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How "Perfect" does your cruise have to be?


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I guess I'm not quite sure how someone could be so upset over not having a glass of water refilled for 10 minutes.


Hi:) ...I was wondering if anyone else noticed that comment.

I believe it was 5 minutes:eek:

If both the Waiter and Asst were in the kitchen or the waiter

was bringing out (for example) 15 dinners on one of those

big trays and the Asst was at the 2 other tables they were

waiting on and had just not made it back to your table yet?

I guess 5 minutes could go by.....not a big deal to me either.

They can only be at so many places at one time.


Quote by Flagger:

: "I noticed that one of our tablemates did not have her water glass refilled for at least five minutes".

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When a cruise costs more than I paid for my first car, I expect damn near perfection.

You failed to mention that your first car was probably so long ago that it cost like mine, under a grand.

Your first comlaint is valid and while unfortunate thankfully rare.

My point when I started this thread, that some have missed, is that it is counterproductive to the enjoyment of what should be a great time if we demand too much and allow trivialities to consume us.

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You failed to mention that your first car was probably so long ago that it cost like mine, under a grand.

Your first comlaint is valid and while unfortunate thankfully rare.

My point when I started this thread, that some have missed, is that it is counterproductive to the enjoyment of what should be a great time if we demand too much and allow trivialities to consume us.




Happy cruising to all!



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Our only "perfect" cruise was our first one. It was "perfect" because it was our first cruise experience and cruising is a lot better than we expected. We have cruised four more times since then and have enjoyed every cruise. While there were sometimes disappointments we quickly moved beyond them to enjoy our cruise. We've never had a cruise we felt wasn't worth the money. We've never finished a cruise and were glad it was over. In fact, if I could find a cruise ship that would let me be the resident protestant pastor and sail year round we would do that in a heartbeat.




It is so true what you say! Our first cruise was definitely our most perfect. We LOVED it. All of the cruises since have probably been as nice or nicer but they weren't our "first".



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It is so true what you say! Our first cruise was definitely our most perfect. We LOVED it. All of the cruises since have probably been as nice or nicer but they weren't our "first".



Having cruised over 25 times,I have a different take.As a more experienced cruiser, I know more of what to do and what not to do ,both on ship and in port.Also I believe my expectations are more realistic.

Hey, my wedding night was great,but my wife and I derive much more satisfaction and happiness in our marriage with each passing day.

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I guess I'm not quite sure how someone could be so upset over not having a glass of water refilled for 10 minutes.

Because in a dining establishment of the supposed caliber of SS United States one should not ever have their glass go empty, much less for five minutes, much less should the waitstaff be so inattentive that my tablemate had to request that her glass be refilled. Unnacceptable in my book and hence not perfect.


There were other things in my review that indicated a lack of attention to detail and hence not perfect. I never stated that any of my examples were cruise ruining. Yet they are examples of a higher standard I expect when dropping the kind of cash I do on a vacation such as a cruise.

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Hi:) ...I was wondering if anyone else noticed that comment.

I believe it was 5 minutes:eek:

If both the Waiter and Asst were in the kitchen or the waiter

was bringing out (for example) 15 dinners on one of those

big trays and the Asst was at the 2 other tables they were

waiting on and had just not made it back to your table yet?

I guess 5 minutes could go by.....not a big deal to me either.

They can only be at so many places at one time.

OBVIOUSLY you FAILED to read what I wrote.


We do not think that it is worth it to dine more than once in the specialty restaurant per cruise. While the meal was fantastic, the meals in the Trellis were quite good. However, I noticed that one of our tablemates did not have her water glass refilled for at least five minutes. We were literally the last one dining in the restaurant, but for a five star dining experience this type of lack of attention to the details should never occur. She was certainly not going to die due to a lack of thirst, but I feel one should not have to ever request a refill of water in that type of dining environment.
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Somewhere along the line, the OPs message has been obliterated. I believe the OP wanted to know "How Perfect does your cruise have to be?" The suggestion, and it was made even clearer in a subsequent post, that it is possible to let exorbitant expectations lessen our ability to completely enjoy our cruise.


I have been on four cruises, each one more enjoyable than the former. I do not expect my vacation to go off without a hitch, and I certainly do not expect imperfect people to perform perfectly.


For Heaven's sake people, life happens, even when we've paid a lot of money for a cruise. You're on vacation, which doesn't mean that everything else comes to a halt just so your experience can be PERFECT, whatever that may be. Assuming you're on a C or M Class ship, then there are a lot of people enjoying the same cruise that you are. They are from different walks of life, different socio-economic levels, and even different countries. It is impossible, no matter how much they may want to or try to, for the cruiseline and its many employees to make everything perfect.


