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Cruising AGAIN! Are you RICH?


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Every time I say I'm going on a cruise again or (Vegas:D) I get a smart answer. People always say, "Did you inherit money"? Are you rich? Did you win lotto? So I started telling people I was visiting friends out of state. But it always comes out. Either by pic's, my sons mouth, a slip of the mouth,etc. My neighbor knows because they watch my dog,take in mail, and I have to leave an emergency tel#. My own brother comments and says, "well I guess you don't need money)! Does anyone else go through this? I'm tired of the questions and sarcasm. I think maybe they are jealous.

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Every time I say I'm going on a cruise again or (Vegas:D) I get a smart answer. People always say, "Did you inherit money"? Are you rich? Did you win lotto? So I started telling people I was visiting friends out of state. But it always comes out. Either by pic's, my sons mouth, a slip of the mouth,etc. My neighbor knows because they watch my dog,take in mail, and I have to leave an emergency tel#. My own brother comments and says, "well I guess you don't need money)! Does anyone else go through this? I'm tired of the questions and sarcasm. I think maybe they are jealous.


Yes!! We aren't rich and we didn't find money. We did however, give up the BIG house, cleaned up our debt, and I'm a good shopper for our trips. :)

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I've been getting that, too. I'm leaving for a 4 nt western cruise in 3 weeks, and I only paid $396pp total for cruise, port, and air, so I got a great deal. And I'm going on a 7 nt in May, another great deal, southern out of San Juan, total of $1013pp (well, before the new fuel surcharge!) cruise, port, and air.


So it's not like I'm spending tons of money, but people think I have fifties falling out of my ears!


I just like to remind people that I'll be 30 years old in March, and other than one 4 night trip to Ft. Lauderdale in 2005, these are the only trips I've been on since I was 20 years old! Don't I deserve it???

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I've been getting that, too. I've been on since I was 20 years old! Don't I deserve it???


Nice to hear someone else is getting that too! Yes, you do deserve it. People are starting to count my cruises and say "weren't you just on a cruise" LOL...Just once I want someone to say, good for you and have fun LOL.:D

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I plan on at least 2 trips a year and I don't care what they say. I have friends and family that spend $$$$$:eek: on just going out to dinner and drinks. We, on the other hand, don't go out to dinner or drinks often. We have decided to spend all birthday, Christmas and Anniversary monies on our next cruise. We don't need anything materialistic and we decided not to wait until retirement to cruise together. ;) Life is too short to stay home and listen to other people's comments on our travels. Maybe their just jealous? The cost of a cruise can't be beat and the relaxation of not even having to drive or cook or clean...............:rolleyes:

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I have been getting that for the 30 years I have been cruising. Have been on 89 cruises with 3 more booked.


I still work full time. Most of those years I was single.


I always kept my bills paid and did whatever I wanted.


They are just jealous.



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It's funny how people think that EVERYONE lives like they do, paycheck to paycheck. I've worked 2 jobs, to go on 2 cruises. I scrimp and save for 2 years to go on a cruise. Ok you've read my signature, we have a bonus cruise this Feb. it's a gift. I have a little over $1000.00 in the bank for our '09 cruise. Somehow people don't understand "SAVING" money. Just remember, they're jealous, yes they can get a tan in the winter real cheap, but it's not as much fun as a cruise. Go cruisin' baby and have fun.

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Yeah we get that too, especially from my FIL.

But~~our house is 38 yrs. old and we don't owe a fortune on it.

All of us drive 4 yr. old cars that are paid for, and we don't go out every weekend.


It's to the point now, that we don't mention it until just before we go. :)



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I have been getting that for the 30 years I have been cruising. Have been on 89 cruises with 3 more booked.


I still work full time. Most of those years I was single.


I always kept my bills paid and did whatever I wanted.


They are just jealous.



Cute...very cute!!!


I know, we get the same thing, because since 1998...we have been cruising with FOUR folks. (although lately the oldest son is in college now and misses more cruises now...which is he NOT happy about)


When my youngest son would go to school and tell people he was headed out on his 10th, 11th, 12th etc cruise...the kids would accuse him of lying.

