling, but it sounded really nice too. I also heard good things about the Restless Native snorkel tour. I don't remember seeing it on NCL's tour info. but it was listed in some tour papers we got on the ship.


Rum swizzles were definitely a bonus!! As many as you want.....of course, they got weaker as we drank more and more of them!


Awsom report! Thanks.

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Oh my goodness, jellyfish. What a good cliffhanger. I would be going 100 miles an hour in the other direction as well. I have also heard a lot of good things about the Restless Native and the Rising Sun Catamarans. Both have had excellent reviews. Did you ever get to try the rum swizzles at the Swizzle Inn or am I getting ahead of myself? LOL:)


Unfortunately, we didn't get to the Swizzle Inn. It's on my list of things to do next time......:)

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Unfortunately, we didn't get to the Swizzle Inn. It's on my list of things to do next time......:)

Yes, you need to book another cruise to Bermuda just to visit the Swizzli Inn. LOL. It is a lot of tun though, the swizzles are delicious and the food was good and reasonably priced. I am sure you are suffering cruise withdrawal and can't wait to sail someplace again. Bermuda is such a beautiful and special place that I am so impatient for our Sept 30th cruise that I almost wish the summer away. Bermuda would be a great place for you to take the little ones next time.:)

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Yes, you need to book another cruise to Bermuda just to visit the Swizzli Inn. LOL. It is a lot of tun though, the swizzles are delicious and the food was good and reasonably priced. I am sure you are suffering cruise withdrawal and can't wait to sail someplace again. Bermuda is such a beautiful and special place that I am so impatient for our Sept 30th cruise that I almost wish the summer away. Bermuda would be a great place for you to take the little ones next time.:)


You are exactly, 100% right.....major cruise/Bermuda withdrawals!! We have Disney coming up at the end of August with the kiddies. I have to get into Disney mode soon!!


We DEFININITELY want to take the kiddies to Bermuda with us next time. We will have lots of beach time on the schedule!!

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Thursday, Day Five


Last night, I started having those horrible feelings that I always get on vacation when I realize that soon this will be coming to an end. My husband was great about it and pointed out that we still had four nights ahead of us. So, instead of worrying about it being over, I put that thought aside and made a plan for the day.


We were going to take the ferry over to the Dockyards and then go to Horseshoe Bay in the afternoon. Wake up call in place, we got up, had breakfast and caught the 9:30 ferry, which arrived at the Dockyards at about 10. I had never been there before and was very interested to see it, since all the talk had been that for the most part, by next year, this is where the cruise ships would be coming when sailing to Bermuda. The NCL Dawn was there when we arrived. That was the only ship.


I liked the looks of the area…..it reminded me a little of St. George’s with the buildings that looked like the Fort. We walked around, I swore that I would do the Segway Tour another time, and found ourselves in the shopping mall. We picked up quite a few souvenirs here. We then headed over to the Rum Cake Factory and sampled all the different flavors of the rum cakes. (We ended up buying two chocolates, but they were all delicious!) Adjacent to the cake factory is the Glassworks place and a glass making demonstration was going on. That was truly amazing to see. What talent and skill is involved with that. I had been complaining about how hot it was. I stopped that real fast after I saw the girl working near those big hot fires!! As I told my husband, I will never look at a piece of glass in the same way again. That truly is a craft!


We walked around a little more and caught the ferry back to Hamilton. There were a group of preschoolers on the ferry. They were so cute – and funny – to watch. They were very excited to be going on a ferry ride!!!


Back to the ship we went. We had an early lunch and ran back down to Front Street to pick up a piece of beautiful “vacation jewelry” that was now ready. (Thank you to my great husband!!) We quickly got back on the ship. We grabbed our things and – finally – we were on our way to Horseshoe Bay!!!!!


DAY FIVE continued – Horseshoe Bay


**Horseshoe Bay Beach is absolutely, by far, the most amazingly beautiful beach I have been to in my life!!! That’s why I am giving this part of our trip its very own section, too.


We ended up taking a taxi to Horseshoe Bay, and after many debates of bus or taxi, we made the right decision for us. Both of the taxi drivers were friendly and gave us a mini tour of what we were seeing en route to and from the beach. It really made our wonderful beach trip filled with even more wonderful memories.


I can’t even describe the feeling I had when we walked into plain view of the beach. (Actually, I can. It involved a few choice words regarding the fact that I did not bring our digital camera with us to the beach and only had the disposable!!!!) It was so much more breathtaking than all the amazing pictures I had seen. The water was the bluest of blues that I have seen. I can’t even describe all the different shades of blue that we were seeing. And the sand, that famous pinkish sand, with all the rocks in the background just made for a picture perfect moment.


