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POLL: Are Soda Cards Fair?


Are Soda Cards Fair?  

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  1. 1. Are Soda Cards Fair?

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Another poster trying to compare a necessity (gasoline) with a non-necessity (soda).


Actually, gasoline is NOT a necessity. There are other options for fuel and transportation. You can power your car on used vegetable oil. People forget that gas has only been a popular fuel source for the last 100 years. In the next hundred years it will become obsolete.


But I bet Pepsi won't!

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Well, Dan.. How much brain power does it take to READ something before you start judging it?


My point of the post is that it seemed silly to charge for non-alcoholic beverages in a situation where all the food and entertainment are FREE.


We are not talking about whether or not Carnival should be making profits, but I like your attempt to try to flex some obviously non-existent mental muscles.


We all complain about Gas prices. Should we shut up because the oil companies deserve $4 a gallon. I mean, why not??? Those poor companies need all the money we can give them.


It's a message board. If you think the posters on here are so stupid, why do you keep coming back? I hope I'm not on a cruise with someone like you.


This may shock you but no human can read anything without judging it. Some of the silliest things people say are, "Don't be so judgmental," or, "You're so judgmental." Every one of us MUST be judgmental every second of every day about everything and everybody. It is essential to human existence. Anyone with more than a nano-brain should be able to figure that out. Its not Rocket Surgery.:D And since you just judged me, I understand and approve. You had to.


I got your point. Did you ever stop to think that the charging for sodas is nearly universal. Go to a nice restaurant, sodas are extra, mid-range restaurant, sodas are extra, fast-food joint, sodas extra. Even buffet restaurants, sodas are extra. Pay Disney for a day at their park, I think $71.00 for one person now--sodas, much extra. Movies, ball games, sodas not included. So to me you point was pointless.

I probably unfairly dumped on you because I'm exasperated with the number of totally useless polls lately. Normally I like to see polls, but I've grown tired of the string of whiney, "I don't like the rules, boo hoo." polls we have had running lately.



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With all the questions about Soda Cards, I want to see how other cruisers actually feel about them.


When my husband found out that we have to pay for soda on our cruise where food and entertainment are free, he was confused and disappointed.


We've committed ourselves to drinking water throughout the duration of the cruise. I'm not spending my excursion money on soda. In my opinion, charging for Soft Drinks is gouging.


What about you?


Why drink only water...why not drink the free tea or punch and juice is free at breakfast. Go on Disney if you think its not fair, soda is free on Disney. My sister cant wait for Disney, I swear, because soda is free.

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Like it's been said over and over if your a small soda drinker 1 or 2 a day max don't get the card. If you like soda and can drink 1 or 2 in a hour all day long it's worth the money. But don't complain about the price no one seems to really have a problem forking over $5 - 6 for a drink that is more ice than anything, ever watch the bartender make a DOD or a frozen beverage they fill the blender with ice, add a few drops of mix and a shot of liquor fill a glass and charge you for more ice than anything. Even after speaking to bartenders on cruises, they have said that in order to make any drink they must fill the glass with ice to the top then pour. ad they use small ice cubes on ships so that glass midas well be 2 ounces. because thats all the liquor and mix your getting.

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Don't forget the cost of transporting it, loading it, all the space it takes up on the ship, the cost to keep it cold, the cost of serving it, the cost to wash the glass it was served in, hauling the cans once they're empty...


There are a lot more costs involved in serving a canned beverage than what you would pay for it at your local Costco.


.....as you indicated......most people forget about all the "other costs" to bring the can of soda to the table........and I added a few others......and I am sure there are more.....:)

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I had noticed that the OP mentioned Pepsi in one of the posts. So now they have another problem.




No way, man. This baby will hold 327 cans of Pepsi and 100 pounds of ice. Just slap a luggage tag on it, hand the porter a five and you'll be in Pepsi heaven by dinner time.



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Actually, gasoline is NOT a necessity. There are other options for fuel and transportation. You can power your car on used vegetable oil. People forget that gas has only been a popular fuel source for the last 100 years. In the next hundred years it will become obsolete.


But I bet Pepsi won't!


You power YOUR car with your used frying oil!


I've seen the process!!!!!!


Gasoline IS a necessity!

And Gasoline is only popular for 100 years or so cause amazingly thats how long the combustable engine automobile has been around!


And for the record Pepsi is already obsolete, Coke is the only way to go.

