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Is a DVD player terrible in the dining room?


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Of course we are going to see different opinions on this issue. I have a 3 and 7 yr old and not all kids are created equally. My two girls are very different. My 7 yr old has always been well behaved w/good table manners. Now you would think my 3 yr old was raised by a pack of wolves :rolleyes: . She's always been very rambunctious and a messy eater. She of course is being raised by the same parents as her sister who do instill good table manners, but their personalities are just so different.

My point is, that whatever you need to do, because all children are different, is totally fine w/me. If having a DVD (w/head phones of course) in the dining room keeps your child quiet and happy then bring it. I would not expect any 3 yr old to sit thru that long of a dinner w/out acting up in some way or another. Remember to have the earlier seating, where there will be more families w/younger children and I think most would be acceptable to that.

What's the difference if it's a coloring book, DVD or some other toy to keep their interest? As long as your child isn't screaming bloody murder than I'm happy :D

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To each his own. If your child is being respectful and not bothering those around then as a parent do as you would do elsewhere. Everyone seems to have there opinions but only you know what works for your individual children.

Look how many people judge special needs children before knowing the situation.

People should be thankful you are seeking advice and not imposing on others.

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Personally, I also wouldn't bring a DVD player to dinner. It would bother me sitting with someone that was watching a movie during dinner. Someone on another thread made a comment about the flickering light. I had never even thought of this, but their comment was something about people with medical conditions where the flickering bothered them, which I imagine is part of the reason that if you do bring it, to make sure it is against a wall.


Some suggestions that we used... my GS is going on his third cruise and will turn 3 the day it starts. Considering his age he did pretty good. What we did was early seating, order his food as soon as we sit down to get him started (chicken fingers, jello, anything) and keep him distracted. During the pause inbetween courses have someone (you said there would be a group of people) take him for a little walk outside the restaurant to break up the time. You probably still won't make it completely, but it might be closer. He usually made it through the dinner, but not the dessert. We also brought his booster seat from home to make him more comfortable.

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I never allowed my daughter to have any electronics at a dinner table, I enjoy talking to her and having her full attention. As she got older, no cell phones! I feel dinner was family time.



I feel the same way, dinner is family time. We do not allow electronics at our table, however, what someone else does allow w/their children doesn't bother me one bit - to each their own. I will however allow my 3 yr old (4 at time of cruise) to bring some coloring books or a small toy (not noisy) to the formal dinner as there is no way she can sit thru a 2 hr dinner w/out having anything to do.

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I think a DVD player for such a young child is fine, if it gets them through the meal. I don't see the difference between this and other distractions, such as a coloring book. Why anyone would criticize this is beyond my understanding. It's your parenting choice and if your child is happy and quiet, so am I.


Even though your children are on vacation, it's still stressful for them; their routines are disrupted, etc. Some children that would be fine at home are going to have more problems on vacation. If something harmless, such as a DVD player to help them with the long wait at dinner, helps them, why not?

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Ok, I've read the threads dissing the DVD players in the dining room for the little guys. I don't want to offend anyone or get anyones panties in a knot but I really want to know, in reality, what do you all think? I'm focusing on family people who might understand. What are your opinions? I truly want to be the least offensive to everyone but still want my family to have an enjoyable cruise.


We are older, 37 and 62 with a 3 year-old in tow. We have found comfort in the DVD player at certain restaurants in the past. Our son has a fairly short attention span (he will be 3 years-old in October 2007) so he only watches for about 15 minutes and then we go on to the next distraction.


Ultimately, I would prefer to have him dine before us in buffet but that may or may not always be possible, especially since he is still not 100% potty-trained and can't be sent to the play-room on the ship.


Your thought are very welcomed.






Cheryl, this has been an interesting post to read! So many opinions, so many child-raising dilemmas. My DD used to occasionally brings a book to long formal dinners and you should hear the furor that caused with the grandparents. I wonder if there is a generational gap in this discussion.


Did my kids use a DVD in the dining room, or restaurants? No, BUT I wish I had access to something like that when they were younger. I have no problems with anything that maintains a quiet dining atmosphere, and think families should dine together as often as possible. I smile to see a well behaved child in a restaurant, even if entertained by an electronic, as they are living by the old saying "children should be seen but not heard". For the other posters, if it bothers you, don't look. I think that tolerance is in the book of manners as well, at least it is in ours. Don't stress. You may want to ask the dining coordinator to seat you in an inobtrusive location, near other families who have "been there and done that". If someone is offended and wants to move, it's their perogative.

