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I'm so overwhelmed right now!


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I have to start packing for our trip. Our cruise is in just over a week, but we're leaving soon for 4 days in South Beach pre-cruise. I have to pack for 11 days of vacation for 3.5 people (my husband will probably pitch in about .5 for himself...if you know what I mean :D). I have PILES of stuff I have been accumulating over the months for this trip. I have ironing to do. I have to clean my house so my pet-sitter doesn't think I'm a messy person. How do you pack for travel with kids so that you don't forget something important. Last time we traveled I forgot pjs for my kids. :eek: Where do I begin? Do you put a suitcase in each bedroom and start throwing it in? Do you go down your packing list systematically? Do you use one extra suitcase for pull-ups, toys, prizes, etc? How many suitcases do YOU usually take for a family of 4...right now I think we'll be taking 30 or 40...just looking at my pile of stuff. Thanks. I know I'll get this done...it just seems like so much work. I hope we can relax on this vacation! :o By the way, this board has been so helpful in getting me prepared for cruising with kids. We've cruised before, but never with tag-alongs. Thanks for everything!

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First, relax...breathe...sit down and make lists....!


don't burn yourself out before your trip! i am a solo traveler but here are basic tips that we used when we traveled as a family when i was a kid.


First, if you have a list, you won't forget stuff. Don't pack each persons' stuff in their own bag...cross pack a few things in each....even if it is just 1 change of clothes for everyone in each! in case something happens, at least you have a spare set. You don't necessarily have to plan out each day like..monday i will wear the navy capris with the blue and white shirt...THAT would make me nuts....


just figure out what each person needs...then pile it all up on the bed. Check it off as you pack. Make DH help-you can thank him later ;). At least make him lay out his stuff..and he can check off the list for you! (take it with you too for repacking!)


as for the littles...i would spread out the pull ups and stuff....are they big enough to wheel their own little bag??? (no kids so i am a little clueless here but i've seen bunches of littles with really small wheeled bags or packs that have their 'stuff'! too cute!) if not, i guess all that stuff can go with toiletries.


remember to pack all BIG liquids but use your 3-1-1- rule for small stuff. DO NOT pack any meds in your checked bags.....


You can always send out laundry or do a quick load in SoBe someplace if you have to....some people refuse to do wash on vacation, but if the hotel has a washer & dryer, what the heck! i usually can find a laundromat near a store or mall or something so i cna do wash and run to the grocery store or whatever!


hope that helps...have a great trip...you can always send stuff out to be pressed. that downey wrinkle release is pretty good-or you can steam up the bathroom and hang stuff there. I ironed all our stuff and used that magic sizing...it didn't get too bad. i re-ironed a couple things in the hotel before other cruises and used the downey....not bad.


have fun.........

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Exactly like op said - - relax and take a deep breath!! And at least your DH will help w/ 1/2 of his - - mine does nothing!! :mad: LOL....I always have my lists and everything on them that each person needs (including toiletries). I then just go down the list one person at a time and set out everything and I check off the list as I go. For a 7 day vacation, I usually have one large suitecase for me & DH and a medium sized one for my 2 DD's (but this of course was not for a cruise vacation). I thankfully don't have to worry about diapers/wipes anymore, but either spread those out between suitcases or put them in another smaller one w/the toys and any other miscellaneous items. Then on your return home you'll have this suitcase emptier for things you buy on vacation. For our crusie I'm expecting to have 1 large suitecase, 1 garmet bag, 1 med sized suitcase and 1 small suitcase or duffle bag for stuff to bring home and each of us will have a carryon (although my DD's will probably share a carryon).

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For that many days I usually pack 1 suitcase per person and one backpack per person. :)


Like megr said, make sure to pack a little bit of everything in each bag so if one gets lost, you don't lose all of the clothes for just one person.


Just relax. You won't forget anything and if you do, you can always buy a new one...lol. :D


Have a great cruise!!!!!

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I am about to leave on our family cruise Sunday with 2 toddlers, (both in diapers) and I have packed everything, even the kitchen sink :) I am one of those paranoid people, so I probable cant help with this, but I will be more than willing to let you know of anything I needed after I get back Does this make sense? I have 5 bags packed right now, and hopefully not any more than that, and I cut down on my packing by about 75%, since we arent used to travelling with the kids as well, this is our first time with kids on a cruise, so if you need/want help, let me know!