We got settled and into the water we went. And in the water we stayed, just marveling at it all, for quite some time. This was definitely one of the best parts of this trip for me. We explored some of the caves by the main beach and then, with beers and rum swizzles in hand, headed over to the cove where the water was just perfectly still and people were climbing up on the rocks. We spent quite a bit of time here too. We saw one family taking their Christmas picture. The three kids were in bathing suits with Santa hats on, with this beautiful scene in the background. I couldn’t help but think of our own two girls, and I’ve decided that someday, I would love to have that very same Christmas card photo.


After this we walked over to the other side of the beach, through the rock passages. There weren’t a lot of people left on the beach by this point. What a difference a few hours makes!! If you go to Horseshoe, definitely walk past the “main” beach a bit. There are so many unique and beautiful places to see around each turn. It was spectacular.


On the taxi ride back to the Crown, we made a quick stop to take a picture. It was a gorgeous view of Hamilton Harbor and our ship. It was interesting to see it from the other side!! After taking the taxi back to the ship, we did our usual….getting ready for dinner. Tonight we ate at the Seven Seas and had another great meal there. The details are starting to get a little fuzzy, so Ill just say we went to a show and to the Top of the Crown, and for good measure, I’ll say we played Bingo. (I don’t really think we did that night!!)


Up next – Our last day in Hamilton – Sigh….

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I am enjoying your review immensely! Keep it coming...one question. When you are ready to go back to the ship are the taxis readily available, or do you need to prearrange for someone to come back and get you? Oh one more ?, do the buses run along the beach route? Thanks again for all your time and effort.


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Yes, you need to book another cruise to Bermuda just to visit the Swizzli Inn. LOL. It is a lot of tun though, the swizzles are delicious and the food was good and reasonably priced. :)


At the Swizzle Inn they wear t-shirts that say Swizzle Inn on the front and Swagger Out on the back. They sure got THAT right. Those rum swizzles sure packed a punch when you're in the hot sun. I was blasted when I was half way through the half pitcher! The food was very generous and I'm sure it was delicious..........haha can't hardly remember it now, but oh boy I remember those swizzles!!

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I am enjoying your review immensely! Keep it coming...one question. When you are ready to go back to the ship are the taxis readily available, or do you need to prearrange for someone to come back and get you? Oh one more ?, do the buses run along the beach route? Thanks again for all your time and effort.




Thank you so much!!! The taxis were available both times to go back from the beach to the ship. We just ran into a little problem with that with what we had planned for Friday morning, because it wouldn't have been during "busy" beach times. (I'll post my next section very shortly and you'll see what I mean.) But during the daytime, you shouldn't have any problems getting a taxi back.


The buses run to the beaches. Years ago when I went to Bermuda, I took the bus to Horseshoe. We would see the buses all over. Pink 7 takes you to Horseshoe, I think.

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Wonderful. Wonderful. We go in 67 days.


Thank you! I wish we were going again!!!


How much was the taxi from the ship to Horseshoe Bay?


I think it was $17 each way.


At the Swizzle Inn they wear t-shirts that say Swizzle Inn on the front and Swagger Out on the back. They sure got THAT right. Those rum swizzles sure packed a punch when you're in the hot sun. I was blasted when I was half way through the half pitcher! The food was very generous and I'm sure it was delicious..........haha can't hardly remember it now, but oh boy I remember those swizzles!!


Now I DEFINITELY need to go there next time. I love that shirt!!!:)

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Friday, July 20 – Day 6


The original plan was to head back to Horseshoe Bay very early in the morning, around 8, to take a few pictures with the GOOD camera and maybe go for a quick swim. Since the ship was leaving at 12 and we had to be back on board by 11:30, we wanted to be back to the general area of the ship by around 10 or 10:30, just to play it safe. (We still had a little shopping left to do on Front Street, too.)


Now, in theory, our plan would have probably worked. BUT…we sat in quite a bit of traffic the day before. A water channel was being replaced, I think. And even though the taxi cab driver was able to take a detour, he told us that there might not yet be taxis and the beach before 10 for our return. (We could walk up to the hotel to catch one, or up to the bus stop, if need be.)


So, once again, common sense prevailed and we decided to skip Horseshoe on this, our last half day in Bermuda. (At least now we definitely need to go back to get those pictures someday.)


