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Pool Chair Hogs


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I was on a cruise in July 2004 (not on Princess) and trying to get a chair by the pool was ridiculous. I saw towels on lounge chairs literally all day with nobody using the chairs. One time I saw a woman in a chair and towels on the other 6 chairs next to her. I asked her if they were being used and she said yes, but nobody used them for several hours. The cruise line did not enforce the 30 minute policy. How do the rest of you handle the situation without having a confrontation? I'd appreciate any info you can provide.

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Good question! The responses to this one are always good for a laugh (and I could use one tonight!).


Chair hogs are the bane of my existence on a cruise. Truly the rudest, most contemptable behavior on the ship, negatively affecting the largest number of people. I personally am not gutsy enough to do anything but fume about it on these boards, but am considering bringing my own 36 position lawn chair on board (as long as it wouldn't break my coffee maker) and placing it wherever I please.

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On my cruise earlier this summer, I watched as a chair went unoccupied for 45 minutes, asked the people around the desired chair if they had seen anyone using it, then I removed the towel, set it on the chair next to the one I was taking, and plopped myself down.


No sense in letting good sun go to waste, and if they don't want to have chair police, I can take care of it myself. No harm was done, nobody ever came to yell at me about it or anything!


Now if somebody does come up and say something, point to the sign and get back to sunning.

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First, I don't sun, my ancestory is Finnish, that country sees the sun twice a decade. I sunburn at a birthday cake if the kid is 10 or more.

But when I do take a chair, I watch for 5 minutes, ask neighbors and if they tell me it is "saved" I ask for who. If they can't show me.. I take the chair.


If someone comes back to it, I get up if they are polite, if they are are rude with " I was using that" I reply "not as well as I am".

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First, I don't sun, my ancestory is Finnish, that country sees the sun twice a decade. I sunburn at a birthday cake if the kid is 10 or more.

But when I do take a chair, I watch for 5 minutes, ask neighbors and if they tell me it is "saved" I ask for who. If they can't show me.. I take the chair.


If someone comes back to it, I get up if they are polite, if they are are rude with " I was using that" I reply "not as well as I am".



What if they have a book etc laying on the chair? I've taken towels off a chair before after scoping out the chair for 10-15 min and seeing no activity. On RCL chair holding is not allowed and is posted on the Cruise Compass daily so I feel it is OK to remove towels from unused chairs. I'm too hesitant to take off personal belongings however. Some people take used paperback books(that they could care less to keep) on the chair to hold it. I'm scared of confrontation myself so I would let those chairs be.

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The discomfort with confrontation is what they rely on. I find that if I look up from my copy of "Aggrivated Assault Monthly" with a glare it gets things off to a good start.


Ok, serilously. I handle it in various ways, a good one is to say that you asked the person who got up from this chair if they were leaving and they said yes. This implies not only your innocence but the fact that they have been gone so long that generations of users have come and gone.

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The discomfort with confrontation is what they rely on. I find that if I look up from my copy of "Aggrivated Assault Monthly" with a glare it gets things off to a good start.


Ok, serilously. I handle it in various ways, a good one is to say that you asked the person who got up from this chair if they were leaving and they said yes. This implies not only your innocence but the fact that they have been gone so long that generations of users have come and gone.



Dang! You are good! I like that come back! I'll keep that in mind next time! Thanks! :)

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What if they have a book etc laying on the chair? I've taken towels off a chair before after scoping out the chair for 10-15 min and seeing no activity. On RCL chair holding is not allowed and is posted on the Cruise Compass daily so I feel it is OK to remove towels from unused chairs. I'm too hesitant to take off personal belongings however. Some people take used paperback books(that they could care less to keep) on the chair to hold it. I'm scared of confrontation myself so I would let those chairs be.

