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Interning on the Explorer

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[quote name='HurricaneSally']What I meant was, you are beginning to whine about this and it's starting to sound trivial. If the answer is "no", then it's "no". I'm sure your mom doesn't think its possible or she would be protesting more than she is.[/QUOTE]

Ah, alright. I’ll try not to whine again.
However, the answer isn’t “no”
I know the first and second page of this thread was basically me being disapointed based on what people were telling me, but after talking to customer service, I’m very pleased because they said it was very much possible.

And my mom isn’t protesting because she likes the idea of me shadowing Dave for my project. Plus, while I’m doing this project, she gets to go on a cruise. Pretty much a win-win situation, I guess.
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[quote name='WowItsMarissa']Not to sound snotty or bratty etc., but I already got permission to shadow during my cruise just a few days ago :) They didn't really care about my age as long as I bought the cruise. All I need now is my confirmation letter from Dave Chapman that apparently he’ll be faxing to Royal Caribbean in Miami.

And thank you for the links! They really helped![/quote]

[SIZE=3]I meant you were too young for employment on those links but they may be something you want to consider for your future. I wanted to show you all the options available in the cruise industry and what the job of CD entails as you seemed interested in Dave's daily routine as a CD:) Allen is expected back on the Explorer from his vacation for my cruises in Oct. and Dave is on Allen's staff so I'm not sure if Dave will stay onboard the Explorer or be assigned another ship. :) [/SIZE]
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[quote name='WowItsMarissa']Ouch. I didn’t mean to come off as one. Sorry :(
I know I blew up at alexkrn46, but their comment just triggered something in me. I don't know.

As for paying for my cruise, I’m sacrificing any christmas and birthday presents for the next two years, according to my mom. And I don't really get gift money. Yeah, I'm an only child but there are both ups and downs to that. And I know me going to a good private school sort of gives me that air of being spoiled, but the school pays for some of my tuition because my mom is a single mom earning lower than whatever the average is. But my grandma chips in sometimes, which is nice.

Really, I'm very thankful for everything I have. I was brought up Catholic and I pray every night being thankful that I'm not in a worse position.

Blahh...I feel bad now. I honestly never meant to come off as a spoiled brat.[/QUOTE]
Marissa, I am not going to comment on the topic of this thread, but I wanted to support you in this one thing.

Ignore Hurricane Sally. She talks this way to everyone. She is actually not singling you out. Don't worry. :)
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[quote name='aqhacruiser'][SIZE=3]I meant you were too young for employment on those links but they may be something you want to consider for your future. I wanted to show you all the options available in the cruise industry and what the job of CD entails as you seemed interested in Dave's daily routine as a CD:) Allen is expected back on the Explorer from his vacation for my cruises in Oct. and Dave is on Allen's staff so I'm not sure if Dave will stay onboard the Explorer or be assigned another ship. :) [/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I know Allen will be back by then. Dave is confirmed to be on the Explorer until April. Already talked to him about it :) Dave will step back down as activities manager, but that’s still totally fine.

And have fun in October! I’m so jealous that I’m not cruising as soon as you are!:D
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[quote name='Merion_Mom']Marissa, I am not going to comment on the topic of this thread, but I wanted to support you in this one thing.

Ignore Hurricane Sally. She talks this way to everyone. She is actually not singling you out. Don't worry. :)[/QUOTE]

Oh, alrighty. Thanks for letting me know :o
I'm not really too familiar with people on these message boards.
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Also, [B]I am a paying cruise customer as well[/B]. I’m so dedicated to this project, that I’m paying for this cruise to complete it. Plus, all those wanting to be singers, dancers, and chefs wouldn’t pick to intern on a cruise ship...there are dancers, singers, and chefs on land. But where would I find a cruise director on land?

You could find a simliar position at an exculsive resort.

My son was accepted at several marine colleges, I would never have asked him to "intern with the captain". FYI, American Marine College grads are recruited by the cruiselines so it would have been a benefit to the cruiseline to have a person that they could really hire. I don't think there is a shortage of Cruise Directors.