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I would say it is fair, you can drink tea, punch etc. for free. If you go out to eat does your drink come free. No, you have to pay for it. We only drink maybe one soda each at dinner. In the room we usually have a couple on ice that we bring on the ship when boarding or from the islands.

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You power YOUR car with your used frying oil!


I've seen the process!!!!!!


Gasoline IS a necessity!

And Gasoline is only popular for 100 years or so cause amazingly thats how long the combustable engine automobile has been around!


And for the record Pepsi is already obsolete, Coke is the only way to go.


Gasoline is most definately not a necessity. Food is a necessity. Water is a necessity. Air is a necessity. Shelter is a necessity.


Gasoline is a luxury. If you don't believe me, wait until it's $50 a gallon, (or depleted, but that's another argument entirely) and THEN tell me how much of a necessity it is. I'm willing to bet you find another way to get around.

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I would say it is fair, you can drink tea, punch etc. for free. If you go out to eat does your drink come free. No, you have to pay for it. We only drink maybe one soda each at dinner. In the room we usually have a couple on ice that we bring on the ship when boarding or from the islands.


Depends on the restaurant and the beverage, actually. If you go to a mass-market, middle of the road restaurant like an Outback or something, chances are you'll get the water free but pay for anything else. Some places around here offer iced tea for free as well. But never soda. I can't understand why anyone would ever expect soda to be free. :confused:

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As someone mentioned, 3 a day pays for the card..................I could easily have 3 in the evenings at the clubs while my wife has her Capt'n n cokes.


Not to mention any others thru the day or at meals.


It's an easy buck for them and we all know it, but I don't see this as a sign of things to come. They are not going to start charging for steak or the shows.


One could think that selling soda cards is helping them cover the $$$ lost at the buffet.


I say let it be!!

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Depends on the restaurant and the beverage, actually. If you go to a mass-market, middle of the road restaurant like an Outback or something, chances are you'll get the water free but pay for anything else. Some places around here offer iced tea for free as well. But never soda. I can't understand why anyone would ever expect soda to be free. :confused:


Right here is a perfect example of how people start jumping all over something without bothering to read the entire post.


The fact is.... YOUR FOOD AND ENTERTAINMENT ARE FREE ON THE SHIPS. This is NOT comparable to a restaurant. That comparison is just stupid. I specifically pointed out in my very first post that, because most of the rest of the things on board are included in your fare, it seemed strange that Soda wouldn't be.


Why charge for a soda, but not for a full meal? Why charge for a coke, but not charge to see the shows? I can tell you right now it costs a whole lot more for food/prep/storage of those meals than it does for the canned soda. I bet the cost of that soda is only about .000000001 percent of the ship's overall budget. And if you don't think so ask any restaurant manager you know.


The point is, it seems like a very strange thing to charge for when you're NOT charging someone for the steak you're slapping in front of them.


"No sir, you don't have to pay for the steak, but the Salt & Pepper will cost you $4."


Now misread that and argue with it. I've gotta go pack for my soda-less vacation!

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Right here is a perfect example of how people start jumping all over something without bothering to read the entire post.


The fact is.... YOUR FOOD AND ENTERTAINMENT ARE FREE ON THE SHIPS. This is NOT comparable to a restaurant. That comparison is just stupid. I specifically pointed out in my very first post that, because most of the rest of the things on board are included in your fare, it seemed strange that Soda wouldn't be.


Why charge for a soda, but not for a full meal? Why charge for a coke, but not charge to see the shows? I can tell you right now it costs a whole lot more for food/prep/storage of those meals than it does for the canned soda. I bet the cost of that soda is only about .000000001 percent of the ship's overall budget. And if you don't think so ask any restaurant manager you know.


The point is, it seems like a very strange thing to charge for when you're NOT charging someone for the steak you're slapping in front of them.


"No sir, you don't have to pay for the steak, but the Salt & Pepper will cost you $4."


Now misread that and argue with it. I've gotta go pack for my soda-less vacation!



Why does that restaurant charge for a steak and also charge for the soda?

Why does Mickey D charge for a Big Mac and fries, and soda when you can order a meal including all for less? Why would anybody buy anything from McD's?

Why not cruise Disney with soda included, they are cheaper than Seabourn?


Coke is a high sales commercial branded product, universally recognized by all. They charge for it because THEY CAN. Simple enough?

Life is not always complicated and hardly ever fair. Deal with reality.



