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Along the topic of over-packing...


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I just finished reading the "over-packing" thread, and I have a question for the over-packers. Besides clothing, accessories, shoes, etc., what else to you bring with the "just in case" thought process? I usually am a walking pharmacy...over-the-counter meds for any stomach ailment, cold medicine, migraines, hot packs/cold packs, ace bandage, temporary dental remedies, sewing kit, eye glass repair. That's just a small example of what I bring "just in case". What do you guys bring for "just in case" ?

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I normally pack way too much of the OTC meds & other stuff for use "just in case". I know I really overdo it, but on our spring cruise I decided to go without and wound up with a wicked, wicked cold. I had tylenol, tylenol pm & my motion sickness meds, but that was about it. So I headed off to the ship's store and all they carried was Dristan. Jeez, what is this, 1983? Nothing with pseudephedrine, nothing that would do anything to clear my head or my chest.


So I'm back to carrying more ... but focusing on the stuff that will beat sheer misery. I know I can always get tylenol, bonine, mouthwash, bandaids, etc. on the ship (for a price), but I can't get pseudophedrine, Neo Citran, tylenol pm ... so those are always packed. The rest I can probably survive without.


Oh, I've also quit packing all of the beauty aids that I plan to use but never do (like manicure kits, new facial masks, three step self-tanning lotion). It always seems like too much work, when I'd rather be enjoying the sun or the ship.

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It's amazing that when you are prepared with all kinds of products for different ailments, that seems to be when you don't need them!


The times I have come down with something, I was not very well-prepared. Like you, I arm myself with a little of each product so that I can get a leg up if something strikes. That usually gives me time to hit a pharmacy or drug store somewhere to buy more if necessary. Most of today's over-the-counter meds come in those small sealed packages and are convenient to travel with. My small pharmacy includes Pepto Bismol, Immodium, something for constipation, cold medicine & nasal spray and a headache remedy.


Just recently though, I was caught off guard when staying at a friend's house. After a few days, my skin broke out in a terrible itchy rash and it was very difficult to swallow. We later found that it must have been an allergic reaction to the dryer sheet she had used on the bed linens. They supplied me with an anti-histamine product and after several days it was much better. So, now I don't travel anywhere without a product like Benadryl along as well!

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I am in the process of packing now (taking a break because sheesh it's driving me crazy) and I think I'm overpacking terribly. Now keep in mind that my original goal was to pack a 21" roll on and a shoulder bag. That completely went out the window. :eek: So now I'm working on a 25" case and a rolling backpack. So far I've got all my evening clothes packed and the 25" already feels heavy.


What I tend to overpack is toiletries and cosmetics. What if I need waterproof mascara for the pool but use regular for evening? Then I need two kinds of eye makeup remover. See what I mean? Oh well back to packing.

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my friend and i were just having this conversation. we really can't understand why people pack so much stuff? the closet organizing systems, the 12 packs of sodas, the door decorating stuff, the 10 pair of shoes etc.


i think its a little excessive. i bring mix and match capri's and polo shirts, 2 pair of teva mush flip flops, one pair of black strappy shoes and usually all black dresses or skirts for my dressy/formal nights. thats it! one small bag of personal care items and i'm set.

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packed all the time, and refill as necessary. Scrip meds are carry on. after 23 cruises, 19 trips to europe, and many Caribbean trips, it is all 2nd nature to me..just have dupe of all I use every day, and I'm out the door after the frox in da box are in. I make my list for each days dress..and it cuts out the what ifs..well maybe just one!, case I spill or it is damaged by a martini!

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My last cruise, as usual I overpacked but STILL forgot earrings for formal night, the special black bra for formal night and my special bracelet for formal night. I didn't even realize the mistake until I was getting dressed for dinner and it was too late to dash to the ship's store for earrings and a dressy bracelet.:o

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I just finished reading the "over-packing" thread, and I have a question for the over-packers. Besides clothing, accessories, shoes, etc., what else to you bring with the "just in case" thought process? I usually am a walking pharmacy...over-the-counter meds for any stomach ailment, cold medicine, migraines, hot packs/cold packs, ace bandage, temporary dental remedies, sewing kit, eye glass repair. That's just a small example of what I bring "just in case". What do you guys bring for "just in case" ?