As for “the horrible situation to put a male employee in” thing, do you expect me to lie about him raping me? We’re probably not even going to be in any area alone together!

Most places have policies about men being alone with underage girls. This is a fact of life.

All I want to do is follow Dave. I mean hey, he doesn’t even need to utter a word to me if he doesn’t want to. And may I add, Dave will be activities manager when I shadow. Sure, he won’t be the cruise director anymore, but not only am I shadowing him to find out more about his job, but to observe a truly dedicated, talented, kind and hard-working human being. I know what hard work is, thank you very much. I go to one of the top schools in the nation that also happens to be associated with one of the top Universities.

Who in the world ever said that I get high sats?!?! I’m a straight A student with many extra activities including Student Council, Debate Team, Science Team, Volleyball Team, Theater, and Asian Students Association. In addition, I play piano, violin, guitar, sing, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and so far, I've been able to handle things perfectly. So you think I don’t have what it takes to get into a good college or medical school? Maybe I'll make it, maybe I won't, but I'm trying my hardest right now. Who are you to judge me?[/QUOTE]

I am not judging you, but I have witness hunderds of tales like yours, high achieving kids ( if you are a kid)who don't get into an ivy league school. Do an internet search it seems like whiteand asian middle class kids are being squeeze out of the upper tier schools unless your parents have made a hefty donation to a college, the odds are against you. Glad to hear you are in a great high school but great high school does not make IVY league college.
PS.....my mother, father, sister, and children have all been accepted in IV league schools so I do have a background.

PS Why does your web page say you are a 57 year old female?

Either you are a hoax or a very naive 15 year old girl.
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Also, [B]I am a paying cruise customer as well[/B]. I’m so dedicated to this project, that I’m paying for this cruise to complete it. Plus, all those wanting to be singers, dancers, and chefs wouldn’t pick to intern on a cruise ship...there are dancers, singers, and chefs on land. But where would I find a cruise director on land?

You could find a simliar position at an exculsive resort.

My son was accepted at several marine colleges, I would never have asked him to "intern with the captain". FYI, American Marine College grads are recruited by the cruiselines so it would have been a benefit to the cruiseline to have a person that they could really hire. I don't think there is a shortage of Cruise Directors.

As for “the horrible situation to put a male employee in” thing, do you expect me to lie about him raping me? We’re probably not even going to be in any area alone together!

Most places have policies about men being alone with underage girls. This is a fact of life.

All I want to do is follow Dave. I mean hey, he doesn’t even need to utter a word to me if he doesn’t want to. And may I add, Dave will be activities manager when I shadow. Sure, he won’t be the cruise director anymore, but not only am I shadowing him to find out more about his job, but to observe a truly dedicated, talented, kind and hard-working human being. I know what hard work is, thank you very much. I go to one of the top schools in the nation that also happens to be associated with one of the top Universities.

Who in the world ever said that I get high sats?!?! I’m a straight A student with many extra activities including Student Council, Debate Team, Science Team, Volleyball Team, Theater, and Asian Students Association. In addition, I play piano, violin, guitar, sing, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and so far, I've been able to handle things perfectly. So you think I don’t have what it takes to get into a good college or medical school? Maybe I'll make it, maybe I won't, but I'm trying my hardest right now. Who are you to judge me?[/QUOTE]

I am not judging you, but I have witness hunderds of tales like yours, high achieving kids ( if you are a kid)who don't get into an ivy league school. Do an internet search it seems like whiteand asian middle class kids are being squeeze out of the upper tier schools unless your parents have made a hefty donation to a college, the odds are against you. Glad to hear you are in a great high school but great high school does not make IVY league college.
PS.....my mother, father, sister, and children have all been accepted in IV league schools so I do have a background.

PS Why does your web page say you are a 57 year old female?

Either you are a hoax or a very naive 15 year old girl.
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[quote name='alexkrn46'][

Also, [B]I am a paying cruise customer as well[/B]. I’m so dedicated to this project, that I’m paying for this cruise to complete it. Plus, all those wanting to be singers, dancers, and chefs wouldn’t pick to intern on a cruise ship...there are dancers, singers, and chefs on land. But where would I find a cruise director on land?

