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Smoking in a Cabin

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its been my experience that none of the cabins smell like smoke.. they do a really good job of cleaning and airing them out... if you do have a problem... talk with the desk.... if the ship isn't full, they might be able to move you...

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Same thing here. We haven't been on RCI yet but all other cruise lines we have experienced do an excellent job of cleaning.


We do take a spray bottle of Renuzit (brand) Citrus Breeze air freshener. One of the first things we do is a light spray of the closets and corners. When we leave we leave the bottle behind for the room steward. They have usually appreciated it and we don't have to cart it back home.


We used to use Febreeze brand but the Renuzit does just as well and costs less.

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I'll second or third the comment that I've never experienced smoke problems in the cabins I've been in, which is surprising as I'm sensitive to the smell of smoke. The only problem I've noticed is I've walked by a cabin in which someone had been smoking and could smell it in the hallway-I assume it was drifting under the door, but never a problem in the room. This is amazing considering that most cabins do not have fresh ventilation (e.g., a window that opens).

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If he is very allergic to smoke you may consider bringing an ionizer, although I've read the ship has one, I wouldn't take the chance on it being used elsewhere and your son being miserable. I have a portable one that I take on business trips for the occassional rental car that gives me grief, as smoke gives me migraines. <----Must be that my body is trying to reject the cancer! :cool:

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Here it comes..... AGAIN!!!!! The slamming if smokers..... This is now the 3rd thread on this subject in a week.... I would suggest doing a search for this issue before all you non-smokers post another one just to bash smokers.... Read the other threads.... They always end up with nothing being accomplished...... In the end either you put up with it or you don't...... To each his or her own opinioin.......


The OP got his answer....... Why beat it to death and bash smokers.........

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Here it comes..... AGAIN!!!!! The slamming if smokers..... This is now the 3rd thread on this subject in a week.... I would suggest doing a search for this issue before all you non-smokers post another one just to bash smokers.... Read the other threads.... They always end up with nothing being accomplished...... In the end either you put up with it or you don't...... To each his or her own opinioin.......


The OP got his answer....... Why beat it to death and bash smokers.........


Chill out Jagman. No one is bashing smokers. Just simply asking about the smell of smoke. I used to smoke and am now highly sensitive to it myself. You can smoke up all you want, I don't really care. But I am interested along with many other posters of how to deal with our health issues related to it.


On top of that, no one forced you to read the thread anyway. So if you don't like the subject line then move on.

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Just an FYI...... Cigarette smoke is NOT an allergan..... It is an irritant at best.......... the left over smell of smoke will not give you cancer, At best it will be nasty to smell for you.......


Actually this is not true. The bioaerosol particles that comprise of smoke ARE considered allergens.

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OMG.....here we go again......


I have never had a room that reeked of cigarette smoke. They do an excellent job of cleaning the rooms. Just have your son avoid the decks that allow smoking and the bar and casino areas. There are plenty of areas he will still be able to have a fun, but safe,time. Have a great time!

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My wife and I both smoke. And you know what. Smokers also smell stale smoke. We can return to our room after a day away and cannot smell anything. Non smokers will say smokers cant smell there own smoke. Oh yes we can......The rooms are cleaned well number one. Number two there is a very efficient air circulation system in every room. Check it out. On Explorer there is an intake on the hall ceiling a little past the bath door. I did a little test with my smoke and man it sucks it in! These rooms are very tightly sealed. Plus the inside rooms must have to have this circulation system.

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The only complaint we had on our recent VOS trip was the smell of smoke in our room. We called as soon as we entered, but the ship was full. The attendant was wondeful about frequently spraying our room with a deodorant which smelled good but only maked the smell for a short time; we also kept the sliders open all of the time; it still smelled! I really wish they could have non-smoking rooms like hotels, but I understand that would be too difficlut.

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I'm the DW of Charlie and while Charlie doesn't smoke any more, I still do. A hint to pass on to all of us ``have to have one'' in cabins is to turn on the exhaust vent in the bathroom and smoke our crutches there. The bathroom air vents do help to get the smoke out of our cabin and away from other Pax on my deck.


