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Victory Travelor Beware


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We just returned yesterday from a cruise on the Carnival Victory. Let me start out by saying that I am (was) a huge Carnival fan. The cruise itsel was very nice, ship was nice clean, food ok (not as good as it use to be) overall the ship and the ports of call was very nice. Now the not so good. First of all on the way to the ship I changed the way I eat and I added some foods my system is not use to. So I had some stomach/bowel alliments. After trying some of the thigs we had I went to the infirmary. Told the nurse what I was having and I needed some Pepto that's all. She put me is a room and shoved a bunch of papers in front of me, I kept telling her the problem, she assumed that I had that dreaded N virus, no I didn't. I had no other symptoms. And my husband wasn't sick. Changing from fish & veggies to fries and burgers is what messed me up. The nurse made me go to my room, mad me only eat clear liquids. I could not go out of my room for any reason they called and made sure I was in the room. I was a Prisioner in a cabin. Would not let me go ashore we missed Boston had plans for the day. I was put in my room at 6:00 pm and no more problems, at 3:00 pm enough time to save the day , I had no more problems they still wouldn't let me out. All the Carnival offered me was a bottle of water and a movie. Oh how generous! IF YOU FEEL BAD DON'T TELL ANYONE THEY WILL LOCK YOU UP. Finally at 6:00 pm they let me go, of course the day is ruined. This wasn't the only problem, we requested early dining and could never get a hold of anyone to change our time and when we did they couldn't change it found out later that we were bumped due to groups. That was the worse of it we had an early flight, went to the lounge and waited and wated and waited, the first group of carry off went off, we still waited over an hour and a half. We all were the next grup along with wheel chair group, finally a Carnival rep came in the room and said it would be longer. The next thing we know they are call numbers of everyone else while we all sat waiting with early flights in New York. After 6 other groups were called before us they let us go. The stairs are packed, the wheel chair people were still sitting there. Wait another 30 minutes to get off. Get down to where our luggage was waiting to a mad house people everywhere, no orgainzation at all. This was horrible. In the morning when they are in they are hearing from us we have a cruise booked in January and may cancel.


Just needed to let you all know


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Those thigs will do it every time.


Thought I was gonna read something about a Victory cruise. :rolleyes:


And BTW, tell us how you would feel if someone boarded WITH the dreaded N virus, and followed your advice about not telling anyone?

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I would rather the cruise line overreact and "lock you up" in your cabin then let you run around and contaminate other pax. You are not a physician, so how would you know for certain it wasn't something more serious?


Also, dining times are not guaranteed.


Nothing in this world is perfect, and those who go through life thinking that it is are surely going to be disappointed.

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We just returned yesterday from a cruise on the Carnival Victory. Let me start out by saying that I am (was) a huge Carnival fan. The cruise itsel was very nice, ship was nice clean, food ok (not as good as it use to be) overall the ship and the ports of call was very nice. Now the not so good. First of all on the way to the ship I changed the way I eat and I added some foods my system is not use to. So I had some stomach/bowel alliments. After trying some of the thigs we had I went to the infirmary. Told the nurse what I was having and I needed some Pepto that's all. She put me is a room and shoved a bunch of papers in front of me, I kept telling her the problem, she assumed that I had that dreaded N virus, no I didn't. I had no other symptoms. And my husband wasn't sick. Changing from fish & veggies to fries and burgers is what messed me up. The nurse made me go to my room, mad me only eat clear liquids. I could not go out of my room for any reason they called and made sure I was in the room. I was a Prisioner in a cabin. Would not let me go ashore we missed Boston had plans for the day. I was put in my room at 6:00 pm and no more problems, at 3:00 pm enough time to save the day , I had no more problems they still wouldn't let me out. All the Carnival offered me was a bottle of water and a movie. Oh how generous! IF YOU FEEL BAD DON'T TELL ANYONE THEY WILL LOCK YOU UP. Finally at 6:00 pm they let me go, of course the day is ruined. This wasn't the only problem, we requested early dining and could never get a hold of anyone to change our time and when we did they couldn't change it found out later that we were bumped due to groups. That was the worse of it we had an early flight, went to the lounge and waited and wated and waited, the first group of carry off went off, we still waited over an hour and a half. We all were the next grup along with wheel chair group, finally a Carnival rep came in the room and said it would be longer. The next thing we know they are call numbers of everyone else while we all sat waiting with early flights in New York. After 6 other groups were called before us they let us go. The stairs are packed, the wheel chair people were still sitting there. Wait another 30 minutes to get off. Get down to where our luggage was waiting to a mad house people everywhere, no orgainzation at all. This was horrible. In the morning when they are in they are hearing from us we have a cruise booked in January and may cancel.