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I am one of those crazy moms that packs two bibs, two outfits and pjs in a large ziploc bag for everyday of the cruise for the kids. It really helps me when I am on the cruise in the small room and can just grab that bag. I even put a bathing suit in if it is a beach port for the day.

Believe it or not this has helped me cut down my luggage tremendously! I do this about every six weeks when we fly to my parents for the week and I can do it with a baby and toddler and one large suitcase for the close and another for diapers etc.

I agree with OP about maybe doing laundry in SB to help with the packing issue. A laundry mat can only take about 90 minutes out of your day if you do it right and it is something that I have done while the kids nap on vacation.

Downy Wrinkle release is a beautiful thing! I have not ironed in about a year using this product!

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Thanks! You're all so helpful. I think I'll start with backpacks. I even have a little backpack for my 1yo...I hope she'll carry it. I should probably have her practice a little. After I pack those backpacks, I'll probably be on a roll. Thanks. Just typing made me feel a little better...now I'm off to tackle the mountain of travel gear and clothes. :D I should probably print off my packing lists too. I'm such a dork!

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Thank your Paleochick -- we've got a cruise coming up in a month (Venice and Greek islands) -- and you've reminded me why I have to stay on track and just peck away at packing! You are great motiviation!!!!!!


Here's hoping you keep your head above water, get everything done so that you can have a great trip!

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Thank your Paleochick -- we've got a cruise coming up in a month (Venice and Greek islands) -- and you've reminded me why I have to stay on track and just peck away at packing! You are great motiviation!!!!!!


Here's hoping you keep your head above water, get everything done so that you can have a great trip!


If crazy is a good motivator, I should be very motivating! I could even be a motivational speaker!:eek: I highly recommend taking stuff to the cleaners now so that they can do the ironing for you. I also recommend packing kid backpacks now. Get that stuff out of the way. You can probably also start packing toiletries...no need to wait on most of those. Have fun! Now, where did I put that wine?

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This is how we handle it.


I make a list for each child of clothing/toiletries they will need. We combine the toothpaste, etc. as they all don't need their own. This next trip, we are bringing two 13 year olds and one 7 year old. They each have their own suitcase with wheels and one backpack. I think on this cruise, we will probably have to add a garment bag or two for suits and dresses for formal nights.


List goes to each child's bedroom. Clothing on list is checked off and piled next to suitcase. After list is completed, clothing is packed and luggage is put in mom and dad's room (to discourage the inevitable rifling through the packed case). We fit in the toothpaste, suntan lotion, etc. wherever there is space (of course in its separate sealed bag).


The backpacks are for snacks, ipods, books, toys, and whatever else they think they need on the plane. The seven year old carries a complete change of clothes in hers (something light that can be folded up as small as possible). Our philosophy at this age is, if you want to bring it, you carry it yourself, so we try and keep the weight of the backpacks down. Ipods are a wonder invention for kids! Ipod Shuffles are inexpensive and we download books, as well as music, so the kids aren't carrying that weight.


My DH is a responsible guy and packs his own stuff. He travels a lot, so he's pretty good at it.


Remember, it's worth it to bite the bullet and have laundry done if you can cut down on the amount of clothing you bring. Just don't forget the favorite blankie!

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There are only 3 things you NEED to have:

1)Passports or Birth Certificates

2)Credit Card

3)Any medications


Beyond that nothing else is a HUGE deal if you forget. ;) It may seem like it, but really it's not. That might help you relax. If something is forgotten, it likely won't make a difference and you can likely replace it while there.


I always make sure to check things like passports/boarding passes before we leave the house in the car. Before we get on the airport shuttle. And before we get on the plane.


You may want to consider packing for your pre-cruise stay and the cruise separately. That way you have one or two suitcases that you don't even have to open (and get all messy) and repack before you get on the cruise. We're only staying one night before, so I will put one change of clothes per person, pjs and toiletries in the small suitcase. Everything else is going in the big suitcase.


I haven't traveled with my kids for this long before so I don't really know how much luggage I'm going to need. I'm hoping to get everything in 1 small suitcase, 1 large suitcase, 1 garment bag and maybe a carry-on size bag. The kids will each have a backpack to carry-on for all their fun stuff.