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For a child as young as 3, I don't think that I would have a problem with the DVD in the dining room. My DH and I do agree that our kids will not have electronic devices at dinner, and at the ages of 9 and 8, they shouldn't need them. However, on our first cruise this past June, dinners were a bit long, and many times the kids were not included in conversations. In order to combat their boredom (and I may get slammed for this, but oh well) we allowed our DS to bring books with them. Even if they only read a couple pages, but it also opened up more conversations not only with us, but with tablemates as well.

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Ok, I've read the threads dissing the DVD players in the dining room for the little guys. ... I'm focusing on family people who might understand. What are your opinions? I truly want to be the least offensive to everyone but still want my family to have an enjoyable cruise.


We are older, 37 and 62 with a 3 year-old in tow. We have found comfort in the DVD player at certain restaurants in the past. Our son has a fairly short attention span (he will be 3 years-old in October 2007) so he only watches for about 15 minutes and then we go on to the next distraction.


... I would prefer to have him dine before us in buffet but that may or may not always be possible, especially since he is still not 100% potty-trained and can't be sent to the play-room on the ship.


Your thought are very welcomed.



Disclaimer - my kids have been eating in the dining room since they were 5 and 7 (now 12 and 14).


I assume based on your cruise history list that your upcoming cruise is on Celebrity. Please realize that unlike RCCL, Disney, and Carnival many of the guests on Celebrity don't take too kindly to children of any kind. As such, regardless of what family people might think here, get ready for some unpleasant looks and commentary.


See the following link are referring to dining on Celebrity:



A 1.5 hour dinner based on your son's 15 minute attention span suggests that you'll need to have at least 6 different distractions / night. This doesn't sound like it is very enjoyable evening for anyone - you, your husband, and neighboring table guests.


If I were you, I would look into private babysitting on board. This solves all problems. If it doesn't exist, I would also look into room service and the casual restaurant as alternatives for some of the nights.


Good luck!

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...I want to start a post of my own reminding ADULTS how to behave. I get sick of the chair saving,...
I will never forget my cruise last Dec on Princess and how they lectured us about not to save chairs in the theater. My husband got up to go to the bathroom. A man insisted on taking his chair. The nice gentleman behind me had to help me save his seat. Sorry I know OT but that just shows the rudeness of Adults.


... Did they still act up or lose interest during 'longer' dinners? Of course - they are kids afterall. Whenever that happened one of us would [gently] grab the child and move away from the table and take whaterver action was necessary (swift hand to the rear end or a gentle 'talking to' or a more firm 'talking to'). Read that again so I don't get blamed for child abuse!...
I won't even get into the issue of right/wrong abuse/non abuse. But from a child specific point of view I feel that hitting teaches hitting. My son hits and I'm a stay and home mom and don't hit him so I don't think I'm going to encourage his hitting. Also, if I give him a stern no he has a meltdown so what do you think a "swift hand to the rear end" is going to do? Either way I end up with a slice of pizza for dinner.


My son will be 2 for the cruise I will be bringing toys, books, crayons, and a DVD player to the dining room. I won't be using headphones. If anyone has been successful with a two year old and headphones let me know, but my son won't keep them on. I have always sat next to him in restaurants and I always make sure it plays soft enough so it can't be heard by those around us. I don't even think he can hear it. But it keeps his attention. It's either that or I don't eat. I prefer the dining room to the casual dining room for many reasons. The last time I was on Celebrity they catered to me so beautifully. They let me look at the menu for the next day (I'm a vegetarian so I was able to see the special vegetarian menu and the regular menu) and if I didn't like anything (never happened) they would prepare something special for me. Now that happened twice because their Italian chef was Indian and he prepared special vegetarian Indian dishes. Ended up having two entres. One night I commented Oh darn I love black bean soup and it's on the lunch menu. My waiter saved it for me and served it for dinner. Now that would never happen in the casual dining area.


