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soda card pros and cons ?


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To posters 12, 13 & 14 .......


Sharing the soda card with another person IS STEALING!




So you all keep trying to justify your stealing, cause it is not going to float!


Unfreakingbelievable!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:



Does not matter. You do what you feel is right. If you drink only a few during the week, it is not worth it. If you and all your family are avid soda drinkers, then by all means buy each of you a card. I prefer Ice Tea. And will take a glass to make me some in of a morning. I drink on a quart a day. Then with meals get more. But I use special teas, so I have to carry them with me and make it myself. If I don't do that, I will use regular tea if necessary. If it becomes too much of a hassle.


But for me, paying 40$ for a soda card is too expensive. that would be like paying 10$ a can. However, my DH and DD drink a lot, so they will get the soda cards. If I am out of tea, and get thirsty, and my DH has a glass of soda, i will take a sip of his. But not have him order it special for me.


Are you all thread police going to tell me that a sip is stealing?


If you think that, then quit taking your every 30 min cigarette breaks at work, or working overtime when it is not necessary, or tasting the grapes before you buy them. And don't let your kids grab something in the store and eat it then throw the wrapper down. ALL of that is stealing also.


Each 10 minute cigarette break you take is stealing from your employeer. All that unnecessary overtime you do is stealing from your boss as well. All those grapes you have tasted over the years to see if they are sweet, or sour, or rotten, that is stealing also. If your kids go with you and eat a banana while walking through the store, that is stealing also.


When you bargin with the venders in the countries, is that not stealing? YES because you are stealing from their income.

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Does not matter. You do what you feel is right. If you drink only a few during the week, it is not worth it. If you and all your family are avid soda drinkers, then by all means buy each of you a card. I prefer Ice Tea. And will take a glass to make me some in of a morning. I drink on a quart a day. Then with meals get more. But I use special teas, so I have to carry them with me and make it myself. If I don't do that, I will use regular tea if necessary. If it becomes too much of a hassle.


But for me, paying 40$ for a soda card is too expensive. that would be like paying 10$ a can. However, my DH and DD drink a lot, so they will get the soda cards. If I am out of tea, and get thirsty, and my DH has a glass of soda, i will take a sip of his. But not have him order it special for me.


Are you all thread police going to tell me that a sip is stealing?


If you think that, then quit taking your every 30 min cigarette breaks at work, or working overtime when it is not necessary, or tasting the grapes before you buy them. And don't let your kids grab something in the store and eat it then throw the wrapper down. ALL of that is stealing also.


Each 10 minute cigarette break you take is stealing from your employeer. All that unnecessary overtime you do is stealing from your boss as well. All those grapes you have tasted over the years to see if they are sweet, or sour, or rotten, that is stealing also. If your kids go with you and eat a banana while walking through the store, that is stealing also.


When you bargin with the venders in the countries, is that not stealing? YES because you are stealing from their income.


Taking a "sip" of someone elses soda is not stealing. Getting one for yourself at one bar and one for someone else at another bar is.

People are given paid breaks at work, during which time they can do whatever they want.

Most employers are not stupid enough in todays economy to pay for unnecessary ovetime. Heck ,most of them don't want to pay for necessary overtime. They want you to get the work done in less time.

Who tastes unwashed fruit?

What kind of parent allows a child to eat a banana and does not pay for it?

Bargaining is not stealing it is just that bargaining. Those venders are not being ripped off they allow for bargaining it is part of the business they are in, like flea market venders and salesmen.

Everyone knows what stealing is, and if you have to try and justify something with examples of supposededly wrong behavior, doesn't that make the thing you are trying to justify wrong also.

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Does not matter. You do what you feel is right. If you drink only a few during the week, it is not worth it. If you and all your family are avid soda drinkers, then by all means buy each of you a card. I prefer Ice Tea. And will take a glass to make me some in of a morning. I drink on a quart a day. Then with meals get more. But I use special teas, so I have to carry them with me and make it myself. If I don't do that, I will use regular tea if necessary. If it becomes too much of a hassle.


But for me, paying 40$ for a soda card is too expensive. that would be like paying 10$ a can. However, my DH and DD drink a lot, so they will get the soda cards. If I am out of tea, and get thirsty, and my DH has a glass of soda, i will take a sip of his. But not have him order it special for me.


Are you all thread police going to tell me that a sip is stealing?