Just needed to let you all know






Carnival did what was in the best interests of the majority and of YOU whether you choose to believe it or not. You were treated properly for the condition that you described.


I can never understand why people go to a doctor and tell them what their diagnosis and treament plan is and expect the doctor to go along with it. Why bother? Kudos to Carnival's medical staff; they made the right call.


Did you make your flight?

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I always suffer from some sort of stress-induced problems when I travel. I did go to the infirmary on my first Fantasy cruise (to the Bahamas). They did question me in detail. I explained that this happens to me when I travel and that, otherwise, I felt fine.


The nurse gave me a bottle of Kaopectate and I was better within a few hours.


Now, I make sure that I ALWAYS have lots of Imodium AD with me because I figured that, these days, I'd end up confined to my cabin.


I'm sure it was a big disappointment, but a (possible) Norovirus outbreak is nothing to mess around with.


And please, people. WASH YOUR HANDS. :eek:

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I don't about you guys but I always pack items like Pepto Bismol Tables or the Immodium AD ones besides, the Ships store carries that type of stuff too.


I remembered reading about a young girl that had something bad to eat Pre-cruise and she was sick and throwing up at the Cruise Terminal, she was denied accessed to the ship, her cruise was canceled.



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I don't about you guys but I always pack items like Pepto Bismol Tables or the Immodium AD ones besides, the Ships store carries that type of stuff too.


Exactly....why not just go to the ship's store and buy a bottle of Pepto. Why involve the infirmary with a little bump in the road of your digestive highway?


As mentioned, a little bottle of Pepto should be mandatory in everyone's toilet kit.....snuggled up next to the No-Dose Dramamine.

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I actually disagree with the above posters, mainly because this EXACT thing happened to a fellow cruiser on our Freedom cruise. She ate rich Italian food, had a little tummy upset, went to the purser to ask if they had any immodium/pepto, and they quarantined her for a full 24 hours.


They did NOT have her checked by a Doctor. They did NOT take her temperature. They did NOT care that she hadn't vomited, not a single time, or even had actual diarrhea. Those are the three main symptoms of a contagious virus, and the fact that they never even had her checked by a Dr. was a bone of contention.


I've had tummy upsets many times while traveling, in fact, almost every time. You can bet that I will bring pepto with me from now on.


If I thought I was sick with a virus, vomited or "the other", I'd most definately agree with the quarantine. But if they quarantined me for a full 24 hours without even having me checked by a doctor, and I missed a full day of my vacation, I might just feel as the OP did. And, I have a feeling that most of you would, too.


If you woke up with a little bit of diarrhea, would you quarantine yourself??? Or would you continue on with your day, hoping to feel better? I'd imagine that most of you wouldn't willingly lock yourselves in your cabin for 24 hours of your cruise to protect the other passengers. If you had Noro, you'd know it, believe me.


If people have a fever and are vomiting, that's one thing. If their tummy is a bit "off", it's an entirely different situation.

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We always carry Pepto and Immoduim when we travel. Firstly I want to have it when I need it. I know my digestive system better than anyone else. I do not fly well and that can take it's toll on me immediately.


If you knew that a change in diet would affect you I would think you would have been prepared yourself.


Yes they quarantined you but think about the rest of the passengers that you could have infected wih the N Virus if you had it, gee the whole ship would have had a bad cruise.

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Last year on the Victory we had the same type of problem. DD ate something that did not agree with her. Too much pizza and ice cream (dairy products -- sometimes happens on land also)


We learned two important lessons: 1. Do not go to the infirmary if you have an idea of what is causing your stomach upset. (Self medicate and confine yourself as needed). 2. Do not post here looking for people to understand.


OP this was entirely your fault (tongue in cheek). You did not carry the correct medication in your baggage. You did not go to the onboard store to get the correct medication. You went to the clinic thinking they would try to make a correct diagnosis and you posted information here.


The clinic will always overreact (some will say it is not an overreaction) to potentially transmittable sicknesses. From posts on other cruiseline threads it happens on other lines also.