This mommy never ever ever gets catered to and really wants to. And as far as room service well my husband doesn't believe in takeout or deliver at home or room service in a hotel so doubt that will happen on the ship. So my dining options will be Pizza or dining room.


I wish babysitting were an option, but my son just doesn't warm up to people he doesn't know fast enough so I originally thought that might be a possibility but now realize I can't do that. That may be disturbing the people in the cabins around me as he is crying and also could start an asthma attack if it gets bad enough.


But you also never know because at Disney world I never needed a DVD player and not everywhere we went was kid decorated. I say that the fellow diners would prefer a DVD player to a tantrum and if I end up pulling it out and someone says something I will have a comeback ready that says something to that effect.


"Oh I guess you would rather dine with a child kicking and screaming. OK no problem I'll remember that tomorrow night."


BTW I wouldn't have chosen Celebrity for my son's first cruise but our cruise was can celled last year and we ended up on Princess. There were so many toddlers and we missed him terribly. There is no way we could go this year without him. It does help that we are going with friends, although they are leaving their children at home they said this is the last time they are doing that.

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My son will be 2 for the cruise I will be bringing toys, books, crayons, and a DVD player to the dining room. I won't be using headphones. If anyone has been successful with a two year old and headphones let me know, but my son won't keep them on. I have always sat next to him in restaurants and I always make sure it plays soft enough so it can't be heard by those around us. I don't even think he can hear it. But it keeps his attention. It's either that or I don't eat. I prefer the dining room to the casual dining room for many reasons. The last time I was on Celebrity they catered to me so beautifully. They let me look at the menu for the next day (I'm a vegetarian so I was able to see the special vegetarian menu and the regular menu) and if I didn't like anything (never happened) they would prepare something special for me. Now that happened twice because their Italian chef was Indian and he prepared special vegetarian Indian dishes. Ended up having two entres. One night I commented Oh darn I love black bean soup and it's on the lunch menu. My waiter saved it for me and served it for dinner. Now that would never happen in the casual dining area.


This mommy never ever ever gets catered to and really wants to. And as far as room service well my husband doesn't believe in takeout or deliver at home or room service in a hotel so doubt that will happen on the ship. So my dining options will be Pizza or dining room.



I've told this story before here - the first time I took my twins on a cruise (Princess), I just assumed that the buffet was the best place to feed them. One of the head waiters was taking a break, saw me and asked why I wasn't in the main dining room, so I told him I didn't think I should have the babies there. He said that I needed to be taken care of as much as anybody and he arranged for a table to be ready for us each night. We ended up eating ALL meals in the dining room because not only is it more relaxing for mommy, it's actually easier for everyone because the waiters know the children are coming, so their places are ready and their favorite food and drink are brought quickly. And there are no trays to juggle or back and forth trips - we are able to all sit together and enjoy our meal. And just like anywhere we were going to eat, if they act up, we leave. This is why we're going on our fourth cruise in three years - mommy is so well taken care of that I get to really enjoy my time with my girls. And in the meantime, the twins are learning manners for fine dining rooms.


My girls also watch DVDs that they can't hear anytime we're on an airplane - works like a charm.


Have a great trip!




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I will never forget my cruise last Dec on Princess and how they lectured us about not to save chairs in the theater. My husband got up to go to the bathroom. A man insisted on taking his chair. The nice gentleman behind me had to help me save his seat. Sorry I know OT but that just shows the rudeness of Adults.


I won't even get into the issue of right/wrong abuse/non abuse. But from a child specific point of view I feel that hitting teaches hitting. My son hits and I'm a stay and home mom and don't hit him so I don't think I'm going to encourage his hitting. Also, if I give him a stern no he has a meltdown so what do you think a "swift hand to the rear end" is going to do? Either way I end up with a slice of pizza for dinner.


My son will be 2 for the cruise I will be bringing toys, books, crayons, and a DVD player to the dining room. I won't be using headphones. If anyone has been successful with a two year old and headphones let me know, but my son won't keep them on. I have always sat next to him in restaurants and I always make sure it plays soft enough so it can't be heard by those around us. I don't even think he can hear it. But it keeps his attention. It's either that or I don't eat. I prefer the dining room to the casual dining room for many reasons. The last time I was on Celebrity they catered to me so beautifully. They let me look at the menu for the next day (I'm a vegetarian so I was able to see the special vegetarian menu and the regular menu) and if I didn't like anything (never happened) they would prepare something special for me. Now that happened twice because their Italian chef was Indian and he prepared special vegetarian Indian dishes. Ended up having two entres. One night I commented Oh darn I love black bean soup and it's on the lunch menu. My waiter saved it for me and served it for dinner. Now that would never happen in the casual dining area.


