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Emerald Princess Cabin Review and Notes on Cruise


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Good day,


We just returned from an Emerald Princess Greek Isle Cruise. My second, my husbands first. People here have asked about the mini suite so I thought I would pass along my review of Dolphin Decks Mini Suite, D227 in particular. It was wonderful! Spacious, great bathroom, we were thrilled. The UNcovered deck was large and we did not feel EXPOSED at all. It was truly worth the extra $$.


Now for the downside. We had HEAVY HEAVY smokers next to us and the smoke seeped through the walls. I had to spend two nights on the couch, near the open sliding door to the balcony, to escape the smoke. People walking past their cabin in the halls even commented as to the stench....and asked us repeatedly when they saw us how we were "holding up." And two of these couples were smokers! Our neighbors also smoked on their deck, forcing us indoors. Mind you, I don't like smoke but I do not consider myself a phanatic as far as making a big deal about it. Because of this we will not take another cruise where smoking is premitted in rooms on any cruise line. It truly was horrible and took a toll on what was for the most part a delightful 12 days.


We did the Cinque Terre Tour. Do not count on the boat trip part of it. The slightest winds will cancel that end of it...with good reason. It was 1.5 hour bus ride out there and with no boat rides, a 2 hour bus back. You are in 4 of the 5 villages for about 20 mintues tops except for the last one where you lunch. It felt very rushed and was not our cup of tea.

We ate in the Steak House one night and felt SO rushed. Over half the tables were empty and there was no wait when we left. It made for a less than pleasant dining experience. Oh and if you want lobster, order up the first night because they run out quick. They were out by the third night. Oh and there is a $9.00 added fee on top of the $20.00 surcharge for lobster.


Boy, I sound cranky. Maybe smoke still lurking in my brain. Mostly it was wonderful. Internet was fast enough but do not plan on using it on your day at sea, in Corfu or ......hmmmmm there was another port where it was not available all day/night. Food was generally quite good, even the buffet impressed for the most part. Crew was FABULOUS! Ship is STUNNING. Pool at the aft was quiet. Hairdryers, adequate. We did bring wine on board in each port with no questions asked. Martinis in Crooners were quite good. Movies by the pool are LOUD, but to be expected I suppose. Mykonos and Santroini were breathtaking. Katakolon was lovely, the slow pace welcome.


That's all I can think of for now. It truly was a lovely ship and trip. Just wish the smoke issue had not put such a downer on it for us.

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Thanks Doreen. I think smoke that heavy would bother anybody, even some smokers. It must have been very unpleasant. I agree...cruise lines may have to do something about smoking areas. Hotels have smoking and non-smoking rooms, maybe cruise lines will have to do that too.

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Thanks for the review, Doreen. In 2008 we are seriously thinking of doing the 12 day Emerald Med. and Greek Isles..Rome to Venice. Is that the one you were on? I know the ship will be awesome, and it will be our 6th cruise on Princess. When we travel to the Caribbean, I always do our tours by locals mainly from suggestions by CC members. How did you do the tours in the ports on this cruise? I am a bit anxious doing it on my own with locals due to the language, getting back to the ship on time etc. but also dread the higher prices for Princess tours. Any hints on which ports you really loved, and those that didnt offer too much? Would appreciate any info you can share. Also, from I have read Princess, as of the first of 2008, will not allow smoking in cabins..only on balconies which can really be just as bad as we have found out on previous cruises. Wish they would totally ban it on cabin floors. There is plenty of outdoor space to smoke!! Thanks so much. Joan

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I really feel sorry for you on that cruise.


BTW- Regent cruiselines are going NO smoking in the cabins/balconies starting in Dec!! Which is excellent.


Did you go down to the Pursers office at all and say anything??


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I did not as I doubt VERY seriously they could have done anything. I did mention it to our steward who agreed and felt very badly about it. Maybe I should have then, but I have forwarded a letter to Princess...for what it is worth.


Thank you for your thoughtful note.

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WOW...I feel for you next to those heavy smokers. I would have been miserable. How is it that the walls are so thin that the smoke could pass through?


Are there any cruise lines that don't allow smoking in the rooms? I thought that all of the major lines did.


Did you find the smoking was heavier throughout the ship because it was a European itenerery rather that close to the US...I wonder if that made a difference?

