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Now I want to scream


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We do have cruise insurance but thought we would go this way first. It is a military problem that is preventing us from going therefore tell the truth and see where it gets us buuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttt we did purchase insurance and since we have medical reason as well we will use that only if needed. I checked to see if the Labor 9/4/04 CP had anything less and all sold out just in the hope maybe my MIL could watch the boys that week.............so we are going with the letter from the Command faxed to Princess Customer Care with the truth and only the truth. Point noted they will get only the true facts and no more. Then if they should want to not help us we will have time to file a claim with our insurance since I am still in SC caring for my Mom and my Dad is still in the hospital recovering from his prostate cancer surgery, then we can always kick in my current strep throat infection and about 8 other on going health issues that are part of our daily lives. My whole life is doctor's appointments, surgeries and prescriptions...........but we will go the military reason route and see what we come up with. Maybe the lady I spoke with in Customer Care is just really good but she seemed to be willing to try and as long as the letter is not from us but from the Command it seems they have been seeing a lot of this with the war.


Thanks everyone!



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Let us know Monday how it works out, and good luck. I have been on the phone for hours today dealing with the same sort of thing, and when I called Princess to ask some questions and began to explain the situation to the rep, he said, "I know, I know, the rep next to me has been dealing with a customer going through the same thing". Wonder if that was you? :) Again, good luck and hang in there.

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JMB410, Good luck to you too. What is your situation?............everyone at Princess has been nice but that first girl who said tough and hung up! I was in shock, when I called back I said this girl just hung up and they were very nice ever since...............but we will see Monday.........thanks Coral, I want to try and go the route which keeps our cruise money but not use insurance if not needed. But we do have insurance. We have had the sky fall out of too many times........thanks and I will use the insurance if Princess does not want to compromise. Maybe I am naive but I feel they should or may give us a credit without penalty. We want to give our business to them but the Marine and war is in our way and we can not fix that. I do not want to pass the cost onto the insurance company if Princess will work with us for a future sailing.......................

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Good luck Disney Cruiser!


I often see people who don't have insurance calling Princess wanting Princess to provide a refund/credit for items that insurance covers (and that is why people should buy insurance). Since you have insurance - I just thought it would be easier going that route. If it doesn't work out with the letter - I am glad your insurance will cover it.


You sound like you really need a cruise - hope you get one soon :)

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Here's our situation in a nutshell: My husband is Army Reserves but has been on active duty and away from home (various locations) since Jan 2003. His orders were written for one year (through Jan 2004). We booked a 30 night cruise beginning Nov 2004 (LA to Sydney on the Sapphire Princess) last December while on the Sun Princess. Came home from last year's cruise to learn his orders had been extended through July 2004. In July he was extended again through Jan 2005. Final payment and the point of no refunds is this Tues (Aug 24). His leave request has been in for weeks, keeps getting bumped up higher in the chain of command. This is a once in a lifetime itinerary, not offered again through at least 2006, and was intended to be our payback for all the months spent apart (and a belated 20th anniversary gift). He has 5 weeks of leave coming, but the Army can't figure out whether it can spare him for 4 of them. Bear in mind, he is in his 50s, has 25 years at this and should be retired by now, but is not allowed to leave (the stop loss) due to the current shortage of troops. Furthermore, I found out this year that I have a life altering illness, but am feeling perfectly fine still, but don't know what the future holds at all. My husband told me today that if he can't go, he wants me to go with a friend who has been waiting in the wings; it would make him happier to know I am enjoying the cruise than to think neither of us got to go and I was home alone over the holidays. He really is my hero, and I am feeling very blessed right now despite the circumstances.

