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Cruise with a 1 year old


What should we do as our next Vacation with our 1 year old?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do as our next Vacation with our 1 year old?

    • Disney Cruise- It is your best bet.
    • Another line and bring some help to have some alone time.
    • Queen Mary- (I hear they have a nursery)
    • These are all bad ideas, No 1 year olds on the cruise!

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We are planning our next vacation when our daughter will be at least 1 year old (February-May). Two years ago we went on a Princess cruise to the Caribbean for 7 days and it was one of them most relaxing trips of our lives. I know having a one year old will change this a great deal but I still think this will be a fun time. We are mulling 2 options.


1: A Disney cruise. They have some times and limited availability but occasionally we could have them look after our daughter if we want a date night etc. Has anyone done this? Does it work? How convenient is it and how hard is it to get a slot?


2. A Cruise on one of the other lines that is less expensive. We will try and bring someone with us (we have a couple of reliable options) in another room and have them take care of her. This seems expensive. Has anyone done this? How has it worked?


We actually want to be with our daughter but we also want the option of spending some time in the spa knowing she is taken care of and is having a good time too. Please feel free to point out any options I have missed that have worked for you. Thanks!

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We went last year with our Daughter, Son in law & 1 yr old Granddaughter They had an inside & we (Grandparents had a Balcony opposite. It was one of the best cruises ever. They went to the late shows, we sat Or we all went to the early ones. It was Free Style & the Mattre Dee always put us at a table with lots of room.They had free time for the energy trips.& we all went on the easy trips. I found it was cheaper to rent a minivan though than pay the 10.00/person to go to a beach etc. We are doing it again this Feb on the Galaxie From San Juan, The only stress time was the boarding process in New YorK, was over 2 hours The Grand daughters tolerence was tested to the limit.They gave no breaks to seniors or Children.Even though we were past passengers on Norweigen

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Do you know if they will babysit a baby still in diapers? That seems to have been the sticking point for the other lines I have looked at (like Princess)?


Have you considered RCCL or Celebrity? Less expensive than Disney and they have in cabin babysitting available in the evenings if you want to spend some time alone.
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Yes, with the in cabin babysitting on RCCL and Celebrity they will babysit a child in diapers.


I know RCCL also offers a 45 minute daily play time for tots and their families sponsored by Fisher Price.


May I suggest you visit the Family Cruising board for more suggestions. There are a lot of knowledgeable and helpful posters on that board. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=49

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The only reason I voted no was because I (just me personally) would think that kind of hectic travel (driving long distances or flying to get there) and then the hectic unfamiliar nature of the ship (crowds, movement, strange water etc) would be stressful on an infant's system. Not to mention what they can be exposed to (virus wise) on a confined ship of so many people.


Not saying no one should do it...I am just saying I would not be comfortable doing it.

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I have three children, though they are all grown up now. No grandkids yet :(

However, I guess a few questions you could both ask yourselves:


What will our child get from this trip? Will she benefit from it? Are you afraid to leave her behind for one reason or another? Do you feel you would miss her too much?


The one thing both my husband and I regret about our child rearing years is not spending time away ALONE. We did not take one single trip anywhere without the children until the oldest were 17 years old(twins).


You should consider this, and know that she won't hold it against you! :)

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I voted no, by the way, simply because I am all for romance, and truly believe that time away from the stress of parenting truly makes for better parents. Also, I just don't think a 1 year old would really be happy on a cruise. Sorry, this is just my opinion, hope I didn't offend you!



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I voted no. My reasons is we had this come up with a family member in our family.. The parents brought there 1 year old on board.. And they were Fully responsible for the child.. From there experience I would say it wasn't a relaxing trip... So don't except it to be like your last cruise.


Plus there is the matter of dinning in the dinning room.. What if the baby starts to cry.. You will have to get up an leave so not to disturb other people eating..