Cut them some slack, enjoy your cruise, try to make a stranger's experience a little better just by your own actions, and I assure you that you will find life a little more rewarding.


If not, just remember that "no kind deed goes unpunished," so when life happens try to roll with it.


Happy cruising to all!



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I find that waiters that hover over me and refill glasses and snatch plates away too quickly actually make me enjoy the dinner less. It's hard to have a nice conversation when you keep getting asked questions like, "More bread, Madam?". and when you have to guard your last bite of food from being whisked away.


That's my take on it, so obviously I would never be offended if my glass didn't get refilled immediately after I took a drink from it. :D

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Because in a dining establishment of the supposed caliber of SS United States one should not ever have their glass go empty, much less for five minutes, much less should the waitstaff be so inattentive that my tablemate had to request that her glass be refilled. Unnacceptable in my book and hence not perfect.


There were other things in my review that indicated a lack of attention to detail and hence not perfect. I never stated that any of my examples were cruise ruining. Yet they are examples of a higher standard I expect when dropping the kind of cash I do on a vacation such as a cruise.


You might find the kind of perfect service you are looking for on Silversea or Seabourn cruise lines, and pay about twice what a Celebrity cruise costs. For the cost of a Celebrity cruise, I think the service is excellent in most cases.

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Are you sure you posted this on the correct board? :confused:

For me, every cruise is perfect unless one of the following occurs:

:mad: I get a sniff of cigarette smoke from the adjacent balcony.

I can't find two lounge chairs together whenever or wherever I want - in the shade if it hot and sunny, unshaded if it is overcast.

Someone shows up in the dining room on formal night in anything except a tuxedo or gown.

A youngster shows up in an elevator and pushes a button that necessitates a stop before it gets to my floor.

Someone cuts in front of me in a buffet line. It doesn't matter they only want a pat of butter.

Someone I meet on board claims they like HAL better than X. :mad:


There are some other things I could mention that detract from the perfectness of a cruise. However, they are insignificant :rolleyes: and I don't care to bring them up.



I sure hope you are kidding about some of these things...if not, then I guess you never have a perfect cruise! :confused:

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Personally, I try not to dictate to other people what their likes, dislikes or wants, needs should be. We are all human beings with differences of what is important and what is not. Granted I would hope that people do not work themselves into a frenzy over planning a trip and make it more a chore then a pleasure.

I personally like planning all the details as it is almost as exciting for me planning and the anticipation as it is going on the cruise. (Well, maybe the cruise is still the most exciting thing :D )

I have never had a perfect cruise but I am not perfect either. What I will say is that I have never had a bad cruise even though I broke a leg one time and another I got seriously ill for two days and was weak for at least 7 days after that. What I can say is that they do not HAVE to be PERFECT for me to enjoy them but more of the things that go right - even the LITTLE things - add up to a more pleasurable cruise for me.

BTW, I am anal retentative so that is normal to me. :p ;)


Granted we all want to get the most "bang for the buck" and have the "best" possible time on our cruise vacations,but when does this obsession with the desire for perfection actually keep us from having the enjoyable vacation we are seeking?

Glancing over the threads and the desire to get two more square feet on the balcony,the anxiety over whether we can get Escargot every night,whether our teens will be entertained adaquately on their luxury cruise,will the rental tuxedo have adaquate room in the crotch, sometime just seem a bit anal retentive.

We all have to remember that,in most cases, a bad day on a cruise ship is far better than a good day at work. If we set the expectations too high and sweat the small stuff,we're defeating the whole purpose of a vacation.

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Dear Steve:


I have to agree with you about planning the cruise. It is nearly as much fun as the cruise itself, and it lasts a lot longer. I will have more than 4 1/2 months planning before the 2 week cruise, and talking with all of you makes it that much more interesting.


I must say that I haven't experienced the serious disasters that you have, at least not on my four cruises, but I applaud your spirit and willingness to be like a Duck. You know, "like water off a duck's back."


Happy cruising to all!



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If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck ....oh well, I digress. ;)

Even with planning I accept there is no such thing as perfection.


I consider myself an optimistic pessimist.

I expect everything to go wrong and when they go right I am happy.:D

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If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck ....oh well, I digress. ;)

Even with planning I accept there is no such thing as perfection.


I consider myself an optimistic pessimist.