In general, I subscribe to "when in doubt, leave it out." The exception for me is over-the-counter meds on a cruiseship. I've discovered to my sorrow that these are either very expensive or unavailable onboard. So I bring every conceivable OTC with me.


To cut down on weight and space, I found some little "pill baggies". These are about 1-1/2" square, ziplok top, and have a space to write on the front what they are. So instead of bringing a bottle of Advil, I just write "Advil" on the baggy, and pour some in. For things like Sudafed, I would also write dosage info on the baggy. Then I toss all the mini-baggies into one big one, and I'm ready for anything!

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I stage all my daily duds..plus..I do each days jewelry in lil zip lok bags..clothes oin on that hangar till all done..I take all the zippy bags and into one of those that sheets come in..and put that in carry on. So Nada if left to cry alone in the box!. My make up/hair stuff also goes in one of the zip/sheet-pillowcase bags..also my script meds. My eve bags are stood up in an open shoe box to avoid crushing..and pack around that. I have developed mini sz cosmetic essentials...all I add is my fave hairbrush and comb..so I never worry about senior moments..a good tip..is to ..about 3 days b4 lvng home..use your daily beauty things out of your packed kit, so if you use it, it's there, re-fill when low. I always take a "what if outfit". torn, soiled, or the dreaded..sea air shrinks my clothes.syndrom....lucky

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I have found the costmetic/toiletry bag is the most time consuming part of packing, so I keep mine packed all the time. When we return home from a trip, I replenish what's been used. It's so much simpler than trying to go through a list every time you go even for one night, you generally need all the same things.


So, I've collected duplicates of things like my makeup brushes, eyelash curler, hairbrushes, other hair items such as hairbands, bobby pins, clips, etc... The first aid kit is small, it's in the size of a clear 4 X 6 cosmetic bag. Like others, I take OTC meds for all different types of symptoms, but only a representation of them. We have a small bottle of Advil, those seem to go faster than anything else and we put a few Tylenol PMs in the bottle just in case. I don't bother with ice packs or heat packs, I don't have a dental kit (not a bad thought for a long trip).


I love makeup and have several makeup bags at home. But when I travel, I stick to 2 color pallettes, one day, one evening. Two lipsticks. It's boring but I manage fine. I will stock up on regular cosmetics when there is a giveaway product, I always have sample sizes of mascara, makeup remover, foundation, eye shadow...I never have to take full sizes along. I had such a challenge to figure out what to pack for a flight, I finally just decided to pitch the whole 3 oz. thing and pack it all in the checked bag. Now I only take a lipstick and a small hand lotion in a snack sized baggie.


As far as the post goes that states jewelry is left at home, I use a rolling rack before I pack. No spare bedrooms in our house, but I think I'd still use the same method even if we did. All the clothes that are going go onto the rack, shoes and other accessories are placed underneath. I put all the jewelry for each outfit into a drawstring bag and hang it right onto the outfit. If it's costume jewelry, it travels right on the hanger, real jewelry or tiny pieces go into my jewelry pouch in my purse. I pack straight from the rack in the living room, so I'm not tempted to put in any "what-ifs".


Cruise Diva dot com has an excellent way to list your things, by day and evening. You can see on the list how you will be able to mix and match to cut down. I now also plan my clothes around the shoes, not the other way around. There is just no way I'll ever again pack 12 pair of shoes for a 7 night cruise.


I think it all take practise and a willingness to cut back where it is not so obvious. I was recently reading a travel section column, where a baggage handler was talking about luggage. He said you can really tell the difference between a business traveler or a well traveled person vs. an occasional or first time vacationer, mainly weight and bulk. The heavy bags will get far worse treatment, since they are so much harder to lift, they get tossed around more roughly.


It's kind of emotional to let go of so many comforts of home when traveling, that is what overpacking is all about. But, after doing it a few times, you can definitely see the advantages. Human beings are capable of adapting to thier situation, we can get by and enjoy with much less than we think we need to have around us.