Plus you are paying in most cases full fair for the little guy or girl.. I just checked with Princess and they will not baby sit if the child is still in diapers.. So just check with the cruise line to make sure.


Just my opinion if I had a one year old. I would not bring them on a cruise.. Maybe when they get a little older it will be a better experience for you and your child.

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The only reason I voted no was because I (just me personally) would think that kind of hectic travel (driving long distances or flying to get there) and then the hectic unfamiliar nature of the ship (crowds, movement, strange water etc) would be stressful on an infant's system. Not to mention what they can be exposed to (virus wise) on a confined ship of so many people.


Not saying no one should do it...I am just saying I would not be comfortable doing it.


I voted "NO" for the same reasons along with a few others. Parents really don't get a break when bringing a baby along...and it can be inconvenient for other guests (babies will be babies).

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I'd wait until child is already potty-trained as some cruises do not allow small kids in any of the swimming/paddling pools if not potty trained.


Also, remember this - kids will not remember anything out of big trips taken when they are little.


Advice: take your kid on trips to visit friends/family and wait until your daughter is at least 3. I've been there. Our son loved visiting relatives/friends and being spoilt by them while we parents relaxed.

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I'd wait until child is already potty-trained as some cruises do not allow small kids in any of the swimming/paddling pools if not potty trained.


Also, remember this - kids will not remember anything out of big trips taken when they are little.


Advice: take your kid on trips to visit friends/family and wait until your daughter is at least 3. I've been there. Our son loved visiting relatives/friends and being spoilt by them while we parents relaxed.

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2 other considerations leading toward a no vote:


1...Noro-virus or any other sickness could be devestationg to a child with no pediatrician close at hand.


1. Would you allow a stranger to babysit your child at home? If not, why would you even consider it at sea??

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Please consider Disney as we never cruise on that line. It’s kid friendly and you will not be using a sitter all the time.


Just be considerate of others that are not traveling with kids. Many do that for a reason(to get away from kids). Nothing is worse than a fussy tired baby during dining. If your child cries, please get up and take him/her away from the ships guest.


I am not trying to be rude but you wanted to know why. When the kids get older, many cruise lines have kid programs that are so well planned that you never know they are aboard. Unless they have parents that let them run wild and that's another story.


I am the type of person that will go over to you and ask that you leave until you get things under control. It's unpleasent for me to have to ask that. And I shouldn't have to.

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I guess my opinion on this depends on the reason you are taking the cruise. We have a family group going together and one couple is taking their children ages 1 and 3. They know it will be challenging but will have family along to help with sitting for them to be able to do things. They had no options of leaving the children with someone as everyone is going.

Now that said, as you can probably tell I am a Nanny. I have cared for children since I started babysitting at 11. I can tell you from experience this will not be an easy vacation. However, it can be done. Children at this age like routine, and the closer you can stick to a schedule the better. Be courteous to other passengers when possible. If the baby is crying and does not want to sit at dinner, it might be better to go back to the room and order room service. Sometimes all it takes is a short walk around the deck and something to distract them. I do know that RCCL does offer the in cabin babysitting if you are comfortable with leaving them with someone. Above all, go prepared. Take plenty of toys, medicine, etc. Your attitude will make a big difference. If you are relaxed and calm, baby should be too. If you want a more relaxed vacation like the first time, find someone to keep the baby. It will not be the same.

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Thank all of you so much for your honesty, especially those of you who voted no! You all have very good points that my wife and I need to discuss. At this point I am debating whether a cruise is right with my daughter. Please feel free to add opinions. I will check back soon and tell you what my wife and I are thinking. This has been really helpful. I have been concerned with how this would work the last thing I want to do is be selfish in taking this vacation and after doing that not enjoy it because she isn't having a good time.