No, he already has the coke and isn't getting a new one because you had a sip. :rolleyes:


If you think that, then quit taking your every 30 min cigarette breaks at work, or working overtime when it is not necessary, or tasting the grapes before you buy them. And don't let your kids grab something in the store and eat it then throw the wrapper down. ALL of that is stealing also.

Well duh! I've never eaten food in the store without paying for it and certainly wouldn't let my kids! :eek:


Each 10 minute cigarette break you take is stealing from your employeer.

Unless your employer allows it.

All that unnecessary overtime you do is stealing from your boss as well. All those grapes you have tasted over the years to see if they are sweet, or sour, or rotten, that is stealing also. If your kids go with you and eat a banana while walking through the store, that is stealing also.


When you bargin with the venders in the countries, is that not stealing? YES because you are stealing from their income.

That's just retarded!!!

BTW - Doing what you feel it right doesn't have any effect on whether it is right or not. :rolleyes:

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Does the soda card also get you bottled water? If not, I'll get one for my husband (who drinks soda like a fiend) but won't bother for myself -- I prefer room temp. water as a beverage, and bring my peach iced tea for 16.9 ml bottles of water when I want a change!

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Taking a "sip" of someone elses soda is not stealing. Getting one for yourself at one bar and one for someone else at another bar is.

People are given paid breaks at work, during which time they can do whatever they want.

Most employers are not stupid enough in todays economy to pay for unnecessary ovetime. Heck ,most of them don't want to pay for necessary overtime. They want you to get the work done in less time.

Who tastes unwashed fruit?

What kind of parent allows a child to eat a banana and does not pay for it?

Bargaining is not stealing it is just that bargaining. Those venders are not being ripped off they allow for bargaining it is part of the business they are in, like flea market venders and salesmen.

Everyone knows what stealing is, and if you have to try and justify something with examples of supposededly wrong behavior, doesn't that make the thing you are trying to justify wrong also.


I live in a tourist area. I have watched it happen at Walmart, and at my usual grocery store. These people don't care. they allow their kids to eat while walking through the store. even one day I saw a empty box of cookies on the shelf. But they have no morals, or anything like that. I saw 2 little girls walk through walmart with a banana in hand then throw the peel under the womens clothes rack. Yes, my DD does get chicken poppers in the deli, but the empty container is in my buggy when I check out and they are paid for them. I am even asked if the container is trash now. Unlike getting something eating it, and putting the empty on the shelf somewhere. then running and getting a soda from teh front and drinking it all and leaving the empty bottle on another shelf. It happens.


Yes one day, i did drink almost a 20oz soda in the store and drank 80% of it before I checked out. but I did pay for it.


Believe it or not ont he other thread about the soda card, they told me I was stealing to take a sip of my DH or even DD soda. I was told to go buy my own soda for a sip.

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Are you all thread police going to tell me that a sip is stealing?


If you think that, then quit taking your every 30 min cigarette breaks at work, or working overtime when it is not necessary, or tasting the grapes before you buy them. And don't let your kids grab something in the store and eat it then throw the wrapper down. ALL of that is stealing also.


Each 10 minute cigarette break you take is stealing from your employeer. All that unnecessary overtime you do is stealing from your boss as well. All those grapes you have tasted over the years to see if they are sweet, or sour, or rotten, that is stealing also. If your kids go with you and eat a banana while walking through the store, that is stealing also.


When you bargin with the venders in the countries, is that not stealing? YES because you are stealing from their income.


Well, I'm not "weighing" in here... other than to say that you were the one that said you guys shared a card...


However, that being said... I don't smoke, and even when I did, I only did it when I wasn't at the office... I didn't take a break to do it. I'm a business owner so there is no such thing as "overtime"... I have NEVER tasted a grape before I buy them (are there really people that do that?? ugh)... and seriously, any parent that would allow their kid to eat something in the store and then throw the wrapper down isn't only a thief but a litterbug and should be arrested like ANY OTHER shoplifter (not to mention it's poor parenting).... Sorry, you made it sound like everyone was doing these things, and I think every one of them that you mentioned were very much in the minority.


And bargaining is stealing?? ROFLMAO!! Seriously... you had to really reach for that one!!! LMAO!! Next you are going to say that using coupons and shopping sales is stealing :p LOL!