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Right here is a perfect example of how people start jumping all over something without bothering to read the entire post.


The fact is.... YOUR FOOD AND ENTERTAINMENT ARE FREE ON THE SHIPS. This is NOT comparable to a restaurant. That comparison is just stupid. I specifically pointed out in my very first post that, because most of the rest of the things on board are included in your fare, it seemed strange that Soda wouldn't be.


Why charge for a soda, but not for a full meal? Why charge for a coke, but not charge to see the shows? I can tell you right now it costs a whole lot more for food/prep/storage of those meals than it does for the canned soda. I bet the cost of that soda is only about .000000001 percent of the ship's overall budget. And if you don't think so ask any restaurant manager you know.


The point is, it seems like a very strange thing to charge for when you're NOT charging someone for the steak you're slapping in front of them.


"No sir, you don't have to pay for the steak, but the Salt & Pepper will cost you $4."


Now misread that and argue with it. I've gotta go pack for my soda-less vacation!


Not going to argue with it. I just think it's extraordinarily ironic that the comparison to a restaurant is, in your terms, "just stupid", but your analogy of paying $1.75 for a soda to paying $4.00 for salt & pepper is, well, ok.


Sure hope you enjoy that water. And hey, better take some salt & pepper too just in case they're listening to you.

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Life is not always complicated and hardly ever fair. Deal with reality.




You're asking a bit much, Dan. You should know that by now.


You hit it right on the head when you said "because they can". The fact of the matter is there is exactly one thing that controls the price of things like soda the soda card, and that is what people are willing to pay to maximize profit. If it cost less, profit would suffer. If it cost more, profit would suffer because they'd sell less.


The root of ALL of the cheapskate threads (soda, soda cards, booze prices, picture prices, etc) is that people are mistaken as to the reason that CCL (or any corporation for that matter) is in business. They are not in business (primarily) to make you happy. To offer you convenience. To take you to exotic tropical ports. They exist, like any other corporation, to MAKE A PROFIT.


I'm sure that somewhere, some bean counter is, as we speak, modeling scenarios where soda costs more or less. Where food is an additional charge. Where a show ticket is $10. Where the cruise is truly all-inclusive. Where people aggressively enforce the booze carryons. I assure you, you can bet your sweet a** that the minute they believe the cost of enforcing the booze rules, or the sharing of soda cards becomes cost-effective they will be doing it.

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With all the questions about Soda Cards, I want to see how other cruisers actually feel about them.


When my husband found out that we have to pay for soda on our cruise where food and entertainment are free, he was confused and disappointed.


We've committed ourselves to drinking water throughout the duration of the cruise. I'm not spending my excursion money on soda. In my opinion, charging for Soft Drinks is gouging.


What about you?


Now I have studied your post at some length and in great depth. Called in the research profs from Jethro Bodine University for consultations and some White Lightening.

Results follow:

Opening line [not shown in above quote] Are soda cards fair?

Do you mean is the idea fair or do you mean is the price fair?

If the former then, NO, life as we know it is not fair.

If the latter, then many have already said, "It depends on how many you like to drink, per day, week, cruise, whatever."


First line of quote above, paraphrasing, I want to know how others feel etc.

I tole you an you dint listen, you yelled at me. OK I dint tole you nice.


Second line; "where food and entertainment are free" Unless we add the word "SOME" or the word "MOST", the second line is negated for inaccuracy.



Third line or phrase; Your choice to drink or not, no further comment here.


Last line: "What about you." This must be the part I misread, I thought [silly me] that you were asking for my opinion. But giving it got me yelled at, so me and the profs don't know what to say.




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Gasoline is most definately not a necessity. Food is a necessity. Water is a necessity. Air is a necessity. Shelter is a necessity.


Gasoline is a luxury. If you don't believe me, wait until it's $50 a gallon, (or depleted, but that's another argument entirely) and THEN tell me how much of a necessity it is. I'm willing to bet you find another way to get around.



And how do you think that food is delivered to your store, by covered wagon??????? And the wood and other materials needed to build your shelter???????


Right now the way society is gasoline and diesel ARE necessities of keeping the economy going.

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So if gas were, say, $50 a gallon, you would starve to death?


Too bad for you, I know I wouldn't.


I would think that well before gasoline got to $ 50.00 a gallon another fuel source will have been employed.


Keep spinning your wheels with this one, cause it's one you can not win.

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