Sidenote: We also had considered booking a tour from the ship for that last morning. There was a kayak/eco tour that I had seen some people doing when we were on the snorkeling catamaran. But one member of our party, who shall remain nameless, didn’t seem too interested. (I think that by this point we were so brainwashed about missing the ship on this last day!!! “If you are on a NCL booked shore excursion, you are GUARANTEED to get back on the ship. They will not sail without you.” Blah, blah, blah.)


So, we just went with the simple plan of finishing up our shopping on that sad, last day in Bermuda. We knew we still had one and a half at sea days to enjoy. Or did we???


Up next – Did we make it back onboard from Front Street shopping??:eek:

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Day Six continued…..


Yes, of course we made it back on the ship in time!! We had an early breakfast and then did some power shopping in Hamilton. Make sure you explore the alleyways! We found one with about 5 different shops opening off the little path and did so much shopping there. We had walked past it so many times without even checking it out!!


The favorite thing I got on this trip was a print of Horseshoe Bay, and of course, my beautiful ring. (Have I given my husband a shout out yet? Thank you again!!) I also really liked the rum cake purchase. We had some tonight for dessert. (I think they splashed some extra rum on the ones that we sampled at the factory, but it was still good tonight, too!!) We got our daughters a lot of things…parents’ guilt for going away without them!! The little one’s favorites are her Bermuda wooden puzzle, NCL rubber duckie, and of all things, the keychains that we got for free on the ship when we purchased the photo that was taken at each port. The older one has worn her seashell pocketbook everyday since we came home, and she loves the skirt we bought her at the Dockyards!


We were on the ship at around 11. They had a nice BBQ going on upstairs. We found a spot by the pool…not as easy as it sounds. I had to stake out an empty table with no chairs, leave my belongings, ask about 100 people (ok, I’m exaggerating a bit) if they were using the numerous chairs that were around them (they always were!) until I got two and then try to get my husband’s attention about 3 or 4 decks above me to “come on down!!!” But we were all set. Music, food, spot by the pool, gorgeous weather, and gorgeous scenery as we sailed away from Bermuda.


Up next – Is it still the same day??:confused:

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The Kayak Eco Tour is great. I know it is too late for you, but I just thought I would add this for anyone who is still going. I wasn't so sure myself if I would like it when I booked it, but I did want something to do on the last day involving the beach. As you reported go to the beach and being back by 11:30 might be dicey. (Bermuda is not like other islands where the cabs just wait around at the beach for you.) You go by boat to a small little island (where they used to have the beach party excursion before it went bankrupt) As you are Kayaking around the island, stopping at different points as the guide discusses the econsystem of Bermuda that you are looking at. (It is more interesting than it sounds lol) Then when you are finished circling the island you are back at the private beach for a dip, and they pass out soda and beers) You are back at the dock at 11:15. You need to be in half-way decent shape in order to kayak,but it is not strenuous.

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I love, love, LOVE your review!!! We'll be on the 10/21/07 Crown sailing and your review is really gearing me up for it!


Thanks again from another Disney lover and mom of 2 DDs! I'll be in the World at the end of August also with our 2 girls!


Waiting for you next installment...

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The Kayak Eco Tour is great. I know it is too late for you, but I just thought I would add this for anyone who is still going. I wasn't so sure myself if I would like it when I booked it, but I did want something to do on the last day involving the beach. As you reported go to the beach and being back by 11:30 might be dicey. (Bermuda is not like other islands where the cabs just wait around at the beach for you.) You go by boat to a small little island (where they used to have the beach party excursion before it went bankrupt) As you are Kayaking around the island, stopping at different points as the guide discusses the econsystem of Bermuda that you are looking at. (It is more interesting than it sounds lol) Then when you are finished circling the island you are back at the private beach for a dip, and they pass out soda and beers) You are back at the dock at 11:15. You need to be in half-way decent shape in order to kayak,but it is not strenuous.


Wow! I wish I woul dhave talked to you before our trip. I think I definitely would have booked this. It sounds like a perfect thing to do on that last day.

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I love, love, LOVE your review!!! We'll be on the 10/21/07 Crown sailing and your review is really gearing me up for it!


Thanks again from another Disney lover and mom of 2 DDs! I'll be in the World at the end of August also with our 2 girls!


Waiting for you next installment...


Thank you so much. Feel free to ask away, if you have any questions. You are going to have a great time in on the cruise and in Bermuda - and in Disney. I'll try to get another installment posted tonight. Thanks for reading!:)

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