This mommy never ever ever gets catered to and really wants to. And as far as room service well my husband doesn't believe in takeout or deliver at home or room service in a hotel so doubt that will happen on the ship. So my dining options will be Pizza or dining room.


I wish babysitting were an option, but my son just doesn't warm up to people he doesn't know fast enough so I originally thought that might be a possibility but now realize I can't do that. That may be disturbing the people in the cabins around me as he is crying and also could start an asthma attack if it gets bad enough.


But you also never know because at Disney world I never needed a DVD player and not everywhere we went was kid decorated. I say that the fellow diners would prefer a DVD player to a tantrum and if I end up pulling it out and someone says something I will have a comeback ready that says something to that effect.


"Oh I guess you would rather dine with a child kicking and screaming. OK no problem I'll remember that tomorrow night."


BTW I wouldn't have chosen Celebrity for my son's first cruise but our cruise was can celled last year and we ended up on Princess. There were so many toddlers and we missed him terribly. There is no way we could go this year without him. It does help that we are going with friends, although they are leaving their children at home they said this is the last time they are doing that.



I have been reading this thread with great interest. First off I like kids, I don't have a problem with kids on a cruise. I took one in May and never saw kids acting foolish. For that matter I only saw one adult acting foolish. I think kids should be allowed to be kids and have a good time. But I don't feel like the dining room is the place to do it. I just don't like it when parents are so rude they will not take the screaming kid out of the resturant. As for your snappy comeback, No people would rather not dine with a child kicking and screaming they would rather dine in peace without a child kicking and screaming and without a DVD player carrying on in the background while they are trying to enjoy a nice meal.

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without a DVD player carrying on in the background while they are trying to enjoy a nice meal.


I understand your concern, but in the post you are referring to, she was clear that she would turn down the DVD player so that it would not be loud enough for those around them to hear. Sounds to me that if you said "that DVD player is a great idea, but do you mind turning it down just a touch," there would be no problem.


As a parent, sometimes diffusing potential problems beforehand from people who may be looking to complain sometimes works. If I see "the looks" from a table near us when we come in, I approach them, introduce myself, tell them I don't plan to let my children disturb their dinner, and tell them to feel free to let me know if we are bothering them. I think people are so worried about their "rights" being trampled on - or they've experienced a parent who does not practice good manners - they're just happy to know you acknowledge their expectation of a peaceful meal. Usually these passengers will remark on how well behaved my girls are as they leave - mostly because they expected the worst.


Then, there are people who will complain no matter what. I swear I used to hear complaints about my husband being in a wheelchair...("elevators are always full because of these things"; "maybe I should get a wheelchair so I can get special treatment too", etc.)


Guess I'm a little cranky myself tonight! Time for a time out for me.


Best to everyone,


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Okay let me clarify a couple of things. I liike kids, i spend every day of my life advocating for kids safet and well being.

What I mean is while I am on vacatio i do not want to hear high pitched loud fit throwing screaming and kicking kids whose parents are completly oblivious and when you look at said kid or said child the parents have some sort od snappy comeback as to why their little precious is acting this way and does nothing about it.

That being said I could care less if anyone brings coloring books and books to the dining room for a little one. i could care less if there is a DVD player brought with them as long as I dont have to hear it. Whatever works you know. I dont care if a gameboy is brought if it is on silent. Makes me absolutely no diffference.

Am i going to request a new table or groan or sigh if i see u and ur kids at my table. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I will sit down at my appointed spot engage you in conversation and talk to your kids and we will have a good time. The only time I EVER get annoyed with any kid is when they are throwing a monster of a fit ad the parents are all ladeda about it. Do I believe children should be seen and not heard. Again. Absoultely not. That is a ridiculous notion. Kids should be included. If i had a kid would i leave him/her at home, no way. Would they be allowed to act a fool on the ship, nope but i would not allow them to act a fool at home either. Kids will be kids. They will get upset, they will have fits, they will cry, they will get tired. It is all in how you handle it.