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I am in the process of packing now (taking a break because sheesh it's driving me crazy) and I think I'm overpacking terribly. Now keep in mind that my original goal was to pack a 21" roll on and a shoulder bag. That completely went out the window. :eek: So now I'm working on a 25" case and a rolling backpack. So far I've got all my evening clothes packed and the 25" already feels heavy.


What I tend to overpack is toiletries and cosmetics. What if I need waterproof mascara for the pool but use regular for evening? Then I need two kinds of eye makeup remover. See what I mean? Oh well back to packing.


Hi Sandy:) I was reading your post and it shows how different

we all are as human beings:) I don't bring makeup remover...then

I again I don't use it here at home.

2 kinds of mascaras? Nope, only one for me and I only wear it in

the evenings. I have no desire and don't care about putting make

up on during the day. Even here at home, I only wear mascara

and eyeshadow to work.

So I never overpack the cosmetics....I bring blush, a few different

eye shadows, a couple of lipsticks, a couple of glosses, and mascara.


I leave on Thursday and I am about 95% finished packing:)

One checked bag and one carry on.....that is my usual and its no

different this time:D I have 2 pair of pants at the cleaners and when

I pick them up they will go into the bigger bag inside their drycleaner

bags. A few things after that and I am done.

And this trip only 5 pairs of shoes too!


This upcoming cruise is even a bit different for me. I sail out

of Seattle going to the Pacific Northwest.....so, much of my stuff

is long sleeves and pants for the daytime. I still feel like I am doing

well on the packing....My evening wear is mostly the "No wrinkle

knits" so they hardly take up any space at all!!!! Chico's, Coldwater

Creek, etc....they all have the "No Wrinkle Knits"....dress it up or

down for evening wear!

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Hiya Lois!! Sounds like you have got it all together gal. Hope you have a super cruise.


I leave in yikes:eek: less than 2 weeks now and thus far have my evening wear packed. Now, all of my stuff is that wonderful travel knit with a touch of spandex and a little shine. I have also found a terrific packing aid (thanks to the fashion board) in the packing cubes by Eagle Creek. Got 2 of the double cubes from Ebags this past week and all my evening clothes (except for 2 blouses) fit into one of those bags. I'll use the other double cube for all my daywear but it could wrinkle so I'll wait until closer to time to pack it.


One suggestion I saw elsewhere was to pack one evening outfit, one day outfit, one swimsuit and cover, jammies and change of unmentionables in your carryon just in case. I think I will use one of the regular sized cubes to do that with.


Thanks for all the advise ladies.

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Sandy, you leave in 2 weeks? Have a wonderful time too:)

And I want to 2nd your paragraph....:D


"One suggestion I saw elsewhere was to pack one evening outfit, one day outfit, one swimsuit and cover, jammies and change of unmentionables in your carryon"


I do that every cruise!!! Just in case something happens~

I always have clean undergarments and at least 2 change of clothes

as well!!! (2) pair of undergarments;) and yes, my nightshirt

to sleep in and this time 2 pair of shoes go in as well.

I also pack my jewerely tri-fold in my carry on, along with cosmetics

and toiletries.

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Thanks for some of the great ideas! I really do appreciate the tips. :D In February I went on a 14 day Caribbean cruise, and I was AMAZED on the last night of the cruise, to see so many passengers that had only put out one bag to be retrieved the night before. How do people do it? I need just one suitcase for my meds, camera, umbrella, rain poncho, shampoo/conditioner (a travel size bottle won't last me 3 days), toiletries, small binoculars, travel first aid kit and sewing kit, 2 pairs of shoes, an evening bag, a travel bag, and a beach bag. Over 10 cruises, I have narrowed down what I bring clothing wise...I don't bring 3 outfits for every day, and I usually bring one long black evening dress, with a choice of two jackets, or a shawl, to change my look. All my evening outfits are mix-and-match Citiknits, that wash out easily, so I only bring a few items and interchange them. My day wear is shorts and t-shirts, which I wash out and hang in the shower, so I can bring 3 pairs of shorts and 4 t-shirts, and I'm fine. My problem is all the other things. I have health problems and have to bring the huge moist heating pad (which weighs a ton), and the ice packs, special pillow, etc. Fortunately, I don't have to fly as I live in Ft. Lauderdale, so weight restrictions aren't a problem. I download my books onto my IPod, so I'm lugging weighty books with me. Over the years I've perfected my make-up routine so that it is not a hassle either and I can fit all my cosmetics in one cosmetic bag. I guess its just the other "what if I need it" personal stuff. Being on a ship, you don't have access to many OTC items. I do use the tiny clear plastic zip-top bags that was previously mentioned, as I take many prescribed meds daily. I also daily take many narcotics, that I cannot remove from the original Rx bottles.