You could find a simliar position at an exculsive resort.

My son was accepted at several marine colleges, I would never have asked him to "intern with the captain". FYI, American Marine College grads are recruited by the cruiselines so it would have been a benefit to the cruiseline to have a person that they could really hire. I don't think there is a shortage of Cruise Directors.

As for “the horrible situation to put a male employee in” thing, do you expect me to lie about him raping me? We’re probably not even going to be in any area alone together!

Most places have policies about men being alone with underage girls. This is a fact of life.

All I want to do is follow Dave. I mean hey, he doesn’t even need to utter a word to me if he doesn’t want to. And may I add, Dave will be activities manager when I shadow. Sure, he won’t be the cruise director anymore, but not only am I shadowing him to find out more about his job, but to observe a truly dedicated, talented, kind and hard-working human being. I know what hard work is, thank you very much. I go to one of the top schools in the nation that also happens to be associated with one of the top Universities.

Who in the world ever said that I get high sats?!?! I’m a straight A student with many extra activities including Student Council, Debate Team, Science Team, Volleyball Team, Theater, and Asian Students Association. In addition, I play piano, violin, guitar, sing, and have a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and so far, I've been able to handle things perfectly. So you think I don’t have what it takes to get into a good college or medical school? Maybe I'll make it, maybe I won't, but I'm trying my hardest right now. Who are you to judge me?[/QUOTE]

I am not judging you, but I have witness hunderds of tales like yours, high achieving kids ( if you are a kid)who don't get into an ivy league school. Do an internet search it seems like whiteand asian middle class kids are being squeeze out of the upper tier schools unless your parents have made a hefty donation to a college, the odds are against you. Glad to hear you are in a great high school but great high school does not make IVY league college.
PS.....my mother, father, sister, and children have all been accepted in IV league schools so I do have a background.

PS Why does your web page say you are a 57 year old female?

Either you are a hoax or a very naive 15 year old girl.[/QUOTE]
I would be very curious as to what school do you attend that requires this? I would also imagine that your advisor would also have to sign off on your subject material for your project which is more involved than you first imagined. You are a little young to be doing such an endeavor but it is a great desire to do such for your future. Not to add any more insult, but you especially wish to "shadow" dave....sounds too much like a crush on the fellow. I am almost 52 yikes! and I think he is great eye candy too. Would I go to great extremes to shadow him? You betcha but there is a big difference in my age and yours. He has a college degre too and decided to choose the ship life for now to travel and see the world. It isn't for everyone. If you opened your eyes and I know it is hard...to look at the other crew members on the ship you will notice very few American crew members.....it is very hard work and not something we wish to do at the rate of pay and the hours these crew members work. We also don't wish to make all of the sacrifices they do. Many months on a ship without seeing your family, small pay, relying mainly on tips if you are a service crew member. At 15, if that is your age, you have too many opportunities in life to be making a decision now. Your parents have shown you that you need to have an education and an advanced education in this world. It is great that you are looking at all of the world's choices, but after everything I have read on your posts, I truly see a young lady who is infatuated with a crew member. Keep your grades up and get your education. When you pay your own bills, go see the world. That is what we all do.
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[quote name='crisndeefromde']I am not judging you, but I have witness hunderds of tales like yours, high achieving kids ( if you are a kid)who don't get into an ivy league school. Do an internet search it seems like whiteand asian middle class kids are being squeeze out of the upper tier schools unless your parents have made a hefty donation to a college, the odds are against you. Glad to hear you are in a great high school but great high school does not make IVY league college.
PS.....my mother, father, sister, and children have all been accepted in IV league schools so I do have a background.

PS Why does your web page say you are a 57 year old female?