So in a nutshell bring the DVD player if it works, ignore people who are rude about it, be respectful of others with it and it will be good. But if someone just looks at you dont assume they are making judgements maybe they are just wondering what movie you haven they may want to watch it too. Lol. But if someone makes a rude comment then u can politely redirect them. :). But i do understand the automatic response to defend your child. I ahve cousins and a nephew and i would not allow anyone to be mean to them based solely on the fact they are kids/teenagers.

Oh and when i say u i mean you in general not any one person.

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To the OP:


I had this same question prior to cruising with my 19 mo old. I said that I would try the first night without the DVD. WOW I was so suprised. We were able to keep her attention without bringing out the DVD. Songs, small toys, hand games, photo book (her favorite) and for sure FOOD. I would not suggest feeding the child prior to dinner. Even though you will have to help feed, that in itself gives the child something to do. The servers are also great at entertaining. Have them bring the food out early so that he can start counting fries.( not really counting...but you know. something to keep him busy)

My child is very active. The type that can't sit through a church service...not because she is bad...but LOUD and ACTIVE. It's up to you if you want to use the DVD. Everyone has their opinion. My point is to just try without it once and see how well it goes.


It was great for us. Well, not great. You will have to work at keeping him entertained, but still it worked well. :)

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Wow!! The OP asked for opinions, and she sure got them!


My kids are going on their first cruise this summer. (7 and 5). We are going with twin 3.5 yo, almost 2yo and 1.5 yo. (All nephews and their families).


We do not plan on bringing the kids with us in the main dining room. We are bringing a cousin along to babysit the little ones and the older ones will go to the kid's program.


We have been taking our kids to restaurants all their lives. They have learned how to act in restaurants (although of course not always the best...). Have we brought in electronics for them? Yes! Do we make sure the volume is turned way down or have headphones on? Yes!! Do we bring coloring books? Yes! There have been several occasions where we have brought them out of the restaurant if they are being noisy and not sitting well.


Would a DVD player in the dining room bug me? No! Only if I could hear it! Would a screaming kid bug me more? Yes!


We also have not made it a practice to get our kids' meals first. That just means then they are done eating and bored by the time it is time for us to eat. I would rather entertain them before my meal comes, then have them eat the same time we are.


Just my .02

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We also have not made it a practice to get our kids' meals first. That just means then they are done eating and bored by the time it is time for us to eat. I would rather entertain them before my meal comes, then have them eat the same time we are.


Just my .02


I totally agree. We tried getting meals for the kids first a couple times when they were little and found that it was much easier for them to eat with us.

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Let me clarify myself. I would have the server bring out something to eat, perhaps fruit prior to our meal. Then later her meal would come out. I agree the same food would get old. But the shrimp, shredded carrots and fruit worked good for my child for a starter. Sorry if my earlier post was confusing. BTW- my child can eat a lot.:)

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I understand your concern' date=' but in the post you are referring to, she was clear that she would turn down the DVD player so that it would not be loud enough for those around them to hear. Sounds to me that if you said "that DVD player is a great idea, but do you mind turning it down just a touch," there would be no problem.


As a parent, sometimes diffusing potential problems beforehand from people who may be looking to complain sometimes works. If I see "the looks" from a table near us when we come in, I approach them, introduce myself, tell them I don't plan to let my children disturb their dinner, and tell them to feel free to let me know if we are bothering them. I think people are so worried about their "rights" being trampled on - or they've experienced a parent who does not practice good manners - they're just happy to know you acknowledge their expectation of a peaceful meal. Usually these passengers will remark on how well behaved my girls are as they leave - mostly because they expected the worst.


Then, there are people who will complain no matter what. I swear I used to hear complaints about my husband being in a wheelchair...("elevators are always full because of these things"; "maybe I should get a wheelchair so I can get special treatment too", etc.)


Guess I'm a little cranky myself tonight! Time for a time out for me.


Best to everyone,

Mia[/quote']Thank you for clarifying my original statement because that is what I meant. I either have it so I can barely hear it (bagel place Sunday morning and we are at a 4 top) because I know it can't be heard at the next table or so that I can't hear it which means I know that no one else around us can hear it. If my husband is on one side and I'm on the other then I will probably due the first but I will ask those at our table if it is disturbing them.