He just turned 16 and has completed his 18th cruise and has 5 booked and will probably be on about 5 year from now on (with us~~he is a special needs child).


Yes, we are blessed but we are responsible with those blessings and our priorities are traveling (not just cruising...we also have a motorhome).

People think we are nuts to want to be on the go all the time.


We blame our parents. Both sets were avid world travelers...so I guess our disorder is "genetic"!!!!! :D


BTW...from now on...Judy is my IDOL!!!!!!

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I have been getting that for the 30 years I have been cruising. Have been on 89 cruises with 3 more booked.


I still work full time. Most of those years I was single.


I always kept my bills paid and did whatever I wanted.


They are just jealous.




Wow, now that is cruising! Great for you. My brother goes out to dinner all the time with his family. I asked him how much does an average dinner cost? HIs answer was $160! I said, ok, we dont go out to eat and if you add up all your dinner bills then you could cruise too. I finally got him to shutup this time! Its just unreal. Almost all, my co-workers, friends, neighbors and family all have something to say. I do say, well, my kitchen could use a makeover but I'd rather cruise:D I was hoping someone would have a good answer so I could stop them:)

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We get this response all the time. I think that the comments come from people who fall into two different categories as follows:


1. Those who have never have been on a cruise, or haven't been on one in so long that they don't know what a good value it is. As most of you know, you can take a family of four on a week-long cruise for much less than you would spend for 3-4 days at Disney World.


2. Those who have cruised, but aren't aware of how you can cut costs down by taking inside cabins, not buying photos and souvenirs, not taking ships excursions, and drinking very moderately. and shopping for the best cruise deals.



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I get it too sometimes...but i book early and pay a little at a time....we also pretty much cut out christmas..after 20-ish years in retail, it got to the point where it was just another day off.....we take little trips here and there but most of them are within a couple hours of home.....i try to save marriott points for nights in hotels....this year i got bumped off a flight so i used the voucher plus 30 of my own dollars for the plane tickets....


we also don't drink too much, don't Spa, only buy 1 or 2 photos and only gamble with the tokens we get with out C&A books on RC (plus 10 bucks)....last time i won 160 total and spent exactly TWO of my own dollars..the rest was 4 bucks of tokens.....and the money went right on the seapass.


so maybe people are jealous.....but if you plan right and research, you can cruise without spending a ton......and yes, i am a Junior suite snob, but again, when you figure out what you get for your money, cruising is one of the best deals around.....


i also work 2 jobs and don't go out buying new iPhones and whatnot....so my extra money goes to my cruise addiction! (beats smoking! sorry! but they are expensive and i'll leave it at that!)


so go on your cruises and the heck with the naysayers!


we still go out to dinner but we don't go to expensive places...so sometimes we can splurge!

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We spent a week in Bangkok last month. Stayed at the Oriental. Room was US$450 a night. Very nice. With shopping and entertainment, we were spending about US$1200 day for the 2 of us. Well worth it, by the way.


We only cruise when looking for a budget vacation.

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My husband and I raised our children while we were young, and so now, at 43 and 45 years old, we have had an empty nest for almost 5 years. Our youngest left when I was a mere 38 years old :p.


That being said, all our friends who thought we were nuts when the kids came early, now have children still in grade school, and we have been taking off for weekends, and trips to Vegas, and to the mountains, off-roading in our Hummer, cruising in our Corvette and living our second childhoods in a very good way. We own our home, and owe nothing to anyone, except the business we own. We get a LOT of snide remarks from friends and some family, saying how nice it must be to live our life. BUT, we chose to have the kids young and get that out of the way so we could spend the rest of our years happily together, not worrying about anything else... Besides, we worked our TAILS off for this!