I wouldn't hesitate for one minute. I would just lay the book, or whatever was being used to save the chair, gently on the ground beside it. Of course, I would make sure that the chair hadn't been used for the requisite length of time. Now, if someone came out of the pool within a minute or two and claimed the chair, then I would move. I don't think being in the pool counts as "hogging." But if no one came over within a couple of minutes, then as far as I'm concerned, the chair is mine.


If the rules are posted and people choose to ignore them, I don't see why there should even be a confrontation. If someone wishes to start something, I'd just tell them to take it up with Security, who would really have no choice but to enforce the policy. That's their job.


Blue skies ...



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I don't usually have a problem with chair hogs as I get to the pool early and typically stay all day....(just leave to grab some lunch - so are gone for less than half an hour).


But...I have no problem keeping my eye out for the unattended chairs and will gladly point out which ones have not been used for over an hour.


I have seen people move personal belongings to a corner of the pool..or just take them off the "desireable" chairs and move them to and empty chair further away.


I say..go for it......there's nothing worse than someone getting up at 6am just to throw a towel on a chair then not intend to use it til 11.

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I would remove a towel from one of the chairs and sit myself down. If someone showed up and claimed it as their own, I would point them to the 30-minute policy. Who could argue with that? I would also point out the other empty chairs they can use. Just follow the rules and enforce them yourself if you're adament about sitting in a lounge chair.

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"What would I do?" is an interesting question. We tend to sit in out of the way places and don't have problem finding a lounger. If I wanted one in a specific area I would probably shift the activities of my day ahead and arrive early. I can't imagine myself removing someone's towel and/or book and taking the seat...however, it would be the correct thing to do. On our most recent cruise, I watched two loungers with towels and a book stay vacant for over two hours as others looked for a place to relax. I was tempted to remove the towels but didn't...now that I've read this thread, I'd do it next time. Thanks for the encouragement.

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Chair hogs are a menace. I was on the CP on the 6/26 cruise. My son and I went up for a swim and started looking for some lounge chairs at about 11AM. There was almost a full row of chairs about two rows back from the pool with towels stretched across them, but with no one sitting on any of them. We sauntered over to Prego's, grabbed a couple of slices and stood there for about 10 minutes. Not one person returned to even one of the chairs. We removed the towels from two chairs on the very end, put our stuff down and hopped in the pool. We were in the pool for about 30 minutes or so. When we got out, not one person was sitting in that row of lounge chairs. While we sat there in the Sun, I saw loads of people come out, look at the "reserved chairs" and continue their hunt for "open chairs."


I think it's extremely rude to dump a towel on a chair and "claim" it for hours at a time when you have no intention of being there during that time. I say scope one out, wait a respectable period of time, ask those nearby if anyone has been using it recently and if not, plop right on down. If they show up later and start trouble, remind them of the ship's policy on reserving chairs. If they still have a problem, tell them to go tell a crew member. Or else, tell them what srphnx said above, which I think is absolutely perfect, "that you asked the person who got up from this chair if they were leaving and they said yes." Priceless. That ought to shut them up pretty quick!


The Monk

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Here's what I'd like to do. May copies of an "official" cruise notice. It would say something like "Cruise Chaise Lounge Chair; Unoccupied at ______ (for filling in the time). If you see a chair you want, fill in the notice and leave it on the chair. 15 minutes later come back and see if the chaise chair is occupied. If so, walk on bye. At least the chair hogs will get the idea that "somebody" is watching. If you come back after the 15 minutes an the chair is still unoccupied, take their stuff and put it aside. Sit down and enjoy yourself. If the chair hog does come back while you're still in chair (which is highly unlikely since they usually leave their towel and paperback there at 7am in the morning because they MIGHT want to lounge out at 2pm when they come back from their morning tour), just show them the "official sign". Sorry, no confrontation because of the "offical sign notice" with the time on it. Too bad chair hog, 'oink, oink' find another one. Bye. P.S. Wouldn't it be nice if the cruise lines did do this?

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Here's what I'd like to do. May copies of an "official" cruise notice. It would say something like "Cruise Chaise Lounge Chair; Unoccupied at ______ (for filling in the time).