Either you are a hoax or a very naive 15 year old girl.[/QUOTE]
I would be very curious as to what school do you attend that requires this? I would also imagine that your advisor would also have to sign off on your subject material for your project which is more involved than you first imagined. You are a little young to be doing such an endeavor but it is a great desire to do such for your future. Not to add any more insult, but you especially wish to "shadow" dave....sounds too much like a crush on the fellow. I am almost 52 yikes! and I think he is great eye candy too. Would I go to great extremes to shadow him? You betcha but there is a big difference in my age and yours. He has a college degre too and decided to choose the ship life for now to travel and see the world. It isn't for everyone. If you opened your eyes and I know it is hard...to look at the other crew members on the ship you will notice very few American crew members.....it is very hard work and not something we wish to do at the rate of pay and the hours these crew members work. We also don't wish to make all of the sacrifices they do. Many months on a ship without seeing your family, small pay, relying mainly on tips if you are a service crew member. At 15, if that is your age, you have too many opportunities in life to be making a decision now. Your parents have shown you that you need to have an education and an advanced education in this world. It is great that you are looking at all of the world's choices, but after everything I have read on your posts, I truly see a young lady who is infatuated with a crew member. Keep your grades up and get your education. When you pay your own bills, go see the world. That is what we all do.[/QUOTE]

And I forgot one other thing. You aren't a cash paying customer. You aren't old enough to make your own reservation. Your parent may be paying for it and going with you but your attitude is not very respectful. This is my opinion however. Trust me, if I were your parent you would be researching some of the venues of the suggestions that others have given you on here. I am a cash paying customer and as such I would have a real problem with someone "shadowing" a crew member if it interfered with our enjoyment and safety on the ship. And as a parent, I would not be taking you out of school just so you could do this. You stated your parents were already going on a cruise in one of your earlier comments. I am usually not one to disagree so heartly with one's postings, but this takes more than a few phone calls and a letter to happen. Don't be offended but did it ever occur to you if you are truly speaking to someone at RCCL about this, that the person is just going through the motion to satisfy a guest? maybe you left out important information...like age...my dd would often say...well they never asked that? We aren't all stupid.
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[quote name='crisndeefromde']I would be very curious as to what school do you attend that requires this? I would also imagine that your advisor would also have to sign off on your subject material for your project which is more involved than you first imagined. You are a little young to be doing such an endeavor but it is a great desire to do such for your future. Not to add any more insult, but you especially wish to "shadow" dave....sounds too much like a crush on the fellow. I am almost 52 yikes! and I think he is great eye candy too. Would I go to great extremes to shadow him? You betcha but there is a big difference in my age and yours. He has a college degre too and decided to choose the ship life for now to travel and see the world. It isn't for everyone. If you opened your eyes and I know it is hard...to look at the other crew members on the ship you will notice very few American crew members.....it is very hard work and not something we wish to do at the rate of pay and the hours these crew members work. We also don't wish to make all of the sacrifices they do. Many months on a ship without seeing your family, small pay, relying mainly on tips if you are a service crew member. At 15, if that is your age, you have too many opportunities in life to be making a decision now. Your parents have shown you that you need to have an education and an advanced education in this world. It is great that you are looking at all of the world's choices, but after everything I have read on your posts, I truly see a young lady who is infatuated with a crew member. Keep your grades up and get your education. When you pay your own bills, go see the world. That is what we all do.[/QUOTE]

And I forgot one other thing. You aren't a cash paying customer. You aren't old enough to make your own reservation. Your parent may be paying for it and going with you but your attitude is not very respectful. This is my opinion however. Trust me, if I were your parent you would be researching some of the venues of the suggestions that others have given you on here. I am a cash paying customer and as such I would have a real problem with someone "shadowing" a crew member if it interfered with our enjoyment and safety on the ship. And as a parent, I would not be taking you out of school just so you could do this. You stated your parents were already going on a cruise in one of your earlier comments. I am usually not one to disagree so heartly with one's postings, but this takes more than a few phone calls and a letter to happen. Don't be offended but did it ever occur to you if you are truly speaking to someone at RCCL about this, that the person is just going through the motion to satisfy a guest? maybe you left out important information...like age...my dd would often say...well they never asked that? We aren't all stupid.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I'm going to try my best to address all the points you made in the posts you made.