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Given all the circumstances, I have to say that your husband is truly a hero - and you have a terrific attitude to feel blessed in such a situation. And I also have to say that I think you should definitely go on the cruise. Is the friend in the wings willing to give up her place at the last minute if your husband gets his leave? I'll bet she is. So go on and make that final payment and start planning. Oh, and just as an aside, have you considered contacting your Congressional Rep's office with your story? It can't hurt - and it just might help! You never know. Good luck to both you and DC. We'll be anxiously waiting to hear what happens. Donia

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Oh I hope he gets the leave? Was he in the Reserves for 25 years or Active Duty and called back? They are so short handed in specialty fields right now and I am sorry this has happened to you. I know in the Marine Corp even after my husband retires they have 7 years to "recall" him back to active status............I really, really hope it works for you all. I know with active duty families we get used to the tours and deployments but it is different with reserve troops called up and extended and extended and extended. If I were to count it up my husband has been home less than half of my oldest sons 6 years and I know 100 more families who have it worse. But we need people like my husband and yours and all of the military families we each know.


I read an article the other day regarding the General of the Army Reserve's and why he pushed for a tour of 12-18 months for the Reservist instead of the 6 months. I had never thought of it this way but he said it is harder on a civilan who is training one time a month and 2 weeks a year as a Reservist to get called up for 6 months, take a cut in pay as the active duty troops receive and uproot themselves from their job and family and it made more sense to deploy them for 12-18 months and that is it and then they can go back to their lives. I am on the active duty side of it so it is different but I hope that will help some join other younger men join.


Is Princess able to help you? I am sure you know you can after 25 years make some waves to make this happen but sometimes at least for active duty you would not dare write your Congressman, it would be held against you and make an active duty officer life much, much harder. But hey if it can help you go for it!


Will Princess let you make the final payment and then be able to switch your friend if needed? A 20 night cruise that sounds awesome? Where is your husband in Iraq? I hope your health stays well and your husband has his earned leave approved and he gets to come home to you and the cruise. Good luck to you both and my prayers for his safety and your health!

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I am sure you know you can after 25 years make some waves to make this happen but sometimes at least for active duty you would not dare write your Congressman, it would be held against you and make our lives much, much harder.

I would never make this suggestion to someone who's regular military. Talk about a career speed-bump! But I very much doubt that a reservist will have the same kind of problems, particularly if it's presented as a hardship request - not a complaint. Hope everything works out for both of you. Donia

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You might laugh...I've gotten into the habit of writing my Congressmen about military family injustices and then just tearing up the letters afterward without sending them. VERY therapeutic! Besides, I really don't consider this a hardship, just a giant PITA.


I would not even consider going without my husband were it not for the uniqueness of this itinerary, the unknowns of the future, and the fact that he wouldn't be home for the holidays anyways. Also, I cannot bear the thought of asking my wonderful friend to step down from the cruise, if my husband is later able to go. Even if I could, according to Princess, it would become a cancellation (for her) and a new booking (for my husband- currently $2100 higher than our present booking), which puts an already expensive cruise into the untenable category. So, Tuesday will be it, and since we've been working on this for weeks, I'm still hopeful, but won't be surprised if it doesn't work out.


My husband has been in the States since activated, all over (currently in TX). Luckily he had time today for the first time to talk through this with me, and I was able to get a sense from him that he would be genuinely more remorseful if I didn't go than if I did go without him. That was very helpful and very heartwarming and made it easier for me to accept however this gets resolved.


Keep your fingers crossed for my, DisneyCruiser, as I will for you, and hang in there!

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JMB140 I am really, really sorry about your situation and thank your husband for us :) I know with my husband hitting 19 years of active service soon and being with him and married to him for almost 10 year it is hard. Maybe you and I should plan a cruise together (lol) barring our health problems, at least we would have each other to cruise with. I pray it works out. I will know Monday so I will post and please let us know about your situation. I know how special your planned cruise is so I am sending good thoughts your way.


P.S: I write letters to the Navy doctor's we "missed my aneurysm" and caused me so much long term pain and problems. I never send them but it does help. In the case of the Reservist I think something needs to be done to curtail these extensions and give them a break. Good luck JMB140 and take care.

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I just wanted to remind you of something. If your husband can't go and you have insurance, it would pay for any cancellation charges, and/or penalties. If you put your husband's name on the booking now and it ends up he can't go, and it was a covered reason, you could substitute your friend and I believe that you would get reimbursed for the substitution. I know that if a person cancels for a covered reason, and the person travelling with them still wants to go, the insurance would cover any additional costs - such as a single supplement. I would call your insurance company and ask.