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Thanks for the review, Doreen. In 2008 we are seriously thinking of doing the 12 day Emerald Med. and Greek Isles..Rome to Venice. Is that the one you were on? I know the ship will be awesome, and it will be our 6th cruise on Princess. When we travel to the Caribbean, I always do our tours by locals mainly from suggestions by CC members. How did you do the tours in the ports on this cruise? I am a bit anxious doing it on my own with locals due to the language, getting back to the ship on time etc. but also dread the higher prices for Princess tours. Any hints on which ports you really loved, and those that didnt offer too much? Would appreciate any info you can share. Also, from I have read Princess, as of the first of 2008, will not allow smoking in cabins..only on balconies which can really be just as bad as we have found out on previous cruises. Wish they would totally ban it on cabin floors. There is plenty of outdoor space to smoke!! Thanks so much. Joan



I don't know if you can search for an old roll call thread, but we did this cruise in May 07 and our CC group organized a bunch of private tours and the names of the companies they used are listed there. The roll call was for the Emerald 5/29 sailing out of Barcelona. The prices were very reasonable and I hear the tours were great. I only did one tour with this group to Athens and it was amazing, but the group had them in virtually every port! If you find the thread you can copy and paste the info and share it with your roll call to see if anyone wants to join you. Best of luck it's a magnificent itinerary and a great ship!

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We are not big “tour” people preferring to venture out on our own. At second glance we would take a few more than we did.


I mentioned the Cinque Terre tour. Others in the Livorno port felt the Florence tours lasted too long. In Naples I would say definitely take a tour as there is much to see outside of Naples and not much there. Our friends took a local tour to Pompeii and then had lunch in Sorrento that ended at 2:00 ish allowing for plenty of time to return to ship. I think it was about $125.00pp. We took a local open bus tour of Naples as we had been to Pompeii but regret not trying something outside of Naples itself. Mykonos was great on our own and most others felt the like. At second glance we would have taken a tour of Santorini as it looks to have a diverse and interesting terrain and history. We did hike up to town whch left us breathless in more ways than one and I took the donkey down, it was a hoot! We took a private tour with some friends in Turkey. It took us out to Ephesus, departing by 8:30 am. We toured the site with a great guide and then had an authentic lunch afterwards, getting us back to town for shopping by 1:30. It was just $33.00 and well worth it. The shopping in Kusadasi was quite popular with the “shopping set” and the store keepers are VERY aggressive trying to coax you into their lair. We welcomed the fact that Katakolon was low key and the town was manageable as far as crowds if you went in early. However, it is likely another look at the rest of the island would have been greatly appreciated with a local guide. In Athens, we took a cab to the Acropolis for 11 euro and then, took the Metro back. We left early thank goodness because it was mob scene by the time we were heading down to the lower ruins. Tours were EVERYWHERE and THICK. Whatever you do start early. Given a “do-over” we would have gone later in September or early October. This is a link to what was supposed to be my journal of the trip. http://pintogal.livejournal.com. We did go on to rail through Austria and Switzerland and we were also in Rome 4 days prior to departure so you can flip through those pages. There are photos of the cruise though, such as they are and most of the journaling is towards the “Front” and it is in latest entry first.


Parting thoughts, take local tours when you can and try not to do too much every day. It looks like you have received a helpful link for local info. The day at sea is nice, however, having some time in the afternoons is also nourishing for the soul…and body. My 2 cents. ;)


Oh, and they should a lot smoking to the top two floors of the ship, allowing the smoke to flow up and OUT. That is if they cannot ban it all together. They need to be all on one floor and above those of us who want to breathe the sea air. :mad: At least in the outdoor dining areas, the port side of the ship was smoking and the starbird, non smoking.


I hope this helps a wee bit. :)

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I am so sorry about the smokers. That had to have been miserable. I often wonder if you could ask to have your cabin moved. There have to be people who need to cut their cruise short for one reason or another and their cabins would be vacant.


I agree that the Emerald was a great ship. I have commented that I don't remember a more efficient or happy crew.


The shore tour we were most disappointed in was Capri. It was nothing but an extended shopping tour. Something like 2 hours "free time" at Anacapri (on top of the mountain) and 2 hours at the main shopping area. I hate shopping!

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DOREEN - Thanks for sharing your initial impact about being on the Emerald. I look forward to sailing on her in a bit over a month. I, too, am sad to hear about your smoking experience. With being a none smoker, and the only one in my family of origin who did not smoke, I am probably more sensitive to the smoke then others. I try to understanding of a persons right to smoke, but heavy smokers are hard for me to cope with. I get a bad headache and breathing is very difficult. I hope your next cruise will be more smokeless.

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Okay now I am a smoker (30yrs), and I too can be over run with the smell of smoke, its unfortunate because most smokers are considerate. To me it would be like sitting at dinner with some one with a nasty case of gas and letting go every now and than, I know I wouldn't appreciate that.

However on a carnival cruise to the carib last feb I was in the casino sitting a stool smoking a cig and a women came and sat next to me. Now she obviously knew I was smoking, never said a word to me, got up about 15 minutes later and blew in my face, that was un called for and I told her to get the #%&& away frm me or they would be doing a search and rescue. ASK the smoker to either move the cig or pur it out MOST of us will do that if we are bothering someone with it.

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Hey Pintogal,

Was the Cinque Terre Tour through Princess? I am was planning on this one as I thought it would be LESS rushed than a day in Florence. Is there any Princess tour you would do in Livorno in retrospect?