Firstly, I’m not being taken out of school, I’m doing this over winter break.

Yes, maybe they're just going through the motions but I've talked to several people both at customer service and corporate headquarters about this. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

And perhaps I don't plan on being a cruise director when I grow up, I never said I did. I know it's a not-so-glamorous life. This is for a school project. I go to the University Of Chicago Laboratory Schools. If you're interested, the website is [url]www.ucls.uchicago.edu[/url] and serch "May Project" which is the senior year equivilant to this project. But I'm also doing this shadowing to put in my record for when I apply to college. Maybe it's not too much of hardcore education, but the purpose of May Project is to do something you've always wanted to do.

Which brings me to address my so-called "infatuation" with Dave. I wanted to shadow Clo O'Connor originally, but with the Explorer sailing out of New Jersey and Dave seeming kind enough, it's more convenient for me and my family. And just as a side note, if I really wanted to shadow just to be around the the best-looking crew member on the Explorer, I think I would pick Phil Munro, to be honest :p But I'm not.

And please explain to me how shadowing Dave would threaten the safety and enjoyment of other passengers? I'm curious in knowing.
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[quote name='alexkrn46']

I am not judging you, but I have witness hunderds of tales like yours, high achieving kids ( if you are a kid)who don't get into an ivy league school. Do an internet search it seems like whiteand asian middle class kids are being squeeze out of the upper tier schools unless your parents have made a hefty donation to a college, the odds are against you. Glad to hear you are in a great high school but great high school does not make IVY league college.
PS.....my mother, father, sister, and children have all been accepted in IV league schools so I do have a background.

PS Why does your web page say you are a 57 year old female?

Either you are a hoax or a very naive 15 year old girl.[/QUOTE]

Well, what can I say. If the rest of my family is going on the cruise, and so am I, why not take the chance that’s been given to me by Royal Caribbean and shadow Dave? If I want to find out what the cruise director/activities manager does on a daily basis AND the person I’m shadowing is one of the kindest people I’ve ever come upon, I would totally go for it. I really do sort of look up to Dave because he’s been the best I’ve seen so far. I think I should take chances given to me, especially when they’re in my favor. I don’t expect Royal Caribbean to want to hire me in the future, so it doesn’t matter if there is or isn’t a shortage of cruise directors.

I understand your view on the whole topic of college. So no argument there.

My webpage is my MySpace page...and a lot of people lie about their age. Some people on MySpace claim that they’re 89. Plus, there’s some rule on MySpace that if someone is under 18, their page is automatically set to private, but I don’t feel the need to have mine private since it doesn’t have any personal information, just music taste, books, heroes, etc. Plus, I hope I don’t look 57 in my profile picture!

I’m not sure if I understand what you mean when you call me a hoax. Are you referring to the possibility that I’m not really a teenage girl, lying about my situation, lying about Dave Chapman’s attitude towards me, or even lying about me cruising in general?

Lastly, I really try not to be naive, but I don’t think that’s something I can really be blamed for.
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[quote name='HurricaneSally']I can only think of one word and that is "STALKER". It is obvious from the OP's other posts that she has one major crush on this Dave guy.[/QUOTE]

Oh please.
I estimate Dave’s age to be oh, I don’t know...anywhere between 27 and 37.
I’m not really into guys that old, thanks. To be quite honest, he has grey roots coming out. And I’ve got my own Australian friends, so don’t think I’m drooling over his accent and knowledge about vegemite. I do like the bow ties he wears during formal night, though.

And would you expect me to shadow someone who I’ve never met before and who I strongly dislike and think is dull & boring?
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Hey everyone, the weekend is almost over and I won’t be able to go on the internet all week. I’ve tried my best to reply to your comments but just know that I won’t be reading any more until probably Friday night. I really do appreciate everyone’s take on this, positive or negative. I know some of you strongly dislike me or think I’m an absolute fool...among many thigns, some think I’m a hoax, some think I’m obsessed with Dave Chapman, but hey, that’s how things have unfolded and I can’t do much about it.