As for your idea of diffusing potential problems that is just brilliant. I think if I see worried looks around me I will go over to the table and introduce myself and my son and let them know that if he has a tantrum I will be taking him for a walk.


Okay let me clarify a couple of things. I liike kids, i spend every day of my life advocating for kids safet and well being.

What I mean is while I am on vacatio i do not want to hear high pitched loud fit throwing screaming and kicking kids whose parents are completly oblivious and when you look at said kid or said child the parents have some sort od snappy comeback as to why their little precious is acting this way and does nothing about it.

That being said I could care less if anyone brings coloring books and books to the dining room for a little one. i could care less if there is a DVD player brought with them as long as I dont have to hear it. Whatever works you know. I dont care if a gameboy is brought if it is on silent. Makes me absolutely no diffference.

Am i going to request a new table or groan or sigh if i see u and ur kids at my table. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I will sit down at my appointed spot engage you in conversation and talk to your kids and we will have a good time. The only time I EVER get annoyed with any kid is when they are throwing a monster of a fit ad the parents are all ladeda about it. Do I believe children should be seen and not heard. Again. Absoultely not. That is a ridiculous notion. Kids should be included. If i had a kid would i leave him/her at home, no way. Would they be allowed to act a fool on the ship, nope but i would not allow them to act a fool at home either. Kids will be kids. They will get upset, they will have fits, they will cry, they will get tired. It is all in how you handle it.

So in a nutshell bring the DVD player if it works, ignore people who are rude about it, be respectful of others with it and it will be good. But if someone just looks at you dont assume they are making judgements maybe they are just wondering what movie you haven they may want to watch it too. Lol. But if someone makes a rude comment then u can politely redirect them. :). But i do understand the automatic response to defend your child. I ahve cousins and a nephew and i would not allow anyone to be mean to them based solely on the fact they are kids/teenagers.

Oh and when i say u i mean you in general not any one person.

I work (or should I say used to work because I've taken some time off) with special needs kids and prior to that I used to work with abused and neglected children so I do understand where you are coming from and I do understand your concern about parents who do not parent. In fact growing up we used to dread my aunt and uncle visiting because they always expected the family to care for their children but realize that most parents do parent their children it's just unfortunate that the ones that don't are the ones that stick out like a sore thumb. Like I'll never forget the plane flight I took with the woman who wouldn't change her baby's stinky diaper (I was sitting next to them). This had to be over 20 years ago.


To the OP:


I had this same question prior to cruising with my 19 mo old. I said that I would try the first night without the DVD. WOW I was so suprised. We were able to keep her attention without bringing out the DVD. Songs, small toys, hand games, photo book (her favorite) and for sure FOOD. I would not suggest feeding the child prior to dinner. Even though you will have to help feed, that in itself gives the child something to do. The servers are also great at entertaining. Have them bring the food out early so that he can start counting fries.( not really counting...but you know. something to keep him busy)

My child is very active. The type that can't sit through a church service...not because she is bad...but LOUD and ACTIVE. It's up to you if you want to use the DVD. Everyone has their opinion. My point is to just try without it once and see how well it goes.


It was great for us. Well, not great. You will have to work at keeping him entertained, but still it worked well. :)

I always go in with my bag of tricks and hide it under the table. I always hope I don't have to pull out any of it. DVD player is always the last thing to pull out and is not used as often anymore.


BTW as far as rushing to feed the kids my only problem is if they get full to fast then they are done and ready to go. That's how I ended up having to walk out of a buffet style restaurant last Saturday. He didn't even want desert and I was still eating my salad.

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Hey. I dont mean to lump all parents together any more than I am sure you guys dont mean to lump all childless people together as being judgemental of children.

As I say bring the DVD player just dont blare it so loud others cant hear above it otherwise turn it on and have a great time.

As for a two year old at the dinner table all i can say is you should probably bring some form of entertainment. They will need it :).

Again kids are great, They should be included. I just dont like to hear a kid screaming and throwing a fit and the parents not doing anything. Sometimes when a kid is having a fit the only thing you can do is wait it out but if it is in public they need to be taken out of the area until they calm down. Thats all i am saying just take them out til they calm down.