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Does the soda card also get you bottled water? If not, I'll get one for my husband (who drinks soda like a fiend) but won't bother for myself -- I prefer room temp. water as a beverage, and bring my peach iced tea for 16.9 ml bottles of water when I want a change!


No, it doesn't. I'm with you, I never leave without boxes of CL!!!! :D Peach tea ROCKS!!!

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I think this thread just jumped the shark.


Stealing also is charging $2.00 for a soda that costs .15 to make.


I have to agree with this guy. DH and myself always share a soda card. Why would I pay over $50 for the week so we can have soda.

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Well, I'm not "weighing" in here... other than to say that you were the one that said you guys shared a card...


However, that being said... I don't smoke, and even when I did, I only did it when I wasn't at the office... I didn't take a break to do it. I'm a business owner so there is no such thing as "overtime"... I have NEVER tasted a grape before I buy them (are there really people that do that?? ugh)... and seriously, any parent that would allow their kid to eat something in the store and then throw the wrapper down isn't only a thief but a litterbug and should be arrested like ANY OTHER shoplifter (not to mention it's poor parenting).... Sorry, you made it sound like everyone was doing these things, and I think every one of them that you mentioned were very much in the minority.


And bargaining is stealing?? ROFLMAO!! Seriously... you had to really reach for that one!!! LMAO!! Next you are going to say that using coupons and shopping sales is stealing :p LOL!



I worked with people who were scheduled to get off at 2 pm, but would claim they did not get a break and would stay the extra hour to get their breaks in. When in reality, they were taking an hour long break 3 x a day and being paid for it. I mentioned it and was told there was nothing that could be done about it unless the boss caught them.


I also worked a job where the smokers were outside every 30 min, then claimed they could not get their work done on time and had to work over.


I am a non smoker, and I guess that is why that issue gets to me.


WalMart said there was nothing they could do about it. I questioned someone about it, and they said unless security catches them, it is out of their hands.


I don't allow my daughter throw her empty containers down. I pay for them.


No i will not say that, but i think you were the one who told me that if I bought a 20oz soda on the road during vacation and shared it that it was stealing. I don't see that. Once I purchase something, it is mine to do with weather it be a 20oz soda, or a container of chicken poppers.


But the store I shop at knows me. They know I am honest like that.


As for what I said on the other post, i think you all miss understood. yes, my DH did get me a soda once or twice. But it was because I he also wanted one. They knew we were sharing, and did not say a word. But that was maybe 2 sodas for that. Should have put it in my name on the last one though because he ended up being quarentined to the cabin so it did not get used hardly at all. So when he was able to come out, yes, we did share. but only to get the good of it.


This time, he is getting a card, so is DD, but I will drink my tea. Health tea. So yes, on the last cruise we did share a card. It was our first shared card, and our last. i am more prepared and feel better this cruise.

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I worked with people who were scheduled to get off at 2 pm, but would claim they did not get a break and would stay the extra hour to get their breaks in. When in reality, they were taking an hour long break 3 x a day and being paid for it. I mentioned it and was told there was nothing that could be done about it unless the boss caught them.


I also worked a job where the smokers were outside every 30 min, then claimed they could not get their work done on time and had to work over.


I am a non smoker, and I guess that is why that issue gets to me.


WalMart said there was nothing they could do about it. I questioned someone about it, and they said unless security catches them, it is out of their hands.


I don't allow my daughter throw her empty containers down. I pay for them.


No i will not say that, but i think you were the one who told me that if I bought a 20oz soda on the road during vacation and shared it that it was stealing. I don't see that. Once I purchase something, it is mine to do with weather it be a 20oz soda, or a container of chicken poppers.


But the store I shop at knows me. They know I am honest like that.


As for what I said on the other post, i think you all miss understood. yes, my DH did get me a soda once or twice. But it was because I he also wanted one. They knew we were sharing, and did not say a word. But that was maybe 2 sodas for that. Should have put it in my name on the last one though because he ended up being quarentined to the cabin so it did not get used hardly at all. So when he was able to come out, yes, we did share. but only to get the good of it.


This time, he is getting a card, so is DD, but I will drink my tea. Health tea. So yes, on the last cruise we did share a card. It was our first shared card, and our last. i am more prepared and feel better this cruise.


Sounds like the people around where you live, and the people you worked with are losers... plain and simple, but I can assure you, your experiences are not what it is like in the real world.