I expect everything to go wrong and when they go right I am happy.:D


LOL so there is a cynic within?;)

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Please, people, note what the OP had to say. Open up your heart, ease your expectations, have compassion for those who are working hard to make your vacation an enjoyable experience, and you too may get exactly what you want--A perfect cruise. Not a cruise without the occasional oops, but a perfect cruise nonetheless.

I refuse to lower my expectations when paying good money. The workers have to have an attention to detail for us to call it a perfect cruise. Why would anyone 'ease their expectations'? IMHO, doing so gives a company carte blanche to get away with doing a little bit less for the same amount of money.


I have had perfect experiences on my cruises but also have had imperfect ones. A "perfect" cruise would be a cruise without ANY imperfections.

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Whoops! I was replying to COSTEST. (re: WHERE IS UTOPIA):o


We (DH and our family and friends) like it when mouths are upturned in a smile! 'Cause life is so dang short. ;)


Hope to meet some of the wonderful cruisers out there on our FIRST cruise to Alaska next spring. :) There may be as many as 11 or 12 of us on this trip (most have cruised before).

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I love CC and have learned much and laughed more while reading through various threads.... I always love my cruise and each one has it's own personality depending on when, where and with who you are sailing. The planning and chatting before hand adds much joy to my days on land and the upcoming vacation. But, whatever happens on my trip whether a land or sea vacation just happens and you deal with it...Part of life! Just have fun out there folks....but I do like to read the reviews, good, bad and funny!

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I'm a little confused. It seems that for some people, the amount paid dictates their expectations. Then, if their expectations are not met, they are unhappy. Does that mean that they would actually be HAPPIER if they spent $25 per night for a fleabag hotel in some tacky little beach town than on a beautiful cruise where their glass isn't filled quickly enough?


If so, that is perfectly legitimate, I guess. However, if that is your point of view, I would recommend looking for the absolute cheapest bargains you can find for your vacations. What is the point in spending more if it is actually going to make your enjoyment less?

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I'm a little confused. It seems that for some people, the amount paid dictates their expectations. Then, if their expectations are not met, they are unhappy. Does that mean that they would actually be HAPPIER if they spent $25 per night for a fleabag hotel in some tacky little beach town than on a beautiful cruise where their glass isn't filled quickly enough?


If so, that is perfectly legitimate, I guess. However, if that is your point of view, I would recommend looking for the absolute cheapest bargains you can find for your vacations. What is the point in spending more if it is actually going to make your enjoyment less?


Well said. I am, by my own admission, a frugal person, so when I book a cruise for myself I have to take that into account. That is why I'm booked aboard Millenium in December in an inside cabin. I will get to cruise more frequently by spending less each time I get onboard, and because I enjoy cruising, I want to go as often as I can. As I've said before, I have enjoyed each new cruise more than the previous, and as long as that continues, I shall cruise.


Happy cruising to all!



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I'm a little confused. It seems that for some people, the amount paid dictates their expectations. Then, if their expectations are not met, they are unhappy. Does that mean that they would actually be HAPPIER if they spent $25 per night for a fleabag hotel in some tacky little beach town than on a beautiful cruise where their glass isn't filled quickly enough?


If so, that is perfectly legitimate, I guess. However, if that is your point of view, I would recommend looking for the absolute cheapest bargains you can find for your vacations. What is the point in spending more if it is actually going to make your enjoyment less?

NO not at all. It is about meeting and exceeding expectations. Celebrity markets itself as treating its passengers famously. What we received was a case of overpromising and under-delivering. The cost is secondary as I have had some of the most perfect vacations sleeping under the stars for next to nothing in terms of dollars.


I and all of my employees have always done business with the ***** of under-promising and over delivering as much as possible. For us as passengers, the experience on that particular cruise was the exact opposite. Was it a "bad" cruise or something I wanted to get my money back? Nope, but in context of the original question, there are standards we hold of just how "perfect" our cruise has to be which were not met on this particular cruise.


If one needs to lower their expectations then the company should never market itself to a certain standard that they cannot meet. They should be pro-active in trying to correct the imperfections instead of allowing people to say "Oh well that is just the way it is."

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I've been reading this thread for the past couple of days, and "perfection" is in the mind of the "experiencer" (not sure if that's even a word!).


We cruise about 3 times a year. Usually about 10-14 days cruises...once in awhile a short one.


But I have found that "Perfection" really has nothing to do with costs...nothing to do with small, insignificant details...or nothing to do with being inconvienced once in awhile during an embarkation or debarkation.


It's all all about the over-all experience. We have never had a less-than-perfect cruise. We always have great, positive memories, and occasionally a bump or two along the way.


So it really boils down to attitude. Positive attitudes begets positive results...



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