Whether or not you care or believe me, I’ll try my best to catch you all up on what’s happening with this situation of mine next week.

Farewell and bon voyage to those cruising.
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I am 19 years old and I think I can explain her saying that she is 57 years old on her myspace. A lot of kids make up some really old age on their pages. I have seem kids say they are 80 something, 90 something...not uncommon.

Marissa, please don't let your parents or anyone else try to tell you that you have to be something that you do not want to be. You should never become a doctor unless that is absolutely what you want to do, not your mom, not your grandma..it should be what YOU want and no one else. Medical school is a huge time commitment and you shouldn't have to go through it if it isn't your passion.

If you want to be a cruise director, GO FOR IT!!!

Good luck!
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[quote name='WowItsMarissa']And I forgot one other thing. You aren't a cash paying customer. You aren't old enough to make your own reservation. Your parent may be paying for it and going with you but your attitude is not very respectful. This is my opinion however. Trust me, if I were your parent you would be researching some of the venues of the suggestions that others have given you on here. I am a cash paying customer and as such I would have a real problem with someone "shadowing" a crew member if it interfered with our enjoyment and safety on the ship. And as a parent, I would not be taking you out of school just so you could do this. You stated your parents were already going on a cruise in one of your earlier comments. I am usually not one to disagree so heartly with one's postings, but this takes more than a few phone calls and a letter to happen. Don't be offended but did it ever occur to you if you are truly speaking to someone at RCCL about this, that the person is just going through the motion to satisfy a guest? maybe you left out important information...like age...my dd would often say...well they never asked that? We aren't all stupid.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I'm going to try my best to address all the points you made in the posts you made.

Firstly, I’m not being taken out of school, I’m doing this over winter break.

Yes, maybe they're just going through the motions but I've talked to several people both at customer service and corporate headquarters about this. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

And perhaps I don't plan on being a cruise director when I grow up, I never said I did. I know it's a not-so-glamorous life. This is for a school project. I go to the University Of Chicago Laboratory Schools. If you're interested, the website is [url]www.ucls.uchicago.edu[/url] and serch "May Project" which is the senior year equivilant to this project. But I'm also doing this shadowing to put in my record for when I apply to college. Maybe it's not too much of hardcore education, but the purpose of May Project is to do something you've always wanted to do.

Which brings me to address my so-called "infatuation" with Dave. I wanted to shadow Clo O'Connor originally, but with the Explorer sailing out of New Jersey and Dave seeming kind enough, it's more convenient for me and my family. And just as a side note, if I really wanted to shadow just to be around the the best-looking crew member on the Explorer, I think I would pick Phil Munro, to be honest :p But I'm not.

And please explain to me how shadowing Dave would threaten the safety and enjoyment of other passengers? I'm curious in knowing.[/QUOTE]

As someone already suggested to you earlier to perhaps check out the sights for the jobs and perhaps search for cruise directors and responsibilites. Every crew member is responsible for each passengers saftely while onboard. While maybe you have not experienced any emergencies while onboard, perhaps your next cruise watch them do exercises with the lifeboats. There are too many areas you are restricted from period not just because of your age but as you are a passenger. The days of Love Boat and the captain's daughter being on ship and interacting with the passengers is gone.

Great school you are going to and if your parent wants to take you on the cruise for this purpose then enjoy it by all means. You also have to realize that most of us don't have children getting out of school that early for winter break either. Have a great time.
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[quote name='PrettyLA']I am 19 years old and I think I can explain her saying that she is 57 years old on her myspace. A lot of kids make up some really old age on their pages. I have seem kids say they are 80 something, 90 something...not uncommon.

Marissa, please don't let your parents or anyone else try to tell you that you have to be something that you do not want to be. You should never become a doctor unless that is absolutely what you want to do, not your mom, not your grandma..it should be what YOU want and no one else. Medical school is a huge time commitment and you shouldn't have to go through it if it isn't your passion.

If you want to be a cruise director, GO FOR IT!!!