I have no clue what you are talking about, but I never said any such thing to yoU! Are you seriously telling me that I told you if you purchased a soda on the road and shared it that it was stealing? You said on THIS thread that you share a soda card... I have NO IDEA what you are talking about, but you OBVIOUSLY have me confused with someone else... I've never even heard of such and certainly don't like being accused of saying anything of the sort :rolleyes: :mad:


What in the heck is a chicken popper???? :p

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Sounds like the people around where you live, and the people you worked with are losers... plain and simple, but I can assure you, your experiences are not what it is like in the real world.


I have no clue what you are talking about, but I never said any such thing to yoU! Are you seriously telling me that I told you if you purchased a soda on the road and shared it that it was stealing? You said on THIS thread that you share a soda card... I have NO IDEA what you are talking about, but you OBVIOUSLY have me confused with someone else... I've never even heard of such and certainly don't like being accused of saying anything of the sort :rolleyes: :mad:


What in the heck is a chicken popper???? :p


I must have you confused with someone else. Sorry.


But as far as I what I said earlier on this post does not mean that each time he gets a soda I get a soda. He gets me maybe one or two sodas.


This next cruise, I am taking some with me though because I need some to take meds with of a morning, and want them cold, and want Pepsi, not coke.


Sorry for the missing understanding.


You have never heard of chicken poppers? Where do you live. KFC has them. Grocery Deli's have them. OK. so maybe I should have said POPCORN CHICKEN. Same difference. it is still a chicken popper.


Yes, i think that thread has been pulled by now. But yes, i was told by someone that if I am at a rest stop, buy a 20oz soda from a machine and share it with my DH or DD, it is stealing. Go figure.

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I have to agree with this guy. DH and myself always share a soda card. Why would I pay over $50 for the week so we can have soda.


When my wife and I go to the seafood buffet we only pay for one then share our food. We just tell the cashier my wife isn't eating. That's like $30 each.:eek: Why should each of us pay. That's ridiculous.:rolleyes:



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I must have you confused with someone else. Sorry.


But as far as I what I said earlier on this post does not mean that each time he gets a soda I get a soda. He gets me maybe one or two sodas.


This next cruise, I am taking some with me though because I need some to take meds with of a morning, and want them cold, and want Pepsi, not coke.


Sorry for the missing understanding.


You have never heard of chicken poppers? Where do you live. KFC has them. Grocery Deli's have them. OK. so maybe I should have said POPCORN CHICKEN. Same difference. it is still a chicken popper.


Yes, i think that thread has been pulled by now. But yes, i was told by someone that if I am at a rest stop, buy a 20oz soda from a machine and share it with my DH or DD, it is stealing. Go figure.


Yes, you did confuse me with someone else... http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=606517&page=14


I live in NC (as stated above, to the right, on all my posts :D), but I travel all over the country... I haven't been to a KFC in YEARS... so that probably explains it. I don't know what popcorn chicken is, but I'd assume it's like popcorn shrimp... small and fried :p LOL


The thread is posted above... I know the person below you was kidding and used a "wink"... I didn't bother to read the rest, I just wanted my name cleared :cool:

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When my wife and I go to the seafood buffet we only pay for one then share our food. We just tell the cashier my wife isn't eating. That's like $30 each.:eek: Why should each of us pay. That's ridiculous.:rolleyes:




don't let some people hear you say that. It is crazy.

Since I was sick last christmas, we don't do buffetts most of the time because I can not eat that much now. It does not pay us to go to Golden Coral or other places like that because it cost us 40$ and we eat maybe 10$ worth of food. so we quit going.


That money spent on that one meal could feed my whole family for a week. I like going on the cruises because I can pig out on fish, chinese, and the other things my family don't eat.

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When my wife and I go to the seafood buffet we only pay for one then share our food. We just tell the cashier my wife isn't eating. That's like $30 each.:eek: Why should each of us pay. That's ridiculous.:rolleyes:




Bill, you crack me up!!!


But you could just go to the grocery store and fill up on grapes :confused:

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Yes, popcorn chicken is like popcorn shrimp, only more chicken taste than the shirmp. I understand they even have popcorn fish now at Long John silvers. You should try them sometme. You will get hooked on them.



Thanks for the explanation! I doubt I'd get hooked... I try to stay away from fried food 'cept for an occasional treat... but KFC brought back some memories! In college they had these things called "chicken littles" that were little tiny chicken sandwiches, like white castles (or whatever they are called), and they were like 29 cents... they were SO good!!! Haven't been to a KFC since... but boy they were yummy!!!!!