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Wow, now that is cruising! Great for you. My brother goes out to dinner all the time with his family. I asked him how much does an average dinner cost? HIs answer was $160! I said, ok, we dont go out to eat and if you add up all your dinner bills then you could cruise too. I finally got him to shutup this time! Its just unreal. Almost all, my co-workers, friends, neighbors and family all have something to say. I do say, well, my kitchen could use a makeover but I'd rather cruise:D I was hoping someone would have a good answer so I could stop them:)

Funny you say this. My wife and I have an account that works like this. Everytime we do something that saves us money, we take that amount and put it in that account. When we have enough, off we go. It's amazing how fast that accumulates. If we eat at home, in goes $75. If I do work around the house instead of paying someone, in it goes. So many ways to fund this account. Well, we do put our tax refund in it too. But isn't that savings? Between that and the NCL credit card, I almost hope to get bored from goin gon too many cruises.

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Funny you say this. My wife and I have an account that works like this. Everytime we do something that saves us money, we take that amount and put it in that account. When we have enough, off we go. It's amazing how fast that accumulates. If we eat at home, in goes $75. If I do work around the house instead of paying someone, in it goes. So many ways to fund this account. Well, we do put our tax refund in it too. But isn't that savings? Between that and the NCL credit card, I almost hope to get bored from goin gon too many cruises.


Thats a good idea. Alot faster saving that way then my quarters lol....but dont forget, we are rich haha

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When people dare to ask ignorant or impertinent questions, they deserve to be treated in kiind. Something like: "We made our fortune before we entered the Federal Witness Protection Program ... fortunately they let us keep all our money and transfer it to offshore accounts."

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I used to have a co-worker that said the same thing. When I pointed out they had just got back from a weekend get away (2 rooms, 1 for them, 1 for the kids), ate out, skiied etc. Then the weekend before they were at the dog races. Always ate out, blah blah blah..... I told them if they'd stay home once in a while, they could cruise too. Stopped bugging me after that :D

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We don't go out on a weekly "date night", sometimes we don't have time to go out once a month just us...


However, we plan these trips as time together. My mom sometimes gets cranky about watching the kids, but we have been married longer than other around us, so we must be doing something right.


Plus, we do it cheap. Cheap rooms in Vegas, Southwest has great airfare.....and the cruise once w year, we do only what we can afford, so far just oceanview and promenades.Plus I work OT to pay the on board charges.

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An interesting thread and here is my $.02...


I grew up in a home without money to spend on traveling. We didn't go without clean clothes or hungry, travel by ship, however, was out of the question for my family. For a number of reasons traveling was something my parents liked to do and could manage a trip by car about once every two years.


Traveling by cruise ship has been a major priority for my wife and I, because of the aesthetics, romance, and relaxation that a cruise brings to us. We are very fortunate to have a very nice retirement income. However, we pay for our cruises by substitute teaching, which isn't for everyone, but we get mostly good assignments. My point...if you are retired and want to go on three or four cruises each year, find a good part time job with some flexibility. For those of you who are not retired, make traveling a priority and budget accordingly.


Hope that this helps.



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The year my Dad was going to retire and Mom and him spend time together traveling, he died of a massive heart attack. He was 62. Since then I decided life was not about tomorrow, but about today. I once read a quote by James Dean " Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" Who cares what other people think. I say "ya we're going again, don't you wish you were me" and leave it at that.:D


We're not rich either, but like most of you we have worked long and hard, raised our children, and now are enjoying our rewards of that hard work. Still young and healthly enough to do those things that other people say maybe someday or next week, year ect. Tomorrow is not a given, but a gift.


Life is too short and so is vacation---enjoy both.:)


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The year my Dad was going to retire and Mom and him spend time together traveling, he died of a massive heart attack. He was 62. Since then I decided life was not about tomorrow, but about today. I once read a quote by James Dean " Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today" Who cares what other people think. I say "ya we're going again, don't you wish you were me" and leave it at that.:D


We're not rich either, but like most of you we have worked long and hard, raised our children, and now are enjoying our rewards of that hard work. Still young and healthly enough to do those things that other people say maybe someday or next week, year ect. Tomorrow is not a given, but a gift.


Life is too short and so is vacation---enjoy both.:)


Well said. How true. You always here people say some day and that day nevere comes. You only live once!:D

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