All this, and I still don't see how I can manage with just one suitcase and a carry-on. I bow to those of you that can do it. Really. I'm just looking for new ideas.

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I'm a chronic over packer :o


The "just in case" stuff I usually take are panadol, anti-nausea tablets (even though i've never actually been sea sick), stuff to make me "go", stuff to make me "stop", stuff for TTOM even if it's not TTOM, sewing kit, electric toothbrush charger, coathangers, travel packs of tissues incase there is no paper in the toilets on some of the smaller islands, strepsils, migraine tablets, bandages, dettol, extra band aids..... That's all that comes to mind now, but i'm sure if I sat infront of my medicine cabinet for a while i'd find more 'just in case' things to list lol!!

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Part of what makes us all different......;)


I have never brought 1/2 the items mentioned...hangers? I always

get extra from my cabin attendant.

Fortunetly I never get migranes, electric tootbrush? I use a manual

one,...I never bring any meds with me. I am more comfortable

and probably feel more mentally and physically content on a ship

than here at home~I love being on a ship.


I am just a minimum packer..always have been, always will be.

I have a bottle of advil I always keep with me....that goes with

me and yes, a travel size packet of tissues.


Having to carry special medications would always be extra

and I am greatful I don't need anything.

For those people who do of course you have to account

for those items too.

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I used to be an overpacker when I was younger. Now I pretty much have it down to a science (although I will never be able to go on a cruise with just one little roll aboard bag - love the people that can do it though). I always have a toiletry and cosmetic bag packed and ready to go at all times. I just replenish everything when I get back from a trip to be ready for the next one.


I have a list that I put on the computer years ago. Whenever I'm going on a trip I print it out and check things off. So I'm never caught without the things I need to be comfortable.


As for clothes and shoes - I don't take nearly as much stuff as I used to. I make a list of outfits (which includes everything from top to toe, and underneath as well), one for ea. day/one for ea. night and an extra outfit just in case something gets ruined or dirty (yes, it has happened). I'm not big on doing laundry on vacation. I do mix and match some things, but I'm not a real fan of that either. I like to wear clean clothes at all times.


I can't travel without ziplock bags! They come in handy for so many things! Two other things I will never go on a cruise without again are a fold up hamper, and a hanging shoe thingy (you know the plastic thingy with pockets for about 12 pairs of shoes). No, I don't take 12 pairs of shoes! We hang it in the bathroom and put things in the pockets, such as razor blades, shampoo, deordorant, hair brush, etc. It keeps things organized, handy and out of the way. We hang it on the hook on back of the bathroom door. Works likes a charm!


I usually get everything into a medium size suitcase and a small roll aboard, both get checked. I carry on a big tote bag that contains, my carmera, medication, Ipod, cell phone & cell phone charger, any good jewelry, my wallet, some breath mints, a small bag with snacks for the plane, a book, and a quart size plastic bag with a small bottle of hand sanitizer, hand lotion, one lip gloss, and a small bottle of liquid hairspray. All the bottles are of course 3 oz. sized or less.


I don't think I would be comfortable with anything less.:D

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OK you guys, you made me feel guilty , we leave in 9 days and I think I will go check the suitcases and throw some more stuff out, I know I overpack but just can't seem to help myself. Of coarse it doesn't help that DH is

6ft 6in and has a size 15 shoe, packing is a challange. But I guess I don't need to pack the kitchen sink , do I . :)

I really am going to go and downsize the packing RIGHT NOW.