Good luck![/QUOTE]


We understand the myspace thing. My dd's have them however, everyone has an issue with a 15 year old "shadowing" a ship employee. Her expectations were to be able to go everywhere with this employee to learn everything about that position. No passenger is allowed in the crew area. I also don't think she realizeds that you just don't get the position of cruise director. You have to be a part of the social activities team and you work your way up. Dave is actually the activities director and filled in for Alan Brooks when he is on vacation. I also agree that no one should be made to do a job that they don't want to do either. Medicine is a very long and difficult challenge. She may not have a say either when the parents are paying. don't know and not our call. She asked the original question about what we thought of her doing an internship and I myself thought she was in college and not a 15 yr old. College is when she should be doing this and an internship with them is several months. My dd wishes to do her externship with her culinary school on a cruiseline. So yes, we know a little about the process. But then again my dd is 18 and thinks she knows everything too. We parents know crap obviously.
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[quote name='crisndeefromde']Laura!

We understand the myspace thing. My dd's have them however, everyone has an issue with a 15 year old "shadowing" a ship employee. Her expectations were to be able to go everywhere with this employee to learn everything about that position. No passenger is allowed in the crew area. I also don't think she realizeds that you just don't get the position of cruise director. You have to be a part of the social activities team and you work your way up. Dave is actually the activities director and filled in for Alan Brooks when he is on vacation. I also agree that no one should be made to do a job that they don't want to do either. Medicine is a very long and difficult challenge. She may not have a say either when the parents are paying. don't know and not our call. She asked the original question about what we thought of her doing an internship and I myself thought she was in college and not a 15 yr old. College is when she should be doing this and an internship with them is several months. My dd wishes to do her externship with her culinary school on a cruiseline. So yes, we know a little about the process. But then again my dd is 18 and thinks she knows everything too. We parents know crap obviously.[/QUOTE]

I agree that she should be doing this in college. I don't know why a high school would require this kind of thing...and TWICE?! I realize it's a private school but still. I don't think it is appropriate for a 15 year old to follow around someone. Even I would get annoyed. And like other people said, once she does it other people may want to do it...and they will have to draw the line somewhere. Too much of a liability in my opinion.

I just thought I had to come to her defense when someone asked about the age thing on myspace, because it's not uncommon.
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I have kids old enough to know that myspace may come back to haunt you....WowitsMellessia who goes to a Private school and wants to go to an Ivy League school, should know schools have been looking at myspace accounts and I don't think they would think that is funny. Also won't it look better if Wowitsmellessia interned in a nursing home or a children's home where the people would crave the attention and I know it would look better on an application.
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[quote name='alexkrn46']I have kids old enough to know that myspace may come back to haunt you....WowitsMellessia who goes to a Private school and wants to go to an Ivy League school, should know schools have been looking at myspace accounts and I don't think they would think that is funny. Also won't it look better if Wowitsmellessia interned in a nursing home or a children's home where the people would crave the attention and I know it would look better on an application.[/QUOTE]

I'm not attacking you in any way but...
I do know schools look at MySpace, Facebook, Livejournal, etc. and I don't see what's wrong with my profile...I mean, I list my interests, I have a few pictures, some favorite quotes, favorite music...

And I actually do volunteer work. I played in a string ensemble to entertain kids at a childrens hospital and I also helped out at a nursing home last year. I currently don't have any volunteer projects at the moment, but I'm trying to find something.
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Hey everyone! As an update, I was called back by the RC representative I talked to a while ago. She e-mailed Dave Chapman and then copied and pasted what he said, and then sent it to me [a regular forwarded e-mail would have given out his e-mail address to me]

It said:

[I]Dear Marissa,

Here is the response I received from David Chapman:

"I won't actually be on the ship at that time but I'm sure that whoever the CD is at that time would be glad to provide whatever assistance he or she could.
Having said that it would be at the discretion of the CD and Marissa would need to understand that the Cruise Director has a few thousand other guests to look after also.
Maybe some sort of reminder email could be sent to the CD here prior to the sailing giving information about Marissa so they can be in contact with her upon boarding?


Dave Chapman
Cruise Director
Explorer of the Seas"

Thank you for your patience.