Good luck! And remember PASSPORTS and CREDIT CARD--you're good to go! :D

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There are only 3 things you NEED to have:

1)Passports or Birth Certificates

2)Credit Card

3)Any medications


Beyond that nothing else is a HUGE deal if you forget. ;) It may seem like it, but really it's not. That might help you relax. If something is forgotten, it likely won't make a difference and you can likely replace it while there.


I always make sure to check things like passports/boarding passes before we leave the house in the car. Before we get on the airport shuttle. And before we get on the plane.


You may want to consider packing for your pre-cruise stay and the cruise separately. That way you have one or two suitcases that you don't even have to open (and get all messy) and repack before you get on the cruise. We're only staying one night before, so I will put one change of clothes per person, pjs and toiletries in the small suitcase. Everything else is going in the big suitcase.


I haven't traveled with my kids for this long before so I don't really know how much luggage I'm going to need. I'm hoping to get everything in 1 small suitcase, 1 large suitcase, 1 garment bag and maybe a carry-on size bag. The kids will each have a backpack to carry-on for all their fun stuff.


Good luck! And remember PASSPORTS and CREDIT CARD--you're good to go! :D


This is good info. The credit card will get me access to frou frou drinks.


I hadn't thought about packing for South Beach separately. That's not a bad idea. Maybe I'll put the kids' SoBe clothes in zip locks and pull them out of the suitcase when we get there. That way the cruise stuff will be in good condition when we get on board. Thanks for the idea.

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I have a suggestion. About 10 years ago, I started making a list for our vacations of EXACTLY what I packed for how many days. After about 3 trips, I had a very good idea of what I ACTUALLY needed for a "7 night cruise with one pre cruise overnight", for example. That way, when my over-zealous packing urges kick in, I know that I do NOT need the amount of clothes that I want to pack.

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I have a suggestion. About 10 years ago, I started making a list for our vacations of EXACTLY what I packed for how many days. After about 3 trips, I had a very good idea of what I ACTUALLY needed for a "7 night cruise with one pre cruise overnight", for example. That way, when my over-zealous packing urges kick in, I know that I do NOT need the amount of clothes that I want to pack.


That's not a bad idea. I can make my packing list, but when we return, I can make notes about what we didn't use at all for an cruise with lengthy pre-cruise stay. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Downy Wrinkle release is a beautiful thing! I have not ironed in about a year using this product!



Strongly second the Large Ziplocks with an outfit w undies or 2 for each kid each day

STRONLY suggest the Downy wrinkle free


There will be little to NO diapers available on board for purchase to my memory!

Also suggest car hangy thing for smelly inside cabins/BR's


Good luck, and HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!

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I completely agree with having a separate bag for the days you're in SoBe. We travel like this regularly - I have one bag for toilteries, sweaters, jackets, shoes and so on that I'll need for both parts of the trip, then, if I'm not planning on doing laundry, I divide the clothes between parts of the vacation. Since we often drive to our departure city (we have several to choose from), and stay there a few days before flying to wherever we're going, I can simply leave the one bag behind in the car (no dragging dirty laundery around and less weight to be hauling in general). Even if all the luggage is coming with us, it helps to keep the main luggage zipped and therefore somewhat organized.


On the other hand, I actually don't mind doing laundry in unfamiliar cities...we cab it to a nearby residential neighbourhood, and try to see it from the eyes of the locals...often we find all sorts of funky shops and restaurants that are off the tourist tracks, and its kind of fun to be one of the "locals" for a bit.


Have fun!

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So this past weekend, we were meeting family in a city about 125 miles away for a college football game. Left Friday - came home Sunday.


DD (12YO) did an OUTSTANDING job of packing her suitcase. Her swimming suit was still a bit damp so I volunteered to put it in a ventalated outside pocket in my suitcase.


DH was off work early and packed up the car (very unlike him, but hey! what the heck). I picked up DD and her friend at school - we transferred into the car my DH had packed and we were off.


Got to the hotel and unloaded. DH had forgotten to pack DD's suitcase! DD's reaction? "Guess we're going shopping!". She got a new pair of jeans, two sweaters, some new camis, new PJs and new tennies (as well as underwear) out of the deal!


So a cautionary tale -- remembering to pack it is only part of the process:D

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