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Go over to the family board and read about all the problems parents have had with their children on cruises, even those that are 2 or 3 years old. They have meltdowns because of the change in schedule, they are very unhappy and quite a few of them don't even like going to the kids club. Another consideration is if the infant is not sleeping through the night. I have had more than one night's sleep interrupted by a screaming infant in the cabin next door. And this can go on for hours, night after night. I wouls also concur with the comments on the norovirus. A child under age 2 getting that, when there's no pediatrician on board, can be devistating.

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I can really tell that this question wasn't posted in the Family Cruising forum! Your answers would be very different if it were!


Cruising with a one year old is like any other vacation with a little one. it's not the same as before children. But, that is no reason not to take a cruise until the last child has gone to college. :p

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I voted NO. I have 4 kids, aged 3 to 9, and I would not be relaxed with them on board. They are good kids, and would not misbehave, but there are too many people, too many hazards for me to enjoy myself at this time. With a one year old it would be even worse.


My recommendation - have the grandparents watch her for a week while the 2 of you get some awesome alone time. My wife and I just got back from our first vacation without the kids since our oldest was born. I can tell you it won't be the last.

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I voted NO. A one year old child would not even remember it. You would constantly be worried about the baby getting hurt, etc. Not much time for adult things. I took my son to Disney when he was 5 and I regret that. He didnt even believe me that I took him until I show him the pic's (he is now 19 lol)! Unless you are uncomfortable leaving the baby home with someone, I would suggest to cruise by yourselves. Extra cost as well and no vacation really for mom:)

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I say if you want to cruise with your 1 year old and you feel like you can handle it then go for it. I think a good option is to go with a group, i.e. grandparents, so that you have help with him and can have some down time. My grandson is 1 year old and during his first year he's been to Canada, Florida, Oklahoma (2x), and will be going to California this weekend. I've been on one trip with them and of course I helped out. I also think that leaving a one year old for a week or more at home while you vacation is too long. My daughter and her husband went to Cancun for 4 days. I thought she would have a breakdown before she got back home...she missed the baby so much.


We did wait until our youngest was 5 to go to Disneyworld. She very vividly remembers it and we all had a great time. I don't think I would want to do that trip dragging a stroller all over, but again, there are many people that do it and seem to have fun.


I agree with Boulders...it will be different but you don't have to wait forever.

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Just had another thought... You also have to think about the size of the room you will be in.. In most cruise lines the inside rooms are very small.. With a one year old it could get even smaller. The mother on our trip was not happy at all with their inside room.. She thought it was way to small for two adults and a 1 year old with all the baby stuff.. If you can afford a bigger room like a balcony then that may help out a lot.


I know with our relatives their baby did pretty well during the cruise.. But he did have his moments of being a 1 year old.


Also if you want to get out late at night.. That will not happen unless you have family with you who are "willing" to baby sit.. Just because they are family doesn't mean they will.


Good Luck with what you decide..

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Why on earth do parents think their little ones need to be EVERYwhere? And WHY are you taking them & thinking about leaving them with a babysitter? You don't even know these people that are babysitting & yet you will let these strangers watch your precious cargo? Ok, when you get home, go up to some stranger on the street & ask them if they can watch your kid for a few hours while you tan, go to the spa, go out drinking & dancing, etc. Same diff.

I get so upset with kids being everywhere! Not every child belongs in every situation! Not all of us want your wittle darlins' around the adults!

No, I don't intend to ravage my husband in public or anything like that. I just believe that couples with little ones under the age of 16 shouldn't be on a cruise. Especially those itsy bitsy's in DIAPERS!!! That is what Disneyworld is for.

I went on a Carnival Cruise & that is the last time I use them. There were kids everywhere & it was very unenjoyable.

Yes, I know I will get 'flamed' for this. But, it is just how I feel & I think a lot of other people feel the same way, they are just too afraid to admit it.

When my daughter was small, we didn't go on cruises or go EVERYwhere adults were. We took her to the appropriate places that were geared to children.

Believe me! By the time your kids are teenagers, you will be more than happy to leave 'em with granny!

Not meant to offend. Just my honest opinion.

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