Sincerely Yours in Cruise Travel,

And she had this whole signature and everything with her hours and department, but that's not needed right now to show you all.

So basically, I talked to her and asked if she can get in touch with Phil Munro about the same thing and she's also trying to ask Dave if she can give me his e-mail address, because it's sort of difficult to have her reporting info back and fourth...even though I can pretty much guess all RC employee e-mail addresses.

Okay. That's all.
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[SIZE=3]Well you'll miss seeing Dave but he does bring up a very good point that the CD and his staff do have a few thousand other guests to look after so it doesn't sound like you'll be able to shadow someone as you planned but perhaps you could get a short interview about their job and life on a ship. It sounds like Dave has given you all the information he can so I can't see why you would email him as he will not even be on the ship. You'll just have to see if the CD will approve your request. Good luck. [/SIZE]
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Hi Marissa~ I just read this whole thread for the first time and I can't tell you how amused I am by it.

Students at Ivy League colleges have opportunities open to them that students at less-prestigious colleges do not have access to, and the same can be said for high school students at prestigious prep schools. The nature of your project suggests that you go to a school that places an emphasis on stepping beyond the realm of a typical teenager's experience. You probably have high expectations placed upon you and kudos to you for thinking big. Remember that the answer to a question you never ask is always "no."

It is obvious that you are mature beyond your 15 years and that you have the drive and determination to achieve your goals...good for you! While I'm sorry that you feel the need to defend yourself to some of these old hens, I'm glad they're here to fuel your fire. My dreams were also discouraged by so-called "realists," but I found that their cynicism only made me want to succeed even more. I ended up going to a nationally ranked university and landed my dream job shortly after graduation: crafting legislation for a prominent lawmaker in my state(CA). Then I bought a house. And I'm only 23 years old. :)

Best wishes to you!! Go for it!!!! (And I would suggest that you don't bother asking these folks for any advice beyond the typical cruise FAQs. "Older and wiser" dementia is rampant on these boards.)
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[quote name='aqhacruiser'][SIZE=3]Well you'll miss seeing Dave but he does bring up a very good point that the CD and his staff do have a few thousand other guests to look after so it doesn't sound like you'll be able to shadow someone as you planned but perhaps you could get a short interview about their job and life on a ship. It sounds like Dave has given you all the information he can so I can't see why you would email him as he will not even be on the ship. You'll just have to see if the CD will approve your request. Good luck. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Yeah. I decided that maybe I won't try to shadow Allan Brooks [the CD Dave was filling in for]. I want to try this shadowing thing as many times as I possibly can and perhaps for my first time, I should just shadow someone in a lower position...maybe the activities manager. I have Kimberly asking him right now if that would be okay. Even if this doesn't work out as I would like it to, I would be more than satisfied with an interview :)
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[quote name='jallison8378']Hi Marissa~ I just read this whole thread for the first time and I can't tell you how amused I am by it.

Students at Ivy League colleges have opportunities open to them that students at less-prestigious colleges do not have access to, and the same can be said for high school students at prestigious prep schools. The nature of your project suggests that you go to a school that places an emphasis on stepping beyond the realm of a typical teenager's experience. You probably have high expectations placed upon you and kudos to you for thinking big. Remember that the answer to a question you never ask is always "no."

It is obvious that you are mature beyond your 15 years and that you have the drive and determination to achieve your goals...good for you! While I'm sorry that you feel the need to defend yourself to some of these old hens, I'm glad they're here to fuel your fire. My dreams were also discouraged by so-called "realists," but I found that their cynicism only made me want to succeed even more. I ended up going to a nationally ranked university and landed my dream job shortly after graduation: crafting legislation for a prominent lawmaker in my state(CA). Then I bought a house. And I'm only 23 years old. :)

Best wishes to you!! Go for it!!!! (And I would suggest that you don't bother asking these folks for any advice beyond the typical cruise FAQs. "Older and wiser" dementia is rampant on these boards.)[/QUOTE]

Ah, thank you!!! I think you just made my day :D
I appreciate your kind words and advice.
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