Where that smoke goes from there, I haven't a clue but at least it's not hovering in our cabin. Maybe I'd better check with cabins below and above me on the next cruise to see if the smoke is coming up through their drains. :eek:

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WOW! sounds like Jagmanss1 needs a cigarette ... and fast! Chill will ya?

We actually had a cabin on the Zuiderdam in March that really reeked of cigarette smoke. I'm sure the people who had the cabin the week before us were very nice people and they were simply excercising their right to smoke in their cabin. When we arrived however it was too much for us nasty and rude non-smokers so we asked the steward to please treat the cabin for us and he did. After the treatment it was fine for the rest of the week. No problem. No need to get upset. Just ask the Steward to take care of it and come back in about 30 minutes and voila! No cigarette smell. (Not that that is bad of course.) :)

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From another thread if this works........... Originally Posted by smudge's mom

Sounds like Carnival has a really great guarantee but I am leery of whether it will work that easily.


I wonder why anyone would go on a cruise with a preconceived attitude. I find that if I have already made up my mind about something, there isn't a whole lot that can change my mind. And I find I get "drawn in" if I'm hanging with people who "go negative." This is a recipe for disaster.


Elizabeth - There is a lot of smoking on a cruise ship - especially if you happen to end up on a cruise where the majority of pax are non-USA residents. If you go looking for smoking inconveniences, I guarantee you will find them.


If you are willing to be a little more tolerant - you can avoid most of the inconveniences. However, if having to move to another area or maybe changing your plans about what you are planning to do that particular moment will get you in a bad mood, there doesn't seem to be any point in putting yourself through the hassle.

Thank you, this is what I have been trying to say....... OK, I have not been very sensitive to non- smokers in my post, As I have a VERY BAD HABIT OF TELLING IT LIKE IT IS and some.... If not most people take it offensive...... NOT my intention.... Beleive it or not I am a very polite smoker and do cater to non-smokers.... My brother who is a SMOKER just bought A 2002 SUV ( New to him ) And I had to drive it for a 1 hour drive to his Apt., Although he said I could smoke in it I decided not to...... Why ya would ask??? I didn't want to fill his newer truck with my smoke even though HE WILL. That is for him to do, NOT ME....... Plain and simple........ I am a polite smoker and will not smoke or try not to smoke in the areas of non - smokers...... I become offensive when a Non- Smoker tells me or others that it offends them when I am on my balcony, Which is a catch 22, You all complain about indoor 2nd hand smoke, But when we are outdoors you will complain and that includes the pool deck area, Some and not all non-smokers will go to the smoking side of the ship and remove the ashtrays and then complain about the smoke.... WHAT IS THAT:eek: There are things we will never agree on.... YOU NON-SMOKERS Have your opinion I have mine, So Why Bash me for mine? I thought these boards were for both sides and opinions, Yet it is OK for NON-Smokers to complain and bash smokers, Yet when smokers do... We are being the bashers, You all start it first by saying things like...... We had to move away from a Smoker on the pool deck as he or she was being offensive and IT STINKS, But yet you are on the smoking side of the ship...... Another example: People who smoked ruined my cruise because they were smoking on there balcony on both sides of me and we could not enjoy our balcony as we have an allergic reaction to smoke...... I will say again Horse Donkey, IT IS NOT AN ALLERGIAN...... Why do I Know????????? I have been ALLERGIC TO EVERY THING KNOWN TO MAN..... And have been to an allergist 1/2 my life And did smoke at that time, Although my allergist And my doctor did say, That I should not be smoking as it would irritae the condition, NEVER did he say that it would cause an allergic reacion..... It will only irritate somone who already has allergies of another nature...... AND AGAIN I AM TELLING IT LIKE IT IS.... LIKE IT OR DON'T....... JMHO....... And am entiteled to it........:p

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WOW I am this big BAD BAD BASHER.........Jag

Truer words have never been spoken. I am allergic to cats. I blow up in any house that houses them. I deal with it. Imagine that, a smoker who hates cats and everyone hates smokers. Oh well. My best friend's poor son is allergic to peanuts. The poor kid gets attacks if he smells it. A week on a cruise where some people will smoke outdoors. You are not a smart aleck

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This isn't bashing smokers??????:eek:

"Qoute" :mad: I guess my final reply to this would be that it is sad that smokers don't understand/care that their smoke is inconveniencing others, whether as irritant, medical danger, or just merely the stink! The unfortunate issue on a ship is that you are basically stuck in the same environment breathing the same air as others onboard. This is the aspect, that to me, is unfair. New England is quite progressive with our approach to smokers and I think it won't be long that others states follow suit. Look at the airlines, etc.