Again i would NEVER ask to switch tables just b/c there is a kid, that is silliness. As i say i would most likely talk to the kids and talk with the parents.

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I don't think we are lumping childless couples together I think we are lumping the worried lookers on together.


My last Celebrity Cruise, late dining, there was a toddler and let me tell you I never heard her in the dining room and when we were in the area waiting for the doors to be open I only saw people chatting happily with her and her parents so there are certainly plenty of people out there who won't be an issue. It only takes one person to stress out a parent though. I think it reading these boards I'm prepared to handle that one person so that he/she won't ruin my cruise. And hopefully I'll never come across that one person. In fact hopefully none of us will.


And for the childless couples hopefully they won't come across that one parent that chooses not to parent.


My come back, in my earlier post, isn't for the person who looks it's for the person who comments that my DVD player shouldn't be there when I pull it out.


For someone who says that I should leave him at home I think I'll say "I love him too much and I'd miss him too much and he belongs with his Mom and Dad and not pawned off on a babysitter." The missing part is true because that is what happened when we didn't take him on our cruise last year. Big mistake.

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Who cares if people exchange "worried looks". Most arent going to say anything. Dont automatically assume people dont like your kid or dont want to be around you because you have a kid. If you know your kid will do fine at the table the dont worry about. Use the DVD player and whatever else, just dont let them play musical cups or run aroundf like they dont have any manner then yes people willl look at you and quite frankly ot should be expected if little precious is screamiing, running under tables, ad hitting glasses and banging on the table. But for the most part people seem to like kids.

And if someone really told u to leave your child at home then its really none of their business is it. But dont go into the cruise or the dining room looking for someone to be looking at your kid or you will see it because you want to.

again i say use the dvd and the coloring book and talk to the child, play with him, make him a part of the dinner conversation. (Or her) whatever.

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Who cares if people exchange "worried looks". Most arent going to say anything. Dont automatically assume people dont like your kid or dont want to be around you because you have a kid. If you know your kid will do fine at the table the dont worry about. Use the DVD player and whatever else, just dont let them play musical cups or run aroundf like they dont have any manner then yes people willl look at you and quite frankly ot should be expected if little precious is screamiing, running under tables, ad hitting glasses and banging on the table. But for the most part people seem to like kids.

And if someone really told u to leave your child at home then its really none of their business is it. But dont go into the cruise or the dining room looking for someone to be looking at your kid or you will see it because you want to.

again i say use the dvd and the coloring book and talk to the child, play with him, make him a part of the dinner conversation. (Or her) whatever.

I'm basing my concerns based on other people's personal experiences I've read on the boards. I won't let my son run around the dining room and under the tables (although I did ask for the lower room and not the upper because if my DH is holding his hand he'll most likely let go thinking he'll jsut stay right there :p I'd rather catch him running up the stairs then down), I won't let him play musical cups and I won't let him bang on the table. But, I can assure you beyond a shadow of a doubt my son won't do fine all 7 nights. He will have a tantrum and scream. He's two and that's what two year olds do. So all I would tell people who may be concerned is don't worry I'm the type of mom who will take him out of the dining room until he calms down.
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So no one has ever told you anything about YOUR child. You are just getting all prepared to say something to some person should they so much as glance as you. Maybe they are about to tell you have a cute kid. All I am saying is just because someone looks at you or child does not mean they are thinking bad things.... Besides it doesn't matter if they look at you. You know your kid, you know you are a good mom, you know if they start screaming and carrying on to where it disturbing people then you know you will take him/her out. So that's that. I would do the same thing. I commend you. And I am very well aware of how two years old act thank you very much.


Also don't jump on me. If you recall and read my posts thouroughly you would realize I am on YOUR side here. I am saying bring the DVD player, crayons, books, coloring books. I say talk to the child, include them in dinner. play with the child.


At no point have I said you should not. so guess what again I am on your side.

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This is one reason that I don't post very much. I love reading the boards and I learn a lot from them, but very seldom do I post, unless, I ask a question. I have come to find out that giving your opinion may not be recieved well on here. It appears that everyone feels the need to defend themselves, if someone disagrees. Like there is actually a RIGHT or WRONG way. Just a thought. :o

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