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Does not matter. You do what you feel is right. If you drink only a few during the week, it is not worth it. If you and all your family are avid soda drinkers, then by all means buy each of you a card. I prefer Ice Tea. And will take a glass to make me some in of a morning. I drink on a quart a day. Then with meals get more. But I use special teas, so I have to carry them with me and make it myself. If I don't do that, I will use regular tea if necessary. If it becomes too much of a hassle.


But for me, paying 40$ for a soda card is too expensive. that would be like paying 10$ a can. However, my DH and DD drink a lot, so they will get the soda cards. If I am out of tea, and get thirsty, and my DH has a glass of soda, i will take a sip of his. But not have him order it special for me.


Are you all thread police going to tell me that a sip is stealing?


If you think that, then quit taking your every 30 min cigarette breaks at work, or working overtime when it is not necessary, or tasting the grapes before you buy them. And don't let your kids grab something in the store and eat it then throw the wrapper down. ALL of that is stealing also.


Each 10 minute cigarette break you take is stealing from your employeer. All that unnecessary overtime you do is stealing from your boss as well. All those grapes you have tasted over the years to see if they are sweet, or sour, or rotten, that is stealing also. If your kids go with you and eat a banana while walking through the store, that is stealing also.


When you bargin with the venders in the countries, is that not stealing? YES because you are stealing from their income.


Breaks are legally mandated. Smoke if you want, or do whatever. How is my working overtime stealing (they are stealing time from me)? Don't get paid any extra for it... and I do work overtime - middle of the night, weekends, etc... don't eat while shopping. Do that before hand to cut down on what I buy.

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usually we go to the store after we go work out, so Dd is hungry, so we pick up one and eat it through the store. Doris always ask if the container is garbage once I have paid for it. The day I drank the soda, my Dd handed her her bottle that was not open, and she started to hand it to me. I told her that one was her bottle. My bottle was the nearly empty one on the end of the counter. After paying for it, she handed it back to me, and before we got to the van, it was gone. First time I ever beat my Dd in drinking a bottle of soda. I was dehydrated that day though. And I knew water would upset my stomach so it had to be soda.



but seriously, people here are demented most of the time. They have no respect for someone in a wheelchair, and don't care whose feet they step on.


I am glad I am out of the workforce now. i am retired on disability.


NOW, I get panic attacks like when i go to a walmart I am not use to going to. or even during Muster DRill. If I am in the back. I need to be up front. I can not stand to be in the middle of a row of seats at the theater or anything like that. want the end seat. guess I have a bit of causterphobia. Dont even like shutting the door to a small room.

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Breaks are legally mandated. Smoke if you want, or do whatever. How is my working overtime stealing (they are stealing time from me)? Don't get paid any extra for it... and I do work overtime - middle of the night, weekends, etc... don't eat while shopping. Do that before hand to cut down on what I buy.



It is the people who leave their work to go smoke when someone is waiting on them. YES, a 15 min break every 3 hours is permissable. but 10 min every 30 min, is still wrong. Makes more work on those who don't smoke. One job I had, a friend of mine and I joked about starting to smoke just so we could have breaks like the other 3 people did. It was a small nursing home kitchen. The cooks, and the dishwasher would go out and smoke every 30 min for 10 -15 min. Even the boss did this with them, so there was no need to complain. but if my friend and I sat down for 5 min, we got yelled at to get up and go back to work.


I don't mean approved overtime. I mean like staying over just because you feel like it like at the hospital I use to work for. Schedule was 630 - 2pm. Staying over till 3 or 330 because you felt like it is stealing. I learned their secret the first month I worked there, and never did what they did. I worked till I clocked out. And what was wors, they took a break at 7 am for 30 min, at 10 they took an hour break, and at 2 they took an hour to an hour and a half break. then complained they never got a break. What do they call that. Since then, things have changed. They have to clock out for lunch. And the entire place shuts down for an hour between 3 and 4 pm for the afternoon shift to take their lunches.


That is the kind of overtime I am talking about. If your boss ask you to work over, that is different. If it is manditory, that is different. but to be scheduled 40 hours a week, and work 50 hours is stealing when there is not need for it because you are taking too many breaks that are longer than you are allowed.

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