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I think I may have seen something that will make you alleged overpackers feel like featherweights...


On the way home we were waiting for the car service to arrive, and nearby was another car with the driver attempting to stuff bulging cases into the trunk. There were 3 full-sized ones, one medium-sized one, and a carry on size. The carry on ended up in the passenger seat--it wouldn't fit in the trunk. The punchline--it was for 2 people for a 4 night voyage.


I think they may have brought their own lifeboat, "just in case". ;)

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I used to be an overpacker when I was younger. Now I pretty much have it down to a science (although I will never be able to go on a cruise with just one little roll aboard bag - love the people that can do it though). I always have a toiletry and cosmetic bag packed and ready to go at all times. I just replenish everything when I get back from a trip to be ready for the next one.


I have a list that I put on the computer years ago. Whenever I'm going on a trip I print it out and check things off. So I'm never caught without the things I need to be comfortable.


As for clothes and shoes - I don't take nearly as much stuff as I used to. I make a list of outfits (which includes everything from top to toe, and underneath as well), one for ea. day/one for ea. night and an extra outfit just in case something gets ruined or dirty (yes, it has happened). I'm not big on doing laundry on vacation. I do mix and match some things, but I'm not a real fan of that either. I like to wear clean clothes at all times.


I can't travel without ziplock bags! They come in handy for so many things! Two other things I will never go on a cruise without again are a fold up hamper, and a hanging shoe thingy (you know the plastic thingy with pockets for about 12 pairs of shoes). No, I don't take 12 pairs of shoes! We hang it in the bathroom and put things in the pockets, such as razor blades, shampoo, deordorant, hair brush, etc. It keeps things organized, handy and out of the way. We hang it on the hook on back of the bathroom door. Works likes a charm!


I usually get everything into a medium size suitcase and a small roll aboard, both get checked. I carry on a big tote bag that contains, my carmera, medication, Ipod, cell phone & cell phone charger, any good jewelry, my wallet, some breath mints, a small bag with snacks for the plane, a book, and a quart size plastic bag with a small bottle of hand sanitizer, hand lotion, one lip gloss, and a small bottle of liquid hairspray. All the bottles are of course 3 oz. sized or less.


I don't think I would be comfortable with anything less.:D


Thanks for the great ideas. I, too, always use a pop-up hamper, and the over-the-door-shoe rack. It keeps the cabin uncluttered and I can find things easily. I also bring a small fan with me. I couldn't travel without that. (Hot flashes, ya know? :D )

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Thanks for the great ideas. I, too, always use a pop-up hamper, and the over-the-door-shoe rack. It keeps the cabin uncluttered and I can find things easily. I also bring a small fan with me. I couldn't travel without that. (Hot flashes, ya know? :D )


Great minds think alike!!:D I just thought of another "thing I can't cruise without". Got the idea from another thread and it really made a big difference on our last cruise. In my "little rolling magical suitcase" we packed a small "power strip" that I got at the $99 cent store. The DH plugged in his phone charger, my phone charger, the DS's and my Ipod chargers. Its great!!!! Won't sail without one again!:D

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I think I may have seen something that will make you alleged overpackers feel like featherweights...


On the way home we were waiting for the car service to arrive, and nearby was another car with the driver attempting to stuff bulging cases into the trunk. There were 3 full-sized ones, one medium-sized one, and a carry on size. The carry on ended up in the passenger seat--it wouldn't fit in the trunk. The punchline--it was for 2 people for a 4 night voyage.


I think they may have brought their own lifeboat, "just in case". ;)


Yikes;;;; 4 days !!! Well now I don't feel so bad, we are going for 15 days and I am trying to keep it down to two full sized checked,and the carry ons are two roll ons and two smaller shoulder bags which includes my purse in it, and that includes the camera stuff and snorkel gear including water shoes etc. , so I think I am doing ok. The last two cruises have been 14 and 15 days and this amount of luggage worked ok . Thanks for posting the above story , makes me feel better. :) I always admire those people that go with only one bag each .


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