I don't like rushed either. Had a tour of Brugges (sp) once on a very crowded day and it was just a follow the leader type thing the whole time! We spent all our time trying to keep track of the guide, watching our step and watching while crossing streets. NOT relaxing OR scenic. LOL!

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In regards to the mini suite balconies.....it is unfortunately ALL or NOTHING. The Dolphin deck ones are totally exposed to the sky and the cruisers above you. The Emerald deck ones are far aft and completely covered. So it may be a difficult choice. I choose Emerald deck when its available.

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With the obvious move to no smoking legislation in many countries I do feel that Cruise lines will have to adopt some policy regarding smoking. Non smoking decks similar to non smoking floors in hotels would appear to be a start. One of the problems of all this no smoking in public places is the difficulty in finding smoke free areas in the so called "fresh air" - Like most ex smokers I hate the smell and effects of smoking and I fully sympathise.

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I really could not comment on any of the other tours save what I stated earlier about what other people had to say about the Florence tours....too rushed. It is a shame because Cinque Terre is stunning. I did not mention the crowds either. We were there September 4th and it was overrun with people which truly made it much less enchanting. Because the villages are so small and with just one or two main streets, it doesn't take much to cause a mob scene. I would go again, to be sure, but in late October or EARLY Spring and we would stay a night and enjoy it on our own. So...the tour did, in fact, whet our appetites. Just let the buyer beware. ;)

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With the obvious move to no smoking legislation in many countries I do feel that Cruise lines will have to adopt some policy regarding smoking. Non smoking decks similar to non smoking floors in hotels would appear to be a start. One of the problems of all this no smoking in public places is the difficulty in finding smoke free areas in the so called "fresh air" - Like most ex smokers I hate the smell and effects of smoking and I fully sympathise.


My understanding is there is that there are still many parts of Europe in which smoking is more prevelant and accepted in many areas that in the US there is a no smoking ban or at least areas in which smoking is not allowed.

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Cannot comment on the Emerald Deck. Yes, we were "exposed" however we only felt so when stepping out to the rail. When we sat in our chairs, and I did a few times in my bathing suit, closer to the slider door, I never felt exposed or like someone might be leering above looking at me. Upside...for us, fresh air and the stars at night. Downside, sure departing a port with everyone hanging out there decks, we could see people, but on a ship of 3000K+, we did sort of "choose" to be with people some of the time. I'd go for the larger, uncovered again.


Thats my 2 cents. :rolleyes:

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We just got off the 9/2 Emerald and we also took the Cinque Terre Tour. The original write up talked about a motor launch to the towns and I felt it would be a nice way to see the shore close up plus the towns. It did warn of train use if inclement weather occurred. We had a beautiful calm day and the sea was not rough. Half way to the 1st town we were told by our bus guide that the boat part would be cancelled because of weather. Well, the 1st town where we began, had a coast line where there was no pier and so many rocks that it would be impossible for a boat to launch or arrive . There was a concrete ramp where small boats (row) could be put into the water. From that town we then moved by train to each "fishing" village.


There is a long mountain side trail between 2 of the towns that must be close to 1 1/2 to 2 miles. It was a long hot walk but very scenic and beautiful. Finally, another train ride that dropped us off at the next town. From there we walked from that town about a mile to the final town. The town (where the train arrived) had a beautiful beach, jetties, and was

loaded with beach-goers. At the last town we were told that we had 2 hours for lunch and would meet to go to a parking area where the buses would be. There was nothing to do in this town but to eat at one of the restaurants. When we finally met (2 hours later) we walked all the way back to the previous town (another mile) and to the buses that were parked along the beach. We could have been told and shown where the buses would be when the train arrived at that town and given the option to stay or go head and explore the last town, but instead we were marched to a town a mile away just for lunch and then back.


Even with comfortable shoes my wife ended up with blisters which took several days to go away. She thinks we walked at least 8 miles. So much for the motor launch and some casual walking in quaint fishing villages. I saw no fishermen, fishing boats and think the motor boat launch "sell" was a scam. It would be interesting to hear if anyone did a "motor launch" on this excursion this year. Instead of meeting at piers for a boat, we probably spent an hour waiting for trains.


Near the end of the long mountain walk, I asked our guide how much time we would have "up ahead". She responded by telling me we would have to catch a train in 3 minutes. We all had stickers on and one would think she would be waving us on because of the time commitment. If someone missed the train I have no idea how they would get back to the ship.We had no guide of where we were going. There were around 40-45 of us in this group and it was not easy to hear the guides because of limited space and surrounding noise.


I did complain to the excursion desk and wrote this up on our evaluation. I don't think this grueling experience was worth the $250 we paid. Our next day was in Naples and we had planned to go the Capri and explore that on our own. Because of my wife's foot condition, we just grabbed a hoho bus at the pier and viewed Naples for 2 hours.


John L.

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