One indication of the severity of this issue is all the poor souls dying from a "habit." We arrest drunk drivers, we wouldn't allow someone to blatantly harm another, but we continue to subject innocent bystanders with the deadly smoke. If you are not in agreement with this, then why has the largest cigarette manufacturer settled billions in lawsuits for the damage they have caused.

This is definitely way off topic, but we are prepared to disembark asap if smoke is an issue.

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Elizabeth - life is too short to be this upset about something over which you have no control. Yes, you can choose to get off the ship - yes, you can choose to never patronize a place that allows smoking - yes, you can refuse to visit with relatives who smoke.


But will that change a thing? Will your relatives give up smoking because you refuse to visit them in their home? Will the restaurant go out of business if you refuse to patronize it? Will the cruise industry go back to non-smoking cruises?


The answer to all these questions is NO.


This is where tolerance comes in. But then again, you need to want to cruise more than you seem to want to - in order to put up with the inconveniences of this issue. But then again - if tomorrow there was suddenly no smoking allowed anywhere in the world - there is always another issue one can get upset about .


Today I was at my favorite restaurant - sitting in the no-smoking section, I might add. At the table next to me was a young couple - feeding their wheelchair bound son through his feeding tube - and I ask? How rough is life for those people? They went into the pregnancy assuming they would have a healthy child, but life threw them a curve. They seemed at peace taking care of their beautiful child - so who am I to judge whether they even look on their "curve" as a negative.


But still - it just goes to show - for some, there are more important life issues worth worrying about. :)

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Didn't even read any of these posts, but-----------If I want to smell stinky--I wouldn't bother to shower----------ever---------- I don't appreciate people smoking their nasty cigerettes in public. Nothing worse than walking out of a smokey room and smelling like it------------if only they could smell themselves..................sorry---but this is the way I see it........Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about other peoples nasty habits?

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Jag, calm down (she says as she sits puffing away)! I didn't see any bashing in the posts so far (except for Shanafan). At least not until you jumped in with both fists flying. It isn't necessary to bring in quotes from other threads in order to start a virtual riot of smokers vs. non-smokers. Why don't you join me in a nice cold drink and a cig and let the discussion get back on track? ;)

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Didn't even read any of these posts, but-----------If I want to smell stinky--I wouldn't bother to shower----------ever---------- I don't appreciate people smoking their nasty cigerettes in public. Nothing worse than walking out of a smokey room and smelling like it------------if only they could smell themselves..................sorry---but this is the way I see it........Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about other peoples nasty habits?



oh boy....you don't know what you just stepped into. Get ready to be flamed, trashed,and bashed.....just a warning...



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Jag, calm down (she says as she sits puffing away)! I didn't see any bashing in the posts so far. At least not until you jumped in with both fists flying. It isn't necessary to bring in quotes from other threads in order to start a virtual riot of smokers vs. non-smokers. Why don't you join me in a nice cold drink and a cig and let the discussion get back on track? ;)

You make a Very good point and do agree, But I don't have a cold drink:( So PUFF PUFF:D You all go at it I'm Out of here.... Thanks hstrybuf......... I do tend to get a BIT;) offensive on this issue..........

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My wife quit smoking 5 years ago and she is much more sensitive to smoke smell than myself (I have never smoked). Neither of us have ever noticed any smoke odors or impolite smokers for that matter on any cruise.

I have even taken my drink out on deck 5 so that I can enjoy my friends while they may have a smoke out there.


I see NO worry about room smell.


Maybe some smell from toilet back up in some areas of the ships sometimes.............Now thats another story :p

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