I hope this helps,




I would not even consider going without my husband were it not for the uniqueness of this itinerary, the unknowns of the future, and the fact that he wouldn't be home for the holidays anyways. Also, I cannot bear the thought of asking my wonderful friend to step down from the cruise, if my husband is later able to go. Even if I could, according to Princess, it would become a cancellation (for her) and a new booking (for my husband- currently $2100 higher than our present booking), which puts an already expensive cruise into the untenable category. So, Tuesday will be it, and since we've been working on this for weeks, I'm still hopeful, but won't be surprised if it doesn't work out.


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I just got the phone call...my husband can't go. I thought that knowing one way or the other would be better than not knowing but I was wrong. I'd rather still be hoping! He insists that I go though, so I likely will, with my friend. I should be thrilled to be going at all, but feel a bit like I've lost the wind in my sails, at least for today.


DC-let us know how YOUR story turns out. Still sending good thoughts your way!!!!!!!

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I just got the phone call...my husband can't go. I thought that knowing one way or the other would be better than not knowing but I was wrong. I'd rather still be hoping! He insists that I go though, so I likely will, with my friend. I should be thrilled to be going at all, but feel a bit like I've lost the wind in my sails, at least for today.


DC-let us know how YOUR story turns out. Still sending good thoughts your way!!!!!!!

I am so sorry!!! Wish it could have had a different outcome. Donia
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JMB410 I am SO sorry, I know you are upset and this is just not right. I pray it works out and that you can go with your close friend......I will update you tomorrow but I have already turned off the option in my head. I did get a little wound up I can see by re-reading my posts but it came as a shock and a powerful reminder of the power they have over my husband and our family......I came back to reality when I went up to the hospital to meet with my Dad's doctors and was reading his pathology reports. That put life back into focus for me. We will see what the CO says tomorrow and then we will fax the letter to Princess from the Command and give them a time to say yes or no and then file a claim with our insurance carrier......I really am sorry :( here is sending a BIG hug your way!

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We can go.........I can not believe it. I called Princess and the airlines and everything. My husband just went and said what he felt and it worked. Now I am in a tizzy. I just got back from SC, my 3 year started preschool today, my Dad is out of the hospital and recovering and home and I am not ready to fly out Friday but I am sooooooooooooooo happy. As I have stated a lot you all are the best and supportive forum here and a big thank you. JMB410 I am thinking about you and actually feel guilty. I hope it works out for you and yours :(

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Thanks everyone. I have been sitting at the computer typing up instructions for my Mother in law about homework in first grade (you would think it was a Ph.d program), soccer practice, preschool and drawing maps and I can not believe it. My husband finally called me on my cell late in the day to tell me he had faxed the letter to Princess and I told him that was alright at least we tried and he was pulling my leg..............also good news and a off the topic message, make sure all of your male loved ones are screened for prostate cancer. My Dad is only 56 and is PSA went to a 4 in 12 months. If it were not for luck and God the doctor's would not have caught this cancer. He chose the prostate removal surgery even though it has long term effects because his doctor said he should bc he is so young for this cancer to be as so fast growing......Pathlogy test came back that it seems to be contained, margins clear and 6 nodes clear but they found over 30% cancer than they thought. Get those screenings for prostate and skin cancer everyone.


Ok, I am excited. I was worried about telling my 6 year old and he said he was glad and that Daddy and I worked really hard and we deserved it.

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I just happened to be over here on the Princess boards...long time reader, first time poster (here) and saw this thread. I'm so happy you are able to go! Whenever you face uncertain times in the future just know there are people out there who are so very thankful for what your family does for this country. You are the very fabric of our lives. Thank you.

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I've been following your Saga and what a Happy Ending to this story.

Your Cruise will be just that much more Special to you both because of all you had to go thru to make it happen.


Best wishes to you and your husband and Thank your husband for all the sacrifices he has made for the past 18 yrs and BTW Thank you for being so supportive of him and his Career. He could not do it with out you.


Have a Wonderful and Restful time, You both deserve it.


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