That's a great idea. I think I'll print me up a few to take along!

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Ok, serilously. I handle it in various ways, a good one is to say that you asked the person who got up from this chair if they were leaving and they said yes. This implies not only your innocence but the fact that they have been gone so long that generations of users have come and gone.


Srphnx - yours is by far the best answer! THANK YOU!


I usually ask if the chair is being saved and if they say yes, I say, Ok, I'll move as soon as they return...9 times out of 10 they don't come back before I've scoped out something else, and if they do, I just get up and thank them for allowing me to enjoy their seat (yes, I am the passive/agressive type).

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my wife and i were on a rccl cruise, the first day at sea i went up the pool about nine their was not a chair to be had .there were towels onevery chair, and no one using them. i watched all day and the towels were left there.so on the next sea day i was out at 6:00 am and got a great spot , by the pool.the attendent saw me, told him what i was doing , he smiled and left

ivan and marianne

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Zee virst ting to gno ezz zat you donna speeka da Englisha zo gut. No?

Dees is reel, reel important.


Ja! Zen dees sign, she zays no savink? No? What means no savink no?


OK So zen chew saw dat some guy musta left zer stuff onna chair.


Zince no body izza gonna breaka ruulz. You momma let you breaks da rulz? No! Zo, I putta towella inna sack anna book inna (howa you zay) lost in found? Yes. Inna lost in found.


Ees over dere.


I needa nudder beer.

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Can I just add that the worst kind of chair hogs are those that put towels out then go on a tour or worse still the ones that put towels on a chair and as soon as you try to move them they suddenyl come running up .... you actually find that they are using other loungers and have reserved several for different times of the day.


A couple of tips.

1. DW actually surprised me with this one. Different scenario but a confrontation was starting between me and someone else. 'She who must be obeyed' stepped in between us and said something along the lines off 'Look Ken, you have just got out of prison, I haven't seen you for 10 years, this pratt isn't worth going back inside for'. The person decided to go away.


2. Take some itching powder and sprinkle it on reseverd chairs (a tip given to me by another cruiser).



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In all of our years cruising, this has been such a hot topic. :mad:


Last cruise, get this, we observed the same group of people not only reserve the loungers in front of the pool on the starboard side, but also on the other side. Seems they wanted to be guaranteed a spot in the sun! :eek:

What I do is pick their "stuff" up and hand it to the deck attendant, point to the sign that says 30 minutes reserving, and walk away. Let them enforce the rules, that, afterall, they make. Period. Boo to deck chair hogs.

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12_5_29.gif 16_3_152.gif............this isn't the fist time I have printed this, heck there are always new folks around. I guess Alaska in September and Mexico in March are not big times for the chair hogs, that and not being a sun hanger outer I have never had a problem onboard.


I was staying at the Mirage hotel in Las Vegas last year at this time and that pool looks as big or bigger than an entire ships deck, they also must have 1000 lounge chairs. The pool opened at 7am. I am an early riser so would get a coffee and watch the mayhem at the pool People would line up at 6:15-6:30 and when the pool gate opened they would "run" to the towels, grab a handfull (or more) and go stake out their spots. I sometime would sit and read until 11am and would guess better then 50% of these were still empty. It would take a tip to the pool person and they would "find" you a spot, or you had to use one of the tips we know from our boards.

One of these days maybe we will see the pool attendent walking around with a chalk stick like the meter people use, or worse "rent-a-chair" . Pay a fee and you have your own chair for the duration of the cruise. Don't laugh, I think someone once wrote they do that on the QE or QM.

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One of these days maybe we will see the pool attendent walking around with a chalk stick like the meter people use, or worse "rent-a-chair" . Pay a fee and you have your own chair for the duration of the cruise. Don't laugh, I think someone once wrote they do that on the QE or QM.

Wouldn't surprise me to see it on the QE or QM - you have to rent a lounge chair if you want to sit on one in Hyde Park in London...

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