So now you know. Don't take the flames personally. Some cruisers would rather see sick (for whatever reason) passengers locked up for 24-48 hours rather than possibly ruining the vacations of dozens (or hundreds) of other passengers.

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If you know your stomache is picky, why chance eating foods that may cause upset when you travel?


I love clam chowder. However, I apparently am allergic to clams because it makes me very ill. After missing a full day of vacation sick in my room on two different occasions, I know not to eat it.


Also agree with the travellers who say to take your own pepto/immodium with you. I also travel with basic OTC meds because I don't want to waste time tracking them down when I travel.

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I, for one, wouldn't rather someone was "locked up" on their cruise.


I know that about the 3rd or 4th day, my stomach will react badly to the ships food. Too rich or something I guess. So I bring my own OTC meds to take care of it.


I certainly would not go to the infirmary over it....not with all the talk of the N-virus. But then, I don't run to the land doctor over such things either.

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Now I hope you learned a less on and added Pepto Bismal and Tums to your list it items to pack. I always pack it because I never know what is going to like me or not like me.


Don't cancel the next trip, it could very well be the trip of a lifetime! I have heard a lot of negative stories about the VIctory on the New England cruises. I don't know why, perhaps it is the grouchy americans who expect the best of everything, everytime, all the time.

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I am so sorry that this happened to you. And I am really glad you posted this experience. I wouldn't have gone to the infirmary but I might not have brought OTC's with me either. I guess it is a fine line to walk between protecting all the guests and being overly cautious. If I was in carnival's position I would be be overly cautious as well. For me the threads lesson is to bring alka seltzer and Pepto with me in case I need it. There is a huge difference between stomach upset from excitement and different food and a virus. Hopefully those that have a virus wouldn't try to salvage their vacation by putting others at risk. But isn't is pretty clear that a person has Norwalk's by the symptoms being severe enough that they wouldn't want to leave their cabin?

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What does this have to do with the Victory? It's company policy to quarantine you if you are sick or possibly sick. They would probably do it on any Cruise line. It's totally your fault. If you are such a healthy eater with a sensitive stomach, than why are you pigging out on burgers & fries?? Everyone wants to blame someone else for their misery. I think you should cancel your next cruise and go camping instead. They can't keep you locked up there.....

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What does this have to do with the Victory? It's company policy to quarantine you if you are sick or possibly sick. They would probably do it on any Cruise line. It's totally your fault. If you are such a healthy eater with a sensitive stomach, than why are you pigging out on burgers & fries?? Everyone wants to blame someone else for their misery. I think you should cancel your next cruise and go camping instead. They can't keep you locked up there.....


Quite right, we had friends who were with us on Celebrity Zenith 2 yrs ago who had a little too much to drink and eat and went to the infirmary. Bingo, quarantined for 24 hrs! They will all (cruiselines) do it so take the OTC stuff and try to treat yourself before going to the infirmary if you think it is just a tummyache.

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Unless you're in dire straights or injured some how, there's no reason to go to the infirmary. There's plenty of over-the-counter meds to take to cure just about anything. Most experienced cruisers know not to tell any authority on the ship that you are sick. And dittos on washing your hands and use paper towels to open bathroom doors when leaving.

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I believe this is called, BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY! Last year my husband and I went on our first cruise, we did pack the medicine cabinet. The only thing we did not think of was dramamine. Niether one of us suffer motion sickness, so didn't think we would need it. OH BOY, let me tell you, we never got sick enough to vomit, but the dissyness was horrible. So we just went to the little store on board and found something to use and thankfully it worked.


The one thing that I do make sure to pack, maybe usefull for you, is Lysol spray. We drenched our cabin, bathroom and everywhere we put our clothes before we unpacked. We do this also in every hotel/motel room we ever stay in.

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You can get dramamine from your cabin steward or go down to the infirmary - when it's closed - and get several different OTC meds, including the dramamine.


This year, I'm buying the ginger tablets and trying bonine, since the dramamine doesn't mix too well with alcohol.

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It is getting to be standard procedure in quarentining a passenger when there is even a remote chance it might be Noro. I would rather they be wrong and have you in your cabin, then you walking around possibly contaminating other.


I would not cancel your next cruise. The Fantasy has a great dis-embark system since they went to number luggage tags. I was off the ship at 7:15 doing self-disembark and on the road by 7:30.



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